
Cosmonium is a 3D astronomy and space exploration program. With Cosmonium you can navigate in our solar system and discover all the planets and their moons. You can also visit the neighboring stars and discover the true size of our galaxy and the Universe. Cosmonium supports (or will support) the creation of fictional planets, stellar systems nebulaes, ... using procedural generation.

Tags astronomy
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases Jan 2024 02:17 major feature: Features Italian translation Improve editor layout Add overlap support for heightmap and textures Make heightmap scale and offset more user friendly Separate data interpolator and filter configurations Add navigation controller Support configuration of the home system and start body in the config file Add track body camera controller Make the ship rotation more reactive Rework camera controller API Add basic support for texture reference Allow override of body scale in the surface description Add more advanced options in the preference panel Separate orientation and position interpolation in autopilot Add basic plugin support Add galaxy and atmosphere in cel render flags Add position and anchor in cel print command Add setsurface cel command Add options in set cel command to change the ship, navigation controller or camera mode Add support of UTC date in cel time command Bugfixes Fix crash of editor and preference panels Fix bad performance due to runaway task Fix shadows of single planets and nested systems Clean up frame configuration Keep untranslated names for scripts Timed cel commands should not run when other commands are active Fix orbit cel command Load cel scripts as UTF-8 by default Correctly copy and update named orbits and rotations Fix disappearing ring shadows when switching surfaces Fix disappearing sphere self shadows when switching surfaces Use distance to surface iso distance to centre when searching for nearest body Use lonlat reference frame when moving on the surface