fxmoviemanager 6.8

FXMM (FxMovieManager) is a filemanager written to help managing movie files and video clips. It includes a twin-panel filemanager, a playlist and act as a simple front-end to MPV and MPlayer. Both filemanager and playlist can display thumbnails of movie files. requires: ffmpeg, libmpv, mpv or mplayer, fox-toolkit

Tags desktop filemanager video
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases

6.818 Jan 2016 16:28 minor feature: FXMovieManager: __added The command line fifo for mpv has been update to support version 0.14, seeking buttons have been added to the player control buttons. FXMovieManager, FXArchive: __added Files can be now either deleted or moved to a hidden trash directory, then the trash directory can be viewed and files can be recovered or permanently deleted. FXArchive, FXScanVirus: __added In order to have a cleaner and more practical GUI, tabbed menus have been adopted in place of bar menus; with this change habitual "Windows 10" users should also feel more comfortable. FXTxtView: __added A new tabbed menu has been added to bar menu and tool buttons to have a cleaner and more practical GUI. __fixed the automatic encryption performed when key is not set has been disabled, additional keyboard accelerators have been reorganized.