Seq66 0.99.12

Seq66 is a loop based midi sequencer that provides the functionality needed for a live performance. It is a refactoring of the Qt version of Sequencer64 with modern C++ and with a lot of krufty buildup removed. Sequencer64 was based on the classic Seq24, styled after the Akai MPC line, the Kawai Q80 sequencer, or the popular Alesis MMT-8

Tags audio sequencer
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases

0.99.1214 Jan 2024 12:45 minor feature: Added: Clang compiler support. Provisional build process for FreeBSD. Added an script to reconfigure without using bash. Added 'rc' option to skip, recover, or abort from bad running status in MIDI files (trilogy.mid). : Errors and warnings revealed by Clang. The reading, processing, writing, and display of SysEx and Meta events. Now handle unterminated SysEx messages (Dixie04.mid). with building the command-line "portmidi" version. A one-character buffer overflow in portmidi.c. in --option log=file. Q button not working to set keep-queue status. Queued-solo functionality improved. Changed: Upgraded the Event editor Dump output. Removed: Disabled the grid-solo option as redundant. Will repurpose later.
0.99.1106 Dec 2023 11:29 minor bugfix: Added: Added 8 more ui-palette entries, total of 32. Probably enough. Added display of a pattern input bus (if present) in the grid. Slot. It is shown just before the pattern length at top right. Added mute-group label ("MG") to main window. Added a pre-made MIDI file to use with record-by-channel. Added a record-by-buss feature. Added a way to toggle recording of more than pattern at once. Can now paste a pattern into a new or another loaded MIDI file. Added optional paramater to the --priority option. Added showing program changes in slot button. Added showing text events in the data pane and all text events in the main Session tab. its Save Info button. Implemented the "menu-mode" automation. It duplicates the function of the hide/show button, to toggle between hiding some of the main. Window controls and the main menu, and showing them. : "Would it be possible to have NEWS structured like a changelog". Errors setting style-sheet, palette, and mutes in Preferences / Session. Enhanced this tab to indicate when. Exit (as opposed to internal restart) is needed. Ing various playlist errors: - PPQN setting causing slow/fast playback. Cannot. Display 120 PPQN well, too intrusive. Converted Contrib/midi/Carpet_of_the_Sun_karaoke_meta_text.mid From 120 to 192 PPQN. Segfaults due to not stopping playback before loading. The next song or basing calculations on missing values. Ing the massive botch of the Set Master tab. More in Mutes tab, including raising the modify flag. App exiting unceremoniously if "quiet" is set. Minor in Song zoom with 1920 PPQN. Odd breaking MIDI-control-out (display). Prevent long redundant start-up error messages. Solo feature. Should unsolo before starting another. Solo. Queue and keep-queue. Not saving record-by-channel. record-by-channel. Prevent long redundant start-up error messages. Solo feature. Should unsolo before starting another. Solo. Queue and keep-queue. Not saving record-by-channel. record-by-channel. Not modifying the song whe
0.99.1003 Dec 2023 12:23 minor feature: