A lightweight GUI framework for embedded displays
Design your GUI with a drag & drop builder, then apply the same code to a wide range of displays, libraries and controllers with the cross-platform Arduino framework supporting Windows, OS X and LINUX. Open source MIT license.
- Pure C library, no dynamic memory allocation
- Widgets: text, images, buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, sliders, keypad, listbox, radial controls, scrolling textbox / terminal, graphs, etc. plus extensions and multiple pages.
Cross-platform GUIslice Builder application to generate GUI layouts
Platform-independent GUI core currently supports:
- Adafruit-GFX, TFT_eSPI, mcufriend, UTFT, SDL1.2, SDL2.0
- Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP8266 / NodeMCU, ESP32, M5stack, Teensy 3, Feather M0 (Cortex-M0), nRF52 (Cortex-M4F), LINUX, Beaglebone Black, STM32, Due, etc.
Typical displays:
- PiTFT, Adafruit TFT 3.5" / 2.8" / 2.4" / 2.2" / 1.44", FeatherWing TFT, OLED 0.96", mcufriend, BuyDisplay / EastRising 4.3" 5" 7", Waveshare, 4D Cape
Display drivers include:
- ILI9341, ST7735, SSD1306, HX8347D, HX8357, PCD8544, RA8875, ILI9341_t3, ILI9341_due
- Dynamic display rotation
Touchscreen control including:
- STMPE610, FT6206, XPT2046, 4-wire, tslib, URTouch, Adafruit Seesaw
- GPIO / pin / keyboard / Adafruit Seesaw control for non-touchscreen devices
Recent Releases
0.17.010 Oct 2021 15:05
minor feature:
Add: Major update for external GUI navigation (pin, button, encoders) #348.
Add: Calibration for capacitive displays #339, runtime config #363.
Add: Examples for XPeyPad (WIO, M5Stack).
Add: PlatformIO configuration.
Add: Configuration for EastRising 3.5" Capacitive.
Add: Support for ILI9488_JB, SSD1306 (I2C mode), XPT2046.
Add: Changes for Soft SPI (SdFat v2) #320.
Enhance: Consistent GUI control glow / focus / edit schemes.
Enhance: Redraw optimizations #328.
Enhance: TFT_eSPI loadFont optimizations #401.
Enhance: XListbox, support large row counts #380, increased margins.
Enhance: Support 4wire touch on ESP32 #297, STM #411.
Enhance: Reduced memory footprint for trig lookups.
Enhance: XProgress can change color dynamically.
Enhance: XSlider can add snap points.
Enhance: Improved error handling, display alignments.
Change: Renamed some examples to differentiate "pin" control.
Change: Separated m5stack and WIO examples.
ToggleImgButton #325.
Screen invalidation upon background color change.
Compilation warnings.
LINUX compilation (rClipRect).
0.16.009 Nov 2020 06:45
minor feature:
Enhance: Utilize fast TFT_eSPI clip / viewport rendering.
Enhance: Major updates for XKeypad, support of custom keyapds.
Add: Support for PlatformIO.
Add: transparency in image draw from RAM.
Add: new configs (LCDGFX #248, ILI9226, SDL2).
Change: Removed GUIslice_config_ard/linux.h.
transparent text.
pgmspace compatibility.
compiler warnings (#248.
toggle button rounded corners, swap left/right.
GFX font offset.
XGraph math ranges.
Changes to the XKeyPad API may require updates to existing sketches that utilize the widget. Please refer to the XKeyPad Migration Notes for details.
0.15.024 Aug 2020 01:25
minor feature:
Enhance: major updates improvements to the Builder (download separately from the GUIslice-Builder repo).
Add: widget: XTogglebtn.
Add: widget: XSeekbar.
Add: Touch driver for RA8875_SUMO.
Add: Display driver support for Wavershare_ILI9486 v2.
Add: dynamic element moves #246.
Add: background redraw for modeless dialogs #227.
Add: dynamic updates for XListbox.
Add: API for XKeyPadInputGet() to return string.
color conversion #219.
XSlider range #238.
pin-sharing with 4-wire touch (Due, Nano 33 IOT).
compilation warnings.
Enhance: optimize redraw for ElemSetCol, ElemSetGlowCol.
Change: API for XCheckbox to always return its ID #244 (see migration notes).
Enhance: demessaging for element creation.
A minor breaking change was added to XCheckbox. This only impacts a minor subset of users that are detecting a checkbox disable event action. If the user code has a checkbox callback function that tests for nSelId == GSLC_ID_NONE and then determines which checkbox was responsible for this event (via pvElemRef), a simpler method is now available: determine the checkbox that triggered an event (via nSelId) and then test the bChecked state.
0.14.023 Apr 2020 17:25
minor feature:
Add: support for Teensy 4.
Add: support for xlatb/RA8876.
Add: support for sumotoy/RA8875.
Add: support for GEVINO_TFT (RA8876).
Add: support for FT5206 touch controller.
Add: support for lexus2k/lcdgfx display driver.
Add: support for mcufriend ID forcing #186.
Add: support for RGB/BGR color mode selection.
Add: BLIT support for load BMP from RAM.
Add: JPEG / BMP images from SPIFFS.
Add: XSpinner button config #199.
Add: extra APIs for ElemCreateTxt_P_R.
Add: extra APIs for XKeyPad.
Change: optimized redraw (checkbox, radio button).
Change: optimized redraw (multiple pages).
XRingGauge, #172.
XTextbox background #202.
SD include error #182.
documentation updates.
Nano IOT 33 #211.
redraw for FLASH-based elements.
wire touch for Due #216.
Waveshare_ILI9486 (font #173, rotation). Sep 2019 03:15
minor feature:
B104 RingGauge: default Flat Color property should be GSLC_COLOR_BLUE_LT4.
B105 RingGauge: RingGauge: default Inactive Color property should be (gslc_tsColor) 0,0,48 .
B106 RingGauge: TFT Simulation incorrectly shows Flat Color property.
B108 RingGauge: codegen invalid API call to ElemXRingGaugeSetColorActiveFlat().
B109 Can't Install GUIsliceBuilder as a NON-Admin user.
B110 () Compilation error in Adafruit-GFX.h fonts include typo.
B111 () Compilation error: gslc_ElemXRingGaugeSetAngleRange(..., RING-102);. Sep 2019 03:15
minor feature:
Add: TFT_eSPI touch enhancements.
Add: XGlowball.
Add: Support for UTFT URTouch.
Add: Support for SdFat (SD SW SPI).
Add: Support for Arduino Due ILI9341_due.
Add: Numerous additional configs.
Add: XListbox support for text justification, auto baseline calc.
Add: Access to native display/touch driver APIs.
Add: DrawFillSector() DrawFillGradSector().
Add: Support for Waveshare_ILI9486.
Add: Example Builder projects to /examples/builder.
Change: Split XGauge into XProgress, XRadial and XRamp.
Change: XRingGauge enhancements.
Change: Example ex02/ex03 no longer terminate.
M5stack init.
Numerous for SD support (#155, etc.).
Element hiding via ElemSetVisible().
sinFX()/cosFX() glitches seen in XRadial.
Redraw for elements in FLASH.
Examples use platform-specific fonts.
Numerous to example configs.
Breaking change: XGauge was split into XProgress, XRadial and XRamp. Please refer to #157 for details.
The GUIslice Builder completed a major update for 0.13.0. The source code has been moved into a separate repository at https://github.com/ImpulseAdventure/GUIslice-builder-source.
0.13.002 Sep 2019 22:02
major feature:
- Add: TFT_eSPI touch enhancements (#150)
- Add: XGlowball (#147)
- Add: Support for UTFT URTouch (#151)
- Add: Support for SdFat (SD SW SPI)
- Add: Support for Arduino Due ILI9341_due (#153)
- Add: Numerous additional configs
- Add: XListbox support for text justification, auto baseline calc
- Add: Access to native display/touch driver APIs (#160)
- Add: DrawFillSector() DrawFillGradSector()
- Add: Support for Waveshare_ILI9486
- Add: Example Builder projects to /examples/builder
- Change: Split XGauge into XProgress, XRadial and XRamp (#157)
- Change: XRingGauge enhancements (#162)
- Change: Example ex02/ex03 no longer terminate
- Fix: M5stack init
- Fix: Numerous fixes for SD support (#155, etc.)
- Fix: Element hiding via ElemSetVisible() (#156)
- Fix: sinFX()/cosFX() fix glitches seen in XRadial
- Fix: Redraw for elements in FLASH
- Fix: Examples use platform-specific fonts
- Fix: Numerous fixes to example configs
Migration notes:
- Breaking change: XGauge was split into XProgress, XRadial and XRamp. Please refer to #157 for details.
Other notes:
- The GUIslice Builder completed a major update for 0.13.0. The source code has been moved into a separate repository at https://github.com/ImpulseAdventure/GUIslice-builder-source