Recent Releases

4.2.016 Sep 2022 21:33 major feature: glTF improvements: step interpolation, cameras fix, normal scale handling, ability to pick a subset of glTF. Integration with Vampyre Imaging Library to read more image formats. Better key shortcuts in view3dscene to switch views, consistent with CGE editor and Blender. Upgraded to use latest Castle Game Engine 7.0-alpha.2.
4.0.009 Feb 2021 19:57 major feature: This updates view3dscene to use latest Castle Game Engine 7.0-alpha.1. New features (inherited from new CGE features) include glTF support, X3D 4.0, Spine improvements, sprite sheets, animations panel (test animations, with cross-fading, simultaneous animations),dynamic batching and more. It also features new view3dscene options like "Edit - Convert Inline to Group (pulls external content into this model)" and gamma correction configuration.
3.18.027 Jan 2018 06:43 major feature: Support https. Support KTX textures (Khronos texture format). Shader pipeline upgrade. Various bugfixes and optimizations coming from new Castle Game Engine version.
3.17.019 Jun 2017 03:52 major feature: Support for CommonSurfaceShader, an X3D node that allows to define a material with normalmaps, specular maps, ambient maps and more. STL format support: you can open and display STL files, convert them to X3D, use them as "Inline" in other VRML and X3D files.
3.16.019 Feb 2017 17:39 major feature: Various new X3D extensions: - Shape.shading = "WIREFRAME", - fields "slices", "stacks", "divisions" to specify geometry triangulation, - using normal maps from a MovieTexture, - Shape.render, - many shadow maps and shadow volumes improvements. Also: - Support for a new animation format castle-anim-frames. It allows to export any Blender animation (with armature, shape keys, physics simulation, particles...). The exported for Blender is included. - Various "Lights Editor" improvements - light gizmo, easy adjusting of shadow map parameters.
3.15.030 Dec 2014 22:50 major feature: Spine 2D animations support. X3D Text node reimplemented. New X3D extensions: NavigationInfo.blendingSort, CubicBezierXxx interpolators, TextureProperties.guiTexture, X3DSequencerNode.forceContinousValue_Changed.