Recent Releases

5.0.126 Nov 2024 15:45 minor security: Update `cookie` semver lock to address CVE-2024-47764.
5.0.024 Nov 2024 00:25 major feature: Remove: - `path-is-absolute` dependency - use `path.isAbsolute` instead. Breaking: `res.status()` accepts only integers, and input must be greater than 99 and less than 1000. Will throw a `RangeError: Invalid status code: code . Status code must be greater than 99 and less than 1000.` for inputs outside this range. Will throw a `TypeError: Invalid status code: code . Status code must be an integer.` for non integer inputs. Deps: send@1.0.0. `res.redirect('back')` and `res.location('back')` is no longer a supported magic string, explicitly use `req.get('Referrer') '/'`. Change: - `res.clearCookie` will ignore user provided `maxAge` and `expires` options. Deps: cookie-signature@ 1.2.1. Deps: de@4.3.6. Deps: merge-descriptors@ 2.0.0. Deps: serve-static@ 2.1.0. Deps: qs@6.13.0. Deps: accepts@ 2.0.0. Deps: mime-types@ 3.0.0. - `application/javascript` = `text/javascript`. Deps: type-is@ 2.0.0. Deps: content-disposition@ 1.0.0. Deps: finalhandler@ 2.0.0. Deps: fresh@ 2.0.0. Deps: body-parser@ 2.0.1. Deps: send@ 1.1.0.
4.20.023 Nov 2024 19:45 major feature: deps: serve-static@0.16.0. Remove link renderization in html while redirecting. deps: send@0.19.0. Remove link renderization in html while redirecting. deps: body-parser@0.6.0. add `depth` option to customize the depth level in the parser. IMPORTANT: The default `depth` level for parsing URL-encoded data is now `32` (previously was `Infinity`). Remove link renderization in html while using `res.redirect`. deps: path-to-regexp@0.1.10. - Adds support for named matching groups in the routes using a regex. - Adds backtracking protection to parameters without regexes defined. deps: encodeurl@ 2.0.0. - Removes encoding of ` `, ` `, and ` ` to align better with URL spec. Deprecate passing `options.maxAge` and `options.expires` to `res.clearCookie`. - Will be ignored in v5, clearCookie will set a cookie with an expires in the past to instruct clients to delete the cookie.
4.19.226 Mar 2024 10:25 minor bugfix: Improved for open redirect allow list bypass.
4.19.121 Mar 2024 23:25 minor feature: Allow passing non-strings to res.location with new encoding handling checks.
4.18.301 Mar 2024 06:45 minor bugfix: Routing requests without method. Deps: body-parser@1.20.2. Strict json error message on Node.js 19+. Deps: content-type@ 1.0.5. Deps: raw-body@2.5.2.
4.18.209 Oct 2022 11:45 minor bugfix: Regression routing a large stack in a single route. Deps: body-parser@1.20.1. Deps: qs@6.11.0. Perf: remove unnecessary object clone. Deps: qs@6.11.0.
4.18.130 Apr 2022 03:17 minor bugfix: Hanging on large stack of sync routes.
4.18.026 Apr 2022 10:45 major bugfix: Add "root" option to ``. Allow `options` without `filename` in ``. Deprecate string and non-integer arguments to `res.status`. Behavior of `null`/`undefined` as `maxAge` in `res.cookie`. Handling very large stacks of sync middleware. Ignore `Object.prototype` values in settings through `app.set`/`app.get`. Invoke `default` with same arguments as types in `res.format`. Support proper 205 responses using `res.send`. Use `http-errors` for `res.format` error. Deps: body-parser@1.20.0. Error message for json parse whitespace in `strict`. Internal error when inflated body exceeds limit. - Prevent loss of async hooks context. - Prevent hanging when request already read. Deps: depd@2.0.0. Deps: http-errors@2.0.0. Deps: on-finished@2.4.1. Deps: qs@6.10.3. Deps: raw-body@2.5.1. Deps: cookie@0.5.0. - Add `priority` option. - `expires` option to reject invalid dates. Deps: depd@2.0.0. - Replace internal `eval` usage with `Function` constructor. - Use instance methods on `process` to check for listeners. Deps: finalhandler@1.2.0. - Remove set content headers that break response. Deps: on-finished@2.4.1. Deps: statuses@2.0.1. Deps: on-finished@2.4.1. - Prevent loss of async hooks context. Deps: qs@6.10.3. Deps: send@0.18.0. Emitted 416 error missing headers property. - Limit the headers removed for 304 response. Deps: depd@2.0.0. Deps: destroy@1.2.0. Deps: http-errors@2.0.0. Deps: on-finished@2.4.1. Deps: statuses@2.0.1. Deps: serve-static@1.15.0. Deps: send@0.18.0. Deps: statuses@2.0.1. - Remove code 306. - Rename `425 Unordered Collection` to standard `425 Too Early`.
4.17.317 Feb 2022 03:16 minor bugfix: Deps: accepts@ 1.3.8. Deps: mime-types@ 2.1.34. Deps: negotiator@0.6.3. Deps: body-parser@1.19.2. Deps: bytes@3.1.2. Deps: qs@6.9.7. Deps: raw-body@2.4.3. Deps: cookie@0.4.2. Deps: qs@6.9.7. Handling of `__proto__` keys. Pref: remove unnecessary regexp for trust proxy.
4.17.218 Dec 2021 03:25 minor bugfix: Handling of `undefined` in `res.jsonp`. Handling of `undefined` when `"json escape"` is enabled. Incorrect middleware execution with unanchored `RegExp`s. `res.jsonp(obj, status)` deprecation message. Typo in `` JSDoc. Deps: body-parser@1.19.1. Deps: bytes@3.1.1. Deps: http-errors@1.8.1. Deps: qs@6.9.6. Deps: raw-body@2.4.2. Deps: safe-buffer@5.2.1. Deps: type-is@ 1.6.18. Deps: content-disposition@0.5.4. Deps: safe-buffer@5.2.1. Deps: cookie@0.4.1. - `maxAge` option to reject invalid values. Deps: proxy-addr@ 2.0.7. - Use `req.socket` over deprecated `req.connection`. Deps: forwarded@0.2.0. Deps: ipaddr.js@1.9.1. Deps: qs@6.9.6. Deps: safe-buffer@5.2.1. Deps: send@0.17.2. Deps: http-errors@1.8.1. Deps: ms@2.1.3. Pref: ignore empty http tokens. Deps: serve-static@1.14.2. Deps: send@0.17.2. Deps: setprototypeof@1.2.0.
4.17.127 May 2019 09:45 minor bugfix: Revert "Improve error message for `null`/`undefined` to `res.status`".
4.17.017 May 2019 03:17 major feature: Add `express.raw` to parse bodies into `Buffer`. Add `express.text` to parse bodies into string. Improve error message for non-strings to `res.sendFile`. Improve error message for `null`/`undefined` to `res.status`. Support multiple hosts in `X-Forwarded-Host`. Deps: accepts@ 1.3.7. Deps: body-parser@1.19.0. - Add encoding MIK. - Add petabyte (`pb`) support. Parsing array brackets after index. Deps: bytes@3.1.0. Deps: http-errors@1.7.2. Deps: iconv-lite@0.4.24. Deps: qs@6.7.0. Deps: raw-body@2.4.0. Deps: type-is@ 1.6.17. Deps: content-disposition@0.5.3. Deps: cookie@0.4.0. - Add `SameSite=None` support. Deps: finalhandler@ 1.1.2. - Set stricter `Content-Security-Policy` header. Deps: parseurl@ 1.3.3. Deps: statuses@ 1.5.0. Deps: parseurl@ 1.3.3. Deps: proxy-addr@ 2.0.5. Deps: ipaddr.js@1.9.0. Deps: qs@6.7.0. Parsing array brackets after index. Deps: range-parser@ 1.2.1. Deps: send@0.17.1. - Set stricter CSP header in redirect error responses. Deps: http-errors@ 1.7.2. Deps: mime@1.6.0. Deps: ms@2.1.1. Deps: range-parser@ 1.2.1. Deps: statuses@ 1.5.0. Perf: remove redundant `path.normalize` call. Deps: serve-static@1.14.1. - Set stricter CSP header in redirect response. Deps: parseurl@ 1.3.3. Deps: send@0.17.1. Deps: setprototypeof@1.1.1. Deps: statuses@ 1.5.0. - Add `103 Early Hints`. Deps: type-is@ 1.6.18. Deps: mime-types@ 2.1.24. Perf: prevent internal `throw` on invalid type.
4.16.412 Oct 2018 21:05 minor bugfix: Where `"Request aborted"` may be logged in `res.sendfile`. JSDoc for `Router` constructor. Deps: body-parser@1.18.3. Deprecation warnings on Node.js 10+. Stack trace for strict json parse error. Deps: depd@ 1.1.2. Deps: http-errors@ 1.6.3. Deps: iconv-lite@0.4.23. Deps: qs@6.5.2. Deps: raw-body@2.3.3. Deps: type-is@ 1.6.16. Deps: proxy-addr@ 2.0.4. Deps: ipaddr.js@1.8.0. Deps: qs@6.5.2. Deps: safe-buffer@5.1.2.
4.16.313 Mar 2018 14:45 minor bugfix: Deps: accepts@ 1.3.5. Deps: mime-types@ 2.1.18. Deps: depd@ 1.1.2. Perf: remove argument reassignment. Deps: encodeurl@ 1.0.2. Encoding ` ` as last character. Deps: finalhandler@1.1.1. Output for bad / missing pathnames. Deps: encodeurl@ 1.0.2. Deps: statuses@ 1.4.0. Deps: proxy-addr@ 2.0.3. Deps: ipaddr.js@1.6.0. Deps: send@0.16.2. Incorrect end tag in default error redirects. Deps: depd@ 1.1.2. Deps: encodeurl@ 1.0.2. Deps: statuses@ 1.4.0. Deps: serve-static@1.13.2. Incorrect end tag in redirects. Deps: encodeurl@ 1.0.2. Deps: send@0.16.2. Deps: statuses@ 1.4.0. Deps: type-is@ 1.6.16. Deps: mime-types@ 2.1.18.
4.16.210 Oct 2017 12:25 minor bugfix: `TypeError` in `res.send` when given `Buffer` and `ETag` header set. Perf: skip parsing of entire `X-Forwarded-Proto` header.
4.16.102 Oct 2017 00:25 minor bugfix: Deps: send@0.16.1. Deps: serve-static@1.13.1. Regression when `root` is incorrectly set to a file. Deps: send@0.16.1.
4.15.526 Sep 2017 13:25 minor bugfix: Deps: de@2.6.9. Deps: finalhandler@ 1.0.6. Deps: de@2.6.9. Deps: parseurl@ 1.3.2. Deps: fresh@0.5.2. Handling of modified headers with invalid dates. Perf: improve ETag match loop. Perf: improve `If-None-Match` token parsing. Deps: send@0.15.6. Handling of modified headers with invalid dates. Deps: de@2.6.9. Deps: etag@ 1.8.1. Deps: fresh@0.5.2. Perf: improve `If-Match` token parsing. Deps: serve-static@1.12.6. Deps: parseurl@ 1.3.2. Deps: send@0.15.6. Perf: improve slash collapsing.
4.15.408 Aug 2017 02:25 minor bugfix: Deps: de@2.6.8. Deps: depd@ 1.1.1. - Remove unnecessary `Buffer` loading. Deps: finalhandler@ 1.0.4. Deps: de@2.6.8. Deps: proxy-addr@ 1.1.5. Array argument being altered. Deps: ipaddr.js@1.4.0. Deps: qs@6.5.0. Deps: send@0.15.4. Deps: de@2.6.8. Deps: depd@ 1.1.1. Deps: http-errors@ 1.6.2. Deps: serve-static@1.12.4. Deps: send@0.15.4.
4.15.318 May 2017 19:45 minor bugfix: Error when `res.set` cannot add charset to `Content-Type`. Deps: de@2.6.7. - `DE_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH`. Deps: ms@2.0.0. Deps: finalhandler@ 1.0.3. Missing `` in HTML document. Deps: de@2.6.7. Deps: proxy-addr@ 1.1.4. Deps: ipaddr.js@1.3.0. Deps: send@0.15.3. Deps: de@2.6.7. Deps: ms@2.0.0. Deps: serve-static@1.12.3. Deps: send@0.15.3. Deps: type-is@ 1.6.15. Deps: mime-types@ 2.1.15. Deps: vary@ 1.1.1. Perf: hoist regular expression.
4.15.207 Mar 2017 13:25 minor bugfix: Deps: qs@6.4.0. Regression parsing keys starting with ` `.
4.15.002 Mar 2017 13:45 major bugfix: Add demessage when loading view engine. Add `next("router")` to exit from router. Case where `router.use` skipped requests routes did not. Remove usage of `res._headers` private field. - Improves compatibility with Node.js 8 nightly. Skip routing when `req.url` is not set. Use ` o` in path deto tell types apart. Use `Object.create` to setup request response prototypes. Use `setprototypeof` module to replace `__proto__` setting. Use `statuses` instead of `http` module for status messages. Deps: de@2.6.1. - Allow colors in workers. - Deprecated `DE_FD` environment variable set to `3` or higher. Error when running under React Native. - Use same color for same namespace. Deps: ms@0.7.2. Deps: etag@ 1.8.0. - Use SHA1 instead of MD5 for ETag hashing. - Works with FIPS 140-2 OpenSSL configuration. Deps: finalhandler@ 1.0.0. Exception when `err` cannot be converted to a string. - Fully URL-encode the pathname in the 404. - Only include the pathname in the 404 message. - Send complete HTML document. - Set `Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'` header. Deps: de@2.6.1. Deps: fresh@0.5.0. False detection of `no-cache` request directive. Incorrect result when `If-None-Match` has both `*` and ETags. Weak `ETag` matching to match spec. Perf: delay reading header values until needed. Perf: enable strict mode. Perf: hoist regular expressions. Perf: remove duplicate conditional. Perf: remove unnecessary boolean coercions. Perf: skip checking modified time if ETag check failed. Perf: skip parsing `If-None-Match` when no `ETag` header. Perf: use `Date.parse` instead of `new Date`. Deps: qs@6.3.1. Array parsing from skipping empty values. Compacting nested arrays. Deps: send@0.15.0. False detection of `no-cache` request directive. Incorrect result when `If-None-Match` has both `*` and ETags. Weak `ETag` matching to match spec. - Remove usage of `res._headers` private field. - Support `If-Match` and `If-Unmodified-Since` headers. - Use `res.getHeaderNa
4.14.130 Jan 2017 00:05 minor bugfix: Deps: content-disposition@0.5.2. Deps: finalhandler@0.5.1. Exception when `err.headers` is not an object. Deps: statuses@ 1.3.1. Perf: hoist regular expressions. Perf: remove duplicate validation path. Deps: proxy-addr@ 1.1.3. Deps: ipaddr.js@1.2.0. Deps: send@0.14.2. Deps: http-errors@ 1.5.1. Deps: ms@0.7.2. Deps: statuses@ 1.3.1. Deps: serve-static@ 1.11.2. Deps: send@0.14.2. Deps: type-is@ 1.6.14. Deps: mime-types@ 2.1.13.
4.14.017 Jun 2016 07:45 major bugfix: Add `acceptRanges` option to `res.sendFile`/`res.sendfile`. Add `cacheControl` option to `res.sendFile`/`res.sendfile`. Add `options` argument to `req.range`. - Includes the `combine` option. Encode URL in `res.location`/`res.redirect` if not already encoded. Some redirect handling in `res.sendFile`/`res.sendfile`. Windows absolute path check using forward slashes. Improve error with invalid arguments to `req.get()`. Improve performance for `res.json`/`res.jsonp` in most cases. Improve `Range` header handling in `res.sendFile`/`res.sendfile`. Deps: accepts@ 1.3.3. Including type extensions in parameters in `Accept` parsing. Parsing `Accept` parameters with quoted equals. Parsing `Accept` parameters with quoted semicolons. - Many performance improvments. Deps: mime-types@ 2.1.11. Deps: negotiator@0.6.1. Deps: content-type@ 1.0.2. Perf: enable strict mode. Deps: cookie@0.3.1. - Add `sameSite` option. Cookie `Max-Age` to never be a floating point number. - Improve error message when `encode` is not a function. - Improve error message when `expires` is not a `Date`. - Throw better error for invalid argument to parse. - Throw on invalid values provided to `serialize`. Perf: enable strict mode. Perf: hoist regular expression. Perf: use for loop in parse. Perf: use string concatination for serialization. Deps: finalhandler@0.5.0. - Change invalid or non-numeric status code to 500. - Overwrite status message to match set status code. - Prefer `err.statusCode` if `err.status` is invalid. - Set response headers from `err.headers` object. - Use `statuses` instead of `http` module for status messages. Deps: proxy-addr@ 1.1.2. Accepting various invalid netmasks. - IPv6-mapped IPv4 validation edge cases. - IPv4 netmasks must be contingous. - IPv6 addresses cannot be used as a netmask. Deps: ipaddr.js@1.1.1. Deps: qs@6.2.0. - Add `decoder` option in `parse` function. Deps: range-parser@ 1.2.0. - Add `combine` option to combine overlapping ranges. Incorrectly
4.13.411 Feb 2016 09:45 minor feature: Deps: content-disposition@0.5.1. Perf: enable strict mode. Deps: cookie@0.1.5. - Throw on invalid values provided to `serialize`. Deps: depd@ 1.1.0. - Support web browser loading. Perf: enable strict mode. Deps: escape-html@ 1.0.3. Perf: enable strict mode. Perf: optimize string replacement. Perf: use faster string coercion. Deps: finalhandler@0.4.1. Deps: escape-html@ 1.0.3. Deps: merge-descriptors@1.0.1. Perf: enable strict mode. Deps: methods@ 1.1.2. Perf: enable strict mode. Deps: parseurl@ 1.3.1. Perf: enable strict mode. Deps: proxy-addr@ 1.0.10. Deps: ipaddr.js@1.0.5. Perf: enable strict mode. Deps: range-parser@ 1.0.3. Perf: enable strict mode. Deps: send@0.13.1. Deps: depd@ 1.1.0. Deps: destroy@ 1.0.4. Deps: escape-html@ 1.0.3. Deps: range-parser@ 1.0.3. Deps: serve-static@ 1.10.2. Deps: escape-html@ 1.0.3. Deps: parseurl@ 1.3.0. Deps: send@0.13.1.
4.13.305 Aug 2015 11:25 minor feature: Fix infinite loop condition using `mergeParams: true`. Fix inner numeric indices incorrectly altering parent `req.params`.
4.13.201 Aug 2015 20:25 minor feature: deps: accepts@ 1.2.12. - deps: mime-types@ 2.1.4. deps: array-flatten@1.1.1. - perf: enable strict mode. deps: path-to-regexp@0.1.7. - Fix regression with escaped round brackets and matching groups. deps: type-is@ 1.6.6. - deps: mime-types@ 2.1.4.
4.13.107 Jul 2015 18:45 minor feature: deps: accepts@ 1.2.10. - deps: mime-types@ 2.1.2. deps: qs@4.0.0. - Fix dropping parameters like `hasOwnProperty`. - Fix various parsing edge cases. deps: type-is@ 1.6.4. - deps: mime-types@ 2.1.2. - perf: enable strict mode. - perf: remove argument reassignment.
4.13.022 Jun 2015 03:45 minor feature: Add settings to debug output. Fix `res.format` error when only `default` provided. Fix issue where `next('route')` in `app.param` would incorrectly skip values. Fix hiding platform issues with `decodeURIComponent`. - Only `URIError`s are a 400. Fix using `*` before params in routes. Fix using capture groups before params in routes. Simplify `res.cookie` to call `res.append`. Use `array-flatten` module for flattening arrays. deps: accepts@ 1.2.9. - deps: mime-types@ 2.1.1. - perf: avoid argument reassignment argument slice. - perf: avoid negotiator recursive construction. - perf: enable strict mode. - perf: remove unnecessary bitwise operator. deps: cookie@0.1.3. - perf: deduce the scope of try-catch deopt. - perf: remove argument reassignments. deps: escape-html@1.0.2. deps: etag@ 1.7.0. - Always include entity length in ETags for hash length extensions. - Generate non-Stats ETags using MD5 only (no longer CRC32). - Improve stat performance by removing hashing. - Improve support for JXcore. - Remove base64 padding in ETags to shorten. - Support "fake" stats objects in environments without fs. - Use MD5 instead of MD4 in weak ETags over 1KB. deps: finalhandler@0.4.0. - Fix a false-positive when unpiping in Node.js 0.8. - Support `statusCode` property on `Error` objects. - Use `unpipe` module for unpiping requests. - deps: escape-html@1.0.2. - deps: on-finished@ 2.3.0. - perf: enable strict mode. - perf: remove argument reassignment. deps: fresh@0.3.0. - Add weak `ETag` matching support. deps: on-finished@ 2.3.0. - Add defined behavior for HTTP `CONNECT` requests. - Add defined behavior for HTTP `Upgrade` requests. - deps: ee-first@1.1.1. deps: path-to-regexp@0.1.6. deps: send@0.13.0. - Allow Node.js HTTP server to set `Date` response header. - Fix incorrectly removing `Content-Location` on 304 response. - Improve the default redirect response headers. - Send appropriate headers on default error response. - Use `http-errors` for standard emitted errors. - Use `statu
4.12.419 May 2015 03:16 minor feature: deps: accepts@ 1.2.7. - deps: mime-types@ 2.0.11. - deps: negotiator@0.5.3. * deps: debug@ 2.2.0. - deps: ms@0.7.1. * deps: depd@ 1.0.1. * deps: etag@ 1.6.0. - Improve support for JXcore. - Support "fake" stats objects in environments without `fs`. * deps: finalhandler@0.3.6. - deps: debug@ 2.2.0. - deps: on-finished@ 2.2.1. * deps: on-finished@ 2.2.1. - Fix `isFinished(req)` when data buffered. * deps: proxy-addr@ 1.0.8. - deps: ipaddr.js@1.0.1. * deps: qs@2.4.2. - Fix allowing parameters like `constructor`. * deps: send@0.12.3. - deps: debug@ 2.2.0. - deps: depd@ 1.0.1. - deps: etag@ 1.6.0. - deps: ms@0.7.1. - deps: on-finished@ 2.2.1. * deps: serve-static@ 1.9.3. - deps: send@0.12.3. * deps: type-is@ 1.6.2. - deps: mime-types@ 2.0.11.
4.12.318 Mar 2015 08:45 minor feature: deps: accepts@ 1.2.5. deps: mime-types@ 2.0.10. deps: debug@ 2.1.3. Fix high intensity foreground color for bold. deps: ms@0.7.0. deps: finalhandler@0.3.4. deps: debug@ 2.1.3. deps: proxy-addr@ 1.0.7. deps: ipaddr.js@0.1.9. deps: qs@2.4.1. Fix error when parameter `hasOwnProperty` is present. deps: send@0.12.2. Throw errors early for invalid `extensions` or `index` options. deps: debug@ 2.1.3. deps: serve-static@ 1.9.2. deps: send@0.12.2. deps: type-is@ 1.6.1. deps: mime-types@ 2.0.10.
4.12.206 Mar 2015 11:05 minor feature: Fix regression where `"Request aborted"` is logged using `res.sendFile`
4.12.102 Mar 2015 13:45 minor feature: Fix constructing application with non-configurable prototype properties Fix `ECONNRESET` errors from `res.sendFile` usage Fix `` when using "trust proxy" hops count Fix `req.protocol`/`` when using "trust proxy" hops count Fix wrong `code` on aborted connections from `res.sendFile` deps: merge-descriptors@1.0.0
4.12.024 Feb 2015 08:25 minor feature: Fix `"trust proxy"` setting to inherit when app is mounted. Generate `ETag`s for all request responses. No longer restricted to only responses for `GET` and `HEAD` requests. Use `content-type` to parse `Content-Type` headers. deps: accepts@ 1.2.4. Fix preference sorting to be stable for long acceptable lists. deps: mime-types@ 2.0.9. deps: negotiator@0.5.1. deps: cookie-signature@1.0.6. deps: send@0.12.1. Always read the stat size from the file. Fix mutating passed-in `options`. deps: mime@1.3.4. deps: serve-static@ 1.9.1. deps: send@0.12.1. deps: type-is@ 1.6.0. fix argument reassignment. fix false-positives in `hasBody` `Transfer-Encoding` check. support wildcard for both type and subtype . deps: mime-types@ 2.0.9.
4.11.203 Feb 2015 17:05 minor feature: Fix `res.redirect` double-calling `res.end` for `HEAD` requests deps: accepts@ 1.2.3 deps: mime-types@ 2.0.8 deps: proxy-addr@ 1.0.6 deps: ipaddr.js@0.1.8 deps: type-is@ 1.5.6 deps: mime-types@ 2.0.8
4.11.122 Jan 2015 10:45 minor feature: deps: send@0.11.1 Fix root path disclosure deps: serve-static@ 1.8.1 Fix redirect loop in Node.js 0.11.14 Fix root path disclosure deps: send@0.11.1
4.11.018 Jan 2015 07:45 minor feature: Add `res.append` to append headers Deprecate leading `:` in `name` for `app.param` Deprecate `req.param` -- use `req.params`, `req.body`, or `req.query` instead Deprecate `app.param` Fix `OPTIONS` responses to include the `HEAD` method properly Fix `res.sendFile` not always detecting aborted connection Match routes iteratively to prevent stack overflows deps: accepts@ 1.2.2 deps: mime-types@ 2.0.7 deps: negotiator@0.5.0 deps: send@0.11.0 deps: debug@ 2.1.1 deps: etag@ 1.5.1 deps: ms@0.7.0 deps: on-finished@ 2.2.0 deps: serve-static@ 1.8.0 deps: send@0.11.0
4.10.814 Jan 2015 18:05 minor feature: Fix crash from error within `OPTIONS` response handler deps: proxy-addr@ 1.0.5 deps: ipaddr.js@0.1.6
4.10.705 Jan 2015 05:55 minor feature: Fix `Allow` header for `OPTIONS` to not contain duplicate methods Fix incorrect "Request aborted" for `res.sendFile` when `HEAD` or 304 deps: debug@ 2.1.1 deps: finalhandler@0.3.3 deps: debug@ 2.1.1 deps: on-finished@ 2.2.0 deps: methods@ 1.1.1 deps: on-finished@ 2.2.0 deps: serve-static@ 1.7.2 Fix potential open redirect when mounted at root deps: type-is@ 1.5.5 deps: mime-types@ 2.0.7
4.10.616 Dec 2014 14:05 minor feature: Fix exception in `req.fresh`/`req.stale` without response headers
4.10.512 Dec 2014 07:45 minor feature: Fix `res.send` double-calling `res.end` for `HEAD` requests deps: accepts@ 1.1.4 deps: mime-types@ 2.0.4 deps: type-is@ 1.5.4 deps: mime-types@ 2.0.4
4.10.427 Nov 2014 20:45 minor feature: Fix `res.sendfile` logging standard write errors
4.10.324 Nov 2014 03:16 minor feature: Fix `res.sendFile` logging standard write errors deps: etag@ 1.5.1 deps: proxy-addr@ 1.0.4 deps: ipaddr.js@0.1.5 deps: qs@2.3.3 Fix `arrayLimit` behavior
4.10.210 Nov 2014 03:19 minor feature: Correctly invoke async router callback asynchronously deps: accepts@ 1.1.3 deps: mime-types@ 2.0.3 deps: type-is@ 1.5.3 deps: mime-types@ 2.0.3
4.10.130 Oct 2014 16:05 minor bugfix: Fix handling of URLs containing `://` in the path. Fix parsing of mixed objects and values.