Recent Releases

1.4.030 May 2024 08:46 major bugfix: internal changes and fixes
1.3.005 May 2024 09:18 major bugfix: Non-Unicode FB2 fix
1.2.123 Apr 2024 17:15 major bugfix: EPUB support fixed a lot, other fixes
1.2.016 Apr 2024 12:24 major feature: + Voice selection by pressing keys and + Select voice selection range from local to all supported languages - key Z
1.1.008 Apr 2024 19:07 major feature: + EPUB, KWD (old KWord format) support + Beseda can take the directory as the filename, to make this directory as the working one, so you can move through the files there (cursor left/right, Enter to load).
1.0.004 Apr 2024 17:00 major feature: The first release ever.