Recent Releases

0.530 Mar 2016 10:09 minor feature: Synced with a newer upstream Webkit, some minor fixes. 1.3 smaller.
0.414 Nov 2015 14:00 minor feature: Support for GCC 5.2 and LTO. The precompiled binary is now 14.5 smaller. Support for non-encrypted WebSockets. SSL errors are now reported for all sub-resources as well. The default Firefox UA string updated to latest ESR. Various crash fixes. Various usability improvements.
0.329 May 2015 10:10 minor feature: Support for HTML5 localStorage. Various crash fixes. Various usability improvements. Added a list of common browsers for quicker UA changes.
0.202 Mar 2015 19:01 minor feature: UserCSS. Improved middle-clicking link behavior. Iframe behavior fixes. Ubuntu dash build fix. Various bugfixes.