Recent Releases

2.327 Sep 2017 01:21 minor feature: The only real new feature introduced in 2.3 is that shufti now maximizes windows and fits to view any new images you open that are larger than your screen. This greatly improves the usability of its directory browsing feature. I have also updated the Windows installer and uploaded a video that explains how to install and configure shufti under Windows 10.
2.105 Jun 2017 11:33 minor feature: shufti 2.1 adds a bit of polish to the persistent image viewer. It has now been tested under TrueOS (FreeBSD 12) as well as Linux, Windows and macOS but there is still no disk image or easy installer for the mac. I'd like to hear if anyone has tried shufti under any less well known operating systems such as Haiku yet? NEW IN 2.1 * shufti now runs with Python 2.x and 3.x * At the request of Ejneafsey, a quit option (and keyboard shortcut) has been added to the context menu to close the current shufti window * Print basic instructions if run from the terminal without specifying an image to open * Various improvements and additions to the README
2.031 Mar 2017 22:22 major feature: * Directory browsing support! Push SPACE to move to the next image in the directory and BACKSPACE to go back * Right-click context menu to access all functions and view keyboard shortcuts * Functions / shortcuts to vertically or horizontally maximise the image window * shufti can now be even more easily installed under Arch-based distros via the new shufti AUR package
1.025 Feb 2017 12:06 major feature: Happy 1.0 to shufti! Today sees the first proper release of my free, open source and cross-platform "persistent" image viewer, shufti. So far, I have only created a 64-bit Windows installer. It should work under Windows Vista/7/8/10 64-bit but I've only tried it under Windows 10 64-bit. Linux and BSD users can follow the existing, easy installation instructions. Please let me know if you try it and remember to mention the version/family of OS you're running - thanks!