The Ham Radio Control Library–Hamlib, for short–is a project to provide programs with a consistent Application Programming Interface (API) for controlling the myriad of radios and rotators available to amateur radio and communications users.
Recent Releases
4.6.312 Feb 2025 03:15
minor bugfix:
Rigctl showing hamlib_verson when connecting to rigctld.
4.6.201 Feb 2025 15:05
minor bugfix:
IC905 for gpredict.
Potential segfault on QMX.
4.6.122 Jan 2025 13:45
minor bugfix:
C++ builds failing on rig_list_foreach function.
IC9100 rigctld startup to end up on VFOA.
grig build by removing sys/socket.h -- apparently not needed.
Add new QMX entry to incompability with QDX.
IC746/PROT to not use data byte.
FLRig to add DATA-U DATA-L modes.
TS570 RIG_LEVEL_STRENGTH with cal table.
Remove get_powerstat from IC785X -- not supported.
SDRConsole by removing lots of things it does not have.
4.607 Jan 2025 11:28
minor bugfix:
* send_raw can now take hex digits as colon-separated -- e.g. send_raw icom xfe:xfe:x94:xe0:03:xfd
* Add IC7760
* IC7300 Mode filter can now be set by # (i.e. 1,2,3)
* Fixed AF6SA WRC rotor controller
* Added Rhode Schwarz XK852
* Added Xiegu X6200
* Added Commradio CTX-10
* Added Guoehe PMR-171
* Added S.A.T Satellite rotor control
* Added PSTRotator control
* Added Flex SmartSDR slices A-H
* Added Motorola Micom M2/M3
* Added SDR Radio SDRConsole -- TS-2000 is now hardware flow control so need separate entry
* Added --set-conf=filter_usb, filter_usbd, and filter_cw to allow Icom rigs set mode to set filter number too
* Added macros for applications to obtain pointers to Hamlib structures(issues #1445, #1420, #487).
Internal conversion is still a WIP, but use of these macros will make the final cutover transparent to applications.
* Added Guohe Q900 entry
* Unify behavior of all rigctl split commands
* Make the set_split_* commands modify the state of the specified split VFO -- the current or targeted VFO do not have any effect
* Make the set_split_* commands enable split automatically if not enabled
* Make the get_split_* commands return frequency of 0 Hz, mode NONE and filter of 0 Hz if split is not enabled
* Allow all split commands to avoid VFO swapping if supported by the rig model
* Improve Icom backend to set/get frequency, mode and filter without VFO swapping if supported by the rig model
* Improve Yaesu newcat backend split handling
* Expose "Targetable features" (RIG_TARGETABLE_*) in dump_caps output to allow clients to determine which commands can be executed without VFO swapping
* Added Barrett 4100
* Added DL2MAN (tr)uSDX -- needs refinement
* Added Thetis entry -- der
4.5.528 Oct 2023 20:22
minor feature:
3.329 Sep 2019 01:49
minor feature:
Version 3.3 Release of Hamlib and included utilities.
Along with the GNU Autotools generated source archive, hamlib-3.3.tar.gz, binary packages for Windows 32 and 64 bit systems are included as both a ZIP file or self extracting EXE file.
The MD5SUM and SHA1SUM files are now signed by N0NB's gpg key for additional assurance.