Recent Releases

0.411 Apr 2018 19:23 major feature: Fix privesc bug with heads-update. The updates are now gpg verified and incoming is written in a root-only writable path. Remove the need of live-boot/live-config and build our own minimal initramfs instead. This also removes the "toram" feature. Instead, a kernel param that we call "nopermakey" is introduced to disable automatic compilation of permakey on boot. Cleaned up rootfs-overlay of obsolete files. Revise the package list and rebase on Devuan Beowulf. Update kernel to 4.9.74, Tor Browser to 7.5.2, musl to 1.1.19. Revise the kernel configuration and remove quite a few specific drivers, for example external soundcards. Enable cgroups in kernel. Implement general improvements to the build system, along with bumping live-sdk to latest upstream. Switch init to OpenRC. Implement a welcome dialog upon startx. Delete torbirdy from git and use the package provided in the apt repositories. Bring back Pulseaudio. Also ship with elogind and udisks2/udiskie. Include additional software. Xorg now autostarts unless "nox" is specified on the kernel cmdline. Replace the default GTK theme with Breeze. Enable AppArmor in-kernel. Do not install musl-libc anymore, as the rewritten sup can now be statically linked with glibc as well.
0.227 Mar 2017 22:25 major feature: Second stable release. More sophisticated and user-friendly, with some helpful messages and generally a nicer interface. The software list has been revised. Tor Browser now runs using the system-wide Tor instance instead of starting its own. Mozilla relaxed their redistribution policy and Thunderbird is back instead of Icedove. Sup is compiled on boot-time, musl-libc is now included in the system, and general improvements have been made with the firewall (iptables) setup.
0.127 Mar 2017 14:23 major feature: Initial release