react-crud-icons 1.2.3

Set of 67 SVG icons for CRUD applications (hand-picked among thousands of icons at Material Design Icons), packaged as a React component with light & dark themes and tooltip. Icons list: "account", "add", "add2", "alert", "apps", "arrow-left", "arrow-right", "bars", "browse", "calendar", "cards", "check", "chevron-down", "chevron-up", "clone", "close", "collapse", "comment", "comments", "compare", "copy", "dashboard", "delete", "documentation", "dots", "dots-v", "down", "download", "drag", "edit", "error", "expand", "export", "favorite", "filter", "help", "hide", "history", "home", "home-circle", "image", "import", "info", "json", "link", "list", "list-bulleted", "lock", "lock-open", "map-marker", "moon", "paperclip", "pie", "print", "remove", "save", "search", "settings", "show", "sort", "stats", "sun", "treemap", "undo", "up", "upload", "wand".

Tags crud icon icons iconset svg react component ui
License MITL
State mature

Recent Releases

1.2.322 Feb 2024 10:45 minor feature: