Recent Releases

2.1.122 Sep 2015 02:25 minor feature: Updated some documented information and urls.
2.1.019 Jun 2015 05:45 minor feature: added l.routes. added l.storyboard. l.stack is now l.types.observable. added l.helpers.removeFromArray method. added l.helpers.callAll method.
2.0.024 May 2015 07:25 minor feature: Code is heavily refactored due to new modularity system. Started bundling with browsify's module dependency loader. Directory reorganisation and config folder for customising tasks. Grunt is replaced with gulp, in order to handle build tasks. New build tasks including header, csscomb and jscs. Sourcemaps generation. l.deferred and l.when components. Deprecated l.triggers. Small bug fix for dontSkipReturns parameter in
2.0.0-alpha.107 Feb 2015 03:15 minor feature: code is heavily refactored due to new modularity system. started bundling with browsify's module dependency loader. directory reorganisation and config folder for customising tasks. grunt replaced with gulp, in order to handle build tasks. new build tasks including header, csscomb and jscs. sourcemaps generation. small bug fix for dontSkipReturns parameter in
1.4c27 Nov 2014 17:05 minor bugfix: Wrapper support. MVC two way binding. Three builts are being shipped, laroux.base.js only consist of basic functionality. laroux.ext.js brings anim, date, mvc, stack, templates and ui components to base. and laroux.js is the combination of both. ContentEnd event is renamed to ContentLoaded. Array support for l.dom.attr and Improved backward compability for IE8+. Multiple event subscription/unsubscription. Parent agnostic referencing. Minor code optimizations, bugfixes and type checks.