Warracker 0.05.1-beta

Warracker is an open-source warranty tracker application designed to help you effortlessly keep track of product warranties, expiration dates, and related documentation. Warracker is a web-based application that provides a centralized system for managing all your product warranties. Key features include: Tracking product warranties in one central location. Adding warranty details, including purchase dates and duration. Uploading and storing warranty documentation and receipts. Providing visual indicators for active, expiring soon, and expired warranties. Searching through your warranty collection. Warranty Management: Add, edit, and delete warranty information. Document Storage: Upload and securely store receipts and warranty documentation. Status Tracking: Visual indicators for warranty status (active, expiring soon, expired). Search: Easily find warranties by product name. Responsive Design: A seamless experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

Tags self-hosted warranty bookkeeping flask python javascript postgresql
License Affero GPLv3
State beta

Recent Releases

0.05.1-beta03 Mar 2025 21:35 minor feature: Double edit buttons, now there is only one edit button. Added a status page, can access /test.html to see if everything is working properly