Recent Releases Mar 2025 17:05
major feature:
Extractor: add default filter.
Extractor: add logging constraints.
Framework: add interface to warn about reaching limit of ips opt re-usage.
Framework: bump base API version.
Framework: bump ips option version.
Ips_options: warn about excessive detection options. Feb 2025 18:25
major feature:
Appid: added check for brute force manager presence.
Dump_config: implement dump config generation in a file.
Extractor: add handling for connector creation failure.
Extractor: support connection logs.
File: malware and file events when action changed from block malware to cloud malware lookup event.
File: retrying the packet when file cache is full.
Flow: add command that dumps only flow summaries.
Framework: remove inspector slot and use get_instance_id instead.
Ftp_telnet: only add expected flows when the daq_msg field in the control packet is not null.
Hosts: added check to verify ip protocol match on hosts lookup.
Main: add thread_id in instance_mapping output file.
Main: acquire TSC time scale at the startup.
Mercury: telemetry file changes for multiprocess snort.
Packet_io: check the DAQ_Msg_h parameter on api calls and return an error code when it is a null pointer.
Perf_monitor: update structure clearing to C++ method.
Perf_monitor: update flow state value reset. Jan 2025 10:45
major feature:
Appid: adding thresholds to brute-force detection.
Appid: optimised appid logs and trace.
Cmake: modification to search custom jemalloc first.
Data_bus: publisher registration data races.
Data_bus: remove unsubscribe methods.
Doc: stylize dependency names in
File_api: add pending expire time reset for FileInfo.
Flow: use timeout set on flow rather than using configured timeout.
Hyperscan: delog tsan ips: add access to Event references.
Ips_options: given width and endian parameters for simpler multi-byte char matches.
Ips: update pcre to pcre2.
Js_norm: add stoi out of range exception handling.
Main: support an instance ID dump per-thread.
Pcap: filter Geneve encapsulated packets using inner headers.
Pub_sub: implemented header defintions for shadow traffic aggregator.
Ssl: added length check for cert data processing.
Stream_tcp: evaluate flush policy on asymmetric connections when the connection or the tcp session is cleared.
Stream_tcp: initialize 3whs normalizer for peer tracker separately.
Tcp_pdu: rename to tlv_pdu.
Utils: add new header/wrapper for pcre2 code unit width. Dec 2024 15:05
major feature:
Appid: enhanced control error message with additional info.
Build: include/exclude snort_ml module conditionally.
Dns: adding fallback functionality.
File_api: add re_eval flag to fileinfo.
Inspector_manager: refactored instrumentation code of connection profiling.
Log: print all warnings before command line is parsed.
Main: improve logging reload_config arguments.
Pop: adding wrong bytes threshold to determine if pop splitter should fallback.
Smtp: smtp inspector fallback functionality for invalid commands and responses.
Stream_tcp: refactor tcp reasseabler class structure and init to avoid thread data race scenarios. Dec 2024 12:25
major feature:
Analyzer: add logging for resource tuning progress.
Appid: adding full path to read list of lua detectors.
Build: update docs about the bump of C++ compiler supported feature set requirement.
Connectors: add std I/O connector and connector API update.
Connectors: cppcheck warning in std_connector test.
Extractor: update logger.
File_api: add unit tests for fileinfo methods.
Flow: publish flow end event.
Http_inspect, mime: add hostname and url for http with mime.
Http_inspect: remove semicolon http_param delimiter.
Ips_options: update module::begin method and reset 'relative' flag.
Main: remove mutex from snort command to show snort cpu. Nov 2024 12:25
major feature:
Decompress: handle ZIP central directory.
Doc: add extractor logging feature.
Extractor: add ftp service implementation.
Extractor: add imaginary transaction event to FTP.
Extractor: add user field.
Extractor: enable logging for FTP aggregated event.
Extractor: event handlers subscribe by themselves.
Extractor: memory management.
Extractor: include type support header explicitly.
Extractor: introduce flow data.
Extractor: log on last response.
Extractor: move extractor event out of snort namespace.
Extractor: refactor code.
Extractor: update dev_notes.txt.
File_api: add helper methods to unset filename and reset sha.
Ftp: reset cmd_size when reset cmd_str.
Sip: parse all the SIP methods defined.
Stream_tcp: initialize the daq_instance field in the Packet instance allocated for a meta-ack to the value from the wire packet.
Thread: get_relative_instance_number now zero-based. Nov 2024 12:25
major feature:
Appid: add new api to check if service is over quic.
Appid: add tls_version capture in appid_session.
Appid: implement an API that allows users to specify values for data items used in lua detectors.
Appid: unit-test added for is_service_over_quic.
Doc: add details regarding RTN evaluation.
Flow: new allowlist LRU.
Http2_inspect: handle multiple cookie header fields.
Js_norm: add cross-PDU PDF token reassembly.
Side_channel: compiler warning in side channel formatting test.
Smtp: ing the processing of SMTP response in case of encrypted traffic.
Stream: add thread instance number to dump_flows control command output.
Stream_tcp: pass tracker and seglist to TcpReassembler as refs, define dummy tracker seglist for use by TcpReassemblerIgnore.
Stream_tcp: when queue limit thresholds are exceeded in IDS mode on asymmetric connections only skip a hole at the beginning of the seglist before flushing. Nov 2024 19:25
major bugfix:
Connectors: tsan warning in tcp connector.
Framework: update connector interface.
Main: move connectors initialization from SideChannel.
Managers: update connector manager. Nov 2024 17:45
major feature:
Appid: dns sinkhole support for edns.
Appid: early SSH detection brute-force appid: for one definiton rule violation.
Binder: change binding to have single service.
Extractor: flush data on unlocking a writer.
Extractor: notify handler whether it is a -width formatting.
Extractor: refactor data pipe between an inspector and extractor's logger.
Extractor: rewrite std writer to use text_log utility.
Extractor: update logger with an internal set of fields for logging.
Ftp_telnet: adding fallback functionality for ftp.
Http2_inspect: add IPS options for frame header and data.
Memory: add shell commands for jemalloc heap profiling.
Process: skip vDSO frame on aarch64.
Ssh: added abort session in streamsplitter.
Stream: to dump all flows.
Stream_tcp: add assert to verify configured normalizer policy is valid.
Stream_tcp: do not overwrite global normalizer policy config option when proxy mode is enabled. Nov 2024 19:05
major feature:
Appid: added new logs for reload third party.
Extractor: add field name to logging function.
Extractor: add json logger.
Extractor: add unit tests for enum types.
Extractor: guard-macro names.
Extractor: local variable.
Extractor: mention a field in initialization list.
Extractor: remove unused headers.
Extractor: take a note of IT-P in key points.
File_api: set file name for file processing.
Http_inspect: when cutting chunks check for MAX_OCTETS too.
Packet_tracer: add tcp window size, options and meta-ack info. Nov 2024 05:05
major bugfix:
Appid: notify binder on service change.
Appid: replaced hsessions vector of raw pointers into vector of smart pointers.
Ftp_telnet: refactoring ftp-data.
Latency, dce, stream_ip: max pegs incorrectly declared sum.
Telnet: avoid flush when cr or lf is between commands. Oct 2024 16:45
major feature:
Control: code cleanup.
Control: handle control commands after packet threads are fully initialised.
Daq: add outstanding packets counter.
Extractor: add flow hash key.
File_api: max depth is set as part of initial config.
File: remove unused variable in FileFlows destructor.
Filters: update dev_notes.txt with details for event_filter.
Flow: optimize timeout handling for different packet type.
Http_inspect: add peg counts for gzip, known-not-supported, and unknown.
Http_inspect: log normalized URI in extra data.
Ips_options: separate main thread pcre counts from packet threads stats.
Memory: account memory for profiler only when packet thread is involved.
Src: resolve various warnings.
Stream_tcp: make sure ports are correctly swapped when filling a meta-ACK packet. Aug 2024 13:25
major bugfix:
Appid: ing cpp warnings and cosmetic changes for appid cpu profiler.
Appid: removing trailing whitespaces.
Daq: added outstanding packets counter.
Doc: builtin rule documentation updates.
Flow: added compile-time option to disable tenant_id.
Flow: clear deferred trust after the flow is trusted to stop repeated trusting.
Js_norm: address pdf tokenizer kaizen: verbose mode output for unlimited options.
Main: coverage.
Sip: fallback functionality for sip inspector.
Stream: refactor paf logic into a c++ class.
Stream_tcp: delete lws_init, it was redundant with tcp_init; delete ITs that are no longer relevant.
Stream_tcp: improve variable and function names for overlap processing.
Stream_tcp: integrate and streamline setting of flush policy and splitter.
Stream_tcp: merge TcpStreamSession into TcpSession.
Stream_tcp: refactor segment nodes to implement reassembly cursor and eliminate tracking variables.
Stream_tcp: refactor TcpReassembler into a virtual base class and subclasses for each mode: ignore, IPS and IDS.
Stream_tcp: refactor to move alert functions to their own class.
Stream_tcp: refactor to move tcp overlap processing out of reassembly class. Jul 2024 02:45
major feature:
Appid: restructure the appid code to make it easier to follow and maintain.
Appid: updating appid cpu profiler cli.
Dce_rpc: correct the session counters post the upgrade to smb v2 from v1.
Detection: include OPT_TREE traces in release build.
Detection: make print of fast pattern as a trace module.
Extractor: support trans_depth, origin and referrer fields.
File: ing file context reuse.
Flow: clear flow stash when freeing the flow data.
Flow: handle significant groups with unknown group value as non-group flow keys.
Http_inspect: add origin header.
Parser: do not skip symbols while expanding variables.
Perf_monitor: introducing new parameters for ip flow profiling.
Stream_tcp: move prev_norm object from TcpNormalizer to TcpNormalizerState.
Stream_tcp: set daq_msg field in meta-ack pseudo-packet header to the value from the wire packet.
Stream_tcp: support tracing without compilation flags.
Wizard: expand MMS curse. Jul 2024 07:45
major feature:
Appid: display rows limit of table and totals.
Appid: using different api for picking appids for appid cpu profiler.
Build: bump version to 3.2.0.
Codecs: add handling of NDP types.
Dns: set Flow timeout after getting DNS response.
Extractor: add protocol logging for HTTP.
Framework: add new Cursor Action Type.
Http_inspect: set CAT_SET_SUB_SECTION for buffer with a sub-selector configured.
Js_norm: prerequisites for FlexLexer includes.
Main: add CLI command to show snort cpu percentage.
Stream_tcp: use default size atomsplitter on fallback.
Utils: remove duplication of definition. Thanks to xxxx81 for reporting the. Jun 2024 16:05
major feature:
Appid: appid cpu profiler max columns.
Appid: re-enabling appid cpu profiler making it thread safe.
Appid: store and retrieve only SNI in AppIdSession.
Appid: updating file_magic.rules with some new file types added to the VDB.
Dce_smb: do not prune from LRU cache during file tracker update.
Doc: formatting in dev_notes.txt.
Flow: add the newly-created flow to p- flow to avoid segv.
Js_norm: stop PDF processing on syntax error.
Main: apply loaded configuration only once.
Packet_capture: make sure packet_capture executed before detection.
Service_inspectors: get_buf handling.
Sip: flow clean-up based on lina configured timeout.
Src: remove repetitive words. Thanks @gopherorg for finding those typos.
Src: udpate to resolve new stream_tcp: don't attempt to verify or process keep-alive probes with data.
Stream_tcp: infinite recursion cases. Thanks to scloder-ut-iso for helping with deinformation that uncovered a case of infinite recursion.
Utils: add explicit include. May 2024 13:25
major bugfix:
Framework: supply directories to system headers to
Main: updates for types used by Alpine.
Memory: unit test. Apr 2024 08:25
major bugfix:
Appid: enhanced appid config parsing.
Appid: remove locks from peg counts.
Appid: separate main thread and packet thread appid_pub_id.
Dce_smb: ing an ASAN memory corruption detection: handle policy changes in continuation.
Framework: add correct cast from double to unsigned.
Http_inspect: add file_data to buffer list.
Packet_capture: include cstdint in a header file. Thanks to Plup and Hauke Mehrtens for reporting this!.
Xhash: typo. Mar 2024 03:25
major bugfix:
Detection: use correct packet in trace logs.
Doc: add libml to optional dependencies.
Flow: add filter to dump flows.
Flow: UT.
Hash: exception handling for random device.
Packet_capture: wrong dlt in pcap header when nfq is used.
Stream: count retransmits when we disable content rules.
Trace: replace colon delimiter for tenant with whitespace in the trace_logger output. Mar 2024 10:05
major feature:
Appid: broadcast commands with ctrlcon.
Appid: change eve pattern matching logic.
Appid: replaced warning log with logging api for CBD.
File_api: do not clear the file capture and user file data pointers when updating the verdict from the cache.
Filters: updated dyn array with vector.
Flow: updated flow_data linklist with STL container.
Framework: validate parameter of number type in a string form.
Kaizen: rename to Snort ML.
Main: clear lua stack when registering commands in a shell.
Main: reset main-thread stats from the main thread.
Main: update limits help.
Packet_capture: add packet capturing per tenant.
Sfip: remove references to unused mode feature.
Sfip: zero out var/node pointers after operations to remedy heap-use-after-free on reload.
Smb: for improper session cache destruction in tterm during config reload.
Snort2lua: change deprecated use of ptr_fn to lambda.
Stats: timing stats.
Stats: perf improvement changes.
Stream: remove splitter from session before inspectors.
Stream_tcp: add reasons for drops due to trims.
Stream_tcp: implement support for proxy mode normalization behavior.
Stream_tcp: update documentation for stream TCP alerts to include the new 129:21 and 129:22 alerts.
Trace: add tenants logging. Feb 2024 18:05
major feature:
Appid: check tenant_match() if required.
Appid: log error message instead of fatal error if appid stats logfile is not accessible.
Appid: Lowering max packet count before service fail.
Control: Adds counting to ctrlcon blocked to allow for nested commands.
Detection: add c'tors, use new instead of snort_calloc.
Detection: copy ip var name in dup_rtn.
Flow: added ips event suppression flags.
Host_cache: update_stats to remove race_condition.
Http_inspect: recreate JSNorm if reload takes place inside transaction.
Ips_context: add lazy-allocation of alt buffer.
Kaizen: provide an option to enable Kaizen's mock.
Kaizen: remove redundant semicolon and add explicit cast.
Kaizen: rename modules.
Lua: improve spell of wizard for HTTP.
Memory: prevent data race between main and packet threads.
Service_inspectors: add check for JSNorm config actuality.
Stream_tcp: add alerts for exceeding thresholds for max queued bytes or segments.
Stream_tcp: add check to verify seglist head is not nullptr and only initialize PAF when it is not.
Utils: add macro for setting thread name. Jan 2024 13:32
major bugfix:
* appid: print odp version and odp detector count on startup
* copyright: update year to 2024
* doc: update arg list for "". Add parity to "generate_" scripts arg list, thanks to @puck(
* main: fix inconsistent lua variables assignment
* parser: fix --dump-rule-meta for negated ports