Recent Releases
3.005 Apr 2023 01:32
major bugfix:
This version is designed for JDK18 and above.
Better support for JDK18 and above; Integration with XChart 4.0 library; New plotting examples; Jython 2.7.3; Groovy 4.0.11; Online examples updated. 725 examples; Search was re-indexed
2.822 Jun 2022 13:58
minor bugfix:
Maintenance release for JDK18; Corrected examples; Remove 2 L F not supported any longer. Minor bug fixes.
2.723 Feb 2021 19:15
major feature:
Groovy 3.0.7, Jython 2.7.2, improvements in JDK13 support
2.608 Nov 2020 16:52
major feature:
Groovy 3.0.6, Jython 2.7.2, improvements in JDK13 support
2.522 Feb 2020 14:28
major feature:
Security improvements
2.404 Feb 2019 22:54
major feature:
Moved to Jython 2.7.2b3-DEV; Tested on OpenJDK 13.1
2.306 Nov 2018 00:32
minor bugfix:
hplot.Web has the method load() to dynamically load jar files; Classes to experiment with self-organization of vectors by Wolfhard Hövel; Integration of Weka 3.9 classes with Java scripting capabilities; Documentation includes a number of Jython examples with Weka; Search in documentation is re-indexed *; get_external() method for BeanShell to load restricted jar file
2.205 Mar 2018 01:13
minor bugfix:
Updated version to 2.2. (update2) to fix startup on JDK10 for Linux/Mac
2.122 Oct 2017 17:30
major feature:
Improved support for JDK9. LSTM neural nets. Improved font suport for large resolution screens
2.030 Jul 2017 16:34
major feature:
This is a new release which includes many enhancements * Joone Neural Network * VisAd visualisation program * Menu is renamed * Less jython caching at startup * Several libraries rearranged in the lib directory * HVisAd class to work with 3D graphics of VisAd * GROOT was added * HLatexEq class to create PNG files from Latex * Rebuild Java API help system * Improved support for URL reader of scripts * La4j is updated * HPlot contour null problem solved * Preference location in HPLotJa was corrected * Cleaning jehep IDE menu
1.809 Jun 2017 02:55
major feature:
Performance improvements for mathematical functions
1.707 Mar 2017 03:33
major feature:
Recompiled using JDK 1.8; Updated Apache common math to 3.6.1; Constrained cubic spline approximation in jhpro; uncommon-math package was integrated; Drawj2 is included to draw images; IViewSVG is used to display SVG images (jhplot package); Gral graphic library is included; Waterloow library corrected; Many small bug fixes
1.605 Aug 2016 00:07
major feature:
Improvements for image processing and object recognition.
1.521 May 2016 18:22
major feature:
Improved 3D graphics for scientific plots using OpenGL. Image examples in
1.417 Nov 2015 12:47
major feature:
This is a maintenance release to improve usability, and restore compatibility with the original jHepWork program (2005-2012) and the book "Scientific Data Analysis.. " (Springer-Verlag, 2010). This version will also be consistent with the new book "Numerical computations .. on the Java platform" by Springer (2016). 1) Libraries have relocated and updated. Now Jython scans only systems/ math/ physics nnet/ directories. 2) Groovy was updated and relocated to the groovy/ directory. Same with jruby. 3) Added decision tree libraries and examples 4) For Linux/Unix/Mac, it runs Jython optimizer (first time start-up) 5) some redundant libraries were removed 6) jhplot.Web class similar to wget 7) Many other small bug fixes to improve usability.
1.314 Sep 2015 00:25
major feature:
This is a maintenance release improve usability. Many libraries were updated. Derby Apache database is a part of this release.
1.208 Jul 2015 23:56
major feature:
1) Updated java libraries for matrix packages, such as lja4 etc; 2) Financial library finmath is a part of DMelt; 3) Support for batch execution of Groovy, BeanShell, JRuby See:
4) One can view Javadoc description of any class, use this method: from jhplot import *; help.doc(obj); where "obj" is Java object; 5) New canvas HPlotChart that allows to embed JFreeChart and provide methods to export to vector graphics (EPS, PDF, SVG); 7) JFreeChart updated to v1.0.19; 6) MS Excel files can be created using Python codding (or Java). 8) A number of examples are added.
DMelt IDE:
1) Java API is integrated with the IDE. Use the mouse to navigate to the "include" line and select "Java API" (membership support). See
2) Fixed Java execution using the GUI examples (on Windows)
Read the installation instruction
1.120 May 2015 03:37
minor feature: