Recent Releases
3.9.008 Apr 2024 23:45
minor feature:
lt;p gt;This is the first release candidate for the meso release 3.9.0. lt;/p gt;.
3.8.404 Apr 2024 11:05
minor bugfix:
This is the fourth micro release of the 3.8 series.
Highlights of the 3.8.4 release include:
Enable building against numpy 2.0; released wheels are built against numpy 2
macosx: Clean up single-shot timers correctly
Add a draw during show for macos backend
Fix color sequence data for Set2 and Set3
gtk: Ensure pending draws are done before GTK draw
Update "Created with" url in hand.svg
Avoid modifying user input to
fix quiver3d incorrect arrow colors
3.7.519 Feb 2024 07:45
minor feature:
REL: v3.7.5
This is the fifth release of the 3.7.x series.
This release contains two -:
hanging on `plt.pause` on the MacOS backend.
crash on exit when using the PGF backend on Windows.
3.8.315 Feb 2024 07:05
minor feature:
REL: v3.8.3
This is the third micro release of the 3.8 series.
Highlights of the 3.8.3 release include:
Improvements to the MacOS backend.
- hanging on `plt.pause`.
- warnings about "Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state".
crash at exit for PGF backend.
3.7.418 Nov 2023 07:45
minor feature:
REL: v3.7.4
This is the fourth release of the 3.7.x series.
This release contains one -:
a segmentation fault when resizing on Python 3.12 and macOS 14.
3.8.101 Nov 2023 11:05
minor feature:
REL: v3.8.1
This is the first release of th3 3.8.x series.
This release contains several and adjustments:
Bump setuptools required version because of setuptools_scm v8.
Update `find_nearest_contour` and revert contour deprecations.
`allsegs` and `allkinds` return individual segments.
Restore default behavior of hexbin mincnt with C provided.
Try/except import of Axes3D.
Ensure valid path mangling for ContourLabeler.
BLD: Remove development dependencies from sdists.
tuple of colors in to_rgba_array.
with non-string labels and legend.
with locale comma when not using math text.
Various type hinting improvements.
Various documentation improvements.
Improvementes to the MacOS backend.
3.8.016 Sep 2023 03:45
minor feature:
REL: v3.8.0
Highlights of this release include:
Type hints for most public APIs.
Many improvements to Mathtext.
- Addition of ` boldsymbol` command.
- Additional sizable delimiters.
- Documentation improvements.
- ` substack` command.
- ` middle` delimitier.
- ` mathbfit` for bold italic text.
3D plotting improvements.
- Specify tick/axis label positions.
- Improved text for coordinates in interactive sessions.
- Ability to share view angles.
New plotting method `ecdf` (empirical cumulative distribution function).
3.7.312 Sep 2023 04:25
minor feature:
REL: v3.7.3
This is the third release of the 3.7.x series.
This release contains several -and adjustments:
Add Python 3.12 wheels.
Update the license for the bundled colorbrewer colormap data.
Cairo backend when using cairocffi.
axes_grid1 inset axes with `bbox_inches=tight`.
in `Path3DCollection` / `Poly3DCollection` constructors.
setting array labelcolor on Tick.
Improve compatibility with latest NumPy.
Stop warning when calling `tight_layout` multiple times.
3.7.206 Jul 2023 06:45
minor feature:
REL: v3.7.2
This is the second release of the 3.7.x series.
This release contains several -and adjustments:
Avoid modifying input masks in `pcolor`/`pcolormesh`.
D set_aspect error cases.
IPython's ` pylab` mode detection.
`Legend.set_draggable()` with `update="bbox"`.
`TransformedBbox. ,full_ contains`.
Clipping of `bar_label` text.
Colorbar size when saving with explicit `bbox_inches`.
Errors when an input is entirely NaN.
Leaks of exception tracebacks and `LayoutGrid` objects.
Non-interpolated imshow in PDF export.
Palettized image optimization in PDF export.
Pgf tests with TeXLive 2022.
Removal of `Axes` that contain widgets that are grabbing the mouse.
Removal of draggable artists.
Subslice optimization for long, fully nan lines.
Tight layout if Figure has an existing layout manager.
Window extent of AnnotationBbox before first draw.
Wspace and hspace in subfigures.
Improve Qt compatibility.
Improve compatibility with Python 3.12.
Prevent under the hood downcasting of values in `xcorr`.
Remove some NumPy function overrides from `pylab`.
Remove warning with symlog scales on mouseover.
3.7.105 Mar 2023 07:25
minor feature:
REL: 3.7.1
This is the first release of the 3.7.x series.
This release contains several -and adjustments:
Ensure Qhull license is included in binary wheels.
application of rcParams on Axes labels.
compatibility with Pandas datetime unit converter.
compatibility with latest GTK4.
import of styles with relative path.
Lasso unresponsiveness when clicking and immediately releasing.
pickling of draggable legends.
RangeSlider.set_val when new value is outside existing value.
size of Tk spacers when changing display DPI.
wrapped text in constrained layout.
Improve compatibility with third-party backends.
Improve error if animation save path does not exist.
3.7.014 Feb 2023 14:05
minor feature:
REL: v3.7.0
Highlights of this release include:
Plotting and Annotation improvements.
- `hatch` parameter for pie.
- Polar plot errors drawn in polar coordinates.
- Additional format string options in ` matplotlib.axes.Axes.bar_label`.
- `ellipse` boxstyle option for annotations.
- The *extent of `imshow` can now be expressed with units.
- Reversed order of legend entries.
- `pcolormesh` accepts RGB(A) colors.
- View current appearance settings for ticks, tick labels, and gridlines.
- Style files can be imported from third-party packages.
Improvements to 3D Plotting.
- 3D plot pan and zoom buttons.
- *adjustable keyword argument for setting equal aspect ratios in 3D.
- `Poly3DCollection` supports shading.
- rcParam for 3D pane color.
Figure and Axes Layout.
- `colorbar` now has a *location keyword argument.
- Figure legends can be placed outside figures using constrained_layout.
- Per-subplot keyword arguments in `subplot_mosaic`.
- `subplot_mosaic` no longer provisional.
Widget Improvements.
- Custom styling of button widgets.
- Blitting in Button widgets.
Other Improvements.
- Source links can be shown or hidden for each Sphinx plot directive.
- Figure hooks.
New amp; Improved Narrative Documentation.
- Brand new :doc:`Animations lt;/tutorials/introductory/animation_tutorial gt;` tutorial.
- New grouped and stacked `bar chart lt;../../gallery/index.html#lines_bars_and_markers gt;`_ examples.
- New section for new contributors and reorganized git instructions in the :ref:`contributing guide lt;contributing gt;`.
- Restructured :doc:`/tutorials/text/annotations` tutorial.
3.6.312 Jan 2023 03:15
minor feature:
REL: v3.6.3
This is the third release of the 3.6.x series.
This release contains several -and adjustments:
Artist removal from `axes_grid1` Axes classes.
`inset_locator` in subfigures.
`scatter` on masked arrays with units.
colorbar ticks with log norm contours.
deprecation warnings in GTK4 backend.
using relative paths in `HTMLWriter`.
Improve failure message from rcParams string validation for tuple.
Improve performance of QtAgg backends.
No longer modify `pil_kwargs` argument to `imsave` and `savefig`.
3.6.203 Nov 2022 03:16
minor feature:
REL: v3.6.2
This is the second release of the 3.6.x series.
This release contains several -and adjustments:
Avoid mutating dictionaries passed to `subplots`.
`bbox_inches='tight'` on a figure with constrained layout enabled.
auto-scaling of `ax.hist` density with `histtype='step'`.
compatibility with PySide6 6.4.
evaluating colormaps on non-NumPy arrays.
key reporting in pick events.
thread check on PyPy 3.8.
Handle input to `` that is all NaN.
Make rubber band more visible on Tk and Wx backends.
Restore (and warn on) seaborn styles in `style.library`.
Restore `get_renderer` function in deprecated `tight_layout`.
nb/webagg: resize handle on WebKit browsers (e.g., Safari).
3.6.109 Oct 2022 07:25
minor feature:
REL: v3.6.1
This is the first release of the 3.6.x series.
This release contains several -and adjustments:
A warning is no longer raised when constrained layout explicitly.
Disabled and tight layout is applied.
Add missing `get_cmap` method to `ColormapRegistry`.
Adding a colorbar on a `ScalarMappable` that is not attached to an.
`Axes` is now deprecated instead of raising a hard error.
`barplot` being empty when first element is NaN.
`FigureManager.resize` on GTK4.
`fill_between` compatibility with NumPy 1.24 development version.
`hexbin` with empty arrays and log scaling.
`resize_event` deprecation warnings when creating figure on macOS.
Build in mingw.
Compatibility with PyCharm's interagg backend.
Crash on empty `Text` in PostScript backend.
Generic font families in SVG exports.
Horizontal colorbars with hatches.
Misplaced mathtext using `eqnarray`.
`stackplot` no longer changes the Axes cycler.
3.6.016 Sep 2022 07:05
minor feature:
REL: v3.6.0
Highlights of this release include:
Figure and Axes creation / management.
- subplots, subplot_mosaic accept height_ratios and width_ratios.
- Constrained layout is no longer considered experimental.
- New layout_engine module.
- Compressed layout added for -aspect ratio Axes.
- Layout engines may now be removed.
- Axes.inset_axes flexibility.
- WebP is now a supported output format.
- Garbage collection is no longer run on figure.
Plotting methods.
- Striped lines (experimental).
- Custom cap widths in box and whisker plots in bxp and boxplot.
- Easier labelling of bars in bar plot.
- New style format string for colorbar ticks.
- Linestyles for negative contours may be set individually.
- Improved quad contour calculations via ContourPy.
- errorbar supports markerfacecoloralt.
- streamplot can disable streamline breaks.
- New axis scale asinh (experimental).
- stairs(..., fill=True) hides patch edge by setting linewidth.
- the dash offset of the Patch class.
- Rectangle patch rotation point.
Colors and colormaps.
- Color sequence registry.
- Colormap method for creating a different lookup table size.
- Setting norms with strings.
Titles, ticks, and labels.
- plt.xticks and plt.yticks support *minor keyword argument.
- Legend can control alignment of title and handles.
- ncol keyword argument to legend renamed to ncols.
- marker can now be set to the string "none".
- Customization of MarkerStyle join and cap style.
Fonts and Text.
- Font fallback.
- List of available font names.
- math_to_image now has a *color keyword argument.
- Active URL area rotates with link text.
rcParams improvements.
- Allow setting figure label size and weight globally and separately.
from title.
- Mathtext parsing can be disabled globally.
- Double-quoted strings in matplotlibrc.
3D Axes improvements.
- Standardized views for primary plane viewing angles.
- Custom focal length for 3D camera.
3.5.312 Aug 2022 03:16
minor feature:
REL: v3.5.3
This is the third release of the 3.5.x series.
This release contains several -and adjustments:
Alignment of over/under symbols.
in colorbars:
Alpha of extensions.
`drawedges=True` with extensions.
Handling of `panchor=False`.
Builds on Cygwin and IBM i.
Contour labels in `SubFigure`s.
Cursor output:
For `imshow` with all negative values.
When using `BoundaryNorm`.
Interactivity in IPython/Jupyter.
NaN handling in `errorbar`.
NumPy conversion from AstroPy unit arrays.
Positional *markerfmt passed to `stem`.
Crash loading in a separate process.
Incorrect DPI when HiDPI screens.
3.5.204 May 2022 14:05
minor feature:
REL: v3.5.2
This is the second release of the 3.5.x series.
This release contains several -and adjustments:
Add support for Windows on ARM (source-only; no wheels provided yet).
Add year to concise date formatter when displaying less than 12 months.
Disable QuadMesh mouse cursor to avoid severe performance regression.
in pcolormesh.
Delay backend selection to allow choosing one in more cases.
Automatic layout in EPS output.
Autoscaling of scatter plots.
Clearing of subfigures.
Colorbar exponents, inversion of extensions, and use on inset axes.
Compatibility with various NumPy-like classes (e.g., Pandas.
Xarray, etc.).
Constrained layout with mixed subgrids.
Errorbar with dashes.
Errors in conversion to GTK4 and Qt6.
Figure options accidentally re-ordering data.
Keyboard focus of TkAgg backend.
Manual selection of contour labels.
Path effects on text with whitespace.
Quiver in subfigures.
RangeSlider.set_val displaying incorrectly.
Regressions in collection data limits.
Stairs with no edgecolor.
Some leaks in Tk backends.
Tight layout DPI confusion.
Tool button customizability and some tool manager.
Only set Tk HiDPI scaling-on-map for Windows systems.
Partially allow TTC font collection files by selecting the first font.
3.5.112 Dec 2021 03:25
minor feature:
REL: v3.5.1
This is the first release of the 3.5.x series.
This release contains several critical -:
Installation when setting a default backend.
`add_lines` on horizontal colorbars.
`streamplot` with start points on right or top edge.
Colorbars with boundaries or NoNorm.
Colorbars with negative contours.
Colorbars with tight layout.
Setting Axis label alignment to center.
Subfigure tight bounding box.
Subplot parameter window on macosx backend.
Unit handling in `Collections.set_offsets`.
Unyt integration in `errorbar`.
re-display date offset in `ConciseDataFormatter` after zoom.
Reduce `do_3d_projection` deprecation warnings in external artists.
3.5.017 Nov 2021 03:16
minor feature:
REL: v3.5.0
Highlights of this release include:
Figure and Axes creation / management.
- subplot_mosaic supports simple Axes sharing.
- Figure now has draw_without_rendering method.
- Figure __init__ passes keyword arguments through to set.
Plotting methods.
- Add Annulus patch.
- set_data method for FancyArrow patch.
- New arrow styles in ArrowStyle and ConnectionPatch.
- Setting collection offset transform after initialization.
Colors and colormaps.
- Colormap registry (experimental).
- Image interpolation now possible at RGBA stage.
- imshow supports half-float arrays.
- A callback registry has been added to Normalize objects.
Titles, ticks, and labels.
- Settings tick positions and labels simultaneously in set_ticks.
Fonts and Text.
- Triple and quadruple dot mathtext accents.
- Font properties of legend title are configurable.
- Text and TextBox parse_math option.
- Text can be positioned inside TextBox widget.
- Simplified font setting for usetex mode.
- Type 42 subsetting is now enabled for PDF/PS backends.
rcParams improvements.
- Allow setting default legend labelcolor globally.
3D Axes improvements.
- Axes3D now allows manual control of draw order.
- Allow changing the vertical axis in 3d plots.
- plot_surface supports masked arrays and NaNs.
- 3D plotting methods support data keyword argument.
Interactive tool improvements.
- Colorbars now have pan and zoom functionality.
- Updated appearance of Slider widgets.
- Selector additions of clearing, dragging, and removal.
- CallbackRegistry objects gain a method to temporarily block signals.
- Directional sizing cursors.
Sphinx extensions.
- More configuration of mathmpl sphinx extension.
Backend-specific improvements.
- New GTK4 backend.
- New Qt6 backend.
- HiDPI support in Cairo-based, GTK, and Tk backends.
- Qt figure options editor improvements.
- WX
3.5.0rc102 Oct 2021 18:05
minor feature:
Clarify deprecation of Axes.figbox.
Disable MultiCursor widget on Axes subplots which it is not tracking.
Don't simplify path in LineCollection.get_segments.
DPI in subfigures, affecting tick spacing, and scatter marker size.
Broken EPS output when using Type 42 STIX fonts.
Change in tick behaviour when calling Axes.clear.
Class docstrings for Norms created from Scales.
Compatibility with NumPy 1.21.0.
Crash on broken TrueType fonts.
Incorrect hits from Path.intersects_path.
Leak if affine_transform is passed invalid vertices.
Legends of stackplot with edgecolors='face'.
Plot directive when building in parallel.
Supxlabel and supylabel behaviour in constrained layout.
Tests with latest Inkscape and Ghostscript.
Improve DateFormatter styling for month names when usetex=True.
Re-disable autoscaling after interactive zoom.
Work around in Pillow 8.3.0.
3.5.0b125 Aug 2021 07:25
minor feature:
Clarify deprecation of Axes.figbox.
Disable MultiCursor widget on Axes subplots which it is not tracking.
Don't simplify path in LineCollection.get_segments.
DPI in subfigures, affecting tick spacing, and scatter marker size.
Broken EPS output when using Type 42 STIX fonts.
Change in tick behaviour when calling Axes.clear.
Class docstrings for Norms created from Scales.
Compatibility with NumPy 1.21.0.
Crash on broken TrueType fonts.
Incorrect hits from Path.intersects_path.
Leak if affine_transform is passed invalid vertices.
Legends of stackplot with edgecolors='face'.
Plot directive when building in parallel.
Supxlabel and supylabel behaviour in constrained layout.
Tests with latest Inkscape and Ghostscript.
Improve DateFormatter styling for month names when usetex=True.
Re-disable autoscaling after interactive zoom.
Work around in Pillow 8.3.0.
3.4.313 Aug 2021 03:16
minor feature:
Generate wheels usable on older PyPy7.3. 0,1 .
Compatibility with Python 3.10.
Add subplot_mosaic Axes in the order the user gave them to us.
Correctly handle 'none' facecolors in do_3d_projection.
Ensure that Matplotlib is importable even if there's no HOME.
CenteredNorm with halfrange.
Bar_label for bars with NaN values.
Clip paths when zoomed such that they are outside the figure.
Creation of RangeSlider with valinit.
Handling of "d" glyph in backend_ps, ing EPS output.
Handling of datetime coordinates in pcolormesh with Pandas.
Processing of some errorbar arguments.
Removal of shared polar Axes.
Resetting grid visibility.
Subfigure indexing error and tight bbox.
Textbox cursor color.
TkAgg event loop error on window.
Ignore errors for sip with no setapi (Qt4Agg import errors).
3.4.210 May 2021 02:45
minor feature:
Generate wheels usable on older PyPy7.3. 0,1 .
Compatibility with Python 3.10.
Add subplot_mosaic Axes in the order the user gave them to us.
Correctly handle 'none' facecolors in do_3d_projection.
Ensure that Matplotlib is importable even if there's no HOME.
CenteredNorm with halfrange.
Bar_label for bars with NaN values.
Clip paths when zoomed such that they are outside the figure.
Creation of RangeSlider with valinit.
Handling of "d" glyph in backend_ps, ing EPS output.
Handling of datetime coordinates in pcolormesh with Pandas.
Processing of some errorbar arguments.
Removal of shared polar Axes.
Resetting grid visibility.
Subfigure indexing error and tight bbox.
Textbox cursor color.
TkAgg event loop error on window.
Ignore errors for sip with no setapi (Qt4Agg import errors).
3.4.101 Apr 2021 06:45
minor feature:
Errorbar when specifying fillstyle.
Inkscape cleanup at exit on Windows for tests.
Legends of colour-mapped scatter plots.
Positioning of annotation fancy arrows.
Size and color rendering for 3D scatter plots.
Suptitle manual positioning when using constrained layout.
Respect antialiasing settings in cairo backends as well.
3.4.027 Mar 2021 07:25
minor feature:
Figure and Axes creation / management
New subfigure functionality
Single-line string notation for subplot_mosaic
Changes to behavior of Axes creation methods (gca, add_axes, add_subplot)
add_subplot/add_axes gained an axes_class parameter
Subplot and subplot2grid can now work with constrained layout
New subfigure functionality.
Single-line string notation for subplot_mosaic.
Changes to behavior of Axes creation methods (gca, add_axes, add_subplot).
add_subplot/add_axes gained an axes_class parameter.
Subplot and subplot2grid can now work with constrained layout.
Plotting methods
axline supports transform parameter
New automatic labeling for bar charts
A list of hatches can be specified to bar and barh
Setting BarContainer orientation
Contour plots now default to using ScalarFormatter
Axes.errorbar cycles non-color properties correctly
errorbar errorevery parameter matches markevery
hexbin supports data reference for C parameter
Support callable for formatting of Sankey labels
Axes.spines access shortcuts
New stairs method and StepPatch artist
Added orientation parameter for stem plots
Angles on Bracket arrow styles
TickedStroke patheffect
axline supports transform parameter.
New automatic labeling for bar charts.
A list of hatches can be specified to bar and barh.
Setting BarContainer orientation.
Contour plots now default to using ScalarFormatter.
Axes.errorbar cycles non-color properties correctly.
errorbar errorevery parameter matches markevery.
hexbin supports data reference for C parameter.
Support callable for formatting of Sankey labels.
Axes.spines access shortcuts.
New stairs method and StepPatch artist.
Added orientation parameter for stem plots.
Angles on Bracket arrow styles.
TickedStroke patheffect.
Colors and colormaps
Collection color specification and mapping
Transparency (alpha) can be set as an array in collections
pcolormesh has improved transparency handling by enabling snapping
IPython representations for Colormap objects
3.4.0rc315 Mar 2021 09:45
minor feature:
WebAgg initialization.
Parsing QT_API setting with mixed case.
Build with link-time optimization disabled in environment.
Test compatibility with NumPy 1.20.
Test compatibility with pytest 6.2.
3.4.0rc211 Mar 2021 07:05
minor feature:
WebAgg initialization.
Parsing QT_API setting with mixed case.
Build with link-time optimization disabled in environment.
Test compatibility with NumPy 1.20.
Test compatibility with pytest 6.2.
3.4.0rc120 Feb 2021 03:17
minor feature:
WebAgg initialization.
Parsing QT_API setting with mixed case.
Build with link-time optimization disabled in environment.
Test compatibility with NumPy 1.20.
Test compatibility with pytest 6.2.
3.3.429 Jan 2021 03:17
minor feature:
WebAgg initialization.
Parsing QT_API setting with mixed case.
Build with link-time optimization disabled in environment.
Test compatibility with NumPy 1.20.
Test compatibility with pytest 6.2.
3.3.313 Nov 2020 03:16
minor feature:
Calls to Axis.grid with argument visible=True.
Fully masked imshow.
Inconsistent color mapping in scatter for 3D plots.
Notebook/nbAgg figures when used with ipywidgets in the same cell.
Notebook/nbAgg/WebAgg on older (e.g., Firefox ESR) browsers.
Pcolormesh with datetime coordinates.
Performance regression with datetimes.
Singular ticks with small log ranges.
Timers/animations on wx and notebook backends.
Remove certifi as a hard runtime dependency.
3.3.216 Sep 2020 09:45
minor feature:
Axis scale on twinned Axes.
Auto-of Figures in nbagg.
Automatic title placement if Axes is off the Figure.
Autoranging of log scales with barstacked histogram.
Extra redraws when using Button or TextBox widgets.
Imshow with LogNorm and large vmin/vmax ranges.
Plotting Pandas DataFrame with string MultiIndex.
Scatter with marker=''.
Scatter3d color/linewidth re-projection.
State of mode buttons in TkAgg backends.
Include license files in built distribution.
Reduce Visual C++ runtime requirements on Windows.
3.3.115 Aug 2020 02:25
minor feature:
Docstring import when running Python with optimization.
Hist with categorical data, such as with Pandas.
Install on BSD systems.
Nbagg compatibility with Chrome 84+.
Ordering of scatter marker size in 3D plots.
Performance regression when plotting Paths.
Reading from URL in imread.
Several regressions with new date epoch handling.
Some bad constrained and tight layout interactions with colorbars.
Use of customized toolbars in TkAgg and WXAgg backends.
3.3.018 Jul 2020 07:25
minor feature:
Provisional API for composing semantic axes layouts from text or nested lists.
New Axes.sharex, Axes.sharey methods.
Turbo colormap.
colors.BoundaryNorm supports extend keyword argument.
Text color for legend labels.
Pcolor and Pcolormesh now accept shading='nearest' and 'auto'.
Allow tick formatters to be set with str or function inputs.
New Axes.axline method.
Dates use a modern epoch.
Improved font weight detection.
Axes3D no longer distorts the 3D plot to match the 2D aspect ratio.
More consistent toolbar behavior across backends.
Toolbar icons are now styled for dark themes.
Cursor text now uses a number of significant digits matching pointing precision.
Functions to compute a Path's size.
savefig() gained a backend keyword argument.
Saving SVG now supports adding metadata.
Saving PDF metadata via PGF now consistent with PDF backend.
NbAgg and WebAgg no longer use jQuery jQuery UI.
3.3.0rc118 Jun 2020 11:05
minor feature:
Support fractional HiDPI scaling with Qt backends.
Support new Python and syntax errors in legacy Python.
Support new Qt 5 and support for Qt 4.
Animation writer fallback.
Figure resizing.
Handling of large arcs.
With tight layout.
Saving figures after closing windows or under certain size conditions.
Scatter when specifying a single color.
Several memory leaks.
Unexpected autoscaling behavior.
Various with usetex.
Various minor and documentation.
3.2.120 Mar 2020 03:05
minor feature:
Quiver.set_UVC calls with scalar inputs.
Bezier.get_parallels failure from floating point rounding errors.
Markers specified as tuples (polygons, stars, or asterisks).
Saving PNGs to file objects in some places.
Saving figures using the nbAgg/notebook backend.
Saving with tight layout using the PGF backend.
Setting custom datapath in rcParams (note: it is still deprecated).
Various running in non-CI environments.
Xpdf distiller.
Various minor and documentation.
3.2.004 Mar 2020 22:25
minor feature:
REL: v3.2.0
Highlights of this release include:
Default image interpolation is now `'antialiased'` to better handle.
Down-sampling and reduce artifacts when up-sampling by small.
Change when ticks switch to using an offset to improve readability.
Improvements to auto-scaling and auto-limits.
- `DivergingNorm` has been renamed to `TwoSlopeNorm`.
Support for 3 and 4 digit hex colors.
Improvements to Logit scale ticker and formatter.
Control of where errorbars start getting placed with `errorevery`.
Correct kerning when laying out text.
Improvements to MovieRegistry.
For the full details please see the whats new 1 and API changes 2 .
in the documentation.
3.2.0rc306 Feb 2020 09:05
minor feature:
Backport PR #15439: DOC: mention discourse main page
DOC: build.
Backport PR #15453: Improve example for tick locators.
Backport PR #15450: API: rename DivergingNorm to TwoSlopeNorm.
Backport PR #15460: incorrect value check in axes_grid.
Backport PR #15464: Remove unused code.
Backport PR #15464 on branch v3.2.x (Remove unused code (remai .
Backport PR #15480: wording in packages section of setup.cfg.
Backport PR #15454: Rewrite Anscombe's quartet example.
Backport PR #15372: Add example for drawstyle.
Backport PR #15487: window not always raised in Qt example.
Backport PR #15486: an error in the documentation of Ellipse.
Backport PR #15489: DOC: adding main nav to site.
Backport PR #15519: : anti-aliasing zoom.
Backport PR #15500: Improve antialiasing example.
Backport PR #15499: Do not show path in font table example.
Backport PR #15498: Simplify matshow example.
Backport PR #15527: Clarify imshow() docs concerning scaling and gray .
Backport PR #15535: Avoid really long lines in event handling docs.
Backport PR #15533: Use svg instead of png for website logo.
Backport PR #15540: axisartist tutorial.
Backport PR #15539: Small cleanups to backend docs.
Backport PR #15537: Add a third party package in the doc: matplotlib- .
Backport PR #15429: OSX build on azure.
Backport PR #15516: Add logo like font.
Backport PR #15528: Declutter home page.
Backport PR #15523: numpydoc AxesImage.
Backport PR #15553: DOC: add cache-buster query string to css path.
Backport PR #15556: test suite compat with ghostscript 9.50.
Backport PR #15562: Improve docsting of AxesImage.
Backport PR #15561: Update thirdparty scalebar.
Backport PR #15452: Improve example for tick formatters.
Backport PR #14705: Correctly size non-ASCII characte
3.1.303 Feb 2020 00:05
minor feature:
REL: v3.1.3
This is the final planned release of the 3.1.x series.
This release contains several critical -:
Suppress a warning with Pandas 1.0.
Support pillow gt;= 7.
Support dateutils gt;= 2.8.1.
Prevent an infinite recursion.
- do not clobber non-python registered signal handler.
Path intersection computation with 0 length segments.
Performance regression in draw_idle.
Several minor.
3.1.210 Nov 2019 10:45
minor feature:
Locator.nonsingular return order API change.
3.2.0rc206 Nov 2019 19:25
minor feature:
Locator.nonsingular return order API change.
3.2.0rc116 Oct 2019 14:05
minor feature:
Locator.nonsingular return order API change.
3.1.102 Jul 2019 07:05
minor feature:
Locator.nonsingular return order API change.
3.1.018 May 2019 03:15
minor feature:
REL: v3.1.0
The first release of the v3.1 series.
This version of Matplotlib support Python 3.6+.
Highlights of this release include:
- A helper method for scatter legends.
- Secondary axis support (ex, degrees and radians).
- A concise date formatter.
- No longer requires a framework build of Python to use OSX backend.
- Major and minor ticks will no longer collide by default.
- A progress callback for animations.
- mplot3D is always registered.
- deprecated mlab functions have been removed.
- Many function calls have become stricter about invalid or ignored input.
3.1.0rc206 May 2019 06:45
minor feature:
BLD: bump away from tag
Backport PR #13995: DOC: explain zorder for gridlines in grid docstring.
Backport PR #13992: : undeprecate MaxNLocator default_params.
Backport PR #14004: DOC: pin numpydoc to less than 0.9.
Backport PR #13998: patch contains logic for patches that don't h .
Backport PR #14008: Don't install tests by default.
Backport PR #14015: docstring of pyplot.clim().
Backport PR #14026: in plot_directive that caused links to pl .
Backport PR #14030: Update colorcet link.
Backport PR #14001: DOC: Remove broken references to vischeck.
Backport PR #14033: Reword add_subplot docstring.
Backport PR #14047: Remove references to "Draws" in matplotlib.patches.
Backport PR #14048:
Backport PR #14051: Add Yellowbrick to third party packages.
Backport PR #14043: Ensure errorbars are always drawn on top of bars .
Backport PR #14059: Improve Scatter hist example.
Backport PR #14053: Improve fill() example.
Backport PR #14062: Improve advanced quiver example.
Backport PR #14019: Update docstring of locator_params().
Backport PR #14069: Don't try to use the colorbar formatter to format .
Backport PR #14078: Minor in multiple subplots example.
Backport PR #14056: : do not try to manage the visibility of un-dr .
Backport PR #14052: Check axes identity in image.contains.
Backport PR #14029: doc building with numpydoc 0.9.
Backport PR #14087: Cleanup date example.
Backport PR #14079: Consistently use axs.flat instead of axs.flatten().
Backport PR #14090: Pep8ify some variable names in examples.
Backport PR #14100: Improve docstring of axes_zoom_effect example.
Backport PR #14088: Cleanup major_minor_demo.
Backport PR #14119: Add ridge_map to third party packages documentati .
Backport PR #14125: Remove extra keyword from pytest.skip
3.1.0rc120 Apr 2019 03:15
minor feature:
Backport PR #13459: Document histogramming pre-binned data.
Backport PR #13488: Animation: interactive zoom/pan with blitting doe .
Backport PR #13413: Simplify decade up- and down-rounding, and symmet .
Backport PR #13492: Doc more release updates.
Backport PR #13511: Add missing at end of example.
Backport PR #13514: Add missing show() at end of example.
Backport PR #12839: : Prevent Tick params calls from overwriting v .
Backport PR #12716: : return the actual ax.get_window_extent.
Backport PR #13521: Small cleanup to headings of 3d examples.
Backport PR #13526: DOC: Subplot calls.
Backport PR #13525: Move some links in rst out of running text.
Backport PR #11964: Simplify extension setup.
Backport PR #12781: Lazy import of private modules.
Backport PR #12748: Use the builtin GTK3 FileChooser rather than our .
Backport PR #12950: Inline or simplify FooFormatter.pprint_val.
Backport PR #13541: DOC: Remove mention of 'complex' mode in specgram .
Backport PR #9314: Simplify units.Registry.get_converter.
Backport PR #11241: Deprecate the MATPLOTLIBDATA environment variable.
Backport PR #13548: Deprecate TextWithDash.
Backport PR #13546: Modified docstring of the set_ylabel and set_xlabel.
Backport PR #12062: Separate alpha and rbg interpolation then recombi .
Backport PR #13560: Improve GridSpec doc.
Backport PR #13550: Strip out Py2-compat in setupext.
Backport PR #13563: : inverted colorbar ticks.
Backport PR #11553: Improved Code for Segments Intersect.
Backport PR #12899: Small cleanups.
Backport PR #12856: added property usemathtext to EngFormatter.
Backport PR #12832: Deprecate redundant lo
3.0.327 Feb 2019 03:15
minor feature:
REL: v3.0.3
The third and last planned -release of the 3.0 series.
Several possible memory leaks.
Jquery-ui is no longer bundled in git repo and is downloaded during
The install or sdist process. If you are installing from pypi the.
Files will be included, but if you are installing from git you will.
Need internet access the first time you run `pip install.`. The.
Install process tries to cache the files and will not need internet.
Access on future installations.
3.0.210 Nov 2018 21:05
minor feature:
REL: v3.0.2
This is the second -release for the v3.0 series.
- Un-breaks basemap which was broken by partially restoring.
private APIs for cartopy.
- in warning code when used in an embedded context.
- crash when using Tk and closing the first open window before showing it.
- Many documentation improvements.
- Restore a corner case on ColorBar tick usage.
- Change the default behavior of `matplotlib.use` to silently allow.
more 'safe' switching after auto-discovery, but before starting an event loop.
- Improvements to bounding box calculations.
- Provide the correct length for RcParams instances.
3.0.126 Oct 2018 21:25
minor feature:
REL: v3.0.1
This is the first release for the 3.0 series which.
Failure to import when used with backend-fallback on Python.
3.6.7 and 3.7.1.
- a number of failure to import around finding fonts.
- Qt4 backend.
- on OSX that recursively searched current directory for fonts.
Bouncing-rocket on OSX when doing backend fallback and not.
Selecting OSX.
- Temporarily restore several private APIs to unbreak cartopy.
- Make pyplot more tolerant of varying signatures in 3rd-party.
- Improve datetime64 unit handling.
Several poor interactions with tight_layout.
3.0.018 Sep 2018 15:25
minor feature:
REL: v3.0.0
The first release of the Matplotlib 3.0 series.
This is the first version of Matplotlib to only support Python 3.
Highlights of this release include:
- GUI backend is selected at run-time based on what toolkits are.
installed. A GUI toolkit will not be selected on a headless.
- New cyclic color map *twilight*.
- Improvements to automatic layout of titles, ticks, and GridSpec.
- Many !.
3.0.0rc228 Aug 2018 16:05
minor feature:
BLD: bump branch away from tag
Use Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied instead of RGBA8888 for Qt backends.
Backport PR #11876: MAINT Better error message for number of colors v .
Backport PR #11862: NumPy FutureWarning for non-tuple indexing.
Backport PR #11847: Use ImageMagick's magick.exe if convert.exe is no .
Backport PR #11850: : macosx framework check.
Backport PR #11900: Allow args to pass through _allow_super_init.
Backport PR #11907: Move TOC back to top in axes documentation.
Backport PR #11591: : correct the scaling in the floating-point sl .
Backport PR #11897: HTMLWriter, put initialisation of frames in setup.
Backport PR #11917: : make arg 'N' and kwarg 'levels' behave the s .
Backport PR #11934: Suppress the "non-GUI backend" warning from the. .
Backport PR #11949: Remove test2.png from examples.
Backport PR #11896: Resolve backend in rcParams.__getitem__("backend").
REL: v3.0.0rc2.
3.0.0rc114 Aug 2018 11:45
minor feature:
DOC: move a couple of GridSpec examples into subplots gallery
incorrect doctest syntax.
Cleanup some doctest wrapping.
an undefined variable in doctest.
Don't use Popen(..., shell=True).
: be forgiving about the event for enterEvent not having a pos.
improve c kwarg checking (and error messages) in scatter.
an when *c == 'none'.
factor existing scatter tests into a class.
add an explicit test about the 'c' kwarg for scatter.
naming of 'c' and drop the adjective 'named'.
DOC: modify tight_layout and add constrained_lyaout demo.
Set norm to log if bins=='log' in hexbin.
: Do not call the flush method on a file object opened.
DOC: better tight_layout error handling.
TST: add a test for tight_layout warning.
Minor docstring.
gitter badge; remove depsy badge.
deprecation messages.
Don't update style-blacklisted rcparams in rc_ functions.
Split API changes into individual pages.
Add note.
Clean up next api_changes.
Remove duplicated item.
barplot color if none and alpha is set.
Add CircleCI cache of user fonts.
Remove unused imports from examples.
Annotate reason for Axes3D import in examples.
SVG Backend gouraud_triangle correction.
: CL avoid fully collapsed axes.
Sort named colors vertically for easier comparison of similar colors.
Shrink figure size.
Adjust formatting to look good outside the jupyter notebook.
DOC: tweak reviewer guidelines.
DOC: tweak reviewer guide a bit more.
Increase tolerance for aarch64 tests.
Space after :
Add comment re: use of lru_cache in PsfontsMap.
Let QPaintEvent tell us what region to repaint.
Boring style.
ENH: Add gridspec method to figure, and subplotspecs.
Add fig.add_artist method.
Remove unused code.
Use super() instead of manually fetching supermethods for parasite axes.
2.2.310 Aug 2018 10:05
minor feature:
REL: v2.2.3
The third -release of the v2.2 LTS series.
In addition to documentation and example this release.
Several critical :
Import failure on BSD systems.
Import errors in Qt shims for PyQt5 5.11 and PyQt4 4.12.
Import errors if bz2 module is not in standard library.
Overflow in _path.h.
Infinite recursion in transform repr.
With XKCD style.
Remove unsafe usage of Popen.
2.2.222 Mar 2018 07:05
minor feature:
REL: v2.2.2 LTS
The second -release of the v2.2 LTS series.
This release a number of critical :
Restores matplotlib.verbose.
Preserve precision when color mapping small portions of data with.
Extreme outliers.
Saving long movies with ffmpeg.
- UnbourdLocal error in contour labeling.
Import failure on python 3.4.0 and 3.4.1.
Compile time failures with clang on 32bit platforms.
- an icon in the Tk backends.
Several with Tables.
Expanding offset boxes with tight_layout.
Revert changes to the font caching to avoid a possible in.
Numerous docstring and documentation.
We have reverted the deprecation of `font_manager.TempCache`.
v2.2.1 did not actually restore matplotlib.verbose.
2.2.118 Mar 2018 00:25
minor feature:
REL: v2.2.1 LTS
The first -release of the v2.2 LTS series.
This release a number of critical :
Restores matplotlib.verbose.
Preserve precision when color mapping small portions of data with.
Extreme outliers.
Saving long movies with ffmpeg.
- UnbourdLocal error in contour labeling.
Import failure on python 3.4.0 and 3.4.1.
Compile time failures with clang on 32bit platforms.
- an icon in the Tk backends.
Several with Tables.
Expanding offset boxes with tight_layout.
Revert changes to the font caching to avoid a possible in.
Numerous docstring and documentation.
We have reverted the deprecation of `font_manager.TempCache`.
2.2.007 Mar 2018 06:05
minor feature:
REL: v2.2.0 LTS
The first release of the v2.2 LTS series and the last version of.
Matplotlib to support python2. There will be -release for this.
series until 2020.
This release includes new features including:
- An experimental constrained layout manager.
- Color blind friendly color map (cividis) and color cycle.
- native support for numpy.datetime64 types.
- animated gif writing via pillow.
- TkAgg now works with pypy.
- cairo based backends for Qt, Tk, and WX.
There are several API changes in this release:
- To support the constrained layout Matplotlib has a new required.
dependency (kiwisolver).
- The `` module has been removed, development has.
moved to a stand-alone project.
2.2.0rc113 Feb 2018 13:25
minor feature:
Make the horizontal bar appear in AnchoredArtists example.
Unset the canvas manager when saving the figure.
Switch the lasso selector to use mpl event handling, not input().
Clean up next what's new files.
Alternate implementation of lazy ticks.
Make commented ACCEPTS statements inline comments.
TST pyqt5 5.9.
use tight_layout + typos/minor.
signicant overhaul (of the style) of the example.
get rid of the remaining helper function.
Add libdl on Linux systems.
rephrase some of the comments.
overhaul of the overhaul.
Clarify axis sharing with aspect ratio control.
Minor improvements to quadmesh_demo.
Clip RGB data to valid range in Axes.imshow.
Linewrap backend_pgf to 79 characters.
Use deg2rad/rad2deg where appropriate.
enhanced tests.
errors exposed by checks on PR.
py27 unicode test error.
Various examples updates.
Don't call np.identity() in transforms.
Deprecate truncating saved unsized anims to 100 frames.
Remove a long and now outdated comment.
Parametrize image_comparison test.
Remove some commented out code, extraneous parentheses.
Join strings instead of adding them.
Remove unnecessary calls to float() before division.
reformat code.
Merge branch 'master' of int .
update set_drawstyle.
added test for, yaxis tick label left/right.
Use image_comparison decorator in pgf tests.
ENH: Constrained layout geometry manager.
Deprecate backend_tkagg.AxisMenu.
qt 4,5 cairo backend: the minimal version.
improve code generated by
Custom :rcparam: role.
Hide the backend.qt4/5 rcparam deprecation warning in test suite.
When latex fails, make sure it does not write a dvi.
small typo.
2.1.219 Jan 2018 03:19
minor feature:
REL: v2.1.2
The second -release for the 2.1 series.
This release a number of critical :
- a typo in mlab.cohere which yielded incorrect results.
Allow nonposx / nonposy to pass through loglog.
Color comparisons when finding handles with legend.
- a recursive draw and a major performance regression in.
Qt5Agg backend.
- a re-draw in WxAgg.
Image scaling with high-bit depth integers.
Revert the busy-cursor.
2.1.111 Dec 2017 23:05
minor feature:
REL: v2.1.1
The first and only planned -release for the 2.1 series.
This release include many and documentation. Highlights are:
Change default logscale behavior to clip.
Webagg import errors.
Tweaks to polar ticks.
Exception when guessing afm family names.
Update manifest to include all doc files.
Improve masked array handling in pcolormesh.
Segfault from reading invalid png.
Resulting in huge multi-page pdf files.
Make `show` in nbagg take args as other backends do.
Several to OSX backend.
Restore positional arg handling on Figure.legend.
- in interactive navigation.
When panning with invalid limits.
With fully masked arrays passed to imshow.
2.1.006 Oct 2017 05:45
minor feature:
REL: v2.1.0
Matplotlib v2.1.0 release.
This is a major feature release of Matplotlib. This release includes.
Several major new features such as:
Improved polar plots.
String categorical support.
- 'voxel' 3D plots.
The `Figure` class now has a `subplots` method.
And many.
2.1.0rc102 Sep 2017 21:05
minor feature:
MNT: Move everything to next_whats_new.
ENH: Add whats new for barbs/quiver date support.
Use (set_)tick_params more internally.
Use (set_)tick_params more in examples.
Mention use of Axes.tick_params in docs.
Workaround for islice int error in
DOC: Add a banner indicating docs are unreleased.
Added blank line in at EOF for pep8 compliance.
Added lines to lib/matplotlib/axes/ to account.
:remove method for container when one of the items is None, ?.
TST: correct expected canvas sizes.
CI: re-enable py2.7 testing on appveyor.
Clarify docstring for linthresh keyword arg.
First attempt at warning about unused kwargs.
Add one more missing kwarg return.
Simplify warning message generation.
Register figureoptions edits in views history.
Don't push axes state if it wasn't edited.
Switch to a private, simpler AxesStack.
adding missing numpy import in backend-tools.
logscale + subplots share axes.
leaked exception in RRuleLocator.tick_values.
remove unnecessary try block in test_RRuleLocator_dayrange.
leaked exception in RRuleLocator.tick_values.
correct test_RRuleLocator_dayrange.
MNT/DOC: whitespace + updated example heading.
Revert "
Revert "ENH: Switch to a private, simpler AxesStack.".
MNT: remove setting patch color default.
DOC: link.
Add new *fast style, update performance docs.
Markup cleanups.
Allow tuples of 4 floats as color rcparams.
Deprecate the Axes-reuse-if-same-args behavior.
docstring for key_press_handler_id.
ENH: Add an "arc" spine type.
Allow negative radii in RadialLocator and polar grids.
Ensure polar radial limits are nonsingular.
ENH: Don't round degree digits when zoomed on PolarAxes.
MNT: Standardize import in polar projection.
MNT: Use transforms for polar direction offset.
ENH: Allow setting an "origin" radius for PolarAxes.
ENH: Allow setting angle limits on PolarAxes.
ENH: Allow offsetting PolarAxes' zero location.
STY: PEP8 the rest of PolarAxes code.
2.0.210 May 2017 14:45
minor feature:
REL: v2.0.2
Critical for 2.0.1.
- Qt4 support.
- LogFormatter.
- hatched artists in legends.
- segfault with large images.
2.0.102 May 2017 17:25
minor feature:
REL: v2.0.1
release for 2.0.x series.
This release includes, documentation updates and one major change.
- Do not clip the linewidth used for dash pattern scaling. This is.
an API change, but is a major improvement.
- Deprecate 'vega' color names in favor of 'tab'.
- Hatching color follows edge color again.
- a critical with masked images.
- Improved high-dpi support for Qt5.
- Log ticking no never skip minor ticks.
- Do not skip points surrounded by nan/inf in vector outputs.
Supported versions of Python.
- 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.
- Patches to improve compatibility with pypy.
2.0.017 Jan 2017 06:25
minor feature:
'viridis' is default color map instead of jet.
Modernized the default color cycle.
Many more functions respect the color cycle.
Line dash patterns scale with linewidth.
Change default font to DejaVu, now supports most western.
alphabets (including Greek, Cyrillic and latin with diacritcs),
math symbols and emoji out of the box.
Faster text rendering.
Improved auto-limits.
Ticks out and only on the right and bottom spines by default.
Improved auto-ticking, particularly for log scales and dates.
Improved image support (imshow respects scales and eliminated a
class of artifacts).
2.0.0rc219 Dec 2016 03:16
minor feature:
Eliminate fatal exceptions with Qt5.7.
Memory leak in the contour code.
Keyboard interaction with nbagg.
Automatic integration with the ipython event loop (if running) which
'naive' integration for IPython 5+.
2.0.0rc106 Dec 2016 10:05
minor feature:
Eliminate fatal exceptions with Qt5.7.
Memory leak in the contour code.
Keyboard interaction with nbagg.
Automatic integration with the ipython event loop (if running) which
'naive' integration for IPython 5+.
2.0.0b413 Sep 2016 12:05
minor feature:
Eliminate fatal exceptions with Qt5.7.
Memory leak in the contour code.
Keyboard interaction with nbagg.
Automatic integration with the ipython event loop (if running) which
'naive' integration for IPython 5+.
1.5.309 Sep 2016 22:05
minor feature:
Eliminate fatal exceptions with Qt5.7.
Memory leak in the contour code.
Keyboard interaction with nbagg.
Automatic integration with the ipython event loop (if running) which
'naive' integration for IPython 5+.
2.0.0b320 Jul 2016 09:45
minor feature:
API: change the dot patterns.
explicitly select cell after figure on shift-enter.
TST: add test for lw scaling of dash patterns.
PNG backport.
REL: v2.0.0b3.
2.0.0b215 Jul 2016 06:25
minor feature:
REL: v2.0.0b2
Second beta for v2.0.0.
in scaling dash pattern by linewidth.
Over/under propagating in images.
Back ported improved png API from master.
Deprecate gtk, gdk, wx (not gtkagg, wxagg) backends.
Tweaks to default font sizes.
Ensure default ticker always has at least 2 ticks.
Remove vendored version of `six`.
Updated GUI icons.
Many small.
1.5.204 Jul 2016 21:05
minor feature:
REL: v1.5.2
Final planned -release for the 1.5.x.
Support for manylinux wheels.
Major performance regression in Path.contains_points.
Improved pandas support.
2.0.0b131 May 2016 15:25
minor feature:
Merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.x' into v2.x.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.x' into v2.x.
Merge branch 'v1.5.x' into v2.x.
restore single character colors to rgb tuples.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.x' into v2.x.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.x' into v2.x.
MNT: use getboolean on config.
ENH: use env MPLLOCALFREETYPE for local freetype.
TST/BLD: add caching logic for local freetype.
TST: remove folders we do not want to cache.
Merge branch 'v1.5.x' into v2.x.
TST: test that number of ticks adjust with aspect.
always use at least 2 ticks and recompute.
TST: hard-code nbins.
MNT: remove caching of _tick_space.
DOC: modify examples to number of ticks.
Change default image interpolation to nearest.
Change docstring to reflect new default interpolation.
set default numpoints of legend entries to 1.
Set default figure background to white.
Don't plot errorbar caps by default.
Grey solid tick lines.
API: use 'best' for default legend location.
Outward ticks.
Use "new" blue by default.
Change default color map ().
Use Vega collection10 colors instead.
Rounded corners on legend box.
Use overlay by default.
Simplify examples to use defaults more often.
Add what's new.
Document Xtick.minor.visible.
Use image.resample == True.
Update test images.
Revert some changes caught by @QuLogic in review.
Make sure that we have at least one loc before calculating as suggest?.
Update test images.
Improve what's new.
Change figure background for real.
More detail in what's new.
Remove info about Blues colormap -- we're punting.
USe tight_layout rather than hardcoded space.
Don't use jet.
Don't hardcode linewidth.
Update docstring to match kwarg default.
Add missing test file.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.x' into merge15xto2xcon?.
MNT: tweak lock.
merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.x' into v2.x.
MNT: remove '#' from matplotlibrc.
1.5.2rc228 May 2016 03:05
minor feature:
DOC: add disclaimer for tk versions.
DOC: add NUMFocus logo as requested by NUMFocus.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.1-doc' into v1.5.x.
delete example fragment.
REL: v1.5.2rc2.
1.5.2rc123 May 2016 06:45
minor feature:
DOC: add new DOI link.
DOC: update gh stats.
DOC: include private bases in inheritance diagrams.
Correct mep numbers in headers.
Update the baseline image.
BLD: include in sdist.
new pep8 in legend_demo5.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.1-doc' into v1.5.x.
DOC: update year.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.1-doc' into v1.5.x.
Remove reference to changelog from frontpage.
Merge branch 'v1.5.1-doc' into v1.5.x.
DOC: add function name to deprecation warning.
instances of formating for py2.6 compatibility.
Don't clip paths.
only draw tick labels if tick is in range.
Update test.
DOC: remove last paypal link.
MNT: mark as not stale if not visible.
DOC: rotten link.
py2.6 format usage.
CI: pin 1.5.x cycler to 0.9.0.
Add missing datetime import to webagg.
new pep8 in legend_demo5.
Correct link to favicon by using build in sphix support.
PRF: change draw - draw_idle.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.1-doc' into v1.5.x.
Update LICENSE file to match doc/users/license.rst.
Added images and links for seaborn, holoviews, and ggplot.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'matplotlib/v1.5.1-doc' into v1.5.x.
always normalize dpi.
MNT: remove redundant normalization.
DOC: remove static images.
DOC/MNT: remove unused/outdate files.
MNT: cleanup initialization of subplot.
deal with negative canvas dimension in Qt.
MNT: check PySide, PyQt4, or PyQt5 are imported.
MNT: simplify fallback Qt behavior.
TST: conditionally import assert_sequence_equal.
deprecation warning with dateutil 2.5.
TST: raise ImageComparisonFailure on size mismatch.
DOC: FancyBoxPatch - FancyBboxPatch typo.
A feeble attempt to plug a theoretical security hole.
do not always reset scales from igureoptions.
use b'' when escaping array as strings in ps.
MNT: be explicitly strict in FunctionAnimation.
Add some kwarg normalization to plot()/fill().
PEP8 in test_cy
1.5.111 Jan 2016 10:45
minor feature:
MNT: remove no-network from args.
Add badges to sidebar.
one more mention of the John Hunter memorial fund changed to Technolo?.
Add github information to index.
update backend faq.
Add links to requirements.
MNT: remove unneeded webfont.
DOC: use relative link to style banner page.
DOC: add donation buttons to main page.
DOC: style donate button.
DOC: make travis badge a link.
TST: skip on py2.6.
DOC: put search back on index page sidebar.
MNT: remove deprecated template code.
DOC: tweak style a bit.
TST/MNT: clean up imports in test_image.
Revert "DOC: use relative link to style banner page".
REL: v1.5.1.
1.5.1rc103 Jan 2016 13:25
minor feature:
Auto-redraw using the object-oriented API.
Most plotting functions now support labeled data API.
Color cycling has extended to all style properties.
Four new perceptually uniform color maps, including the soon-to-be
default 'viridis'.
More included style sheets.
Many small plotting improvements.
Proposed new framework for managing the GUI toolbar and tools.
1.5.030 Oct 2015 11:05
minor feature:
Auto-redraw using the object-oriented API.
Most plotting functions now support labeled data API.
Color cycling has extended to all style properties.
Four new perceptually uniform color maps, including the soon-to-be
default 'viridis'.
More included style sheets.
Many small plotting improvements.
Proposed new framework for managing the GUI toolbar and tools.
1.5.0rc323 Oct 2015 15:05
minor feature:
Ing drawing of edge-only markers in AGG.
Run-away memory usage when using inline or saving with
a tight bounding box with QuadMesh artists.
Improvements to wx and tk gui backends.
1.5.0rc203 Oct 2015 18:25
minor feature:
Ing drawing of edge-only markers in AGG.
Run-away memory usage when using inline or saving with
a tight bounding box with QuadMesh artists.
Improvements to wx and tk gui backends.
1.5.0rc115 Sep 2015 14:05
minor feature:
Ing drawing of edge-only markers in AGG.
Run-away memory usage when using inline or saving with
a tight bounding box with QuadMesh artists.
Improvements to wx and tk gui backends.
1.4.317 Feb 2015 05:05
minor feature:
fixing drawing of edge-only markers in AGG
fix run-away memory usage when using inline or saving with
a tight bounding box with QuadMesh artists
improvements to wx and tk gui backends
1.4.3rc103 Feb 2015 13:25
minor feature:
1.4.224 Oct 2014 17:25
minor bugfix:
Order of includes fixed, PEP8 fix. Fix path clipping. Handle default in
offset position correctly. Silence UniCode error in get_rotation.