Recent Releases

2.4.016 May 2017 03:16 minor feature: Support exactly-once with async checkpoint via rocksdb and HDFS. Introduce new window mechanism Supports tumbling window and sliding window. Supports count window, processing time window, event time window, session window. Doesn't hold all data before a window is triggered, computes on data arrival. . Supports tumbling window and sliding window. Supports count window, processing time window, event time window, session window. Doesn't hold all data before a window is triggered, computes on data arrival. Support gray upgrade Supports per worker/component gray upgrade Supports upgrade rollback . Supports per worker/component gray upgrade. Supports upgrade rollback. Add memory/rocksdb-based KV store. HBase metrics plugin is open source. Support multiple metrics uploaders. Add api in MetricClient to register topology-level metrics. Support component stream metrics, i.e., stream metrics aggregated in components. Support deserialize for no-arg class in kryo. Add getValue method in AsmMetric for quick assert so that unit tests/integration tests don't have to get metrics from Nimbus. The of incorrect computation of unstopped tasks when assigning topology. The that supervisor storm.yaml is always different from nimbus storm.yaml. The that kryo doesn't accept conf value of literal string "true"/"false". Thanks to @gohitbear @bryant1410 @oubenruing for doc. Thanks to @zeromem @elloray @yunfan123 @iBuddha @Glowdable @waooog for.
2.2.109 Jan 2017 21:25 minor feature: Performance is improved by 200 300 , compared to Release 2.1.1 and in several testing scenarios, while 120 200 compared to Flink and 300 400 compared to Storm. Restructure the batch solution. Improve serialization and deserialization to reduce the cost of cpu and network Improve the cost of cpu on critical path and metrics Improve the strategy of netty client and netty server Support consume and publish of disruptor queue under batch mode . Restructure the batch solution. Improve serialization and deserialization to reduce the cost of cpu and network. Improve the cost of cpu on critical path and metrics. Improve the strategy of netty client and netty server. Support consume and publish of disruptor queue under batch mode. Introduce snapshot exactly once framework Compared to Trident solution, the performance of new framework is increased by several times. Besides it. The new framework also support "at least once" mode. Compared to the acker mechanism?it will reduce the cost of relative calculation in acker, and the cost of network, which will improve the performance singificantly. . Compared to Trident solution, the performance of new framework is increased by several times. Besides it. The new framework also support "at least once" mode. Compared to the acker mechanism?it will reduce the cost of relative calculation in acker, and the cost of network, which will improve the performance singificantly. Support JStorm on yarn Currently, jstorm cluster is capable of fast deployments?and fast scale-in/scale-out. It will improve the utility of resource. . Currently, jstorm cluster is capable of fast deployments?and fast scale-in/scale-out. It will improve the utility of resource. Re-design the solution of backpressure. Currently, the flow control is stage by stage? The solution is simple and effective now. The response is much more faster when the exchange of switch on/off. of backpressure. The performance and stability is improved significantly, compar
2.1.013 Nov 2015 06:45 minor feature: Release 2.1.0. Update
2.0.4-SNAPSHOT06 Aug 2015 09:25 minor feature: Source code (zip) . Source code (tar.gz). Feb 2015 12:25 minor feature: Implement tick tuple Support logback Support to load the user defined configuration file of log4j Enable the display of user defined metrics in web UI Add "topologyName" parameter for "jstorm list" command Support the use of ip and hostname at the same for user defined schedule Support junit test for local mode Enable client command(e.g. jstorm jar) to load self-defined storm.yaml . Add activate and deactivate api of spout, which are used in nextTuple prepare phase Update the support of multi language Check the worker's heartbeat asynchronously to speed up the lunch of worker Add the check of worker's pid to speed up the detect of dead worker Fix the high cpu load of disruptor producer when disruptor queue is full Remove the confused exception reported by disruptor queue when killing worker Fix the failure problem of "jstorm restart" client command Report error when user submits the jar built on a incompatible jstorm release Fix the problem that one log will printed twice when user define a configuration of log4j or logback on local mode Fix the potential exception when killing topology on local mode Forbid user to change the log level of jstorm log Add a configuration template of logback Fix the problem that process the upload of lib jar as application jar Makesure the clean of ZK node for a topology which is removed Add the information of topology name when java core dump Fix the incorrect value of -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold. Currently, the default value of jstorm is 20, but the max value in JDK8 is 15. Fix the potential reading failure of cpu core number, which may cause the supervisor slot to be set to 0 Fix the "Address family not supported by protocol family" error on local mode Do not start logview http server on local mode Add the creation of log dir in supervisor alive checking scription Check the correctness of ip specified in configuration file before starting nimbus Check the correctness of env variable JAVA_HOME/ JSTORM_HOME/ JSTORM_CONF_DIR before start Nov 2014 00:05 minor feature: Improve user experience from Web UI: Add jstack link, Add worker log link in supervisor page, Add Web UI log encode setting "gbk" or "utf-8", Show starting tasks in component page, Show dead task's information in UI, Fix the bug that error info can not be displayed in UI when task is restarting. Add restart command, with this command, user can reload configuration, reset worker/task parallism. Upgrade curator/disruptor/guava version. Revert json lib to google-simple json, wrap all json operation into two utility method. Add new storm submit api, supporting submit topology under java . Enable launch process with backend method. Set "spout.pending.full.sleep" default value as true. Fix the bug user define sceduler not support a list of workers. Add disruptor/JStormUtils junit test. Enable user to configure the name of monitor name of alimonitor. Add tcp option "reuseAddress" in netty framework. Fix the bug: When spout does not implement the ICommitterTrident interface, MasterCoordinatorSpout will stick on commit phase.