ExeQt 1.2.2

What is it? A nifty little utility for pinning commands, applications or links to the system tray. ExeQt goes even further and provides network facilities so that your custom actions can be transfered, accesed and used from computers around the world or computers around your house. How does it work? ExeQt uses the system's native tray to display groups of actions with the things the user loves most such as their documents, the folder with pictures of cats or that site that lets you see how you would look in 50 years. Actions are cool little shortcut-like items that make your life easier. Anything you can run or execute on your machine can be put in one convenient menu that you can acces anywhere on your operating system. Features - Ability to create shortcuts for shell commands, executable files, web links or any other file on the system - Nice grouping of actions so the system tray is kept neat and tidy - Support for action sets which make running multiple things together really easy by grouping the existing actions - Actions that save locally in an XML format - Cross platform (Windows, macOS and Linux) thanks to the cross platform Qt Toolkit - Actions can be synced across computers using a free cloud service (andu.internals.ro) provided for the app - Communication with other computers in LAN running ExeQt allows you to call actions on another computer in your house or office remotely from the comfort of your computer
Tags | actions desktop utility qt c++ network cross-platform windows linux mac |
License | GNU GPLv3 |
State | stable |