Praat 6.4.26

Praat is a speech analysis tool used for doing phonetics by computer. Praat can analyse, synthesize, and manipulate speech, and create high-quality pictures for your publications. Praat was created by Paul Boersma and David Weenink of the Institute of Phonetics Sciences of the University of Amsterdam. Some of Praat’s most prominent features are: Speech analysis Speech synthesis Speech labelling Grammar models Statistical analysis

Tags speech analysis audio phonetics synthesis c cpp
License GNU GPLv3
State development

Recent Releases

6.4.2609 Jan 2025 08:05 minor bugfix: ##Rectangle text (maximal fit)...# is perhaps useful in general. But will especially facilitate text and button drawing in Demo window. Linux for ARM64 processors: sped up some slow computations by a factor of over 100. ##OTGrammar Strings Strings: Tabulate all correct rankings# lists all full rankings. That map the given list of inputs to the given list of partial outputs, Using brute-force permutation of up to 18 constraints. ##OTGrammar: Tabulate equivalent pairs# checks to what extent different candidates. Have different sets of constraint violations.
6.4.2509 Dec 2024 05:45 minor bugfix: Command-line interface: solved a crash that occurred when a menu command was not available. Windows: open source code signing.
6.4.2405 Dec 2024 04:45 minor bugfix: FormantPath: with sampling frequency. Formant measurements: in autocorrelation and robust methods. Manual: better support for screens taller than 15 inches. Scripting: support for subtraction and unary minus for tensors. Scripting: removed `sendsocket`.
6.4.2328 Nov 2024 11:45 minor documentation: Audio output: higher-quality playback of sounds with unusual sampling frequencies. Scripting: better error messages on #Save commands. Better HTML output from manuals (e.g. italicized or bolded backslash sequences).
6.4.2226 Nov 2024 10:05 minor bugfix: More robustness against trying to run a binary file as a script. Windows Sound window: faster zooming with Ctrl-scrollwheel. Windows: guarantee Explorer-type file selection windows.
6.4.2125 Nov 2024 05:25 minor bugfix: SpeechSynthesizer: repaired an old whereby ##Get phonemes from text...# could increase the duration of a subsequent ##Play# (or ##To Sound...#). SpeechSynthesizer and TextGrid alignment: repaired a (existing since 6.4.18) whereby #clause and #word tiers would be empty. TextGrid window: disambiguated Command-F5 (now Option-F5 for ##Get minimum pitch#; likewise, Option-F8 for ##Get minimum intensity#). Calling Praat from command line: reenabled `--pref-dir=` option.
6.4.2024 Nov 2024 23:05 major bugfix: Linux: repaired a major whereby Praat could crash when trying to draw to a hidden Picture window. Scripting: just like normal forms, pause forms now also accept yes and off (and the like) instead of just 1 and 0. Scripting: repaired a minor whereby `optionmenu` in forms would show an incorrect default value.
6.4.1923 Nov 2024 04:25 minor bugfix: Repaired many in the eSpeak part of Praat.
6.4.1827 Oct 2024 04:25 minor bugfix: SpeechSynthesizer and TextGrid alignment: solved an eSpeak-internal that caused some. Rare long phoneme codes to be handled incorrectly. Scripting: `padLeft `(), `truncateLeft `() and `padOrTruncateLeft `(), and their `Right` counterparts.
6.4.1718 Sep 2024 17:45 minor bugfix: Spectrogram: #Paint: solved a that could cause Praat to crash if the time domain was smaller than that of the Spectrogram. ScriptEditor: ##Run selection# can call procedures outside the selected text. Audio files: can open Polyphone (Shorten) files.
6.4.1625 Aug 2024 08:45 minor feature: Windows: make command-line output visible (new on ARM64, was lost in 6.4.14 for Intel64 and Intel32).
6.4.1403 Aug 2024 09:25 minor bugfix: Pitch menu (in e.g. Sound or TextGrid window): separate settings for four pitch analysis methods. Formant analysis: faster on all systems. ARM64 Windows: worked around a compiler that caused incorrect window sizes. Pitch analysis: faster on Windows (Intel64 and Intel32). Windows: better fonts and background colours (perhaps dependent on language settings). ##TextGrids: Concatenate#: guard against some incorrect TexGrid files.
6.4.1311 Jun 2024 03:25 minor bugfix: More manual pages. @@Sounds: Concatenate with overlap...@: guard against a crash that would occur if the total overlap time was longer than the original sounds together. @`number` recognizes hexadecimal numbers again (since February 2023).
6.4.1220 May 2024 10:25 minor bugfix: ##Align interval#: fewer error messages.
6.4.1128 Apr 2024 22:25 minor bugfix: Menu commands that call a script (e.g. those that were added from a plug-in). Are now visible as such by being marked with a little + sign. a that could cause the SpeechSynthesizer to mishandle European. Characters with accents on Linux.
6.4.1024 Apr 2024 14:45 minor bugfix: Function windows: a problem that could cause Praat to crash when doing #all after #Group. When windows had a different duration.
6.4.0820 Apr 2024 17:45 minor bugfix: Windows: a problem with the right and bottom edges of windows (half-visible scroll bars). For the Intel editions (the ARM64 edition still has this problem). Scripting: a that could cause Praat to crash when an unknown choice was given to an option menu. MelSpectrogram: a that could cause Praat to crash if a mel value was negative. DataModeler: improved confidence limits on estimated model parameters.
6.4.0714 Apr 2024 08:45 minor bugfix: The command @@Sound Pitch: To PointProcess (cc)@, which is also used when computing the times of pulses in the Sound window, could cause Praat to freeze when the pitch ceiling (and the measured pitch). Were very high; this problem existed since at least 2001. eSpeak: new version, with e.g. Tigrinya. Support for 119-dpi graphics on Windows. Repaired a that could cause the Artword windows to crash if the Time field was left empty.
6.4.0626 Feb 2024 13:45 minor documentation: Sound files on Windows: corrected a bug (existing since July 2021) that prevented reading FLAC files with special characters in their names. FormantPathEditor without Sound: corrected several bugs that caused Praat to crash (such as ##Formant listing#, using the Pitch menu...). Spectrogram painting: improved painting of very quiet spectrograms at extreme dynamic ranges. Scripting: @`folderExists`. Scripting: home-relative paths (such as ` /sounds/*.wav`) in more locations, such as @`fileNames #`, @@Create Strings as file list...@, and @`createFolder`.
6.4.0528 Jan 2024 03:15 minor documentation: Many typos in manual.
6.4.0409 Jan 2024 03:15 minor documentation: Typo in example script in manual. ARM64 edition for Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 and up). ARM64 edition for Chromebook (Ubuntu 20.04 and up).
6.4.0305 Jan 2024 08:05 minor bugfix: ARM64 edition for Linux. ARM64 edition for Windows.
6.4.0231 Dec 2023 12:05 minor bugfix: Saving sounds as MP3 files.
6.4.0102 Dec 2023 03:15 minor bugfix: Removed some visible percent signs before variable names from the scripting tutorial. SoundEditor/TextGridEditor logging: when logging 'f0', Praat now correctly reports values in Hz (rather than logarithms) if Unit is set to Hertz (logarithmic) . This had existed since Praat version 4.3.16 (June 2005).  SoundEditor/TextGridEditor scripting compatibility: made old versions of Pitch settings... . And Advanced pitch settings... available to scripts again, made the old denominations autocorrelation and cross-correlation (as pitch analysis methods) available to scripts again. And made obsolete versions of pitch analysis settings (such as Pitch silence threshold ) Available again, now under the COMPATIBILITY section of the output of Editor info . This will allow older editor scripts to continue to run without change.
6.416 Nov 2023 03:15 minor feature: New pitch analysis methods: @@Sound: To Pitch (filtered ac)...@ and. @@Sound: To Pitch (filtered cc)...@. @@Sound: To Pitch (filtered ac)...@ has become the preferred method for. Measuring vocal-fold vibration and intonation (@@Sound: To Pitch (raw cc)...@ is still the preferred method for voice analysis). See @@How to choose a pitch analysis method@.
6.3.2025 Oct 2023 06:45 minor bugfix: SpeechSynthesizer and automatic alignment in TextGridEditor: worked around a introduced in 6.3.18 that caused incorrect rendering of phonemes consisting of four UTF-8 bytes (such as /ɔː/). SpeechSynthesizer and automatic alignment in TextGridEditor: worked around a very. Old that deleted word-final /l/ in Dutch and English.
6.3.1921 Oct 2023 07:05 minor bugfix: MacOS: resolved a crash when Praat started up on macOS 12 or older. (worked around a in the Xcode linker that comes with macOS 14 Sonoma).
6.3.1819 Sep 2023 03:15 minor feature: @SpeechSynthesizer: included the new version of eSpeak (development 1.52), which has 133 languages. @@Add to menu...@: you can now add separators, headers and indented submenus to menus in editor windows.
6.3.1711 Sep 2023 03:15 minor feature: SoundEditor: three Paste options, namely ##Paste before selection# (Shift-Command-V). ##Paste over selection# (Option-Command-V), and the already existing ##Paste after selection#. (now Command-V). All editor windows: extended the old single-level Undo and Redo to a ten-level Undo and Redo. Scripting: the new @`runSystem ` and @`runSubprocess ` return the output of the system command or subprocess. Scripting: @`runSystem`, @`runSystem `, @`runSubprocess` and @`runSubprocess `. Report any error messages generated by the system command or subprocess. PointEditor (pulses): settable ##Period floor#, ##Period ceiling#. ##Maximum period factor# and ##Maximum amplitude factor#, for jitter and shimmer measurements.
6.3.1630 Aug 2023 03:15 minor bugfix: Sound analysis areas: better visible contrast in intensity curve (green on lime). Windows: repaired a introduced in 6.3.10 (as a result of the repair mentioned there) by which the Demo window would be insensitive to arrow keys. SpeechSynthesizer: repaired a that caused ##Get phonemes from text...# to return empty text. Repaired a that caused Praat to crash when you supplied 0. For the channel number in @@Sound: Get nearest zero crossing...@.
6.3.1524 Aug 2023 07:25 minor bugfix: SpeechSynthesizer: improvements in ##Get phonemes from text...#. Scripting: @`part#`, @`part##`, @`selected #`.
6.3.1405 Aug 2023 03:15 minor bugfix: Repaired a that occurred when saving a @FormantPath to disk.
6.3.1301 Aug 2023 06:05 minor bugfix: Repaired a introduced in 6.3.12 by which a link to a file wasn t found in external manual pages.
6.3.1226 Jul 2023 16:46 minor feature: Improvements in manual, including corrections on layout problems introduced in version 6.3.11.