Recent Releases

1.0.0b1028 Jun 2018 03:45 minor feature: crash when checking empty subtitles files, add a new dedicated check . Adjust foreign file check criticity. . . . . . Check that CPL/PKL are signed for encrypted DCP. . Support EclairColor content type modifier. . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b906 Apr 2018 03:15 minor feature: Update Contributors . Command line interface now returns proper error codes. . Remove Mime type based checks. . VOLINDEX schema check not relevant for Interop. . Allow DCSubtitle ReelNumber element to contains arbitrary string. . PEP 8. . Missing docstring parameter. . Digital signature failing on xml without pre. . . . . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b820 Mar 2018 03:15 minor feature: Allow nodes without namespaces. . Ignore hidden XML files for discovery. . Prevent crash when CPL has not been relinked with any PKL. . Prevent crash for empty Assets list. . README.rst - some phrasing. . Update contributors. . . . . . Strip XML node before canonicalization with ElementTree. . Adaptation for different versions of MediaInfo. . dictionary key in-place transformation. . Prefer using magic Mime option. . Additional font Mime type. . . . . . . . Bump Version.
1.0.0b707 Mar 2018 03:15 minor feature: Improve error message . Interop Subtitle TimeCode interpretation. . PEP 8. . Improve error messages for file sequence check. . Additionnal dependencies for dev environment. . PEP 8. . Disable logging for probe cli. . Context managed temporary file. . DCPChecker is now a private variable of DCP class. . Additionnal key for CPL metadata. . Import test suite. . Upgrade dependencies lock. . Remove test resource from source code. . Remove old code. . Clean float metadata comparaison. . typo. . DolbyVision Metadata flag and additionnal checks. . Use a single threshold to identify HFR content. . Improve maximum bitrate threshold deduction. . Clean code. . Improve framerate checks. . Formating. . Handle exception for generic XML parsing. . Ignore hidden files for DCP CPL / PKL discovery. . Obsolete comment, we now use shutilwhich. . Missing docstring. . MXF Labels check update. . Argument type check. . Additionnal xml namespace. . Handle missing fields in CPL parsing. . Test resource folder is added to.gitignore. . Do not filter namespace for attributes. . Handle bad argument in format_ratio. . Additionnal test material usage. . Sound format coherence check now become a warning. . Temporary exclusion of tests that require external materials. . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b626 Jan 2018 03:15 minor feature: Update CONTRIBUTORS . Get a copy of the default profile to allow easy temporary modification. . Explicit foreign files tracking and use relative paths. . Temporary dev version pre. Move ISDCF module to utils. . CPL parser now parse and output ContentTitle naming convention fields. . hidden files check for relative paths. . Subtitles deep inspection no longuer crash when assets are missing. . Asset probe is now optional. . Temprorary deactivate MIME Type check. . isdcf check following format and default values update. . Quick description for each checks. . List all checks functionality. . Check profile default value. . Deactivate some checks. . Adjust check criticity. . Check process moved outside of class constructor. . Save check profile functionnality. . Relink VF / OV checks all assets and no longuer stop on first error. . CPL VF asset check (default to warning). . PEP 8. . Comment. . List OV/VF relink check. . error for subtitle XML without font reference. . Code style. . Add subtitle image png basic check. . typo. . Interop subtitle spacing schema format. . Float tolerance for metadata comparaison (eg. aspect ratio). . These checks come from ISDCF naming convention so warning only. . Leaf certificate superfluous roles dedicated check (default to warning). . Interop DCP can be signed with SMPTE/Interop compliant certificates. . All certificates in the chain must have the same signature algorithm. . shaone_b64 function now accepts a callback for progress report. . redondant hash computation for multi PKL DCPs. . Use console hash progress report as default. . XML C14N pre-processing more robust. . Parse Caption asset track. . Dolby Vision regex tag extraction. . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b504 Dec 2017 03:15 minor feature: repository path . Switch to own sources.list.d/clairmeta.list file. . Add Ubuntu artful (17.10) packages. . Xmltodict 0.11.0 emit additionnal unwanted namespace keys. . Use last xmltodict version 0.11.0. . Check that file description contains at least the pattern. . . . . . . . Variables are already available in env. . artful installation sample. . Update Readme. . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b430 Nov 2017 03:15 minor feature: Debian packaging with travis . . . Update documentation. . Bump version. . packaging key. . Bintray license field. . License has to be in a predefined set. . VCS Url is also required. . Json encoding.
1.0.0b325 Nov 2017 03:15 minor feature: Subtitle are unwraped to a file matching the mxf asset name . Backport Interop Subtitle schema from SMPTE DCDMSubtitle. . Extract file basename with splitext. . License is BSD not MIT. . . . . . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b221 Nov 2017 15:30 minor feature: Documentation proper formating for PyPI (rst). Source distribution now contains all required files to build wheels from it
21 Nov 2017 14:17 minor feature: