Recent Releases

3.0.1-205 Jan 2019 07:45 minor feature: Uopdate release notes for v3.0.0 . Uopdate release notes for v3.0.0. . Correct LocalDate for Cassandra 3.x; improve getObject() support. . Update documentation. . Support for materialized views; meta-data enhancements. . Merge branch 'develop' into feature/LocalDate. . Merge branch 'feature/LocalDate' into develop. . With timezones during tests; removing string comparison.
3.0.102 Jan 2019 02:03 minor feature: Support added for new Cassandra 3.x datatypes (LocalDate / LocalTime) as well as Materialized Views.
3.0.021 Nov 2016 03:13 minor feature: Adding support for Cassandra 3.0, this has changed how the system schema should be queried by the driver.
2.1.118 Jan 2016 07:25 minor feature: Adding support for quirks mode in IntelliJ and DbVisualizer. Moved all parameters to the JDBC Parameters section and away from the URL.
2.1.028 Dec 2015 00:27 major feature: Support for native CQL V3 driver; re-write that no longer requires Thrift to operate. Functional in common clients like DbVisualizer. Suitable for query logic only; very limited testing for update/delete operations.