upsm is public domain, Qt-based ups monitor (front-end for upsc from Network UPS Tools). It sits at the tray and polls nut server using upsc, so you need to set up NUT first (ups.conf and other stuff). From the Settings of upsm you can define the command line for upsc (i.e. "upsc serverups@localhost" for example) and polling time period, in millisecond.
Recent Releases
3.0.015 Oct 2022 09:36
major feature:
Qt6 port, misc fixes
2.2.024 Apr 2019 10:33
major feature:
Window hides form taskbar when minimized (was: optional).
Documentation has been updated. The Close button now closes the app, minimize button minimizes (more logical approach). Build files cleanup.
2.1.115 Aug 2018 17:24
major feature:
fixes for meson/ninja
using gold linker with cmake
documentation update
2.1.015 Aug 2018 10:54
major feature:
Support of meson build subsystem (in the addition to qmake and cmake)
2.0.013 Jul 2018 12:07
major feature:
Support of cmake build subsystem (in the addition to qmake)
Major code cleanup.
1.3.101 Aug 2017 17:22
minor feature:
+ Run minimized option
* fixes
1.3.030 Jul 2017 16:56
major feature:
+ RU/EN manuals at Help page
* fixes
1.2.022 Jul 2017 15:52
major feature:
+ Hide from taskbar option
+ new tray icon (represents INPUT over the OUTPUT values)
1.1.021 Jul 2017 10:57
major bugfix:
+ desktop integration
+ make install works
* .pro-file fixes
+ app icon
1.0.014 Jul 2017 14:18
major feature:
Initial release.