NetCDF 4.9.2

NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a set of interfaces for array-oriented data access and a freely distributed collection of data access libraries for C, Fortran, C++, Java, and other languages. The netCDF libraries support a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interfaces, libraries, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. See the netCDF package overview

License BSDL
State stable

Recent Releases

4.9.204 Aug 2023 01:20 minor bugfix: This is the maintenance release which adds support for HDF5 version 1.14.0, in addition to a handful of other changes and. Update `nc-config` to remove inclusion from automatically-detected `nf-config` and `ncxx-config` files, as the wrong files could be included in the output. This is in support of GitHub #2274. Update H5FDhttp. ch to work with HDF5 version 1.13.2 and later. See Github #2635. Update DAP code to enable CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING by default. See Github #2630. byterange failures for certain URLs. See Github #2649. 'make distcheck' error in See Github #2631. Enhancement Update `nc-config` to remove inclusion from automatically-detected `nf-config` and `ncxx-config` files, as the wrong files could be included in the output. This is in support of GitHub #2274. Enhancement Update H5FDhttp. ch to work with HDF5 version 1.14.0. See Github #2615.
4.9.020 Aug 2022 23:21 minor feature:
4.8.121 Aug 2021 03:16 minor feature: Enhancement Bump the NC_DISPATCH_VERSION from 2 to 3, and as a side effect, unify the definition of NC_DISPATCH_VERSION so it only needs to be defined in CMakeLists.txt and See Github #1945 for more information. Enhancement Provide better cross platform path name management. This converts paths for various platforms (e.g. Windows, MSYS, etc.) so that they are in the proper format for the executing platform. See Github #1958 for more information. The nccopy program was treating -d0 as turning deflation on rather than interpreting it as "turn off deflation". See Github #1944 for more information. Enhancement Add support for storing NCZarr data in zip files. See Github #1942 for more information. Make fillmismatch the default for DAP2 and DAP4; too many servers ignore this requirement. some memory leaks in NCZarr, a with long strides in NCZarr. See Github #1913 for more information. Enhancement Add some optimizations to NCZarr, dosome cleanup of code cruft, add some NCZarr test cases, add a performance test to NCZarr. See Github #1908 for more information. Implement a better chunk cache system for NCZarr. The cache now uses extendible hashing plus a linked list for provide a combination of expandibility, fast access, and LRU behavior. See Github #1887 for more information. Enhancement Provide.rc fields for S3 authentication: HTTP.S3.ACCESSID and HTTP.S3.SECRETKEY. Enhancement Give the client control over what parts of a DAP2 URL are URL encoded (i.e. xx). This is to support the different decoding rules that servers apply to incoming URLS. See Github #1884 for more information. incorrect time offsets from ncdump -t, in some cases when the time units attribute contains both a non-zero time-of-day, and a time zone sufcontaining the letter "T", such as "UTC". See Github #1866 for more information. Cleanup the NCZarr S3 build options. See Github #1869 for more information. Support aligned access f
4.8.031 Mar 2021 03:16 minor feature: Enhancement Bump the NC_DISPATCH_VERSION from 2 to 3, and as a side effect, unify the definition of NC_DISPATCH_VERSION so it only needs to be defined in CMakeLists.txt and See Github #1945 for more information. Enhancement Provide better cross platform path name management. This converts paths for various platforms (e.g. Windows, MSYS, etc.) so that they are in the proper format for the executing platform. See Github #1958 for more information. The nccopy program was treating -d0 as turning deflation on rather than interpreting it as "turn off deflation". See Github #1944 for more information. Enhancement Add support for storing NCZarr data in zip files. See Github #1942 for more information. Make fillmismatch the default for DAP2 and DAP4; too many servers ignore this requirement. some memory leaks in NCZarr, a with long strides in NCZarr. See Github #1913 for more information. Enhancement Add some optimizations to NCZarr, dosome cleanup of code cruft, add some NCZarr test cases, add a performance test to NCZarr. See Github #1908 for more information. Implement a better chunk cache system for NCZarr. The cache now uses extendible hashing plus a linked list for provide a combination of expandibility, fast access, and LRU behavior. See Github #1887 for more information. Enhancement Provide.rc fields for S3 authentication: HTTP.S3.ACCESSID and HTTP.S3.SECRETKEY. Enhancement Give the client control over what parts of a DAP2 URL are URL encoded (i.e. xx). This is to support the different decoding rules that servers apply to incoming URLS. See Github #1884 for more information. incorrect time offsets from ncdump -t, in some cases when the time units attribute contains both a non-zero time-of-day, and a time zone sufcontaining the letter "T", such as "UTC". See Github #1866 for more information. Cleanup the NCZarr S3 build options. See Github #1869 for more information. Support aligned access f
4.7.321 Nov 2019 03:16 minor feature: OSX Enhancement Corrected an where protected memory was being written to with some pointer slight-of-hand. This has been in the code for a while, but appears to be caught by the compiler on OSX, under circumstances yet to be completely nailed down. See GitHub #1486 for more information. Enhancement Parallel IO Added support for parallel functions in MSVC. See Github #1492 for more information. Enhancement Added a function for changing the ncid of an open file. This function should only be used if you know what you are doing, and is meant to be used primarily with PIO integration. See GitHub #1483 and GitHub #1487 for more information. Enhancement Various and enhancements.
4.7.223 Oct 2019 03:15 minor feature: OSX Enhancement Corrected an where protected memory was being written to with some pointer slight-of-hand. This has been in the code for a while, but appears to be caught by the compiler on OSX, under circumstances yet to be completely nailed down. See GitHub #1486 for more information. Enhancement Parallel IO Added support for parallel functions in MSVC. See Github #1492 for more information. Enhancement Added a function for changing the ncid of an open file. This function should only be used if you know what you are doing, and is meant to be used primarily with PIO integration. See GitHub #1483 and GitHub #1487 for more information. Enhancement Various and enhancements.
4.7.126 Sep 2019 04:06 minor feature: Enhancement Added unit_test directory, which contains unit tests for the libdispatch and libsrc4 code (and any other directories that want to put unit tests there). Use --disable-unit-tests to run without unit tests (ex. for code coverage analysis). See GitHub #1458 Bug Fix Remove obsolete _CRAYMPP and LOCKNUMREC macros from code. Also brought documentation up to date in man page. These macros were used in ancient times, before modern parallel I/O systems were developed. Programmers interested in parallel I/O should see nc_open_par() and nc_create_par(). See GitHub #1459 Enhancement Remove obsolete and deprecated functions nc_set_base_pe() and nc_inq_base_pe() from the dispatch table. (Both functions are still supported in the library, this is an internal change only.) See GitHub #1468 Bug Fix Reverted nccopy behavior so that if no -c parameters are given, then any default chunking is left to the netcdf-c library to decide. See GitHub #1436 Various other bugfixes and enhancements.