µBlock Origin 1.62.0

µBlock Origin is an efficient and general-purpose web filter plugin for browsers. It's primarily used for ad blocking of course. Runs in Firefox, Chrome, Opera Blink, Safari, Fennec, and other Chromium-based browsers. It automatically uses EasyList, EasyPrivacy and Malware Domain filter lists, but also supports hpHosts, MVPS HOSTS, Spam404 and many other curated block lists. µBlock is speedier and more memory conservative than other ad blockers, and is completely open source, does not undermine filtering like ADPs sponsored ads.

Tags javascript browser ad-blocker filter privacy
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases

1.62.005 Jan 2025 03:16 major feature: ## / changes- deserialization of ArrayBuffer shared by multiple TypedArrays. Improve `trusted-suppress-native-method` scriptlet. Improve `urlskip=` filter option. Improve `parse-properties-to-match` scriptlet helper. Improve `href-sanitizer` scriptlet. Improve quote usage in filter options and scriptlets. Improve `trusted-suppress-native-method` scriptlet. Improve `trusted-replace-argument` scriptlet. Block media elements unconditionally when max size is set to 0. - Regression from . Visually separate scriptlet parameters in active line. Mitigate potentially delayed execution of scriptlets in Firefox. Improve `prevent-setTimeout`/`prevent-setInterval` scriptlets. Improve `trusted-replace-argument` scriptlet. Add `-safebase64` directive to `urlskip=` option. Improve `urlskip=` filter option. Improve `spoof-css` scriptlet. Improve `trusted-set-attr` scriptlet. Add support for EasyList ` remove: true ` cosmetic filter syntax. Keep moving related scriptlets into separate files. Improve `prevent-xhr` scriptlet. Improve `trusted-suppress-native-method` scriptlet. Improve `set-cookie` scriptlet.
1.61.230 Nov 2024 11:45 minor bugfix: ## / changes. Better handle unexpected conditions when deserializing. Potential infinite async loop.
1.61.029 Nov 2024 04:25 major feature: ## / changes. Improve `prevent-refresh` scriptlet. Improve `googlesyndication_adsbygoogle.js` scriptlet. Offer ability to skip redirects in strict-blocked page. Add `-blocked` directive to `urlskip=` option. Add `trusted-set-attr` scriptlet. Remove `64:ff9b:` as private network block. Ensure `urlskip=` redirects only to `https:`. Add support to `urlskip=` media resources. Add `-uricomponent` to `urlskip=` option. Add `forbidden`/`forever` as safe cookie values. Add regex extraction transformation step to `urlskip=` option. Improve `prevent-window-open` scriptlet. Add support to parse Adguard's ` domain=/.../ ` regex-based modifier (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/58bfe4c846). Validate result type of XPath expressions. npm test suite. Add ability to lookup parameter name in `urlskip=`. Mind that BroadcastChannel contructor can throw in Firefox. Add `trusted-override-element-method` scriptlet. Add `trusted-prevent-dom-bypass` scriptlet. Improve `prevent-xhr` scriptlet; add `trusted-prevent-xhr` scriptlet. Skip dns resolution when requests are proxied through http. Blocking large media elements also prevents autoplay, regardless of size. Do not discard `!#else` block for unknown preprocessor tokens. Add ability to decode base64 in `urlskip=`. images not properly downloading on click.
1.60.025 Nov 2024 09:45 major feature: ## / changes. Add advanced setting `dnsResolveEnabled`. contextual menu quirks. exception thrown in `spoof-css` in Firefox. Throttle down repeated scriptlet logging information. Improve scriptlet helper `proxy-apply`. Add an entry in _Report_ page for badware/phishing category. New static network filter option `urlskip=`. Rewrite cname uncloaking code to account for new `ipaddress=` option. Avoid using dns.resolve() for proxied DNS resolution. Add support for `lan`/`loopback` values to `ipaddress=` option. New static network filter option `ipaddress=`. Add ability to quote static network option values. Improve `prevent-fetch` scriptlet. Apply CSP/PP injections to `object` resources. Improve `xml-prune` scriptlet. Add support for `application/dash+xml` in `replace=` option. Add ability to directly evaluate static network filtering engine. `prevent-window-open` for when logger is open. Improve `prevent-window-open` scriptlet. Improve `validate-constant` scriptlet helper. Improve `trusted-replace-outbound-text` scriptlet. Improve `prevent-xhr` scriptlet. Add noop resources for redirect purpose. Use helper function to lookup safe cookie values. Add `checked`/`unchecked` to `set-cookie`. Add `allowed`/`denied` to `set-local-storage-item`. plain exceptions not overriding block filters using `header=` option. Improve various scriptlets. Improve `href-sanitizer` scriptlet. Improve `remove-attr.js` scriptlet. Improve `trusted-replace-node-text` scriptlet.
1.59.009 Sep 2024 22:05 major feature: ## / changes. Improve `href-sanitizer` scriptlet. Improve `trusted-replace-node-text` scriptlet. Improve `set-constant` scriptlet. Improve `prevent-fetch` scriptlet. Improve `href-sanitizer` scriptlet. CSP/PP header injection in non-document resources. Add `trusted-suppress-native-method` scriptlet. Add support for ` currentISODate ` in `trusted-set-cookie` scriptlet. Add `essential` and `nonessential` to set-cookie. distance calculation in picker. bad serialization of Date objects. race condition when loading redirect/scriptlet resources. Improve logging in `prevent-addEventListener` scriptlet. Add `:matches-prop()` pseudo CSS operator. Improve `set-cookie` scriptlet. Improve `trusted-replace-node-text` scriptlet. Improve `trusted-replace-(fetch xhr)-response` scriptlets. Improve `prevent-addEventListener` scriptlet. Add `isodate` as available placeholder for auto-comment. Improve `trusted-replace-outbound-text` scriptlet. Classify generic cosmetic filters with comma as highly generic. Raise max buffer size for response body filtering. Trim end of class tokens in generic cosmetic filtering's surveyor. Improve `trusted-set-cookie` scriptlet.
1.58.029 May 2024 11:05 major feature: ## / changes. Fallback to `requestAnimationFrame` when `requestIdleCallback` is not available. Improve `trusted-click-element` scriptlet. Replace EasyDutch with AdGuard Dutch. Add checksum validation when loading trie buffers in selfie. Catch exceptions in API calls for the sake of old Chromium versions. Add `accept`/`reject` to `set-local-storage-item`. Use raw string for regex patterns in python scripts. Improve `noeval-if` scriptlet. Improve `trusted-set-local-storage-item` scriptlet. potential corruption when reading serialized data. Improve `remove- attr class ` scriptlets (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/91dfcbef2a). Improve dashboard layout at high zoom factor. Add a console pane to the logger. Improve `spoof-css` scriptlet. bad date computation in auto-comment feature. regression breaking import of `file://` lists. Add `trusted-replace-outbound-text` scriptlet. Improve ` trusted- set-cookie` scriptlets (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/49ff7cffb1).
1.57.209 Apr 2024 09:45 minor bugfix: ## / changes. Stray lists in redesigned cache storage.
1.57.030 Mar 2024 22:05 major feature: ## / changes. Do not block large media resources when loaded as top-level document. Properly manage cache storage regarding managed user filters. Improve ` trusted- set-cookie` scriptlets (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/11a48561e0). Belgian and Nepali flags for Windows Chromium users. Mind that `tabs.sendMessage` can throw. Improve `set-cookie` scriptlet. Append wildcard character only when filter starts ends with `/`. failure to create popup logger window sometimes. Improve json-prune-related scriptlets. Support maximizing editor to viewport size. Add advanced setting to force popup panel orientation. Add checkboxes to "My filters" pane. Assume UTF-8 when no encoding can be looked up. with "My filters" pane on mobile. Support aborting "Pick" mode in element picker. Remove sections with no lists in "Filter lists" pane. Add "Social widgets", "Cookie notices" sections in "Filter lists" pane. No longer disable generic cosmetic filters by default on mobile. Improve `spoof-css` scriptlet. Make asset updater compatible with non-persistent background page. Move dragbar to the top of element picker dialog. - Move "Quit" button to top bar in element picker. Add advanced setting `requestStatsDisabled`. First lookup matching stock lists when importing URLs. Reset filter lists in worker when creating filters via "Block element". Remove trusted-source requirement when using `badfilter`. Redesign cache storage. Don't match network filter-derived regexes against non-network URIs. Remove obsolete trusted directives. Support logging details of calls to `json-prune-fetch-response`. Escape special whitespace characters in attribute values.
1.56.028 Feb 2024 14:26 major feature: - Mind that multiple `uritransform` may apply to a single request (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/2a5a444482) - Fix incorrect built-in filtering expression in logger (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/9bff0c2f94) - Fix improper invalidation of valid `uritransform` exception filters (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/21ec5a277c) - Improve `prevent-addEventListener` scriptlet (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/b22b3d729b) - Fix Chartbeat flicker control `div`'s (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/397d6d47b9) (by @ryanbr) - Fix potential exfiltration of browsing history by a rogue list author through `permissions=` (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/7b138b58c6) - Ignore event handler-related attributes in `set-attr` scriptlet (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/3037ae5f04) (suggested by @distinctmondaylilac) - Fix potential exfiltration of browsing history by a rogue list author through `csp=` (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/db5656f607) (reported by @distinctmondaylilac) - Output scriptlet logging information to the logger (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/869a653fdf) - Fix decompiling of scriptlet parameters (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/49dd68ef3d) - Add support for `extraMatch` in `trusted-click-element` scriptlet (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/45e62c939f) - Remove minimum height constraint from "My filters" pane (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/f624c835c2) - Unregister all scriptlets when disabling uBO on a specific site (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/13dcd844a7) - Allow `uritransform` to process the hash part of a URL (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/b19094339f) - Remember presentation state of "My rules" pane (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/3d1b100646) - Fix improperly assembled `!#include` sublists (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/0e00010b91) - Mark procedural filters with pseudo-elements
1.53.5rc614 Nov 2023 12:45 minor feature: Add `trusted-set-session-storage-item` scriptlet Related discussion: uBlockOrigin/uAssets#20630 (comment).
1.52.3rc523 Oct 2023 04:25 minor feature: Fine tune CSS Related discussion: uBlockOrigin/uBlock-(comment).
1.51.1b123 Jul 2023 10:25 minor feature: Add visual hint for filtered out rows in firewall pane Related discussion: uBlockOrigin/uBlock-.
1.50.008 Jun 2023 03:15 minor feature: Update `assets.json` for uBO 1.50.0 This may cause some list namesw to not be rendered in a quirky. Way in Chromium-based browsers due to country flags emojis not. Being available, but this will once people move to. UBO 1.50.0. Related : UBlockOrigin/uBlock-References: Https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regional_indicator_symbol.
1.49.3rc124 May 2023 14:05 minor feature: UBlockOrigin/uBlock-Use document.append() only when there are no elements in The DOM, as a document instance can't have more than one. Direct child.
1.45.3b621 Nov 2022 10:25 minor feature: Typo in string template code Related commit: Feaa338.
1.43.1b618 Jul 2022 11:05 minor feature: Update URLs for Latvian (LVA-0) list Related : uBlockOrigin/uBlock-.
1.40.5b108 Jan 2022 03:15 minor feature: Improve element picker/zapper's handling of shadow roots Related : uBlockOrigin/uBlock-.
1.40.402 Jan 2022 03:25 minor feature: Offer a way to disable tab-reloading at launch on Chromium-based brow sers. Related discussion: A0a9497#commitcomment-62560291. The behavior could be seen as annoying to some users, and before. This commit there is no way to opt-out of the behavior, introduced. in 1.40.0. This commit is only intended for Chromium version of uBO, and. Setting `suspendTabsUntilReady` to `no` will prevent active tab. Reload at launch once filter lists are all loaded. In next release, there will be a setting in the "Filter lists". Pane to easily control the behavior and `suspendTabsUntilReady`. Will be removed.
1.38.7b521 Oct 2021 07:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.38.6.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. patch by @pixeltris broken twitch.tv functionality.
1.38.7b317 Oct 2021 15:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.38.6.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. patch by @pixeltris broken twitch.tv functionality.
1.38.5b113 Oct 2021 18:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.38.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Update twitch-videoad scriptlet.
1.38.3b209 Oct 2021 03:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.38.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Regression with important filter option. Weird with removeparam and negated types.
1.38.3b005 Oct 2021 13:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.38.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Regression with important filter option. Weird with removeparam and negated types.
1.38.202 Oct 2021 01:45 minor feature: Firefox: Review pending uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Review pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Review pending. Regression with important filter option. Weird with removeparam and negated types.
1.38.1b024 Sep 2021 06:45 minor feature: Firefox: No stable release will occur until dev build is no longer stalled: uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Remove WebRTC leak prevention. removeparam doesn't work well with UrlEncoded gb2312 Chinese word. Scriptlets don't work randomly in Firefox. Security: comments can be used to smuggle url() functions into css values. Prevent uBO from hiding html or body when matched by a generic cosmetic filter. On Android Popup Overlays or Underlays On-Screen Navigation Buttons. Add path modifier of Adguard or any equivalents of this. The overview panel will not show everything if the uBO's icon is placed in the Firefox overflow menu. patch by @vtriolet TypeError in noscript-spoof scriptlet with invalid meta refresh URL. TypeError when trying to use element picker on plaintext resource. Split out core functionality into separate module This is of course an ongoing work for the foreseeable future, but the concrete goal sought in the has been reached, i.e. the static network filtering engine can be used as a nodejs module with no external dependencies. Since uBO's codebase now uses JS modules, the minimum version of supported browsers has been increased to Chromium 61, Firefox 60, and Opera 48. . This is of course an ongoing work for the foreseeable future, but the concrete goal sought in the has been reached, i.e. the static network filtering engine can be used as a nodejs module with no external dependencies. Since uBO's codebase now uses JS modules, the minimum version of supported browsers has been increased to Chromium 61, Firefox 60, and Ope
1.38.020 Sep 2021 07:05 minor feature: Firefox: No stable release will occur until dev build is no longer stalled uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Review pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Remove WebRTC leak prevention. removeparam doesn't work well with UrlEncoded gb2312 Chinese word. Scriptlets don't work randomly in Firefox. Security: comments can be used to smuggle url() functions into css values. Prevent uBO from hiding html or body when matched by a generic cosmetic filter. On Android Popup Overlays or Underlays On-Screen Navigation Buttons. Add path modifier of Adguard or any equivalents of this. The overview panel will not show everything if the uBO's icon is placed in the Firefox overflow menu. patch by @vtriolet TypeError in noscript-spoof scriptlet with invalid meta refresh URL. TypeError when trying to use element picker on plaintext resource. Split out core functionality into separate module This is of course an ongoing work for the foreseeable future, but the concrete goal sought in the has been reached, i.e. the static network filtering engine can be used as a nodejs module with no external dependencies. Since uBO's codebase now uses JS modules, the minimum version of supported browsers has been increased to Chromium 61, Firefox 60, and Opera 48. . This is of course an ongoing work for the foreseeable future, but the concrete goal sought in the has been reached, i.e. the static network filtering engine can be used as a nodejs module with no external dependencies. Since uBO's codebase now uses JS modules, the minimum version of supported browsers has been increased to Chromium 61, Firefox 60, and Opera 48. Better lookup all elements under mouse cursor in element picker. Add visual hint to grab area of element
1.37.3rc516 Sep 2021 17:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3rc112 Sep 2021 20:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3rc006 Sep 2021 14:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3b2102 Sep 2021 07:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3b2029 Aug 2021 12:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3b1626 Aug 2021 00:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3b1021 Aug 2021 11:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3b917 Aug 2021 20:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3b813 Aug 2021 09:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3b709 Aug 2021 19:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3b605 Aug 2021 15:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.3b301 Aug 2021 06:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. uBO 1.37 breaks at least some sites that use googletagmanager if specific filters in use.
1.37.1b228 Jul 2021 06:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.37.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. ' popup' not working. Service worker "tabless" requests with correct context are still modified when page is whitelisted. Back/Forward navigation does not work between Ublock Origin option pages. csp_report filter created via logger is marked as invalid. Extreme popup blocking - uBo dashboard is blocked when popups are. ipv6 fe80::1 lo0 localhost from hosts file is marked as error line. Whitespaces are now stripped from blocking-rule URLs, causing rules targeting whitespaces to fail and/or block extremely broadly. uBO's dashboard does not refresh custom filters in real-time. Element picker/zapper don't work if cosmetic filtering is disabled. Logger always highlights first match. Static filtering: Cannot prevent my filter from strict-blocking. Provide visual cue in popup panel when base domain has subdomains. Diswhere uBO's own filter lists are hosted. Add abort-current-script scriptlet. spurious error messages when updating contextual menu. Make getByName() return an dummy Tracker object. Add asap behavior to remove-attr scriptlet. Ensure pending callbacks are called only once.
1.37.1b024 Jul 2021 14:45 minor feature: Firefox: Review pending uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Review pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. ' popup' not working. Service worker "tabless" requests with correct context are still modified when page is whitelisted. Back/Forward navigation does not work between Ublock Origin option pages. csp_report filter created via logger is marked as invalid. Extreme popup blocking - uBo dashboard is blocked when popups are. ipv6 fe80::1 lo0 localhost from hosts file is marked as error line. Whitespaces are now stripped from blocking-rule URLs, causing rules targeting whitespaces to fail and/or block extremely broadly. uBO's dashboard does not refresh custom filters in real-time. Element picker/zapper don't work if cosmetic filtering is disabled. Logger always highlights first match. Static filtering: Cannot prevent my filter from strict-blocking. Provide visual cue in popup panel when base domain has subdomains. Diswhere uBO's own filter lists are hosted. Add abort-current-script scriptlet. spurious error messages when updating contextual menu. Make getByName() return an dummy Tracker object. Add asap behavior to remove-attr scriptlet. Ensure pending callbacks are called only once.
1.36.3rc020 Jul 2021 17:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.36.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. DoS with strict-blocking filter.
1.36.3b416 Jul 2021 10:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.36.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. DoS with strict-blocking filter.
1.36.3b112 Jul 2021 11:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.36.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. DoS with strict-blocking filter.
1.36.3b008 Jul 2021 10:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.36.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. DoS with strict-blocking filter.
1.36.1b204 Jul 2021 16:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.36.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Sumission pending. uBlock does not load adminSettings at first run. Bizarre perf drain when ajaxing in 90,000 DOM nodes in a react component. Google Tag Manager eventCallback in a populated dataLayer not called. Countering a removeparam filter causes page-redirect problem. Asset viewer shows no space between !#endif and a comment line in uBlock's list. Text in Manage Extension Shortcuts includes escaped shy;. In popup, the Reload button becomes immediately hidden if re-enabling the large power button too quickly. Add ability to linger for remove-class scriptlet. Add empty array, object to set-constant scriptlet. potential exception when casting to string. Make googletagmanager_gtm.js an alias of google-analytics_analytics.js. Ensure getter/setter are called with proper context. Allow filter list subscription through context menu. Keep reporting last time "out of date" lists were updated. improper hashing of rules in classic popup panel.
1.36.1b129 Jun 2021 10:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.36.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Sumission pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Sumission pending. uBlock does not load adminSettings at first run. Bizarre perf drain when ajaxing in 90,000 DOM nodes in a react component. Google Tag Manager eventCallback in a populated dataLayer not called. Countering a removeparam filter causes page-redirect problem. Asset viewer shows no space between !#endif and a comment line in uBlock's list. Text in Manage Extension Shortcuts includes escaped shy;. In popup, the Reload button becomes immediately hidden if re-enabling the large power button too quickly. Add ability to linger for remove-class scriptlet. Add empty array, object to set-constant scriptlet. potential exception when casting to string. Make googletagmanager_gtm.js an alias of google-analytics_analytics.js. Ensure getter/setter are called with proper context. Allow filter list subscription through context menu. Keep reporting last time "out of date" lists were updated. improper hashing of rules in classic popup panel.
1.36.1b025 Jun 2021 19:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.36.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Sumission pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Sumission pending. uBlock does not load adminSettings at first run. Bizarre perf drain when ajaxing in 90,000 DOM nodes in a react component. Google Tag Manager eventCallback in a populated dataLayer not called. Countering a removeparam filter causes page-redirect problem. Asset viewer shows no space between !#endif and a comment line in uBlock's list. Text in Manage Extension Shortcuts includes escaped shy;. In popup, the Reload button becomes immediately hidden if re-enabling the large power button too quickly. Add ability to linger for remove-class scriptlet. Add empty array, object to set-constant scriptlet. potential exception when casting to string. Make googletagmanager_gtm.js an alias of google-analytics_analytics.js. Ensure getter/setter are called with proper context. Allow filter list subscription through context menu. Keep reporting last time "out of date" lists were updated. improper hashing of rules in classic popup panel.
1.36.021 Jun 2021 19:25 minor feature: Firefox: Sumission pending uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Sumission pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Sumission pending. uBlock does not load adminSettings at first run. Bizarre perf drain when ajaxing in 90,000 DOM nodes in a react component. Google Tag Manager eventCallback in a populated dataLayer not called. Countering a removeparam filter causes page-redirect problem. Asset viewer shows no space between !#endif and a comment line in uBlock's list. Text in Manage Extension Shortcuts includes escaped shy;. In popup, the Reload button becomes immediately hidden if re-enabling the large power button too quickly. Add ability to linger for remove-class scriptlet. Add empty array, object to set-constant scriptlet. potential exception when casting to string. Make googletagmanager_gtm.js an alias of google-analytics_analytics.js. Ensure getter/setter are called with proper context. Allow filter list subscription through context menu. Keep reporting last time "out of date" lists were updated. improper hashing of rules in classic popup panel.
1.35.3rc417 Jun 2021 18:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Element picker, zapper and procedural filtering not working on facebook.com. Better handle network error when fetching sublist. Stop autoplay for unset media source with no-large-media-elements. Use CDN URLs as fall back URLs.
1.35.3rc313 Jun 2021 03:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Element picker, zapper and procedural filtering not working on facebook.com. Better handle network error when fetching sublist. Stop autoplay for unset media source with no-large-media-elements. Use CDN URLs as fall back URLs.
1.35.3rc109 Jun 2021 06:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Element picker, zapper and procedural filtering not working on facebook.com. Better handle network error when fetching sublist. Stop autoplay for unset media source with no-large-media-elements. Use CDN URLs as fall back URLs.
1.35.3rc005 Jun 2021 21:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Element picker, zapper and procedural filtering not working on facebook.com. Better handle network error when fetching sublist. Stop autoplay for unset media source with no-large-media-elements. Use CDN URLs as fall back URLs.
1.35.3b731 May 2021 06:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Element picker, zapper and procedural filtering not working on facebook.com. Better handle network error when fetching sublist. Stop autoplay for unset media source with no-large-media-elements. Use CDN URLs as fall back URLs.
1.35.3b627 May 2021 18:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Element picker, zapper and procedural filtering not working on facebook.com. Better handle network error when fetching sublist. Stop autoplay for unset media source with no-large-media-elements. Use CDN URLs as fall back URLs.
1.35.3b519 May 2021 07:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Element picker, zapper and procedural filtering not working on facebook.com. Better handle network error when fetching sublist. Stop autoplay for unset media source with no-large-media-elements. Use CDN URLs as fall back URLs.
1.35.3b115 May 2021 07:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Element picker, zapper and procedural filtering not working on facebook.com. Better handle network error when fetching sublist. Stop autoplay for unset media source with no-large-media-elements. Use CDN URLs as fall back URLs.
1.35.3b010 May 2021 14:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Element picker, zapper and procedural filtering not working on facebook.com. Better handle network error when fetching sublist. Stop autoplay for unset media source with no-large-media-elements. Use CDN URLs as fall back URLs.
1.35.202 May 2021 12:45 minor feature: Firefox: Review pending uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Element picker, zapper and procedural filtering not working on facebook.com. Better handle network error when fetching sublist. Stop autoplay for unset media source with no-large-media-elements. Use CDN URLs as fall back URLs.
1.35.1b028 Apr 2021 08:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. location. refresh. report-to. set-cookie. Block FLoC checks in Chrome/uBO. json-prune doesn't remove all properties by full wildcard. Remove advanced setting ignoreScriptInjectFilters. Finalize 3rd-party scripts/frames mini-filtering widget. Remove advanced setting ignoreRedirectFilters. regex used to extract attribute name in element picker. Add support for removal of response headers.
1.35.024 Apr 2021 12:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.35.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. location. refresh. report-to. set-cookie. Block FLoC checks in Chrome/uBO. json-prune doesn't remove all properties by full wildcard. Remove advanced setting ignoreScriptInjectFilters. Finalize 3rd-party scripts/frames mini-filtering widget. Remove advanced setting ignoreRedirectFilters. regex used to extract attribute name in element picker. Add support for removal of response headers.
1.34.1rc220 Apr 2021 10:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.34.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Picker glitch with elements with special characters in their tag name. Expose CNAME-uncloaking as a Privacy option in the Settings pane. Impossible to add explicit exception for implicit strict blocking. Invalid network filters suggested in element picker. Use +/- in the popup to indicate whether 3-p frames were blocked. no-scripting switch not working for SVG-based documents. Upgrade CodeMirror to 5.59.2. 'adsbygoogle' neutered script. Inject procedural cosmetic filterer's code only when needed.
1.34.1rc016 Apr 2021 07:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.34.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Picker glitch with elements with special characters in their tag name. Expose CNAME-uncloaking as a Privacy option in the Settings pane. Impossible to add explicit exception for implicit strict blocking. Invalid network filters suggested in element picker. Use +/- in the popup to indicate whether 3-p frames were blocked. no-scripting switch not working for SVG-based documents. Upgrade CodeMirror to 5.59.2. 'adsbygoogle' neutered script. Inject procedural cosmetic filterer's code only when needed.
1.34.1b412 Apr 2021 07:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.34.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Picker glitch with elements with special characters in their tag name. Expose CNAME-uncloaking as a Privacy option in the Settings pane. Impossible to add explicit exception for implicit strict blocking. Invalid network filters suggested in element picker. Use +/- in the popup to indicate whether 3-p frames were blocked. no-scripting switch not working for SVG-based documents. Upgrade CodeMirror to 5.59.2. 'adsbygoogle' neutered script. Inject procedural cosmetic filterer's code only when needed.
1.34.1b307 Apr 2021 10:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.34.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Picker glitch with elements with special characters in their tag name. Expose CNAME-uncloaking as a Privacy option in the Settings pane. Impossible to add explicit exception for implicit strict blocking. Invalid network filters suggested in element picker. Use +/- in the popup to indicate whether 3-p frames were blocked. no-scripting switch not working for SVG-based documents. Upgrade CodeMirror to 5.59.2. 'adsbygoogle' neutered script. Inject procedural cosmetic filterer's code only when needed.
1.34.1b216 Mar 2021 07:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.34.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Picker glitch with elements with special characters in their tag name. Expose CNAME-uncloaking as a Privacy option in the Settings pane. Impossible to add explicit exception for implicit strict blocking. Invalid network filters suggested in element picker. Use +/- in the popup to indicate whether 3-p frames were blocked. no-scripting switch not working for SVG-based documents. Upgrade CodeMirror to 5.59.2. 'adsbygoogle' neutered script. Inject procedural cosmetic filterer's code only when needed.
1.34.012 Mar 2021 08:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.34.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Picker glitch with elements with special characters in their tag name. Expose CNAME-uncloaking as a Privacy option in the Settings pane. Impossible to add explicit exception for implicit strict blocking. Invalid network filters suggested in element picker. Use +/- in the popup to indicate whether 3-p frames were blocked. no-scripting switch not working for SVG-based documents. Upgrade CodeMirror to 5.59.2. 'adsbygoogle' neutered script. Inject procedural cosmetic filterer's code only when needed.
1.33.3rc108 Mar 2021 14:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.33.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. After downgrading to 1.32.4, uBO is broken. Whitelisting a site on Chromium Edge still blocks resources fetched by service worker.
1.33.3b1104 Mar 2021 07:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.33.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. After downgrading to 1.32.4, uBO is broken. Whitelisting a site on Chromium Edge still blocks resources fetched by service worker.
1.33.3b928 Feb 2021 16:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.33.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. After downgrading to 1.32.4, uBO is broken. Whitelisting a site on Chromium Edge still blocks resources fetched by service worker.
1.33.3b824 Feb 2021 15:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.33.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. After downgrading to 1.32.4, uBO is broken. Whitelisting a site on Chromium Edge still blocks resources fetched by service worker.
1.33.3b420 Feb 2021 18:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.33.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. After downgrading to 1.32.4, uBO is broken. Whitelisting a site on Chromium Edge still blocks resources fetched by service worker.
1.33.3b116 Feb 2021 06:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.33.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. After downgrading to 1.32.4, uBO is broken. Whitelisting a site on Chromium Edge still blocks resources fetched by service worker.
1.33.3b008 Feb 2021 06:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.33.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. After downgrading to 1.32.4, uBO is broken. Whitelisting a site on Chromium Edge still blocks resources fetched by service worker.
1.33.204 Feb 2021 10:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.33.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. After downgrading to 1.32.4, uBO is broken. Whitelisting a site on Chromium Edge still blocks resources fetched by service worker.
1.33.1b031 Jan 2021 22:05 minor feature: Firefox: Review pending uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. click2load.html fails to load CNAME-3p frames after click on tagesschau.de. Only filtered part of rules is uploaded to cloud storage. remove-attr does not always work. Add AdGuard's noopvmap-1.0 equivalent as a redirect resource. Using an alias for custom scriptlet in my Filters pane is seen as invalid. Third party is not detected (or not exposed to the user). Add any-delay to timeout/interval boosters. Improve neutered adsbygoogle scriptlet. Expand managed storage for admins: Add userSettings entry to managed storage Add toOverwrite.filters entry as managed storage property Add toOverwrite.filterLists property to managed storage Adding to and further reviewing admin-managed settings Add support for admin-managed hidden settings . Add userSettings entry to managed storage. Add toOverwrite.filters entry as managed storage property. Add toOverwrite.filterLists property to managed storage. Adding to and further reviewing admin-managed settings. Add support for admin-managed hidden settings. Add ability to lookup effective context from store of frames. Just extract token from queryprune -- don't create pattern. word-based selection in filter list editor/viewer. potentially missing context in logger for popup entries. Improve extraction of tokens from regex-based filters. Upgrade CodeMirror library to 5.59.0.
1.33.031 Jan 2021 07:05 minor feature: Firefox: Review pending uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. click2load.html fails to load CNAME-3p frames after click on tagesschau.de. Only filtered part of rules is uploaded to cloud storage. remove-attr does not always work. Add AdGuard's noopvmap-1.0 equivalent as a redirect resource. Using an alias for custom scriptlet in my Filters pane is seen as invalid. Third party is not detected (or not exposed to the user). Add any-delay to timeout/interval boosters. Improve neutered adsbygoogle scriptlet. Expand managed storage for admins: Add userSettings entry to managed storage Add toOverwrite.filters entry as managed storage property Add toOverwrite.filterLists property to managed storage Adding to and further reviewing admin-managed settings Add support for admin-managed hidden settings . Add userSettings entry to managed storage. Add toOverwrite.filters entry as managed storage property. Add toOverwrite.filterLists property to managed storage. Adding to and further reviewing admin-managed settings. Add support for admin-managed hidden settings. Add ability to lookup effective context from store of frames. Just extract token from queryprune -- don't create pattern. word-based selection in filter list editor/viewer. potentially missing context in logger for popup entries. Improve extraction of tokens from regex-based filters. Upgrade CodeMirror library to 5.59.0.
1.32.5rc326 Jan 2021 06:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.32.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Problems with asterisk in the destination of hostname-based rules.
1.32.5rc122 Jan 2021 13:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.32.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Problems with asterisk in the destination of hostname-based rules.
1.32.5b1118 Jan 2021 14:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.32.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Problems with asterisk in the destination of hostname-based rules.
1.32.5b1014 Jan 2021 06:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.32.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Problems with asterisk in the destination of hostname-based rules.
1.32.5b910 Jan 2021 07:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.32.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Problems with asterisk in the destination of hostname-based rules.
1.32.5b506 Jan 2021 03:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.32.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Problems with asterisk in the destination of hostname-based rules.
1.32.5b102 Jan 2021 07:45 minor feature: Firefox: Review pending uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Problems with asterisk in the destination of hostname-based rules.
1.32.3b330 Dec 2020 02:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.32.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. queryprune incorrectly handles (removes) "hash" part of the URL. Allow default word selection when not using better selection. Better handle Request argument in no-fetch-if.
1.32.1b125 Dec 2020 06:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.32.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. GitHub dark mode makes whole page invisible when element picker is active. :watch-attr() stopped working (regression in 1.30.0). uBO should ignore redirect= directives with unrecognized redirect token. Can't load the images. Reverse lookup partially fails for a filter redirecting to empty media resource. Add AdGuard's " removeparam" as an alias for " queryprune". Network error entries in the logger are no longer colored in red. Support parsing "Homepage:" list header for custom lists. Please change the dashboard icon to a gear. Improve source destination sorting in "My rules" settings pane. uBO badge counter doesn't work when network requests originate from service-workers. Convert " rewrite=abp-resource" into " redirect". Migrate icons to FontAwesome svg files. Element picker works incorrectly on mail.com. case of scriptlet injection not working in about: frames. Add new scriptlet: no-fetch-if. Add support for match-case option; fine-tune behavior of redirect=. Add support to auto-complete values of domain lists. Improve representation of modifier filters in logger.
1.31.3rc421 Dec 2020 18:25 minor feature: Firefox: Will not be submitted uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. To enable the real-time toggling of cosmetic filters through the no-cosmetic-filtering switch;. To enable visualization of hidden elements in DOM inspector. tabs.removeCSS does not work as expected in Chromium 87. handling of no-longer-existing port condition.
1.31.3rc117 Dec 2020 12:25 minor feature: Firefox: Will not be submitted uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. To enable the real-time toggling of cosmetic filters through the no-cosmetic-filtering switch;. To enable visualization of hidden elements in DOM inspector. tabs.removeCSS does not work as expected in Chromium 87. handling of no-longer-existing port condition.
1.31.3b1313 Dec 2020 12:05 minor feature: Firefox: Will not be submitted uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. To enable the real-time toggling of cosmetic filters through the no-cosmetic-filtering switch;. To enable visualization of hidden elements in DOM inspector. tabs.removeCSS does not work as expected in Chromium 87. handling of no-longer-existing port condition.
1.31.3b509 Dec 2020 07:25 minor feature: Firefox: Will not be submitted uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. To enable the real-time toggling of cosmetic filters through the no-cosmetic-filtering switch;. To enable visualization of hidden elements in DOM inspector. tabs.removeCSS does not work as expected in Chromium 87. handling of no-longer-existing port condition.
1.31.3b105 Dec 2020 10:05 minor feature: Firefox: Will not be submitted uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. To enable the real-time toggling of cosmetic filters through the no-cosmetic-filtering switch;. To enable visualization of hidden elements in DOM inspector. tabs.removeCSS does not work as expected in Chromium 87. handling of no-longer-existing port condition.
1.31.1b1101 Dec 2020 14:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.31.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Review pending. Unable to scroll down to the last line in My Filters pane on Firefox for Android. "Home" button on Strict blocking page works incorrectly in some cases. Implement a version of " origin " that uses the whole URL and not just the domain. cosmetic filter ## selector is valid in element picker only. Implement queryprune parameter. Calling callback if provided for google analytics mock. Redirection syntax. Use user styles to collapse the placeholder of blocked resources. Make load-on-demand smarter for blocked large media elements. Work around Firefox's data: favIconUrl leak. Make json-prune scriptlet also trap Response.json() calls. Incrementally improve static filtering parser. Coallesce origin hit filters into their own bucket Allow domain= with entity values into pre-test buckets Enable origin-hit coalescing optimisation for modifier filters . Allow domain= with entity values into pre-test buckets. Enable origin-hit coalescing optimisation for modifier filters. Re-classify redirect= option as a modifier option. Improve token extraction from regex-based filters. Improve specificity slider in element picker. Use a CodeMirror editor instance in element picker. Add support for click-to-load of embedded frame
1.31.1b627 Nov 2020 12:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.31.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Submission pending The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Unable to scroll down to the last line in My Filters pane on Firefox for Android. "Home" button on Strict blocking page works incorrectly in some cases. Implement a version of " origin " that uses the whole URL and not just the domain. cosmetic filter ## selector is valid in element picker only. Implement queryprune parameter. Calling callback if provided for google analytics mock. Redirection syntax. Use user styles to collapse the placeholder of blocked resources. Make load-on-demand smarter for blocked large media elements. Work around Firefox's data: favIconUrl leak. Make json-prune scriptlet also trap Response.json() calls. Incrementally improve static filtering parser. Coallesce origin hit filters into their own bucket Allow domain= with entity values into pre-test buckets Enable origin-hit coalescing optimisation for modifier filters . Allow domain= with entity values into pre-test buckets. Enable origin-hit coalescing optimisation for modifier filters. Re-classify redirect= option as a modifier option. Improve token extraction from regex-based filters. Improve specificity slider in element picker. Use a CodeMirror editor instance in element picker. Add support for click-to-load of embedded frames. Minor improvements to syntax highlight of static filters.
1.31.1b223 Nov 2020 17:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.31.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Submission pending The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Unable to scroll down to the last line in My Filters pane on Firefox for Android. "Home" button on Strict blocking page works incorrectly in some cases. Implement a version of " origin " that uses the whole URL and not just the domain. cosmetic filter ## selector is valid in element picker only. Implement queryprune parameter. Calling callback if provided for google analytics mock. Redirection syntax. Use user styles to collapse the placeholder of blocked resources. Make load-on-demand smarter for blocked large media elements. Work around Firefox's data: favIconUrl leak. Make json-prune scriptlet also trap Response.json() calls. Incrementally improve static filtering parser. Coallesce origin hit filters into their own bucket Allow domain= with entity values into pre-test buckets Enable origin-hit coalescing optimisation for modifier filters . Allow domain= with entity values into pre-test buckets. Enable origin-hit coalescing optimisation for modifier filters. Re-classify redirect= option as a modifier option. Improve token extraction from regex-based filters. Improve specificity slider in element picker. Use a CodeMirror editor instance in element picker. Add support for click-to-load of embedded frames. Minor improvements to syntax highlight of static filters.
1.31.1b019 Nov 2020 07:25 minor feature: Firefox: Review pending uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Submission pending The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Unable to scroll down to the last line in My Filters pane on Firefox for Android. "Home" button on Strict blocking page works incorrectly in some cases. Implement a version of " origin " that uses the whole URL and not just the domain. cosmetic filter ## selector is valid in element picker only. Implement queryprune parameter. Calling callback if provided for google analytics mock. Redirection syntax. Use user styles to collapse the placeholder of blocked resources. Make load-on-demand smarter for blocked large media elements. Work around Firefox's data: favIconUrl leak. Make json-prune scriptlet also trap Response.json() calls. Incrementally improve static filtering parser. Coallesce origin hit filters into their own bucket Allow domain= with entity values into pre-test buckets Enable origin-hit coalescing optimisation for modifier filters . Allow domain= with entity values into pre-test buckets. Enable origin-hit coalescing optimisation for modifier filters. Re-classify redirect= option as a modifier option. Improve token extraction from regex-based filters. Improve specificity slider in element picker. Use a CodeMirror editor instance in element picker. Add support for click-to-load of embedded frames. Minor improvements to syntax highlight of static filters.
1.30.9b1411 Nov 2020 21:05 minor feature: Timing with cached redirection to web accessible resources Reported internally by @gwarser. In rare occasion, a timing could cause uBO to redirect. to a web accessible resource meant to be used for another. Network request. This is a regression introduced with the. Following commit: 2e5d32e. Additionally, I identified another which would cause. Cached redirection to fail when a cache entry with redirection. to a web accessible resource was being reused, an which. Could especially affect pages which are generated dynamically. (i.e. without full page reload).
1.30.7b528 Oct 2020 13:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.30.6.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Submission pending The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Review pending. Prevent set-constant from trapping non-configurable properties regression .
1.30.7b224 Oct 2020 08:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.30.6.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Submission pending The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Review pending. Prevent set-constant from trapping non-configurable properties regression .
1.30.5b720 Oct 2020 13:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.30.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Review pending. Prevent set-constant properties from being overtaken regression . Update urlhaus-filter URL. Update for twitch.tv.
1.30.5b116 Oct 2020 10:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.30.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Review pending. Prevent set-constant properties from being overtaken regression . Update urlhaus-filter URL. Update for twitch.tv.
1.30.3b412 Oct 2020 06:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.30.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Review pending. picker generating overly long candidate cosmetic filters regression .
1.30.3b008 Oct 2020 14:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.30.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Review pending. picker generating overly long candidate cosmetic filters regression .
1.30.1b305 Oct 2020 01:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.30.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Better reporting of error conditions in the user interface;. User interface widget to report storage used/total/max;. Support for compressing cloud storage data. Ability to sort rules by type, source, or destination;. Ability to show changes only. Fenix device name submit form. Improper support of IPv6 addresses in static filter domain= option. has() not work on . Cosmetic filters interfere with element picker visuals. Picker gets deformed when a cosmetic filter is added. Add Support for AdGuard special case pre-processor directives. Sort dynamic filter list by destination / host components. Better parsing of hosts file system addresses. Can't control specificity in element picker with Firefox for Android. Subscriber script needs to be improved. Add ability to view changes only in My Rules. Combining procedural selector :has() and :style(). Add visual hint for last selected entry in element picker. Prevent malicious pages from tampering with element picker. Prevent spurious instantiation of procedural filterer. Add abort-on-stack-trace scriptlet Related discussion: AdguardTeam/Scriptlets#82 . Related discussion: AdguardTeam/Scriptlets#82. ability to overwrite overquota'ed cloud storage. Add support for blocklist of filter lists Add concept of "really bad list" to badlists infrastructure . Add concept of "r
1.30.030 Sep 2020 14:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.30.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission pending. Better reporting of error conditions in the user interface;. User interface widget to report storage used/total/max;. Support for compressing cloud storage data. Ability to sort rules by type, source, or destination;. Ability to show changes only. Fenix device name submit form. Improper support of IPv6 addresses in static filter domain= option. has() not work on . Cosmetic filters interfere with element picker visuals. Picker gets deformed when a cosmetic filter is added. Add Support for AdGuard special case pre-processor directives. Sort dynamic filter list by destination / host components. Better parsing of hosts file system addresses. Can't control specificity in element picker with Firefox for Android. Subscriber script needs to be improved. Add ability to view changes only in My Rules. Combining procedural selector :has() and :style(). Add visual hint for last selected entry in element picker. Prevent malicious pages from tampering with element picker. Prevent spurious instantiation of procedural filterer. Add abort-on-stack-trace scriptlet Related discussion: AdguardTeam/Scriptlets#82 . Related discussion: AdguardTeam/Scriptlets#82. ability to overwrite overquota'ed cloud storage. Add support for blocklist of filter lists Add concept of "really bad list" to badlists infrastructure . Add concept of "r
1.29.3rc1225 Sep 2020 12:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add argument to nowoif scriptlet. regression in set-constant scriptlet.
1.29.3rc622 Sep 2020 01:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add argument to nowoif scriptlet. regression in set-constant scriptlet.
1.29.3rc317 Sep 2020 07:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add argument to nowoif scriptlet. regression in set-constant scriptlet.
1.29.3b1513 Sep 2020 18:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add argument to nowoif scriptlet. regression in set-constant scriptlet.
1.29.3b1009 Sep 2020 09:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add argument to nowoif scriptlet. regression in set-constant scriptlet.
1.29.3b905 Sep 2020 21:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add argument to nowoif scriptlet. regression in set-constant scriptlet.
1.29.3b701 Sep 2020 09:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add argument to nowoif scriptlet. regression in set-constant scriptlet.
1.29.3b628 Aug 2020 03:18 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add argument to nowoif scriptlet. regression in set-constant scriptlet.
1.29.3b224 Aug 2020 11:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.2.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add argument to nowoif scriptlet. regression in set-constant scriptlet.
1.29.1b820 Aug 2020 16:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Performance regression in rendering of dashboard pane. Open tabs can be when opening a webpage from about:newtab. Use ISO8061 dates in user filter comments. Support new Chromium based Edge in pre-parsing directives. Do not triggers strict blocking for wildcard-only patterns. Improve/refine syntax highlighter, specifically: properly reporting invalid filter options Add syntax highlighting/auto-completion for preparsing directives Add CoreMirror's code-folding ability to list editor/viewer . properly reporting invalid filter options. Add syntax highlighting/auto-completion for preparsing directives. Add CoreMirror's code-folding ability to list editor/viewer. Reverse lookup fails for filter of type example.com##*. New filter parser creates unexpected network filter from malformed cosmetic filter. Avoid loading "!#include" filepaths that are wrapped into "!#if" tags that exclude the browser's environment. Use "Trusted sites" instead of "Whitelist". Element picker suggests unhelpful network rule. Logger shows names of scriptlet as different ones if short-hand is used. A problem with cyrillic characters. Adding csp to logger's filter expression
1.29.1b216 Aug 2020 08:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Not yet submitted For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Not yet submitted. Performance regression in rendering of dashboard pane. Open tabs can be when opening a webpage from about:newtab. Use ISO8061 dates in user filter comments. Support new Chromium based Edge in pre-parsing directives. Do not triggers strict blocking for wildcard-only patterns. Improve/refine syntax highlighter, specifically: properly reporting invalid filter options Add syntax highlighting/auto-completion for preparsing directives Add CoreMirror's code-folding ability to list editor/viewer . properly reporting invalid filter options. Add syntax highlighting/auto-completion for preparsing directives. Add CoreMirror's code-folding ability to list editor/viewer. Reverse lookup fails for filter of type example.com##*. New filter parser creates unexpected network filter from malformed cosmetic filter. Avoid loading "!#include" filepaths that are wrapped into "!#if" tags that exclude the browser's environment. Use "Trusted sites" instead of "Whitelist". Element picker suggests unhelpful network rule. Logger shows names of scriptlet as different ones if short-hand is used. A problem with cyrillic characters. Adding csp to logger's filter expression picker. Cosmetic filters in about:blank iframe. Adguard French filter. Can't use set-constant.js multiple times for same parent property. Remove experimental click-to-load
1.29.1b012 Aug 2020 14:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.29.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Not yet submitted For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Not yet submitted. Performance regression in rendering of dashboard pane. Open tabs can be when opening a webpage from about:newtab. Use ISO8061 dates in user filter comments. Support new Chromium based Edge in pre-parsing directives. Do not triggers strict blocking for wildcard-only patterns. Improve/refine syntax highlighter, specifically: properly reporting invalid filter options Add syntax highlighting/auto-completion for preparsing directives Add CoreMirror's code-folding ability to list editor/viewer . properly reporting invalid filter options. Add syntax highlighting/auto-completion for preparsing directives. Add CoreMirror's code-folding ability to list editor/viewer. Reverse lookup fails for filter of type example.com##*. New filter parser creates unexpected network filter from malformed cosmetic filter. Avoid loading "!#include" filepaths that are wrapped into "!#if" tags that exclude the browser's environment. Use "Trusted sites" instead of "Whitelist". Element picker suggests unhelpful network rule. Logger shows names of scriptlet as different ones if short-hand is used. A problem with cyrillic characters. Adding csp to logger's filter expression picker. Cosmetic filters in about:blank iframe. Adguard French filter. Can't use set-constant.js multiple times for same parent property. Remove experimental click-to-load
1.28.5rc109 Aug 2020 00:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.28.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add cdn.jsdelivr.net mirror for urlhaus blocklist. Remove repo.or.cz from list of CDNs for urlhaus blocklist. spurious rejection of some AdGuard redirect filters. the reporting of invalid static extended filters in the logger. improper rejecting fitlers with all, document options.
1.28.5b1304 Aug 2020 14:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.28.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add cdn.jsdelivr.net mirror for urlhaus blocklist. Remove repo.or.cz from list of CDNs for urlhaus blocklist. spurious rejection of some AdGuard redirect filters. the reporting of invalid static extended filters in the logger. improper rejecting fitlers with all, document options.
1.28.5b1031 Jul 2020 10:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.28.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add cdn.jsdelivr.net mirror for urlhaus blocklist. Remove repo.or.cz from list of CDNs for urlhaus blocklist. spurious rejection of some AdGuard redirect filters. the reporting of invalid static extended filters in the logger. improper rejecting fitlers with all, document options.
1.28.5b727 Jul 2020 10:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.28.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add cdn.jsdelivr.net mirror for urlhaus blocklist. Remove repo.or.cz from list of CDNs for urlhaus blocklist. spurious rejection of some AdGuard redirect filters. the reporting of invalid static extended filters in the logger. improper rejecting fitlers with all, document options.
1.28.5b523 Jul 2020 03:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.28.4.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submitted for review For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add cdn.jsdelivr.net mirror for urlhaus blocklist. Remove repo.or.cz from list of CDNs for urlhaus blocklist. spurious rejection of some AdGuard redirect filters. the reporting of invalid static extended filters in the logger. improper rejecting fitlers with all, document options.
1.28.5b219 Jul 2020 20:05 minor feature: Firefox: Pending review uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Not submitted for review yet For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Not submitted for review yet. Add cdn.jsdelivr.net mirror for urlhaus blocklist. Remove repo.or.cz from list of CDNs for urlhaus blocklist. spurious rejection of some AdGuard redirect filters. the reporting of invalid static extended filters in the logger. improper rejecting fitlers with all, document options.
1.28.3b215 Jul 2020 07:45 minor feature: Firefox: Pending review uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Not submitted for review yet For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Not submitted for review yet. Remove Malware Domain List Remove Malware domains Remove Malware Domain List . Remove Malware domains. Remove Malware Domain List.
1.28.1b711 Jul 2020 23:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.28.0.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Not submitted for review yet For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Not submitted for review yet. Ability to toggle commenting out of filter(s) by pressing the Tab key. Auto-completion using Ctrl-Space, this works for: Static filter options Resource names for redirect= option Procedural operators for cosmetic/HTML filters Scriptlet names for ##+js filters . Static filter options. Resource names for redirect= option. Procedural operators for cosmetic/HTML filters. Scriptlet names for ##+js filters. Broken popup panel in Chromium 65. Use default_public_interface_only in Chromium-based browsers. Cookie-remover.js does not remove a cookie. A possibility of using default system fonts for uBlock Origin?. Some RegExp filters are not parsed properly. Add support for entity-matching in domain= filter option. edge case involving filter with a single wildcard. Add support for wildcard/array in json-prune. matching of filters with trailing . Make the creation of allow rules in panel an opt-in feature. Add ability to lock firewall height to basic pane height. uselessly allocating one extra WASM page. Replace FilterPlainHostname with composite filter.
1.28.1b507 Jul 2020 15:45 minor feature: Firefox: Submitted for review uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Not submitted for review yet For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Not submitted for review yet. Ability to toggle commenting out of filter(s) by pressing the Tab key. Auto-completion using Ctrl-Space, this works for: Static filter options Resource names for redirect= option Procedural operators for cosmetic/HTML filters Scriptlet names for ##+js filters . Static filter options. Resource names for redirect= option. Procedural operators for cosmetic/HTML filters. Scriptlet names for ##+js filters. Broken popup panel in Chromium 65. Use default_public_interface_only in Chromium-based browsers. Cookie-remover.js does not remove a cookie. A possibility of using default system fonts for uBlock Origin?. Some RegExp filters are not parsed properly. Add support for entity-matching in domain= filter option. edge case involving filter with a single wildcard. Add support for wildcard/array in json-prune. matching of filters with trailing . Make the creation of allow rules in panel an opt-in feature. Add ability to lock firewall height to basic pane height. uselessly allocating one extra WASM page. Replace FilterPlainHostname with composite filter.
1.28.003 Jul 2020 10:45 minor feature: Firefox: Submitted for review uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Not submitted for review yet For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Not submitted for review yet. Ability to toggle commenting out of filter(s) by pressing the Tab key. Auto-completion using Ctrl-Space, this works for: Static filter options Resource names for redirect= option Procedural operators for cosmetic/HTML filters Scriptlet names for ##+js filters . Static filter options. Resource names for redirect= option. Procedural operators for cosmetic/HTML filters. Scriptlet names for ##+js filters. Broken popup panel in Chromium 65. Use default_public_interface_only in Chromium-based browsers. Cookie-remover.js does not remove a cookie. A possibility of using default system fonts for uBlock Origin?. Some RegExp filters are not parsed properly. Add support for entity-matching in domain= filter option. edge case involving filter with a single wildcard. Add support for wildcard/array in json-prune. matching of filters with trailing . Make the creation of allow rules in panel an opt-in feature. Add ability to lock firewall height to basic pane height. uselessly allocating one extra WASM page. Replace FilterPlainHostname with composite filter.
1.27.11rc929 Jun 2020 09:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.27.10.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Soft hyphens in language files.
1.27.11rc525 Jun 2020 12:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.27.10.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Soft hyphens in language files.
1.27.11rc321 Jun 2020 07:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.27.10.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Soft hyphens in language files.
1.27.11b1717 Jun 2020 20:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.27.10.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Soft hyphens in language files.
1.27.11b1013 Jun 2020 15:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.27.10.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Soft hyphens in language files.
1.27.11b909 Jun 2020 15:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.27.10.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Soft hyphens in language files.
1.27.11b305 Jun 2020 09:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.27.10.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Soft hyphens in language files.
1.27.11b201 Jun 2020 14:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.27.10.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Soft hyphens in language files.
1.27.11b101 Jun 2020 05:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.27.10.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission to Chrome Web Store pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Soft hyphens in language files.
1.27.827 May 2020 16:25 minor feature: Firefox: Pending review uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission to Chrome Web Store pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending .
1.27.5b323 May 2020 19:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.27.6.firefox.signed.xpi uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission to Chrome Web Store pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . regression computing the path of nested lists. Ensure either.desktop or.mobile class is set.
1.27.5b019 May 2020 12:45 minor feature: Firefox: Pending review on AMO uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission to Chrome Web Store pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Add Armenian locale. More fine tuning of desktop panel as per feedback. Even more fine tuning of UI as per feedback. More fine tuning of new UI as per feedback. Minor fine tuning of CSS in new popup panel. Restore ability to set popup panel font size in advanced settings.
1.27.015 May 2020 10:05 minor feature: Firefox: AMO review pending uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Submission to Chrome Web Store pending For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls . The Microsoft Store version of uBO is published by Nik Rolls. Opera: Submission to Opera Web Store pending . Blocking pages on first load. min-height glitch uBO element picker. requestAnimationFrame-if and preparameter. Drop hot key customization options Firefox 74 and above supports the removal of assigned shortcuts . Firefox 74 and above supports the removal of assigned shortcuts. Add new filtering category to the logger: popups. Nano Adblocker cannot view EasyList China + EasyList. Race condition at browser launch may prevent application of cosmetic filters. Add new scriptlet to allow blocking Amazon's apstag.js. Add ability to open the dashboard with a keyboard shortcut. Support fetching assets from CDNs when auto-updating. First pass to re-design the dashboard Second pass to re-design the dashboard Third pass to re-design the dashboard Fourth pass to re-design the dashboard Fifth pass to re-design the dashboard Sixth pass to re-design the dashboard . Second pass to re-design the dashboard. Third pass to re-design the dashboard. Fourth pass to re-design the dashboard. Fifth pass to re-design the dashboard. Sixth pass to re-design the dashboard.
1.26.3rc711 May 2020 20:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.26.2.firefox.signed.xpi.
1.26.3rc407 May 2020 18:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.26.2.firefox.signed.xpi.
1.26.3b1803 May 2020 15:45 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.26.2.firefox.signed.xpi.
1.26.3b1329 Apr 2020 16:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.26.2.firefox.signed.xpi.
1.26.3b725 Apr 2020 11:25 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.26.2.firefox.signed.xpi.
1.26.3b121 Apr 2020 11:25 minor feature: Firefox: Pending review.
1.26.217 Apr 2020 11:05 minor feature: Firefox: Pending review UBO works best on Firefox. . UBO works best on Firefox.
1.26.1b714 Apr 2020 03:05 minor feature: Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.26.0.firefox.signed.xpi. uBO works best on Firefox. . uBO works best on Firefox. Chromium: Install from the Chrome store (CWS): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. It may take many weeks for submitted stable releases to become available in the CWS. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . It may take many weeks for submitted stable releases to become available in the CWS. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Edge: Install from Microsoft Store: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Remove Adblock Warning Removal. Add a way to blanket-except blocked cname-based requests. uBO icon in Manage Your Extensions disappears in the offline mode. Add remove-class scriptlet. Picker-window doesn't appear if images on a site is chosen. uBlock Origin v1.25.0 new feature cause DNS leaks. Ability to remove DOM element instead of hiding?. Use prime number to generate cache-bypass token. Allow empty needle in BidiTrieContainer.lastIndexOf(). Reorganize filter instances deduplication code. Add filter instance deduplicater in static net filtering engine. Add support for cname type and denyallow option. Support line continuation in filter lists. Improve window.open-defuser scriptlet. Improve validation of CSS selector-based cosmetic filters. Add procedural cosmetic operators remove() and upward(). Improve set-constant.js scriptlet.
1.26.1b409 Apr 2020 17:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Remove Adblock Warning Removal. Add a way to blanket-except blocked cname-based requests. uBO icon in Manage Your Extensions disappears in the offline mode. Add remove-class scriptlet. Picker-window doesn't appear if images on a site is chosen. uBlock Origin v1.25.0 new feature cause DNS leaks. Ability to remove DOM element instead of hiding?. Use prime number to generate cache-bypass token. Allow empty needle in BidiTrieContainer.lastIndexOf(). Reorganize filter instances deduplication code. Add filter instance deduplicater in static net filtering engine. Add support for cname type and denyallow option. Support line continuation in filter lists. Improve window.open-defuser scriptlet. Improve validation of CSS selector-based cosmetic filters. Add procedural cosmetic operators remove() and upward(). Improve set-constant.js scriptlet.
1.26.1b309 Apr 2020 04:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Remove Adblock Warning Removal. Add a way to blanket-except blocked cname-based requests. uBO icon in Manage Your Extensions disappears in the offline mode. Add remove-class scriptlet. Picker-window doesn't appear if images on a site is chosen. uBlock Origin v1.25.0 new feature cause DNS leaks. Ability to remove DOM element instead of hiding?. Use prime number to generate cache-bypass token. Allow empty needle in BidiTrieContainer.lastIndexOf(). Reorganize filter instances deduplication code. Add filter instance deduplicater in static net filtering engine. Add support for cname type and denyallow option. Support line continuation in filter lists. Improve window.open-defuser scriptlet. Improve validation of CSS selector-based cosmetic filters. Add procedural cosmetic operators remove() and upward(). Improve set-constant.js scriptlet.
1.26.004 Apr 2020 14:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Remove Adblock Warning Removal. Add a way to blanket-except blocked cname-based requests. uBO icon in Manage Your Extensions disappears in the offline mode. Add remove-class scriptlet. Picker-window doesn't appear if images on a site is chosen. uBlock Origin v1.25.0 new feature cause DNS leaks. Ability to remove DOM element instead of hiding?. Use prime number to generate cache-bypass token. Allow empty needle in BidiTrieContainer.lastIndexOf(). Reorganize filter instances deduplication code. Add filter instance deduplicater in static net filtering engine. Add support for cname type and denyallow option. Support line continuation in filter lists. Improve window.open-defuser scriptlet. Improve validation of CSS selector-based cosmetic filters. Add procedural cosmetic operators remove() and upward(). Improve set-constant.js scriptlet.
1.25.3rc028 Mar 2020 21:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.25.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. In Element Zapper, support Mac keyboards Delete key. Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: WebAssembly is not defined. Accessing localStorage delays startup. Need to whitelist Microsoft Edge internal page. Allow re-entrance in abort-current-inline-script. Make element picker mind that network filters are case-insensitive. Support loading of benchmark dataset in published versions. Wrap long hostnames in popup panel.
1.25.3b824 Mar 2020 23:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.25.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. In Element Zapper, support Mac keyboards Delete key. Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: WebAssembly is not defined. Accessing localStorage delays startup. Need to whitelist Microsoft Edge internal page. Allow re-entrance in abort-current-inline-script. Make element picker mind that network filters are case-insensitive. Support loading of benchmark dataset in published versions. Wrap long hostnames in popup panel.
1.25.3b620 Mar 2020 14:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.25.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. In Element Zapper, support Mac keyboards Delete key. Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: WebAssembly is not defined. Accessing localStorage delays startup. Need to whitelist Microsoft Edge internal page. Allow re-entrance in abort-current-inline-script. Make element picker mind that network filters are case-insensitive. Support loading of benchmark dataset in published versions. Wrap long hostnames in popup panel.
1.25.3b216 Mar 2020 14:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. In Element Zapper, support Mac keyboards Delete key. Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: WebAssembly is not defined. Accessing localStorage delays startup. Need to whitelist Microsoft Edge internal page. Allow re-entrance in abort-current-inline-script. Make element picker mind that network filters are case-insensitive. Support loading of benchmark dataset in published versions. Wrap long hostnames in popup panel.
1.25.3b111 Mar 2020 16:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. In Element Zapper, support Mac keyboards Delete key. Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: WebAssembly is not defined. Accessing localStorage delays startup. Need to whitelist Microsoft Edge internal page. Allow re-entrance in abort-current-inline-script. Make element picker mind that network filters are case-insensitive. Support loading of benchmark dataset in published versions. Wrap long hostnames in popup panel.
1.25.1rc306 Mar 2020 06:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.25.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Reverse lookup of filter fails with wildcard-leading patterns. Search Bar is partially hidden on list pages. "0" preare currently not accepted as valid hosts entries. Regression Show requests blocked in the logger as a result of csp= option. Source list of entity filter with subdomain is not looked up correctly. Fanboy's Cookie List moved to better place. Cosmetic filtering with Shadow DOM/tree/root. "::" entry in notracking hosts file blocks URLs containing "::". Adsbygoogle.js injectable does not validate whether iframe going to be injected is already exist or not. Address 1st-party tracker blocking. Allow clicking on domain to expand it to show hosts. New way to convey IDN and CNAME info in popup panel. Harden abort-current-inline-script scriplet. Remove "uBlock filters -- Experimental" from stock lists. unescaped attr value in generated CSS selector. regex-like filter representation in logger. Improve neutered Google Analytics replacement scriptlet.
1.25.1rc002 Mar 2020 11:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.25.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Reverse lookup of filter fails with wildcard-leading patterns. Search Bar is partially hidden on list pages. "0" preare currently not accepted as valid hosts entries. Regression Show requests blocked in the logger as a result of csp= option. Source list of entity filter with subdomain is not looked up correctly. Fanboy's Cookie List moved to better place. Cosmetic filtering with Shadow DOM/tree/root. "::" entry in notracking hosts file blocks URLs containing "::". Adsbygoogle.js injectable does not validate whether iframe going to be injected is already exist or not. Address 1st-party tracker blocking. Allow clicking on domain to expand it to show hosts. New way to convey IDN and CNAME info in popup panel. Harden abort-current-inline-script scriplet. Remove "uBlock filters -- Experimental" from stock lists. unescaped attr value in generated CSS selector. regex-like filter representation in logger. Improve neutered Google Analytics replacement scriptlet.
1.25.1b727 Feb 2020 18:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.25.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Reverse lookup of filter fails with wildcard-leading patterns. Search Bar is partially hidden on list pages. "0" preare currently not accepted as valid hosts entries. Regression Show requests blocked in the logger as a result of csp= option. Source list of entity filter with subdomain is not looked up correctly. Fanboy's Cookie List moved to better place. Cosmetic filtering with Shadow DOM/tree/root. "::" entry in notracking hosts file blocks URLs containing "::". Adsbygoogle.js injectable does not validate whether iframe going to be injected is already exist or not. Address 1st-party tracker blocking. Allow clicking on domain to expand it to show hosts. New way to convey IDN and CNAME info in popup panel. Harden abort-current-inline-script scriplet. Remove "uBlock filters -- Experimental" from stock lists. unescaped attr value in generated CSS selector. regex-like filter representation in logger. Improve neutered Google Analytics replacement scriptlet.
1.25.1b323 Feb 2020 20:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Reverse lookup of filter fails with wildcard-leading patterns. Search Bar is partially hidden on list pages. "0" preare currently not accepted as valid hosts entries. Regression Show requests blocked in the logger as a result of csp= option. Source list of entity filter with subdomain is not looked up correctly. Fanboy's Cookie List moved to better place. Cosmetic filtering with Shadow DOM/tree/root. "::" entry in notracking hosts file blocks URLs containing "::". Adsbygoogle.js injectable does not validate whether iframe going to be injected is already exist or not. Allow clicking on domain to expand it to show hosts. New way to convey IDN and CNAME info in popup panel. Harden abort-current-inline-script scriplet. Remove "uBlock filters -- Experimental" from stock lists. unescaped attr value in generated CSS selector. regex-like filter representation in logger. Improve neutered Google Analytics replacement scriptlet.
1.24.5rc219 Feb 2020 17:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token position value when removing leading wildcard.
1.24.5rc015 Feb 2020 11:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token position value when removing leading wildcard.
1.24.5b511 Feb 2020 19:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token position value when removing leading wildcard.
1.24.5b307 Feb 2020 13:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token position value when removing leading wildcard.
1.24.5b003 Feb 2020 23:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token position value when removing leading wildcard.
1.24.3b1203 Feb 2020 05:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.24.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token array being too small for very long URL.
1.24.3b1126 Jan 2020 07:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.24.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token array being too small for very long URL.
1.24.3b922 Jan 2020 12:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.24.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token array being too small for very long URL.
1.24.3b818 Jan 2020 16:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.24.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token array being too small for very long URL.
1.24.3b701 Jan 2020 19:25 minor feature: Compute URL of sublists as relative to URL of parent list (pull request by JustOff.
1.24.3b510 Dec 2019 18:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token array being too small for very long URL.
1.24.3b406 Dec 2019 09:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token array being too small for very long URL.
1.24.3b203 Dec 2019 00:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token array being too small for very long URL.
1.24.3b124 Nov 2019 15:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. token array being too small for very long URL.
1.24.1b120 Nov 2019 10:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. report-uri / report-to rejector RegExp is broken. global onMouseDown handler doesn t handle SVG links. Regression: tabs created by user are by popup filter. Switch filter inputs to type="search". Performance of the per-site switches counters. Expand bidi-trie code to hold more types of filters. Block element preview window overlays object to be blocked. Save magic compiled/selfie format values in cache storage. Support keyboard shortcut to open popup panel. Use request as its own context when none available.
1.23.1rc117 Nov 2019 03:17 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.23.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Prevent uBO from being reloaded mid-session A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. . A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. Comply with new security requirements for Chrome The changes benefit all platforms. . The changes benefit all platforms. Add advanced setting to control logger popup type. Ignoring ping filters. bad returned value in case of empty URL. Avoid or defer writing back to cache storage at launch. Do not bypass network listener in suspended mode. Remove stats button from logger. Log procedural cosmetic exception filters. Prevent reverse-lookup from finding badfilter-ed filters. Reduce memory usage in staticExtFilteringEngine.HostnameBasedDB. Store csp= filters into main data structure. Add ability to quickly create exceptions in logger. Match static popup filter against local context. erroneous reports of blocked popups in logger. case of unreported :style filters in logger. Do not flush blocked-elements cache at webNavigation time. Remove remnants of chrome references. Add support for elemhide (through specifichide). Simplify client messaging code. Removing now obsolete Safari code base. Revisit element picker arguments code. Convert new setTimeout-if scriptlet to blacklist approach. Work toward modernizing code base: promisification. icon title always showing (0) when badge is disabled. Reuse existing S
1.23.1rc013 Nov 2019 09:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.23.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Prevent uBO from being reloaded mid-session A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. . A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. Comply with new security requirements for Chrome The changes benefit all platforms. . The changes benefit all platforms. Add advanced setting to control logger popup type. Ignoring ping filters. bad returned value in case of empty URL. Avoid or defer writing back to cache storage at launch. Do not bypass network listener in suspended mode. Remove stats button from logger. Log procedural cosmetic exception filters. Prevent reverse-lookup from finding badfilter-ed filters. Reduce memory usage in staticExtFilteringEngine.HostnameBasedDB. Store csp= filters into main data structure. Add ability to quickly create exceptions in logger. Match static popup filter against local context. erroneous reports of blocked popups in logger. case of unreported :style filters in logger. Do not flush blocked-elements cache at webNavigation time. Remove remnants of chrome references. Add support for elemhide (through specifichide). Simplify client messaging code. Removing now obsolete Safari code base. Revisit element picker arguments code. Convert new setTimeout-if scriptlet to blacklist approach. Work toward modernizing code base: promisification. icon title always showing (0) when badge is disabled. Reuse existing S
1.23.1b1809 Nov 2019 11:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.23.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Prevent uBO from being reloaded mid-session A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. . A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. Comply with new security requirements for Chrome The changes benefit all platforms. . The changes benefit all platforms. Add advanced setting to control logger popup type. Ignoring ping filters. bad returned value in case of empty URL. Avoid or defer writing back to cache storage at launch. Do not bypass network listener in suspended mode. Remove stats button from logger. Log procedural cosmetic exception filters. Prevent reverse-lookup from finding badfilter-ed filters. Reduce memory usage in staticExtFilteringEngine.HostnameBasedDB. Store csp= filters into main data structure. Add ability to quickly create exceptions in logger. Match static popup filter against local context. erroneous reports of blocked popups in logger. case of unreported :style filters in logger. Do not flush blocked-elements cache at webNavigation time. Remove remnants of chrome references. Add support for elemhide (through specifichide). Simplify client messaging code. Removing now obsolete Safari code base. Revisit element picker arguments code. Convert new setTimeout-if scriptlet to blacklist approach. Work toward modernizing code base: promisification. icon title always showing (0) when badge is disabled. Reuse existing S
1.23.1b1605 Nov 2019 12:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.23.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Prevent uBO from being reloaded mid-session A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. . A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. Comply with new security requirements for Chrome The changes benefit all platforms. . The changes benefit all platforms. Add advanced setting to control logger popup type. Ignoring ping filters. bad returned value in case of empty URL. Avoid or defer writing back to cache storage at launch. Do not bypass network listener in suspended mode. Remove stats button from logger. Log procedural cosmetic exception filters. Prevent reverse-lookup from finding badfilter-ed filters. Reduce memory usage in staticExtFilteringEngine.HostnameBasedDB. Store csp= filters into main data structure. Add ability to quickly create exceptions in logger. Match static popup filter against local context. erroneous reports of blocked popups in logger. case of unreported :style filters in logger. Do not flush blocked-elements cache at webNavigation time. Remove remnants of chrome references. Add support for elemhide (through specifichide). Simplify client messaging code. Removing now obsolete Safari code base. Revisit element picker arguments code. Convert new setTimeout-if scriptlet to blacklist approach. Work toward modernizing code base: promisification. icon title always showing (0) when badge is disabled. Reuse existing S
1.23.1b701 Nov 2019 15:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.23.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Prevent uBO from being reloaded mid-session A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. . A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. Comply with new security requirements for Chrome The changes benefit all platforms. . The changes benefit all platforms. Add advanced setting to control logger popup type. Ignoring ping filters. bad returned value in case of empty URL. Avoid or defer writing back to cache storage at launch. Do not bypass network listener in suspended mode. Remove stats button from logger. Log procedural cosmetic exception filters. Prevent reverse-lookup from finding badfilter-ed filters. Reduce memory usage in staticExtFilteringEngine.HostnameBasedDB. Store csp= filters into main data structure. Add ability to quickly create exceptions in logger. Match static popup filter against local context. erroneous reports of blocked popups in logger. case of unreported :style filters in logger. Do not flush blocked-elements cache at webNavigation time. Remove remnants of chrome references. Add support for elemhide (through specifichide). Simplify client messaging code. Removing now obsolete Safari code base. Revisit element picker arguments code. Convert new setTimeout-if scriptlet to blacklist approach. Work toward modernizing code base: promisification. icon title always showing (0) when badge is disabled. Reuse existing S
1.23.1b328 Oct 2019 13:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.23.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Prevent uBO from being reloaded mid-session A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. . A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. Comply with new security requirements for Chrome The changes benefit all platforms. . The changes benefit all platforms. Add advanced setting to control logger popup type. Ignoring ping filters. bad returned value in case of empty URL. Avoid or defer writing back to cache storage at launch. Do not bypass network listener in suspended mode. Remove stats button from logger. Log procedural cosmetic exception filters. Prevent reverse-lookup from finding badfilter-ed filters. Reduce memory usage in staticExtFilteringEngine.HostnameBasedDB. Store csp= filters into main data structure. Add ability to quickly create exceptions in logger. Match static popup filter against local context. erroneous reports of blocked popups in logger. case of unreported :style filters in logger. Do not flush blocked-elements cache at webNavigation time. Remove remnants of chrome references. Add support for elemhide (through specifichide). Simplify client messaging code. Removing now obsolete Safari code base. Revisit element picker arguments code. Convert new setTimeout-if scriptlet to blacklist approach. Work toward modernizing code base: promisification. icon title always showing (0) when badge is disabled. Reuse existing S
1.23.025 Oct 2019 03:17 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.23.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Prevent uBO from being reloaded mid-session A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. . A new advanced setting -- extensionUpdateForceReload -- can be used to override this new behavior. Comply with new security requirements for Chrome The changes benefit all platforms. . The changes benefit all platforms. Add advanced setting to control logger popup type. Ignoring ping filters. bad returned value in case of empty URL. Avoid or defer writing back to cache storage at launch. Do not bypass network listener in suspended mode. Remove stats button from logger. Log procedural cosmetic exception filters. Prevent reverse-lookup from finding badfilter-ed filters. Reduce memory usage in staticExtFilteringEngine.HostnameBasedDB. Store csp= filters into main data structure. Add ability to quickly create exceptions in logger. Match static popup filter against local context. erroneous reports of blocked popups in logger. case of unreported :style filters in logger. Do not flush blocked-elements cache at webNavigation time. Remove remnants of chrome references. Add support for elemhide (through specifichide). Simplify client messaging code. Removing now obsolete Safari code base. Revisit element picker arguments code. Convert new setTimeout-if scriptlet to blacklist approach. Work toward modernizing code base: promisification. icon title always showing (0) when badge is disabled. Reuse existing S
1.22.5rc621 Oct 2019 18:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.4.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO's own logger was opened; AND. Procedural cosmetic filters were injected on the page.
1.22.5rc517 Oct 2019 09:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.4.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO's own logger was opened; AND. Procedural cosmetic filters were injected on the page.
1.22.5rc314 Oct 2019 03:17 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.4.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO's own logger was opened; AND. Procedural cosmetic filters were injected on the page.
1.22.5rc210 Oct 2019 20:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.4.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO's own logger was opened; AND. Procedural cosmetic filters were injected on the page.
1.22.5rc106 Oct 2019 17:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.4.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO's own logger was opened; AND. Procedural cosmetic filters were injected on the page.
1.22.5rc002 Oct 2019 14:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.4.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO's own logger was opened; AND. Procedural cosmetic filters were injected on the page.
1.22.5b128 Sep 2019 17:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBO's own logger was opened; AND. Procedural cosmetic filters were injected on the page.
1.22.3b1625 Sep 2019 03:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/.
1.22.3b1120 Sep 2019 11:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/.
1.22.3b616 Sep 2019 07:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/.
1.22.3b313 Sep 2019 02:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/.
1.22.3b008 Sep 2019 09:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/.
1.22.1b104 Sep 2019 12:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.22.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Support AdGuard's empty mp4 static filter options. Add ability to bypass browser cache when fetching a resource. Extension icon doesn't revert back when the domain is removed from Whitelist tab. Dead code in assets.js. Popup panel closing when forcing a reload. uBlock does not appear to honor overriding default assets.json via Chrome policy. uBo logger show not used :style(...) filters. Block Element doesn't appear in the context menu of a tab under specific circumstances. Cosmetic filters containing pseudo-elements do not show results in manual/interactive selection mode. Add support for !#if false in list directive processor. Code review re. max string length in bidi-trie. Add two scriptlets: setTimeout-if and setInterval-if. badly computed output size in µBlock.base64.encode(). Add new scriptlet to defuse calls to requestAnimationFrame. Add support for special exception filter #@#+js(). Add ability to escape comma in a scriptlet's list of arguments. Review icon badge color management. Reflect blocking mode in badge color of toolbar icon. Invalidate browser's memory cache after using element picker. Add virtuous signal that remote code execution in extension context is not possible.
1.22.031 Aug 2019 22:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Support AdGuard's empty mp4 static filter options. Add ability to bypass browser cache when fetching a resource. Extension icon doesn't revert back when the domain is removed from Whitelist tab. Dead code in assets.js. Popup panel closing when forcing a reload. uBlock does not appear to honor overriding default assets.json via Chrome policy. uBo logger show not used :style(...) filters. Block Element doesn't appear in the context menu of a tab under specific circumstances. Cosmetic filters containing pseudo-elements do not show results in manual/interactive selection mode. Add support for !#if false in list directive processor. Code review re. max string length in bidi-trie. Add two scriptlets: setTimeout-if and setInterval-if. badly computed output size in µBlock.base64.encode(). Add new scriptlet to defuse calls to requestAnimationFrame. Add support for special exception filter #@#+js(). Add ability to escape comma in a scriptlet's list of arguments. Review icon badge color management. Reflect blocking mode in badge color of toolbar icon. Invalidate browser's memory cache after using element picker. Add virtuous signal that remote code execution in extension context is not possible.
1.21.9b727 Aug 2019 11:25 minor feature: Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add "Relax blocking mode" command to Opera manifest.
1.21.9b323 Aug 2019 18:05 minor feature: Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add "Relax blocking mode" command to Opera manifest.
1.21.819 Aug 2019 16:25 minor feature: Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Add "Relax blocking mode" command to Opera manifest.
1.21.7b714 Aug 2019 11:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBlock Origin broken on Chrome 57.
1.21.7b410 Aug 2019 07:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBlock Origin broken on Chrome 57.
1.21.7b307 Aug 2019 02:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBlock Origin broken on Chrome 57.
1.21.7b202 Aug 2019 19:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBlock Origin broken on Chrome 57.
1.21.7b129 Jul 2019 16:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBlock Origin broken on Chrome 57.
1.21.7b025 Jul 2019 12:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. uBlock Origin broken on Chrome 57.
1.21.3b021 Jul 2019 19:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Pending review. uBO is a recommended extension on AMO, and as such it must undergo a formal code review each time a new version is published. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. thrown exception in onHeadersReceived listener.
1.20.3rc617 Jul 2019 09:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.20.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/.
1.20.3rc513 Jul 2019 17:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.20.2.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/.
1.20.3rc109 Jul 2019 11:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Waiting for package to be cleared on AMO . Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/.
1.20.3b305 Jul 2019 16:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Waiting for package to be cleared on AMO . Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/.
1.20.1b1001 Jul 2019 10:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.20.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Does not block large media fetched over Fetch API. Last permanent rule is marked as changed when rules are added to the bottom. Dashboard open from uBO popup triggers unsaved changes dialog. Multiple "Advanced settings" opened. Redirection fails for filters having in the host part. Show requests blocked in the logger as a result of csp= option. Element picker normalize style attrib. "#@#+js" entries are shown in the logger as yellow instead of green. no-scripting: behind-the-scene false sticks even after restoring uBO from a config where it's not present. Revert button remains active/clickable after clicking on Apply changes. "Block element" item should have ellipsis (usability). Nested !#if/!#endif directives not evaluated properly. Hide predefined whitelist directives. Non-specific procedural filters. HTML filter showing up as cosmetic filter in logger. No warning for unsaved changes in dashboard. Logger: can't bring up filtering options for popup entries where URL does not start with http s . Switching configuration tabs appears to stop list updates. Cosmetic filter exceptions not displayed in network request logger. generichide not being evaluated for local context. Discard whole filter with bad csp= content. Add a link to the remote asset in asset viewer. Rearrange inner loop of static network filtering engine. "this window" not working on document-blocked page. Add support for all filter option. Set default delay for creating
1.20.1b527 Jun 2019 17:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.20.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Does not block large media fetched over Fetch API. Last permanent rule is marked as changed when rules are added to the bottom. Dashboard open from uBO popup triggers unsaved changes dialog. Multiple "Advanced settings" opened. Redirection fails for filters having in the host part. Show requests blocked in the logger as a result of csp= option. Element picker normalize style attrib. "#@#+js" entries are shown in the logger as yellow instead of green. no-scripting: behind-the-scene false sticks even after restoring uBO from a config where it's not present. Revert button remains active/clickable after clicking on Apply changes. "Block element" item should have ellipsis (usability). Nested !#if/!#endif directives not evaluated properly. Hide predefined whitelist directives. Non-specific procedural filters. HTML filter showing up as cosmetic filter in logger. No warning for unsaved changes in dashboard. Logger: can't bring up filtering options for popup entries where URL does not start with http s . Switching configuration tabs appears to stop list updates. Cosmetic filter exceptions not displayed in network request logger. generichide not being evaluated for local context. Discard whole filter with bad csp= content. Add a link to the remote asset in asset viewer. Rearrange inner loop of static network filtering engine. "this window" not working on document-blocked page. Add support for all filter option. Set default delay for creating
1.20.1b223 Jun 2019 04:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. . For Chromium version 54 and older, it is necessary to enable "Experimental JavaScript" at chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.20.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Does not block large media fetched over Fetch API. Last permanent rule is marked as changed when rules are added to the bottom. Dashboard open from uBO popup triggers unsaved changes dialog. Multiple "Advanced settings" opened. Redirection fails for filters having in the host part. Show requests blocked in the logger as a result of csp= option. Element picker normalize style attrib. "#@#+js" entries are shown in the logger as yellow instead of green. no-scripting: behind-the-scene false sticks even after restoring uBO from a config where it's not present. Revert button remains active/clickable after clicking on Apply changes. "Block element" item should have ellipsis (usability). Nested !#if/!#endif directives not evaluated properly. Hide predefined whitelist directives. Non-specific procedural filters. HTML filter showing up as cosmetic filter in logger. No warning for unsaved changes in dashboard. Logger: can't bring up filtering options for popup entries where URL does not start with http s . Switching configuration tabs appears to stop list updates. Cosmetic filter exceptions not displayed in network request logger. generichide not being evaluated for local context. Discard whole filter with bad csp= content. Add a link to the remote asset in asset viewer. Rearrange inner loop of static network filtering engine. "this window" not working on document-blocked page. Add support for all filter option. Set default delay for creating
1.20.1b019 Jun 2019 10:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.20.0.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Does not block large media fetched over Fetch API. Last permanent rule is marked as changed when rules are added to the bottom. Dashboard open from uBO popup triggers unsaved changes dialog. Multiple "Advanced settings" opened. Redirection fails for filters having in the host part. Show requests blocked in the logger as a result of csp= option. Element picker normalize style attrib. "#@#+js" entries are shown in the logger as yellow instead of green. no-scripting: behind-the-scene false sticks even after restoring uBO from a config where it's not present. Revert button remains active/clickable after clicking on Apply changes. "Block element" item should have ellipsis (usability). Nested !#if/!#endif directives not evaluated properly. Hide predefined whitelist directives. Non-specific procedural filters. HTML filter showing up as cosmetic filter in logger. No warning for unsaved changes in dashboard. Logger: can't bring up filtering options for popup entries where URL does not start with http s . Switching configuration tabs appears to stop list updates. Cosmetic filter exceptions not displayed in network request logger. generichide not being evaluated for local context. Discard whole filter with bad csp= content. Add a link to the remote asset in asset viewer. Rearrange inner loop of static network filtering engine. "this window" not working on document-blocked page. Add support for all filter option. Set default delay for creating selfie to 3 minutes. Avoid duplicated strings in filterOrigin w/ new approach. Revisit code to benefit from ES6 syntax. Refactor runtime storage of specific cosmetic filters. Add support for nth-ancestor operator in HTML filtering. Ensure "Ignore generic cosmetic fil
1.20.015 Jun 2019 07:25 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Firefox: Link will be provided when available on AMO. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. Does not block large media fetched over Fetch API. Last permanent rule is marked as changed when rules are added to the bottom. Dashboard open from uBO popup triggers unsaved changes dialog. Multiple "Advanced settings" opened. Redirection fails for filters having in the host part. Show requests blocked in the logger as a result of csp= option. Element picker normalize style attrib. "#@#+js" entries are shown in the logger as yellow instead of green. no-scripting: behind-the-scene false sticks even after restoring uBO from a config where it's not present. Revert button remains active/clickable after clicking on Apply changes. "Block element" item should have ellipsis (usability). Nested !#if/!#endif directives not evaluated properly. Hide predefined whitelist directives. Non-specific procedural filters. HTML filter showing up as cosmetic filter in logger. No warning for unsaved changes in dashboard. Logger: can't bring up filtering options for popup entries where URL does not start with http s . Switching configuration tabs appears to stop list updates. Cosmetic filter exceptions not displayed in network request logger. generichide not being evaluated for local context. Discard whole filter with bad csp= content. Add a link to the remote asset in asset viewer. Rearrange inner loop of static network filtering engine. "this window" not working on document-blocked page. Add support for all filter option. Set default delay for creating selfie to 3 minutes. Avoid duplicated strings in filterOrigin w/ new approach. Revisit code to benefit from ES6 syntax. Refactor runtime storage of specific cosmetic filters. Add support for nth-ancestor operator in HTML filtering. Ensure "Ignore generic cosmeti
1.19.7rc101 Jun 2019 14:05 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.19.6.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. regression affecting * csp=-like filters.
1.19.7b228 May 2019 09:45 minor feature: Chromium: Install from the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm. Firefox: Click uBlock0_1.19.6.firefox.signed.xpi. Opera: Install from Opera addons: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/. regression affecting * csp=-like filters.
1.19.5b124 May 2019 14:25 minor feature: Error when loading a non-cached non-local asset.
1.19.3b920 May 2019 12:05 minor feature: Untokenizable filters with one wilcard no longer work.
1.19.3b316 May 2019 09:25 minor feature: Untokenizable filters with one wilcard no longer work.
1.19.3b012 May 2019 07:45 minor feature: Untokenizable filters with one wilcard no longer work.
1.18.17rc508 May 2019 06:45 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering is not working reliably. Add Norwegian Nynorsk to the nordiske filtre list.
1.18.17rc405 May 2019 03:17 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering is not working reliably. Add Norwegian Nynorsk to the nordiske filtre list.
1.18.17rc101 May 2019 15:25 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering is not working reliably. Add Norwegian Nynorsk to the nordiske filtre list.
1.18.17b1427 Apr 2019 08:05 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering is not working reliably. Add Norwegian Nynorsk to the nordiske filtre list.
1.18.17b1023 Apr 2019 23:05 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering is not working reliably. Add Norwegian Nynorsk to the nordiske filtre list.
1.18.17b319 Apr 2019 11:05 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering is not working reliably. Add Norwegian Nynorsk to the nordiske filtre list.
1.18.17b215 Apr 2019 11:05 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering is not working reliably. Add Norwegian Nynorsk to the nordiske filtre list.
1.18.17b104 Apr 2019 06:45 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering is not working reliably. Add Norwegian Nynorsk to the nordiske filtre list.
1.18.1431 Mar 2019 17:05 minor feature: an with restoring settings from a backup file Affected Firefox mostly as it was an with managing IndexedDB-based cache storage, which is default in Firefox. Thanks to @gwarser who spent an inordinate amount of time helping narrow the. . Affected Firefox mostly as it was an with managing IndexedDB-based cache storage, which is default in Firefox. Thanks to @gwarser who spent an inordinate amount of time helping narrow the.
1.18.1227 Mar 2019 07:45 minor feature: "Prevent WebRTC leaking" not working as intended. Simplify code to gather storage used with StorageManager.estimate(). Code review of IndexedDB usage for cache storage purpose. Add unlimitedStorage to Firefox manifest; add timeout to IndexedDB access.
1.18.11b123 Mar 2019 10:25 minor feature: Waiting for extension uBlock Origin. Typo which could lead to improper filtering context.
1.18.9rc219 Mar 2019 03:19 minor feature: Add list to deal with filter specific to legacy versions of uBO.
1.18.9b015 Mar 2019 03:45 minor feature: UBlock Origin conflicts with Alexa Tool.
1.18.5rc411 Mar 2019 05:45 minor feature: The button does not retain its position when it's placed before a'spring', 'spacer' or 'separator' by JustOff.
1.18.5rc307 Mar 2019 03:16 minor feature: The button does not retain its position when it's placed before a'spring', 'spacer' or 'separator' by JustOff.
1.18.5rc027 Feb 2019 10:45 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering not enforced at uBO launch on already opened web pages. Platform/webext/vapi-webrequest.js breaks uBo functionality. Compute URL of sublists as relative to URL of parent list. partyness evaluation for cases of base domain-less hostnames. Promise chain of WASM module load operations.
1.18.5b722 Feb 2019 06:25 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering not enforced at uBO launch on already opened web pages. Platform/webext/vapi-webrequest.js breaks uBo functionality. Compute URL of sublists as relative to URL of parent list. partyness evaluation for cases of base domain-less hostnames. Promise chain of WASM module load operations.
1.18.5b418 Feb 2019 03:15 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering not enforced at uBO launch on already opened web pages. Platform/webext/vapi-webrequest.js breaks uBo functionality. Compute URL of sublists as relative to URL of parent list. partyness evaluation for cases of base domain-less hostnames. Promise chain of WASM module load operations.
1.18.5b115 Feb 2019 03:15 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering not enforced at uBO launch on already opened web pages. Platform/webext/vapi-webrequest.js breaks uBo functionality. Compute URL of sublists as relative to URL of parent list. partyness evaluation for cases of base domain-less hostnames. Promise chain of WASM module load operations.
1.18.5b011 Feb 2019 03:16 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering not enforced at uBO launch on already opened web pages. Platform/webext/vapi-webrequest.js breaks uBo functionality. Compute URL of sublists as relative to URL of parent list. partyness evaluation for cases of base domain-less hostnames. Promise chain of WASM module load operations.
1.18.406 Feb 2019 19:45 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering not enforced at uBO launch on already opened web pages. Platform/webext/vapi-webrequest.js breaks uBo functionality. Compute URL of sublists as relative to URL of parent list. partyness evaluation for cases of base domain-less hostnames. Promise chain of WASM module load operations.
1.18.3rc102 Feb 2019 11:25 minor feature: Spanish language update by MS-PC.
1.18.3b129 Jan 2019 09:45 minor feature: Spanish language update by MS-PC.
1.18.025 Jan 2019 10:45 minor feature: configuration settings multiple criteria can be used for when to discard logger entries ability to hide some columns . multiple criteria can be used for when to discard logger entries. ability to hide some columns. export-to-clipboard. the position and size of the logger-as-a-popup window will be remembered. a pause button to stop the logger from taking in new events. a new built-in expressions picker to filter the logger output. show the hostname of the document which caused the resource to be fetched. show the 3rd-partyness of a resource relative to both the page and the document fetching the resource. new visual hint to denote tab-less network requests. a popup panel button linked to the tab selector. Domain names aren't centered vertically in the extension's browserAction popup. Use IndexedDB as cache storage on Chromium platform. Does not block JavaScript in embedded YouTube video on specific webpage. Move early blocking of requests out of experimental status on Firefox Made easy by Firefox's webext API, as early blocking is natively supported. . Made easy by Firefox's webext API, as early blocking is natively supported. Prevent sites from disabling mouse events for element picker. Add an option to remove the URL comments in My filters. Layout problem in the strict blocking warning page on Firefox for Android. uBO does not unhide nodes no longer matching procedural cosmetic filters. Static extended filtering: empty hostnames not being detected/handled. Cosmetic filter "##" or "##tag," same as "##*" in element picker only. !#include directive should insert sub-content at directive point. 3rd-gen HNTrie. Duplicate specific cosmetic filters not discarded when "Ignore generic" is enabled. generichide is still applied even when website is whitelisted. Change "IDN: ABPindo" to "IDN, MYS: ABPindo". Changing the button for the NOR list. Filter list view - ugly/messy line breaking/wrapping at minus sign char. Add X to overlay box. No scripting switch number not fully
1.17.7rc221 Jan 2019 06:45 minor feature: Some rules doesn't show up in the Legacy version's logger.
1.17.7b717 Jan 2019 06:45 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.7b313 Jan 2019 03:16 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.7b209 Jan 2019 03:16 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.7b104 Jan 2019 10:05 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.5rc431 Dec 2018 14:05 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.5rc127 Dec 2018 16:25 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.5b1522 Dec 2018 11:25 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.5b1018 Dec 2018 13:25 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.5b414 Dec 2018 06:05 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.5b310 Dec 2018 01:05 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.5b209 Dec 2018 07:45 minor feature: ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied.
1.17.404 Dec 2018 11:25 minor feature: When pasting multiple lines into the rules editor they are joined together in a single line by importing latest release of CodeMirror. . by importing latest release of CodeMirror. ##.ad.super from EasyList is causing ##.ad to not be applied. missing trailing asterisk in filter representation in the logger. No context menu entry for data: iframes (banners). UI Search field and it's search counter interfere with each other / unreadable. "Update now" button flashes for 1 second before changing the count numbers. Improve usability of temporarily disabling strict-blocking. HTML filter exception doesn't work. badfilter does not work on a CSP filter.
1.17.3rc530 Nov 2018 19:05 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. New revision for release candidate.
1.17.3rc426 Nov 2018 19:45 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Revert unintended stray change from commit 4504040. . Recompile wat file using latest https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt/r . . Edit some filterlist titles. . New revision for release candidate. . Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gorhill/uBlock.
1.17.3rc222 Nov 2018 11:45 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Returning the wrong value (re uBlockOrigin/uBlock-). . New revision for release candidate.
1.17.3rc018 Nov 2018 07:05 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Add Finnish filter list. . Jshint-compliance. . Add new advanced setting to disable use of WASM for dev purpose. . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . New revision for release candidate.
1.17.3b809 Nov 2018 14:45 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Regression reported at https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comm . . New revision for dev build.
1.17.3b505 Nov 2018 23:25 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Make "none" a reserved "redirect=" keyword (see uBlockOrigin/uAssets@d . . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Add new "Benchmarks" pane in dashboard. . GPLv3 requirement: "includes a convenient and prominently visible fea . . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . do not overwrite prior results. . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Squashed commit of the following: . New revision for dev build.
1.17.3b401 Nov 2018 21:25 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. New revision for dev build.
1.17.3b228 Oct 2018 07:45 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Regression from cabb0d3: avoid counting "badfilter" entries as actual . . New revision for dev build.
1.17.3b025 Oct 2018 02:05 minor feature: UBlockOrigin/uMatrix-by importing CodeMirror 5.40.2 . New revision for dev build. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Https://.debian.org/cgi-bin/report.cgi?=909626. . Another case of uBlockOrigin/uBlock-. New revision for dev build. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Comment out console-logging of information (useful only for developme . . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-: set min version to Opera 38. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-(comment). . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Moving to GitCDN due to forthcoming sunset of rawgit.com. . New revision for dev build. . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Update assets.json. . Include source code of lz4-block-codec.wasm for reviewers. . Update README.md. . Update Spam404 URL. . . New revision for dev build.
1.17.220 Oct 2018 01:05 minor feature: New release (for the benefit of Firefox users).
1.17.1b102 Oct 2018 17:45 minor feature: Error loading from the disk cache pages obtained by blocking remote fonts. "Storage used" in settings tab says "? bytes". It's really a workaround, consider the reported figure to be an on-the-low-side estimate . It's really a workaround, consider the reported figure to be an on-the-low-side estimate. Element picker mode in Firefox CSS failure on denuvo.com. Cannot open Logger. Element picker/zapper does not switch tabs. Use +js name for logging. No reverse-lookup for logged HTML filter. EasyList Thailand added to stock filter lists. Various spelling. manualUpdateAssetFetchPeriod setting doesn't save the changes. False positive detection of popups is broken. "uBlock Assets" should be changed to "uBlock₀ Assets" in its tab. Minor JS errors in dashboard. Code exception in contentscript.js (vAPI.setTimeout) when opening Chrome last session tabs that are partly cached. Element picker mishandles identifiers with backslashes. Minor usability : block all scripts. Toggle option changes are always permanent. uBlock Origin doesn t honor noscript tags when blocking JS.
1.17.1b028 Sep 2018 13:05 minor feature: Error loading from the disk cache pages obtained by blocking remote fonts. "Storage used" in settings tab says "? bytes". It's really a workaround, consider the reported figure to be an on-the-low-side estimate . It's really a workaround, consider the reported figure to be an on-the-low-side estimate. Element picker mode in Firefox CSS failure on denuvo.com. Cannot open Logger. Element picker/zapper does not switch tabs. Use +js name for logging. No reverse-lookup for logged HTML filter. EasyList Thailand added to stock filter lists. Various spelling. manualUpdateAssetFetchPeriod setting doesn't save the changes. False positive detection of popups is broken. "uBlock Assets" should be changed to "uBlock₀ Assets" in its tab. Minor JS errors in dashboard. Code exception in contentscript.js (vAPI.setTimeout) when opening Chrome last session tabs that are partly cached. Element picker mishandles identifiers with backslashes. Minor usability : block all scripts. Toggle option changes are always permanent. uBlock Origin doesn t honor noscript tags when blocking JS.
1.17.024 Sep 2018 07:05 minor feature: Error loading from the disk cache pages obtained by blocking remote fonts. "Storage used" in settings tab says "? bytes". It's really a workaround, consider the reported figure to be an on-the-low-side estimate . It's really a workaround, consider the reported figure to be an on-the-low-side estimate. Element picker mode in Firefox CSS failure on denuvo.com. Cannot open Logger. Element picker/zapper does not switch tabs. Use +js name for logging. No reverse-lookup for logged HTML filter. EasyList Thailand added to stock filter lists. Various spelling. manualUpdateAssetFetchPeriod setting doesn't save the changes. False positive detection of popups is broken. "uBlock Assets" should be changed to "uBlock₀ Assets" in its tab. Minor JS errors in dashboard. Code exception in contentscript.js (vAPI.setTimeout) when opening Chrome last session tabs that are partly cached. Element picker mishandles identifiers with backslashes. Minor usability : block all scripts. Toggle option changes are always permanent. uBlock Origin doesn t honor noscript tags when blocking JS.
1.16.21rc120 Sep 2018 13:25 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Add info about the script used to generate the web-accessible resouces. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. New revision for release candidate.
1.16.21rc016 Sep 2018 07:25 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-, uBlockOrigin/uBlock-. UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Code review for 0322d03 -- handling of rc versions. . New revision for release candidate. . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock.
1.16.21b711 Sep 2018 03:45 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Regression from ba32c6a. . Add ampproject.org/v0.js as a web-accessible-resources. . New revision for dev build.
1.16.21b407 Sep 2018 02:05 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . New revision for dev build. . Small captalization. . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock.
1.16.21b202 Sep 2018 12:05 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . NanoAdblocker#202. . False positive detection of popups. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. , #3436, uBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Erroneous description, as per feedback. . New revision for dev build. . Code review for 3c85c03: simplify counting of script resources. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock.
1.16.21b029 Aug 2018 06:45 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Added optional lz4 compression for cache storage (uBlockOrigin/uBlock . . New revision for dev build. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . . Reorganize cache storage compression; workaround for #2812. . New revision for dev build. . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Code review of 38aabc9. . Code review of pure-js implementation of lz4. . Explain purpose of files (for reviewers really). . Typo. . New revision for dev build. . Typo. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Import translation from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Make use of CodeMirror in "Advanced settings" page. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock- regression . . New revision for dev build. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Typos. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Adjust title to that of "Title" directive. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. New revision for dev build. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . : Firefox for Android does not support the windows API. . : Firefox for Android does not su . . Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gorhill/uBlock. . New revision for dev build. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . "Element picker/zapper does not switch tabs" in uBlockOrigin/uBlo . . New revision for dev build. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-, #2240. . New revision for dev build. . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Remove unused code meant for Firefox/legacy. . NanoMeow/QuickReports#6 (comment). . Minor code review of lz4-related code. . New revision for dev build. . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Enable cache storage compression by default. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Adjust lz4 ttl as suggested by @gwarser; cache resources selfie as st . . New revision
1.16.17b925 Aug 2018 03:16 minor feature: Settings cannot be reset on Beta and Nightly Firefox. Add a pane in the dashboard (Firefox only) to assign keyboard shortcuts The new pane will be available for Firefox 60+ only. . The new pane will be available for Firefox 60+ only. Element picker cannot be toggled before a site is fully loaded. Logger: generic hiding rule recorded as active when generichide in effect. Filter for dynamically added class is not logged. Logger: Popup which shows the used filter is empty.
1.16.17b822 Aug 2018 03:16 minor feature: Settings cannot be reset on Beta and Nightly Firefox. Add a pane in the dashboard (Firefox only) to assign keyboard shortcuts The new pane will be available for Firefox 60+ only. . The new pane will be available for Firefox 60+ only. Element picker cannot be toggled before a site is fully loaded. Logger: generic hiding rule recorded as active when generichide in effect. Filter for dynamically added class is not logged. Logger: Popup which shows the used filter is empty.
1.16.17b717 Aug 2018 03:17 minor feature: Settings cannot be reset on Beta and Nightly Firefox. Add a pane in the dashboard (Firefox only) to assign keyboard shortcuts The new pane will be available for Firefox 60+ only. . The new pane will be available for Firefox 60+ only. Element picker cannot be toggled before a site is fully loaded. Logger: generic hiding rule recorded as active when generichide in effect. Filter for dynamically added class is not logged. Logger: Popup which shows the used filter is empty.
1.16.17b112 Aug 2018 03:17 minor feature: Trivial for Thunderbird compatibility. Commit history since
1.16.17b007 Aug 2018 07:25 minor feature: Trivial for Thunderbird compatibility. Commit history since
1.16.15rc003 Aug 2018 13:05 minor feature: Trivial for Thunderbird compatibility. Commit history since
1.16.15b630 Jul 2018 00:45 minor feature: Trivial for Thunderbird compatibility. Commit history since
1.16.15b525 Jul 2018 06:25 minor feature: Trivial for Thunderbird compatibility. Commit history since
1.16.15b221 Jul 2018 17:05 minor feature: Trivial for Thunderbird compatibility. Commit history since
1.16.13rc117 Jul 2018 14:05 minor feature: Incorrectly rendered overview pane of popup panel -- as seen in this screenshot from this Reddit post. CSS pseudo element: -webkit-scrollbar. Badfilter + matching duplicate user filter created from picker or logger may rarely cause a js exception.
1.16.13rc013 Jul 2018 11:05 minor feature: Incorrectly rendered overview pane of popup panel -- as seen in this screenshot from this Reddit post. CSS pseudo element: -webkit-scrollbar. Badfilter + matching duplicate user filter created from picker or logger may rarely cause a js exception.
1.16.13b209 Jul 2018 12:25 minor feature: Incorrectly rendered overview pane of popup panel -- as seen in this screenshot from this Reddit post. CSS pseudo element: -webkit-scrollbar. Badfilter + matching duplicate user filter created from picker or logger may rarely cause a js exception.
1.16.13b005 Jul 2018 14:25 minor feature: Incorrectly rendered overview pane of popup panel -- as seen in this screenshot from this Reddit post. CSS pseudo element: -webkit-scrollbar. Badfilter + matching duplicate user filter created from picker or logger may rarely cause a js exception.
1.16.1201 Jul 2018 12:25 minor feature: Incorrectly rendered overview pane of popup panel -- as seen in this screenshot from this Reddit post. CSS pseudo element: -webkit-scrollbar. Badfilter + matching duplicate user filter created from picker or logger may rarely cause a js exception.
1.16.11rc227 Jun 2018 18:25 minor feature: UBO tooltips conflicts with browser tooltips.
1.16.11rc015 Jun 2018 10:25 minor feature: Early injection of scriptlets (see c5d8588). Using tabs.executeScript() to inject scriptlets at document_start allows to inject scriptlets earlier and hence increase likelihood that the scriptlets will win the race against a page's scripts. . Using tabs.executeScript() to inject scriptlets at document_start allows to inject scriptlets earlier and hence increase likelihood that the scriptlets will win the race against a page's scripts. HTML filters occasionally lost effectiveness. Round hour up to nearest day.
1.16.9rc005 Jun 2018 14:05 minor feature: py publish script . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Code review of 3927717: select "All" when kb shortcut from logger itself. . Update README.md. . Code review: bad lookup causing hostname,domain cache to never . . New revision for release candidate.
1.16.9b201 Jun 2018 06:25 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Use old.reddit.com for support URL. . Webext build for chromium (#3716 (comment)). . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Update assets.json. . Improve in-memory storage of specific cosmetic filters + more ES6. . Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gorhill/uBlock. . New revision for dev build.
1.16.9b028 May 2018 17:25 minor feature: Round hour up to nearest day . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gorhill/uBlock. . New revision for dev build. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Align header parsing to ABP. . Inject scriptlets earlier (experimental). . Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gorhill/uBlock. . New revision for dev build. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Use name in manifest for "About" pane. . Code review for c5d8588. . Code reivew of c5d8588: immediate scriptlets injection works well onl . . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . New revision for dev build. . "developement build" instead of "dev build". . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Code review for c5d8588: mind about:blank et al. iframes. . New revsion for dev build. . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Dd92337#commitcomment-29051501. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Version parsing in 91b0ac5. . New revision for dev build. . Make Firefox dev build auto-update. . Opera make script. . Code review for c5d8588: mind whitelist status; mind an inaccessible . . New revision for dev build.
1.16.7b424 May 2018 19:25 minor feature: Release versions of uBO will no longer support logger-in-the-sidebar: by design Firefox opens the sidebar with new installation of uBO and this is not a desireable behavior for uBO Dev builds will still support the logger-in-the-sidebar feature. I may bring it back depending on the resolution of. Dev builds will still support the logger-in-the-sidebar feature. I may bring it back depending on the resolution of. uBO webext doesn't fill entire panel space. uBO element picker Stylus.
1.16.7b220 May 2018 13:05 minor feature: Release versions of uBO will no longer support logger-in-the-sidebar: by design Firefox opens the sidebar with new installation of uBO and this is not a desireable behavior for uBO Dev builds will still support the logger-in-the-sidebar feature. I may bring it back depending on the resolution of. Dev builds will still support the logger-in-the-sidebar feature. I may bring it back depending on the resolution of. uBO webext doesn't fill entire panel space. uBO element picker Stylus.
1.16.617 May 2018 01:45 minor feature: Release versions of uBO will no longer support logger-in-the-sidebar: by design Firefox opens the sidebar with new installation of uBO and this is not a desireable behavior for uBO Dev builds will still support the logger-in-the-sidebar feature. I may bring it back depending on the resolution of. Dev builds will still support the logger-in-the-sidebar feature. I may bring it back depending on the resolution of. uBO webext doesn't fill entire panel space. uBO element picker Stylus.
1.16.5rc013 May 2018 02:25 minor feature: "Ignore generic cosmetic filters" not checked as expected with a new installation. Reported by a Reddit user, with this commit . Reported by a Reddit user, with this commit. Pull request from @Rob--W: Clear return value of vapi.js content script Performance . Element picker find twice body on website. Added a link to uBO's official tracker in About pane in the dashboard.
1.16.5b208 May 2018 20:45 minor feature: "Ignore generic cosmetic filters" not checked as expected with a new installation. Reported by a Reddit user, with this commit . Reported by a Reddit user, with this commit. Pull request from @Rob--W: Clear return value of vapi.js content script Performance . Element picker find twice body on website. Added a link to uBO's official tracker in About pane in the dashboard.
1.16.404 May 2018 19:05 minor feature: "Ignore generic cosmetic filters" not checked as expected with a new installation. Reported by a Reddit user, with this commit . Reported by a Reddit user, with this commit. Pull request from @Rob--W: Clear return value of vapi.js content script Performance . Element picker find twice body on website. Added a link to uBO's official tracker in About pane in the dashboard.
1.16.3b130 Apr 2018 13:45 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Load/save secret tokens to/from env variable. . Comments. . UBlockOrigin/uBlock-. Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . New revision for dev build. . Bring install infor up to date.
1.16.226 Apr 2018 06:45 minor feature: uBO 1.16 crashes on Chromium 66 Regression . Spurious redirect conflicts with HTTPS Everywhere. Have behind-the-scene whitelisted for uBO/legacy. Firefox 52 ESR + spoofed user agent string fools uBO into thinking cssOrigin is supported Regression . Can't write any filters on Android. Insufficient escaping in patchScriptlet if streamScriptInjectFilters is enabled Ability to inject scriptlets through response data filtering has been entirely removed for the time being The advanced setting streamScriptInjectFilters has been removed . Ability to inject scriptlets through response data filtering has been entirely removed for the time being. The advanced setting streamScriptInjectFilters has been removed. Text in popup panel tooltip is out of context. Minor to code. Firewall pane's save/revert not showing up when scrolled down on small screens Found this myself, without opening a formal. . Found this myself, without opening a formal. Underscore in domain name breaks whitelist editor with pull request from @jspenguin2017 . with pull request from @jspenguin2017. Element picker text area has unreadable text.
1.16.1rc122 Apr 2018 07:25 minor feature: Use user style sheets on Chromium User stylesheets are supported on Chromium (including Chromium-based browsers) version 66 and above. Unfortunately, the API chrome.tabs.removeCSS is not currently supported, and the consequences are: Toggling off the cosmetic filtering switch won't immediately reveal cosmetically removed elements on the page -- you will need to force a reload of the page. This break core functionality of the DOM inspector. If these consequences are a problem to you, I suggest you move to Firefox, it fully supports the insertion/removal of user stylesheets. . User stylesheets are supported on Chromium (including Chromium-based browsers) version 66 and above. Unfortunately, the API chrome.tabs.removeCSS is not currently supported, and the consequences are: Toggling off the cosmetic filtering switch won't immediately reveal cosmetically removed elements on the page -- you will need to force a reload of the page. This break core functionality of the DOM inspector. . Toggling off the cosmetic filtering switch won't immediately reveal cosmetically removed elements on the page -- you will need to force a reload of the page. This break core functionality of the DOM inspector. If these consequences are a problem to you, I suggest you move to Firefox, it fully supports the insertion/removal of user stylesheets. Blank pages with stream filtering + content-type header missing. Cloud synchronization bar fails to load.
1.15.25rc318 Apr 2018 23:25 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Code review: simplfy devbuild detection using webextFlavor. . Firefox/legacy build. . Update CONTRIBUTING.md. . Update CONTRIBUTING.md. . Update CONTRIBUTING.md. . New revision for dev build.
1.15.25rc214 Apr 2018 21:05 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Code review of efcab14: collected errors; replace Promises with c . . New revision for release candidate.
1.15.25b310 Apr 2018 10:45 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Accept `ubo://`. . Update README.md. . Update README.md. . 'permission' wiki link in README. . Inccorrect padding with RTL languages. . Lower default value of manualUpdateAssetFetchPeriod. . Use Element.matches instead of ugly hack. . Various improvements to the "Filter lists" pane. . Changes needed for releasing uBO/opera 1.15.24. . Merge branch 'opera-1.15.24'. . Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Code review: improve compatibility with StevenBlack hosts files. . Further fine tune "Filter lists" pane (b60c06f). . New revision for dev build.
1.15.25b210 Apr 2018 06:45 minor feature: Make Firefox dev build auto-update . Code review: use regex to speed up CSS selector validation. . Code review: modernize old code. . Code review: avoid special WebRTC test for non-Chromium browsers. . Accept `# Title:` and `# Expires:`; optimize RegExp. . Code review: avoid redundant PSL selfie. . Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gorhill/uBlock. . (comment). . New revision for dev build.
1.15.25b005 Apr 2018 18:05 minor feature: New revision for dev build.
1.15.19rc501 Apr 2018 14:05 minor feature: i don't can paste text with right click.
1.15.19b528 Mar 2018 10:25 minor feature: i don't can paste text with right click.
1.15.19b225 Mar 2018 02:25 minor feature: i don't can paste text with right click.
1.15.19b020 Mar 2018 23:45 minor feature: i don't can paste text with right click.
1.15.11b1516 Mar 2018 19:05 minor feature: Cause still unknown: #3526. Cause identified -- but no obvious possible: uBlockOrigin/uAssets#1492.
1.15.11b1012 Mar 2018 14:45 minor feature: Cause still unknown: #3526. Cause identified -- but no obvious possible: uBlockOrigin/uAssets#1492.
1.15.11b907 Mar 2018 16:45 minor feature: Cause still unknown: #3526. Cause identified -- but no obvious possible: uBlockOrigin/uAssets#1492.
1.15.11b603 Mar 2018 15:05 minor feature: Cause still unknown: #3526. Cause identified -- but no obvious possible: uBlockOrigin/uAssets#1492.
1.15.11b327 Feb 2018 21:05 minor feature: Cause still unknown: #3526. Cause identified -- but no obvious possible: uBlockOrigin/uAssets#1492.
1.15.11b023 Feb 2018 17:05 minor feature: Cause still unknown: #3526. Cause identified -- but no obvious possible: uBlockOrigin/uAssets#1492.
1.15.7b320 Feb 2018 03:19 minor feature: Wrong encoding results in garbled characters on German site.
1.15.7b016 Feb 2018 08:05 minor feature: Wrong encoding results in garbled characters on German site.
1.15.5b010 Feb 2018 13:45 minor feature: Android Firefox corrupted downloads with uBlock on.
1.15.405 Feb 2018 06:45 minor feature: Android Firefox corrupted downloads with uBlock on.
1.15.001 Feb 2018 03:16 minor feature: Two filters in EasyList. One filter in EasyList China. 384f742. bc782be.
1.14.25rc118 Jan 2018 13:45 minor feature: Two filters in EasyList. One filter in EasyList China. 384f742. bc782be.
1.14.25rc014 Jan 2018 11:05 minor feature: Two filters in EasyList. One filter in EasyList China. 384f742. bc782be.
1.14.23b1610 Jan 2018 15:45 minor feature: Change URL for CZ/SK filters and add "sk" lang. Ocsigen.org freezes when clicking links. Filter cost cumulates on endless scrolling sites (facebook) and end up being disabled until reload. Regression domain= option fails to match in some rare cases. Japanese Seconds on the logger page not showing.
1.14.23b1406 Jan 2018 15:45 minor feature: Change URL for CZ/SK filters and add "sk" lang. Ocsigen.org freezes when clicking links. Filter cost cumulates on endless scrolling sites (facebook) and end up being disabled until reload. Regression domain= option fails to match in some rare cases. Japanese Seconds on the logger page not showing.
1.14.23b1002 Jan 2018 20:45 minor feature: Change URL for CZ/SK filters and add "sk" lang. Ocsigen.org freezes when clicking links. Filter cost cumulates on endless scrolling sites (facebook) and end up being disabled until reload. Regression domain= option fails to match in some rare cases. Japanese Seconds on the logger page not showing.
1.14.23b329 Dec 2017 07:05 minor feature: Change URL for CZ/SK filters and add "sk" lang. Ocsigen.org freezes when clicking links. Filter cost cumulates on endless scrolling sites (facebook) and end up being disabled until reload. Regression domain= option fails to match in some rare cases. Japanese Seconds on the logger page not showing.
1.14.23b225 Dec 2017 07:05 minor feature: Change URL for CZ/SK filters and add "sk" lang. Ocsigen.org freezes when clicking links. Filter cost cumulates on endless scrolling sites (facebook) and end up being disabled until reload. Regression domain= option fails to match in some rare cases. Japanese Seconds on the logger page not showing.
1.14.23b120 Dec 2017 11:05 minor feature: Change URL for CZ/SK filters and add "sk" lang. Ocsigen.org freezes when clicking links. Filter cost cumulates on endless scrolling sites (facebook) and end up being disabled until reload. Regression domain= option fails to match in some rare cases. Japanese Seconds on the logger page not showing.
1.14.23b016 Dec 2017 15:25 minor feature: Change URL for CZ/SK filters and add "sk" lang. Ocsigen.org freezes when clicking links. Filter cost cumulates on endless scrolling sites (facebook) and end up being disabled until reload. Regression domain= option fails to match in some rare cases. Japanese Seconds on the logger page not showing.
1.14.21rc412 Dec 2017 19:45 minor feature: kasper93: improve DOM inspector. gwarser: Update supportURL for POL filters. NoScript WebExtension and its CSP reports. Use local image in Add-ons Manager. suspendTabsUntilReady and Violentmonkey compatibility. NSFW not popup. Regression Preview of CSS 'style' filters no longer works. Add Adguard Mobile ads filter to default filter list Adguard Mobile Ads filter list will be automatically selected with Firefox for Android (for new installations of uBO). . Adguard Mobile Ads filter list will be automatically selected with Firefox for Android (for new installations of uBO). A case that a custom RegExp rule doesn't work. generichide filter entry appears twice in the Logger on first load. Performance RegExp uses undue amount of memory on Chromium-based browsers. Reported as a core because the also benefits Firefox performance-wise. . Reported as a core because the also benefits Firefox performance-wise. uBlock unhides hidden elements when it's updated. Regression :style filters incorrectly shown in logger. 'Block element' from context menu not working in Firefox, when 0 active filters. Accessibility Screen reader, after clicking the toolbar button, the shown up interface is not accessible with screen reader keyboard control. DOM inspector not sees element.
1.14.21rc208 Dec 2017 19:45 minor feature: kasper93: improve DOM inspector. gwarser: Update supportURL for POL filters. NoScript WebExtension and its CSP reports. Use local image in Add-ons Manager. suspendTabsUntilReady and Violentmonkey compatibility. NSFW not popup. Regression Preview of CSS 'style' filters no longer works. Add Adguard Mobile ads filter to default filter list Adguard Mobile Ads filter list will be automatically selected with Firefox for Android (for new installations of uBO). . Adguard Mobile Ads filter list will be automatically selected with Firefox for Android (for new installations of uBO). A case that a custom RegExp rule doesn't work. generichide filter entry appears twice in the Logger on first load. Performance RegExp uses undue amount of memory on Chromium-based browsers. Reported as a core because the also benefits Firefox performance-wise. . Reported as a core because the also benefits Firefox performance-wise. uBlock unhides hidden elements when it's updated. Regression :style filters incorrectly shown in logger. 'Block element' from context menu not working in Firefox, when 0 active filters. Accessibility Screen reader, after clicking the toolbar button, the shown up interface is not accessible with screen reader keyboard control. DOM inspector not sees element.
1.14.21b004 Dec 2017 07:05 minor feature: kasper93: improve DOM inspector. gwarser: Update supportURL for POL filters. NoScript WebExtension and its CSP reports. Use local image in Add-ons Manager. suspendTabsUntilReady and Violentmonkey compatibility. NSFW not popup. Regression Preview of CSS 'style' filters no longer works. Add Adguard Mobile ads filter to default filter list Adguard Mobile Ads filter list will be automatically selected with Firefox for Android (for new installations of uBO). . Adguard Mobile Ads filter list will be automatically selected with Firefox for Android (for new installations of uBO). A case that a custom RegExp rule doesn't work. generichide filter entry appears twice in the Logger on first load. Performance RegExp uses undue amount of memory on Chromium-based browsers. Reported as a core because the also benefits Firefox performance-wise. . Reported as a core because the also benefits Firefox performance-wise. uBlock unhides hidden elements when it's updated. Regression :style filters incorrectly shown in logger. 'Block element' from context menu not working in Firefox, when 0 active filters. Accessibility Screen reader, after clicking the toolbar button, the shown up interface is not accessible with screen reader keyboard control. DOM inspector not sees element.
1.14.19rc229 Nov 2017 17:25 minor feature: The picker dialog box is now rendered with a minimal width. After you pick an element, if the picker dialog box is. Visible. Swiping right will hide it. Not visible. Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. . Visible. Swiping right will hide it. . Swiping right will hide it. Not visible. Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. . Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. Static-filtering: object_subrequest blocking method. uBlock doesn't work properly with "Medium Security" in Tor browser 7.0.7. Open in new tab produces 6+ 'popup' lines in logger. uBO is blocking legitimate CSP reports. Move pseudo-user stylesheets out of contentscript.js.
1.14.19rc125 Nov 2017 16:45 minor feature: The picker dialog box is now rendered with a minimal width. After you pick an element, if the picker dialog box is. Visible. Swiping right will hide it. Not visible. Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. . Visible. Swiping right will hide it. . Swiping right will hide it. Not visible. Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. . Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. Static-filtering: object_subrequest blocking method. uBlock doesn't work properly with "Medium Security" in Tor browser 7.0.7. Open in new tab produces 6+ 'popup' lines in logger. uBO is blocking legitimate CSP reports. Move pseudo-user stylesheets out of contentscript.js.
1.14.19b821 Nov 2017 06:25 minor feature: The picker dialog box is now rendered with a minimal width. After you pick an element, if the picker dialog box is. Visible. Swiping right will hide it. Not visible. Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. . Visible. Swiping right will hide it. . Swiping right will hide it. Not visible. Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. . Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. Static-filtering: object_subrequest blocking method. uBlock doesn't work properly with "Medium Security" in Tor browser 7.0.7. Open in new tab produces 6+ 'popup' lines in logger. uBO is blocking legitimate CSP reports. Move pseudo-user stylesheets out of contentscript.js.
1.14.19b515 Nov 2017 21:05 minor feature: The picker dialog box is now rendered with a minimal width. After you pick an element, if the picker dialog box is. Visible. Swiping right will hide it. Not visible. Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. . Visible. Swiping right will hide it. . Swiping right will hide it. Not visible. Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. . Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. Static-filtering: object_subrequest blocking method. uBlock doesn't work properly with "Medium Security" in Tor browser 7.0.7. Open in new tab produces 6+ 'popup' lines in logger. uBO is blocking legitimate CSP reports. Move pseudo-user stylesheets out of contentscript.js.
1.14.19b211 Nov 2017 13:05 minor feature: The picker dialog box is now rendered with a minimal width. After you pick an element, if the picker dialog box is. Visible. Swiping right will hide it. Not visible. Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. . Visible. Swiping right will hide it. . Swiping right will hide it. Not visible. Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. . Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it. Swiping right will quit element picker mode. Static-filtering: object_subrequest blocking method. uBlock doesn't work properly with "Medium Security" in Tor browser 7.0.7. Open in new tab produces 6+ 'popup' lines in logger. uBO is blocking legitimate CSP reports. Move pseudo-user stylesheets out of contentscript.js.
1.14.19b007 Nov 2017 15:25 minor feature: uBlock doesn't work properly with "Medium Security" in Tor browser 7.0.7. Specific popup filters incorrectly converted to popunder. Popup detection mistake. Static filtering: left-anchor / right-anchor. no-popups: true rule.
1.14.17b1003 Nov 2017 05:45 minor feature: uBlock doesn't work properly with "Medium Security" in Tor browser 7.0.7. Specific popup filters incorrectly converted to popunder. Popup detection mistake. Static filtering: left-anchor / right-anchor. no-popups: true rule.
1.14.17b829 Oct 2017 19:25 minor feature: uBlock doesn't work properly with "Medium Security" in Tor browser 7.0.7. Specific popup filters incorrectly converted to popunder. Popup detection mistake. Static filtering: left-anchor / right-anchor. no-popups: true rule.
1.14.17b526 Oct 2017 01:45 minor feature: uBlock doesn't work properly with "Medium Security" in Tor browser 7.0.7. Specific popup filters incorrectly converted to popunder. Popup detection mistake. Static filtering: left-anchor / right-anchor. no-popups: true rule.
1.14.17b122 Oct 2017 02:05 minor feature: Has/if filters rejected if contains char after recent changes.
1.14.15b117 Oct 2017 09:05 minor feature: Has/if filters rejected if contains char after recent changes.
1.14.1412 Oct 2017 21:45 minor feature: Has/if filters rejected if contains char after recent changes.
1.14.11rc1408 Oct 2017 06:25 minor feature: Minor code review. . New revision for release candidate. Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. Remove stray console.log used for development purpose. New revision for release candidate.
1.14.11rc1003 Oct 2017 07:05 minor feature: Remove "CHN: CJX´s Annoyance" (because optional), select "RUS: Adguar?. . New revision for release candidate. (use "dev build" in extension name).
1.14.11rc729 Sep 2017 19:25 minor feature: UBlockOrigin/uAssets#690. . New revision for release candidate.
1.14.11rc025 Sep 2017 10:45 minor feature: Extension with listener at webRequest.onHeadersReceived breaks navigation (crash/blank page) when the previous page performs sync XHR upon unload. Empty page using uBo / ABP webext (even whitelisting the site). Presence of an Webextension makes the head element missing on (iframe) load.
1.14.11b421 Sep 2017 17:45 minor feature: Https://zilla.mozilla.org/show_.cgi?id=1396226. Https://zilla.mozilla.org/show_.cgi?id=1375875.
1.14.11b117 Sep 2017 06:45 minor feature: Https://zilla.mozilla.org/show_.cgi?id=1396226. Https://zilla.mozilla.org/show_.cgi?id=1375875.
1.14.9b113 Sep 2017 09:45 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering broken on Firefox 52 ESR.
1.14.9b009 Sep 2017 11:25 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering broken on Firefox 52 ESR.
1.14.806 Sep 2017 02:25 minor feature: Cosmetic filtering broken on Firefox 52 ESR.
1.14.3b101 Sep 2017 17:25 minor feature: Use indexedDB instead of browser.local.storage for cached assets. bad test. Generate better regex for hostname-anchored generic filters (there are 4,500 such filters with default filter lists).
1.13.11rc028 Aug 2017 19:25 minor feature: Annoying popup when navigating to addon detail page in Add-on Manager. Development Version (1.13.9) on Firefox Nightly Unusable if Cookies are not accepted. Element picker mode doesn't cover whole page on opennet.ru. Performance Reduce overhead of handling the collapsing of blocked resources. Please consider changing the popup icon's cross sign. Using an allow rule on 1st-party hostname does not prevent scriptlets injection. Image download fails with "Failed - Blocked" with no-large-media enabled with small max size. uBO doesn't apply :style() filters in some situations. uBlock slows browserbench.org/Speedometer. contentscript.js:77 Uncaught Error: uBlock Origin: aborting content scripts for http://limonte.github.io/svg/head.svg.xml.
1.13.1024 Aug 2017 07:45 minor feature: Annoying popup when navigating to addon detail page in Add-on Manager. Development Version (1.13.9) on Firefox Nightly Unusable if Cookies are not accepted. Element picker mode doesn't cover whole page on opennet.ru. Performance Reduce overhead of handling the collapsing of blocked resources. Please consider changing the popup icon's cross sign. Using an allow rule on 1st-party hostname does not prevent scriptlets injection. Image download fails with "Failed - Blocked" with no-large-media enabled with small max size. uBO doesn't apply :style() filters in some situations. uBlock slows browserbench.org/Speedometer. contentscript.js:77 Uncaught Error: uBlock Origin: aborting content scripts for http://limonte.github.io/svg/head.svg.xml.
1.13.9rc420 Aug 2017 13:45 minor feature: Performance Extract token from regex-based filters if possible. Logger incorrectly shows all popups as blocked by one filter. One more filter parsing in the logger. How about adding " " to static filter made from logger?.
1.13.9rc116 Aug 2017 21:25 minor feature: Performance Extract token from regex-based filters if possible. Logger incorrectly shows all popups as blocked by one filter. One more filter parsing in the logger. How about adding " " to static filter made from logger?.
1.13.9b812 Aug 2017 16:05 minor feature: Performance Extract token from regex-based filters if possible. Logger incorrectly shows all popups as blocked by one filter. One more filter parsing in the logger. How about adding " " to static filter made from logger?.
1.13.9b608 Aug 2017 17:45 minor feature: Performance Extract token from regex-based filters if possible. Logger incorrectly shows all popups as blocked by one filter. One more filter parsing in the logger. How about adding " " to static filter made from logger?.
1.13.9b404 Aug 2017 10:45 minor feature: Performance Extract token from regex-based filters if possible. Logger incorrectly shows all popups as blocked by one filter. One more filter parsing in the logger. How about adding " " to static filter made from logger?.
1.13.9b329 Jul 2017 11:25 minor feature: Performance Extract token from regex-based filters if possible. Logger incorrectly shows all popups as blocked by one filter. One more filter parsing in the logger. How about adding " " to static filter made from logger?.
1.13.9b225 Jul 2017 16:05 minor feature: Performance Extract token from regex-based filters if possible. Logger incorrectly shows all popups as blocked by one filter. One more filter parsing in the logger. How about adding " " to static filter made from logger?.
1.13.9b021 Jul 2017 06:45 minor feature: Script:contains filters will stop working. Cosmetic filters will no longer use the browser's user styles This is something I need to address -- user styles are still possible with webext, but this will require some non-trivial re-work because currently user styles are injected in content scripts, while with webext they have to be injected through the main process; Also I still need to take the time to create/demonstrate a real test case of what I see as a theoretical flaw in the API regarding style injection through tabs.insertCSS: the call is asynchronous, thus there is no guarantee the page which is meant to be injected is still present in the target tab. . This is something I need to address -- user styles are still possible with webext, but this will require some non-trivial re-work because currently user styles are injected in content scripts, while with webext they have to be injected through the main process;. Also I still need to take the time to create/demonstrate a real test case of what I see as a theoretical flaw in the API regarding style injection through tabs.insertCSS: the call is asynchronous, thus there is no guarantee the page which is meant to be injected is still present in the target tab. For all those Firefox and Firefox-based browsers base on Firefox v53 and less, the dev channel of uBO will cease to work, and they will have to install manually the xpi version from the repo here. Performance Extract token from regex-based filters if possible. Logger incorrectly shows all popups as blocked by one filter. One more filter parsing in the logger. How about adding " " to static filter made from logger?.
1.13.7rc416 Jul 2017 20:45 minor feature: UBlock Origin opera isn't blocking ad banner, but uBlock Origin chrome does.
1.13.7rc312 Jul 2017 17:25 minor feature: UBlock Origin opera isn't blocking ad banner, but uBlock Origin chrome does.
1.13.7rc108 Jul 2017 23:45 minor feature: UBlock Origin opera isn't blocking ad banner, but uBlock Origin chrome does.
1.13.7b104 Jul 2017 15:45 minor feature: UBlock Origin opera isn't blocking ad banner, but uBlock Origin chrome does.
1.13.430 Jun 2017 14:45 minor feature: Inconvenient default hotkey mapping activation You will have to assign yourself whatever keyboard shortcut you want, there are no longer default shortcuts. Open about:config and search for ublock0.shortcuts. No value means no shortcut. See modifiers for valid modifiers. Modifiers and key must be dash-separated (-), example: alt-shift-Z. For reference, here are the shortcuts which were originally added (now removed): extensions.ublock0.shortcuts.launch-element-zapper: alt-Z extensions.ublock0.shortcuts.launch-element-picker: alt-X extensions.ublock0.shortcuts.launch-logger: alt-L . You will have to assign yourself whatever keyboard shortcut you want, there are no longer default shortcuts. Open about:config and search for ublock0.shortcuts. No value means no shortcut. See modifiers for valid modifiers. Modifiers and key must be dash-separated (-), example: alt-shift-Z. For reference, here are the shortcuts which were originally added (now removed): extensions.ublock0.shortcuts.launch-element-zapper: alt-Z extensions.ublock0.shortcuts.launch-element-picker: alt-X extensions.ublock0.shortcuts.launch-logger: alt-L . extensions.ublock0.shortcuts.launch-element-zapper: alt-Z. extensions.ublock0.shortcuts.launch-element-picker: alt-X. extensions.ublock0.shortcuts.launch-logger: alt-L. Logger color too bright for cosmetic hiding color-blind mode . Settings gear not displaying in 1.13.
1.13.3b327 Jun 2017 02:05 minor feature: Inconvenient default hotkey mapping activation Reportedly, the default keyboard shortcut I picked do not work for all locales. Consequently I removed default shortcuts and users will have to pick whatever work for them. Important: For those already affected by the, the suggested shortcuts were already added and won't be removed with this update. You will have to remove or re-assign yourself by clicking "Keyboard shortcuts" link in the page chrome://extensions -- the link is at the bottom of the page. . Reportedly, the default keyboard shortcut I picked do not work for all locales. Consequently I removed default shortcuts and users will have to pick whatever work for them. Important: For those already affected by the, the suggested shortcuts were already added and won't be removed with this update. You will have to remove or re-assign yourself by clicking "Keyboard shortcuts" link in the page chrome://extensions -- the link is at the bottom of the page. The extension is disabled in chrome More specifically, this is due to a Chromium, see #2720 (comment). Chromium : https://.chromium.org/p/chromium//detail?id=720597. As reported by users, if you click Repair, you will lose all your settings in uBO, see #2720 (comment). Consequently, force an update of the extension, do not click "Repair" -- my understanding so far is that forcing an update will not cause all your uBO settings to be lost. 1.13.0 had been released to only 20 of all Chrome store users. In the unfortunate event all your uBO settings were lost, you will have to restore them. If you do not have a backup of your settings, you may give this a try. . More specifically, this is due to a Chromium, see #2720 (comment). Chromium : https://.chromium.org/p/chromium//detail?id=720597. As reported by users, if you click Repair, you will lose all your settings in uBO, see #2720 (comment). Consequently, force an update of the extension, do not click "Repair" -- my understanding so far is that forcing an update will not
1.13.3b022 Jun 2017 19:45 minor feature: Inconvenient default hotkey mapping activation Reportedly, the default keyboard shortcut I picked do not work for all locales. Consequently I removed default shortcuts and users will have to pick whatever work for them. Important: For those already affected by the, the suggested shortcuts were already added and won't be removed with this update. You will have to remove or re-assign yourself by clicking "Keyboard shortcuts" link in the page chrome://extensions -- the link is at the bottom of the page. . Reportedly, the default keyboard shortcut I picked do not work for all locales. Consequently I removed default shortcuts and users will have to pick whatever work for them. Important: For those already affected by the, the suggested shortcuts were already added and won't be removed with this update. You will have to remove or re-assign yourself by clicking "Keyboard shortcuts" link in the page chrome://extensions -- the link is at the bottom of the page. The extension is disabled in chrome More specifically, this is due to a Chromium, see #2720 (comment). Chromium : https://.chromium.org/p/chromium//detail?id=720597. As reported by users, if you click Repair, you will lose all your settings in uBO, see #2720 (comment). Consequently, force an update of the extension, do not click "Repair" -- my understanding so far is that forcing an update will not cause all your uBO settings to be lost. 1.13.0 had been released to only 20 of all Chrome store users. In the unfortunate event all your uBO settings were lost, you will have to restore them. If you do not have a backup of your settings, you may give this a try. . More specifically, this is due to a Chromium, see #2720 (comment). Chromium : https://.chromium.org/p/chromium//detail?id=720597. As reported by users, if you click Repair, you will lose all your settings in uBO, see #2720 (comment). Consequently, force an update of the extension, do not click "Repair" -- my understanding so far is that forcing an update will not
1.12.5rc518 Jun 2017 07:45 minor feature: Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. New revision.
1.12.5rc315 Jun 2017 01:45 minor feature: Unable to access logger/dashboard from popup upon session restore. Improperly punycoded hostname for hostname-anchored filters with Unicode characters. Request: some unused resources are spuriously updated. Bad Fanboy server cache policy This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. . This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. Newly created filter through the element picker is ignored after quitting/launching uBO. GUI "gear" Blocked by Temporary Elements. Punycode phishing attack detection Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. . Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. More longer timeout time Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. . Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. Add adblock-iran filter list to regional lists.
1.12.5rc210 Jun 2017 06:05 minor feature: Unable to access logger/dashboard from popup upon session restore. Improperly punycoded hostname for hostname-anchored filters with Unicode characters. Request: some unused resources are spuriously updated. Bad Fanboy server cache policy This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. . This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. Newly created filter through the element picker is ignored after quitting/launching uBO. GUI "gear" Blocked by Temporary Elements. Punycode phishing attack detection Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. . Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. More longer timeout time Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. . Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. Add adblock-iran filter list to regional lists.
1.12.5rc005 Jun 2017 10:25 minor feature: Unable to access logger/dashboard from popup upon session restore. Improperly punycoded hostname for hostname-anchored filters with Unicode characters. Request: some unused resources are spuriously updated. Bad Fanboy server cache policy This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. . This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. Newly created filter through the element picker is ignored after quitting/launching uBO. GUI "gear" Blocked by Temporary Elements. Punycode phishing attack detection Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. . Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. More longer timeout time Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. . Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. Add adblock-iran filter list to regional lists.
1.12.5b1831 May 2017 12:25 minor feature: Unable to access logger/dashboard from popup upon session restore. Improperly punycoded hostname for hostname-anchored filters with Unicode characters. Request: some unused resources are spuriously updated. Bad Fanboy server cache policy This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. . This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. Newly created filter through the element picker is ignored after quitting/launching uBO. GUI "gear" Blocked by Temporary Elements. Punycode phishing attack detection Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. . Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. More longer timeout time Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. . Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. Add adblock-iran filter list to regional lists.
1.12.5b1027 May 2017 22:05 minor feature: Unable to access logger/dashboard from popup upon session restore. Improperly punycoded hostname for hostname-anchored filters with Unicode characters. Request: some unused resources are spuriously updated. Bad Fanboy server cache policy This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. . This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. Newly created filter through the element picker is ignored after quitting/launching uBO. GUI "gear" Blocked by Temporary Elements. Punycode phishing attack detection Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. . Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. More longer timeout time Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. . Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. Add adblock-iran filter list to regional lists.
1.12.5b723 May 2017 05:05 minor feature: Unable to access logger/dashboard from popup upon session restore. Improperly punycoded hostname for hostname-anchored filters with Unicode characters. Request: some unused resources are spuriously updated. Bad Fanboy server cache policy This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. . This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. Newly created filter through the element picker is ignored after quitting/launching uBO. GUI "gear" Blocked by Temporary Elements. Punycode phishing attack detection Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. . Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. More longer timeout time Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. . Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. Add adblock-iran filter list to regional lists.
1.12.5b319 May 2017 09:45 minor feature: Unable to access logger/dashboard from popup upon session restore. Improperly punycoded hostname for hostname-anchored filters with Unicode characters. Request: some unused resources are spuriously updated. Bad Fanboy server cache policy This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. . This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. Newly created filter through the element picker is ignored after quitting/launching uBO. GUI "gear" Blocked by Temporary Elements. Punycode phishing attack detection Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. . Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. More longer timeout time Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. . Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. Add adblock-iran filter list to regional lists.
1.12.415 May 2017 06:05 minor feature: Unable to access logger/dashboard from popup upon session restore. Improperly punycoded hostname for hostname-anchored filters with Unicode characters. Request: some unused resources are spuriously updated. Bad Fanboy server cache policy This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. . This was causing uBO to use potentially severely obsolete filter lists hosted on fanboy.co.nz, or more generally putting uBO users at the mercy of flawed server caching policies. Newly created filter through the element picker is ignored after quitting/launching uBO. GUI "gear" Blocked by Temporary Elements. Punycode phishing attack detection Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. . Potentially ambiguous base domain names in the popup panel will be labelled ? (a Cyrillic character), to inform the user that the domain name contains Cyrillic characters which could be confused with some ASCII characters. Further reading: IDN homograph attack. More longer timeout time Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. . Better handling of timeout conditions for slow connections when updating filter lists. Add adblock-iran filter list to regional lists.
1.12.5b014 May 2017 07:05 minor feature: Title in popup panel HTML. Refactor static network filtering, add support for csp injection. New revision for bleeding edge dev build.
1.12.3rc109 May 2017 19:45 minor feature: Add basic mitigation to potential abuse of IDN. Improve solution to #2550: mind only the 22 confusable unicode charac?. re. #2550: just implement the logic used to solve https://.chromi?. better handle timeout conditions. New revision for dev build. Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Code review: simplify CSP injection code. . Fine tune tooltips in 3rd-party lists pane. Tabnapping prevention. Minor code review. . Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. More cases re #2529. New revision for dev build. Revert "more cases re #2529". Reason: breaks links in dashboard on Fi?. Revert "Tabnapping prevention ". Reason: breaks links in dashb?. Adding AdBlock Protector in stock filter lists. . New revision for dev build. Code review: to/from punycode conversion only if needed. Link warning sign to wiki page about strict-blocking. . New revision for release candidate. Better label to highlight an ambiguous domain name with Cyrillic char?. Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. Use HTTPS wherever possible in uBlock/assets.json. . Minor code review re. #2592. New revision for release candidate.
1.12.3rc009 May 2017 05:05 minor feature: Add basic mitigation to potential abuse of IDN. Improve solution to #2550: mind only the 22 confusable unicode charac?. re. #2550: just implement the logic used to solve https://.chromi?. better handle timeout conditions. New revision for dev build. Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Code review: simplify CSP injection code. . Fine tune tooltips in 3rd-party lists pane. Tabnapping prevention. Minor code review. . Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. More cases re #2529. New revision for dev build. Revert "more cases re #2529". Reason: breaks links in dashboard on Fi?. Revert "Tabnapping prevention ". Reason: breaks links in dashb?. Adding AdBlock Protector in stock filter lists. . New revision for dev build. Code review: to/from punycode conversion only if needed. Link warning sign to wiki page about strict-blocking. . New revision for release candidate.
1.12.3b204 May 2017 06:05 minor feature: Add basic mitigation to potential abuse of IDN. Improve solution to #2550: mind only the 22 confusable unicode charac?. re. #2550: just implement the logic used to solve https://.chromi?. better handle timeout conditions. New revision for dev build. Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Code review: simplify CSP injection code. . Fine tune tooltips in 3rd-party lists pane. Tabnapping prevention. Minor code review. . Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. More cases re #2529. New revision for dev build. Revert "more cases re #2529". Reason: breaks links in dashboard on Fi?. Revert "Tabnapping prevention ". Reason: breaks links in dashb?. Adding AdBlock Protector in stock filter lists. . New revision for dev build.
1.12.3b128 Apr 2017 22:05 minor feature: Add basic mitigation to potential abuse of IDN. Improve solution to #2550: mind only the 22 confusable unicode charac?. re. #2550: just implement the logic used to solve https://.chromi?. better handle timeout conditions. New revision for dev build. Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. . Code review: simplify CSP injection code. . Fine tune tooltips in 3rd-party lists pane. Tabnapping prevention. Minor code review. . Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. More cases re #2529. New revision for dev build.
1.12.3b024 Apr 2017 09:25 minor feature: Add basic mitigation to potential abuse of IDN. Improve solution to #2550: mind only the 22 confusable unicode charac?. re. #2550: just implement the logic used to solve https://.chromi?. better handle timeout conditions. New revision for dev build.
1.12.116 Apr 2017 20:25 minor feature: Update _TEMPLATE.md. Possible workaround for nikrolls#69. New revision.
1.12.012 Apr 2017 16:45 minor feature: Use the strictest setting for preventing the leakage of private IP addresses through WebRTC. It turns out the use of the strictest setting has (currently) the unforeseen virtuous side-effect of preventing WebRTC-delivered ads on some sites. See uBlockOrigin/uAssets#333 (comment). Clicking element that doesn't load due to size restriction doesn't work. uBO broken on Firefox mozilla-central tip. jpm sign fails. Webextensions under Firefox : No settings save dialog is displayed. Autogenerated filter breaks a web page. Cosmetic filters containing pseudo-elements like ::before and ::after are ignored. Unable to remove/modify dynamic filter when using wildcard. Dynamic URL Filtering fails to take precedence over Dynamic Filtering for worker requests. Enable users to create their own custom scriptlets See "Advanced settings"/userResourcesLocation. . See "Advanced settings"/userResourcesLocation.
1.11.5rc808 Apr 2017 20:05 minor feature: AdminSettings and filterLists.
1.11.5rc704 Apr 2017 05:45 minor feature: AdminSettings and filterLists.
1.11.5rc603 Apr 2017 05:25 minor feature: AdminSettings and filterLists.
1.11.5rc229 Mar 2017 18:45 minor feature: AdminSettings and filterLists.
1.11.5rc025 Mar 2017 21:45 minor feature: AdminSettings and filterLists.
1.11.5b221 Mar 2017 03:25 minor feature: AdminSettings and filterLists.
1.11.5b116 Mar 2017 20:05 minor feature: AdminSettings and filterLists.
1.11.3b212 Mar 2017 22:05 minor feature: DOM Inspector: Fallback to.childNodes when.children not present. uBO incompatible with InFormEnter. Missing text in da-dk localization. SharedWorker sibnet.ru Ability to block shared workers using blob:-based filters. . Ability to block shared workers using blob:-based filters.
1.11.3b108 Mar 2017 14:05 minor feature: DOM Inspector: Fallback to.childNodes when.children not present. uBO incompatible with InFormEnter. Missing text in da-dk localization. SharedWorker sibnet.ru Ability to block shared workers using blob:-based filters. . Ability to block shared workers using blob:-based filters.
1.11.204 Mar 2017 16:05 minor feature: DOM Inspector: Fallback to.childNodes when.children not present. uBO incompatible with InFormEnter. Missing text in da-dk localization. SharedWorker sibnet.ru Ability to block shared workers using blob:-based filters. . Ability to block shared workers using blob:-based filters.
1.11.1rc019 Feb 2017 17:05 minor feature: To render better in devices with smaller screen. Clicking "Update now" is no longer a blocking operation. The home icon is a link to the support site for a given filter list. The clock icon replaces the "purge cache" label. Click to mark a filter list as out-of-date. . Click to mark a filter list as out-of-date. The custom filter lists input field has been repurposed to import external filter lists, as opposed to declare external filter lists as was the case before. An imported filter list will have an X icon aside its name, to be used to remove the custom filter list. . An imported filter list will have an X icon aside its name, to be used to remove the custom filter list. You can now hide unused filter lists by clicking the global filter count at the top. :has-text(argument): to filter elements according to whether they have a specific text string found in them. Use /.../ to match a literal regular expression instead of plain text. :if()/:if-not(argument): use to implement recursion, argument is itself a valid procedural cosmetic filter, but can also be a plain CSS selector. Chained unwanted popups not properly filtered. Firefox Android configuration popup scrolling. Please enable RU Adlist filter for ex-USSR/CIS locales. Assets management refactored. Logger timestamps are incorrect when system time zone is not on hour boundary. Not blocked websockets (worker). Want to create a regex to whitelist all google but no luck. Ads are not blocked on bing.com web searches (filed for Edge, but also present on other platforms, those not supporting user styles or shadow DOM). The needs to be tested/confirmed for the Edge version. For Chromium-based browsers, use of shadow DOM has been removed in an attempt to simplify/unify generic implementation of the concept of user styles. (can be brought back if feedback shows it's needed). Most reliable and low overhead cosmetic filtering is on modern Firefox (38+), all other platforms (Chromium, Edge, legacy Firefox, Safar
1.11.1b114 Feb 2017 05:45 minor feature: To render better in devices with smaller screen. Clicking "Update now" is no longer a blocking operation. The home icon is a link to the support site for a given filter list. The clock icon replaces the "purge cache" label. Click to mark a filter list as out-of-date. . Click to mark a filter list as out-of-date. The custom filter lists input field has been repurposed to import external filter lists, as opposed to declare external filter lists as was the case before. An imported filter list will have an X icon aside its name, to be used to remove the custom filter list. . An imported filter list will have an X icon aside its name, to be used to remove the custom filter list. You can now hide unused filter lists by clicking the global filter count at the top. :has-text(argument): to filter elements according to whether they have a specific text string found in them. Use /.../ to match a literal regular expression instead of plain text. :if()/:if-not(argument): use to implement recursion, argument is itself a valid procedural cosmetic filter, but can also be a plain CSS selector. Chained unwanted popups not properly filtered. Firefox Android configuration popup scrolling. Please enable RU Adlist filter for ex-USSR/CIS locales. Assets management refactored. Logger timestamps are incorrect when system time zone is not on hour boundary. Not blocked websockets (worker). Want to create a regex to whitelist all google but no luck. Ads are not blocked on bing.com web searches (filed for Edge, but also present on other platforms, those not supporting user styles or shadow DOM). The needs to be tested/confirmed for the Edge version. For Chromium-based browsers, use of shadow DOM has been removed in an attempt to simplify/unify generic implementation of the concept of user styles. (can be brought back if feedback shows it's needed). Most reliable and low overhead cosmetic filtering is on modern Firefox (38+), all other platforms (Chromium, Edge, legacy Firefox, Safar
1.11.1b008 Feb 2017 07:45 minor feature: To render better in devices with smaller screen. Clicking "Update now" is no longer a blocking operation. The home icon is a link to the support site for a given filter list. The clock icon replaces the "purge cache" label. Click to mark a filter list as out-of-date. . Click to mark a filter list as out-of-date. The custom filter lists input field has been repurposed to import external filter lists, as opposed to declare external filter lists as was the case before. An imported filter list will have an X icon aside its name, to be used to remove the custom filter list. . An imported filter list will have an X icon aside its name, to be used to remove the custom filter list. You can now hide unused filter lists by clicking the global filter count at the top. :has-text(argument): to filter elements according to whether they have a specific text string found in them. Use /.../ to match a literal regular expression instead of plain text. :if()/:if-not(argument): use to implement recursion, argument is itself a valid procedural cosmetic filter, but can also be a plain CSS selector. Chained unwanted popups not properly filtered. Firefox Android configuration popup scrolling. Please enable RU Adlist filter for ex-USSR/CIS locales. Assets management refactored. Logger timestamps are incorrect when system time zone is not on hour boundary. Not blocked websockets (worker). Want to create a regex to whitelist all google but no luck. Ads are not blocked on bing.com web searches (filed for Edge, but also present on other platforms, those not supporting user styles or shadow DOM). The needs to be tested/confirmed for the Edge version. For Chromium-based browsers, use of shadow DOM has been removed in an attempt to simplify/unify generic implementation of the concept of user styles. (can be brought back if feedback shows it's needed). Most reliable and low overhead cosmetic filtering is on modern Firefox (38+), all other platforms (Chromium, Edge, legacy Firefox, Safar
1.10.7rc405 Feb 2017 01:45 minor feature: WebRTC local IP leakage prevention ineffective.
1.10.7rc231 Jan 2017 17:45 minor feature: WebRTC local IP leakage prevention ineffective.
1.10.7rc127 Jan 2017 19:45 minor feature: WebRTC local IP leakage prevention ineffective.
1.10.5b1423 Jan 2017 15:05 minor feature: Untokenizable static filters not properly enforced.
1.10.5b1019 Jan 2017 12:45 minor feature: Untokenizable static filters not properly enforced.
1.10.5b912 Jan 2017 15:05 minor feature: Untokenizable static filters not properly enforced.
1.10.5b608 Jan 2017 06:05 minor feature: Untokenizable static filters not properly enforced.
1.10.5b503 Jan 2017 23:45 minor feature: Untokenizable static filters not properly enforced.
1.10.5b430 Dec 2016 10:25 minor feature: Untokenizable static filters not properly enforced.
1.10.5b126 Dec 2016 15:25 minor feature: Untokenizable static filters not properly enforced.
1.10.5b021 Dec 2016 11:05 minor feature: Untokenizable static filters not properly enforced.
1.10.3b018 Dec 2016 00:05 minor feature: :matches-css now accept no more than one single style property. If more than one style property must be matched on the same node, you will need to chain them (i.e. div##matches-css(...):matches-css(...) -- ability to chain is coming for next release). Since there is only one style property, do not use trailing ;. :matches-css-before() and :matches-css-after() are now also available to specifically match style property for the pseudo elements :before and :after on a node. Support the use of regexes for property matching: if the first and last character of the value to match is /, the value will be deemed to be a literal regular expression which must be matched. tapping on icons in tablet mode selects them. Incompatibility between ABP and uBO over FETCH (json). generichide sometimes does not work. Select last visited pane when re-opening the dashboard.
1.10.1rc113 Dec 2016 09:05 minor feature: to work around Firefox : " non-e10s Pop-ups opened in Private Browsing mode stay in history". ublock origin "blocks" webtoepub addon on firefox (not on chromium). Added moz-extension-scheme to default whitelist directives. . Added moz-extension-scheme to default whitelist directives. Support passing arguments to injected scriplets. Weird logger (regression). Dynamic filtering pane in v1.9.16 (regression). elemhide cannot be disabled via a counter filter flag. Why is redirect clause ignored in static filter?. Fonts on left side of advanced mode popup are too big. Allow dynamic filtering pane to be visible (simplified, read-only) for non-advanced users. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates (regression). ### 5f filters not read by uBlock. Feature Request: Whitelist wildcard IP addresses. Ignoring ping filters. Blocking "early" requests is not possible (experimental ).
1.10.1rc008 Dec 2016 13:05 minor feature: to work around Firefox : " non-e10s Pop-ups opened in Private Browsing mode stay in history". ublock origin "blocks" webtoepub addon on firefox (not on chromium). Added moz-extension-scheme to default whitelist directives. . Added moz-extension-scheme to default whitelist directives. Support passing arguments to injected scriplets. Weird logger (regression). Dynamic filtering pane in v1.9.16 (regression). elemhide cannot be disabled via a counter filter flag. Why is redirect clause ignored in static filter?. Fonts on left side of advanced mode popup are too big. Allow dynamic filtering pane to be visible (simplified, read-only) for non-advanced users. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates (regression). ### 5f filters not read by uBlock. Feature Request: Whitelist wildcard IP addresses. Ignoring ping filters. Blocking "early" requests is not possible (experimental ).
1.10.1b004 Dec 2016 06:25 minor feature: to work around Firefox : " non-e10s Pop-ups opened in Private Browsing mode stay in history". ublock origin "blocks" webtoepub addon on firefox (not on chromium). Added moz-extension-scheme to default whitelist directives. . Added moz-extension-scheme to default whitelist directives. Support passing arguments to injected scriplets. Weird logger (regression). Dynamic filtering pane in v1.9.16 (regression). elemhide cannot be disabled via a counter filter flag. Why is redirect clause ignored in static filter?. Fonts on left side of advanced mode popup are too big. Allow dynamic filtering pane to be visible (simplified, read-only) for non-advanced users. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates (regression). ### 5f filters not read by uBlock. Feature Request: Whitelist wildcard IP addresses. Ignoring ping filters. Blocking "early" requests is not possible (experimental ).
1.10.030 Nov 2016 03:05 minor feature: to work around Firefox : " non-e10s Pop-ups opened in Private Browsing mode stay in history". ublock origin "blocks" webtoepub addon on firefox (not on chromium). Added moz-extension-scheme to default whitelist directives. . Added moz-extension-scheme to default whitelist directives. Support passing arguments to injected scriplets. Weird logger (regression). Dynamic filtering pane in v1.9.16 (regression). elemhide cannot be disabled via a counter filter flag. Why is redirect clause ignored in static filter?. Fonts on left side of advanced mode popup are too big. Allow dynamic filtering pane to be visible (simplified, read-only) for non-advanced users. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates (regression). ### 5f filters not read by uBlock. Feature Request: Whitelist wildcard IP addresses. Ignoring ping filters. Blocking "early" requests is not possible (experimental ).
1.9.17rc025 Nov 2016 22:45 minor feature: can now handle procedural cosmetic filters (:has, matches-css, :xpath), and also the special operator :style -- matching elements of such filters will be highlighted like normal CSS selector-based filters. an invalid filter in the input field will now trigger a visual cue: the background of the input field will be reddish. the number of elements on the current page matching the filter in the input field is now displayed in the bottom right corner of the input field. the preview mode is now sticky, i.e. you can modify the filter in the input field without being kicked out of preview mode. Convenient when creating :style-based cosmetic filters. uBlock blocking domain but not showing it in the dynamic filtering pane. security Translations can inject JavaScript code into the extension. ##iframe id style hides element picker. Websocket filters of the form * websocket are still applied for whitelisted sites. Hard Mode When Toggling to Medium Mode. Generic cosmetic filters abruptly not applied. Automatically lookup site-specific scriptlets: support for entity-based filters was left out, this has been added. Revisit the setting "Disable hyperlink auditing/beacon". Element picker and :has() operator. filters that start with and end with . Export in YYYY-MM-DD format for easier folder navigation.
1.9.17b1022 Nov 2016 02:45 minor feature: can now handle procedural cosmetic filters (:has, matches-css, :xpath), and also the special operator :style -- matching elements of such filters will be highlighted like normal CSS selector-based filters. an invalid filter in the input field will now trigger a visual cue: the background of the input field will be reddish. the number of elements on the current page matching the filter in the input field is now displayed in the bottom right corner of the input field. the preview mode is now sticky, i.e. you can modify the filter in the input field without being kicked out of preview mode. Convenient when creating :style-based cosmetic filters. uBlock blocking domain but not showing it in the dynamic filtering pane. security Translations can inject JavaScript code into the extension. ##iframe id style hides element picker. Websocket filters of the form * websocket are still applied for whitelisted sites. Hard Mode When Toggling to Medium Mode. Generic cosmetic filters abruptly not applied. Automatically lookup site-specific scriptlets: support for entity-based filters was left out, this has been added. Revisit the setting "Disable hyperlink auditing/beacon". Element picker and :has() operator. filters that start with and end with . Export in YYYY-MM-DD format for easier folder navigation.
1.9.17b917 Nov 2016 20:05 minor feature: can now handle procedural cosmetic filters (:has, matches-css, :xpath), and also the special operator :style -- matching elements of such filters will be highlighted like normal CSS selector-based filters. an invalid filter in the input field will now trigger a visual cue: the background of the input field will be reddish. the number of elements on the current page matching the filter in the input field is now displayed in the bottom right corner of the input field. the preview mode is now sticky, i.e. you can modify the filter in the input field without being kicked out of preview mode. Convenient when creating :style-based cosmetic filters. uBlock blocking domain but not showing it in the dynamic filtering pane. security Translations can inject JavaScript code into the extension. ##iframe id style hides element picker. Websocket filters of the form * websocket are still applied for whitelisted sites. Hard Mode When Toggling to Medium Mode. Generic cosmetic filters abruptly not applied. Automatically lookup site-specific scriptlets: support for entity-based filters was left out, this has been added. Revisit the setting "Disable hyperlink auditing/beacon". Element picker and :has() operator. filters that start with and end with . Export in YYYY-MM-DD format for easier folder navigation.
1.9.17b813 Nov 2016 13:05 minor feature: can now handle procedural cosmetic filters (:has, matches-css, :xpath), and also the special operator :style -- matching elements of such filters will be highlighted like normal CSS selector-based filters. an invalid filter in the input field will now trigger a visual cue: the background of the input field will be reddish. the number of elements on the current page matching the filter in the input field is now displayed in the bottom right corner of the input field. the preview mode is now sticky, i.e. you can modify the filter in the input field without being kicked out of preview mode. Convenient when creating :style-based cosmetic filters. uBlock blocking domain but not showing it in the dynamic filtering pane. security Translations can inject JavaScript code into the extension. ##iframe id style hides element picker. Websocket filters of the form * websocket are still applied for whitelisted sites. Hard Mode When Toggling to Medium Mode. Generic cosmetic filters abruptly not applied. Automatically lookup site-specific scriptlets: support for entity-based filters was left out, this has been added. Revisit the setting "Disable hyperlink auditing/beacon". Element picker and :has() operator. filters that start with and end with . Export in YYYY-MM-DD format for easier folder navigation.
1.9.17b710 Nov 2016 02:25 minor feature: can now handle procedural cosmetic filters (:has, matches-css, :xpath), and also the special operator :style -- matching elements of such filters will be highlighted like normal CSS selector-based filters. an invalid filter in the input field will now trigger a visual cue: the background of the input field will be reddish. the number of elements on the current page matching the filter in the input field is now displayed in the bottom right corner of the input field. the preview mode is now sticky, i.e. you can modify the filter in the input field without being kicked out of preview mode. Convenient when creating :style-based cosmetic filters. uBlock blocking domain but not showing it in the dynamic filtering pane. security Translations can inject JavaScript code into the extension. ##iframe id style hides element picker. Websocket filters of the form * websocket are still applied for whitelisted sites. Hard Mode When Toggling to Medium Mode. Generic cosmetic filters abruptly not applied. Automatically lookup site-specific scriptlets: support for entity-based filters was left out, this has been added. Revisit the setting "Disable hyperlink auditing/beacon". Element picker and :has() operator. filters that start with and end with . Export in YYYY-MM-DD format for easier folder navigation.
1.9.17b405 Nov 2016 03:16 minor feature: can now handle procedural cosmetic filters (:has, matches-css, :xpath), and also the special operator :style -- matching elements of such filters will be highlighted like normal CSS selector-based filters. an invalid filter in the input field will now trigger a visual cue: the background of the input field will be reddish. the number of elements on the current page matching the filter in the input field is now displayed in the bottom right corner of the input field. the preview mode is now sticky, i.e. you can modify the filter in the input field without being kicked out of preview mode. Convenient when creating :style-based cosmetic filters. uBlock blocking domain but not showing it in the dynamic filtering pane. security Translations can inject JavaScript code into the extension. ##iframe id style hides element picker. Websocket filters of the form * websocket are still applied for whitelisted sites. Hard Mode When Toggling to Medium Mode. Generic cosmetic filters abruptly not applied. Automatically lookup site-specific scriptlets: support for entity-based filters was left out, this has been added. Revisit the setting "Disable hyperlink auditing/beacon". Element picker and :has() operator. filters that start with and end with . Export in YYYY-MM-DD format for easier folder navigation.
1.9.17b102 Nov 2016 03:16 minor feature: can now handle procedural cosmetic filters (:has, matches-css, :xpath), and also the special operator :style -- matching elements of such filters will be highlighted like normal CSS selector-based filters. an invalid filter in the input field will now trigger a visual cue: the background of the input field will be reddish. the number of elements on the current page matching the filter in the input field is now displayed in the bottom right corner of the input field. the preview mode is now sticky, i.e. you can modify the filter in the input field without being kicked out of preview mode. Convenient when creating :style-based cosmetic filters. uBlock blocking domain but not showing it in the dynamic filtering pane. security Translations can inject JavaScript code into the extension. ##iframe id style hides element picker. Websocket filters of the form * websocket are still applied for whitelisted sites. Hard Mode When Toggling to Medium Mode. Generic cosmetic filters abruptly not applied. Automatically lookup site-specific scriptlets: support for entity-based filters was left out, this has been added. Revisit the setting "Disable hyperlink auditing/beacon". Element picker and :has() operator. filters that start with and end with . Export in YYYY-MM-DD format for easier folder navigation.
1.9.17b030 Oct 2016 03:16 minor feature: can now handle procedural cosmetic filters (:has, matches-css, :xpath), and also the special operator :style -- matching elements of such filters will be highlighted like normal CSS selector-based filters. an invalid filter in the input field will now trigger a visual cue: the background of the input field will be reddish. the number of elements on the current page matching the filter in the input field is now displayed in the bottom right corner of the input field. the preview mode is now sticky, i.e. you can modify the filter in the input field without being kicked out of preview mode. Convenient when creating :style-based cosmetic filters. uBlock blocking domain but not showing it in the dynamic filtering pane. security Translations can inject JavaScript code into the extension. ##iframe id style hides element picker. Websocket filters of the form * websocket are still applied for whitelisted sites. Hard Mode When Toggling to Medium Mode. Generic cosmetic filters abruptly not applied. Automatically lookup site-specific scriptlets: support for entity-based filters was left out, this has been added. Revisit the setting "Disable hyperlink auditing/beacon". Element picker and :has() operator. filters that start with and end with . Export in YYYY-MM-DD format for easier folder navigation.
1.9.1625 Oct 2016 14:25 minor feature: can now handle procedural cosmetic filters (:has, matches-css, :xpath), and also the special operator :style -- matching elements of such filters will be highlighted like normal CSS selector-based filters. an invalid filter in the input field will now trigger a visual cue: the background of the input field will be reddish. the number of elements on the current page matching the filter in the input field is now displayed in the bottom right corner of the input field. the preview mode is now sticky, i.e. you can modify the filter in the input field without being kicked out of preview mode. Convenient when creating :style-based cosmetic filters. uBlock blocking domain but not showing it in the dynamic filtering pane. security Translations can inject JavaScript code into the extension. ##iframe id style hides element picker. Websocket filters of the form * websocket are still applied for whitelisted sites. Hard Mode When Toggling to Medium Mode. Generic cosmetic filters abruptly not applied. Automatically lookup site-specific scriptlets: support for entity-based filters was left out, this has been added. Revisit the setting "Disable hyperlink auditing/beacon". Element picker and :has() operator. filters that start with and end with . Export in YYYY-MM-DD format for easier folder navigation.
1.9.15rc122 Oct 2016 02:25 minor feature: Opera store feedback: "cannot 'Disable non-proxied UDP' - WebRTC".
1.9.15b317 Oct 2016 23:05 minor feature: Opera store feedback: "cannot 'Disable non-proxied UDP' - WebRTC".
1.9.15b213 Oct 2016 19:45 minor feature: Opera store feedback: "cannot 'Disable non-proxied UDP' - WebRTC".
1.9.15b110 Oct 2016 01:45 minor feature: Opera store feedback: "cannot 'Disable non-proxied UDP' - WebRTC".
1.9.15b009 Oct 2016 10:05 minor feature: Opera store feedback: "cannot 'Disable non-proxied UDP' - WebRTC".
1.9.1204 Oct 2016 05:45 minor feature: Move script tag filtering data into content process side Benefit mostly multiprocess Firefox. . Benefit mostly multiprocess Firefox. :xpath doesn't hide this element. Procedural cosmetic filters (:has, :matches-css, :xpath) are now more sturdily enforced (true for Firefox versions 38 and above). . Procedural cosmetic filters (:has, :matches-css, :xpath) are now more sturdily enforced (true for Firefox versions 38 and above).
1.9.13b003 Oct 2016 09:45 minor feature: Some connections from whitelist are blocked Regression from a7fe367. . Regression from a7fe367.
1.9.11rc128 Sep 2016 04:45 minor feature: Some connections from whitelist are blocked Regression from a7fe367. . Regression from a7fe367.
1.9.823 Sep 2016 12:05 minor feature: Non-selfie case: uBO will roughly load in about half the time, because: Using ES6 Set and Map instead of Object. No longer using String.split to split lines into fields = less memory allocations = less work for garbage collector. . Using ES6 Set and Map instead of Object . No longer using String.split to split lines into fields = less memory allocations = less work for garbage collector. Selfie-case: there is a marginal performance improvement at most in boot time -- make sense since a selfie is just a no-parsing-at-all load mechanism regardless of how the data is represented internally. Local file:// filter lists not loading in Chromium browsers. Automatically lookup site-specific scriptlets. How to disable script:inject filters?. Popups with data:text/html... URL can't be blocked.
1.9.7b419 Sep 2016 09:25 minor feature: Use nsIDOMWindowUtils.loadSheetUsingURIString() to harden declarative cosmetic filters. Empty ad boxes via adchoices showing up on msn.com. Filter option other should not trigger strict blocking.
1.9.7b314 Sep 2016 13:05 minor feature: Use nsIDOMWindowUtils.loadSheetUsingURIString() to harden declarative cosmetic filters. Empty ad boxes via adchoices showing up on msn.com. Filter option other should not trigger strict blocking.
1.9.610 Sep 2016 17:45 minor feature: Use nsIDOMWindowUtils.loadSheetUsingURIString() to harden declarative cosmetic filters. Empty ad boxes via adchoices showing up on msn.com. Filter option other should not trigger strict blocking.
1.9.5rc007 Sep 2016 00:45 minor feature: Websocket blocked when easylist match.
1.9.5b402 Sep 2016 23:05 minor feature: Websocket blocked when easylist match.
1.9.229 Aug 2016 23:05 minor feature: Websocket-blocking quirk reported in comment of The Content Security Policy expression causing WebSocket connections to be blocked for a page should not be also applied to embedded frames on the page (unless of course there is a filter to block WebSocket connections for the frame's origin). . The Content Security Policy expression causing WebSocket connections to be blocked for a page should not be also applied to embedded frames on the page (unless of course there is a filter to block WebSocket connections for the frame's origin).
1.8.5rc225 Aug 2016 14:25 minor feature: Unspecified element removed: regression introduced in 1.8.0 when cosmetic filtering was refactored. Some classes of exception cosmetic filters were disregarded.
1.8.5rc020 Aug 2016 10:05 minor feature: Unspecified element removed: regression introduced in 1.8.0 when cosmetic filtering was refactored. Some classes of exception cosmetic filters were disregarded.
1.8.5b516 Aug 2016 02:45 minor feature: Unspecified element removed: regression introduced in 1.8.0 when cosmetic filtering was refactored. Some classes of exception cosmetic filters were disregarded.
1.8.5b211 Aug 2016 15:25 minor feature: Unspecified element removed: regression introduced in 1.8.0 when cosmetic filtering was refactored. Some classes of exception cosmetic filters were disregarded.
1.8.3b006 Aug 2016 07:25 minor feature: New revision for dev build. Add new cosmetic operator `csstext()`. Replace `csstext()` with more flexible/efficient `matches-css()`. Bring support for dev build in Chrome store. Update README.md. Update revision for dev build. Import from 1.8.2. Improve performance reported at https://zilla.mozilla.org/sh?.
1.8.002 Aug 2016 03:15 minor feature: To harden against sites which tries to disable cosmetic filtering. To improve general performance and memory usage. To support the new cosmetic filters. uMatrix's to has been imported into uBO. Toolbar icon gone in private browsing window. "Can't properly upload attachments to any XenForo-based sites". Own static filter not immediately available?!. Logger visual. Domain-anchored filters that can't be tokenized, are rejected. a static filtering reported in EasyList forum. Separator is being stripped off filters. Support cosmetic filters with explicit style properties.
1.7.7rc028 Jul 2016 23:25 minor feature: Disable DNS prefetching when pre-fetching is disabled in settings. NoScript + uMatrix = cookie leak. uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. . uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. Addons do not work randomly. Element picker: blocking data: URI-based resources does not work. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates. Dynamic filtering problem. Regex-based filters should not be case sensitive by default. Preview "##iframe" in element picker, hides element picker. Logger unduly discarding events in edge cases. Complex whitelist rules never catch on localhost.
1.7.7b1524 Jul 2016 02:05 minor feature: Disable DNS prefetching when pre-fetching is disabled in settings. NoScript + uMatrix = cookie leak. uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. . uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. Addons do not work randomly. Element picker: blocking data: URI-based resources does not work. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates. Dynamic filtering problem. Regex-based filters should not be case sensitive by default. Preview "##iframe" in element picker, hides element picker. Logger unduly discarding events in edge cases. Complex whitelist rules never catch on localhost.
1.7.7b1419 Jul 2016 23:45 minor feature: Disable DNS prefetching when pre-fetching is disabled in settings. NoScript + uMatrix = cookie leak. uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. . uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. Addons do not work randomly. Element picker: blocking data: URI-based resources does not work. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates. Dynamic filtering problem. Regex-based filters should not be case sensitive by default. Preview "##iframe" in element picker, hides element picker. Logger unduly discarding events in edge cases. Complex whitelist rules never catch on localhost.
1.7.7b1315 Jul 2016 14:25 minor feature: Disable DNS prefetching when pre-fetching is disabled in settings. NoScript + uMatrix = cookie leak. uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. . uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. Addons do not work randomly. Element picker: blocking data: URI-based resources does not work. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates. Dynamic filtering problem. Regex-based filters should not be case sensitive by default. Preview "##iframe" in element picker, hides element picker. Logger unduly discarding events in edge cases. Complex whitelist rules never catch on localhost.
1.7.7b1111 Jul 2016 13:05 minor feature: Disable DNS prefetching when pre-fetching is disabled in settings. NoScript + uMatrix = cookie leak. uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. . uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. Addons do not work randomly. Element picker: blocking data: URI-based resources does not work. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates. Dynamic filtering problem. Regex-based filters should not be case sensitive by default. Preview "##iframe" in element picker, hides element picker. Logger unduly discarding events in edge cases. Complex whitelist rules never catch on localhost.
1.7.7b1007 Jul 2016 15:05 minor feature: Disable DNS prefetching when pre-fetching is disabled in settings. NoScript + uMatrix = cookie leak. uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. . uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. Addons do not work randomly. Element picker: blocking data: URI-based resources does not work. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates. Dynamic filtering problem. Regex-based filters should not be case sensitive by default. Preview "##iframe" in element picker, hides element picker. Logger unduly discarding events in edge cases. Complex whitelist rules never catch on localhost.
1.7.7b903 Jul 2016 22:05 minor feature: Disable DNS prefetching when pre-fetching is disabled in settings. NoScript + uMatrix = cookie leak. uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. . uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. Addons do not work randomly. Element picker: blocking data: URI-based resources does not work. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates. Dynamic filtering problem. Regex-based filters should not be case sensitive by default. Preview "##iframe" in element picker, hides element picker. Logger unduly discarding events in edge cases. Complex whitelist rules never catch on localhost.
1.7.7b029 Jun 2016 18:45 minor feature: Disable DNS prefetching when pre-fetching is disabled in settings. NoScript + uMatrix = cookie leak. uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. . uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. Addons do not work randomly. Element picker: blocking data: URI-based resources does not work. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates. Dynamic filtering problem. Regex-based filters should not be case sensitive by default. Preview "##iframe" in element picker, hides element picker. Logger unduly discarding events in edge cases. Complex whitelist rules never catch on localhost.
1.7.625 Jun 2016 08:25 minor feature: Disable DNS prefetching when pre-fetching is disabled in settings. NoScript + uMatrix = cookie leak. uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. . uBO was not suffering from the specific reported, but was theoretically suffering from the root cause at the source of incompatiblity between uMatrix and NoScript. Addons do not work randomly. Element picker: blocking data: URI-based resources does not work. For certain rules logger does not show from which list(s) it originates. Dynamic filtering problem. Regex-based filters should not be case sensitive by default. Preview "##iframe" in element picker, hides element picker. Logger unduly discarding events in edge cases. Complex whitelist rules never catch on localhost.
1.7.5rc720 Jun 2016 09:25 minor feature: Update CONTRIBUTING.md. Bump compatible version for SeaMonkey. . Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gorhill/uBlock. Quite likely https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor//19438.
1.7.5rc416 Jun 2016 07:05 minor feature: New revision for dev build. . EasyList and EasyPrivacy have moved. The undue discarding of logger events in edge cases. . UBlockOrigin/uAssets#50. . . Typo in comment. . Gorhill/uMatrix#554. . Code review re. gorhill/uMatrix#554. Remove obsolete spam404 filter list. as suggested. Use new EasyList/EasyPrivacy home (easylist.github.io). Code review re. gorhill/uMatrix#554: use channel data when available. Remove stray prototype code from last commit (84b81f7). .
1.7.5rc312 Jun 2016 19:05 minor feature: New revision for dev build. . EasyList and EasyPrivacy have moved. The undue discarding of logger events in edge cases. . UBlockOrigin/uAssets#50. . . Typo in comment. . Gorhill/uMatrix#554. . Code review re. gorhill/uMatrix#554. Remove obsolete spam404 filter list. as suggested. Use new EasyList/EasyPrivacy home (easylist.github.io). Code review re. gorhill/uMatrix#554: use channel data when available. Remove stray prototype code from last commit (84b81f7).
1.7.5rc208 Jun 2016 17:25 minor feature: Code review re. gorhill/uMatrix#554 No longer need to evaluate within asyncOnChannelRedirect() since. All is now evaluated at `http-on-modify-request` time.
1.7.5rc104 Jun 2016 16:25 minor feature: New revision for dev build. . EasyList and EasyPrivacy have moved. The undue discarding of logger events in edge cases. . UBlockOrigin/uAssets#50. . . Typo in comment. . Gorhill/uMatrix#554.
1.7.5rc031 May 2016 11:45 minor feature: New revision for dev build. . EasyList and EasyPrivacy have moved. The undue discarding of logger events in edge cases. . UBlockOrigin/uAssets#50. . . Typo in comment.
1.7.5b327 May 2016 09:25 minor feature: UBlockOrigin/uAssets#50. .
1.7.5b215 May 2016 07:45 minor feature:
1.7.5b109 May 2016 05:25 minor feature: New revision for dev build. . EasyList and EasyPrivacy have moved. The undue discarding of logger events in edge cases.
1.7.5b004 May 2016 23:25 minor feature: New revision for dev build. .
1.6.9rc130 Apr 2016 22:25 minor feature: UBlock Origin ignores changed tld. I can't filter this elements. Too long URLs in dropdown selector causes desktop glitch.
1.6.9b526 Apr 2016 22:25 minor feature: UBlock Origin ignores changed tld. I can't filter this elements. Too long URLs in dropdown selector causes desktop glitch.
1.6.9b422 Apr 2016 09:45 minor feature: UBlock Origin ignores changed tld. I can't filter this elements. Too long URLs in dropdown selector causes desktop glitch.
1.6.9b118 Apr 2016 04:05 minor feature: UBlock Origin ignores changed tld. I can't filter this elements. Too long URLs in dropdown selector causes desktop glitch.
1.6.9b011 Apr 2016 09:25 minor feature: UBlock Origin ignores changed tld. I can't filter this elements. Too long URLs in dropdown selector causes desktop glitch.
1.6.7rc002 Apr 2016 19:25 minor feature: Port instance destroyed instead of reused in contentscript-start.js. Google Analytics still tracks on GitHub - collection sent via POST. Showing incorrect context for github websockets. uBO doesn't count discarded cosmetic filters with 'Parse and enforce cosmetic filters' disabled. Misinterpreting filters with elemhide. Closing legit tabs as popunders. HOSTS file filtering also blocking domains with a different ccTLD. In logger, exceptions rules with "elemhide" are "red".
1.6.629 Mar 2016 00:25 minor feature: Port instance destroyed instead of reused in contentscript-start.js. Google Analytics still tracks on GitHub - collection sent via POST. Showing incorrect context for github websockets. uBO doesn't count discarded cosmetic filters with 'Parse and enforce cosmetic filters' disabled. Misinterpreting filters with elemhide. Closing legit tabs as popunders. HOSTS file filtering also blocking domains with a different ccTLD. In logger, exceptions rules with "elemhide" are "red".
1.6.5rc424 Mar 2016 16:05 minor feature: A minor with the "Block media elements" function. UO (when used with uMatrix) displays old connected domains. Extension name change. Empty domain line (cell) - how can this be?. Logger doesn't show not blocked popups. dev version has problems when opening _blank target links. Reopened, a new solution has been implemented. . Reopened, a new solution has been implemented.
1.6.5rc323 Mar 2016 23:15 minor feature: A minor with the "Block media elements" function. UO (when used with uMatrix) displays old connected domains. Extension name change. Empty domain line (cell) - how can this be?. Logger doesn't show not blocked popups. dev version has problems when opening _blank target links. Reopened, a new solution has been implemented. . Reopened, a new solution has been implemented.
1.6.5rc217 Mar 2016 18:05 minor feature: A minor with the "Block media elements" function. UO (when used with uMatrix) displays old connected domains. Extension name change. Empty domain line (cell) - how can this be?. Logger doesn't show not blocked popups. dev version has problems when opening _blank target links. Reopened, a new solution has been implemented. . Reopened, a new solution has been implemented.
1.6.5rc013 Mar 2016 22:25 minor feature: A minor with the "Block media elements" function. UO (when used with uMatrix) displays old connected domains. Extension name change. Empty domain line (cell) - how can this be?. Logger doesn't show not blocked popups. dev version has problems when opening _blank target links. Reopened, a new solution has been implemented. . Reopened, a new solution has been implemented.
1.6.410 Mar 2016 02:45 minor feature: A minor with the "Block media elements" function. UO (when used with uMatrix) displays old connected domains. Extension name change. Empty domain line (cell) - how can this be?. Logger doesn't show not blocked popups. dev version has problems when opening _blank target links. Reopened, a new solution has been implemented. . Reopened, a new solution has been implemented.
1.6.4rc005 Mar 2016 17:05 minor feature: re. #1240: update. Harden for #1240. Logic error re. #1240. New experimental redirect filter to lower breakage by EasyPrivacy's. This addresses https://forums.lanik.us/viewtopic.php?f=62 t=27719. This addresses #937. This addresses https://forums.lanik.us/viewtopic.php?f=62 t=28856. This addresses #1357 (comment). Minor code review. Bringing scorecardresearch.com redirect filter out of experimental st?. This addresses #1340 (comment). Cosmetic filtering: discard new ABP's CSS property filters (until imp?. Re. #1100: added more sites. Cosmetic filter for tweaktown.com. Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock.
1.6.4b101 Mar 2016 10:45 minor feature: to help foil underhanded link highjacking --. Typo. This. Update README.md. This addresses https://forums.lanik.us/viewtopic.php?f=62 t=28757. Thix addresses #1240. This addresses #1240. This addresses #1421. Strict blocking `metrext.com`. This addresses #1428. This, #1028, #1010: non-broad popup filters will also be ?. New revision for dev build. Update _TEMPLATE.md. Update _TEMPLATE.md. Update _TEMPLATE.md. Update _TEMPLATE.md. This addresses #1432. This addresses https://forums.lanik.us/viewtopic.php?f=91 t=25698. Bringing the blocking/redirecting of `googletagservices.com/tag/js/gp?. Revert for #1028: can't be without bad side effects.
1.6.326 Feb 2016 06:45 minor feature: This addresses #1278. This should help those suffering link hijacking. This should help those suffering link hijacking. Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gorhill/uBlock. Updated translation stuff for Opera store.
1.6.222 Feb 2016 10:25 minor feature: UBlock is not able to apply ONLY my cosmetic filters. Logger displays wrong source for some filters.
1.6.2b019 Feb 2016 03:05 minor feature: Popups with "no popups" switch enabled on uploadrocket.
1.6.014 Feb 2016 11:45 minor feature: Adding subscription from resource: URI does not work. Remove toolbar button code path for FF29-35: fall back on legacy. uBO fails to block popup. IPv6 raw addresses are not correctly handled. non-Australis Button is not added to Navigation Toolbar on new profiles. . problems reported in Debian Lintian's runs. Broken domainCachePrune may lead to un-garbage-collected memory. Refreshing in the dashboard. Logger doesn't show origin of filters with unescaped regexes. Make cloud storage import+merge more discoverable?.
1.6.0rc210 Feb 2016 10:05 minor feature: Cannot stop WebRTC leaking in Opera 34.
1.6.0rc106 Feb 2016 20:25 minor feature: Cannot stop WebRTC leaking in Opera 34.
1.6.0rc003 Feb 2016 00:05 minor feature: Cannot stop WebRTC leaking in Opera 34.
1.6.0b830 Jan 2016 02:25 minor feature: Cannot stop WebRTC leaking in Opera 34.
1.6.0b625 Jan 2016 10:25 minor feature: Cannot stop WebRTC leaking in Opera 34.
1.6.0b322 Jan 2016 00:45 minor feature: Cannot stop WebRTC leaking in Opera 34.
1.5.717 Jan 2016 03:45 minor feature: Cannot stop WebRTC leaking in Opera 34.
1.5.613 Jan 2016 17:05 minor feature: Ublock origin shows "?" in some fields, options not working, adds seem blocked This was affecting browsers based on Chromium version 40 and less. . This was affecting browsers based on Chromium version 40 and less.
1.5.309 Jan 2016 20:05 minor feature: Elements being hidden without notice. uBlock crashes on browser startup if Chromium is compiled without webrtc. The original, removed in 1.5.2, was brought back, except that there is now a workaround (a browser ?) to prevent the negative side-effect reported in the Chrome store. . The original, removed in 1.5.2, was brought back, except that there is now a workaround (a browser ?) to prevent the negative side-effect reported in the Chrome store. Show number of popups blocked. The script tag filters ignore the whitelist. Titlebar should have a settings icon. Why not add by default the ad list of the locale of the browser?.
1.5.3b205 Jan 2016 06:05 minor feature: This. CSS unit. Change "e" to "em". This addresses https://forums.lanik.us/viewtopic.php?f=64 t=27477. This. Minor code review. Code review: convert static filtering's tokenizer to a global utility. Update CONTRIBUTING.md. Merge tag '1.5.2'. Bump revision number for dev build. Update CONTRIBUTING.md. Update CONTRIBUTING.md. Remove obsolete filters. This + addresses point 1 in #1142. This. This : `allow` rule will no longer affect cosmetic filtering. This (comment). Minor code review. Minor code review. Translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock. Defusing request by forbes.com to disable blocker. This. Added missing entries to neutered googletag: was throwing on forbes.com. Jshint'ed. More work on neutered googletag. Forbes.com: this appears to work better. Forbes.com: only for site's landing page. Firefox does not trust `https` for malwaredomainlist.com. More work on neutered googletag using forbes.com as test case. Neutered googletag: added missing method. This probably brings neutered googletag out of experimental status. Update README.md. This https://forums.lanik.us/viewtopic.php?f=62 t=25212 start=1?. This. This. This unbreaks watchcartoononline.com: https://forums.lanik.us/viewtop?. Watchcartoononline.com: one more domain to defuse. This.
1.5.3b031 Dec 2015 13:25 minor feature: This. CSS unit. Change "e" to "em". This addresses https://forums.lanik.us/viewtopic.php?f=64 t=27477. This. Minor code review. Code review: convert static filtering's tokenizer to a global utility. Update CONTRIBUTING.md. Merge tag '1.5.2'. Bump revision number for dev build.
1.5.027 Dec 2015 08:05 minor feature: uBlock crashes on browser startup if Chromium is compiled without webrtc Solution contributed by @Eloston. . Solution contributed by @Eloston. Logger Cannot reverse find a specific filter. On a site with 0 connections displayed. Efficiency Make use of String.prototype.startsWith. no-popups: true rule blocks opening of a clicked url. static filter syntax separator characters ( ) support. Use case: does an advanced user still need tooltips?.
1.4.1b622 Dec 2015 19:25 minor feature: must be hostname-anchored, i.e. starts with . must have one type specified -- negated types are not valid. must have a redirect token which identifies an existing resource in the redirection library. Ads in video: http://www.chip.de/news/Halbvoll-in-2-Minuten-Huawei-zeigt-neue-Superakkus_85752247.html . Site detects blocker: http://dayt.se/ . NoScript Force HTTPS feature interferes with uBlock Origin. Default browser font does not work well for dynamic filtering panel. uBlock Origin breaks custom toolbars in Palemoon. Possibly related: SeaMonkey Filter list is empty after browser restart. . Possibly related: SeaMonkey Filter list is empty after browser restart . Site disables uBlock Origin's own style tags. Pull request Add YousList as a Korean third party filter. . Element picker: a selected element with width or height of zero should fall back on dimensions of child elements. End "My filters" list with empty line. Cosmetic filter fails to hide element. The white list is invalid. uBo is causing CPU hog with imdb.com (popup video). Support subscribe links. Block ad videos playing automatically. arising from Add the I don't care about cookies filter to Regions, languages? (see comment).
1.4.1b518 Dec 2015 17:05 minor feature: must be hostname-anchored, i.e. starts with . must have one type specified -- negated types are not valid. must have a redirect token which identifies an existing resource in the redirection library. Ads in video: http://www.chip.de/news/Halbvoll-in-2-Minuten-Huawei-zeigt-neue-Superakkus_85752247.html . Site detects blocker: http://dayt.se/forum/showthread.php?7055-Ninety-Nine-Homes-(2015)-1080p-WEBRip-Download-Online-Streaming . NoScript Force HTTPS feature interferes with uBlock Origin. Default browser font does not work well for dynamic filtering panel. uBlock Origin breaks custom toolbars in Palemoon. Possibly related: SeaMonkey Filter list is empty after browser restart. . Possibly related: SeaMonkey Filter list is empty after browser restart . Site disables uBlock Origin's own style tags. Pull request Add YousList as a Korean third party filter. . Element picker: a selected element with width or height of zero should fall back on dimensions of child elements. End "My filters" list with empty line. Cosmetic filter fails to hide element. The white list is invalid. uBo is causing CPU hog with imdb.com (popup video). Support subscribe links. Block ad videos playing automatically. arising from Add the I don't care about cookies filter to Regions, languages? (see comment).
1.4.1b214 Dec 2015 16:25 minor feature: must be hostname-anchored, i.e. starts with . must have one type specified -- negated types are not valid. must have a redirect token which identifies an existing resource in the redirection library. Ads in video: http://www.chip.de/news/Halbvoll-in-2-Minuten-Huawei-zeigt-neue-Superakkus_85752247.html . Site detects blocker: http://dayt.se/forum/showthread.php?7055-Ninety-Nine-Homes-(2015)-1080p-WEBRip-Download-Online-Streaming . NoScript Force HTTPS feature interferes with uBlock Origin. Default browser font does not work well for dynamic filtering panel. uBlock Origin breaks custom toolbars in Palemoon. Possibly related: SeaMonkey Filter list is empty after browser restart. . Possibly related: SeaMonkey Filter list is empty after browser restart . Site disables uBlock Origin's own style tags. Pull request Add YousList as a Korean third party filter. . Element picker: a selected element with width or height of zero should fall back on dimensions of child elements. End "My filters" list with empty line. Cosmetic filter fails to hide element. The white list is invalid. uBo is causing CPU hog with imdb.com (popup video). Support subscribe links. Block ad videos playing automatically. arising from Add the I don't care about cookies filter to Regions, languages? (see comment).
1.4.0rc109 Dec 2015 17:45 minor feature: UBlock Origin 1.3.4 (and next) broken in Firefox for Android Release (42.0.1) until I disable/enable.
1.3.7b1305 Dec 2015 23:45 minor feature: UBlock Origin 1.3.4 (and next) broken in Firefox for Android Release (42.0.1) until I disable/enable.
1.3.7b801 Dec 2015 17:05 minor feature: UBlock Origin 1.3.4 (and next) broken in Firefox for Android Release (42.0.1) until I disable/enable.
1.3.7b224 Nov 2015 12:45 minor feature: UBlock Origin 1.3.4 (and next) broken in Firefox for Android Release (42.0.1) until I disable/enable.
1.3.4rc219 Nov 2015 10:25 minor feature: vAPI.adminStorage throws an exception in UC Browser. Cosmetic filters not always reported by logger on Firefox 42 if you refresh the page. Cosmetic filtering have no effect. Performance Use getElementsByTagName for high-medium generic cosmetic filters.
1.3.4rc115 Nov 2015 12:25 minor feature: vAPI.adminStorage throws an exception in UC Browser. Cosmetic filters not always reported by logger on Firefox 42 if you refresh the page. Cosmetic filtering have no effect. Performance Use getElementsByTagName for high-medium generic cosmetic filters.
1.3.4rc011 Nov 2015 19:45 minor feature: vAPI.adminStorage throws an exception in UC Browser. Cosmetic filters not always reported by logger on Firefox 42 if you refresh the page. Can't block video tag. Cosmetic filtering have no effect. Performance Use getElementsByTagName for high-medium generic cosmetic filters.
1.3.4b408 Nov 2015 03:05 minor feature: vAPI.adminStorage throws an exception in UC Browser. Cosmetic filters not always reported by logger on Firefox 42 if you refresh the page. Can't block video tag. Cosmetic filtering have no effect. Performance Use getElementsByTagName for high-medium generic cosmetic filters.
1.3.4b207 Nov 2015 06:25 minor feature: vAPI.adminStorage throws an exception in UC Browser. Cosmetic filters not always reported by logger on Firefox 42 if you refresh the page. Can't block video tag. Cosmetic filtering have no effect. Performance Use getElementsByTagName for high-medium generic cosmetic filters.
1.3.3b202 Nov 2015 12:25 minor feature: uMatrix icon only available in one browser window when auto-restoring multi-window session Thanks to @DjogaRo for having patiently investigated the root cause of the. . Thanks to @DjogaRo for having patiently investigated the root cause of the. uBlock duplicate icon on Context menu. Clicking URLs in Chrome Full History bypasses uBlock Origin.
1.3.3b130 Oct 2015 02:45 minor feature: uMatrix icon only available in one browser window when auto-restoring multi-window session Thanks to @DjogaRo for having patiently investigated the root cause of the. . Thanks to @DjogaRo for having patiently investigated the root cause of the. uBlock duplicate icon on Context menu. Clicking URLs in Chrome Full History bypasses uBlock Origin.
1.3.2rc429 Oct 2015 13:05 minor feature: AMO reviewer feedback: "Security Error: Content at moz-nullprincipal:" warnings in dev console.
1.3.2rc124 Oct 2015 23:45 minor feature: AMO reviewer feedback: "Security Error: Content at moz-nullprincipal:" warnings in dev console.
1.3.1rc121 Oct 2015 00:05 minor feature: Buttons don't respond on strict blocking warning pages. uBlock disabled on first unloaded tab on the left. Missing icon on toolbar not in Customize. This is about uBlock Origin's toolbar button in legacy mode: this also applies to: Firefox 28 and less, or Firefox 29+ when forcing the use of the legacy toolbar button (when extensions.ublock0.forceLegacyToolbarButton is true in about:config. Pale Moon SeaMonkey . This is about uBlock Origin's toolbar button in legacy mode: this also applies to: Firefox 28 and less, or Firefox 29+ when forcing the use of the legacy toolbar button (when extensions.ublock0.forceLegacyToolbarButton is true in about:config. Pale Moon SeaMonkey . Firefox 28 and less, or Firefox 29+ when forcing the use of the legacy toolbar button (when extensions.ublock0.forceLegacyToolbarButton is true in about:config. Pale Moon. SeaMonkey. Logger shows wrong filter lists when clicked on a filter. uBlock filters not updating automatically after purge all caches. Pop unders. Making use of the new inline script tag filtering ability takes care of pop-unders for the site mentioned in the. Of course, since Chromium does not yet support beforescriptexecute, the works only for (recent) Firefox versions. . Making use of the new inline script tag filtering ability takes care of pop-unders for the site mentioned in the. Of course, since Chromium does not yet support beforescriptexecute, the works only for (recent) Firefox versions.
1.3.0rc620 Oct 2015 15:25 minor feature: TypeError: LocationChangeListener is not a constructor.
1.2.2b315 Oct 2015 05:45 minor feature: TypeError: LocationChangeListener is not a constructor.
1.2.2b214 Oct 2015 08:45 minor feature: TypeError: LocationChangeListener is not a constructor.
1.2.109 Oct 2015 21:05 minor feature: TypeError: LocationChangeListener is not a constructor.
1.1.2b405 Oct 2015 10:05 minor feature: Don't show "restore_on_demand" tabs in logger UI. Performance Revisit cosmetic filtering's FilterPlain implementation. Text color. Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document'. Make target URL in strict blocked referrer clickable. filter list: hpHosts? Ad and tracking servers. Performance manually extract class tokens. Block Popups blocks "Open in New Tab" on some sites.
1.1.2b330 Sep 2015 13:25 minor feature: Don't show "restore_on_demand" tabs in logger UI. Performance Revisit cosmetic filtering's FilterPlain implementation. Text color. Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document'. Make target URL in strict blocked referrer clickable. filter list: hpHosts? Ad and tracking servers. Performance manually extract class tokens. Block Popups blocks "Open in New Tab" on some sites.
1.1.2b126 Sep 2015 23:05 minor feature: Don't show "restore_on_demand" tabs in logger UI. Performance Revisit cosmetic filtering's FilterPlain implementation. Text color. Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document'. Make target URL in strict blocked referrer clickable. filter list: hpHosts? Ad and tracking servers. Performance manually extract class tokens. Block Popups blocks "Open in New Tab" on some sites.
1.1.119 Sep 2015 04:25 minor feature: Don't show "restore_on_demand" tabs in logger UI. Performance Revisit cosmetic filtering's FilterPlain implementation. Text color. Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document'. Make target URL in strict blocked referrer clickable. filter list: hpHosts? Ad and tracking servers. Performance manually extract class tokens. Block Popups blocks "Open in New Tab" on some sites. Sep 2015 10:25 minor feature: You broke some filter lists / Add custom rules in question . Logger: "Create" button in "Static filtering" dialog does not reflect its disabled state. DOM inspector: cosmetic filter presence not properly reported in ancestors. Sep 2015 13:45 minor feature: You broke some filter lists / Add custom rules in question . Logger: "Create" button in "Static filtering" dialog does not reflect its disabled state. DOM inspector: cosmetic filter presence not properly reported in ancestors. Sep 2015 20:25 minor feature: You broke some filter lists / Add custom rules in question . Logger: "Create" button in "Static filtering" dialog does not reflect its disabled state. DOM inspector: cosmetic filter presence not properly reported in ancestors. Sep 2015 08:25 minor feature: EasyList. EasyPrivacy. Peter Lowe?s Ad server list?. Malware Domain List?. Malware domains?. ESP: Filtros Nauscopicos. ROU: RO-LIST. "Speculative pre-connections" will now also be disabled when the option "Disable pre-fetching" is checked. More info: Block Firefox from connecting to sites when you hover over links. Firefox stealthily loads webpages when you hover over links -- here's how to stop it introduce preference for controlling speculative pre-connections. Block Firefox from connecting to sites when you hover over links. Firefox stealthily loads webpages when you hover over links -- here's how to stop it. introduce preference for controlling speculative pre-connections. Entire tab is blocked and history is overriden because of iframe form submit. tabBrowser.tabs is undefined (vapi-background.js:1056). uBlock doesn't work on XHTML pages (application/xhtml+xml). Problem on Yahoo Search Pages. Side-effect of the : network filters which apply to many hostnames (through the domain= filter option) will no longer be "decomposed" into one-filter-instance-per-hostname, there is now one filter instance for all the listed hostnames. User-side this means: The logger will report the long version of the original filter: example.com domain=a.com b.com c.com. The filter count reported in the 3rd-party filters pane will be lower than it used to be. Performance-wise, I expect this is a marginal improvement (i.e. unnoticeable by any user) -- especially for those filter instances with large list of hostnames in their domain= option 1 . Side-effect of the : network filters which apply to many hostnames (through the domain= filter option) will no longer be "decomposed" into one-filter-instance-per-hostname, there is now one filter instance for all the listed hostnames. User-side this means: The logger will report the long version of the original filter: example.com domain=a.com b.com c.com. The filter count reported in the 3rd-party filters pane will be lower than Aug 2015 17:45 minor feature: DOM inspector broken because Element.matches not supported. New Logger Tab / Windows - Output incorrectly formatted within Palemoon 25.5.0. I verified that this also affected Firefox 25 and less. . I verified that this also affected Firefox 25 and less. try/catch createShadowRoot in contentscripts. Doesn't show which custom list contains this filter. Enhancement Automatically select the tab it was opened from when opening the Logger. Aug 2015 00:05 minor feature: DOM inspector broken because Element.matches not supported. New Logger Tab / Windows - Output incorrectly formatted within Palemoon 25.5.0. I verified that this also affected Firefox 25 and less. I verified that this also affected Firefox 25 and less. try/catch createShadowRoot in contentscripts. Doesn't show which custom list contains this filter. Enhancement Automatically select the tab it was opened from when opening the Logger. Aug 2015 03:17 minor feature: DOM inspector broken because Element.matches not supported. New Logger Tab / Windows - Output incorrectly formatted within Palemoon 25.5.0. I verified that this also affected Firefox 25 and less. . I verified that this also affected Firefox 25 and less. try/catch createShadowRoot in contentscripts. Doesn't show which custom list contains this filter. Enhancement Automatically select the tab it was opened from when opening the Logger. Aug 2015 20:05 minor feature: tabBrowser.tabs is undefined (vapi-background.js:1056). Aug 2015 22:45 minor feature: 3.55 MB uBlock0.chromium.zip. . 3.46 MB. uBlock0.firefox.xpi. . Source code (zip). . Source code (tar.gz). Aug 2015 13:05 minor feature: DOM inspector broken because Element.matches not supported. Aug 2015 01:25 minor feature: DOM inspector broken because Element.matches not supported. Jul 2015 17:25 minor feature: DOM inspector broken because Element.matches not supported. New Logger Tab / Windows - Output incorrectly formatted within Palemoon 25.5.0. Jul 2015 12:05 minor feature: New Logger Tab / Windows - Output incorrectly formatted within Palemoon 25.5.0. Jul 2015 00:05 minor feature: New Logger Tab / Windows - Output incorrectly formatted within Palemoon 25.5.0. Jul 2015 16:45 minor feature: Bengali translation by Leemon2010. Tamil translation by albertalbs. New wiki page for easy subscription to a choice of filter lists Here: Filter lists from around the web. . Here: Filter lists from around the web . You can open the logger in its own separate window when opened from the popup UI with the Shift key pressed. Ability to strict-block using finer-grained filters, rather than just whole sites: Use the document option: means strict-block whole page. To reiterate: exception filters with the document option are still discarded by uBlock. Permanently disabling strict-blocking is still on a per-site basis though, by design. . Use the document option: means strict-block whole page. To reiterate: exception filters with the document option are still discarded by uBlock. . To reiterate: exception filters with the document option are still discarded by uBlock. Permanently disabling strict-blocking is still on a per-site basis though, by design. Jul 2015 03:25 minor feature: Bengali translation by Leemon2010. Tamil translation by albertalbs. New wiki page for easy subscription to a choice of filter lists Here: Filter lists from around the web. You can open the logger in its own separate window when opened from the popup UI with the Shift key pressed. Ability to strict-block using finer-grained filters, rather than just whole sites: Use the document option: means strict-block whole page. To reiterate: exception filters with the document option are still discarded by uBlock. Permanently disabling strict-blocking is still on a per-site basis though, by design. Jul 2015 03:25 minor feature: Bengali translation by Leemon2010. Tamil translation started by albertalbs. New wiki page for easy subscription to a choice of filter lists Here: Filter lists from around the web. . Here: Filter lists from around the web . You can open the logger in its own separate window when opened from the popup UI with the Shift key pressed. Ability to strict-block using finer-grained filters, rather than just whole sites: Use the document option: means strict-block whole page. Permanently disabling strict-blocking is still on a per-site basis though, by design. . Use the document option: means strict-block whole page. Permanently disabling strict-blocking is still on a per-site basis though, by design. Jul 2015 11:05 minor feature: Bengali translation by Leemon2010. New wiki page for easy subscription to a choice of filter lists Here: Filter lists from around the web. You can open the logger in its own separate window when opened from the popup UI with the Shift pressed. Jul 2015 11:45 minor feature: https://diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ips/. https://ipleak.net/. Jul 2015 06:25 minor bugfix: https://diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ips/ https://ipleak.net/ Jun 2015 03:15 minor feature: https://diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ips/. https://ipleak.net/. Jun 2015 03:15 minor feature: https://diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ips/. https://ipleak.net/. Jun 2015 17:05 minor feature: False positive / popup blocked. Jun 2015 11:25 minor feature: Make active and inactive state of ublock image in navbar distinguishable Imported fix AlexVallat@5896991 from @AlexVallat. . Imported fix AlexVallat@5896991 from @AlexVallat. Jun 2015 10:05 minor feature: Jun 2015 23:25 minor feature: New UI in the logger to assist in creating static filters. A new per-site switch to disable remote fonts. "Side-effect" is to fix : Simply add the rule no-remote-fonts: true to "My rules", and remote fonts from everywhere will be blocked by default -- yet uBlock will still be able to use its FontAwesome font from its package. As a opposed to using a browser setting to disable remote fonts, you can enable remote fonts on a per-site basis -- so disabling remote fonts is no longer an all or nothing choice. The number of times a page did or did try to download remote fonts appears as a badge aside the switch. . Simply add the rule no-remote-fonts: true to "My rules", and remote fonts from everywhere will be blocked by default -- yet uBlock will still be able to use its FontAwesome font from its package. As a opposed to using a browser setting to disable remote fonts, you can enable remote fonts on a per-site basis -- so disabling remote fonts is no longer an all or nothing choice. The number of times a page did or did try to download remote fonts appears as a badge aside the switch. Jun 2015 15:05 minor feature: Tab For a Cause ads not loading after whitelist in Chrome Tab For a Cause is an extension which overrides the new tab in Chromium/Chrome. If newtab.chrome-scheme is whitelisted (which it is by default), the Tab For a Cause should work fine now, with no further whitelist directive or special filter needed. I did not confirm but I suspect this was a regression bug from fix to #248. . Tab For a Cause is an extension which overrides the new tab in Chromium/Chrome. If newtab.chrome-scheme is whitelisted (which it is by default), the Tab For a Cause should work fine now, with no further whitelist directive or special filter needed. I did not confirm but I suspect this was a regression bug from fix to #248. Jun 2015 06:05 minor feature: Open the logger, select Behind the scene scope. In Google, search buy iphone. Find a link to bestbuy.com in the links offered as result (I get one to bestbuy.ca). Click that link. If hyperlink auditing is not disabled, you should see a behind-the-scene request to google.*. Jun 2015 23:45 minor feature: Performance issues in Firefox 39 beta. May 2015 10:45 minor feature: Logger:filter expression !-- not working as expected. May 2015 18:05 minor feature: Dynamic URL filtering Overrides dynamic filtering, static filtering: filtering overview updated accordingly. Primary use case is for web page breakage diagnostic/remediation:. URL filtering rules can be easily set directly from the logger. Creating/removing a URL filtering rules does not cause reload of static filter lists, hence it's virtually a no-op compared to adding/removing a static filter. Further use cases: offers higher granularity to dynamic filtering if needed. For examples: Block one very specific resource temporarily: all URL filtering rules are temporary by default (they do not persist beyond an extension restart). Allow one very specific script (useful when blocking all scripts through dynamic filtering) Available to non-advanced users, because of its usefulness as a tool to help diagnose/fix web page breakage:. UI accessible from the logger: click on the 3rd cell of a network request log entry. URL filtering rules can be edited from the "My rules" pane. . Overrides dynamic filtering, static filtering: filtering overview updated accordingly. Primary use case is for web page breakage diagnostic/remediation:. URL filtering rules can be easily set directly from the logger. Creating/removing a URL filtering rules does not cause reload of static filter lists, hence it's virtually a no-op compared to adding/removing a static filter. . URL filtering rules can be easily set directly from the logger. Creating/removing a URL filtering rules does not cause reload of static filter lists, hence it's virtually a no-op compared to adding/removing a static filter. Further use cases: offers higher granularity to dynamic filtering if needed. For examples: Block one very specific resource temporarily: all URL filtering rules are temporary by default (they do not persist beyond an extension restart). Allow one very specific script (useful when blocking all scripts through dynamic filtering) . Block one very specific resource temporarily: all URL fil Apr 2015 20:05 minor feature: Errors in console when you try to reload a closed tab within the request log. Add cleanup task to remove local storage settings when uninstalling. Missing: a "color-blind friendly" setting. Solution contributed by WyohKnott. . Solution contributed by WyohKnott. Apr 2015 09:45 minor bugfix: Icon bug on firefox nightly. Apr 2015 23:05 minor bugfix: New per-site switch to toggle cosmetic filtering on/off: Cosmetic filtering is of course enabled by default, so no change there. The badge on the switch tells the number of DOM elements which have been hidden from view as a result of cosmetic filtering. Per-site switches can now be manually edited manually from within the "My rules" panes. uBlock automatically blocks mailing with 'list-manage.com/track'. Support font network request type (related: chrisaljoudi). The display of tooltips in the popup UI. Content scripts for cosmetic filtering active despite page being whitelisted. Refactoring of tab/root document URL binding code -- this takes care of many new and old issues at once. No formal issue, but some are referred to in the code. Apr 2015 16:25 minor feature: New per-site switch to toggle cosmetic filtering on/off. Cosmetic filtering is of course enabled by default, so no change there. The badge on the switch tells the number of DOM elements which have been hidden from view as a result of cosmetic filtering. See "Popup-user interface: no cosmetic filtering". A good example page to try the switch: https://www.google.com/search?q=buy+car An example of that new switch being useful to un-break a web page broken by cosmetic filtering: http://www.infoworld.com/article/2905688/applications/mozillas-rust-based-servo-browser-engine-inches-forward.html When a page is blocked because of strict blocking, the user is now given the choice to disable strict blocking for the whole domain. Support font network request type. The display of tooltips in the popup UI. Apr 2015 03:05 minor feature: Site-based switches A switch to block all popups for a given site, regardless of filters. A switch to disable strict blocking (new mode, enabled by default) This used to be supported by ABP a long-time ago: "full domain blocking". . A switch to block all popups for a given site, regardless of filters. A switch to disable strict blocking (new mode, enabled by default) This used to be supported by ABP a long-time ago: "full domain blocking". . This used to be supported by ABP a long-time ago: "full domain blocking" . Closing all tabs confuses ublock. CHN: EasyList China will cause the firefox hanging on some website. 'undefined' shows up in Dynamic filtering pane when popup blocker is enabled and a popup is blocked. The status of adblock warning removal list won't be stored in the backup file. Add lists from https://adblockplus.org/en/subscriptions. Selected domains no longer appears in the popup. Whitelist wildcard not working when url contains # as wildcard. Ability to blanket-block popups for a given site. See "site-based switches" above. . See "site-based switches" above. Show "3rd-party filters list" info when category is collapsed. Chrome-scheme not showing up in popup. Unable to block browser take-over scripts in malware/phishing sites, or at least block redirects to such sites. See "site-based switches" above. . See "site-based switches" above. Color for domains with both blocked and unblocked content is too similar. Problem with ?element hiding? filters. Mar 2015 20:05 minor bugfix: Selected domains no longer appears in the popup, EasyList FR was breaking uBlock, because of that weird filter: third-party, which makes no sense as per ABP filter syntax. Mar 2015 23:05 minor feature: Element picker: ability to point-and-click to create wildcard-based network filters. Blocking (off) when opening new tabs in Firefox from 3rd party apps. Option buttons sometimes empty in addon properties. Cosmetic filter not working after refreshing the page. uBlock now support importing an ABP backup through the "Import and append" button in the "My filters" pane. This ensures proper import. Additionally, uBlock will now discard invalid cosmetic filters when filter lists are compiled. Mar 2015 03:15 minor feature: Blocking (off) when opening new tabs in Firefox from 3rd party apps This also fixes: Number of connected domains makes no sense . This also fixes: Number of connected domains makes no sense . Empty buttons in addon options Option buttons sometimes empty in addon properties Mar 2015 00:45 minor feature: Fennec support . Chinese and Korean translations. Fixed bugs for Chromium dashboard. UI for Fennec (Firefox for Android). Storage below quota as requested by uBlock; now uses proper storage API. Core changes: "Open Link in New Tab" gets blocked in Behind the Scene with "* * * block". The issue manifested on Fennec, but the required fix was really in core code. No indication of purging when clicking on the "Purge all caches" button. Double clicking to select word in "My rules" resets changes made. Global blocking stats lost when restoring/resetting settings. abp:subscribe, new automated import of ABP filters leads to undefined description. Schedule manually updating filter lists less aggressively to give time for garbage collection. Custom cosmetic filter fails to apply. 3rd-party filter list update: show status/progress indications in UI. Add "updated on date" text to each filter list.