Recent Releases

1.829 Jan 2017 08:25 minor bugfix: . . . -d option to compare large directories. . Added more file classes. . 5 performance improvement. . Omit *.N sufwhen determining the file format. . Do not print warning about missed wdiff into the report. . Increased default width of the report to 80 chars. . . .
1.7.219 Mar 2016 07:05 minor bugfix: New Features. . Ability to download plain-text added/removed patches from the report. . . . . Do not show time stamp in the report. . . Removal of tmp directory in the . . .
1.7.112 Dec 2015 06:25 minor bugfix: New Features. . Added -skip-pattern option: skip checking of paths within archives matching a regex. . . . . . Incompatibility with the latest versions of the ABICC tool . . Comparison of the RPM/Deb packages info . . .
1.7.019 Oct 2015 03:15 major feature: New Features. . Added -d option: compare directories instead of packages. . Added -list-added-removed option: show content of added/removed text files. . Added -vnum1 and -vnum2 options: set version numbers of input packages. . Added -title option: set name of the package in the title of the report. . Added -skip-subarchives option: skip checking of archives inside packages. . . .
1.6.409 Sep 2015 03:15 minor bugfix: Style of the report. Install permissions. Errors when comparing man pages. Added check for wdiff. Simplified Makefile.
1.6.308 Nov 2014 06:45 minor bugfix: New Features: Show change rate in the extra info files.xml (moved, changed, renamed). Check if we can remove a common prefix from files of both packages. Encoding of diff reports has been changed to utf-8. Bug Fixes: Fixed a problem with spaces in package name. Added -o option to unzip command. Fixed -tmp-dir option.