Recent Releases

2.101 Nov 2022 03:15 minor feature: DuckDuckGo backend added. Google Cloud Translate available, but untested. Annotations enabled for text selection mode. Target language is now set for translated paragraphs. Internal rewrites. FauxRequests fallback might now work for all backends. Translate-python has been removed (Msft now via D-T). Undo unicode glyphs in dropdown (hiccup in AOO). DeepL and SysTran. Added some automated tests for services.
2.018 Oct 2022 03:15 major feature: Add SYSTRAN backend. Introduce ArgosTranslate binding. Added LibreTranslate via D-T and internal. Select-only mode (disable whole-doc traversal). Added pt-BR as default language in menu. Introduce annotate/comment mode to preserve untranslated text sections. Refined backend code, and lots of pylint. Enabled setup buttons in options dialog. Separate standalone version: tk_translate. DeepL web scraper.
1.902 Jun 2021 18:25 minor feature: Added Pons Text Translation backend, another fallback for Google Translate, and configuration option for behaviour of secondary toolbar button. Some internal changes and more manual notes.