roadie 0.4.0

roadie is a easy way to run your programs on Google Cloud Platform. It helps you to upload your source codes to the cloud, create and delete instances, and manage outputs.
Tags | cloud automation go |
License | GNU GPLv3 |
State | beta |
roadie 0.4.0![]() roadie is a easy way to run your programs on Google Cloud Platform. It helps you to upload your source codes to the cloud, create and delete instances, and manage outputs.
Recent Releases
0.4.011 Oct 2017 03:16
minor feature:
Support Microsoft Azure.
0.3.1327 Sep 2017 06:25
minor feature:
Update install information.
config command's help is broken.
Update the change log.
Bump version: 0.3.12 ? 0.3.13.
0.3.1223 Sep 2017 03:16
minor feature:
Source URLs when source files are uploaded by --local flag.
0.3.1101 Jul 2017 09:25
minor feature:
Use go-colorable to implement color/no-color mode.
Several in queue command.
If any OAuth token is not given, use a default client to access GCP.
0.3.1020 Jun 2017 05:45
minor feature:
-f and --follow flag in roadie run command.
0.3.916 Jun 2017 03:16
minor feature:
Follow the update of Google APIs Client Library for Go.
0.3.809 May 2017 02:05
minor feature:
Support --no-color option to output messages without color information.
Path problems in Windows.
Result commands shows not only results of asking instance but also results of
Instances which has the requested name as a pre.
0.3.708 May 2017 10:05
minor feature:
Use better authentication protocol.
0.3.502 May 2017 22:25
minor feature:
Refactoring cloud.Storage API.
Refactoring cloud.InstanceManager API.
Refactoring queue interface.
Refactoring cloud package.
Skip tests accessing cloud services by default.
license comment.
Storage service takes argument container.
Refactoring to use log manager which is an interface for log services.
Implement service provider.
QueueManager and StorageManager in GCE are automatically.
DiskSize parameters are moved to GcpConfig.
gce.QueueManager creates one instance when a queue is restarted.
CreateInstande doesn't take argument name because tasks have same val?.
Enqueue and Restart of gce checks the number of workers and creates i?.
Implement a mock provider for tests.
WIP Update commands to use newer cloud package.
Use both container name and file name to retrieve storage files.
Command for adding a task to a queue is moved to a sub command of que?.
Function basename is moved to script package.
cli.context has a metadata structure instead of several variables.
Use metadata's spinner to disable it in verbose mode.
Status and log commands for queue are moved to subcommand of queue.
Rename MockProvider and MockStorageManager to mock.Provider and mock.?.
InstanceManager is responsible for retrieving information of terminat?.
Update logging information in
Update formats for outputting logging messages.
Delete associated log if all result files of an instance are deleted.
Support deleting queues and tasks.
Decompress stdout result files if they has suf.xz.
Default instance name does not use hostname.
result command support verbose mode.
Deleting job and task commands show spinners.
not closing clients, wrong uploading paths in GCP's storage ser?.
Update the default name of config files.
Add short cut commands and show logging message during preparation.
Use newer Core OS image and use ignition to start a startup script.
uploading file paths.
showing instance status.
Update mock service provider.
Refactoring functions for uploading source code.
Gather lo
0.3.412 Feb 2017 03:15
minor feature:
Switch to use Google Cloud for Go instead of Google APIs Client Library for
Go to access storages.
Use https URLs for git repositories even if ssh URLs.
Broken tables to print download status.
Complete a wild card if any glob pattern is not given in result get command.
Complete missing.tar.gz in source flag of run command.
0.3.330 Dec 2016 03:15
minor feature:
Cloud datastore access according to the new API.
Stackdriver Logging client to use the new logadmin package.
assets.go to compile roadie without go-bindata command.
0.3.211 Oct 2016 19:11
minor feature:
- `roadie result show` command won't output escape sequences.
0.3.111 Oct 2016 16:02
minor feature:
- Creating instance function waits until operation done message appears in log.
- Logs from worker instances have the instance name instead of the queue name.
0.3.026 Sep 2016 03:15
minor feature:
Support queue based task management.
0.2.622 Sep 2016 03:15
minor feature:
Not specifying default zone and machine type.
0.2.518 Sep 2016 03:15
minor feature:
Support parallel uploading data files.
0.2.314 Sep 2016 03:15
minor feature:
Output log entries of old instances when reusing same instance name.
0.2.210 Sep 2016 03:15
minor feature:
Support to restart program after rebooting containers.
Retry number in run command.
0.2.113 Aug 2016 22:37
minor bugfix:
Fixed deleting old container before retrying.
0.2.013 Aug 2016 01:36
major feature:
Support --retry option by default it is set to 10.
By the option, roadie will retry executing a given program such times when GCP error happens.
0.1.419 Jul 2016 03:15
minor feature:
Look for configuration files.
Print warning if Project ID is not set in configure file.
Project ID and Bucket name do not allow empty strings.
Project name has been renamed to Project ID.
Update to use current zone name in order to search available machine types.
Run command creates a bucket if necessary.
0.1.315 Jul 2016 07:21
minor bugfix:
In addition to --name flag, support -n flag as a short version.
A bug of uploaded filenames that all uploaded files were saved as a same name.
0.1.213 Jul 2016 08:02
minor bugfix:
Disable font color and style in Windows.
In Windows, command prompt does not support escape scenes.
From this version, in windows, such escape sequences are not used.
0.1.110 Jul 2016 19:58
minor bugfix:
Fixed a bug when gcloud does not return any project IDs.
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