Recent Releases

8.0.015 Mar 2024 19:47 minor feature: Added Adds editItem() script function for editing any item format (#2672). Item color is now shown in tray menu as the default icon (#2700). Changed Removes large margins in the tab tree. Single action "Toggle Tag " replaces the two separate actions "Tag as " and "Remove tag " for each custom tag (this can make the item context menu a lot more compact). Selected items can now be accessed even from commands started from outside the app using global commands or from command line. The dialog() script function can now be used for asking Yes/No questions without providing any fields. In such case, the function will return true instead of undefined after accepting the dialog. For example: const remove = dialog( '.title', 'Remove Items', '.label', 'Do you really want to remove all items?' ); if (!remove) abort(); // remove items ... The execute() script function now throws an exception when command cannot be executed instead of returning undefine. Fixed Includes many performance improvements for working with large amount of items. Fixes triggering menu items by number (#2569). Fixes text color in the internal item editor (#2643). Fixes showing global shortcuts in tray menu (#2382). Fixes passing captured texts to automated commands (#2707). Fixes duplicate synchronized items after tagging or modifying data. Fixes situation when display commands stop updating items. The pre-defined "Move to tab" action will be shown only if the current tab is not the same as target tab (#2669). Previously, in such case the item was removed unexpectedly. Windows: Detect and ignore secrets from more apps (#2679). Linux: Fixes storing previously synchronized clipboard (#2630). Linux: Fixes storing selection when "Store text selected using mouse" option is enabled but "Run automatic commands on selection" is disabled (#2651). Linux: Fixes clipboard synchronization with Qt 6 GUI framework. Linux: Fixes showing tab tree labels with Qt 6 GUI framework.
6.4.021 Jan 2023 11:15 minor feature: Added Items in menu can be additionally filtered using the item notes (#2170). Items can be sorted with a custom order via scripting. For example: var sel = ItemSelection().selectAll(); const texts = sel.itemsFormat(mimeText); sel.sort(function(i,j) return texts i texts j ; ); Changed More shortcuts and even sequences of shortcuts can be now captured and assigned. This uses new QKeySequenceEdit UI widget from Qt framework. UI uses the preferred sans-serif system font in the dark theme. Fixed Fixes copying items in order they were selected (#2124). Fixes re-selecting the edited item after external editor closes. Fixes menu theme (#2139). Avoids duplicating items from clipboard in synchronized tabs (#2236). macOS: Fixes compatibility with macOS 10.15 (#2103). Linux: Fixes synchronizing UTF-encoded text to/from primary selection (#2195) Wayland: Avoids showing window after a screen is turned on. Wayland: Avoids a rare crash while accessing clipboard data. Wayland: Fixes pasting to some XWayland apps (#2234) X11: Avoids app freeze when entering search mode (#2171). X11: Fixes capturing quickly changing clipboard text (ignores unchanged TIMESTAMP).