Recent Releases

1.3.710 Sep 2019 21:05 minor feature:
2.0.0-dev.003 Jul 2018 05:25 minor feature: Make picker accessible #1999. Japanese composition in Chrome 65 #2009.
1.3.613 Mar 2018 03:15 minor feature: Make picker accessible #1999. Japanese composition in Chrome 65 #2009.
1.3.523 Jan 2018 03:15 minor feature: Indent preservation of a checked checklist item #1818. Added as a shortcut to trigger bullet list formatting #1819. . Added as a shortcut to trigger bullet list formatting #1819. Pasting text-align styles #1873. Cursor position after dangerouslyPasteHTML #1886. Value of history stack in text-change handler #1906. Workaround for Webkit locking up when navigating around images using hotkeys #1910.
1.3.407 Nov 2017 15:25 minor feature: Loosen dependency specification #1748. Loosen list autofill constraint #1749.
1.3.310 Oct 2017 19:05 minor feature: getFormat with no parameters while editor is not focused #1548. Remove automatic highlighting across embeds #1691. Support checking checklist on mobile #1693. list creation keyboard shortcuts #1723. Show KaTex rendering errors #1738.
1.3.205 Sep 2017 09:05 minor feature: Placeholder when emptying text #1594. Inserting newline after header #1616.
1.3.108 Aug 2017 12:45 minor feature: Placeholder when emptying text #1594. Inserting newline after header #1616.
1.3.018 Jul 2017 17:25 minor feature: Use DOM API to determine selected option #1576. Add :focus styles to toolbbar #1540. Allow users to undo automatic keyboard completions #1538. Use github-pages gem to make development environment consistent #1536 #1544. composing Chinese with preformatting #1514. example clipboard module in docs #1502. list layout in RTL mode #1498. Clarify documentation for scrollingContainer #1496. Add tel to default link whitelist #1436. cursor interaction with custom contenteditable=false embeds #1172 #1181. rendered cursor in Chrome when interacting with scrollbar #1114.
1.2.606 Jun 2017 18:05 minor feature: Disable Grammarly by default #574. RTL list spacing #1485. Add support for mobile Youtube links #1489.
1.2.530 May 2017 07:25 minor feature: Cursor shifting to be exclusive of user cursor #1367. IOS hover state on toolbar #1388. GetText() for Bangla #1427. Korean character composition in Safari #1437. Pasting HTML handling special class names #1445. Paste or initializing with font-weight #1456. Updating active picker logic #1468.
1.2.420 Apr 2017 03:05 minor feature: Pasting nested list #906. Delete key interaction at end of list #1277. Pasting whitespace pre. File dialog open speed #1265. Backspace with at beginning of list interaction with meta keys #1307. Pasting nested styles #1333. Backspacing into an empty line should keep own formats #1339. IE11 autolinking interaction #1390. Persistent focus interaction with tabbing away #1404.
1.2.330 Mar 2017 15:45 minor feature: Scrolling when appending new lines #1276 #1361. Binding to explicit shortcut key #1365. Merge clone update #1359.
1.2.228 Feb 2017 03:15 minor feature: Backspace/delete on Windows/Ubuntu #1334.
1.2.023 Jan 2017 06:45 minor feature: Merge disabling list keyboard shortcut when list format is disabled #1257.
1.1.1016 Jan 2017 12:45 minor feature: Preserve user selection on API changes #1152 . Backspacing into emojis #1230 . Ability to type after emptying line in IE/Firefox #1254 . Whitelisting block formats #1256.
1.1.903 Jan 2017 20:05 minor feature: Support pasting italics from Google Docs #1185 . Setting dropdown picker back to default #1191 . Code-block formatting on empty first line in Firefox #1195 . Prevent formatting via keyboard shortcuts when not whitelisted #1197 . Select-all copy and overwrite paste in Firefox #1202.
1.1.825 Dec 2016 07:05 minor feature: Support pasting italics from Google Docs #1185 . Setting dropdown picker back to default #1191 . Code-block formatting on empty first line in Firefox #1195 . Prevent formatting via keyboard shortcuts when not whitelisted #1197 . Select-all copy and overwrite paste in Firefox #1202.
1.1.715 Dec 2016 01:25 minor feature: Dropdown values reverting to default #901 . Add config to prevent scroll jumping on paste #1082 . Prevent scrolling on API source calls #1152 . Tsconfig build error #1165 . Delete and formatting interaction in Firefox #1171 . Cursor jump on formatting in middle of text #1176.
1.1.608 Dec 2016 08:05 minor feature: That allowed edits in readOnly mode #1151 . Max call stack on large paste #1123.
1.1.509 Nov 2016 01:25 minor feature: Remove unnecessary type attribute in documentation #1087 . chrome 52+ input file label open slow #1090 . Only query the last op's insertion string if it's actually an insert #1095.
1.1.325 Oct 2016 14:05 minor feature: Update quill-delta delta#2 . Link creation #1073.
1.1.121 Oct 2016 22:05 minor feature: TEXT_CHANGE event now use cursor position to inform change location #746 . Inconsistent cursor reporting between browsers #1007 . Tooltip overflow in docs #1060 . Naming #1063 . Medium example #1064.
1.1.017 Oct 2016 19:45 minor feature: undo when preformatted text inserted before plain text #1019 . Add focus indicator on toolbar buttons #1020 . Do not steal focus on API calls #1029 . Disable paste when Quill is disabled #1038 . blank detection #1043 . Enable yarn #1041 . Documentation, #1027, #1032.
1.0.603 Oct 2016 23:45 minor feature: Attaching toolbar to without themes #997 . Link code icon to code-block #998 . Undo stack when at size limit #1001 . Where formatLine did not ignore inline formats 8a7190.
1.0.529 Sep 2016 22:45 minor feature: Attaching toolbar to without themes #997 . Link code icon to code-block #998 . Undo stack when at size limit #1001 . Where formatLine did not ignore inline formats 8a7190.
1.0.419 Sep 2016 22:45 minor feature: Bubble theme defaults #963 . Browsers modifying inline nesting order #971 . Do not fire selection-change event on paste #974 . Support alt attribute in images #975 . Deprecate pasteHTML for removal in Quill 2.0 #981.
1.0.308 Sep 2016 18:05 minor feature:
1.0.0-rc.404 Sep 2016 09:45 minor feature: Joining line with empty line. Bump version and update changelog.
1.0.0-rc.330 Aug 2016 13:25 minor feature: Safari dataset is unreliable. Indent active state. Test. . Add code tests and. Line merge behavior. Null check for ie11. Revert relying on clipboardData html. Update parchment. . And test escape. Disable safari until sauce their stuff. Bump version and update changelog. Update dependencies.
1.0.0-rc.224 Aug 2016 18:05 minor feature: Include quill.min.js in release tar. . . Merge branch 'develop' into 1.0. Bump version and update changelog.
1.0.0-rc.019 Aug 2016 18:45 minor feature: Add core builds. Add built file descriptions. Allow building core.js. . . Allow requiring without build. ExpandConfig already handles this. Simplify and handle key: 'enter' . Auto focus on format(). Include core build files. Bubble on backspace. Updates. Tweaks. Bump version. Bump version. Add core files.
1.0.0-beta.1104 Aug 2016 07:45 minor feature: and test. Default matchers should run before users. And test. Bump version and update changelog.
1.0.0-beta.919 Jul 2016 08:05 minor feature: API for hotkey removal #110, #453 . Editor jumps to top when clicking formatting buttons #288 . Editor does not preserve bold text when pasted from itself #306 . Focus when scrolled down in IE10+ #415 . Error if keyboard shortcut used for unavailable format #432 . Scrolls to cursor if not visible after enter/deletion/paste #433.
1.0.0-beta.813 Jul 2016 19:45 minor feature: API for hotkey removal #110, #453 . Editor jumps to top when clicking formatting buttons #288 . Editor does not preserve bold text when pasted from itself #306 . Focus when scrolled down in IE10+ #415 . Error if keyboard shortcut used for unavailable format #432 . Scrolls to cursor if not visible after enter/deletion/paste #433.
1.0.0-beta.709 Jul 2016 00:25 minor feature: API for hotkey removal #110, #453 . Editor jumps to top when clicking formatting buttons #288 . Editor does not preserve bold text when pasted from itself #306 . Focus when scrolled down in IE10+ #415 . Error if keyboard shortcut used for unavailable format #432 . Scrolls to cursor if not visible after enter/deletion/paste #433.
1.0.0-beta.622 Jun 2016 12:05 minor feature: API for hotkey removal #110, #453 . Editor jumps to top when clicking formatting buttons #288 . Editor does not preserve bold text when pasted from itself #306 . Focus when scrolled down in IE10+ #415 . Error if keyboard shortcut used for unavailable format #432 . Scrolls to cursor if not visible after enter/deletion/paste #433.
1.0.0-beta.514 Jun 2016 22:25 minor feature: API for hotkey removal #110, #453 . Editor jumps to top when clicking formatting buttons #288 . Editor does not preserve bold text when pasted from itself #306 . Focus when scrolled down in IE10+ #415 . Error if keyboard shortcut used for unavailable format #432 . Scrolls to cursor if not visible after enter/deletion/paste #433.
1.0.0-beta.404 Jun 2016 20:45 minor feature: API for hotkey removal #110, #453 . Editor jumps to top when clicking formatting buttons #288 . Editor does not preserve bold text when pasted from itself #306 . Focus when scrolled down in IE10+ #415 . Error if keyboard shortcut used for unavailable format #432 . Scrolls to cursor if not visible after enter/deletion/paste #433.
1.0.0-beta.325 May 2016 21:45 minor feature: Rename code highlighter module to syntax. Clipboard matchers specified in configuration appends to instead of replaces default matchers. Change video embed to use instead of enabling Youtube/Vimeo links. Add contextual keyboard listeners. Allow indent format to take +1/-1 in addition to target indent level. Shortcuts for creating ordered or bulleted lists. Autofill mailto for email links #278 . Enter does not continue header format #540 . Allow native handling of backspace #473 #548 #565 . removeFormat() removes last line block formats #649 . text direction icon directon #654 . text insertion into root scroll #655 . focusing on placeholder text in FF #656 . Hide placeholder on formatted line #657 . selection handling on focus and blur #664.
1.0.0-beta.217 May 2016 01:25 minor feature: Rename code highlighter module to syntax. Clipboard matchers specified in configuration appends to instead of replaces default matchers. Change video embed to use instead of enabling Youtube/Vimeo links. Add contextual keyboard listeners. Allow indent format to take +1/-1 in addition to target indent level. Shortcuts for creating ordered or bulleted lists. Autofill mailto for email links #278 . Enter does not continue header format #540 . Allow native handling of backspace #473 #548 #565 . removeFormat() removes last line block formats #649 . text direction icon directon #654 . text insertion into root scroll #655 . focusing on placeholder text in FF #656 . Hide placeholder on formatted line #657 . selection handling on focus and blur #664.
1.0.0-beta.111 May 2016 07:05 minor feature: Toolbar only attaches to and elements. Toolbar uses button value attribute, instead of data-value . Toolbar handlers overwrite default handlers instead of possibly cascading. Deprecate keyboard removeBinding and removeAllBindings . Expose default keyboard bindings in configuration. Add context listener to keyboard bindings. Error when cursor places next to video embed #644 . Selection removed when clicking on a menu button in the toolbar #645 . Editor looses focus in FF after typing two bold characters #646 . Get rid of resize boxes in code in IE11 0ad636 . Text direction icon should flip the arrow when pressed #651 . Not possible to combine direction:rtl with text-align:left #652.
1.0.0-beta.004 May 2016 11:25 minor feature: Change karma defaults. Reorganize test files. Coverage not working. Tweak. Add tests and applyDelta. Test. ApplyDelta and add test. Beginnings of bubble theme. Position bubble tooltip. Some bubble link editor styles. Move module management to theme. Format hotkeys. Implement bubble link editor. Selection update. Selection caused by wrong leaf locations. Refactor image-tooltip. And refactor link tooltip. Add tests with update parchment. Add blockquote. Correct block button lighting up. Enter preserving formats. Ordered list styles. Remove reference to Quill. Upgrade parchment. Swapping Quill global references with 'Emitter', where we were gettin?. Passing module options. Update interface to index/length. Update dependencies. Overflow. Tweak test. Cleanup. Implement video as block scoped embed. Remove assumptions lines are block blots. Remove duplicate code. Cleanup. Tweak css. Increase timeouts in travis. ie edge test. Upgrade appium. Mobile tests. Use parchment beta. Reorder. Add code and formula. Styles for inline code. Progress on vanilla code. Styles for code. Code block. Child - childless in Scroll blot. Added support for rich copy and paste of delta json within quill editors. Added for on array looping through properties. Merge branch 'rich_clipboard' of int?. Cross browser compatibility. ScrollIntoView. do need to intercept paste. Quill reference. Merge branch 'develop' of into fray?. Merge branch 'develop' into clipboard. Classlist.toggle needs to be passed false for falsy values. Cleanup. Add static definitions. Implement basic html paste coversion. Cleanup. Add alias matcher. Handle nested block elements. Update parchment. Merge branch 'develop' into clipboard. Specify travis version. Merge branch '_toggle' of into fr?. Merge branch 'develop' into clipboard. Typo. Adding static getModules. Add back import(). SetText() without trailing newline. Toolb
0.20.112 Nov 2015 10:45 minor feature: API for hotkey removal #110, #453 . Editor jumps to top when clicking formatting buttons #288 . Editor does not preserve bold text when pasted from itself #306 . Focus when scrolled down in IE10+ #415 . Error if keyboard shortcut used for unavailable format #432 . Scrolls to cursor if not visible after enter/deletion/paste #433.
0.20.029 Jul 2015 10:05 minor feature: getBounds now returns null instead of throwing an error #412.
0.19.1417 Jun 2015 09:45 minor feature: 118 KB quill.tar.gz. . Source code (zip). . Source code (tar.gz).
0.19.1223 May 2015 22:45 minor feature: #352, #353, #357. Merged #356, #365.
0.19.1022 Mar 2015 03:25 minor feature: Merged pull requests.
0.19.810 Dec 2014 03:15 minor feature: Bug fixes Closed #274 Merged #270, #271
0.19.728 Nov 2014 03:15 minor feature: Fix npm build #258
0.19.524 Nov 2014 03:15 minor feature: Bug fixes Add experimental API getBounds()
0.19.420 Nov 2014 03:15 minor feature: Add destroy() method for editor cleanup Add setText() method
0.19.210 Nov 2014 23:25 cleanup: Build enhancements.