Recent Releases
6.4.2609 Jan 2025 08:05
minor bugfix:
##Rectangle text (maximal fit)...# is perhaps useful in general.
But will especially facilitate text and button drawing in Demo window.
Linux for ARM64 processors: sped up some slow computations by a factor of over 100.
##OTGrammar Strings Strings: Tabulate all correct rankings# lists all full rankings.
That map the given list of inputs to the given list of partial outputs,
Using brute-force permutation of up to 18 constraints.
##OTGrammar: Tabulate equivalent pairs# checks to what extent different candidates.
Have different sets of constraint violations.
6.4.2509 Dec 2024 05:45
minor bugfix:
Command-line interface: solved a crash that occurred when a menu command was not available.
Windows: open source code signing.
6.4.2405 Dec 2024 04:45
minor bugfix:
FormantPath: with sampling frequency.
Formant measurements: in autocorrelation and robust methods.
Manual: better support for screens taller than 15 inches.
Scripting: support for subtraction and unary minus for tensors.
Scripting: removed `sendsocket`.
6.4.2328 Nov 2024 11:45
minor documentation:
Audio output: higher-quality playback of sounds with unusual sampling frequencies.
Scripting: better error messages on #Save commands.
Better HTML output from manuals (e.g. italicized or bolded backslash sequences).
6.4.2226 Nov 2024 10:05
minor bugfix:
More robustness against trying to run a binary file as a script.
Windows Sound window: faster zooming with Ctrl-scrollwheel.
Windows: guarantee Explorer-type file selection windows.
6.4.2125 Nov 2024 05:25
minor bugfix:
SpeechSynthesizer: repaired an old whereby ##Get phonemes from text...# could increase the duration
of a subsequent ##Play# (or ##To Sound...#).
SpeechSynthesizer and TextGrid alignment: repaired a (existing since 6.4.18) whereby #clause and #word tiers would be empty.
TextGrid window: disambiguated Command-F5 (now Option-F5 for ##Get minimum pitch#; likewise, Option-F8 for ##Get minimum intensity#).
Calling Praat from command line: reenabled `--pref-dir=` option.
6.4.2024 Nov 2024 23:05
major bugfix:
Linux: repaired a major whereby Praat could crash when trying to draw to a hidden Picture window.
Scripting: just like normal forms, pause forms now also accept yes and off (and the like) instead of just 1 and 0.
Scripting: repaired a minor whereby `optionmenu` in forms would show an incorrect default value.
6.4.1923 Nov 2024 04:25
minor bugfix:
Repaired many in the eSpeak part of Praat.
6.4.1827 Oct 2024 04:25
minor bugfix:
SpeechSynthesizer and TextGrid alignment: solved an eSpeak-internal that caused some.
Rare long phoneme codes to be handled incorrectly.
Scripting: `padLeft `(), `truncateLeft `() and `padOrTruncateLeft `(), and their `Right` counterparts.
6.4.1718 Sep 2024 17:45
minor bugfix:
Spectrogram: #Paint: solved a that could cause Praat to crash if the time domain was smaller than that of the Spectrogram.
ScriptEditor: ##Run selection# can call procedures outside the selected text.
Audio files: can open Polyphone (Shorten) files.
6.4.1625 Aug 2024 08:45
minor feature:
Windows: make command-line output visible (new on ARM64, was lost in 6.4.14 for Intel64 and Intel32).
6.4.1403 Aug 2024 09:25
minor bugfix:
Pitch menu (in e.g. Sound or TextGrid window): separate settings for four pitch analysis methods.
Formant analysis: faster on all systems.
ARM64 Windows: worked around a compiler that caused incorrect window sizes.
Pitch analysis: faster on Windows (Intel64 and Intel32).
Windows: better fonts and background colours (perhaps dependent on language settings).
##TextGrids: Concatenate#: guard against some incorrect TexGrid files.
6.4.1311 Jun 2024 03:25
minor bugfix:
More manual pages.
@@Sounds: Concatenate with overlap...@: guard against a crash that would occur
if the total overlap time was longer than the original sounds together.
@`number` recognizes hexadecimal numbers again (since February 2023).
6.4.1220 May 2024 10:25
minor bugfix:
##Align interval#: fewer error messages.
6.4.1128 Apr 2024 22:25
minor bugfix:
Menu commands that call a script (e.g. those that were added from a plug-in).
Are now visible as such by being marked with a little + sign.
a that could cause the SpeechSynthesizer to mishandle European.
Characters with accents on Linux.
6.4.1024 Apr 2024 14:45
minor bugfix:
Function windows: a problem that could cause Praat to crash when doing #all after #Group.
When windows had a different duration.
6.4.0820 Apr 2024 17:45
minor bugfix:
Windows: a problem with the right and bottom edges of windows (half-visible scroll bars).
For the Intel editions (the ARM64 edition still has this problem).
Scripting: a that could cause Praat to crash when an unknown choice was given to an option menu.
MelSpectrogram: a that could cause Praat to crash if a mel value was negative.
DataModeler: improved confidence limits on estimated model parameters.
6.4.0714 Apr 2024 08:45
minor bugfix:
The command @@Sound Pitch: To PointProcess (cc)@, which is also used when computing the times of pulses
in the Sound window, could cause Praat to freeze when the pitch ceiling (and the measured pitch).
Were very high; this problem existed since at least 2001.
eSpeak: new version, with e.g. Tigrinya.
Support for 119-dpi graphics on Windows.
Repaired a that could cause the Artword windows to crash if the Time field was left empty.
6.4.0626 Feb 2024 13:45
minor documentation:
Sound files on Windows: corrected a bug (existing since July 2021) that prevented reading FLAC files with special characters in their names.
FormantPathEditor without Sound: corrected several bugs that caused Praat to crash (such as ##Formant listing#, using the Pitch menu...).
Spectrogram painting: improved painting of very quiet spectrograms at extreme dynamic ranges.
Scripting: @`folderExists`.
Scripting: home-relative paths (such as ` /sounds/*.wav`) in more locations, such as @`fileNames #`, @@Create Strings as file list...@, and @`createFolder`.
6.4.0528 Jan 2024 03:15
minor documentation:
Many typos in manual.
6.4.0409 Jan 2024 03:15
minor documentation:
Typo in example script in manual.
ARM64 edition for Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 and up).
ARM64 edition for Chromebook (Ubuntu 20.04 and up).
6.4.0305 Jan 2024 08:05
minor bugfix:
ARM64 edition for Linux.
ARM64 edition for Windows.
6.4.0231 Dec 2023 12:05
minor bugfix:
Saving sounds as MP3 files.
6.4.0102 Dec 2023 03:15
minor bugfix:
Removed some visible percent signs before variable names from the scripting tutorial.
SoundEditor/TextGridEditor logging: when logging 'f0',
Praat now correctly reports values in Hz (rather than logarithms)
if Unit is set to Hertz (logarithmic) .
This had existed since Praat version 4.3.16 (June 2005).
SoundEditor/TextGridEditor scripting compatibility: made old versions of Pitch settings... .
And Advanced pitch settings... available to scripts again, made the old denominations
autocorrelation and cross-correlation (as pitch analysis methods) available to scripts again.
And made obsolete versions of pitch analysis settings (such as Pitch silence threshold )
Available again, now under the COMPATIBILITY section of the output of Editor info .
This will allow older editor scripts to continue to run without change.
6.416 Nov 2023 03:15
minor feature:
New pitch analysis methods: @@Sound: To Pitch (filtered ac)...@ and.
@@Sound: To Pitch (filtered cc)...@.
@@Sound: To Pitch (filtered ac)...@ has become the preferred method for.
Measuring vocal-fold vibration and intonation (@@Sound: To Pitch (raw cc)...@
is still the preferred method for voice analysis).
See @@How to choose a pitch analysis method@.
6.3.2025 Oct 2023 06:45
minor bugfix:
SpeechSynthesizer and automatic alignment in TextGridEditor: worked around a introduced in 6.3.18 that caused incorrect rendering of phonemes consisting
of four UTF-8 bytes (such as /ɔː/).
SpeechSynthesizer and automatic alignment in TextGridEditor: worked around a very.
Old that deleted word-final /l/ in Dutch and English.
6.3.1921 Oct 2023 07:05
minor bugfix:
MacOS: resolved a crash when Praat started up on macOS 12 or older.
(worked around a in the Xcode linker that comes with macOS 14 Sonoma).
6.3.1819 Sep 2023 03:15
minor feature:
@SpeechSynthesizer: included the new version of eSpeak (development 1.52), which has 133 languages.
@@Add to menu...@: you can now add separators, headers and indented submenus to menus in editor windows.
6.3.1711 Sep 2023 03:15
minor feature:
SoundEditor: three Paste options, namely ##Paste before selection# (Shift-Command-V).
##Paste over selection# (Option-Command-V), and the already existing ##Paste after selection#.
(now Command-V).
All editor windows: extended the old single-level Undo and Redo
to a ten-level Undo and Redo.
Scripting: the new @`runSystem ` and @`runSubprocess ` return the output
of the system command or subprocess.
Scripting: @`runSystem`, @`runSystem `, @`runSubprocess` and @`runSubprocess `.
Report any error messages generated by the system command or subprocess.
PointEditor (pulses): settable ##Period floor#, ##Period ceiling#.
##Maximum period factor# and ##Maximum amplitude factor#, for jitter and shimmer measurements.
6.3.1630 Aug 2023 03:15
minor bugfix:
Sound analysis areas: better visible contrast in intensity curve (green on lime).
Windows: repaired a introduced in 6.3.10 (as a result of the repair mentioned there)
by which the Demo window would be insensitive to arrow keys.
SpeechSynthesizer: repaired a that caused ##Get phonemes from text...#
to return empty text.
Repaired a that caused Praat to crash when you supplied 0.
For the channel number in @@Sound: Get nearest zero crossing...@.
6.3.1524 Aug 2023 07:25
minor bugfix:
SpeechSynthesizer: improvements in ##Get phonemes from text...#.
Scripting: @`part#`, @`part##`, @`selected #`.
6.3.1405 Aug 2023 03:15
minor bugfix:
Repaired a that occurred when saving a @FormantPath to disk.
6.3.1301 Aug 2023 06:05
minor bugfix:
Repaired a introduced in 6.3.12 by which a link to a file wasn t found in external manual pages.
6.3.1226 Jul 2023 16:46
minor feature:
Improvements in manual, including corrections on layout problems introduced in version 6.3.11.