Recent Releases

1.3.425 Nov 2024 19:05 minor feature: This is a release for reMarkable Paper Pro users. The reMarkable notebooks support colours. Changes: - rm output colours: `black`, `grey` or `white`, `blue`/`inkblue`, `red`/`inkred`. New: `green`, `yellow`, `cyan`, `magenta` and (highlighter colours) `pink`, `lightgray`, `lightgreen` and `lightyellow`. Drawj2d will map darkgray to black, darkgreen to green, orange to yellow, darkorange to red, brown to gray, violet and purple to magenta and any other colour to black, grey or white depending on the brightness. - rm output: image scan.png will use the current pen colour - new command doubleline
1.3.305 Apr 2024 22:25 minor feature: This is a maintenance release. For reMarkable users there is a new output type rmdoc (web transfer). Changes: - new output file type `rmdoc` (reMarkable notebook files in a zip) - fix font command (issue with variables)
1.3.225 May 2023 07:05 minor feature: This release brings improvements for reMarkable users. The reMarkable notebooks support export colours. The single line font supports Greek glyphs (and Basic Latin, Latin-1, Latvian, Polish, Russian letters) and there is a monospaced variant. Changes: - font Lines plain: accented glyphs Greek - font Lines plain: few glyphs and spaces improved - font LinesMono added - rm output export colours (`inkblue`/blue, `inkred`/red)
1.3.105 Mar 2022 03:25 minor bugfix: This is a maintenance release. It works on Java 17. Changes: - fix line width after image pdf (freehep-pdf output issue) - java 17 compatibility (unchanged minimum java 8) - library update: svgsalamander, evalex, pdfrenderer
1.3.005 Oct 2021 17:25 major feature: This release increases pdf accuracy and brings commands for hatching curved shapes. An output type wpng for png with white background and no transparency has been added. For reMarkable users there is a new output type rmn (RCU). Changes: - new output file type `wpng` for png with white background and no transparency - new output file type `rmn` (notebook files in a tar) - new command arc2 (arc defined by starting, tangential and end points) - new commands geom.topolyline quadcurve cubiccurve arc arc2 - new command herepolar (rp) - new dimline styles: arrow none - command pen enhanced: returns previous "colour style width" - increased pdf accuracy (mode freeHep), relevant if coordinate origin has an offset - library update: evalex
1.2.419 Apr 2021 14:45 minor bugfix: This release brings improvements for reMarkable users. The image command writes smaller rM notebook files. The single line font supports all Basic Latin and Latin-1 glyphs (and Greek, Latvian, Polish, Russian letters). Changes: - image file.pdf (-T rm,bgd): draw single lines (instead of outlines) - image file.svg (-T rm,bgd): draw single lines (instead of outlines) - image scan.png (-T rm): approximate image with fewer lines, adjust line width to resolution - font Lines plain: latin-1 completed - fix line width for rm output - library update: svgsalamander
1.2.322 Mar 2021 11:25 minor feature: This is a maintenance release. It adds more glyphs to the single line font. Changes: - font Lines plain: latin-1 letters completed and glyphs for symbols - font Lines italic: latin-1 letters completed - fix hatchpolygon issue (incomplete hatching)
1.2.215 Mar 2021 14:25 minor feature: This is a maintenance release. It adds Polish and Latvian glyphs to the single line font. Changes: - improve font command: remember style - font Lines: glyphs for Polish and Latvian - font Lines italic: glyphs for Polish and Latvian - fix `--outfile` for backend rmapi
1.2.114 Jan 2021 14:05 minor feature: This is a convenience release for reMarkable users. The new output type rmapi makes transferring a drawing to the device straightforward, just upload the resulting zip file to the cloud storage using rMAPI. Changes: - new output file type rmapi (suffix .zip) for the reMarkable tablet. - font Lines: glyphs for ' ', ' '
1.2.010 Jan 2021 20:25 major feature: This release adds a single line font. Changes: - font Lines: line font covering most western (latin base and latin-1), greek and russian letters - font Lines italic: cursive line font covering latin (base and latin-1) letters
1.1.523 Dec 2020 18:45 minor feature: This release adds an output type reMarkable (rm). Changes: - new output file type rm (reMarkable paper tablet) - increased render quality on screen - command geom.topolygon enhanced - library update: pdfrenderer
1.1.431 Mar 2020 00:45 minor feature: This release introduces dimension lines with architectural ticks. Changes: - dimension line options: `arrows` `ticks` `dots` - commands enhanced: geom.length, (hatch/fill)rectmid, geom.tox/y, movetox/y - compress tiff output - library update: jfreesvg, svgsalamander
1.1.331 Jan 2020 18:45 minor feature: This release adds the output type hcl. Thus drawj2d can write its own input format. Changes: - new output file type hcl (Drawj2d)
1.1.230 Dec 2019 15:05 minor feature: This release lets you pass command line arguments to the drawing. Changes: - variable ` argv` holds arguments passed to the drawing script - library update: pdfrenderer
1.1.114 Oct 2019 06:25 minor feature: This is a maintenance release. Changes: - new command geom.intersectcircleline - library update: evalex
1.1.003 Oct 2019 00:25 major feature: This release improves formatting of numbers. ` format " .2f m" 1.2 ` transforms to "1.20 m". Similarily `dimline 0 0 1.33333 0 .2f` will draw the dimension line with the label "1.33". Changes: - new command format for printf-styled number formatting (` f`, ` e`, ` g`, ` d`) - commands (tex)dimline , (tex)dimangle, (tex)force extended: optional label parameter may contain ` f` place-holder and space sign (within quotes) - library update: evalex
1.0.130 Mar 2019 21:25 minor feature: This is a maintenance release. Changes: - new commands rectmid, fillrectmid, hatchrectmid - library updates: pdfrenderer, orsonpdf, jfreesvg - java 11 compatibility, requires java 8
1.0.006 Dec 2018 07:25 major feature: This release adds the output type drawing exchange format (dxf) . Changes: - new output file type dxf (drawing exchange format) - fall-back modes for pdf (orsonpdf) and svg (jfreesvg) - licence update to GPL3+ - library updates: evalex, jlatexmath, svgsalamander, pdfrenderer
0.9.630 Dec 2017 13:45 minor feature: This release enhances the image command for importing svg files. Changes: - command image enhanced: reads svg files. - library update: evalex
0.9.529 Nov 2017 11:45 minor feature: This release adds commands to hatch shapes. Changes: - new command hatch - new commands hatchpolygon, hatchrectangle, hatchbox, hatchrod - new commands hatchcircle, hatchellipse, hatchsegment, hatchsector - new command geom.topolygon - command block enhanced: blocks encapsulate force unitlength.
0.9.406 Nov 2017 07:25 minor feature: This release works on Java 9 (in addition to JRE 7 and JRE 8). Changes: - new command geom.intersectcircles - fix command dxf: text rotation - remove depreciated command names - library updates: pdfrenderer, evalex - java 9 compatibility
0.9.324 Sep 2017 16:25 minor feature: This is a maintenance release. It improves the dxf CAD-file import. Changes: - command dxf enhanced: exclude layers, support for inserts (blocks), better text - command stat.moment enhanced - command label enhanced: directions `BW`, `BC` (baseline west, center) - output format bgd supports image command
0.9.228 Aug 2017 16:05 minor feature: This release enhances the image command for importing pdf files. It also improves the math expression evaluator. Changes: - command image enhanced: reads pdf files. - command expr enhanced: unary minus. E.g. ` expr -sqrt(3) ` - new command geom.half (½) - command p now shortcut for geom.polar
0.9.106 Aug 2017 11:25 minor feature: This release improves typesetting quality. Changes: - typesetting of characters with diacritics (umlaut, accent) - command font enhanced: font size as float value, 0.1mm steps - library update: JLaTeXMath (release 1.0.6)
0.9.010 Jul 2017 13:25 major feature: This release adds a command for importing dxf CAD-files. By default all visible layers will be drawn but the import can be restricted to named layers. Changes: - new command dxf - new output file type bgd. Background drawing for Fachwerk ( - fix tikz output: circles, cubic paths, text. Add quadcurve. - command label enhanced: direction `BLC` (baseline continue)
0.8.522 Apr 2017 14:45 minor feature: This release lets you read data from an external file. Changes: - commands open (file) and file.readable added. Subcommands: (file) read, readln, hasnext. - command atan2 added - command expr enhanced: atan2 - command pen enhanced: more colours
0.8.415 Mar 2017 06:45 minor feature: This is a maintenance release. Changes: - new command today - fix svg output: always use UTF-8 encoding for header info.
0.8.308 Jan 2017 20:25 minor feature: This is a maintenance release. Changes: - svg output: default resolution changed (from 90dpi) to 96dpi - fix command point: diameter set to 1.4 x linewidth, as specified in the manual. The change also affects command dimangle for right angles.
0.8.208 Nov 2016 06:45 minor feature: This release introduces blocks. The feature eases inserting part drawings from a library. A block can be rotated without influencing the main coordinate system. Changes: - new commands for inserts: block, endblock, block.rotate, block.flip, block.scale - new command geom.azimuth - new command opacity. Output modes screen and png only. - command text: style name `block` removed (use `justify` instead)
0.8.112 Sep 2016 14:05 minor feature: This release adds a command for importing images. Scanned drawings can easily be imported to the right scale. Changes: - new command image - command unitlength enhanced: introduce natural unit. E.g. `unitlength expr 1/50 m` - operator * = (almost equal) modified: increased tolerance
0.8.008 Aug 2016 11:05 major feature: This release adds a preview window. The drawing is displayed directly to the screen. The viewer window can stay open while editing the input file in an editor. Pressing F5 will actualise the drawing. Changes: - new output type screen: `drawj2d -Tscreen drawing.hcl` opens a preview window. - command pen enhanced: new colour darkorange
0.7.209 May 2016 18:05 minor feature: This release lets you write text paragraphs on the drawing. Words are wrapped automatically. Changes: - command text added. Styles: `left` or `justify` - command font enhanced: styles `plain`, `bold` and `italic` - commands label and texlabel enhanced: direction `BL` (baseline).
0.7.110 Nov 2015 10:05 minor feature: This release improves the math expression evaluator. Changes: - command expr enhanced: max and min functions take variable number of arguments. E.g. ` expr max(0, 2.0, 4.0, 2.3) ` - command expr enhanced: scientific notation. E.g. "`1.2e-5`" - command assert enhanced: approximately equal comparison. E.g. `assert " a = b"` - command expr enhanced: precision increased to 16 digits - command expr enhanced: new function exp(n) for e n - command expr enhanced: expression validation improved
0.7.020 Oct 2015 00:05 major feature: This release adds commands for drawing ellipses and other shapes. Changes: - new commands ellipse and fillellipse - new commands segment and fillsegment - new commands sector and fillsector - new command fillbox - documentation: section about shapes in function reference
0.6.506 Sep 2015 13:25 minor feature: This release brings general unicode support. Thus greek letters are permitted in variable names. Changes: - permit unicode chars in variable names (core hecl) - print line number when parsing error occurs (core hecl) - math expression evaluator updated - provide drawj2d syntax highlighting for editor jedit
0.6.402 Aug 2015 02:05 minor feature: This release improves Mavscript interoperability, supporting unicode characters (greek letters, etc) in labels. Changes: - new commands min, max - command geom.vector enhanced - commands label and texlabel enhanced: escaped unicode chars (e.g. "escu00b7" for the unicode char U+00B7) as internally used by mavscript-yacas - svg metadata: creator set to Drawj2d
0.6.304 May 2015 00:25 minor feature: This release adds a convenient method to draw rectangles and adds more examples to the function reference. Changes: - new commands rod, fillrod - new commands movepolar, linepolar - new command geom.polar - commands label and texlabel enhanced: new parameter C (center) - command point: abbreviation pt, p depreciated - pdf metadata: creator set to Drawj2d - documentation: more examples
0.6.202 Apr 2015 07:05 minor feature: This release adds some convenience methods for shorter code. - new command linemid - new commands movetox, movetoy - new commands linetox, linetoy - new commands geom.tox, geom.toy
0.6.112 Nov 2014 03:16 minor feature: This release adds support for custom colours and adds more examples to the function reference. Changes: - command pen enhanced to accept any colour by rgb hex values. Brown colour defined. - new command stat.tip - command geom.distance enhanced - command fillrect enhanced - commands geom.angle/anglerad enhanced - command dot modified: larger that point. - new command shortcuts geom.v, geom.abs, geom.dist, stat.dist - commands force/force2 modified: not drawing if the abs force value is zero. - commands label/texlabel enhanced. - fix command texdimlinerel: typesetting issue - documentation: more examples
0.6.003 Nov 2014 22:23 major feature: This release adds statics commands and TeX typesetting enhancements.
0.5.216 Oct 2014 22:07 major feature: This release adds drawing commands for quadratic and cubic parabolas.
0.5.109 Oct 2014 22:15 minor feature: This release adds geometry commands.
0.5.005 Oct 2014 02:16 major feature: This release implements support for TeX formatted labels (based on JLaTeXMath) and adds geometry commands.
0.4.016 Sep 2014 00:43 major feature: This is the initial public release. Drawj2d currently supports lines, points, circles, arcs, arrows, dimension lines and labels. Font, colour, line width and line type (solid, dotted, dashdotted) can be set.