MassCTRL 1.0

MassCTRL is a remote control center for your linux clients and servers. With MassCTRL it's possible to manage updates and other tasks on groups of linux clients or servers. The response of the processes can be logged and reviewed in one single location. MassCTRL can also be used as en execution server and centralize all automatic timebased jobs from one crontab instead of setting cronjobs locally on servers. MassCTRL uses so called group files and recipe files. A recipe can contain one or many ingredients to process during execution. The execution is targeted on a group file containing the clients or servers. Manage your Linux classrooms or your Linux servers with ease.

Tags remote control execution installation classroom servers center deployment batch
License GNU GPLv3
State beta

Recent Releases

1.028 Jan 2021 19:21 minor feature: Initial release