KvFront 2.6.0

KvFront is a GTK+ 3.0 based Redis GUI and Memcached GUI .It is totally free and open source. KvFront features an easy-to -use and straightforward graphical user interface, allowing users to easily work with Redis and Memcached in Linux based GTK+ 3.0 desktop environment.It can work on Linux and Windows64.

Tags gtk3 python redis gui memcached
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases

2.6.026 May 2022 12:47 major bugfix: - RedisJSON module supported. V2.5.0 V2.5.1(2022-05-21). - Connect to Memcached over SSH supported. - (Connnect to Redis Cluster over SSH failed).
2.3.214 May 2022 04:46 major feature:
2.2.003 May 2022 12:38 major feature: