First-class MIDI support
Highly customizable
Stable and performant
Loads of drumkits to choose from
In-depth control of instrument, sample, and note properties
High quality time-stretching and pitch shifting
Automate it using MIDI or OSC API
Hydrogen is both a drum sequencer for pattern-based programming and a drum synth. Its simple yet feature-rich design makes it a versatile companion, be it for quick practice at home, professional usage as fully-fledged drum machine in your studio, or drum looper on steriods for your live performance.
Recent Releases
1.2.408 Jan 2025 02:36
minor bugfix:
Added. - MIDI and OSC commands. - `CLEAR_SELECTED_INSTRUMENT` - to remove all notes of the selected. Pattern associated with the currently selected instrument. `CLEAR_PATTERN` - to remove all notes of the selected pattern. - `INSTRUMENT_PITCH` - to adjust the pitch of an instrument. - OSC commands. - `NOTE_ON` and `NOTE_OFF` which are handled like incoming MIDI events. Without triggering their associated actions. `CLEAR_INSTRUMENT` - to remove all notes of the selected pattern. Associated with the provided instrument number. CLI option: - `-O`/`--osc-port` to use a custom OSC port in both `hydrogen`. And `h2cli`. `-L`/`--log-file` to provide a path to an alternative log file. - `-T`/`--log-timestamps` to add timestamps to all log messages. - `--config` to use a different user-level config file. - `--compression-level` for `h2cli` to set the trade-off between max. Quality (`.mp3` and `.ogg`)/max. speed (`.flac`) (`0.0`) and max. Compression (`1.0`) for exported audio files. Adding support for importing and exporting audio files of format `.mp3`. `.opus`, `.au`, `.caf`, `.voc`, `.w64`. Drumkits containing those formats. Can be loaded with older versions of Hydrogen too. `libsndfile` = `1.1.0` is required on your system for MP3 support.. - `X-NSM-Exec` entry added to `org.hydrogenmusic.Hydrogen.desktop` by. @grammoboy2. - Delete key does now remove selected notes and notes under cursor in NotePropertiesRuler. Changed. - Grid lines in the Song Editor are now rendered dotted to emphasize that. This is the space the patterns in rather than objects in their own right. Virtual keyboard strokes are now mapped exactly as incoming MIDI `NOTE_ON`. Events (respecting both "Use output note as input note" and hihat pressure Groups). But do not trigger associated actions. CLI option `-d` understand driver names regardless of capitalization. - `h2cli` option `-V` is now able to handle whitespaces between flag and. Argument. `h2cli` long option for `-k` is renamed `--drumkit` - `ki
1.2.313 Jan 2024 09:25
minor feature:
Forward compatibility for .h2song and drumkit changes introduced in version 1.3.0
Restore mute button state of master mixer strip on song load.
Recorded MIDI notes were inserted ahead of the beat (#1851).
Drumkit Property Dialog:
Images were written regardless whether one hits the ok or cancel button.
When using Save As to create a new drumkit, the added image was put in the old drumkit folder instead and not properly copied into the new one.
Allow to Save As drumkits derived from kits not found on the current system.
Audio Engine: In Song Mode with Loop Mode deactivated Hydrogen missed notes very close to the end of the song.
Fix crash on playing back notes with custom length (#1852).
macOS: fix naming of CoreMIDI header (#1865).
Fix various rendering issues with custom length notes.
Fix potential crash/failing startup on Windows in case PortAudio or PortMidi
device is already occupied (#1893)
Fix crash on shutdown, song export, or driver changes in the Preferences while
using JACK on Linux (#1902, #1867, #1907)
Pattern Editor:
Only delete stop notes clicked by the user. (#1859)
Proper undo of moving notes out of DrumPatternEditor. (#1859)
Custom note lengths are now only drawn till the next stop
note. (#1859)
Highlight selected stop notes too. (#1859)
Update selected notes visually on left and right keyboard movement. (#1859)
Fixed stop note color which was no different than the default note color
Fixed grid line rendering on rational pattern size nominator.
Fixed grid line colors on very fine resolution.
Fix broken file browser dialogs on Linux when using translations (#1908).
Fix drumkit export on Windows (#1927).
Timing drift (and artifacts) in playback track rendering on some hosts is fixed (#1920).
1.2.207 Dec 2023 12:56
minor feature: