Syncthing 1.27.11-rc.2

Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers. We strive to fulfill the goals below. The goals are listed in order of importance, the most important ones first. Syncthing should be: Safe From Data Loss Protecting the user's data is paramount. We take every reasonable precaution to avoid corrupting the user's files. Secure Against Attackers Again, protecting the user's data is paramount. Regardless of our other goals, we must never allow the user's data to be susceptible to eavesdropping or modification by unauthorized parties. Easy to Use Syncthing should be approachable, understandable, and inclusive. Automatic User interaction should be required only when absolutely necessary. Universally Available Syncthing should run on every common computer. We are mindful that the latest technology is not always available to every individual. For Individuals Syncthing is primarily about empowering the individual user with safe, secure, and easy to use file synchronization. Everything Else There are many things we care about that don't make it on to the list. It is fine to optimize for these values, as long as they are not in conflict with the stated goals above.

Tags syncronization file-syncronization peer-to-peer p2p backup archiving networking go html javascript
License MPL
State stable

Recent Releases

1.27.11-rc.229 Aug 2024 03:15 minor feature: lt;p gt;Other : lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2448970103" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9629/hovercard" href="" gt;#9629 lt;/a gt;: Housekeeping: chmod -x non-executable files lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.11-rc.114 Aug 2024 03:15 minor feature: lt;p gt;Other : lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2448970103" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9629/hovercard" href="" gt;#9629 lt;/a gt;: Housekeeping: chmod -x non-executable files lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.1007 Aug 2024 03:15 minor feature: lt;p gt;: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2173853771" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9455/hovercard" href="" gt;#9455 lt;/a gt;: lib/api tests unreliable, failing 50 of the time on Fedora Linux lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2228839225" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9499/hovercard" href="" gt;#9499 lt;/a gt;: Data race in fakeFS (testing) lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.10-rc.125 Jul 2024 03:15 minor feature: lt;p gt;: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2173853771" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9455/hovercard" href="" gt;#9455 lt;/a gt;: lib/api tests unreliable, failing 50 of the time on Fedora Linux lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2228839225" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9499/hovercard" href="" gt;#9499 lt;/a gt;: Data race in fakeFS (testing) lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.903 Jul 2024 03:15 minor feature: No content.
1.27.805 Jun 2024 03:15 minor feature: lt;p gt;: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2233133331" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9506/hovercard" href="" gt;#9506 lt;/a gt;: gui: Favicon not working in Firefox bookmarks lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;. lt;p gt;Enhancements: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2278081162" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9527/hovercard" href="" gt;#9527 lt;/a gt;: Device connection state metric lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.8-rc.231 May 2024 06:05 minor feature: lt;p gt;: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2233133331" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9506/hovercard" href="" gt;#9506 lt;/a gt;: gui: Favicon not working in Firefox bookmarks lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;. lt;p gt;Enhancements: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2278081162" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9527/hovercard" href="" gt;#9527 lt;/a gt;: Device connection state metric lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.8-rc.123 May 2024 03:15 minor feature: lt;p gt;: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2233133331" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9506/hovercard" href="" gt;#9506 lt;/a gt;: gui: Favicon not working in Firefox bookmarks lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;. lt;p gt;Enhancements: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2278081162" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9527/hovercard" href="" gt;#9527 lt;/a gt;: Device connection state metric lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.709 May 2024 03:15 minor feature: lt;p gt;: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2231168168" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9503/hovercard" href="" gt;#9503 lt;/a gt;: lib/nat: panic: runtime error: index out of range lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.7-rc.123 Apr 2024 03:25 minor feature: lt;p gt;: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2231168168" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9503/hovercard" href="" gt;#9503 lt;/a gt;: lib/nat: panic: runtime error: index out of range lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.612 Apr 2024 03:15 minor feature: lt;p gt;: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2228833975" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9498/hovercard" href="" gt;#9498 lt;/a gt;: Files spookily out of sync in 1.27.5 lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.6-rc.209 Apr 2024 03:15 minor feature: lt;p gt;: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2228833975" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9498/hovercard" href="" gt;#9498 lt;/a gt;: Files spookily out of sync in 1.27.5 lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.
1.27.506 Apr 2024 01:16 minor feature: Bugfixes: #9371: Deleting or renaming directories when syncing xattrs or ownership causes empty dir tree to get "put back" by ST #9407: IndexHandler can get stuck in an undesired loop #9417: CPU usage increases after folder scans (and hence, over time) #9469: Better wrapping for device and folder names in sharing lists Enhancements: #8972: Open share settings when clicking 'shared with' #9470: Show encryption status for devices sharing folde