youtube-dl 2021.06.06

youtube-dl is a small command-line tool to download videos. While it originally and still is used for, it supports many other video hosters like Anitube, Appletrailers,, ARD, Arte, Blinkx, Bloomberg, CBS, clipfish, CollegeHumor, ComedyCentral, Discovery, dropbox, eHow, flickr, FranceTV, Google+, GorillaVid, Internet Video Archive, justintv, KhanAcademy, liveleak, MTV, MyVideo, NBC, Newstube, novamov Slideshare, SoundCloud, Southpark, Steam, SyFy, Veoh and Vimeo. It can save video MP4s and other provided formats or just extract audio tracks.

Tags python utility video
License Public Domain
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2021.06.0606 Jun 2021 15:05 minor feature: facebook Improve login required detection. youporn formats and view count extraction. orf:tvthek thumbnails extraction. formula1 extraction. ard Relax URL regular expression and video ids. ustream Detect https embeds. ted Prefer own formats over external sources. twitch:clips Improve extraction. twitch:clips Add access token query to download URLs. youtube get_video_info request. vimeo vimeo pro embed extraction. redbulltv embed data extraction. shahid Relax URL regular expression.
2021.05.1617 May 2021 09:05 minor feature: options thumbnail option group name. YoutubeDL Improve extract_info doc. playstuff Add support for eroprofile extraction. vivo Add support for generic Add support for og:audio. phoenix extraction. generic Add support for sibnet embeds. vk Add support for sibnet embeds. generic Add Referer header for direct videojs download URLs. orf:radio Switch download URLs to HTTPS. blinkx Remove extractor. medaltv Relax URL regular expression. funimation Add support for optional lang code in URLs. gdcvault Add support for HTML5 videos. dispeak Improve FLV extraction. kaltura Improve iframe extraction. kaltura Make embed code alternatives actually work. cda Improve extraction. twitter Improve formats extraction from vmap URL. xtube formats extraction. svtplay Improve extraction. tv2dk extraction.
2021.04.2626 Apr 2021 03:16 minor feature: xfileshare Add support for francetvinfo Improve video id extraction. medaltv extraction. tver Redirect all downloads to Brightcove. go Improve video id extraction. youtube lazy extractors. bbc Extract description and timestamp from INITIAL_DATA. cbsnews extraction for python
2021.04.1718 Apr 2021 07:45 minor feature: utils Add support for experimental HTTP response status code. 308 Permanent Redirect. lbry Add support for HLS videos. youtube stretched ratio calculation. youtube Improve stretch extraction. youtube:tab Improve grid extraction. youtube:tab Detect series playlist on playlists page. youtube Add more invidious instances. pluralsight Extend anti-throttling timeout. youtube Improve URL to extractor routing. maoritv Add support for youtube:tab Pass innertube context and x-goog-visitor-id header along with. Continuation requests. mtv Viacom A/B Testing Video Player extraction. pornhub Extract DASH and HLS formats from get_media end point. cbssports extraction. jamendo track extraction. curiositystream format extraction.
2021.04.0712 Apr 2021 12:45 minor feature: extractor/common Use compat_cookies_SimpleCookie for _get_cookies. compat Introduce compat_cookies_SimpleCookie. extractor/common Improve JSON-LD author extraction. extractor/common _get_cookies on python 2. youtube extraction of videos with restricted location. line Add support for vimeo Improve extraction. youku Update ccode. youtube Prefer direct entry metadata over entry metadata from playlist. . screencastomatic extraction. palcomp3 Add support for arnes Add support for youtube:tab Add support for hashtags.
2021.04.0106 Apr 2021 07:25 minor feature: youtube Setup CONSENT cookie when needed. vimeo password protected review extraction. youtube Improve age-restricted video extraction.
2021.03.3131 Mar 2021 07:25 minor feature: vlive inkey request. francetvinfo Improve video id extraction. instagram Extract duration. instagram Improve title extraction. sbs Add support for ondemand watch URLs. youtube video's channel extraction. picarto live stream extraction. vimeo unlisted video extraction. youtube:tab playlist/community continuation items extraction. ard Improve clip id extraction.
2021.03.2525 Mar 2021 08:45 minor feature: zoom Add support for bbc BBC IPlayer Episodes/Group extraction. youtube default value for youtube_include_dash_manifest. zingmp3 extraction. vgtv Add support for new URL schema. tiktok Detect private videos. vimeo:album extraction for albums with number of videos multiple. to page size. vvvvid kenc format extraction. mlb video extraction. svtplay Improve extraction. applepodcasts extraction. rtve Improve extraction. Extract all formats RTVE Infantil extraction Extract is_live and series . Extract all formats. RTVE Infantil extraction. Extract is_live and series.
2021.03.1414 Mar 2021 16:05 minor feature: Introduce release_timestamp meta field. southpark Add support for southpark extraction. sportdeutschland extraction. pinterest Reduce the number of HLS format requests. peertube Improve thumbnail extraction. tver Improve title extraction. fujitv HLS formats extension. shahid format extraction. lbry Add support for channel filters. bandcamp Extract release timestamp. lbry Extract release timestamp. pornhub Detect flagged videos. pornhub Extract formats from get_media end point. bilibili video info extraction. cbs Add support for Paramount+. trovo Add Origin header to VOD formats. voxmedia volume embed extraction.
2021.03.0308 Mar 2021 18:25 minor feature: youtube:tab Switch continuation to browse API. 9c9media extraction for videos with multiple ContentPackages. bbc Add support for BBC Reel videos.
2021.03.0202 Mar 2021 09:05 minor feature: zdf Rework extractors. Generalize cross-extractor video ids for zdf based extractors Improve extraction sat and phoenix . Generalize cross-extractor video ids for zdf based extractors. Improve extraction. sat and phoenix. stretchinternet extraction. urplay episode data extraction. bandaichannel Add support for srgssr Improve extraction. Extract subtitle extraction for new videos Update srf download domains . Extract subtitle. extraction for new videos. Update srf download domains. vvvvid Reduce season request payload size. vvvvid Extract series sublists playlist title. dplay Extract Ad-Free uplynk URLs. wat Detect DRM protected videos. tf1 Improve extraction. tmz and improve extraction. gedidigital Add support for Gedi group sites. youtube get_video_info request.
2021.02.2222 Feb 2021 08:25 minor feature: postprocessor/embedthumbnail Recognize atomicparsley binary in lowercase. . apa and improve extraction. youporn Extract duration. peertube Add support for youtube up m4a_dash formats. samplefocus Add support for vimeo Add support for unlisted video source format extraction. viki Improve extraction. Extract uploader URL and episode number Report login required error Extract 480p formats API v4 calls . Extract uploader URL and episode number. Report login required error. Extract 480p formats. API v4 calls. ninegag Unescape title. youtube Improve URL regular expression. youtube Add support for dplay Add support for dplay Add support for simplecast Add support for youtube uploader extraction in flat playlist mode. yandexmusic:playlist Request missing tracks in chunks. storyfire Add support for zhihu Add support for youtube controversial videos when authenticated with cookies. ccma timestamp parsing in python 2. videopress Add support for kakao Improve info extraction and detect geo restriction. xboxclips extraction. ard Improve formats extraction. canvas Add support for
2021.02.1016 Feb 2021 10:05 minor feature: youtube:tab Improve grid continuation extraction. ign extraction. xhamster Extract format filesize. xhamster Extract formats from xplayer settings. youtube Add support phone/tablet JS player. archiveorg and improve extraction. cda Detect geo restricted videos. urplay extraction. youtube release date extraction. youtube Extract abr and vbr. youtube Skip OTF formats.
2021.02.04.110 Feb 2021 11:05 minor feature: youtube Prefer DASH formats. azmedien extraction.
2021.02.0404 Feb 2021 06:45 minor feature: pornhub Implement lazy playlist extraction. svtplay video id extraction. pornhub Add support for authentication. pornhub:user Improve paging. pornhub:user Add support for URLs unavailable via /videos page. bravotv Add support for youtube Pass embed URL to get_video_info request. ccma Improve metadata extraction. Extract age limit, alt title, categories, series and episode number timestamp multiple subtitles extraction . Extract age limit, alt title, categories, series and episode number. timestamp multiple subtitles extraction. egghead Update API domain. vidzi Remove extractor. vidio Improve metadata extraction. youtube Improve subtitles extraction. youtube chapter extraction fallback. youtube Rewrite extractor. Improve format sorting Remove unused code series metadata extraction trailer video extraction Improve error reporting Extract video location . Improve format sorting. Remove unused code. series metadata extraction. trailer video extraction. Improve error reporting. Extract video location. vvvvid Add support for youtube embeds. googledrive Report download page errors. vlive error message decoding for python 2. youtube Improve DASH formats file size extraction. cda Improve birth validation detection. awaan Extract uploader id. medialaan Add support DPG Media MyChannels based websites. abcnews extraction. AMP upload date and timestamp extraction. tv4 Relax URL regular expression. tv2 Add support for adn Improve login warning reporting. zype uplynk id extraction. adn Add support for authentication.
2021.01.24.125 Jan 2021 12:25 minor feature: Introduce --output-na-placeholder. franceculture Make thumbnail optional. franceculture extraction. njpwworld extraction. comedycentral extraction. wat format extraction. americastestkitchen:season Add support for seasons. trovo Add support for aol Add support for yahoo videos. yahoo single video extraction. lbry Unescape lbry URI. 9gag and improve extraction. americastestkitchen Improve metadata extraction for ATK episodes. aljazeera extraction. minds Add support for ard title and description extraction. spotify Add support for Spotify Podcasts.
2021.01.1617 Jan 2021 07:45 minor feature: YoutubeDL Protect from infinite recursion due to recursively nested. Playlists. YoutubeDL Ignore failure to create existing directory. YoutubeDL Raise syntax error for format selection expressions with multiple. Operators . Operators. animeondemand Add support for lazy playlist extraction. youporn Restrict fallback download URL. youporn Improve height and tbr extraction. youporn extraction. twitter Add support for unified cards. twitch Add Authorization header with OAuth token for GraphQL requests. . mixcloud:playlist:base Extract video id in flat playlist mode. cspan Improve info extraction. adn Improve info extraction. adn extraction. youtube:search Extract from all sections. youtube:search viewcount and try to extract all video sections. twitch Improve login error extraction. twitch authentication. 3qsdn Improve extraction. peertube Extract formats from streamingPlaylists. khanacademy extraction. spike Update Paramount Network feed URL.
2021.01.0811 Jan 2021 07:45 minor feature: downloader/hls Disable decryption in tests. utils Add a function to clean podcast URLs. rai Improve subtitles extraction. canvas Match only supported VRT NU URLs. bibeltv Add support for bfmtv Add support for sbs Add support for ondemand play and news embed URLs. twitch Drop legacy kraken API v5 code altogether and refactor. twitch:vod Switch to GraphQL for video metadata. canvas VRT NU extraction. twitch Switch access token to GraphQL and refactor. rai Detect ContentItem in iframe. ketnet extraction. dplay Add suport Discovery+ domains. motherless Improve extraction. motherless recent videos upload date extraction. nrk extraction for videos without a legalAge rating. googleplus Remove extractor. applepodcasts Add support for googlepodcasts Add support for iheart Add support for acast Clean podcast URLs. stitcher Clean podcast URLs. xfileshare Add support for twitter Add support for summary card. twitter Try to use a Generic fallback for unknown twitter cards. stitcher Add support for shows and show metadata extraction. stv Improve episode id extraction.
2021.01.0305 Jan 2021 08:05 minor feature: nrk Improve series metadata extraction. nrk Extract subtitles. nrk age limit extraction. nrk Improve video id extraction. nrk Add support for podcasts. nrk Generalize and delegate all item extractors to nrk. nrk Add support for mp3 formats. nrktv Switch to playback endpoint. vvvvid season metadata extraction. stitcher extraction. acast extraction. arcpublishing Add support for sky Add support for Sports News articles and Brighcove videos. vvvvid Extract akamai formats. vvvvid Skip unplayable episodes. yandexvideo extraction for Python 3.4.
2020.12.2930 Dec 2020 09:45 minor feature: youtube Improve yt initial data extraction. youtube:tab Improve URL matching #27559). youtube:tab Restore retry on browse requests. aparat extraction. brightcove Remove sonyliv specific code. piksel Improve format extraction. zype Add support for uplynk videos. toggle Add support for go Add support for teachable Improve embed detection. mitele free video extraction. telecinco extraction. youtube Update amcnetworks Improve auth only video detection. generic Add support for VHX Embeds.
2020.12.2223 Dec 2020 15:25 minor feature: common Remove unwanted query params from unsigned akamai manifest URLs. tastytrade Remove extractor. niconico playlist extraction. everyonesmixtape Remove extractor. kanalplay Remove extractor. arkena extraction. nba Rewrite extractor. turner Improve info extraction. youtube Improve xsrf token extraction. generic Improve RSS age limit extraction. generic RSS itunes thumbnail extraction. redditr Extract duration. zaq1 Remove extractor. asiancrush Add support for asiancrush extraction. noco Remove extractor. nfl extraction. skysports Relax URL regular expression. tv5unis Add support for videomore Add support for yandexmusic Add support for nhk:program Add support for audio programs and program clips. nhk Add support for NHK video programs.
2020.12.1417 Dec 2020 19:05 minor feature: extractor/common Improve JSON-LD interaction statistic extraction. downloader/hls Delegate manifests with media initialization to ffmpeg. extractor/common Document duration meta field for playlists. mdr Bypass geo restriction. mdr Improve extraction. yandexmusic:album Improve album title extraction. eporner view count extraction and make optional. eporner Extend URL regular expression. eporner hash extraction and extend _VALID_URL. slideslive Use m3u8 entry protocol for m3u8 formats. twitcasting format extraction and improve info extraction. linuxacademy authentication and extraction. itv Clean description from HTML tags. vlive Sort live formats. hotstart and improve extraction. format extraction Extract thumbnail URL Add support for country specific playlist URLs Select the last id in video URL . format extraction. Extract thumbnail URL. Add support for country specific playlist URLs. Select the last id in video URL. youtube Add some invidious instances.
2020.12.0911 Dec 2020 07:05 minor feature: extractor/common inline HTML5 media tags processing. youtube:tab Improve identity token extraction. youtube:tab Make click tracking params on continuation optional. youtube:tab Delegate inline playlists to tab-based playlists (27298). tubitv Extract release year. amcnetworks free content extraction. lbry:channel Add support for channels. lbry Add support for short and embed URLs. lbry channel metadata extraction. telequebec Add support for telequebec extraction. youtube:tab Capture and output alerts. tvplay:home extraction. americastestkitchen Extraction and add support. For Cook's Country and Cook's Illustrated. slideslive Add support for yoda service videos and extract subtitles. .
2020.12.0505 Dec 2020 14:05 minor feature: extractor/common Improve Akamai HTTP format extraction. Allow m3u8 manifest without an additional audio format Extraction for qualities starting with a number . Allow m3u8 manifest without an additional audio format. Extraction for qualities starting with a number. teachable:course Improve extraction. nrk Improve error extraction. nrktv:series Improve extraction. nrktv:season Improve extraction. nrk Improve format extraction and geo-restriction detection. pornhub Handle HTTP errors gracefully. nrktv Relax URL regular expression. zdf Extract webm formats. gamespot Extract DASH and HTTP formats. tver Add support for pornhub Add support for
2020.11.2629 Nov 2020 13:45 minor feature: downloader/fragment Set final file's mtime according to last fragment's. Last-Modified header. spreaker Add support for vlive Improve extraction for geo-restricted videos. vlive Add support for post URLs. viki video API request. bbc BBC Three clip extraction. bbc BBC News videos extraction. medaltv Add support for youtube Imporve music metadata and license extraction. nrk extraction. cda extraction.
2020.11.21.123 Nov 2020 11:05 minor feature: downloader/http crash during urlopen caused by missing reason. of URLError. YoutubeDL --ignore-errors for playlists with generator-based entries. of url_transparent. svtplay Add support for svt Extract timestamp. svtplay Improve thumbnail extraction. youtube error reason extraction. youtube like and dislike count extraction. youtube:tab Add support for current video and lives extraction. infoq format extraction. francetv Update to thumbnail URL. youtube Improve yt initial data extraction. discoverynetworks Add support new TLC/DMAX URLs. rai protocol relative relinker URLs. rai unavailable video format detection. rai Improve extraction. rai extraction. viki Improve format extraction. viki stream extraction from MPD. googledrive format extraction. amara Add support for vimeo:album extraction. mtv mgid extraction.
2020.11.1717 Nov 2020 03:25 minor feature: utils Skip ! precode in js_to_json. youtube:tab extraction with cookies provided. lrt extraction with empty tags. ndr:embed:base Extract subtitles. servus Add support for servus extraction. xtube extraction. lrt extraction. lbry Add support for condenast Extract subtitles. condenast extraction. bandcamp extraction. rai RaiPlay extraction. vlive extraction. usanetwork extraction. nbc NBCNews/Today/MSNBC extraction. cnbc extraction.
2020.11.01.103 Nov 2020 19:26 minor feature: ytsearch Fix extraction (closes #26920) youtube Fix JS player URL extraction ChangeLog Actualize
2020.09.2021 Sep 2020 13:45 minor feature: extractor/common Relax interaction count extraction in _json_ld. extractor/common Extract author as uploader for VideoObject in _json_ld. downloader/hls incorrect end byte in Range HTTP header for. Media segments with EXT-X-BYTERANGE. extractor/common Handle ssl.CertificateError in _request_webpage. downloader/http Improve timeout detection when reading block of data. . downloader/http Retry download when urlopen times out. redtube Extend URL regular expression. twitch Refactor. twitch:stream Switch to GraphQL and reruns. telequebec Add support for brightcove videos. pornhub Extract metadata from JSON-LD. pornhub view count extraction.
2020.09.1415 Sep 2020 00:45 minor feature: postprocessor/embedthumbnail Add support for non jpg/png thumbnails. . rtlnl Extend URL regular expression. youtube empty description extraction. srgssr Extend URL regular expression. googledrive Use redirect URLs for source format. svtplay id extraction. redbulltv Improve support for TV localized URLs. redbulltv Add support for new TV URLs. soundcloud:pagedplaylist Reduce pagination limit.
2020.09.0607 Sep 2020 14:25 minor feature: utils Recognize wav mimetype. nrktv:episode Improve video id extraction. youtube age gate content detection. youtube:user Extend URL regular expression. xhamster Improve initials regular expression. svtplay video id extraction. twitch Rework extractors. Switch to GraphQL Add support for collections Add support for clips and collections playlists . Switch to GraphQL. Add support for collections. Add support for clips and collections playlists. biqle Improve video ext extraction. xhamster extraction. xhamster Extend URL regular expression ).
2020.07.2828 Jul 2020 16:05 minor feature: youtube sigfunc name extraction. youtube Improve description extraction. wistia Restrict embed regular expression. youtube Prevent excess HTTP 301. youtube:playlists Extend URL regular expression. bellmedia Add support for clip URLs. brightcove Improve embed detection.
2020.06.16.116 Jun 2020 11:05 minor feature: youtube Force old layout. youtube categories and improve tags extraction.
2020.06.0606 Jun 2020 12:25 minor feature: tele5 Bypass geo restriction. jwplatform Add support for bypass geo restriction. tele5 Prefer jwplatform over nexx. twitch:stream Expect 400 and 410 HTTP errors from API. twitch:stream extraction. twitch thumbnails extraction. twitch Pass v5 Accept HTTP header. brightcove subtitles extraction. malltv Add support for periscope untitled broadcasts. jwplatform Improve embeds extraction.
2020.05.2929 May 2020 07:05 minor feature: postprocessor/ffmpeg Embed series metadata with --add-metadata. utils file permissions in write_json_file. ard:beta Extend URL regular expression. youtube Add support for more invidious instances. giantbomb Extend URL regular expression. ard Improve URL regular expression. redtube Improve formats extraction and extract m3u8 formats. indavideo Switch to HTTPS for API request. redtube Improve title extraction. vimeo Improve format extraction and sorting. soundcloud Reduce API playlist page limit. youtube Add support for mailru extraction. bellator mgid extraction.
2020.05.0809 May 2020 14:45 minor feature: downloader/http Request last data block of exact remaining size. downloader/http Finish downloading once received data length matches. Expected. extractor/common Use compat_cookiejar_Cookie for _set_cookie to always. Ensure cookie name and value are bytestrings on python 2. compat Introduce compat_cookiejar_Cookie. utils Improve cookie files support. Add support for UTF-8 in cookie files Skip malformed cookie file entries instead of crashing (invalid entry Length, invalid expires at) . Add support for UTF-8 in cookie files. Skip malformed cookie file entries instead of crashing (invalid entry Length, invalid expires at). youtube Improve signature cipher extraction. iprima Improve extraction. uol extraction. orf Add support for more radio stations. dailymotion typo. puhutv Remove no longer available HTTP formats.
2020.05.0303 May 2020 11:25 minor feature: extractor/common Extract multiple JSON-LD entries. options Clarify doc on --exec command. extractor/common Skip malformed ISM manifest XMLs while extracting. ISM formats. crunchyroll and improve extraction. youtube Improve player id extraction. youtube Use redirected video id if any. yahoo GYAO Player extraction and relax URL regular expression. . tvplay Viafree extraction. tenplay Relax URL regular expression. prosiebensat1 Extract series metadata. prosiebensat1 Improve extraction and remove support. prosiebensat1 Remove support. youtube DRM videos detection. thisoldhouse video id extraction. soundcloud Extract AAC format. youtube Skip broken multifeed videos. nova:embed extraction. motherless extraction. twitch:clips Extend URL regular expression. tv4 ISM formats extraction. tele5 extraction. mofosex Add support for generic embeds. youporn Add support for generic embeds. spankwire Add support for generic embeds. spankwire extraction.
2020.03.2424 Mar 2020 12:45 minor feature: utils Revert support for cookie files with spaces used instead of tabs. teachable Update upskillcourses and gns3 domains. generic Look for teachable embeds before wistia. teachable Extract chapter metadata. bilibili Add support for bilibili Add support for new URL schema with BV ids. limelight Remove disabled API requests. soundcloud download URL extraction. cbc:watch Add support for authentication. hellporno extraction. xtube formats extraction. ndr extraction. nhk Update m3u8 URL and use native HLS downloader. nhk Remove obsolete rtmp formats. nhk Relax URL regular expression. vimeo Revert showcase password protected video extraction.
2020.03.0814 Mar 2020 07:25 minor feature: utils Add support for cookie files with spaces. pornhub Add support for youtube Remove outdated code and unnecessary requests. youtube Improve extraction in 429 HTTP error conditions. nhk Update API version.
2020.03.0608 Mar 2020 11:25 minor feature: youtube age-gated videos support without login. vimeo showcase password protected video extraction. pornhub Improve title extraction. peertube Improve extraction. servus Add support for new URL schema. vimeo subtitles URLs.
2020.03.0102 Mar 2020 07:05 minor feature: YoutubeDL Force redirect URL to unicode on python 2. options Remove duplicate short option -v for --version. xhamster extraction. franceculture extraction. telecinco Add support for article opening videos. telecinco extraction. xtube metadata extraction. youjizz extraction. Remove no longer needed compat_str around geturl. pornhd extraction. teachable Add support for multiple videos per lecture. wistia Add support for multiple generic embeds. imdb extraction. tv2dk:bornholm:play extraction.
2020.02.1617 Feb 2020 18:05 minor feature: YoutubeDL playlist entry indexing with --playlist-items. update updating via symlinks. compat Introduce compat_realpath. npr Add support for streams. 24video Add support for jpopsuki Remove extractor. nova Improve extraction. nova:embed Improve. nova:embed extraction. abc:iview Add support for 720p. nytimes Improve format sorting. toggle Add support for thisoldhouse extraction. popcorntimes Add support for sportdeutschland Update to new API. twitch:stream Lowercase channel id for stream request. tv5mondeplus extraction. tva Relax URL regular expression. vimeo album extraction. viewlift Improve extraction. extraction Add support for authentication Add support for more domains . extraction. Add support for authentication. Add support for more domains. svt series extraction. svt article extraction. soundcloud Imporve private playlist/set tracks extraction.
2020.01.2424 Jan 2020 10:05 minor feature: youtube sigfunc name extraction. stretchinternet extraction. voicerepublic extraction. azmedien extraction. businessinsider jwplatform id extraction. 24video Add support for ivi:compilation entries extraction. ard Improve extraction. Simplify extraction Extract age limit and series Bypass geo-restriction . Simplify extraction. Extract age limit and series. Bypass geo-restriction. nbc Add support for nbc multi network URLs. americastestkitchen extraction. zype Improve extraction. Extract subtitles Support URLs with alternative keys/tokens Extract more metadata . Extract subtitles. Support URLs with alternative keys/tokens. Extract more metadata. orf:tvthek Improve geo restricted videos detection. soundcloud Restore previews extraction.
2020.01.1515 Jan 2020 11:45 minor feature: yourporn extraction. canvas Add support for new API endpoint. ndr:base:embed Improve thumbnails extraction. vodplatform Add support for domain. twitter Add support for promo_video_website cards. orf:radio Clean description and improve extraction. orf:fm4 extraction. safari kaltura session extraction. lego extraction and extract subtitle. cloudflarestream Improve extraction. Add support for domain Add support for signed URLs Extract thumbnail . Add support for domain. Add support for signed URLs. Extract thumbnail. naver Improve extraction. Improve geo-restriction handling Extract automatic captions Extract uploader metadata Extract VLive HLS formats Improve metadata extraction . Improve geo-restriction handling. Extract automatic captions. Extract uploader metadata. Extract VLive HLS formats. Improve metadata extraction. pandatv Remove extractor. dctp format extraction. scrippsnetworks Add support for videos. discovery anonymous token extraction. nrktv:seriebase extraction. wistia Improve format extraction and extract subtitles. vice Improve extraction. redtube Detect private videos.
2020.01.0101 Jan 2020 19:45 minor feature: brightcove Invalidate policy key cache on failing requests. pornhub Improve locked videos detection. pornhub Add support for m3u8 formats. pornhub extraction. brightcove Update policy key on failing requests. spankbang Improve removed video detection. spankbang extraction. soundcloud Automatically update client id on failing requests. prosiebensat1 Improve geo restriction handling. brightcove Cache brightcove player policy keys. teachable Fail with error message if no video URL found. teachable Improve locked lessons detection. scrippsnetworks Add support for Scripps Networks sites. mitele extraction. soundcloud Update client id. mailru Relax URL regular expressions.
2019.12.2525 Dec 2019 12:45 minor feature: utils Improve str_to_int. downloader/hls Add ability to override AES decryption key URL. mediaset parse formats. tv2dk:bornholm:play Add support for slideslive Add support for url and vimeo service names. slideslive extraction. twitch:clips extraction. soundcloud Add support for token protected embeds. vk Improve extraction. User Videos extraction Extract all videos for lists with more than 1000 videos Add support for video albums . User Videos extraction. Extract all videos for lists with more than 1000 videos. Add support for video albums. kontrtube Remove extractor. videopremium Remove extractor. musicplayon Remove extractor. ufctv Add support for and. twitch Extract m3u8 formats frame rate. imggaming Add support for playlists and extract subtitles. ufcarabia Add support for UFC Arabia. ufctv extraction. yahoo gyao brightcove player id. vzaar Override AES decryption key URL. vzaar Add support for AES HLS manifests. nrl extraction. teachingchannel extraction. nintendo extraction and partially add support for Nintendo Direct. videos. ooyala Add better fallback values for domain and streams variables. youtube Add support tv2 Detect DRM protection. tv2 Add support for and tv2 article extraction. msn Improve extraction. Add support for YouTube and NBCSports embeds Add support for articles with multiple videos Improve AOL embed support Improve format extraction . Add support for YouTube and NBCSports embeds. Add support for articles with multiple videos. Improve AOL embed support. Improve format extraction. abcotvs Relax URL regular expression and improve metadata extraction. . channel9 Reduce response size. adobetv Improve extaction. Use OnDemandPagedList for list extractors Reduce show extraction requests Extract original video format and subtitles Add sup
2019.11.2829 Nov 2019 12:45 minor feature: utils Add generic caesar cipher and rot47. utils Handle rd-sufday parts in unified_strdate. vimeo Improve extraction. review extraction ondemand extraction Make password protected player case as an expected error Simplify channel based extractors code . review extraction. ondemand extraction. Make password protected player case as an expected error. Simplify channel based extractors code. openload Remove extractor. verystream Remove extractor. streamango Remove extractor. dailymotion Improve extraction. Extract http formats included in m3u8 manifest user extraction Add suport for User Authentication password protected videos extraction Respect age limit option and family filter cookie value Handle video url playlist query param Report allowed countries for geo-restricted videos . Extract http formats included in m3u8 manifest. user extraction. Add suport for User Authentication. password protected videos extraction. Respect age limit option and family filter cookie value. Handle video url playlist query param. Report allowed countries for geo-restricted videos. corus Improve extraction. Add support for Series Plus, W Network, YTV, ABC Spark, and Add support for self hosted videos Detect DRM protection . Add support for Series Plus, W Network, YTV, ABC Spark, and Add support for self hosted videos. Detect DRM protection. vivo extraction. bitchute Extract upload date. soundcloud Update client id.
2019.11.2222 Nov 2019 07:05 minor feature: extractor/common Clean jwplayer description HTML tags. extractor/common Add data, headers and query to all major extract formats. methods. chaturbate extraction. ntvru Add support for non relative file URLs. vk wall audio thumbnails extraction. ivi format extraction. comcarcoff Remove extractor. drtv Add support for new URL schema. nexx Add support for Multi Player JS Setup. teamcoco Add support for new videos. soundcloud Check if the soundtrack has downloads left. facebook posts video data extraction. addanime Remove extractor. minhateca Remove extractor. daisuki Remove extractor. seeker extraction. revision3 Remove extractors. twitch video comments URL. twitter Improve extraction. Add support for generic embeds Always extract http formats for native videos Add support for Twitter Broadcasts Extract more metadata Improve VMap format extraction Unify extraction code for both twitter statuses and cards . Add support for generic embeds. Always extract http formats for native videos. Add support for Twitter Broadcasts. Extract more metadata. Improve VMap format extraction. Unify extraction code for both twitter statuses and cards. twitch Add support for Clip embed URLs. lnkgo extraction. mixcloud Improve extraction. Improve metadata extraction playlist extraction user mixes extraction . Improve metadata extraction. playlist extraction. user mixes extraction. kinja Add support for Kinja embeds. onionstudios extraction. hotstar Pass Referer header to format requests. dplay Minimize response size. patreon Extract uploader_id and filesize. patreon Minimize response size. roosterteeth login request.
2019.11.0505 Nov 2019 17:45 minor feature: scte Add support for msn Add support for Vidible and AOL embeds. myspass video URL extraction and improve metadata extraction. jamendo Improve extraction. album extraction Improve metadata extraction . album extraction. Improve metadata extraction. mediaset Relax URL guid matching. mediaset Extract unprotected M3U and MPD manifests. telegraaf extraction. bellmedia Add support for videos. stv extraction. iconosquare Remove extractor. keek Remove extractor. gameone Remove extractor. flipagram Remove extractor. bambuser Remove extractor. wistia Reduce embed extraction false positives. wistia Add support for inline embeds. go90 Remove extractor. kakao Remove raw request. kakao Extract format total bitrate. daum VOD and Clip extracton. kakao Improve extraction. Add support for embed URLs Add support for Kakao Legacy vid based embed URLs Only extract fields used for extraction Strip description and extract tags . Add support for embed URLs. Add support for Kakao Legacy vid based embed URLs. Only extract fields used for extraction. Strip description and extract tags. mixcloud cloudcast data extraction. yahoo Improve extraction. Add support for live streams Bypass cookie consent page for european domains Add generic support for embeds . Add support for live streams. Bypass cookie consent page for european domains. Add generic support for embeds. tv2 and improve extraction. tv2dk Add support for TV2 DK sites. onet Improve extraction . Add support for Extract m3u8 formats Correct audio only format info . Add support for Extract m3u8 formats. Correct audio only format info. fox9 extraction.
2019.10.2929 Oct 2019 23:45 minor feature: utils Actualize major IPv4 address blocks per country. go Add support for and mtv Add support for mtv extraction for videodetective extraction. internetvideoarchive extraction. nbcnews extraction. hark Remove extractor. tutv Remove extractor. learnr Remove extractor. macgamestore Remove extractor. la7 Update Kaltura service URL. thesun extraction. makertv Remove extractor. tenplay Add support for soundcloud Improve extraction. Improve format extraction Extract uploader_id and uploader_url Extract all known thumbnails extration for private playlists Add support for playlist embeds Skip preview formats . Improve format extraction. Extract uploader_id and uploader_url. Extract all known thumbnails. extration for private playlists. Add support for playlist embeds. Skip preview formats. dplay Improve extraction. Add support for, and extraction Extract creator, tags and thumbnails Handle playback API call errors . Add support for, and extraction. Extract creator, tags and thumbnails. Handle playback API call errors. discoverynetworks Add support for vk Improve extraction. Add support for Odnoklassniki embeds Extract more videos from user lists wall post audio extraction Improve error detection . Add support for Odnoklassniki embeds. Extract more videos from user lists. wall post audio extraction. Improve error detection. odnoklassniki Add support for embeds. puhutv Improve extraction. subtitles extraction Transform HLS URLs to HTTP URLs Improve metadata extraction . subtitles extraction. Transform HLS URLs to HTTP URLs. Improve metadata extraction. ceskatelevize Skip DRM media. facebook Extract subtitles. globo Handle alternative hash signing method.
2019.10.2222 Oct 2019 15:25 minor feature: utils Improve subtitles_filename. facebook Bypass download rate limits. contv Add support for viewster Remove extractor. xfileshare Improve extractor. Update the list of domains Add support for aa-encoded video data Improve jwplayer format extraction Add support for Clappr sources . Update the list of domains. Add support for aa-encoded video data. Improve jwplayer format extraction. Add support for Clappr sources. mangomolo video format extraction and add support for player URLs. audioboom Improve metadata extraction. twitch Update VOD URL matching. mit Remove support for servingsys Remove extractor. dumpert extraction. atresplayer extraction.
2019.10.1616 Oct 2019 15:05 minor feature: extractor/common Make _is_valid_url more relaxed. vimeo Improve album videos id extraction. globo Extract subtitles. bokecc Improve player params extraction. nexx Handle result list. vimeo VHX embed extraction. nbc Switch to graphql API. vessel Remove extractor. promptfile Remove extractor. kaltura service URL extraction. kaltura embed info strip. globo format extraction. redtube Improve metadata extraction. pornhub:uservideos:upload extraction. telequebec:squat Add support for wimp Remove extractor. gfycat Extend URL regular expression. chaturbate Extend URL regular expression. peertube Update instances. telequebec Add support for xvideos Extend URL regular expression. youtube Remove support for openload Add support for nrktv:seriebase extraction. youtube Add support for orf:tvthek Make manifest requests non fatal. teachable Skip login when already logged in. viewlift Improve extraction. nonktube extraction.
2019.09.2828 Sep 2019 17:05 minor feature: YoutubeDL Honour all --get- options with --flat-playlist. vk extraction. heise kaltura embeds extraction. ted Check for resources validity and extract subtitled downloads. youtube Add support for. Owxfohz4kjyv25fvlqilyxast7inivgiktls3th44jhk3ej3i7ya.b32.i2p. nhk Add support for clips. nhk video extraction. byutv extraction. openload Add support for youtube Add support for jwplatfom Do not match video URLs. youtube:playlist Unescape playlist uploader. bilibili Add support audio albums and songs. instagram Add support for tv URLs. mixcloud Allow uppercase letters in format URLs. brightcove Delegate all supported legacy URLs to new extractor. hotstar Use native HLS downloader by default. hotstar Extract more formats. 9now extraction. zdf Bypass geo restriction. tv4 Extract series metadata. tv4 extraction.
2019.09.12.112 Sep 2019 16:05 minor feature: youtube Remove quality and tbr for itag 43.
2019.09.0101 Sep 2019 16:25 minor feature: extractor/generic Add support for squarespace embeds. downloader/external Respect mtime option for aria2c. xhamster:user Add support for user pages. xhamster Add support for more domains. verystream Add support for dailymotion Add support for openload Add support for bbccouk Extend URL regular expression. youtube Add support for and safari authentication. usanetwork extraction. einthusan Add support for youtube Improve unavailable message extraction. piksel Extract subtitles.
2019.08.1314 Aug 2019 07:05 minor feature: downloader/fragment ETA calculation of resumed download. YoutubeDL Check annotations availability. youtube:playlist Improve flat extraction. youtube annotations extraction. discovery Extract series meta field. youtube Improve error detection. vimeo album extraction. roosterteeth Add support for watch URLs. discovery Limit video data by show slug.
2019.08.0202 Aug 2019 15:05 minor feature: tvigle Add support for HLS and DASH formats. tvigle extraction. yandexvideo Add support for DASH formats. discovery Use API call for video data extraction. mgtv Extract format_note. tvn24 metadata extraction. dlive Relax URL regular expression. openload Add support for youtube Improve metadata extraction for age gate content.
2019.07.2727 Jul 2019 03:16 minor feature: yahoo:japannews Add support for discovery Add support URLs. youtube:playlist Relax video regular expression. generic Restrict --default-search schemeless URLs detection pattern. . vrv CMS signing query extraction.
2019.07.1618 Jul 2019 19:25 minor feature: asiancrush Add support for, and . kaltura Check source format URL. ctsnews YouTube embeds extraction. einthusan Add support for youtube Add support for gfycat Extend URL regular expression. youtube Restrict is_live extraction.
2019.07.1212 Jul 2019 10:05 minor feature: adobepass Add support for AT T U-verse (mso ATT). mgtv Pass Referer HTTP header for format URLs. beeg Add support for api/v6 v2 URLs without t argument. voxmedia:volume Improvevox embed extraction. funnyordie Move extraction to VoxMedia extractor. gameinformer extraction. funk extraction. packtpub Relax lesson URL regular expression. packtpub extraction. philharmoniedeparis Relax URL regular expression. peertube Detect embed URLs in generic extraction. mixer:vod Relax URL regular expression. lecturio Add support id based URLs. go Add site info for disneynow. ted Restrict info regular expression. twitch:vod Actualize m3u8 URL. vzaar videos with empty title. tvland extraction. arte Clean extractor.
2019.07.0204 Jul 2019 19:05 minor feature: utils Introduce random_user_agent and use as default User-Agent. vevo Add support for URLs. openload Add support for xiami Update API base URL. yourporn extraction. acast Add support for URLs with episode id. dailymotion Add support for DM.player embeds. soundcloud Update client id.
2019.06.2728 Jun 2019 06:45 minor feature: go Add support for mixer:vod Relax URL regular expression. drtv Relax URL regular expression. fusion extraction. nfb Remove extractor. beeg Add support for api/v6 v2 URLs. brightcove:new Add support for playlists. openload Add support for vimeo:channel,group Make title extraction non fatal. vimeo:likes Implement extrator in terms of channel extractor. pornhub Add support for more paged video sources. pornhub Add support for downloading single pages and search pages. pornhub Rework extractors. youtube Add another signature function pattern. tf1 extraction. crunchyroll Move Accept-Language workaround to video extractor since. it causes playlists not to list any videos. crunchyroll:playlist and relax title extraction.
2019.06.2122 Jun 2019 09:45 minor feature: utils Restrict parse_codecs and add theora as known vcodec. youtube Update signature function patterns. youtube Make --write-annotations non fatal. sixplay Add support for youtube Hardcode codec metadata for av01 video only formats. toutv Update client key. biqle Add support for new embed domain. cbs Improve DRM protected videos detection.
2019.06.0808 Jun 2019 03:16 minor feature: downloader/common Improve rate limit. utils Improve strip_or_none. extractor/common Strip src attribute for HTML5 entries code. ted playlist extraction. vlive:playlist video extraction when no playlist is found. vlive Add CH+ support. openload Add support for tvnow Extract HD formats. redbulltv Add support for rrn:content URLs. youtube average rating extraction. bitchute Extract HTML5 formats. cbsnews extraction. vvvvid Relax URL regular expression. prosiebensat1 Add support for new API. vrv Extract adaptive_hls formats. viki Switch to HTTPS. LiveLeak Check if the original videos exist. rtp extraction. youtube Improve DRM protected videos detection. srgssrplay Add support for popupvideoplayer URLs. 24video Add support for 24video Add support for pornflip Remove extractor. criterion Remove extractor. pornhub Use HTTPS. bitchute uploader extraction. streamcloud Reduce waiting time to 6 seconds. novamov Remove extractors. openload Add support for vivo extraction.
2019.05.2021 May 2019 07:05 minor feature: extractor/common Move workaround for applying first Set-Cookie header. Into a separate _apply_first_set_cookie_header method. safari authentication. vk Use _apply_first_set_cookie_header. vrt extraction. canvas Add support for vrtnieuws and sporza site ids and extract. AES HLS formats. vrv Extract captions. tele5 Improve video id extraction. tele5 Relax URL regular expression. svtplay Update API URL. yahoo:gyao Add X-User-Agent header to dam proxy requests.
2019.05.1111 May 2019 03:15 minor feature: utils Transliterate "รพ" as "th". cloudflarestream Add support for byutv Add support for DVR videos. gfycat Add support for URLs with tags. openload Add support for youtube Use sp field value for signature field name. yahoo:gyao Extend URL regular expression. youtube channel id extraction. sky Add support for youtube:entrylistbase Retry on 5xx HTTP errors. francetvinfo Extend video id extraction. 4tube Update token hosts. hotstar Move to API v2. fox API error handling under python 2. redbulltv Extend URL regular expression.
2019.04.3030 Apr 2019 14:25 minor feature: openload Use real Chrome versions. youtube Remove info el for get_video_info request. youtube Improve extraction robustness. dramafever Remove extractor. adn subtitle extraction. ccc Extract creator. ccc:playlist Add support for playlists. sverigesradio Add support for cinemax Add support for sixplay Try extracting non-DRM protected manifests. youtube Extract Youtube Music Auto-generated metadata. wrzuta Remove extractor. twitch Prefer source format. twitcasting Add support for private videos. reddit Validate thumbnail URL. yandexmusic track URL extraction.
2019.04.2424 Apr 2019 18:25 minor feature: youtube extraction. toutv extraction and extract series info. vrv Add support for movie listings. youtube Print error when no data is available. soundcloud Add support for new rendition and improve extraction. ooyala Add support for geo verification proxy. nrl Add support for vimeo Extract live archive source format. vimeo Add support for live streams and improve info extraction. ntvcojp Add support for nhk Extract RTMPT format. nhk Add support for audio URLs. udemy Add another course id extraction pattern. openload Add support for openload Add support for bravotv extraction.
2019.04.1717 Apr 2019 07:25 minor feature: openload Randomize User-Agent. openload Add support for oladblock domains. adn subtitle extraction. aol Add support for localized websites. yahoo Add support GYAO episode URLs. yahoo Add support for yahoo Add support for aenetworks history topic extraction and extract more formats. cbs Extract smpte and vtt subtitles. streamango Add support for yourporn Add support for mgtv extraction. linkedin:learning Use urljoin for form action URL. gdc Add support for kaltura embeds. dispeak Improve mp4 bitrate extraction. kaltura Sanitize embed URLs. jwplatfom Do not match manifest URLs. aol Restrict URL regular expression and improve format extraction. tiktok Add support for new URL schema. stv:player Add support for
2019.04.0708 Apr 2019 08:45 minor feature: downloader/external Pass rtmp_conn to ffmpeg. ruutu Add support for audio podcasts. xvideos Extract all thumbnails. platzi Add support for dvtv extraction. vrv Add basic support for individual movie links. bfi:player Add support for hbo extraction and extract subtitles. youtube Extract srv 1-3 subtitle formats. adultswim extraction. teamcoco extraction and add suport for subdomains. adn subtitle compatibility with ffmpeg. adn extraction and add support for positioning styles. vk Use unique video id. newstube extraction. rtl2 Actualize extraction. adobeconnect Add support for gaia Add support for authentication. mediasite Add support for dashed ids and named catalogs.
2019.04.0102 Apr 2019 12:45 minor feature: utils Improve int_or_none and float_or_none. Check for valid --min-sleep-interval when --max-sleep-interval is specified . weibo Extend URL regular expression. xhamster Add support for mediasite Add support for catalogs. teamtreehouse Add support for ina Add support for audio URLs. ina Improve extraction. cwtv episode number extraction. npo Improve DRM detection. pornhub Add support for DASH formats. svtplay Update API endpoint.
2019.03.1818 Mar 2019 06:25 minor feature: extractor/common Improve HTML5 entries extraction. utils Introduce parse_bitrate. update Hide update URLs behind redirect. extractor/common url meta field for unfragmented DASH formats. yandexvideo Add extractor. openload Improve embed detection. corus Add support for orf:radio Extract series. cbc:watch Add support for anysex Remove extractor. ciscolive Add support for new URL schema. youtube Add support for anitube Remove extractor. ruleporn Remove extractor. npr extraction. biqle extraction. viddler Modernize. moevideo extraction. primesharetv Remove extractor. hypem Modernize and extract more metadata. veoh extraction. escapist Modernize. videomega Remove extractor. beeg Add support for vimeo:review Improve config url extraction and extract original format. . fox Detect geo restriction and authentication errors.
2019.03.0909 Mar 2019 07:05 minor feature: extractor/common Use compat_etree_Element. compat Introduce compat_etree_Element. extractor/common Fallback url to base URL for DASH formats. extractor/common Do not fail on invalid data while parsing F4M manifest. in non fatal mode. extractor/common Return MPD manifest as format's url meta field. utils Strip #HttpOnly_ prefrom cookies files. francetv:site Relax video id regular expression. toutv Detect invalid login error. toutv authentication. urplay Extract timestamp. openload Add support for facebook Improve uploader extraction. bbc Use compat_etree_Element. crunchyroll Use compat_etree_Element. npo Improve ISM extraction. rai Improve extraction. paramountnetwork mgid extraction. libsyn Improve extraction. youtube Add more invidious instances to URL regular expression. spankbang extraction. espn Extend URL regular expression. sixplay Handle videos with empty assets. vimeo Add support for Vimeo Pro portfolio protected videos.
2019.03.0101 Mar 2019 06:45 minor feature: downloader/external Add support for rate limit and retries for wget. downloader/external infinite retries for curl. npo extraction. francetv:site Extend video id regex. periscope Extract width and height. servus extraction. bbccouk Make subtitles non fatal. metacafe family filter bypass.
2019.02.1818 Feb 2019 10:45 minor feature: tvp:website and improve extraction. tvp Detect unavailable videos. tvp description extraction and make thumbnail optional. linuxacademy Add support for bilibili Update keys. udemy Extend URL regular expressions. udemy Update User-Agent and detect captcha. noovo extraction. rai Relax URL regular expression. vshare Pass Referer to download request. openload Add support for imgur Use video id as title fallback. twitch Add new source format detection approach. tvplayhome video id extraction. tvplayhome episode metadata extraction. rutube:embed extraction. rutube:embed Add support private videos. soundcloud Extract more metadata. trunews Add support for linkedin:learning Extract chapter_number and chapter_id.
2019.02.0808 Feb 2019 12:45 minor feature: utils Improve JSON-LD regular expression. YoutubeDL Fallback to ie_key of matching extractor while making. Download archive id when no explicit ie_key is provided. malltv Add support for spankbang:playlist Add support for playlists. spankbang Extend URL regular expression. trutv extraction. toutv authentication. pornhub tags and categories extraction. pornhd formats extraction. pornhd Extract like count. radiocanada Switch to the new media requests. teachable Add support for vporn Remove extractor. soundcloud:pagedplaylist Add ie and title to entries. drtuber Extract duration. soundcloud paged playlists extraction, add support for albums and update client id. soundcloud Update client id. drtv Improve preference. openload Add support for and openload Add support for crackle Authorize media detail request.
2019.01.30.131 Jan 2019 03:18 minor feature: postprocessor/ffmpeg avconv processing broken in #19025.
2019.01.2425 Jan 2019 14:25 minor feature: YoutubeDL negation for string operators in format selection.
2019.01.1719 Jan 2019 12:45 minor feature: youtube Extend JS player signature function name regular expressions. .
2019.01.1013 Jan 2019 06:25 minor feature: extractor/common Use episode name as title in _json_ld. extractor/common Add support for movies in _json_ld. postprocessor/ffmpeg Embed subtitles with non-standard language codes. . utils Add language codes replaced in 1989 revision of ISO 639. to ISO639Utils. youtube Extract live HLS URL from player response. outsidetv Add support for jwplatform Use JW Platform Delivery API V2 and add support for more URLs. fox Add support National Geographic. playplustv Add support for globo Set GLBID cookie manually. gaia Add support for youporn title and description extraction. hungama Add support for dtube extraction. tvnow and rework extractors and prepare for a switch to the new API. . carambatv:page extraction.
2019.01.0207 Jan 2019 19:25 minor feature: discovery Use geo verification headers. packtpub Add support for yourporn extraction. acast:channel Add support for extractors Add missing age limits. rmcdecouverte Add support for live stream. rmcdecouverte Bypass geo restriction. rmcdecouverte Update URL regular expression. manyvids extraction. bitchute extraction.
2018.12.3101 Jan 2019 09:45 minor feature: bbc Add support for another embed pattern. npo:live Add support for beeg extraction. youtube Unescape HTML for series. youtube Extract more format metadata. youtube Detect DRM protected videos. youtube Relax HTML5 player regular expressions. youtube Extend HTML5 player regular expression. liveleak Add support for another embed type and restore original. Format extraction. crackle Extract ISM and HTTP formats. twitter Pass Referer with card request. mediasite Extend URL regular expression. lecturio Add support for discovery Add support for Scripps Networks watch domains.
2018.12.1717 Dec 2018 13:05 minor feature: ard:beta Improve geo restricted videos extraction. ard:beta subtitles extraction. ard:beta Improve extraction robustness. ard:beta Relax URL regular expression. acast Add support for and iprima Relax URL regular expression. vrv initial state extraction. youtube mark watched. safari Add support for youtube multifeed extraction. lecturio Improve subtitles extraction. uol format URL extraction. ard:mediathek Add support for
2018.12.0910 Dec 2018 17:05 minor feature: YoutubeDL Keep session cookies in cookie file between runs. YoutubeDL Recognize session cookies with expired set to 0. teachable Add support for teachable platform sites. aenetworks Add support for imgur Improve gallery and album detection and extraction. iprima Relax URL regular expression. hotstar video data extraction. ard:mediathek title and description extraction. xvideos Switch to HTTPS. lecturio Add support for nrktv:series Add support for extra materials. nrktv:season,series extraction. nrktv Relax URL regular expression. yourporn extraction. tbs info extraction. gamespot Add support for review URLs.
2018.12.0303 Dec 2018 03:19 minor feature: utils random_birthday to generate existing dates only. tiktok Add support for pornhub Use actual URL host for requests. lynda authentication. gfycat Update API endpoint. hotstar Add support for alternative app state layout. azmedien extraction. vimeo Add support for VHX (Vimeo OTT). joj extraction. wistia Add support for
2018.11.2324 Nov 2018 12:05 minor feature: Add more relevant classifiers. mixcloud Fallback to hardcoded decryption key. nbc:news article extraction. foxsports extraction. loc Relax regular expression and improve formats extraction. ciscolive Add support for nzz Relax kaltura regex. sixplay formats extraction. bitchute Improve title extraction. kaltura Limit requested MediaEntry fields. americastestkitchen Add support for zype embeds. pornhub Add alias. nova:embed extraction.
2018.11.1818 Nov 2018 11:25 minor feature: wwe Extract subtitles. wwe Add support for playlistst. wwe Add support for vk Detect geo restriction. openload Use original host during extraction. atvat extraction. rte Add support for new API endpoint. tnaflixnetwork:embed extraction. picarto Use API and add token support. zype Add support for vivo extraction. ruutu Update API endpoint.
2018.11.0710 Nov 2018 12:25 minor feature: youtube Add another JS signature function name regex. facebook tahoe request. cliphunter extraction. youtube:playlist Add support for zattoo Arrange API hosts for derived extractors. youtube Add fallback metadata extraction from videoDetails.
2018.11.0304 Nov 2018 15:25 minor feature: extractor/common Ensure response handle is not prematurely before. it can be read if it matches expected_status. laola1tv:embed Set correct stream access URL scheme. ehftv Add support for azmedien Adopt to major site redesign. twitcasting Add support for orf:tvthek extraction. openload Add support for njpwworld authentication. linkedin:learning Add support for theplatform Improve error detection. cnbc Simplify extraction. cbnc Add support for new URL schema. aparat Improve extraction and extract more metadata. aparat extraction.
2018.10.2929 Oct 2018 06:25 minor feature: extractor/common Add validation for JSON-LD URLs. sportbox Add support for sportbox extraction. screencast extraction. openload Add support for ivi Add support for crunchyroll Improve extraction failsafeness. dailymail formats extraction. viewster Reduce format requests. cwtv Handle API errors. rutube Use geo verification headers. brightcove:legacy Add fallbacks to brightcove:new. tv3 Remove extractor. ted extraction for HTTP and RTMP formats. openload Add support for patreon Extract post_file URL. patreon extraction.
2018.10.0505 Oct 2018 03:16 minor feature: pluralsight Improve authentication. dailymotion extraction. crunchyroll Switch to HTTPS for RpcApi. philharmoniedeparis Add support for philharmoniedeparis extraction. jamendo Add support for openload Add support for pluralsight subtitles extraction. vimeo Add another config regular expression. spike Paramount Network extraction. hotstar extraction.
2018.09.2627 Sep 2018 11:05 minor feature: pluralsight subtitles extraction. mediaset Improve embed support. youtube Add support for zattoo Add support for more zattoo platform sites. zattoo extraction.
2018.09.1821 Sep 2018 11:45 minor feature: extractor/common Introduce channel meta fields. adobepass Don't pollute default headers dict. udemy Don't pollute default headers dict. twitch Don't pollute default headers dict. youtube Don't pollute default query dict. crunchyroll Prefer hardsubless formats and formats in locale language. vrv Make format ids deterministic. vimeo ondemand playlist extraction. pornhub Extract upload date. porntube Extract channel meta fields. vimeo Extract channel meta fields. youtube Extract channel meta fields. porntube extraction. asiancrush extraction. twitch:clips Extend URL regular expression. vzaar Add support for HLS. tube8 metadata extraction. eporner Extract JSON-LD.
2018.09.1015 Sep 2018 18:25 minor feature: utils Properly recognize AV1 codec. iprima Add support for tele5 Add support for nbc extraction of percent encoded URLs.
2018.09.0809 Sep 2018 05:05 minor feature: youtube extraction. pornhub:uservideos Add support for new URLs. iprima Confirm adult check. slideslive Make check for video service name case-insensitive. radiojavan extraction. generic Skip unsuccessful jwplayer extraction.
2018.09.0103 Sep 2018 07:05 minor feature: utils Skip remote IP addresses non matching to source address' IP version. When creating a connection. ard Add support for niconico extraction on python3. ard Extract f4m formats. crunchyroll Parse vilos media data. ard Add support for Beta ARD Mediathek. bandcamp Extract more metadata. internazionale extraction of non-available-abroad videos.
2018.08.2828 Aug 2018 07:05 minor feature: youtube:playlist Add support for music album playlists (OLAK5uy_ pre). . bitchute extraction by pass custom User-Agent. webofstories:playlist extraction. tvplayhome Add support for new tvplay URLs. generic Allow relative src for videojs embeds. xfileshare Add support for vidzi Add support for nova:embed Add support for
2018.08.2222 Aug 2018 05:25 minor feature: utils Use pure browser header for User-Agent. kinopoisk Add support for yourporn Add support for go Add support for 6play Add support for anvato Fallback to generic API key for access-key-to-API-key lookup. . lci extraction. bbccouk Extend id URL regular expression. cwtv extraction. nova extraction. generic Add support for expressen embeds. raywenderlich Adapt to site redesign. redbulltv Add support tv URLs. bitchute Add support for clyp Add support for token protected media. imdb extension extraction.
2018.08.0404 Aug 2018 12:05 minor feature: funk:channel Improve byChannelAlias extraction. twitch authentication. twitch:vod Improve URL regular expression. watchbox extraction. pbs extraction. theplatform Relax URL regular expression. viqeo Add support for
2018.07.2929 Jul 2018 17:05 minor feature: crunchyroll:playlist Restrict URL regular expression. pornhub Add support for subtitles. ceskatelevize Use https for API call. dailymotion:playlist extraction. ted Improve extraction. ted extraction for videos without nativeDownloads. telecinco extraction. mitele Reduce number of requests. rai Return non HTTP relinker URL intact. vk extraction for inline only videos. streamcloud extraction. facebook tahoe player extraction with authentication. puhutv Add support for
2018.07.2122 Jul 2018 07:45 minor feature: utils Introduce url_or_none. utils Allow JSONP without function name. extractor/common Extract DASH and MSS formats from SMIL manifests. bbc Add support for BBC Radio Play pages. iwara download URLs. vrtnu Relax title extraction and extract JSON-LD. viu Pass Referer and Origin headers and area id. vimeo Add another config regular expression. facebook Extract view count. dailymotion Improve description extraction. slutload and improve extraction. mediaset extraction. theplatform Add support for theplatform TLD customization. imgur Relax URL regular expression. pornhub Improve extraction and extract all formats.
2018.07.1012 Jul 2018 03:19 minor feature: utils Share JSON-LD regular expression. downloader/dash Improve error handling. nrktv Add support for new season and serie URL schema. nrktv Add support for new episode URL schema. frontendmasters Add support for funk extraction. watchbox extraction. dplayit Sort formats. dplayit extraction. youtube Improve login error handling.
2018.07.0406 Jul 2018 10:25 minor feature: extractor/common Properly escape in MPD templates. extractor/common Use source URL as Referer for HTML5 entries (16849). Prefer ffmpeg over avconv by default. pluralsight Switch to graphql. lynda Simplify login and improve error capturing. go90 Add support for embed URLs. go90 Detect geo restriction error and pass geo verification headers. . vlive live streams extraction. npo typo. mediaset Add support for new videos and extract all formats. dctptv Restore extraction based on REST API. svt Improve extraction and add support for pages. porncom extraction.
2018.06.2530 Jun 2018 11:45 minor feature: joj Relax URL regular expression. brightcove Workaround sonyliv DRM protected videos. motherless extraction. itv Make SOAP request non fatal and extract metadata from webpage. foxnews:insider Remove extractor. foxnews Add support for iframe embeds.
2018.06.1925 Jun 2018 00:05 minor feature: extractor/common Introduce expected_status in download methods. For convenient accept of HTTP requests failed with non 2xx status codes. compat Introduce compat_integer_types. peertube Improve generic support. 6play Use geo verification headers. rtbf extraction for python 3.2. vgtv Improve HLS formats extraction. vgtv Add support for URLs. bbccouk Use expected_status. markiza Expect 500 HTTP status code. tvnow Try all clear manifest URLs.
2018.06.1818 Jun 2018 10:25 minor feature: downloader/rtmp downloading in verbose mode. markiza Add support for wat Try all supported adaptive URLs. 6play Add support for and extract hd usp formats. rtbf Add support for audio and live streams. rtbf Extract HLS, DASH and all HTTP formats. rtbf Extract subtitles. rtbf up specific HTTP URLs. expressen Add support for vidzi extraction. pbs Improve extraction. bilibili Restrict cid regular expression.
2018.06.1112 Jun 2018 06:45 minor feature: npo Extend URL regular expression and add support for inc Add support for another embed schema. tv4 format extraction. nexx Add support for free cdn. pbs Add another cove id pattern. rbmaradio Add support for 192k format.
2018.06.0406 Jun 2018 10:25 minor feature: camtube Add support for twitter:card Extract guest token. chaturbate Use geo verification headers. bbc Add support for bbcthree. youtube Move metadata extraction after video availability check. youtube Extract track and artist. safari Add support for new URL schema. adn extraction.
2018.05.3001 Jun 2018 03:19 minor feature: downloader/rtmp Generalize download messages and report time elapsed. on finish. downloader/rtmp Gracefully handle live streams interrupted by user. teamcoco extraction for full episodes. spiegel info extraction. apa Add support for bellmedia Add support for 9c9media Extract MPD formats and subtitles. cammodels Use geo verification headers. ufctv Add support for authentication. cammodels Add support for utils style id extraction for namespaced id attribute in dfxp2srt. . soundcloud Detect format extension. cbc playlist title extraction. tumblr Detect and report sensitive media. tumblr Add support for authentication.
2018.05.2627 May 2018 03:16 minor feature: utils Improve parse_age_limit. audiomack Stringify video id. izlesene extraction. indavideo Add support for generic embeds. indavideo extraction. indavideo Sign download URLs. peertube Add support for PeerTube based sites. imgur extraction. hidive Add support for authentication. nbc Add support for viewlift Add support for go90 Extract age limit and detect DRM protection. viewlift extraction for globo Improve extraction. Add support for authentication Simplify URL signing Extract DASH and MSS formats . Add support for authentication. Simplify URL signing. Extract DASH and MSS formats. leeco extraction. teamcoco Add fallback for format extraction. teamcoco Improve URL regular expression. imdb Improve extraction.
2018.05.1818 May 2018 07:25 minor feature: vimeo:likes Relax URL regular expression and single page likes. extraction. pluralsight clip id extraction. mychannels Add support for moniker Remove extractor. pbs embed data extraction. mtv Add support for and youtube hd720 format position. dailymotion Remove fragment part from m3u8 URLs. 3sat Improve extraction. Extract all formats Extract more format metadata Improve format sorting Use hls native downloader Detect and bypass geo-restriction . Extract all formats. Extract more format metadata. Improve format sorting. Use hls native downloader. Detect and bypass geo-restriction. dtube Add support for options typo. youtube Improve format filesize extraction. youtube Make uploader extraction non fatal. youtube extraction for embed restricted live streams. nbc Improve info extraction. twitch:clips extraction. redditr Relax URL regular expression. mixcloud Bypass throttling for HTTP formats. nick Add support for teamcoco extraction.
2018.05.0909 May 2018 13:45 minor feature: YoutubeDL Ensure ext exists for automatic captions. Introduce --geo-bypass-ip-block. udemy Extract asset captions. udemy Extract stream URLs. businessinsider Add support for cloudflarestream Add support for watchbox extraction. discovery Extract Affiliate/Anonymous Auth Token from cookies. itv:btcc Add support for tunein Use live title for live streams. itv Improve extraction.
2018.05.0101 May 2018 17:25 minor feature: downloader/fragment Restart download if.ytdl file is corrupt. extractor/common Extract interaction statistic. utils Add merge_dicts. extractor/common Add _download_json_handle. kaltura Improve iframe embeds detection. udemy Extract outputs renditions. zattoo Add support for and yandexmusic Convert release_year to int. udemy Override _download_webpage_handle instead of _download_webpage. xiami Override _download_webpage_handle instead of _download_webpage. yandexmusic Override _download_webpage_handle instead of _download_webpage. youtube Correctly disable polymer on all requests. generic Prefer enclosures over links in RSS feeds. redditr Add support for URLs. nrktv Update API host. imdb Extract all formats. vimeo Extract JSON-LD. funk:channel Improve extraction.
2018.04.2525 Apr 2018 13:05 minor feature: utils match_str for boolean meta fields. Makefile Add support for pandoc 2 and disable smart extension. YoutubeDL typo in media extension compatibility checker. openload Recognize IPv6 stream URLs. twitch Extract is_live according to status. pornflip Relax URL regular expression. etonline Remove extractor. breakcom extraction. youtube Add ability to authenticate with cookies. youtube:feed Implement lazy playlist extraction. svt Add support for TV channel live streams. ccma video extraction. rentv extraction. nick Add support for extremetube metadata extraction. keezmovies Add support for generic embeds. nexx Extract new azure URLs. cbssports extraction. kaltura Improve embeds detection. instagram:user extraction. cbs Skip DRM asset types.
2018.04.1616 Apr 2018 06:25 minor feature: smotri:broadcast extraction. picarto Add support for vine:user extraction. pornhub Relax URL regular expression. cbc:watch Re-acquire device token when expired. fxnetworks Add support for https theplatform URLs. instagram:user Add request signing. twitch Add support for mobile URLs.
2018.04.0909 Apr 2018 20:05 minor feature: YoutubeDL Do not save/restore console title while simulate. extractor/common Relax JSON-LD context check. generic Add support for tube8 embeds. generic Add support for embeds. odnoklassniki Extend URL regular expression. steam Bypass mature content check. acast Extract more metadata. acast extraction. instagram:user extraction. drtuber title extraction. liveleak Extend URL regular expression. openload Add support for openload Relax stream URL regular expression. openload extraction. svtplay:series Add support for season URLs. svtplay:series Add support for series.
2018.04.0303 Apr 2018 05:45 minor feature: tvnow Add support for shows. dramafever authentication. afreecatv Use partial view only when necessary. afreecatv Add support for authentication. nationalgeographic Add support for new URL schema. xvideos thumbnail extraction. medialaan vod id. openload Add support for naver extraction. dramafever Partially switch to API v5. abc:iview Unescape title and series meta fields. videa Extend URL regular expression.
2018.03.26.127 Mar 2018 06:05 minor feature: downloader/external Add elapsed time to progress hook. downloader/external,fragment download finalization when writing file. to stdout. vrv extraction on python2. afreecatv Update referrer. 24video Add support for crackle Bypass geo restriction. crackle extraction. lenta Add support for instagram:user Add pagination. youku Update ccode. libsyn Adapt to new page structure.
2018.03.2021 Mar 2018 00:25 minor feature: extractor/common Improve thumbnail extraction for HTML5 entries. Generalize XML manifest processing code and improve XSPF parsing. extractor/common Add _download_xml_handle. extractor/common Add support for relative URIs in _parse_xspf. 7plus Extract series metadata. 9now Bypass geo restriction. cbs Skip unavailable assets. canalc2 Add support for HTML5 videos. ceskatelevize Add support for iframe embeds. prosiebensat1 Add support for generic Add support for xfileshare embeds. bilibili Switch to v2 playurl API. bilibili and improve extraction. heise Improve extraction. instagram user videos extraction.
2018.03.1014 Mar 2018 20:05 minor feature: downloader/hls Skip uplynk ad fragments. pornhub Don't override session cookies. raywenderlich Add support for funk extraction and rework extractors. nexx Restore reverse engineered approach. heise Add support for kaltura embeds. tvnow Extract series metadata. ruutu Continue formats extraction on NOT-USED URLs. vrtnu Use redirect URL for building video JSON URL. vimeo Modernize login code and improve error messaging. archiveorg extraction. hidive Add support for afreecatv Detect deleted videos. afreecatv extraction. vice extraction and rework extractors. vidzi Add support for npo typo.
2018.03.0309 Mar 2018 02:45 minor feature: utils Add parse_resolution. Revert respect --prefer-insecure while updating. yapfiles Add support for spankbang formats extraction. adn extraction. toggle Extract DASH and ISM formats. nickelodeon Add support for npo Validate and filter format URLs.
2018.02.2602 Mar 2018 10:05 minor feature: udemy Use custom User-Agent.
2018.02.2224 Feb 2018 11:25 minor feature: utils up some common URL typos in sanitize_url. Respect --prefer-insecure while updating. vidio HLS URL extraction. nexx Add support for URLs. nexx Switch to arc API. redtube duration extraction. sonyliv Respect referrer. brightcove:new Use referrer for formats' HTTP headers. cbc Add support for fusion Add support for npo Improve quality metadata extraction. npo Relax URL regular expression. npo Capture and output error message. pornhub Add support for channels. youtube Handle shared URLs with generic extractor.
2018.02.1118 Feb 2018 06:45 minor feature: YoutubeDL Add support for filesize_approx in format selector. francetv Add support for live streams. francetv Add support for and francetv Separate main extractor and rework others to delegate to it. francetv Improve manifest URL signing. francetv Sign m3u8 manifest URLs. veoh Add support for embed URLs. afreecatv extraction. periscope Use accessVideoPublic endpoint. discovery auth request. 6play Extract subtitles. newgrounds metadata extraction. nbc Add support for dvtv live streams extraction.
2018.02.0811 Feb 2018 03:45 minor feature: myvi Extend URL regular expression. myvi:embed Add support for embeds. prosiebensat1 Extend URL regular expression. pokemon Relax URL regular expression and extend title extraction. gameinformer Use geo verification headers. la7 extraction. gameinformer brightcove id extraction. afreecatv Pass referrer to video info request. telebruxelles Add support for live streams. telebruxelles Relax URL regular expression. telebruxelles extraction. extractor/common Respect secure schemes in _extract_wowza_formats.
2018.02.0405 Feb 2018 18:05 minor feature: downloader/http Randomize HTTP chunk size. downloader/http Add ability to pass downloader options via info dict. downloader/http infinite loops by not reusing requests. Document http_chunk_size. brightcove Pass embed page URL as referrer. youtube Enforce using chunked HTTP downloading for DASH formats.
2018.01.2730 Jan 2018 08:25 minor feature: extractor/common Improve _json_ld for articles. Switch codebase to use compat_b64decode. compat Add compat_b64decode. seznamzpravy Add support for and dplay Bypass geo restriction. dplay Add support for disco-api videos. youtube Extract precise error messages. teachertube Capture and output error message. teachertube and relax thumbnail extraction. prosiebensat1 Add another clip id regular expression. tbs Update tokenizer url. mixcloud Use compat_b64decode. thesixtyone Remove extractor.
2018.01.2123 Jan 2018 18:05 minor feature: extractor/common Improve jwplayer DASH formats extraction. utils Improve scientific notation handling in js_to_json. southparkdk Add support for southpark Add support for collections. franceinter upload date extraction. rtvs Add support for restudy extraction and extend URL regular expression. youtube:live Improve live detection. springboardplatform Add support for prosiebensat1 Add another clip id regular expression. ringtv Remove extractor.
2018.01.1417 Jan 2018 10:25 minor feature: youtube live streams extraction. wdr Bypass geo restriction. wdr Rework extractors. wdr Add support for gamestar Add support for viafree Skip rtmp formats. pandoratv Add support for mobile URLs. pandoratv Add support for new URL format. ximalaya Add support for digg Add support for limelight Tolerate empty pc formats. ndr:embed:base Make separate formats extraction non fatal. weibo Add extractor. ok Add support for live streams. canalplus extraction. bilibili extraction.
2018.01.0711 Jan 2018 15:25 minor feature: utils youtube-dl under PyPy3 on Windows. YoutubeDL Output python implementation in deheader. jwplatform Add support for multiple embeds. mitele extraction. motherless Add support for groups. lynda Relax URL regular expression. soundcloud Fallback to avatar picture for thumbnail. youku list extraction. openload extraction. lynda Skip invalid subtitles. twitch Pass video id to url_result when extracting playlist. extraction of some new URLs. acast extraction.
2017.12.3105 Jan 2018 21:05 minor feature: extractor/common Add container meta field for formats extracted. in _parse_mpd_formats. downloader/hls Use HTTP headers for key request. common Use AACL as the default fourcc when AudioTag is 255. extractor/common extraction of DASH formats with the same. Representation id. slutload Add support for mobile URLs. abc:iview Bypass geo restriction. abc:iview extraction. openload extraction. sandia Remove extractor. collegerama Remove extractor. mediasite Add support for sites based on Mediasite Video Platform. ufctv Add support for pluralsight missing first line of subtitles. openload Fallback on f-page extraction. vimeo Improve password protected videos extraction. aws canonical/signed headers generation on python 2.
2017.12.2830 Dec 2017 06:25 minor feature: internazionale Add support for playtvak Relax video regular expression and make description optional. . filmweb Add support for 23video Add support for espn Add support for umg:de Add support for espn Add support for espnfc and extract more formats. youku Update ccode. openload Add support for youku list extraction.
2017.12.2324 Dec 2017 03:16 minor feature: extractor/common Move X-Forwarded-For setup code into _request_webpage. YoutubeDL Add support for playlist_uploader and playlist_uploader_id in. Output template. extractor/common Introduce uploader, uploader_id and uploader_url. Meta fields for playlists. downloader/fragment Encode filename of fragment being removed. utils Add another date format pattern. kaltura Add another embed pattern for entry_id. 7plus Add support for animeondemand Relax login error regular expression. shahid Add support for show pages. youtube Extract uploader, uploader_id and uploader_url for playlists. . afreecatv Improve format extraction. cspan Add support for audio only pages and catch page errors. mailru Add support for embed URLs. crunchyroll Future-proof XML element checks. cbslocal timestamp extraction. discoverygo Correct TTML subtitle extension. vk Make view count optional. disney Skip Apple FairPlay formats. voot format extraction.
2017.12.1417 Dec 2017 03:16 minor feature: postprocessor/xattr Clarify NO_SPACE message. downloader/http Return actual download result from real_download. itv Extract more subtitles and duration. itv Improve extraction. byutv Add support for geo restricted videos. byutv extraction. bbccouk extraction for 320k HLS streams. toutv Add support for special video URLs. discovery free videos extraction. tvnow extraction. nickelodeon:br Add support for nickelodeon brazil websites. nick Improve extraction. tbs extraction.
2017.12.1011 Dec 2017 06:05 minor feature: utils Add sami mimetype to mimetype2ext. culturebox Improve video id extraction. twitter Improve extraction. udemy Extract more HLS formats. udemy Improve course id extraction. stretchinternet Add support for ellentube extraction. raiplay:playlist Add support for playlists. sonyliv Bypass geo restriction. sonyliv Extract higher quality formats. fox Extract subtitles. fox Add support for Adobe Pass authentication. dailymotion:cloud Remove extractor. xhamster thumbnail extraction. xhamster Add support for mobile URLs. generic Don't pass video id as mpd id while extracting DASH. ard Skip invalid stream URLs. porncom metadata extraction. pluralsight Detect agreement request. toutv login.
2017.12.0204 Dec 2017 09:45 minor feature: downloader/fragment Commit part file after each fragment. extractor/common Add durations for DASH fragments with bare SegmentURLs. extractor/common Add support for DASH manifests with SegmentLists with. Bare SegmentURLs. utils Add hvc1 codec code to parse_codecs. xhamster extraction. youku Update ccode. mnet format extraction. xiami Add Referer header to API request. mtv Correct scc extention in extracted subtitles. vvvvid extraction for kenc videos. br Add support for BR Mediathek videos. daisuki Add support for odnoklassniki API metadata request. itv HLS formats extraction. pbs Add another media id regular expression.
2017.11.2627 Nov 2017 09:45 minor feature: extractor/common Use final URL when dumping request. fczenit extraction. firstpost Remove extractor. freespeech extraction. nexx Extract more formats. openload Add support for empflix Relax URL regular expression. empflix extractrion. tnaflix Don't modify download URLs. gamersyde Remove extractor. francetv:generationwhat extraction. massengeschmacktv Add support for Massengeschmack TV. fox9 extraction. faz extraction and add support for Perform Group embeds. performgroup Add support for jwplatform Add support for iframes. culturebox extraction. youku extraction; update ccode. livestream Make SMIL extraction non fatal. drtuber Add support for mobile URLs. spankbang Add support for mobile URLs. instagram description, timestamp and counters extraction.
2017.11.1515 Nov 2017 08:45 minor feature: common Skip Apple FairPlay m3u8 manifests. YoutubeDL playlist range optimization for --playlist-items. vshare Capture and output error message. vshare extraction. crunchyroll Extract old RTMP formats. tva extraction. gamespot Lower preference of HTTP formats. instagram:user extraction. ccma typo. Remove sensitive data from logging in messages. instagram:user extraction. gamespot Add support for article URLs. gamespot Skip Brightcove Once HTTP formats. cartoonnetwork Update tokenizer_src. wsj Recognize another URL pattern. pandatv Update API URL and sign format URLs. crunchyroll Use old login method.
2017.11.0607 Nov 2017 20:05 minor feature: extractor/common Add protocol for f4m formats. f4m Prefer baseURL for relative URLs. extractor/common Respect URL query in _extract_wowza_formats (14645). hotstar:playlist Add support for playlists. hotstar Bypass geo restriction. 22tracks Remove extractor. skysport Sdd support ooyala videos protected with embed_token. gamespot Extract formats referenced with new data fields. spankbang Detect unavailable videos.
2017.10.2901 Nov 2017 10:45 minor feature: extractor/common Preformat id for audio only HLS formats. utils Add support for zero years and months in parse_duration. egghead extraction. fxnetworks Extract series metadata. younow Add support for dctptv extraction. youtube Restrict embed regex. vimeo Restrict iframe embed regex. soundgasm Improve extraction. myvideo Remove extractor. nbc Add support for classic-tv videos. vrtnu Add support for cookies authentication and simplify. canvas Add support for twitch:clips title extraction. ndtv Add support for sub-sites. dramafever login error message extraction. nick Add support for more nickelodeon sites (no, dk, se, ch, fr, es, pt. ro, hu).
2017.10.2026 Oct 2017 07:25 minor feature: downloader/fragment Report warning instead of error on inconsistent. Download state. downloader/hls total fragments count when ad fragments exist. parliamentliveuk extraction. soundcloud Update client id. servus Add support for unity Add support for youtube Replace youtube redirect URLs in description. pbs Restrict direct video URL regular expression. drtv Respect preference for direct HTTP formats. eporner Add support for embed URLs. arte Capture and output error message. niconico Improve uploader metadata extraction robustness.
2017.10.15.120 Oct 2017 16:25 minor feature: downloader/hls Ignore anvato ad fragments. downloader/fragment Output ad fragment count. scrippsnetworks:watch Bypass geo restriction. anvato Add ability to bypass geo restriction. redditr extraction for URLs with query.
2017.10.1214 Oct 2017 19:45 minor feature: YoutubeDL Improve _default_format_spec. steam extraction. funk Add support for nexx Add support for shortcuts and relax domain id extraction. voxmedia Add support for once Add support for vmap URLs. generic Add support for channel9 embeds. tva extraction. tubitv Add support for new URL format. afreecatv:global Remove extractor. youtube:shared Removed extractor. slideslive Add support for facebook Support thumbnails. vvvvid episode number extraction. hrti:playlist Relax URL regular expression. wdr Relax media link regular expression. hrti Relax URL regular expression. fox Delegate extraction to uplynk:preplay. youtube Add support for
2017.10.0709 Oct 2017 00:45 minor feature: YoutubeDL Ignore duplicates in --playlist-items. YoutubeDL out of range --playlist-items for iterable playlists and. Reduce code duplication. utils Use cache in OnDemandPagedList by default. postprocessor/ffmpeg Convert to opus using libopus. reddit Sort formats. lnkgo Relax URL regular expression. pornflip Extend URL regular expression. xtube Add support for embed URLs. xvideos Add support for embed URLs and improve extraction. beeg extraction. tvn24 Relax URL regular expression. nbc extraction. ketnet Add support for videos without direct sources. canvas Generalize extractor and rework canvas and een. afreecatv Add support for adult videos.
2017.10.0102 Oct 2017 11:05 minor feature: YoutubeDL Document youtube_include_dash_manifest. tvp Add support for new URL schema. generic Add support for single format Video.js embeds. yahoo Bypass geo restriction for brightcove. yahoo Use extracted brightcove account id. rtve:alacarta extraction. yahoo Add support for custom brigthcove embeds. generic Add support for Video.js embeds. gfycat Add support for /gifs/detail URLs. generic infinite recursion for twitter:player URLs. xhamsterembed extraction.
2017.09.2424 Sep 2017 12:05 minor feature: options Accept lrc as a subtitle conversion target format. utils handling raw TTML subtitles. 24video timestamp extraction and make non fatal. 24video Add support for kakao Add support for twitter Add support for URLs without user id. americastestkitchen Add support for generic support for multiple HTML5 videos on one page. mixcloud extraction. lynda Add support for beeg extraction. nbcsports:vplayer Correct theplatform URL. twitter duration extraction. tvplay Bypass geo restriction. heise Add support for YouTube embeds. popcorntv Add support for viki Update app data. morningstar Relax URL regular expression. openload extraction. noovo extraction. dailymotion:playlist Relax URL regular expression. twitch Add support for URLs. vgtv Relax URL regular expression.
2017.09.1517 Sep 2017 12:25 minor feature: downloader/fragment Restart inconsistent incomplete fragment downloads. . YoutubeDL Download raw subtitles files. condenast extraction. orf Add support for f4m stories. tv4 Relax URL regular expression. animeondemand Bypass geo restriction. animeondemand Add support for flash videos.
2017.09.1111 Sep 2017 03:45 minor feature: rutube:playlist suitable.
2017.09.0205 Sep 2017 10:05 minor feature: youtube Force old layout for each webpage. youtube upload date extraction. charlierose Add support for episodes. bbccouk Add support for w-preids. googledrive Extend URL regular expression. googledrive Add support for source format. pornhd extraction.
2017.08.27.129 Aug 2017 19:25 minor feature: youtube extraction with --youtube-skip-dash-manifest enabled.
2017.08.1823 Aug 2017 07:05 minor feature: YoutubeDL Sanitize byte string format URLs. extractor/common Add support for float durations in _parse_mpd_formats. . arte Detect unavailable videos. generic Convert redirect URLs to unicode strings. udemy paid course detection. pluralsight Use RPC API for course extraction. clippit Add support for qqmusic Support new URL schemes. periscope Renew HLS extraction. mixcloud Extract decrypt key.
2017.08.1318 Aug 2017 02:05 minor feature: YoutubeDL Make sure format id is not empty. extractor/common Make _family_friendly_search optional. extractor/common Respect source's type attribute for HTML5 media. pornhub:playlistbase Skip videos from drop-down menu. fourtube Add support fourtube Add support fourtube Add support limelight Improve embeds detection. reddit Add support for and aparat Extract all formats. mixcloud play info decryption. generic Add support for vzaar embeds.
2017.08.0911 Aug 2017 12:25 minor feature: utils Skip missing params in cli_bool_option. xxxymovies title extraction. nick Add support for mixcloud play info decryption. 20min embeds extraction. dplayit extraction. niconico Support videos with multiple formats. niconico Support HTML5-only videos.
2017.08.0606 Aug 2017 03:16 minor feature: Use relative paths for DASH fragments. pluralsight format selection. mpora Remove extractor. voot Add support for vlive:channel Limit number of videos per page to 100. podomatic Extend URL regular expression. cinchcast Extend URL regular expression. yandexdisk Relax URL regular expression. vidme Extract DASH and HLS formats. teamfour Remove extractor. pornhd extraction. udemy subtitles extraction. mlb Extend URL regular expression. pbs Add support for new URL schema. nrktv Update API host.
2017.07.30.131 Jul 2017 03:16 minor feature: downloader/hls Use redirect URL as manifest base. options Correctly hide login info from deoutputs. watchbox Add support for clipfish Remove extractor. youjizz extraction. generic Add support for another ooyala embed pattern. ard Add support for lives. soundcloud Update client id. soundcloud:trackstation Add support for track stations. svtplay Use geo verification proxy for API request. svtplay Update API URL. yandexdisk Add support for megaphone Add support for amcnetworks Make rating optional. cloudy extraction. nickru Add support for mtv Improve thumbnal extraction. nick Automate geo-restriction bypass. niconico Improve error reporting.
2017.07.2323 Jul 2017 03:16 minor feature: YoutubeDL Improve default format specification. YoutubeDL Do not override id, extractor and extractor_key for. Url_transparent entities. extractor/common playlist_from_matches. itv production id extraction. vidio Make duration non fatal and typo. mtv Skip missing video parts. sportbox:embed extraction. npo Add support for URLs. dramafever Remove video id from title. egghead:lesson Add support for lessons. funnyordie Extract more metadata. youku:show playlist extraction. dispeak Recognize sevt subdomain. adn Improve error reporting. crunchyroll Relax series and season regex. spiegel:article Add support for nexx iframe embeds. nexx:embed Add support for iframe embeds. nexx Improve JS embed extraction. pearvideo Add support for
2017.07.1516 Jul 2017 16:25 minor feature: YoutubeDL Don't expand environment variables in meta fields. spiegeltv Delegate extraction to nexx extractor. nexx Add support for generic rutube embeds extraction. karrierevideos title extraction. youtube Don't capture YouTube Red ad for creator meta field. slideshare extraction. 5tv Add another video URL pattern. drtv Make HLS and HDS extraction non fatal. ted subtitles extraction. vine Make sure the title won't be empty. twitter Support HLS streams in vmap URLs. periscope Support URLs in embedded frames. twitter Extract mp4 urls via mobile API. niconico authentication error handling. giantbomb Extract m3u8 formats. vlive:playlist Add support for playlists.
2017.07.0910 Jul 2017 20:45 minor feature: extractor/common Add support for AMP tags in _parse_html5_media_entries. utils Support attributes with no values in get_elements_by_attribute. dailymail Add support for embeds. joj Add support for Extract more formats. egghead:course extraction. cjsw Add support for eagleplatform Add support for referrer protected videos. eagleplatform Add support for another embed pattern. veoh Extend URL regular expression. npo:live live stream id extraction. googledrive height extraction. dailymotion Add support for new layout. yam Remove extractor. xhamster Extract all formats and duration extraction. xhamster Add support for new URL schema. espn Extend URL regular expression. kaltura typo in subtitles extraction. vier Adapt extraction to redesign.
2017.07.0204 Jul 2017 12:05 minor feature: extractor/common Improve _json_ld. thisoldhouse Add more fallbacks for video id. thisoldhouse video id extraction. xfileshare Extend format regular expression. ted extraction. tastytrade Add support for dplayit Relax video id regular expression. generic Extract more generic metadata. bbccouk Capture and output error message. cbsnews Relax video info regular expression. facebook Add support for plugin video embeds and multiple embeds. soundcloud Switch to https for API requests. pandatv Switch to https for API and download URLs. pandatv Add support for https URLs. niconico Support sp subdomain.
2017.06.2528 Jun 2017 12:05 minor feature: adobepass Add support for DIRECTV NOW (mso ATTOTT). YoutubeDL Skip malformed formats for better extraction robustness. wsj Add support for ign Add another video id pattern. raiplay:live Add support for live streams. redbulltv Add support for live videos and segments. onetpl Add support for videos embedded via pulsembed. ooyala Make more robust. ooyala Skip empty format URLs. typo.
2017.06.1822 Jun 2017 05:25 minor feature: downloader/common Use utils.shell_quote for decommand line. utils Use compat_shlex_quote in shell_quote. postprocessor/execafterdownload Encode command line. compat compat_shlex_quote on Windows. postprocessor/metadatafromtitle missing optional meta fields processing. in --metadata-from-title. extractor/common json dumping with --geo-bypass. extractor/common Improve jwplayer subtitles extraction. extractor/common Improve jwplayer formats extraction. polskieradio extraction. xfileshare Add support for bilibili extraction of videos with double quotes in titles. 4tube extraction. disney Add support for npo Improve URL regular expression. corus Add support for corus Add support for
2017.06.1216 Jun 2017 13:05 minor feature: utils Handle compat_HTMLParseError in extract_attributes. compat Introduce compat_HTMLParseError. utils Improve unified_timestamp. extractor/generic Ensure format id is unicode string. extractor/common Return unicode string from _match_id. YoutubeDL Sanitize more fields. xfileshare Add support for xfileshare Modernize and pass Referer. rutv Add support for newgrounds Extract more metadata. newgrounds:playlist Add support for playlists. newgrounds Improve formats and uploader extraction. msn formats extraction. turbo Ensure format id is string. sexu Ensure height is int. jove Ensure comment count is int. golem Ensure format id is string. gfycat Ensure filesize is int. foxgay Ensure height is int. flickr Ensure format id is string. sohu numeric fields. safari Improve authentication detection. liveleak Ensure height is int. streamango Make title optional. rtlnl Improve URL regular expression. tvplayer extraction.
2017.06.0511 Jun 2017 01:45 minor feature: YoutubeDL Don't emit ANSI escape codes on Windows. bandcamp:weekly Add support for bandcamp weekly. pornhub:playlist extraction. godtv Remove extractor. safari typo. youtube Improve chapters extraction. 1tv Lower preference for HTTP formats. francetv Relax URL regular expression. drbonanza extraction. packtpub authentication.
2017.05.2904 Jun 2017 10:05 minor feature: youtube DASH MPD extraction for videos with non-encrypted format URLs. . xhamster uploader and like/dislike count extraction ). xhamster Extract categories. abcnews Add support for embed URLs. gaskrank extraction. medialaan videos with missing videoUrl. dvtv playlist support. dvtv Add support for DASH and HLS formats. beam:vod Add support for VODs ). cbsinteractive Relax URL regular expression. adn formats extraction. youku Extract more metadata. cbsnews extraction.
2017.05.2628 May 2017 12:25 minor feature: utils strip_jsonp() can recognize more patterns. postprocessor/ffmpeg metadata filename handling on Python 2. youtube DASH MPDs with cipher signatures are recognized now. bbc Add support for authentication. tudou Merge into youku extractor. youku:show extraction. youku extraction. udemy extraction for outputs' format entries without URL. vimeo formats' sorting. cbsnews extraction for 60 Minutes videos.
2017.05.18.122 May 2017 03:45 minor feature: jsinterp typo and cleanup regular expressions.
2017.05.1416 May 2017 08:25 minor feature: extractor/common Respect Width and Height attributes in ISM manifests. postprocessor/metadatafromtitle Add support regular expression syntax for. --metadata-from-title. mediaset Add support for orf:radio extraction. aljazeera Extend URL regular expression. imdb Relax URL regular expression. francetv Add support for upskill Add support for thescene extraction. condenast Improve embed support. liveleak extraction. douyu Support Douyu shows. myspace Improve URL regular expression. adultswim Use desktop platform in assets URL.
2017.05.0709 May 2017 14:25 minor feature: extractor/common typo in _extract_akamai_formats. postprocessor/ffmpeg Embed chapters into media file with --add-metadata. extractor/common Introduce chapters meta field. youtube authentication. bilibili video downloading. rmcdecouverte extraction. theplatform Extract chapters. bandcamp thumbnail extraction. pornhub Extend URL regular expression. youtube Extract chapters. nrk Extract chapters. vice Add support for ooyala embeds in article pages. vice Support vice articles. vice extraction for non en_us videos. gdcvault extraction for some videos. pbs Improve multipart video support. laola1tv extraction. cda Support birthday verification. leeco extraction. pbs Extract chapters. amp Imporove thumbnail and subtitles extraction. foxsports extraction. coub Remove comment count extraction.
2017.05.0103 May 2017 17:25 minor feature: extractor/common Extract view count from JSON-LD. utils Improve unified_timestamp. utils Add video/mp2t to mimetype2ext. downloader/external Properly handle live stream downloading cancellation. . utils Add support for unicode whitespace in clean_html on python 2. infoq Make audio format extraction non fatal. brightcove Allow whitespace around attribute names in embedded code. zaq1 Add support for xvideos Extract duration. vevo extraction. noovo Add support for washingtonpost Add support for embeds. yandexmusic:playlist extraction for python 3. anvato Improve extraction. Promote to regular shortcut based extractor Add mcp to access key mapping table Add support for embeds extraction Add support for anvato embeds in generic extractor . Promote to regular shortcut based extractor. Add mcp to access key mapping table. Add support for embeds extraction. Add support for anvato embeds in generic extractor. xtube extraction for older FLV videos. tvplayer extraction.
2017.04.2627 Apr 2017 22:25 minor feature: Introduce --keep-fragments for keeping fragments of fragmented download on disk after download is finished. YoutubeDL output template for missing timestamp. socks Handle cases where credentials are required but missing. extractor/common Improve HLS extraction. Extract m3u8 parsing to separate method Improve rendition groups extraction Build stream name according stream GROUP-ID Ignore reference to AUDIO group without URI when stream has no CODECS Use float for scaled tbr in _parse_m3u8_formats . Extract m3u8 parsing to separate method. Improve rendition groups extraction. Build stream name according stream GROUP-ID. Ignore reference to AUDIO group without URI when stream has no CODECS. Use float for scaled tbr in _parse_m3u8_formats. utils Add support for TTML styles in dfxp2srt. downloader/hls No need to download keys for fragments that have been. already downloaded. downloader/fragment Improve fragment downloading. Resume immediately Don't concatenate fragments and decrypt them on every resume Optimize disk storage usage, don't store intermediate fragments on disk Store bookkeeping download state file . Resume immediately. Don't concatenate fragments and decrypt them on every resume. Optimize disk storage usage, don't store intermediate fragments on disk. Store bookkeeping download state file. extractor/common Add support for multiple getters in try_get. extractor/common Add support for video of WebPage context in _json_ld. . extractor/common Relax JWPlayer regular expression and remove. duplicate URLs. iqiyi extraction of Yule videos. vidio Improve extraction and sort formats. brightcove Match only video elements with data-video-id attribute. iqiyi playlist detection. azubu Remove extractor. porn91 extraction. vidzi extraction. amp Extract error message. xfileshare Add support for and instagram extraction. generic Support Brightcove videos in . brightcove Support URLs with b
2017.04.1721 Apr 2017 08:45 minor feature: limelight Improve extraction LimelightEmbeddedPlayerFlash media embeds and. Add support for channel and channelList embeds. generic Extract multiple Limelight embeds. itv Extract series metadata. itv RTMP formats downloading. itv Use native HLS downloader by default. go90 Extract subtitles. go90 Extract series metadata.
2017.04.1414 Apr 2017 17:45 minor feature: downloader/hls Add basic support for EXT-X-BYTERANGE tag. adobepass Improve Comcast and Verison login code. adobepass Add support for Verizon. aenetworks Add support for specials. hbo Extract HLS formats. go90 Add support for tv2hu Add support for generic Exclude URLs with xml ext from valid video URLs. youtube Improve HLS formats extraction. afreecatv extraction for videos with different key layout. youtube Remove explicit preference for audio-only and video-only formats in. Order not to break sorting when new formats appear. canalplus Bypass geo restriction.
2017.04.0308 Apr 2017 15:05 minor feature: extractor/common Add censorship check for TransTelekom ISP. extractor/common Move censorship checks to a separate method. discoveryvr Add support for tv5mondeplus Add support for periscope Add support for URLs.
2017.04.0203 Apr 2017 00:05 minor feature: rai and improve extraction. vrv Add support for series pages. limelight Improve extraction for audio only formats. funimation extraction. xfileshare Add support for xfileshare Improve extraction and extract hls formats. crunchyroll Pass geo verifcation proxy. cwtv Extract ISM formats. tvplay Bypass geo restriction. vrv Add support for packtpub Add support for generic Pass base_url to _parse_jwplayer_data. adn Add support for allocine Extract more metadata. allocine extraction. openload extraction.
2017.03.2627 Mar 2017 21:45 minor feature: Don't raise an error if JWPlayer config data is not a Javascript object literal. _find_jwplayer_data now returns a dict rather than an str. Expand environment variables for options representing paths. utils Introduce expand_path. downloader/hls Delegate downloading to ffmpeg immediately for live streams. afreecatv extraction. atvat Add support for fox Add metadata extraction. atresplayer Extract DASH formats. atresplayer Extract HD manifest. atresplayer login error detection. franceculture extraction. youtube Improve URL regular expression. generic Do not follow redirects to the same URL.
2017.03.2021 Mar 2017 08:05 minor feature: YoutubeDL Allow multiple input URLs to be used with stdout (-) as. Output template. adobepass Detect and output error on authz token extraction. bostonglobe Add extractor for toongoggles Add support for medialaan Add support for Medialaan sites. discoverynetworks Add support for more domains and bypass geo restiction. openload extraction.
2017.03.1516 Mar 2017 01:45 minor feature: Missing subtitles if --add-metadata is used. facebook Make title optional. mitele Add support for ooyala videos. openload extraction. streamable Update API URL. crunchyroll Extract season name. discoverygo Bypass geo restriction. discoverygo:playlist Add support for playlists.
2017.03.0709 Mar 2017 05:05 minor feature: Metadata are now added after conversion. soundcloud Update client id. openload extraction.
2017.03.0203 Mar 2017 21:45 minor feature: adobepass Add support for Charter Spectrum. YoutubeDL Don't sanitize identifiers in output template. facebook extraction. youtube Mark errors about rental videos as expected. npo Add support for audio. npo Adapt to app.php API.
2017.02.24.125 Feb 2017 15:45 minor feature: noco Modernize. noco Switch login URL to https. thescene Extract more metadata. thescene extraction. tubitv Use geo bypass mechanism. openload extraction. ivi Raise GeoRestrictedError.
2017.02.1719 Feb 2017 05:45 minor feature: heise Improve extraction. ellentv Improve. openload extraction. theplatform Recognize URLs with whitespaces. einthusan Relax URL regular expression. generic Support complex JWPlayer embedded videos. elpais Improve extraction.
2017.02.1113 Feb 2017 02:25 minor feature: utils Introduce get_elements_by_class and get_elements_by_attribute. Utility functions. extractor/common Skip m3u8 manifests protected with Adobe Flash Access. pluralsight:course extraction. bbc Extract m3u8 formats with 320k audio. facebook Relax video id matching. corus Add support for Corus Entertainment sites. pluralsight Detect blocked account error message. bloomberg Add another video id pattern. extractor/commonmistakes Restrict URL regular expression. tvplayer Add support for
2017.02.04.107 Feb 2017 02:05 minor feature: twitch:stream Add support for radiocanada extraction for toutv rtmp formats.
2017.01.2931 Jan 2017 23:25 minor feature: extractor/common initialization template. extractor/common Document fragment_base_url and fragment's path fields. extractor/common duration per DASH segment. Introduce --autonumber-start option for initial value of (autonumber)s Template. azmedien:playlist Add support for topic and themen playlists. npo subtitles extraction. itv Extract subtitles. itv Add support for mtv81 Add support for vlive Add support for channels. kaltura Add fallback for fileExt. kaltura Improve uploader_id extraction. konserthusetplay Add support for
2017.01.2425 Jan 2017 20:05 minor feature: pluralsight extraction. nextmedia Add support for NextTV (???). 24video extraction. youtube:playlist nonexistent and private playlist detection. chirbit Extract uploader.
2017.01.1819 Jan 2017 20:05 minor feature: bilibili extraction. canalplus Add fallback for video id. 20min extraction. imdb Extend URL regular expression. naver Add support for links.
2017.01.1013 Jan 2017 13:25 minor feature: youtube extraction. inc Add support for youtube Add itag 212. egghead:course Add support for courses.
2017.01.0508 Jan 2017 01:45 minor feature: zdf extraction. pornhub:playlist Improve extraction. cctv Add support for tunein Add support for embeds.
2016.12.3101 Jan 2017 09:25 minor feature: Introduce --config-location option for custom configuration files. twitch Add support for videa Add support for vk postlive videos extraction. vk Extract from playerParams. freevideo Remove extractor. showroomlive Add support for xhamster duration extraction. rtve:live extraction. brightcove:legacy Improve embeds detection. twitch Add support for rechat messages. acast audio and timestamp extraction.
2016.12.2226 Dec 2016 10:05 minor feature: extractor/common Improve detection of video-only formats in m3u8. Manifests. theplatform Pass geo verification headers to SMIL request. viu Pass geo verification headers to auth request. rtl2 Extract more formats and metadata. vbox7 Skip malformed JSON-LD. uplynk Force downloading using native HLS downloader. laola1 Add support for another extraction scenario.
2016.12.1819 Dec 2016 07:25 minor feature: extractor/common Recognize DASH formats in html5 media entries. ccma Add support for laola1tv Improve extraction. laola1tv Add support embed URLs. nbc extraction for MSNBC videos. twitch Adapt to new videos pages URL schema. meipai Add support for jwplatform Improve subtitles and duration extraction. ondemandkorea Add support for vvvvid Add support for
2016.12.1213 Dec 2016 15:45 minor feature: utils Add common user agents map. common Recognize HLS manifests that contain video only formats. dplay Use Safari user agent for HLS. facebook Detect login required error message. facebook Improve video selection. canalplus Add another video id pattern. mixcloud Relax URL regular expression. ctvnews Relax URL regular expression. rte Capture and output error message. prosiebensat1 Add support for DASH formats. srgssr Improve extraction for geo restricted videos. rts Improve extraction for geo restricted videos.
2016.12.0107 Dec 2016 05:45 minor feature: soundcloud Update client id. ruutu Detect DRM protected videos. liveleak Add support for youtube embeds. spike full episodes support. comedycentral full episodes support. normalboots Rewrite in terms of JWPlatform. teamfourstar Rewrite in terms of JWPlatform. screenwavemedia Remove extractor.
2016.11.2730 Nov 2016 13:25 minor feature: webcaster Add support for azubu Add support for viki Prefer hls formats. viki rtmp formats extraction. puls4 Relax URL regular expression. vevo Improve artist extraction. mitele Relax URL regular expression and extract more metadata. cbslocal Recognize New York site. youtube:playlist Pass disable_polymer in URL query.
2016.11.2224 Nov 2016 06:05 minor feature: hellporno video extension extraction. hellporno Add support for amcnetworks Recognize more BBC America URLs. funnyordie Improve extraction. extractor/generic Improve limelight embeds support. crunchyroll Remove ScaledBorderAndShadow from ASS subtitles. bandcamp free downloads extraction and extract all formats. twitter:card Relax URL regular expression. tvanouvelles Add support for
2016.11.14.117 Nov 2016 23:25 minor feature: ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.11.14.1.
2016.11.08.111 Nov 2016 09:05 minor feature: franceculture extraction. extractors Add forgotten import for espn:article. ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.11.08.1.
2016.11.0204 Nov 2016 11:45 minor feature: utils --match-filter for int-like strings. extractor/common Improve mpd base URL extraction (, cl?. nicknight Add extractor. nickde Improve extraction. nicknight Improve extraction. Add Basic support for Smooth Streaming protocol. Extract ISM formats in some of the extractors. utils Introduce base_url. extractor/common typo. ChangeLog Actualize. extractor/common Remove unused code. Release 2016.11.02.
2016.10.2629 Oct 2016 20:25 minor feature: vk extraction. ard Detect unavailable videos. rentv Add new extractor. rentv Move rentv test from generic extractor and add only matching ?. ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.10.26.
2016.10.21.123 Oct 2016 04:45 minor feature: pluralsight Process all clip URLs. adobepass PEP 8. ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.10.21.1.
2016.10.1616 Oct 2016 14:45 minor feature: parliamentliveuk Recognize lower case URLs. huajiao Add new extractor. cbsinteractive extraction for canalplus video_id and update _TESTS. videomore Support embed videos. carambatv extraction. chirbit:profile extraction. clipfish Update _TEST; the old one is gone. alrady typo. orf:tvthek extraction and modernize. safari:course Add support for Made optional fields optional. cmt mgid extraction. crunchyroll Skip an invalid _TEST. Merge branch 'huajiao' of into pyx-?. huajiao Coding style. ChangeLog Update for #10917. Merge branch 'pyx-huajiao'. Credit @pyx for the Huajiao extractor. lynda Switch to https. lynda Add fallback extraction scenario. lynda height for prioritized streams. theoperaplatform Add extractor. theoperaplatform Rename, _VALID_URL and test. postprocessor/ffmpeg Return correct filepath and ext in updated inf?. Improve grammar. ruutu Add support for Beatport Update extractor name and tests. extractors Change import for theoperaplatform extractor. huajiao Improve feed regex. ChangeLog Actualize. release 2016.10.16.
2016.10.0711 Oct 2016 01:05 minor feature: pornoxo Use JWPlatform to improve metadata extraction. nhl Add support for thisoldhouse Add new extractor. Unify coding cookie. theweatherchannel Add new extractor. youtube:live Extend _VALID_URL. techtalks Allow URL-s with name part omitted. techtalks Relax _VALID_URL. tonline Add new extractor. lego Add new extractor. Rename "Steffan 'Ruirize' James" to "Steffan Donal". npo Add support for npo detect geo restriction. nzz Add new extractor. generic Add support for multiple vimeo embeds. Makefilea for GNU make 4. Revert " Makefilea for GNU make 4". generic Support direct MMS links. extractor/common Add id and title helpers for generic IEs. generic,commonprotocols Move mms suuport from GenericIE. extractors Add MmsIE. facebook for new handleServerJS syntax. iprima detect geo restriction. vimeo PEP 8. ChangeLog Actualize. release 2016.10.07.
2016.10.0204 Oct 2016 08:25 minor feature: limelight:media improve http formats extraction. ketnet Extract mzsource formats. Instagram Extract comments. leeco Recognize more Le Sports URLs. vk Add support for finished live streams. vk Add support for running live streams. Move write_xattr to vk date and view count extraction. utils Lower priority for rare date formats and add tests. vk Extract timestamp. vk Improve view count extraction. aftonbladet Remove extractor. vgtv Add support for tvland Extend _VALID_URL. Instagram Extract video dimensions. instagram PEP 8. clubic Rely on _match_id and _parse_json. downloader/http Use write_xattr function for --xattr-set-filesize. dctp extraction. twitch Skip a 404 test. criterion Rely on _match_id, improve regex and add thumbnail to test. downloader/http xattr values should be bytes. utils Support xattr as well as pyxattr. periscope:user extraction. byutv Rely on _match_id and _parse_json. byutv id and display id. byutv:event Add extractor. __init__ lost xattr if --embed-thumbnail used. utils xattr error handling. jwplatform Support old-style jwplayer playlists. jwplatform Support DASH streams. amcnetworks Skip a restricted _TEST. ChangeLog Actualize. release 2016.10.02.
2016.09.2703 Oct 2016 13:05 minor feature: extractor/common Improved support for HTML5 subtitles. openload Support subtitles. mtv add support for new website urls. mtv add common IE_NAME prefor MTVIE and MTVVideoIE. twitter Support Periscope embeds. soundcloud Generalize playlist entries extraction. soundcloud typo in playlist base class name. download/hls Delegate downloading to ffmpeg for live streams. brightcove:new add support for live streams. common add hdcore sign to akamai f4m formats. cbsnews:livevideo extraction and extract m3u8 formats. prosiebensat1 Add support for sat1gold. prosiebensat1 playlist support. mwave Relax _VALID_URLs. prosiebensat1 Improve _VALID_URL. prosiebensat1 Add support for advopedia. youtube Change test URLs from http to https. Add Unlicense notice. Add checkable Improvement options PR's pur?. npo Generalize playlist extractors. vpro playlist title extraction and update tests. npo Add support for typo. extractors Add import for anderetijden extractor. Ignore and cleanup 3gp files. kaltura Speed up embed regexes. promptfile extraction. promptfile Improve and modernize. einthusan extraction. awaan:video test. Tests related to 1978540. npo Clarify IE_NAMEs. periscope Treat timed_out state as finished stream. vk Add support for dailymotion embeds. mtv Improve _VALID_URL. ChangeLog Actualize. ChangeLog Remove duplicate. Release 2016.09.27.
2016.09.2426 Sep 2016 12:45 minor feature: Add support for Adobe Pass auth in tbs,tnt and trutv extractors(#?. fox add support for Adobe Pass auth. soundcloud Extract license metadata. soundcloud Modernize. cartoonnetwork add support Adobe Pass auth. adobepass add support MSO that depend on watchTVeverywhere(#?. videomore embed regex. ooyala extract all hls formats. udemy Stringify video id. ustream Support HLS streams. Makefile Cleanup files from fragment-based downloaders. openload extraction. cbs extract info from thunder videoPlayerService. prosiebensat1 Add support for kabeleinsdoku. soundcloud:playlist Provide video id for playlist entries (#?. ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.09.24.
2016.09.1920 Sep 2016 20:25 minor feature: vyborymos Improve station info extraction. thisav Improve title extraction. twitch:stream Remove fallback to profile extraction when stream is ?. crunchyroll Check if already logged in. ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.09.19.
2016.09.11.114 Sep 2016 19:05 minor feature: devscripts/ Add ChangeLog reminder prompt. ChangeLog Actualize. devscripts/ Add missing fi. Release 2016.09.11.1.
2016.09.04.108 Sep 2016 19:05 minor feature: ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.09.04.1.
2016.08.3102 Sep 2016 23:25 minor feature: generic Update some _TESTS. openload extraction. bilibili extraction. openload Update algorithm again. turner,nba,cnn,adultswim add base extractor to parse cvp feeds. cartoonnetwork Add new extractor. tbs Add new extractor. cartoonnetwork make extraction work for more videos in the website. turner secure m3u8 formats downloading. played Remove extractor. generic,vodplatform improve embed regex. downloader/external Recommend --hls-prefer-native for SOCKS users. turner subtitles extraction. turner Extract all formats. adultswim Extract video info from onlineOriginals. turner Skip invalid subtitles' URLs. kusi Update test. 9c9media multiple stacks extraction and extract more metadata(#?. ctv add support for (tsn,bnn,thecomedynetwork).ca websites. cnn update _TEST for CNNBlogsIE and CNNArticleIE. turner,cnn move a check for wrong timestamp to CNNIE. turner keep video id intact. pyvideo extraction. bandcamp:album title extraction. soundcloud _VALID_URL clashes with sets. pyvideo Remove deging code. ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.08.31.
2016.08.24.127 Aug 2016 17:25 minor feature: pluralsight Add support for subtitles. pluralsight Modernize and make more robust. ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.08.24.1.
2016.08.1921 Aug 2016 20:25 minor feature: keezmovies Make display_id optional. extremetube Revert display_id. discoverygo extend _VALID_URL to support other networks. hgtvcom:show Add extractor. keezmovies PEP 8. vk authentication on python3. vk:wallpost audio extraction. DBTV:generic Add support for embeds. dbtv Relax embed regex. generic dbtv test. utils Recognize lowercase units in parse_filesize. porncom Add extractor. options Remove output template description from --help. ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.08.19.
2016.08.1315 Aug 2016 23:05 minor feature: crunchyroll Add support for HLS. pbs check all http formats and remove unnecessary request. external/curl respect more downloader options and display progress. hgtv Add new extractor. sunporno metadata extraction. sunporno Add support for embed URLs. 24video comment count extraction. muenchentv extraction. 24video Add support for me and xxx TLDs. pbs add test for videos with undocumented http formats and remove u?. tapely Remove extractor. It's shut down. vbox7 extraction. test_utils add test for option with not str value. downloader/external:curl Clarify why CurlFD should not capture stderr. expotv Improve extraction and update test. test_verbose_output tests under Python 3. vbox7 Remove unused imports. imgur width and height extraction. bigflix Remove an invalid test. 4tube metadata extraction. pornotube extraction. franceculture extraction. pbs description extraction and update tests. pbs Clarify comment on http formats. ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.08.13.
2016.08.1214 Aug 2016 16:05 minor feature: utils Recognize more formats in unified_timestamp. ctsnews extraction. wat improve extraction. formula1 Relax _VALID_URL. rtlnl Relax _VALID_URL. Preserve line endings for downloaded subtitle files. Merge branch 'pr/#10268' of into l?. YoutubeDL Disable newline conversion when writing subtitles. Merge branch 'lkho-pr/#10268'. ChangeLog Add change log for #10269. francetvinfo Relax _VALID_URL. chirbit extraction. drtuber Make dislike count optional. drtuber Improve title extraction. goldenmoustache Remove extractor. viu Remove from extractors. ChangeLog Actualize. release 2016.08.12.
2016.08.0607 Aug 2016 17:05 minor feature: comedycentral Re-add shortnames. options Hide --password=secret in verbose output. options Add test that checks that --password=secret is hidden in ve?. extractor/common Support multiple properties in _og_search_property. ntvru extraction. Use full paths for all configuration files. limelight extract http formats. gamekings Remove extractor. Revert " Use full paths for all configuration files ". common lower proto_preference of rtsp formats. vodplatform Add new extractor. kaltura extract subtitles and reduce requests. nationalgeographic Add support for National Geographic Episode Guide. extractors change imports for national geographic extractors. kaltura remove deging line. 5min delegate extraction to AolIE. engadget Relax _VALID_URL. 5min _VALID_URL. natgeo:episodeguide Do not shadow url from outer scope. condenast improve extraction. naver improve extraction. utils unified_timestamp for formats parsed by parsedate_tz(). cbslocal timestamp parsing. naver extract upload date. tvp extract video id from the webpage. extractors add tvp:embed import. natgeo tests. 5min _VALID_URL. tvplay Add support for subtitles. tvplay Extract series metadata. jwplatform add support for playlist extraction and relative urls an?. archiveorg improve format extraction. tvplay Capture and output native error message. extractor/common Support root JSON-LD lists. archiveorg PEP 8. adultswim Add support for trailers. adultswim Remove superfluous md5 from test. gamekings Remove remnants. ChangeLog Actualize. Release 2016.08.06.
2016.07.3001 Aug 2016 16:25 minor feature: twitch:clips Sort formats. tv2:article extraction. tv2 Improve extraction. Revert " rtve extraction ". rtve extraction for some videos. dailymotion:playlist Optimize download archive processing. dailymotion:playlist Carry long line. Add ChangeLog. ChangeLog Make extractor improvements' descriptions more concrete. release 2016.07.30.
2016.07.2426 Jul 2016 06:05 minor feature: utils Add another f4m mimetype to mimetype2ext. arkena:lcp Add extractors. arkena Improve extraction. lcp Improve extraction. extractors Add imports for arkena and lcp. extractor/generic Add support for arkena embeds. arkenaplay Remove extractor. Credit @rvanbekkum for arkena. arkena Skip dash formats. facebook Relax _VALID_URL. DailyMail Improve title and description extraction. extractor/common Add support for in SegmentTemplate in MPD manifests. arkena Enable dash formats. telegraaf Enable dash formats. telegraaf Make hls non fatal. dcn Enable dash formats. onet Enable dash formats. tvp Update dash format comment. Release 2016.07.24.
2016.07.1720 Jul 2016 03:05 minor feature: cbc Skip geo-restricted test case. cbsnews Update _TESTS of CBSNewsLiveVideoIE. cliphunter Update _TESTS. cloudy Drop extractor/generic Change twitter:player embeds priority to lowest (?. nintendo Add extractor. nintendo Improve playlist extraction. streamable Add extractor. streamable title extraction and improve. ard Add support for rbb-online. mtvservices Strip description. comedycentraltv Add extractor. Revert " bbc extract more and better qulities from Unified Streaming?. viki Override m3u8 formats acodec. viki Lower m3u8 preference. viki tests. spike Relax _VALID_URL and improve extraction. Make download URLs consistent. Release 2016.07.17.
2016.07.1113 Jul 2016 11:05 minor feature: utils add helper function for parsing codecs. extractor/common add helper method to extract html5 media entries. roosterteeth Add extractor. roosterteeth Improve. Credit @nehalvpatel for roosterteeth. miomio Support new 'h5' player. miomio _TESTS. vuclip extraction. youtube Relax TFA regexes. vidzi Add support for embed URLs. release 2016.07.11.
2016.07.0606 Jul 2016 18:05 minor feature: youtube:shared Recognize the new 'shared' URLs. xuite Support videos with already encoded media id. stitcher episode config extraction. spiegel improve info extraction. slideshare description extraction. sendia info extraction. sandia remove unused imports. rtvnh extract all formats. prosiebensat1 extract all formats. youtube:channel Improve channel id extraction and detect unavailabl?. onionstudios info extraction. prosiebensat1 Make downloading urls JSON non fatal. Release 2016.07.06.
2016.06.2730 Jun 2016 13:25 minor feature: msn Add test URL with non-alphanumeric characters. extractor/generic Improve kaltura embed detection. sr:mediathek Clarify IE_NAME. skynewsarabia:article Clarify IE_NAME. New test-case: extractor names are supposed to be unique. test_all_urls PEP 8 and change wording. kaltura Add _extract_url with regex. extractor/generic Use _extract_url for kaltura embeds. pbs Check manually constructed http links. Release 2016.06.27.
2016.06.23.124 Jun 2016 23:25 minor feature: tf1 wat id extraction. nbc:nbcnews improve extraction and add msnbc to the extractor. jsinterp Relax JS function regex. Release 2016.06.23.1.
2016.06.18.119 Jun 2016 00:45 minor feature: Release 2016.06.18.1.
2016.06.11.313 Jun 2016 01:25 minor feature: Release 2016.06.11.3.
2016.06.03_tmp06 Jun 2016 03:45 minor feature: loc Add support for another URL schema and simplify. loc Extract subtites. loc Extract direct download links. channel9 Add support for rss links.
2016.05.30.230 May 2016 18:05 minor feature: Release 2016.05.30.2.
2016.05.21.225 May 2016 01:05 minor feature: also check for python3 rsa module. Release 2016.05.21.2.
2016.05.1618 May 2016 19:45 minor feature: compat Rename shlex_quote and remove unused subprocess_check_output. Allow colons in custom HTTP header values. __init__ Simplify colon presence check. iqiyi P extraction. utils Add ? and ? found in French to ACCENT_CHARS. vevo Delay the georestriction check to prevent false alerts. downloader/f4m Tolerate truncate segments when testing. bloomberg test_Bloomberg. Update utils Unquote crendentials passed to SOCKS proxies. twitch Skip dead tests. twitch:bookmarks Remove extractor. nrk Rework extractor. mgtv extract http formats. ustudio add support ustudio app/embed urls. extractors add import for UstudioEmbedIE. nrk extract m3u8 formats. brightcove change the protocol for m3u8 formats to m3u8_native. openload extraction. imdb Relax _VALID_URL. imdb Improve extraction. sina extraction. YoutubeDL Sanitize url for url and url_transparent extraction results. cinemassacre Remove extractor. test/test_socks Skip SOCKS tests. teamcoco base64 regexp. Don't hardcode errno constant. utils js_to_json: various improvements. ora minimise fragile regex shenanigans; recognise ?. utils Process non-base 10 integers in js_to_json. ora Revert extraction to regexes. test_utils PEP 8. 3qsdn Add extractor. extractor/generic:3qsdn Add support for embeds. utils Simplify integer conversion in js_to_json. extractor/generic Improve 3qsdn embeds support. extractor/common Improve name extraction for m3u8 formats. xvideos Extract html5 player formats. utils getheader in urlhandle_detect_ext. hearthisat Detect invalid download links. hearthisat Update the first test. collegehumor Remove extractor. groupon Add support for Youtube embeds. release 2016.05.16.
2016.05.1012 May 2016 09:45 minor feature: downloader/hls Delegate extraction to ffmpeg when unsupported featu?. vevo:playlist Add extractor. vevo:playlist Remove deparams. vevo:playlist genre playlists. vevo _call_api. vevo Extract video versions from webpage as a last resort (#?. vevo Add test for video only available via webpage. vevo Extract track related metafields and add artists to title (Clo?. vevo:playlist Add fallback for playlist id. vevo Extract featured artist. discovery typo. Instead of replacing accented characters with an underscore when sani?. Instead of replacing accented characters with an underscore when sani?. vevo Improve genre extraction. YoutubeDL Properly process unable-to-download-error on python2. vevo Remove superfluous code. YoutubeDL Skip non-relevant field types when building output template. extractor/common Relax wording for creator metafield. Update creator description. improved performance by extracting accented chars to top level. kuwo:category description and update test. xiami Detect georestriction and skip tests. xfileshare Add support for xfileshare Refactor _VALID_URL and remove ded sites. xfileshare Add support for aol Improve _VALID_URL. vevo Use raise_geo_restricted. yandexmusic:playlist Improve extraction. yandexmusic:playlist Modernize. yandexmusic:playlist Remove unused imports. yandexmusic:playlist Make title optional. yandexmusic:playlist Respect track order for long ( 150) playlists. udemy course enroll. udemy Modernize. yandexmusic:playlist Update test. fczenit extraction and update test. dailymail Add new extractor. kuwo:category Update test. Makefile Remove more media files in `make clean`. redtube Extract all formats, duration, upload date and view count (?. redtube PEP 8. periscope:user Add new extractor for user pages. vk improve extraction. utils Allow empty attribute values in get_element_by_
2016.05.0104 May 2016 00:25 minor feature: xminus extraction. douyutv Improve extraction and update tests. openload title extraction. utils Allow None mimetypes in mimetype2ext. openload ext extraction. openload Add test. openload Make thumbnail optional. extractor/common do not process f4m manifest that contain akamai pl?. Merge branch 'akamai_pv' of ?. Merge branch 'remitamine-akamai_pv'. unistra Sort formats. nrk Comment out unstable MD5 checksums. mitele Comment out unstable MD5. eagleplatform Checking direct HTTP links. muzu Remove extractor. normalboots extraction. ok Allow embeds without title. ok Extract start time. viewster extract more metadata for http formats. youtube:search_url Reimplement in terms of youtube:playlistbase. Add FAQ entry on output template conflicts. Mention mpv. scivee Skip the test. malemotion Remove the extractor. mwave Add Mwave Meet Greet extractor. theplatform for Python 3.2. 20min Detect embedded YouTube videos. cwtv Relax _VALID_URL. cloudy New domain name for the test_cloudy_1. Merge branch 'mwave-meetgreet' of mwave Coding style. Merge branch 'pmrowla-mwave-meetgreet'. yandexmusic Skip tests as Travis CI blocked. nuvid extraction. yandexmusic Improve error handling. yandexmusic Clarify blockage. viewster extract formats for videos with multiple audios/subtitles. crunchyroll improve extraction. yandexmusic Clarify blockage even more. viewster Remove unused import. arte:+7 typo in _VALID_URL. sexykarma Remove the extractor. orf Skip the expired test. ooyala Skip an invalid test. Revert " sexykarma Remove the extractor". sexykarma Rename to WatchIndianPornIE and extraction. viewlift replace SnagFilms extractors. crunchyroll reduce requests for formats extraction. vlive Add support for live videos. Merge branch 'vlive-hls' of https://github.c
2016.04.2427 Apr 2016 06:05 minor feature: people Add extractor. people Remove bogus comment. youtube Capture and output login error message. quickvid Remove extractor. tvigle extraction. extractor/common Allow empty post data. streetvoice extraction. gdcvault for videos with hard-coded hostnames. dispeak Add new extractor. dispeak/gdcvault Add the test case from #5784. mgtv Add new extractor. utils imporove parse_duration to handle more formats. dispeak Several. dispeak Rename DigitalSpeaking to DigitallySpeaking. mgtv _VALID_URL and add localized name. tvigle Skip hls completely. planetaplay Remove extractor. options Remove experimental mark for --hls-prefer-native. planetaplay Remove remainings of extractor. Add --hls-prefer-ffmpeg. dump Remove extractor. vimeo Pass Referer for check-password request. tubitv extraction. rtbf improve extraction. newstube extract http formats. eagleplatform extract all http formats. iqiyi Improve error detection. nbc add support for youku Skip streams with channel_type=tail. nhl Add new extractor. dplay Try secure api for no tld. dplay Improve extraction and document workarounds and tests. dplay Extract subtitles. dplay Sign unsigned final download hls URLs. viewster extract all http formats. viewster simplify qualities_basename regex. Document track metafields in output template. generic Unescape the video URL. yahoo Extend _VALID_URL and extraction. yahoo Update some tests. yahoo Extract all s. yahoo Improve error detection and update tests. mwave Skip checking unstable MD5. onionstudios description extraction. ThePlatform tests failed since 79ba914. kuwo:category the test. viewster improve http formats extraction. kwuo:song extraction and update the test. release 2016.04.24.
2016.04.1318 Apr 2016 13:25 minor feature: extractor/common Introduce music album metafields. yandexmusic Extract music album metafields. beeg Improve extraction. vrt Add support for direct hls playlists and YouTube. YoutubeDL Sanitize single thumbnail URL. acast extraction. acast channel extraction. novamov Improve _VALID_URL template. democracynow Make description optional. democracynow tests. democracynow Improve extraction. extractor/common Support arbitrary format strings for template base?. gdcvault extraction. extractor/common Relax _hidden_inputs. tnaflix extraction. tnaflix metadata extraction. Delay initialization of InfoExtractors until they are needed. Move the extreactors import to youtube_dl/extractor/ Add experimental support for lazy loading the info extractors. lazy extractors: specify the encoding. lazy extractors: building with python2.6. lazy extractors: Style. lazy extractors: Output if it's enabled in the verbose log. lazy extractors: Initialize the real info extractor. add command for building the lazy_extractors module. aol add support for videos with vidible IDs. utils Don't touch URLs if not necessary. aol Add coding cookie. funnyordie Relax M3U8 URL matching. presstv Added extractor PressTV. internetvideoarchive extraction and support json URLs. rottentomatoes Adapt to InternetVideoArchiveIE. videodetective Adapt to InternetVideoArchiveIE. test/helper Check got values to be strings for md5: fields. presstv updated extractor and tests to work with current PressTV we?. test/utils Add test for date_from_str. 1tv extraction. test/InfoExtractors add test for _download_json. extractor/common Remove irrelevant comment. cliprs Add extractor. extractor/extractors Remove non-existant imports. presstv Refactored extractor. ebaumsworlds Update _VALID_URL. screencastomatic extraction. jwplatform:base Extract duration. screencastomatic Add duration to test. jwp
2016.04.0612 Apr 2016 01:25 minor feature: iqiyi Improve error detection for VIP-only videos. compat Handle tuples properly in urlencode(). Makefile: use full path for the file. Makefile: remove from the 'all' target. release 2016.04.06.
2016.04.0101 Apr 2016 11:39 minor feature: bbc Extend vpid regex pornhub:playlistbase Use orderedSet pornhub:playlistbase Do not include videos not from playlist pornhub:uservideos Add support for multipage videos amp Fix upload timestamp extraction foxnews Restore upload time fields in test pornhub Fix typo YoutubeDL Fix sanitizing subtitles' url Add format_id to the list of string meta fields available for use in format Add initial ISSUE_TEMPLATE Add ISSUE_TEMPLATE.tmpl as template for devscripts/make_issue_template Rework to use ISSUE_TEMPLATE.tmpl Makefile Fix target devscripts/ Make and commit it Exclude from flake8 devscripts/make_issue_template Fix NameError under python3 Remove Rename ISSUE_TEMPLATE.tmpl in order not to be picked up by github devscripts/make_issue_template Fix __version__ again Improve Add manually generated comcarcoff don not depend on crackle extractor tumblr Improve _VALID_URL kuwo:song Correct song ID extraction kwuo Remove _sort_formats() from KuwoBaseIE._get_formats() kwuo Port to new API and enable --cn-verification-proxy myspace improve extraction cnbc Add new extractor cnbc fix test nbc add new extractor for brightcove relax embed_in_page regex tenplay remove extractor nationalgeographic improve extraction nationalgeographic add support for urls beeg Switch to api v6 udemy Switch to api 2.0 utils Add update_Request utils Use update_Request in http_request extractor/common Improve _request_webpage udemy:course Simplify course curriculum downloading udemy Remove unused import voxmedia Add new extractor tudou Improve error handling howstuffworks improve extraction udemy:course Use new URL format voxmedia improve sbnation support generic remove sbnation test(handled by VoxMediaIE) cbs improve extraction release 2016.04.01
2016.03.2728 Mar 2016 20:44 minor feature: brightcove Support alternative BrightcoveExperience layout brightcove Extract more formats generic Add a test case for brightcove embed twitter Fix extraction mailru Extend _VALID_URL utils Extract sanitize_url routine YoutubeDL Sanitize final URLs YoutubeDL Sort imports youtube:playlistsbase Restrict playlist regex udemy Extract formats from view_html udemy Use custom sorting udemy Fix outputs' formats format_id udemy Add outputs metadata to view_html formats udemy Drop outputs' formats udemy Improve format_id udemy Improve paid course detection vevo Update videoservice API URL lynda Extract chapter metadata pluralsight Extract chapter metadata twitter Handle another form of embedded Vine Remove _sort_formats from _extract_*_formats methods downloader/f4m Extract routine for removing unsupported encrypted media extractor/common Filter out unsupported encrypted media for f4m formats release 2016.03.27
2016.03.2626 Mar 2016 17:24 minor feature: once Relax _VALID_URL thescene Fix extraction and improve style compat Add compat_urllib_parse_urlencode and eliminate encode_dict Use urlencode_postdata across the codebase test_compat Add tests for compat_urllib_parse_urlencode release 2016.03.26
2016.03.2525 Mar 2016 09:23 minor feature: francetvinfo Add support for france3-regions and strip title francetv Improve formats extraction tudou Use InAdvancePagedList openload Add new extractor openload Misc improvements README: document that BSD make is also supported vlive Fix creator extraction Credit @vitstradal for the key algorithm in OpenloadIE kwuo Fix KuwoChartIE and KuwoSingerIE and accept new URL form animeondemand Detect geo restriction animeondemand Extract all formats YoutubeDL Improve _format_note mailru Add support for https Add missing r prefix for _VALID_URLs Add support for https for all extractors as preventive and future-proof measure rutv Improve flash version pattern xhamster:embed Extract vars motherless Detect friends only videos animeondemand Respect startvideo animeondemand Extract teaser when no full episode available animeondemand Skip dash for now ceskatelevize Make m3u8 formats extraction non fatal laola1tv Add support for livestreams once Prevent ads from embedding into m3u8 playlists Add extractor for utils Encode hostnames before passing to urllib tunein Fix stream data extraction Merge pull request #8898 from dstftw/fragment-retries test/test_utils Update for escape_url change test/test_utils Update for escape_url change (again) generic Support Vine embeds tumblr Support Vine embeds instagram Extract embed videos instagram Unescape description generic Extract Instagram embeds tumblr Add a test with Instagram embed utils Clarify Python versions affected by buggy struct module mtv Fix description extraction iprima Fix extraction nytimes Tolerate missing metadata youtube:live Add extractor extractor/__init__ Add youtube:live and sort youtube extractors alphabetically udemy Improve course enrolling udemy Extract formats from outputs udemy Add support for new URL schema mnet Add new extractor mnet Improve Credit @Kagami for mnet douyutv Extend _VALID_URL iqiyi Update enc_key release 2016.03.25
2016.03.1818 Mar 2016 12:59 minor feature: external/downloader fix rtmp downloading using FFmpegFD gameinformer update the extractor to use BrightcoveNewIE tlc fix extraction and update extractor to use BrightcoveNewIE gameinformer remove unused imports brightcove raise ExtractorError on 403 errors and fix regex to work with tenplay rice Add new extractor brightcove:new Add support for non numeric ref: preffixed video ids brightcove:new detect m3u8 manifests by M2TS container noz extract f4m and m3u8 formats twitch:playlistbase Clarify pagination bug Merge pull request #8513 from remitamine/dash-sort brightcove extract dash formats and detect audio formats svt extract dashhbbtv formats aljazeera update the extractor to use BrightcoveNewIE kuwo:mv Fix the test and extraction of georestricted MVs noz fix extraction in python 2.6 brightcove:new update embed_in_page embeds regex to match non numeric ref id thestar Add new extractor brightcove some improvements and fixes tv3 Add new extractor brightcove:new extract protocol-less embed URLs Merge pull request #8092 from bpfoley/twitter-thumbnail udemy Update course id regex to cover v4 layout udemy Improve course id v4 regex brightcover Remove unused import utils PEP 8 bravotv Add new extractor sbs improve extraction youtube Added itag 91 once Add new format extractor theplatform extract brightcove once formats nbc:nbcnews improve extraction wistia extract more metadata crunchyroll Fix custom _download_webpage animeondemand Expand episode title regex animeondemand Add test animeondemand Improve extraction animeondemand Fix typo and improve compat Add compat_xpath utils Use compat_xpath noz Fix extraction on python 2.6 by means of using compat_xpath theplatform always force theplatform to return a smil for _extract_theplatform_smil theplatform remove unnecessary import release 2016.03.18
2016.03.1414 Mar 2016 17:37 minor feature: kaltura add support for videos with reference id safari extract free and preview videos extractor/common add data, headers and query params to _request_webpage Merge pull request #8819 from remitamine/simple-webpage-requests googledrive Relax _VALID_URL extractor/common add transform_source to _download_smil and _extract_smil_formats dw Add new extractor dw add support for audio pages dw add support for article pages Merge pull request #8827 from remitamine/safari kaltura optimize url info extraction kaltura Respect kaltura session safari Respect kaltura session safari Fix authentication extractor/common Add _parse_f4m_formats routine extractor/generic Extract f4m formats and refactor common info extractor/generic Extract f4m formats from final URLs safari Remove unused imports minoto Add new extractor makerschannel Add new extractor bbc Fix BBC Extractor to work with 'School Report' bbc Improve title and description extraction bbc Update test bbc Generalize unit table lookup and add parse_count mixcloud Fix view count extraction ffmpeg convert format ext to ffmpeg output formats codes vice:show Add extractor utils PEP 8 downloader/external skip FFmpegFD when requesting multiple formats YoutubeDL check for --list-thumbnails immediately after processing them Merge pull request #8821 from remitamine/list-thumbnails-order downloader/external wrap available_opt in a list downloader/external add can_download mathod for checking downloader availability and support downloader/rtsp Add rtsp and mms downloader extractor/__init__ disable time range downloading download/external move the check for multiple selected formats to get_suitable_downloader downloader/external check for ffmpeg availablity when it used for m38u download external/downloader don't pass -t and -ss to ffmpeg downloader/external pass configuration args to ffmpeg Merge pull request #8611 from remitamine/ffmpegfd usatoday Add new extractor release 2016.03.14
2016.03.0606 Mar 2016 13:02 minor feature: twitch Workaround broken paging twitch:playlistsbase Use orderedSet twitch:playlistbase Restore original _PAGE_LIMIT twitch:playlistbase Fix all at once fetch utils add update_url_query function test/test_utils add tests for update_url_query indavideo:embed Fix tags extraction test/test_utils add more tests for update_url_query Merge pull request #8739 from remitamine/update_url_params livestream Fix FutureWarning douyutv Fix tests leeco format_id should be strings leeco Skip an invalid test. test_LePlaylist_1 is sufficient Merge branch 'kusi' of into mutantmonkey-kusi kusi Add a test for the alternative form of URL fivemin improve extraction engadget remove support for legacy urls aol imporve extraction kusi Simplify and improve Merge branch 'mutantmonkey-kusi' yandexmusic Capture and output API errors kusi Two fixes kusi Correct test_KUSI audimedia update _VALID_URL and video_id regex and improve http format_id bleacherreport update tests youporn Fix quality extraction youporn Fix sources regex foxnews update test utils update_url_query: Encode the strings in the query dict twitter Provide more metadata elpais Add support for alternative layout revision3 add support pages of type embed revision3 add support for pages of type tag YoutubeDL Fix resolution with missing height in output template dict revison3 fix video_id for --download-archive jeuxvideo Fix config URL extraction vgtv support and fix old videos extraction Merge pull request #8754 from remitamine/5min Merge pull request #8718 from remitamine/m3u8-fixup cnet fix info extraction cinemassacre update tests update tests related to the change in youtube http format sorting YoutubeDL Fix typo in m3u8_native fixup YoutubeDL Carry long lines and improve readability downloader/fragment Make speed more smooth vimeo Don't pollute std_headers release 2016.03.06
2016.03.0101 Mar 2016 11:51 minor feature: Make configuration file example more diverse Clarify configuration file options syntax Use simple wording instead of env variable for home webofstories Tolerate malforder og:title zdf Ignore hls manifests that use https screenwavemedia Improve formats extraction screenwavemedia Improve formats sorting screenwavemedia Check formats' URLs tf1 Improve wat id regex mdr Fix extraction Fix extraction release 2016.03.01
2016.02.2728 Feb 2016 08:58 minor feature: xfileshare Add support for powerwatch Add example for channel/user playlists download Extract example subsections Add tl;dr links to examples Emphasize copyright infringement aspects in add-new-site-support tutorial Update link to extractor metafields Clarify robustness and future-proof requirements for new extractors nba Support non-video/ pages utils Implement cache for OnDemandPagedList nba Support channels facebook Support mobile URLs vk Extract video URL from extra_data c56 Support videos hosted on Sohu facebook Fix format sorting Turn references to issues to links motherless Make categories optional motherless Detect non-existing videos utils Remove AM/PM from unified_strdate patterns motherless Update tests uStudio Add new extractor ustudio Improve space Remove extractor kuwo Fix a test utils Move base62 to utils jwplatform Separate codes for for parsing jwplayer data utils Add base36 for use in Vidzi vidzi Fix extraction utils Merge base_n functions utils Move codes for handling eval() from videomega Fix extraction utils Relaxing regex in decode_packed_codes for vidzi vidzi Use decode_packed_codes youtube Add alternative automatic captions extraction approach letv Speedup M3U8 decryption bokecc Add new extractor infoq Use BokeCC extractor function utils Multiple changes to base_n() extractor/common Properly extract audio only formats in master m3u8 playlists extractor/common Clarify rationale on media playlist detection imdb Recognize 1080p formats tnaflixnetwork:embed Add extractor tnaflixnetwork Fallback age limit to 18 tnaflixnetwork:embed Add _extract_urls extractor/generic Add support for tnaflix network embeds dplay add support for and dplay Improve, extract all formats and metadata Credit @aidan- for more dplay sites support dplay Add support for release 2016.02.27
2016.02.2222 Feb 2016 20:42 minor feature: facebook Improve error handling xtube Fix extraction xtube:user Remove duplicated video ids orf:tvthek Check formats arte:+7 Add support for en and es URLs arte:+7 Fix extraction for react-based layout arte PEP 8 arte Fix upload date extraction vrt Make formats extraction non fatal vrt Detect geo restriction dailymotion Fix view count extraction cbsnews extract subtitle url from theplatform SMIL manifest cbsnews use find_xpath_attr arte:magazine Add extractor arte:magazine Improve arte Improve _VALID_URLs youtube:watchlater Improve _VALID_URL youtube:watchlater Respect --no-playlist francetv Improve video id regex pornhub:user:videos Add extractor pornhub:playlistbase Improve extract entries pornhub Fix thumbnail and duration extraction Clarify verbose log mtv Extract duration from each playlist item mtv improve duration extraction test_YoutubeDL Make test pass until more intelligent sort formats appletrailers Extend _VALID_URL utils Add OHDave's RSA encryption function iqiyi Implement _login() Makefile iQiyi login test requires network faz Future-proof XML element check iqiyi Support playlists test_iqiyi_sdk_interpreter Add test for iQiyi login utils mimetype2ext: return 'm4a' for 'audio/mp4' postprocessor/embedthumbnail Allow mkv to embed thumbnails add more subtitles mime types to mimetype2ext and fix the platform subtitle extraction extractor/generic Add support for ok embeds arte:+7 Improve _VALID_URL arte:+7 Detect more embeds arte:magazine Fix test arte:future Fix test twitter:amplify Add TwitterAmplifyIE for handling Twitter smart URLs twitter Fix several failed tests twitter:amplify Extract more metadata twitter Fix a typo twitter Fix metadata extraction and test_Twitter_1 extractor/common Add _remove_duplicate_formats pbs Extract all formats arte PEP 8 googledrive Make thumbnail optional tf1 fix info extraction release 2016.02.22
2016.02.1314 Feb 2016 20:44 minor feature: konserthusetplay Reorder code pieces Add output template example for streaming to stdout Clarify quotes in output template Fix typo youtube Clarify itag 36 height and abr mailru Prefer metaUrl API mailru Improve and modernize mailru Fix tests fox extract http formats extractor/common remove duplicated formats and subtiles in smil manifests downloader/dash Implement dashsegments fd in terms of fragment fd fox update test extractor/common extract youtube dash formats filesize viddler Add support for secret videos viddler Update tests hotstar Relax _VALID_URL youku Report private videos pbs Switch to portal player by default YoutubeDL Sanitize format_id crackle Add new extractor crackle improve format sorting crackle add prefix to format ids plays Add new extractor extractor/common improve dash format ids pbs Revert prefer portalplayer pbs Improve description extraction pbs Update some tests pbs Fix multi part videos extraction plays PEP 8 youtube Fix typos YoutubeDL Fix format resolution when height is missing extractor/common remove duplicate rtmp formats in smil manifest cbc Add new extractor utils Bump Firefox version in User-Agent theplatform fix pid extraction in the platform feed Merge branch 'master' of theplatform remove unused import and change smil url for ThePlatformFeedIE vimeo Fix authentication extractor/generic Improve dailymotion embed detection extractor/common strip http urls in smil manifest aenetworks extract http formats Revert "aenetworks extract http formats" extractor/common Improve base url construction extractor/generic Pass mpd base url to _parse_mpd_formats YoutubeDL Allow bestvideo+bestaudio for any extractor extractor/generic Add direct mpd url test youtube Improve multifeed videos extraction youtube Add test for #8536 nbc Correct test release 2016.02.13
2016.02.0104 Feb 2016 02:05 minor feature: youtube Move decrypt_sig out of _parse_dash_manifest. Support for playlists, user channels. common _parse_dash_manifest() from common Modify _parse_dash_manifest for use in Facebook. facebook Add support for DASH manifests. youtube Pass self._formats to _parse_dash_manifest. common for youtube. common Prefer the manifest than formats_dict in determining codecs. youtube Remove '(v a)codec': 'none' entries. common Rename to namespace. common Remove unused arguments. common Add _extract_dash_manifest_formats. facebook Add md5 for the test case with DASH. Gamekings url Gamekings viewing of old videos. test_youtube_lists TestYoutubeLists.test_youtube_course. test_subtitles TestRaiSubtitles. youporn uploader and description. xuite Replace the test case with my uploaded one. FFmpegSubtitlesConvertorPP delete old subtitle files. youtube Use 'orderedSet' instead of 'set' to preserve the order. Merge branch 'gamekings_' of ?. gamekings Add MD5 back. gamekings add_ie. gamekings Stricter checks. Merge branch 'rrooij-gamekings_'. acast extraction. acast Remove ACastBaseIE. allocine extraction of test_allocine_1 and update tests. allocine for Python 2.6. bpb extraction and update tests. allocine Use xpath_element. vidzi extraction. vidzi _TESTS. YoutubeDL Do not override ie_key in url_transparent. kickstarter Eliminate the warning message and add_ie. kickstarter title and test_kickstarter. Merge branch 'daum-playlist-user' of daum PEP8. daum Do not match a single URL with multiple info extractors. daum Update test_daum_1. Merge branch 'ping-daum-playlist-user'. Match more URLs. release 2016.02.01.
2016.01.1518 Jan 2016 20:05 minor feature: YoutubeDL urlopen: disable the 'file:' protocol. YoutubeDL urlopen: use build_opener again. YoutubeDL improve error message for file:/// URLs. YoutubeDL use a more correct terminology in the error message for f?. vodlocker extraction. unistra extraction. ntvde extraction. orf:fm4 Extend _VALID_URL. orf:fm4 Add test. ntvde Improve regex. prosiebensat1 add support for prosiebensat1 some extraction and update tests. Canvas Add new extractor. canvas Improve. Credit @TomGijselinck for canvas. history signature and media url extraction. Revert " history signature and media url extraction". theplatform extend _VALID_URL regex. history add support for episode pages. ae Add support for, and xtube Add shortcut. xtube:user extraction. history Remove import. ae Add extractor import. ae Improve _VALID_URL. cwtv Add new extractor. release 2016.01.15.
2016.01.0102 Jan 2016 16:45 minor feature: regiotv Add new extractor. regiotv Improve extraction. discovery add support for discovery related sites. discovery improve _VALID_URL regex. tlc remove TlcIE. pandoratv Add new extractor. pandoratv Improve extraction. pandoratv Add IE names. espn Update test. espn Support 'intl' videos. espn Extract better titles. tvland Add new extractor. tvland inherit from MTVServicesInfoExtractor. Einthusan parser. Merge branch 'master' of einthusan Improve extraction. Einthusan parser. einthusan Improve extraction. mtv extract mgid extraction and query building into separate methods. nick Add new extractor. Merge branch 'master' of nextmovie Add new extractor. youku extraction. ccc Update _VALID_URL. ccc upload date extraction. ccc description extraction and update test. ccc Extract duration. Release 2016.01.01.
2015.12.1316 Dec 2015 21:25 minor feature: FFmpegPostProcessor Default of prefer ffmpeg. Add cookie and referer in headers, change the video url. downloader/f4m malformed manifests. ooyala improve extraction. vevo Catch the georestriction message. vevo Use _match_id. Able to download first part of the video, but fail in the left part. vevo Handle videos without video_info. vevo Allow calling API without https. vevo Use _download_smil to provide informative error messages. Some not important codesnips. According the blog and you-get the. downloader/f4m Decode manifest before ing. wdr extract all formats. funimation Add new extractor. funimation PEP 8. funimation login message. funimation Remove unnecessary login form field. funimation Real UA is required for login. funimation Improve extraction. funimation Update test. funimation Improve _VALID_URL. funimation Use mobile webpage for workaround hulu error. funimation Remove unused import. funimation Extend _VALID_URL to match promotional videos. funimation promotional videos extraction. funimation Add test for promotional video. funimation Improve extraction. beeg API v5. The keyerror(mp4hd), todo support download the video protected by?. Add support to video protected by password. Merge data1 and data2. safari Use postdata_urlencode. Merge branch 'youku_' of i?. youku Cleanup and PEP8. youku MD5 is unstable. youku tests. youku Simplify. youku Reorder format items. Merge branch 'Celthi-youku_'. Credit @Celthi for ing Youku extractor. youku Put the missing item to get_hd. Credit @Slyneth for funimation. funimation Improve login. novamov filekey extraction. novamov Improve existence checking. nowvideo Skip deleted test case. infoq extraction for HTTP URLs. Release 2015.12.13.
2015.11.27.130 Nov 2015 09:05 minor feature: Release 2015.11.27.1.
2015.11.1012 Nov 2015 19:25 minor feature: Add support for democracynow: correct syntax. Merge branch 'pr-democracynow' of democracynow _TESTS. democracynow Simplify. democracynow Add MD5 sums. vimeo non-ASCII video passwords. vimeo non-ASCII video passwords (2). vimeo non-ASCII login. vimeo non-ASCII album passwords. democracynow Rename js to json_data. democracynow Prevent required fields to be None. Merge branch 'atomicdryad-pr-democracynow'. test/subtitles Add test for DemocracynowIE. Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'. globo Separate article extractor. globo Improve m3u8 extraction. globo Skip unsupported smooth streaming. globo Prefer native m3u8. globo Remove non available test. globo Remove like count. globo Improve http formats. globo Update tests. globo Force uploader id to be string. globo:article test. globo Add more tests. vk view count extraction. vimeo Remove unused import. youtube Prefer video_info with token available. youtube Clarify rationale for preferring a video info with token (#?. prosiebensat1 Add support domains. periscope Add support for videos with broadcast_id. periscope Add test for broadcast_id based URL. periscope Add note on where to find alive example URLs. YoutubeDL Sanitize path after output template substitution (#?. miomio info extraction. miomio use the formats urls headers for downloading xml. ndr Relax _VALID_URL. ndr Add test for #7383. njoy Relax _VALID_URL. ndr:embed Relax _VALID_URL. njoy:embed Relax _VALID_URL. postprocessor/ffmpeg Use ffmpeg as presince it's used all over ?. lynda:course Force log out. lynda:course Modernize and make more robust. lynda Modernize and make more robust. lynda PEP 8. miomio PEP 8. pbs Simplify and speed up player URL search. pbs Add support for flp frontlines. pbs Add test for flp frontline embeds. pbs Make flp embed loo
2015.10.2428 Oct 2015 01:05 minor feature: test/test_download Use extract_flat = 'in_playlist' for playlist items. youtube:channel test. youtube:channel Support age restricted channels. typo. Py2exe build. Release 2015.10.24.
2015.10.0911 Oct 2015 07:25 minor feature: Typos and improve grammar and spelling. nowtv. extractor to pull metadata from associated Javascript?. 4tube Style and make more robust. 4tube Revert uploader regexes and make non fatal. 4tube Try extracting sources from the webpage before fetching playe?. pbs detect errors from http error code. pbs place errors into a dict. pbs Carry long line. dailymotion Update player v5 regex. extractor/common Allow HTML5 unquoted attribute values. Release 2015.10.09.
2015.10.06.210 Oct 2015 07:25 minor feature: compat wrong lines/columns order. bandcamp Prepend download URL with scheme when necessary (. canalplus Extend video id regex. canalplus PEP 8. Release 2015.10.06.2.
2015.09.2224 Sep 2015 02:25 minor feature: extraction. nowness video extraction and add support serie and playlist ext?. nowness _VALID_URL regex. nowness add api abstration function adn extend _VALID_URL regex. nowness change id variable name. nowness more api abstraction. nowness pass cinematique. ndr info extraction. ndr add support for embeds. ndr make NDREmbed and NJoyEmbed _VALID_URL regex unique. ndr use utils.qualites. downloader/hls Properly stream. yahoo Process query result embedded in webpage. yahoo test. extractor/common Case insensitive inputs extraction. extractor/common Skip html comment tags. openfilm Remove extractor. Merge branch 'master' of into ?. tudou Add the test case. Merge branch 'ndr' of into r?. tudou A more comprehensive _VALID_URL. Merge branch 'linhua55-master'. tudou Modernize. tudou Avoid shadowing builtin names. tudou Use _download_xml. tudou Improve regexs. tudou Use single quotes and compat_str. Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'. Merge branch 'master' of into remitamine-ndr. ndr Rework and cover with tests. Merge branch 'remitamine-ndr'. Merge branch 'nowness' of in?. nowness Simplify. Merge branch 'remitamine-nowness'. nowness Add vimeo test. Clarify playlist_index description. Unify playlist description. clubic Relax _VALID_URL. compat Do not use unicode. youtube:truncated_url Add ?t=. youtube:channel Correct 404 handling. typo. Add the missing tag `EMBEDDING YOUTUBE-DL` in the content table. pornhub Relax _VALID_URL. rai Add support for videos embedded with drawMediaRaiTV. telecinco Incorporate mitele code. mitele extraction. telecinco Add support or telecinco Update test. telecinco Clarify IE_DESC. mitele Clarify IE_DESC. telecinco Add support for
2015.09.0307 Sep 2015 10:05 minor feature: downloader/f4m Fragment filenames must be sanitized. MTV move German mtv site to new class. mtvde Simplify. mtvservices mediagen URL generation. mtvde Add test for mediagen URL without query. mtvde Add support for news. mtvservices Catch more georestriction errors. mtvservices title extraction under python 2. generic Look for ScreenwaveMedia embeds. screenwavemedia use the true JS value instead of a comment. screenwavemedia warn when falling back to a hardcoded list of streams. screenwavemedia Add EMBED_PATTERN. screenwavemedia Improve _VALID_URL. cinemassacre Use screenwavemedia embed pattern. generic Use screenwavemedia embed pattern. generic Add test for screenwavemedia embed. kaltura add html5 player urls. kaltura Strictify _VALID_URL. kaltura Clarify html5 player comment. kaltura _VALID_URL formatting. nowtv display_id. abc Support YouTube embeds. abc Use int_or_none. youtube missing format details for 60fps DASH formats. youtube Simplify and extract more metadata from url_encoded_fmt_str?. imgut:album Add extractor. YoutubeDL Encode thumbnail filename. f4m Add missing imports. hls Properly encode fragment filename. fc2 Relax _VALID_URL. fc2 Add test for #3171. fc2 refer. odnoklassniki extraction and extend _VALID_URL. globo extraction and make more robust. dumpert Support 'embed/' urls. Support video-password on Youku. coding styple in YouKuIE. Update README. youku Simplify. youku videopassword test. options Clarify extractors supporting videopassword. francetv Use subtitle when present. francetv Update tests. francetv Update tests (2). rtve extraction. utils Strict HTTP responses. link to developer instructions and correct path. Remove superfluous word. ok Extract correct data-options. ok Improve player regex. ok Add support for youtube embeds. ok Sort formats. release 2015.09.03.
2015.08.16.121 Aug 2015 19:45 minor feature: playtvak Improve description extraction and add test for metro. screenwavemedia extraction. playtvak Use tuples. screenwavemedia Make more robust. youtube:search_url extraction. youtube Expand _VALID_URL to support sportdeutschland extraction. Release 2015.08.16.1.
2015.07.2805 Aug 2015 06:05 minor cleanup: Lecture2Go Add new extractor. Ir90Tv Add new extractor. Ir90Tv Add new extractor. remove print. Support BBC News ( BBCNewsIE: eliminate redundant function. bbcnews: Switch to parse_duration, revert change to docs/supportedsit?. toss new stuff into old file. no.get('..',None). typofix. Support BBC news in other languages, non-mediaselector videos. rename - Unbreak breakage that was broken to test breakage. Prefer externalId over non-mediaserver-specific hashkey for video id. Fix tests, description formatting. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into pr-bbcnews. handle titles and captions set to ''. correct syntax. tagesschau add support for more video types. tagesschau add support for Bericht aus Berlin videos. tagesschau set description=None for empty descriptions. pbs: fix vague 'Full Episode' titles; prepend name of show. less clunky if statement. YoutubeDL don't default to 'bestvideo+bestaudio/best' for live videos. youtube Extract start_time. snagfilms Improve m3u8 extraction. snagfilms Don't use '_' as a variable that is used. viewster Rewrite for new API. viewster Strip titles. Credit Zach Bruggeman for the appleconnect extractor. Merge branch 'lecture2go' of int?. lecture2go Improve some regular expressions. lecture2go Support more formats. lecture2go Update _TEST. utils Improve parse_duration. lecture2go Add more metadata fields. lecture2go Make optional fields non-fatal. Merge branch 'nichdu-lecture2go'. udemy Handle already-logged-in scenario. pbs Clean up title construction rationale. pbs No need to escape colon. Credit @nichdu for Lecture2Go extractor. Merge branch 'patch/enhance-tagesschau-regex' of tagesschau Relax _VALID_URL and simplify. Merge branch 'rohieb-patch/enhance-tagesschau-regex'. tagesschau Add support for audio. tagesschau Improve tests. viki Fix height. pros
2015.07.1819 Jul 2015 21:25 minor feature: Adds support for XviD output with extra parametrization. Use shlex.split for --pp-params and update related docs. kuwo New extractor for neteasemusic Add new extractor for neteasemusic Do proper rounding conversion of millisecond timestamp?. Added a Playlist Info Extractor for WebOfStories. Rename --pp-params to --postprocessor-args and access value as super ?. Simplify `postprocessor_args` transmission to PP base class. yinyuetai New extractor for clipsyndicate Support chic subdomain. clipsyndicate Use _match_id. vk Extend _VALID_URL to handle vk Fix youtube extraction. vk Add test for youtube embed. Merge branch 'yinyuetai' of into p?. yinyuetai Add test for h5/ part in _VALID_URL. yinyuetai Style. yinyuetai Miscellaneous improvements. Merge branch 'ping-yinyuetai'. yinyuetai Do not capture unused group. youtube Make further DASH manifests not fatal after succeeded one. vimple Extract spruto player based extractor class. myvi:embed Add extractor. myvi:embed Extend _VALID_URL. extractor/generic:myvi Add support for myvi embeds. myvi:embed Improve _VALID_URL. myvi:embed Rename to myvi. pbs Add support for subtitles. extractor/generic Add test for myvi embed. neteasemusic Changes after review. kuwo Merge KuwoSingerMusicIE into KuwoSingerIE. kuwo Merge KuwoSingerMusicIE into KuwoSingerIE (missed Merge branch 'neteasemusic' of int?. neteasemusic PEP8. neteasemusic Encoding fixes for Python 2.6 and 3.x. compat Add compat_itertools_count. netease:djradio Use compat_itertools_count. Merge branch 'ping-neteasemusic'. Merge branch 'kuwo' of into ping-kuwo. kuwo PEP8. twitch Fix login. Merge branch 'master' of twitch Fix error message regex. twitch Show reset password request. kuwo Regula
2015.07.0719 Jul 2015 08:05 minor bugfix: qqmusic Add support for playlists. qqmusic Fix album extraction. qqmusic Fix song extraction when certain formats are unavailable. qqmusic Fix code formatting. qqmusic Use _check_formats instead. Update Credit @remitamine for snagfilms. crunchyroll Fix extraction. Merge branch 'patch-1' of into?. rtlnl Improve. rtlnl Add test with encrypted m3u8 streams for reference. Merge branch 'corone17-patch-1'. rtlnl Clarify test. rtlnl Clarify current adaptive - flash workaround rationale. common Add 'fatal' to _extract_m3u8_formats. spiegeltv Skip invalid m3u8 manifests. Merge branch 'qqmusic-playlist' of ?. qqmusic:playlist Playlist names are optional. Merge branch 'ping-qqmusic-playlist'. Merge branch 'qqmusic-album-fix' of ?. qqmusic:album Strip description. qqmusic:album Playlist names are optional. Merge branch 'ping-qqmusic-album-fix'. Merge branch 'qqmusic-format-fix' of qqmusic Use regex for thumbnails in test cases. Merge branch 'ping-qqmusic-format-fix'. vk Fix extraction. vk Catch ownership confirmation request. gfycat Extract id correctly. gfycat Catch errors. release 2015.07.07.
2015.06.2503 Jul 2015 02:05 minor feature: pinkbike new extractor. pinkbike converted duration to int. pinkbike used proper conversion methods. youku update youku. youku compatible for python 3.3 or 2.7. youku compare bytes and str for compatible; use compat_urllib_parse?. youku change format_id. Add `--force-generic-extractor`. YoutubeDL Fix for multiple URLs. YoutubeDL Remove global state for force_generic_extractor flag in f?. YoutubeDL Remove force_generic_extractor arg from process_ie_result. safari make url regex more lenient. vbox7 Fix extraction. Merge branch 'youku' of into ?. youku PEP8. vk Fix extraction. vk Fix upload date extraction. vk Extract view count. youtube:search Fix search query. youku Better handling for Python 2/3 compatibility. francetv Update f4m manifest token URL. youku Use _match_id. youku Add a v.swf test case. safari Add test for #5985. youku Change video_id and add a multipart test case. youku Better error handling. youku Add cn_verification_proxy support and add a georestricted tes?. youku Coding style. YoutubeDL Youku extractor now uses the standard format selection. Merge branch 'PeterDing-youku'. Credit @jackyzy823 for iqiyi. youku Simplify a bit the 'entries' construction. spankwire Fix extraction. lifenews Fix extraction. lifenews Modernize. lifenews Fix tests. bbccouk Fix error handling. bbccouk Fix description. postprocessor/embedthumbnail Skipping if thumbnail file missing. viki Add support for authentication. pornhub Extend _VALID_URL. youtube Add itag 59 and 78. dramafever Add support for authentication. dramafever:series Fix extraction while authenticated. Merge branch 'pinkbike' of in?. pinkbike Improve and simplify. Merge branch 'misterhat-pinkbike'. viki Pass session token around. xvideos Support lower-quality formats found on Android. imdb Fix extra
2015.06.1517 Jun 2015 02:05 minor feature: dramafever Add new extractor for dramafever Streamline code. iqiyi Add new extractor for iqiyi Do not request for unneeded formats. Merge branch 'iqiyi' of into ?. qqmusic Extract additional formats (mp3-128, mp3-320). qqmusic Set abr for mp3 formats. teamcoco Handle incomplete m3u8 URLs. Merge branch 'qqmusic-more-formats' of qqmusic Rearrange codes. qqmusic Use meaningful variable names. Merge branch 'ping-qqmusic-more-formats'. izlesene Unquote video URLs and simplify. izlesene Avoid timestamp differences in tests due to DST. pornovoisines Improve average_rating extraction and update test case. youtube:channel Improve channel id extraction. Ruutu Add new extractor. turbo Improve description extraction. sunporno Fix view_count extraction. iqiyi PEP8. iqiyi Remove format selection codes. iqiyi Simplify and improve regex patterns. iqiyi Give error message for assertion failures. iqiyi Reorder imports. iqiyi Improve some variable names and add download notes. iqiyi Change id for multipart videos. iqiyi Add a multipart test case. iqiyi Make _VALID_URL more accurate. iqiyi Unify get_format() and get_bid(). iqiyi Improve regex pattern again. iqiyi Cache encryption keys. Merge branch 'PeterDing-iqiyi'. ruutu Don't use fallback for DASH and other non-HTTP urls. Merge branch 'ruutu' of into h?. update: Use https for getting the version info. ruutu Improve, make more robust and fix python 2.6 support. Merge branch 'hlintala-ruutu'. options Clarify `--list-extractors`. brightcove Allow single quotes in Brightcove URLs. common Add note and errnote field for _extract_m3u8_formats. discovery Rewrite DiscoveryIE. tlc Fix test failure due to DiscoveryIE changes. instagram Handling null values. instagram:user Truncate title to 80 charac
2015.05.2931 May 2015 16:45 minor feature: viki Add support for shows. viki Fix code format. Merge branch 'viki-shows' of into ?. viki Add proper paging and include clips. Merge branch 'viki-shows' of into ?. viki Change IE name to channel, better message output. karrierevideos add support for manually specify namespace. Merge branch 'viki-shows' of into ?. viki:channel Extract title from JSON. Merge branch 'ping-viki-shows'. viki Switch extraction to API. viki Add support for youtube externals. viki:channel Switch to API. viki:channel Extend matching URLs and extract movies. viki Fix typo. viki remove unused import. TNAFlix Allow dot (and more) in cat_id and display_id. mitele It now uses m3u8. options Clarify `--metadata-from-title` additional templates. viki Extend _VALID_URLs. videott Fix for python 3.2. chilloutzone Fix for python 3.2. aes Fix for python 3.2. Fix for python 3.2. shared Fix for python 3.2. shared Fix for python 3.2. sportbox Fix extraction. nba Fix duration extraction. TNAFlix Restore test. sportbox Remove unused import. Clarify that --dump-pages encodes the pages using base64. Credit @ping for viki:channel, qqmusic:toplist. rutv Extend embed URL. prosiebensat1 Add support domain names. cnn Relax _VALID_URL again. nextmedia Merge AppleDailyRealtimeNewsIE and AppleDailyAnimationNewsIE. nextmedia Extend and reorder _VALID_URL. drtv Improve extraction. YoutubeDL Initialize `files_to_delete`. chmod error. Keep more idiomatic rwx order. tnaflix Do not capture `cat_id`. empflix Relax _VALID_URL. Merge branch 'karrierevideos' of karrierevideos Improve and simplify. Merge branch 'misterhat-karrierevideos'. rtbf Fix extraction. arte:future Switch to `search_regex` for now. youtub
2015.05.1016 May 2015 01:05 minor feature: NBC Enhance embedURL extraction . livestream:original Fix extraction. livestream:original Update url format. nytimes Implement extracting videos from articles . nytimes Extend _VALID_URL . rutv Fix live stream test URL. rutv Fix preference. rutv Remove superfluous check. noco Retrieve video language according to user options. noco Add test for multi languages video. Merge branch 'noco' of into Ta?. noco Extract all variations of audio/subtitles media. noco Modernize. noco Update tests. Merge branch 'Tassatux-noco'. noco Remove unused import. southparknl Add extractor for southparkde Fix naming inconsistency. southparknl Fix test to match playlist tests. lifenews Correctly determine iframe links. lifenews Use `_proto_relative_url`. Fix incorrect url condition . extractor/common Fallback to empty string for (yet) missing `format?. pbs Add `format_id` for direct links. giga Fix view count extraction. gorillavid Switch 404 test to only matching. historicfilms Fix tape id extraction. teamcoco Fix extracting preload data again. vice Remove a redundant print. common Ignore subtitles in m3u8. ooyala Extract m3u8 information . BildIE Escape ampersands in xml and update test thumbnail. ooyala Use SAS API to extract info. Fix indents. bild Relax thumbnail test check. Merge branch 'master' of YoutubeDL Do not force bestvideo+bestaudio when outtmpl is stdout (#?. extractor/generic Fix following incomplete redirects . ooyala Style fix. nhl Partial support for hlg id. vessel Use `main_video_asset` when searching for video_asset (Fixes #?. downloader/rtmp Fix a typo. nhl Support RTMP videos. utils get_exe_version: encode executable name. bet Use unique part of xml url as the video id and fix tests (closes ?. Fix URL template extraction for netzkino. . mlb Fallback to
2015.04.2829 Apr 2015 15:45 minor feature: Remove the --max-quality option. New extractor: philharmoniedeparis Fix extraction and tests, improve, simplify. README: Clarify youtube-dl version when format selection changed to ?. Document special characters escaping. Use youtube-dl test video URL. utils Fix another old python 2.6 kwargs issue. escapist Fix extractor. Fix imsVideo regex. moniker Capture and output error message. Check not found error.
2015.04.0913 Apr 2015 14:45 minor feature: pornovoisines Add extractor. Clean up of --help output. miomio pep8: remove whitespaces in empty line. postprocessor/ffmpeg Fix crash when ffprobe/avprobe are not install?. bloomberg Adapt to website changes. Gamersyde Add new extractor. RadioJavan Add new extractor. mixcloud Fix extraction of like count . prosiebensat1 Fix bitrate . prosiebensat1 Fix test. Do not encode outtmpl twice . Merge branch 'radiojavan' of in?. Gamersyde Improved robustness, added duration and tests. Fixed intendation of test cases. radiojavan Simplify and extract upload date. Credit @mtp1376 for varzesh3 and radiojavan. Merge branch 'mtp1376-radiojavan'. Merge branch 'gamersyde' of into?. rtve Extract a better quality video. utils Drop trailing comma before closing brace. gamersyde Simplify. Merge branch 'snipem-gamersyde'. Merge branch 'pornovoisines' of ?. utils Add one more template to unified_strdate. utils Avoid treating `*- Y` date template as UTC offset. test_utils Add test for unified_strdate. pornovoisines Simplify. Merge branch 'Roman2K-pornovoisines'. Credit @Roman2K for pornovoisines . test_execution Fix test under python 2 @ windows. radiojavan Fix height. radiojavan Sort formats. Merge branch 'patch-1' of into t?. options Restore some strings. options extractor is lowercase. options `Number` is a verb here. options Fix load info help string. Merge branch 'tuexss-patch-1'. aftonbladet Fix extraction. aftonbladet Modernize. bliptv Check format URLs. culturebox Check for unavailable videos. culturebox Replace test. francetv Fix duration. francetv Improve formats extraction. extractor/common Remove f4m section. culturebox Fix test. drtv Check for unavailable videos. drtv Update test. dreisat Capture status errors. dreisat
2015.03.2428 Mar 2015 03:25 minor feature: The Daily Show Podcast support. testcases for libsyn and The Daily Show Podcast extractors. fix nm video DL issue when logged in. nytimes Support embed URL. nytimes Modernize. generic Add support for nytimes embeds. Merge branch 'master' of videomega Fix extraction and update test. nytimes Improve _VALID_URL. vine Fix formats extraction. test/http Add test for proxy support. test/YoutubeDL split in two classes. Merge branch 'niconico_nm' of niconico Add nm video test. Merge branch 'ndac-todoroki-niconico_nm'. twitch Fix login. test/YoutubeDL test match_filter. test Add tests for aes. crunchyroll Remove unused class. Remove the 'stitle' field. nrk Adapt to new URL format. nrk Extract duration. nrk:playlist Add extractor. nrk:playlist Restrict _VALID_URL. test/utils Test xpath_text. nrk:playlist Relax video id regex and improve _VALID_URL. Merge branch 'the-daily-show-podcast' of libsyn Improve and simplify. libsyn Fix extractor alphabetic order. extractor/generic Support Libsyn embeds. extractor/generic Add test for Libsyn embed. comedycentral Drop thedailyshow podcast extractor. comedycentral Remove unused import. Merge branch 'fstirlitz-the-daily-show-podcast'. lybsyn pep8: add space around operator. test/aes Test aes_decrypt_text with 256 bit. twitch Only match digits for the video id. mlb Improve _VALID_URL. npo Skip broken URL links. options Handle special characters in argv.
2015.03.0911 Mar 2015 22:45 minor feature: tvplay Adapt _VALID_URL and test case to domain name change. lrt Pass --realtime to rtmpdump. downloader/http Remove wrong '_hook_progress' call . downloader/http Add missing fields for _hook_progress call. playwire Add extractor. extremetube Fix extraction . vidme Modernize. travis Declare 3.2 . extractor/common Improve m3u format IDs (#5143). twitch:vod Prefer source stream . extractor/common Fix format_id when `last_media` is None and always?. extractor/common Remove 'm3u8' from quality selection URL. vimeo Fix upload date extraction. vimeo Fix and use '_verify_video_password' (#5001). vimeo:album Fix password protected videos. vimeo Use https for urls . dailymotion Replace test. orf:iptv Add extractor . youtube:search_url Fix extraction . eagleplatform Add extractor. eagleplatform Add support for embeds. eagleplatform Add support for ClipYou embeds. eagleplatform Remove debug output. YoutubeDL Sanitize outtmpl as it may contain forbidden characters. Revert " YoutubeDL Sanitize outtmpl as it may contain forbidden char?. twitch Fix live streams . gazeta Add new extractor . pladform Add extractor. pladform Add support for embeds. pladform Fix format quality sorting. vidme Fix view_count extraction and remove comment_count extraction?. teamcoco Fix extraction. gazeta Extend _VALID_URL. utils Add sanitize_path. utils Fix sanitize_open. YoutubeDL Sanitize outtmpl as path. utils Disallow trailing dot in sanitize_path for a path part. YoutubeDL Sanitize path before creating non-existent paths (Closes #?. downloader/f4m Fix use of base64 in python 3.2 . options Rename --dump-intermediate-pages to --dump-pages for consis?. adultswim Improve video_info extraction . breakcom Process only play purpose media formats . README Better bug reporting instructions. fix youporn extractor's json search regex. youporn Imrove JSON regex and preserve the old one.
2015.02.2122 Feb 2015 17:05 minor feature: Change example URLs in readme (fixes #5018y). vimeo Fix password protected videos . vimeo Encode password before hash calculation. extractor/common Recognize Indian censorship (#5021). PEP8: W503. rtve Fix the video url. zapiks Add extractor (#5014). generic Add support for Zapiks embeds (#5014). zapiks Extend _VALID_URL (#5014). gdcvault Fix rtmp streams . teamcoco Fix extraction. release 2015.02.21
2015.02.2022 Feb 2015 05:05 minor feature: blinkx Fix extraction. imgur Allow alternative values. tv4 Add new extractor . prefer 'code' to 'uri' if present. ted Improve external video handling and add test. Merge branch 'minusf-TED_code'. Merge branch 'master' of escapist Fix extraction . release 2015.02.20
2015.02.0405 Feb 2015 21:05 minor feature: README Add an FAQ entry about anime sites. generic/ooyala Add support for Ooyala embeds on SBN network website?. mixcloud Fix extraction . release 2015.02.04
2015.01.1620 Jan 2015 07:25 minor feature: FFmpegEmbedSubtitlePP: don't fail if the video doesn't have an audio ?. FFmpegEmbedSubtitlePP: simplify command. npo Remove unused import. fourtube Fix extraction. bandcamp:album Fix title extraction . release 2015.01.16
2015.01.0404 Jan 2015 11:45 minor feature: tf1 add support for TFOU. tf1 fix test. tf1 simplify regex. Add various anime sites . Remove unused import. tests Remove format 138 from tests (#4559). Makefile Make offline tests actually work offline. Merge branch 'master' of soulanime Fix under Python 3. vk Add support for rutube embeds . release 2015.01.04
2014.12.17.220 Dec 2014 01:05 minor feature: downloader Handle a file ./- . release 2014.12.17.2
2014.12.0103 Dec 2014 04:25 minor feature: noco Add support for multi language videos . playvid Capture and output error message. bliptv Fix resolution of lookup id in some videos. bliptv Fix n n at the end of real_url. youtube Don't confirm age when initializing. youtube Use a cookie for seeting the language. xminus update tkn extraction regex. bbccouk Fix extraction (#4104, #4214). youtube Add format 313 . youtube Update test. test/test_subtitles Update checksum for vimeo subtitle file. youtube Try to extract the video_info from the webpage before reque?. youtube Simplify code for getting the dash manifest url. youtube Add a normal age-gate test video. myspace Use player_url for faster download. myspace Add more data to info dict. myspace Handle non-playable songs. myspace Redirect to other extractors. myspace Update tests. myspace Add extractor for albums. myspace Replace removed test video and fix the others. myspace Cleanup. slideshare Fix description extraction. Credit @Tithen-Firion for the myspace changes (#4341). tunein Use station API. release 2014.12.01
2014.11.1618 Nov 2014 03:15 minor feature: bliptv Fix the resolve of lookup ID . utils Fix "write_json_file" for unicode names in python 2.x (fixes #?. spiegeltv Modernize. spiegeltv Match hash-style URLs . spiegel Correct handling of redirects to . release 2014.11.16
2014.11.13.314 Nov 2014 03:15 minor feature: npo Improve . release 2014.11.13.3
2014.11.0910 Nov 2014 03:15 minor feature: generic indicate when a direct video has been extracted. izlesene Update test cases and modernize. channel9 Fix extraction. cinemassacre Keep both extraction approaches and make more robust (?. niconico Catch deleted videos . brightcove Extract m3u8 formats (#3541). utils Remove unused import. goshgay Fix title extraction and modernize. vice Re-add extractor . wrzuta Add mp3 as a possible format . niconico:playlist Use the same video url the webpage uses (closes #?. options Document the syntax for merging formats (closes #3940, closes . fix swrmediathek for new formats. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'. YoutubeDL Don't dowload formats for merging if the first doesn't co?. ndr Improve video url regex . tapely Add Referer header . streamcloud Match URLs without fname . YoutubeDL Add playlist_id and playlist_title fields . release 2014.11.09
2014.11.0405 Nov 2014 03:18 minor feature: ffmpeg Move version detection to utils. YoutubeDL Include rtmpdump in exe versions -v output. util Move compatibility functions out of util. compat Fix imports. compat Modernize. utils Modernize. test_swfinterp Correct compilation on modern mxmlc versions. test_download Fix import. tests Don't auto init YoutubeDL. Do not override stdlib html parser 'locatestarttagend' regex (fixes #?. trutube Strip title. test_compat Ignore unicode_literals. brightcove Make _VALID_URL less greedy and check for empty URLs (#3541. generic/brightcove Add a new test case for (#3541). wimp Fix video URL regex. played Capture and output error message. cnn Modernize test definitions. youtube Skip sts if missing (Fixes #4095, fixes #4103). gamespot Modernize. heise Fix description, thumbnail and format ID. ustream Use modern helper function instead of old HTML parser. gamespot Remove unused import. utils Remove unused get_meta_content function. imdb Simplify. utils Use a regexp instead of HTMLParser for get_element_by_attribute. youtube Clarify output. release 2014.11.04
2014.09.01.131 Aug 2014 23:19 minor feature: Fixes and modernizations for tudou, beeg, veehd, sockshare, dropbox extractor, extended support for youtube channels, sportdeutschland, facebook, muscivault. New extractor for expotv, ministrygrid, sbs, and some cleanups and usual typo/import fixes in the generic handler.
2014.08.2323 Aug 2014 23:22 minor feature: Unused code cleanup. Simplified playlist support. New extractors for movieclips, 24h channel,, patreon,,,,, howstuffworks, ORF FM4, xboxclips, mojvideo, jove.
2014.08.02.103 Aug 2014 03:15 minor feature: UBU extractor added. Add support for frontline videos on PBS.
2014.07.2121 Jul 2014 17:42 minor feature: Fix for title and playlist recognition, the sockshare and adultswim branch has been merged, title encoding on Python 2 has been fixed, and it now looks in all playlists for a video. Added support for NDR-style videos, fixes for youtube jsinterp signature extraction.
2014.07.11.311 Jul 2014 17:57 minor feature: Support for more video formats and extraction from Screencast was added.
2014.06.2630 Jun 2014 04:21 minor bugfix: Minor fix in extractor for videos from Russia.