Scid vs. PC 4.26

Scid vs. PC is a continuation of Shane's Chess Information Database, which provides a chess toolkit, move database, analysis tools, various chess AI engine bindings or to online servers. It remains database-compatible but adds many usability and feature enhancements, such as a tournament game mode, an overhauled GUI, new gamelists, rating graphs, other analysis engines, and drag and drop support on all platforms.

Tags c tcl tk game chess chess-engine database online-player
License GNU GPL
State stable

Recent Releases

4.2610 Feb 2025 06:45 minor feature: Scorebar for the Main board, and also Browser windows and Fics observed games, Analysis board improvements from Hanish, - Scorebar, Colour PV Bar, Move-Sequence arrows, and board coordinates, Clicking Crosstable 'Player' column title to sort, New 'Store Movetimes' option in Play UCI Game, Show longer variations in the EnterVar button at game end, Twin Game Checker has a few new clickables, Font Selection dialog has a working preview, Game saves don't interrupt engine analysis, and tweak engine help icon, Gamelist current game colour option (via switcher context menu), Player Ratings context/history menu, Cut down our excess Resize event handling, Properly handle 'Stop Analysis' for Xboard engine with no 'analyze' (eg Scidlet), Minor Fics improvements, More Latex export improvements, Hack to avoid MacOS Tree/Bestgames window crash, Multi Browse BestGames didn't work for 'other' bases. Pgn column mode with big fonts, Enable proper horizontal gamelist scrolling for MacOS, Truncate long DB filenames in the Gamelist Tab and DB switcher, Disable Tree adjust after a General Search, Undocked App fails to quit with an open engine, Update "Enter Var" button when we create a variation, Try to remove unicode related fluff when pasting text as fen, Extra Tags - bulk add Extra Tag feature. Enable pattern matching in the Name Editor. Show Comments in Game Preview/Browser windows, change colours to match PGN, and ControlKey+Load does not the Browser window. LaTex Game Export - draw Marks in chess diagrams, indent variations, and other minor changes. Crosstable: add clickable column headings for Nationality, Rating and Score. Engine Annotation - Score last move in case of checkmate (and stalemate). Tree mask - Options to hide Markers (default), disable tooltips, and make the mask move colour steelblue. Engine - Right-clicking AddAllVars adds all first moves only. Comment Editor - Remove 'Apply' button, instead automatically apply miniboard changes. Add wheelmouse move-forward/back b
4.2501 Jun 2024 07:45 minor feature: Extra Tags - bulk add Extra Tag feature. Enable pattern matching in the Name Editor. Show Comments in Game Preview/Browser windows, change colours to match PGN, and ControlKey+Load does not the Browser window. LaTex Game Export - draw Marks in chess diagrams, indent variations, and other minor changes. Crosstable: add clickable column headings for Nationality, Rating and Score. Engine Annotation - Score last move in case of checkmate (and stalemate). Tree mask - Options to hide Markers (default), disable tooltips, and make the mask move colour steelblue. Engine - Right-clicking AddAllVars adds all first moves only. Comment Editor - Remove 'Apply' button, instead automatically apply miniboard changes. Add wheelmouse move-forward/back bindings. Player Info - don't show 'filtered games' stats if they duplicate the normal stats. Make the Tree Bargraph height similar to the font height (for high def displays). Add a few Keypad bindings, re suggestion from Patrick. Pressing Home-key inside a variation moves to var start instead of game start. Twin Game checker minor. Some spinboxes (annotate(blunder)) had erroneous error checking and threw exceptions. Some graphs didn't show the correct final/current year, gah!. Minor optable.tcl /clean-up. Opening Table max games is now 100,000 (was 25,000). Add current decade to Opening report Current popularity. EPD analysis hardening. For a few widgets - dont scroll text windows when using control-scroll to alter font size. Update stats/etc on Game quickSave. Gamelist (and Best games) 'Copy to filter' context-menu/feature. Support for Graham O'Neill's (UCI engine) eboard drivers. New 'Country' feature/option for the Player Finder (though it's slow with big databases). Global background colour option, and use BWidget::Selectcolor (if found) on Linux. Player Ratings Graph now has a history context menu, and Player Info binding for the Player Name. Arrows in the small engine boards can now be clicked to add moves, and these arrows with X
4.2425 Apr 2023 04:45 minor feature: Gamelist (and Best games) 'Copy to filter' context-menu/feature. Support for Graham O'Neill's (UCI engine) eboard drivers. New 'Country' feature/option for the Player Finder (though it's slow with big databases). Global background colour option, and use BWidget::Selectcolor (if found) on Linux. Player Ratings Graph now has a history context menu, and Player Info binding for the Player Name. Arrows in the small engine boards can now be clicked to add moves, and these arrows with Xboard engines and MultiPV. Big toolbar icons option, and a new GameInfo toolbar icon. Gamelist (and Best games) have an option for custom font (Selectable in the Switcher context menu - using the Small Font). Some comment editor / drawing improvements : Support for Chessbase arrow/squares diagrams. Shift+Button now draws the last symbol from the commenteditor (instead of always a full square). Change circle size...., Reinstate the Suggested Move feature. Simplify batch annotation feature. FICS - Enable use of zseal (an opensource timeseal). Some Edit menus were missing undo points. Undo for clipbase copy and paste was kindof broken / leaky. Add sanity checks for CC and CXX to configure. Little colour theme change, and high DPI doco, from Aditya's wordpress blog ; . Explicitly kill all engines when program and at program exit, be nice and wait a little for uci (and eboard) engines to. Add a check for Carbon macOS, and don't enable transient noborder for engine/gamelist popups if Cocoa. Text-search / FlashEntryBox improvements. Disable the nasty, persistent ComboBox entry highlighting after selection. Browse multiple games feature - please read help topic. Player Ratings graph can now (optionally) use the ratings history in the spelling "ratings.ssp" file. New Online tablebase lookups by Michael Brown (lokasoft bases are gone), and other minor tablebase window tweaks. PGN Window has a new 'Delete Comment' context menu. MS Windows - can now have sg4 files larger than 2gb. Allow for globbing/wil
4.2327 Feb 2022 03:17 minor feature: Browse multiple games feature - please read help topic. Player Ratings graph can now (optionally) use the ratings history in the spelling "ratings.ssp" file. New Online tablebase lookups by Michael Brown (lokasoft bases are gone), and other minor tablebase window tweaks. PGN Window has a new 'Delete Comment' context menu. MS Windows - can now have sg4 files larger than 2gb. Allow for globbing/wildcard matches in the Name Editor date fields. Time graph: when we are calulating movetimes from clk, allow for a TimeControl tag. Give the comment editor some decent colours, and increase board size. Player vs UCI Game - nodes do not have to be in 1000s (helpful for some new chess engines). Tree mask/cache - change 'fill with base' to 'fill with filter', speed up mask fill, and up the progress window. New treeviewFont.diff patch which allows the gamelist font to be configured (system Small font). Nicer board arrows. Ensure Stockfish w/d/l percentiles total 100 - author Michael. Better allign the UCI config window widgets - author Aditya. Show Stockfish Win/Draw/Loss (as White/Draw/Black) infos in information window. Add an 'Extra Tags' field to the header search (eg 'Annotator'). Revamp colours and size of the Comment Editor. New 'Highlight' colour option (affects crosstable, reports, pgn moves and name-editor). Animate the Rook in Castling. (author Uwe - Nice). Engine analysis: option to wrap long lines. Engine annotation: option to disable adding an end-of-game variation. Playing an opening against an UCI engine - openings can be imported from the ECO Window. Improve the tree training feature by automatically enabling Trial mode. Minor tweaks to the spacing in long comments in the PGN and Gameinfo windows. Export Games: add option to disable inserting newlines every 80 chars or so. Serious game: When using book, leave a comment when book is exited / exhausted. Add an undo point at the start of every annotation game. Add a Switcher menu item to show/hide the gamelist butto
4.2212 Jun 2021 08:45 minor feature: Show Stockfish Win/Draw/Loss (as White/Draw/Black) infos in information window. Add an 'Extra Tags' field to the header search (eg 'Annotator'). Revamp colours and size of the Comment Editor. New 'Highlight' colour option (affects crosstable, reports, pgn moves and name-editor). Animate the Rook in Castling. (author Uwe - Nice). Engine analysis: option to wrap long lines. Engine annotation: option to disable adding an end-of-game variation. Playing an opening against an UCI engine - openings can be imported from the ECO Window. Improve the tree training feature by automatically enabling Trial mode. Minor tweaks to the spacing in long comments in the PGN and Gameinfo windows. Export Games: add option to disable inserting newlines every 80 chars or so. Serious game: When using book, leave a comment when book is exited / exhausted. Add an undo point at the start of every annotation game. Add a Switcher menu item to show/hide the gamelist buttonbar. Help and translation updates. Book tuning tweaks. Graph window tweaks. The Gamelist 'next moves' feature didn't work for transpositions at differing depths. Remember arrow lengths/widths. Batch stripping comments/vars could sometimes break the namebase. / enable hiding of 'Colored Squares and Arrows' on the main board. Windows drag and drop typo/from Oz. Gamelist (and Best Games) can now show 'Next Moves' instead of just the 'Opening Moves' if the tree is open and adjusting filter. Text foreground colour option for listboxes and text windows. (and remove the 'global' colour option which is too rough). Fics: allow moves made by examiners to be seen by other examiners/observers, and longstanding init fail. Allow multiple engine logs at once, which can be nicely updated in real-time (and bind 'space' to engine stop/start). Small engine boards now have an alternative display mode: Arrow shows best move. Free up right-click for windows 'copy text'. (Use middle click instead for toggling analysis modes). Can now always show 'Infos
4.2106 Jan 2020 14:05 minor feature: Gamelist (and Best Games) can now show 'Next Moves' instead of just the 'Opening Moves' if the tree is open and adjusting filter. Text foreground colour option for listboxes and text windows. (and remove the 'global' colour option which is too rough). Fics: allow moves made by examiners to be seen by other examiners/observers, and longstanding init fail. Allow multiple engine logs at once, which can be nicely updated in real-time (and bind 'space' to engine stop/start). Small engine boards now have an alternative display mode: Arrow shows best move. Free up right-click for windows 'copy text'. (Use middle click instead for toggling analysis modes). Can now always show 'Infos' via an option in the main Engine config widget. Low level support for alternative "GO" modes for UCI engines. (::uci::goCommand). New annotaion/analyze features (UCI only): Count best moves and (optionally) show/store results. Allow selecting the engine. New 'find' entrybox searches EPD file for matching text. Basic EPD/FEN export feature. Menu rearranges, including enabling more translations, and changing menubuttons to standard menu widgets. Paste analysis now removes previous analysis opcodes. Tree window - options to hide buttonbar, and always 'Adjust' filter. Display a board in the Player Report (if applicable). Full German help update from Christian. Improve Gamelist 'see'. Brazil-Portuguese language update from Gilberto de Almeida Peres. Opening Books - don't clobber existing game mainline with book import (was 'export'). Unneeded 'update -pgn' was slowing everything down too. Refresh score graph at end of fics game. Pressing End key twice always goes to game end. Show Tux in the comment editor, and update the gifs. Update chess 960 patch. New flip board button. scidt reverse sort feature. Also - don't accept empty sort criteria, and accept 'si4' filenames. PGN - Properly handle all level of var indentation. Windows: extra text in the Player Info windows. Tree cache getting saved with ap
4.2017 Apr 2019 22:05 minor feature: The Score Graph can now display move-times (using " emt" and " clk" pgn values). Option to display a black rectangle for the "selected square" instead of a coloured square (Options- Moves- ColorSelected). Several translation updates including a complete German help file from Christian Opitz. The Setup Board window now has a coordinate axis and a flip button. Computer Tournament - Don't enforce a ten-engine limit, have a new statusbar to show progress and the winner, include Uwe Klimmek's carousel scheduling. EPD rewrite from Bonnie A. - Annotations are now compliant with the EPD specification, Flips the board to side-to-move, other. In Game Annotation, don't miss analysing last-move blunders. The ECO finder has a basic "Find Opening by Name" feature. A quick Piece Position Search implemented using CQL. Gameinfo window always shows a rehoned "Material Advantage" value. Board Options window can now display all custom piecesets in a gridded manner, and also highlights the current piece style. FICs - Automatically store move-times, some changes to the button/font, and don't store adminBOT tells. Tree Mask - Add 'unfold' option to the Mask window, and up some allignment/font. Update the Spelling file with Uwe's 2018 update. Pressing 'End' key moves to end-of-variation (if in var) instead of end-of-game. Analysis Engines: pressing keys 1 to 5 sets PV. Set undo point when marking squares. Remove Suggested Moves feature. Update Gregors tktext patch to current (2018-08-13). Xboard protocol : setboard should come after analyze, send 'nopost' to xboard engines in comp mode, and acknowledge 'my move' in analysis, as sometimes xboard engines (scidlet) dont send any other infos. Relocate a couple of colour option menus to their proper windows (Crosstable and Score Graph). serious built-in-engine and PGN-import errors. Tree - the greying of the tree moves (if the progressbar is hidden) disabled the tree mask's move colouring. Disable gamelist flag/delete menus if read-only. Mate i
4.1911 Mar 2018 23:25 minor feature: New 'Default Databases' feature (Options- Save Bases as Default). CQL 5.2 search feature (Search- CQL). Thanks Lionel and CQL authors. General search can now match any (non-hidden) pre-game or final move Comment. Export Scid Flags feature. Big speed up for bulk Strip Comments/Variations feature. (Also make the 'Stop' button work). Improvements to loading games at the correct position (resolve a conflict between the tree window and search results), and small Tree speed-up. Remove 'Magnetic' for Paul's chess pieces. New 'Ascii' chess pieces and 'Green' colour scheme. Right-clicking button bar changes, including right-click Window button shows Splash window. Some tree tweaks and doco updates, and tree Fast+Slow mode now doesn't break the win/lose graph. Tweak progress bar update frequencies (base export, game copy). OS X has a faster build. New Windows build system from Oz. A new script, 'sc_filter_pgn', which filters multiple PGN files for games matching a certain position. FICS - Offers Graph is disabled while playing a game. Change the censor button a little, and control+censor censors person chatting to you. Escape key in main board cancels piece dragging/move. regarding other language piece letters. up showing the first gamelist/game in searches. up the days of the months in the calender widget. up window placement on multi display desktops. Best games 'Reset Column titles' was broke. sc_game startPos segfaults if !HasNonStandardStart. New Best Games widget, similar to the Gamelist. Score Graph now highlights the current move. New annotation feature: Show missed/shorter mates. A little new Gamelist button to reveal hidden/squeezed buttons (finally!). The GameInfo Window has a right-click menu, and other minor menu changes. Basic support for horizontal scrolling (in gamelist, crosstable and bestgames) for mousewheel buttons with horizontal capability. Finnish translation, from Mika Kaakinen. Engines: if an engine shows a Mating line, show the whole line in analysis
4.1812 Jul 2017 07:05 minor feature: New Best Games widget, similar to the Gamelist. Score Graph now highlights the current move. New annotation feature: Show missed/shorter mates. A little new Gamelist button to reveal hidden/squeezed buttons (finally!). The GameInfo Window has a right-click menu, and other minor menu changes. Basic support for horizontal scrolling (in gamelist, crosstable and bestgames) for mousewheel buttons with horizontal capability. Finnish translation, from Mika Kaakinen. Engines: if an engine shows a Mating line, show the whole line in analysis window, disregarding Max-Ply variable. Don't show an error message when importing null PGN tags... too verbose. Fics: try to handle case when move is made after run out of time. (We don't want to mark the game as out of sync). Minor Translation, Mask and Fics tweaks. Hide Board resize buttons in docked mode if auto-resize is enabled. Revert Control-b binding to Book window. Focus the text box of Comment Editor when raised. Show a busy cursor when backing-up databases in the finder. Game Save: also use previous Round with the 'Use Previous' button/feature. Running Engine 1 in the statusbar needs special handling if using docking, as it cannot be withdrawn properly and was confusing before. Show correct position in the pgn window after adding a new var/move. Show PGN scrollbar by default. Redock Windows after they have been undocked then destroyed. Before, such windows were remade undocked, and *without menus. Keep comments when truncating game from start. broken 'Copy' button in Engine's config window. Promoting variations didn't handle precomments. Analysis/Engine window. Show checkmate/stalemate messages instead of sending 'no-move positions' to engine. In engine configuration window the 'Date' field of an engine is now its exe modification time (mtime). Previously - only the *first 50 tournaments were used (eg) when looking for the 50 tournaments with most players. Custom player photos (Place correctly named gifs in HOME/.scidvspc/
4.1724 Oct 2016 03:45 minor feature: Analysis/Engine window. Show checkmate/stalemate messages instead of sending 'no-move positions' to engine. In engine configuration window the 'Date' field of an engine is now its exe modification time (mtime). Previously - only the *first 50 tournaments were used (eg) when looking for the 50 tournaments with most players. Custom player photos (Place correctly named gifs in HOME/.scidvspc/photos or bin/photos). Resign button for playing UCI engines and Phalanx, analog clocks can now be hidden ('x' button in the white clock), and add the 'Skill Level' to the pgn header (eg - as used by Stockfish). A patch to include Gregor's tk::text improvements. New Chess 960 patch! Thanks to Britton Farrar, who now has a project at New 'Under Promotion' search item in General Search. Computer Tournament: when 'First engine plays others', flip board to show games from first engine's view. Flip game browser if matches myPlayerNames. Clipbase game limit is now 5,000,000, and game undo buffer is 20. Chess Pieces: remove 12 piece-set limit, and adventurer and kingdom pieces. Reinstate old Merida1 as Merida3. Offers graph is updated in a better manner. Save game and add message disconnected while playing. Top three buttons are now configurable. Add a 'follow+' command, which automatically saves followed games..., Tweak Find Best Move feature, which now also recognizes non-standard starts. Game Save dialog: extend use of 'Use prev tags' to 'Use previous' (for Names, Site, Event, Elo, dates). Switcher - replace readonly foreground color with a '(readonly)' message, and add a 'Confirm Copy' option menu. Disable tree updates while annotating games and computer tournament. Tree: Instead of having a 'stop' button, grey the tree text when updating (if progressBar is hidden). Change a few shortcuts. control-b board colours. control-B setup board. control-G general search. Control-TrialMode button, automatically adds a null move, and tweak th
4.1623 Jan 2016 03:16 minor feature: New Checkmate/Stalemate general search option. Make fics premove work properly, and with promotion. New Switcher menus to Open Tree/Best Games/Change Icon, and negate any open base filter. The Best Games window can now be unsorted (on ELO). Tree window has a short-display option (default is on). New Merida1 piece set with large sizes. Change the colours of switcher current-base and book/book-tuning/tree next-moves. Update all latex export features from Chess12 to the modern Skak (author Richard Ashwell) and add Latex previews for game exports (linux only). Some Opening-Report and Player-Report, and the Opening-Table options window. Show the custom flag names in the statusbar. Player Info: Add an extra 'Filter Games' hyperlink. Tournament finder: Change behaviour re showing tournament crosstable. Portugese update from G. Silva. Spanish update from Benigno. Add 50 move draw detection to Phalanx and UCI computer games. Export PGN introduced in 4.15. Properly handle OpenRecentAsTree, if base is already opened. 'Round' wasn't getting shown in the gameinfo if Date was unset. Annotation: try to handle zero move games. Work aroud for occasional Tcl which affects piece dragging. Game Save dialog didn't have translations. Remove a heap of compiler warnings. Tournament finder was showing incorrect number of games. Limit engine ply option. Bind Control+Enter to add whole line. Tweak variation creation to avoid occasional var staggering. Show 'Ponder' as a UCI configuration option (now that engines may play with Ponder on). Options for the score format (which allows them to be hidden in the PGN window). When finished annotating game, move to last move (instead of sometime staying at second last move). Dont show out-of-book messages for non-standard starts. Columns can now be reordered, hidden, or right/left alligned (right-click column titles). Replace the Flag button with context menus. Left/right keys scroll the gamelist view. When deselecting 'Adjust Filter', make the current
4.1521 Nov 2015 11:45 minor feature: Limit engine ply option. Bind Control+Enter to add whole line. Tweak variation creation to avoid occasional var staggering. Show 'Ponder' as a UCI configuration option (now that engines may play with Ponder on). Options for the score format (which allows them to be hidden in the PGN window). When finished annotating game, move to last move (instead of sometime staying at second last move). Dont show out-of-book messages for non-standard starts. Columns can now be reordered, hidden, or right/left alligned (right-click column titles). Replace the Flag button with context menus. Left/right keys scroll the gamelist view. When deselecting 'Adjust Filter', make the current adjusted filter remain. up a few tree translations/text formatting. Option to show/hide the progress bar. (On OS X, the progressbar makes searches much slower). Make Spellcheck interuptible, and remove limit of 2000. Update spelling file against Franz' June 2015 release. Skip spelling date check if game has no date. Tweak AddEloRatings feature to work properly with FIDE rating data newer than 2012. Databases can now be exported to PGN using either UTF-8 or Latin-1 character sets. Detect correct charset of imported pgn and convert all to utf 'Avoiding a mix of character sets inside a database.'. Add flip-board buttons to the mini observed games. Add a 10 minute line to offers graph. Hack to destroy the results messageBox if we are being 'rematched' or challenged. Unhide fics boards when a new observed game is announced. New takeback code (better, but needs more work). Remember selected engines when changing number of engines. Use new is-check routine for stalemate detection (sc_pos analyze could cause core dumps). Change the tournament per-game time controls from min/secs to secs/secs (base/incr). Update for French from Dale Cannon. Player Info history feature (right click window). Add 'Total' separators to the playerinfo stats. MS Windows - preempt/possible db compaction failure due to inherited engine
4.1407 Apr 2015 06:45 minor feature: Tree Mask, Mask auto-load option, Automatically add move to mask instead of showing silly error message. Holding Control while opening the Mask context menu (marker/nags/color) adds a marker to the whole line (etc). Enable piece dragging , Flip the setup board if main is flipped. Add End-Position-Only option to Material Search. Knight+Bishop sanity check was wrong, and we werent saving Knight+Bishop joint totals in saved searches. Double clicking an observed game makes it your primary game (number is shown as bold), Refine Offer Graph layout (most games are short), and add a close button (previously was only escape key), New 'Censor' button (+censor opponent), Add a show/hide buttons feature, Control+Wheelmouse alters Fics console font size. Automatically adjudicate in simple cases of insufficient material. Make the window more ergonomic, Comments now have their own line, and move some infos to the Statusbar, Add/Remove Line features, Clicking on Book Tuning next move (in yellow) moves forward. Remove the errant rounding up of +10 to +11 in y-axis, and raise border over graph bars, Add backGround colour to graphs, New Portuguese translation from R. Silva (martinus at FICS), Update to Phalanx XXIV. The Tactical Game feature is a proper challenge now. Place Best Games window beside Tree window (in docking mode). Playerinfo: still show Bio info (if available) when there are no games in database. Automatically add the final move if adding a var at game end with the AddVar button, Minor improvements for html/html+javascript Game Exports, Document how to alter the Game List fields, Update OS X build notes. Xboard engine annotation was ignoring 'Use Book'. Correspondence chess tls/encryption bugfix (Alexander), Properly flip comment editor board (if applicable) and other tweaks, 'Find Best Move' feature was broke, When saving game, throw error for badly formed extra tags (instead of silently discarding). When adding a var to end of game, make sure to auto enter *this* vari
4.1327 Oct 2014 03:45 major feature: Analysis Engine: exclude move(s) feature. Mouse-hover shows excluded moves (UCI only). Analysis Engine: button to pop-up unrevealed buttons, and redo a few icons. Maintenance: Bulk strip Comments/Variations. Depth-based Engine Annotation improvements. Tweaked key bindings (including FilterReset Control-r and GameSave Control-s). Improved Background Colour feature. Add 'Find' entry boxes to more windows (including spelling corrections) , and widget can now use regular expressions. Splash widget console now has a simple command history (up-arrow). Better Repair Base feature (from Gregor). Include Gregors fast file opening with the windows 32-bit binary. Bind Control-Wheel to alter fixed font size (in some windows). New Russian translation (from Sergey Nikolaevich Koyankin) and updated German one (from surrim). Enforce all tags (eg Event names, etc) to be less than 256 chars. Tweak Scid's Linux installer is to properly allow custom SHAREDIR. Windows drag and drop file open wasn't being init properly. Better handle language translations/encoding. Crosstable: bump max-player limit, tweak menus and bind right-click to menu, fix occasional allignment bug, and dont' automatically update (fixing busy cursor bug). Bump Opening Table limits, and minor bug-fixes. New (Skak) Latex export-games feature (author Mark Dennehy). Update Xfcc to handle secure connections (thanks to Andrew Hunt). Fix minor memory leaks, and dont slow game file compaction (we now reset filter). Bestgames has a game load menu instead of 3 buttons. Refine docked window drag and drop. Many minor OS X tweaks. Trim whitespace from name fields in game save dialog. Add whitespace corrections to spelling.ssp, and also tweak Event spelling corrections. Tooltips for the obscure buttons in main buttonbar. Analysis add move as 'New Mainline' was broke. Always get confirmation for sorting via gamelist. Enforce illegalilty of saving Event Date without Game Date. Phalanx updates and minor tacgame, sergame fixes. Make a