EditorConfig 0.12.7

EditorConfig keeps coding-style configurations consistent across different text editors and IDEs. It transcribes a custom and per-directory .editorconfig, and plugins for common editors. It supports AppCode, ATOM, Brackets, Code::Blocks, Emacs, Geany, gedit, jEdit, Notepad++, IntellijIDEA, PhpStorm, Pycharm, RubyMine, Sublime Text, textmate, Vim, Visual Studio, and WebStorm.

Tags c development text-editor config-scheme
License BSDL
State stable

Recent Releases

0.12.703 Apr 2024 03:25 minor feature: lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;pointer overflow in STRING_CAT. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;a few more stack buffer overflows. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Add license for FindPcre2 from LuaDist. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Document and CI. lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
0.12.630 Mar 2024 11:52 minor bugfix: Fix potential buffer overflow in ec_glob (#87) Add simple installation steps for Fedora (#79) Update property key, value length limits per spec change (16d1d92)
0.12.012 Oct 2014 10:57 minor feature: Update installation instructions to add some notes to install dependency with package manager. Add a boundary check in the glob engine. Add an option to link PCRE statically. Increase max section and property name to 500.