Django 5.1.4

Django is a high-level Python Web-MVC framework for RAD with clean and pragmatic code. It's comparatively fast, integrates moderns security features, and is very scalable. It prefers explicit configuration over implicit conventions, has an object-relational database mapper, autogenerated admin interfaces, flexible regex-based URL dispatching, internationalization features, a custom templating engine or Jinja2, caching, authentication or authorization, a user comment plugin, RSS/Atom and sitemap modules, GeoIP integration.

Tags python django orm web-mvc web-development routing authorization developers
License BSDL
State stable

Recent Releases

5.1.405 Dec 2024 03:15 minor feature:
5.1.306 Nov 2024 03:15 minor feature:
5.1.210 Oct 2024 03:15 minor feature:
5.0.814 Sep 2024 20:05 minor feature:
5.1.112 Sep 2024 03:15 minor feature:
5.113 Aug 2024 03:15 minor feature:
5.0.710 Jul 2024 03:15 minor feature:
5.0.611 May 2024 08:05 minor feature:
5.0.507 May 2024 07:25 minor feature:
5.0.404 Apr 2024 03:15 minor feature:
5.0.305 Mar 2024 06:05 minor feature:
5.0.207 Feb 2024 12:25 minor feature:
5.0.114 Jan 2024 19:49 minor bugfix: Reallowed, following a regression in Django 5.0, using a foreign key to a model with a primary key that is not AutoField in ModelAdmin.list_filter (#35020). Fixed a long standing bug in handling the RETURNING INTO clause that caused a crash when creating a model instance with a GeneratedField which output_field had backend-specific converters (#35024). Fixed a regression in Django 5.0 that caused a crash of for models with both GeneratedField and ForeignKey fields (#35019). Fixed a bug in Django 5.0 that caused a migration crash on Oracle 23c when adding a GeneratedField with output_field=BooleanField (#35018). Fixed a regression in Django 5.0 where admin fields on the same line could overflow the page and become non-interactive (#35012). Added compatibility for oracledb 2.0.0 (#35054). Fixed a regression in Django 5.0 where querysets referenced incorrect field names from FilteredRelation() (#35050). Fixed a regression in Django 5.0 that caused a system check crash when ModelAdmin.filter_horizontal or filter_vertical contained a reverse many-to-many relation with related_name (#35056).
3.1.202 Oct 2020 03:15 minor feature: 3.1.x Post-release version bump. . 3.1.x Added stub release notes for 3.1.2. . 3.1.x Added CVE-2020-24583 CVE-2020-24584 to security archive. . 3.1.x Added "" section to release notes for 3.1.2. . 3.1.x Refs #11390 -- Clarified dual-calling of ChoiceField.choices . . 3.1.x - Corrected FileField.deconstruct() with a call . . 3.1.x Refs #31901 -- SeleniumTests.test_list_editable_popups . . 3.1.x Refs #31224 -- Made sync_to_async() examples use thread sensi . . 3.1.x - Added note about using JSONField key lookups . . 3.1.x Mentioned ASGI handler in SuspiciousOperation docs. . 3.1.x Refs #31956 -- Doc'd consequences of disabling psycopg2's JSO . . 3.1.x Corrected exception types in QuerySet docs. . 3.1.x - QuerySet.ordered for GROUP BY queries o . . 3.1.x - queryset crash with Q() annotation and . . 3.1.x Refs #32007 -- Skipped test_q_expression_annotation_with_aggr . . 3.1.x Refs #28939 -- Doc d Prefetch behavior with multiple DBs. . 3.1.x Doc'd that UpdateCacheMiddleware and cache_page affect downst . . 3.1.x Refs #32013 -- Added backward incompatibility note about Mode . . 3.1.x - Clarified docs for when request.FILES is set. . 3.1.x - Clarified manual logging config docs. . 3.1.x - Made test database creation sync apps models . . 3.1.x example of QuerySet.explain() with flags in docs. . 3.1.x typo and indentation in docs/ref/forms/fields.txt. . 3.1.x Refs #32038 -- Added note to ModelAdmin.list_filter docs that . . 3.1.x - EmptyFieldListFilter crash with Generic . . 3.1.x empty values of forms.JSONField and forms.UUIDField in . . 3.1.x - Doc'd empty_value for CharField subclasses. . 3.1.x Updated ASGI uvicorn deployment docs. .
3.1.102 Sep 2020 08:05 minor feature: Optimized collectstatic when verbosity is 0. . Added release date for 3.0.6. . Added stub release notes for 3.0.7. . typo in docs/releases/3.0.6.txt. . Changed `' s' value` pattern to `str(value)`. . Refs #30372 -- Stopped watching built-in Django translation files by . . Corrected opts argument of colorize in TermColorTests.test_colorize_e . . Corrected models.FilePathField signature in docs. . Refs #30573 -- Rephrased "Of Course" and "Obvious(ly)" in documentati . . Doc'd country part of locale name with more than 2 characters. . Removed invalid value from admin CSS. . - Deprecated django.conf.urls.url(). . Refs #28622 -- Corrected PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT/PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOU . . - Meta.ordering validation lookups that are not t . . Made DateTimePickerShortcutsSeleniumTests.test_date_time_picker_short . . - Updated admin's jQuery to 3.5.1. . Updated admin's Select2 to 4.0.13. . a/an typos in "SQL" usage. . Improved wording in Q() docs. . Simplified Widget.get_context() a bit. . - Made ASGIHandler dispatch lifecycle signals with thre . . Added release notes URL to packaging metadata. . Corrected note about admin i18n in tutorial. . Completed test coverage for ExclusionConstraint. . Enabled GitHub security policy. . - Simplified admin JavaScript with "for of" statements. . Changed selected attribute to HTML5 boolean syntax in SelectBox.js. . Refs #12990 -- Bumped mysqlclient requirement to = 1.4.0. . , Refs #27694 -- Added JSONField model field. . Added tests for loaddata with gzip/bzip2 compressed tures. . Refs #31157 -- Added tests for display_for_field() with empty JSONField. . - displaying read-only JSONField values in admin. . tests isolation in logging_tests. . Refs #27661 -- Added Tags.staticfiles. . - Made collectstatic management command run staticfiles . . Added URLValidator test for missing scheme. . - URLValidator crash on non-strings. . Switched unittest.TestCase to SimpleTestCase in template_tests/test_n . .
3.108 Aug 2020 03:16 minor feature: Updated template language philosophy in DTL docs. . Refs #30913 -- Added BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor._index_condition_sql(). . typo in docs/intro/contributing.txt. . Doc'd PasswordChangeView/PasswordResetView.success_url defaults. . Corrected outputting BooleanField as HTML in forms docs. . Refs #31369 -- Deprecated models.NullBooleanField in favor of Boolean . . Removed unnecessary capturing of stdout in test_makemigrations_non_in . . - default form widgets in model fields docs. . Disabled management commands output with verbosity 0 in test_regressi . . Removed unnecessary capturing/hiding of stdout/stderr in various tests. . Removed unnecessary tuple wrapping of single format string argument. . Refs #18325 -- Removed unnecessary line endings in management commands. . - Doc'd possible email addresses enumeration in Passwor . . Added test for squashmigrations' output. . Merge stdout.write() calls in squashmigrations. . - HashedFilesMixin.hashed_name() if hash of the f . . typo in docs/topics/i18n/translation.txt. . broken links in docs. . Updated expected date for 3.0.6 release. . Changed django.forms.ValidationError imports to django.core.exception . . Refs #29249 -- Added tests for serializing Unicode data with XML seri . . - Made JSON and YAML serializers use Unicode by default. . Added tests for saving with pending actions in admin changelist. . Refs #30400 -- Improved typography of user facing strings in admin ch . . - Replaced var with const and let keywords in JavaScript. . Refs #31493 -- Changed IIFE to ES6 blocks. . Removed unnecessary nbsp; entities from the admin. . Refs #27468 -- Made user sessions use SHA-256 algorithm. . - Changed IRC links to the Freenode webchat. . - Skipped test_parsing_rfc850 test on 32-bit systems. .
3.0.904 Aug 2020 03:15 minor feature: 3.0.x - Included columns referenced by subqueries in . . 3.0.x Refs #28954 -- Remove remaining Jython documentation. . 3.0.x Removed outdated information from contrib.sites docs. . 3.0.x Added example of assertNumQueries() with "using" kwarg in tes . . 3.0.x Refs #30767 -- Improved deployment documentation. . 3.0.x - typo in docs/ref/models/expressions.txt. . 3.0.x - Disabled grouping by aliases on QuerySet.exis . . 3.0.x Refs #31115 -- Added test for nested subquery that references . . 3.0.x Removed unnecessary code-block directives in various docs. . 3.0.x - migrations crash on PostgreSQL 10+ when . . 3.0.x - Disabled insert optimization for primary keys . . 3.0.x Refs #29260 -- Doc'd behavior change in Django 3.0. . 3.0.x Added guidelines for assertIs() usage. . 3.0.x Refs #30780 -- Moved "First steps" section to the top of inde . . 3.0.x - Improved visibility of Getting Help FAQ in tu . . 3.0.x typo in ref/forms/widgets.txt. . 3.0.x Added release date for 3.0.2. . 3.0.x Bumped version for 3.0.2 release. . 3.0.x Post-release version bump. . 3.0.x Added stub release notes for 3.0.3. . 3.0.x Refs #31040 -- crypt.crypt() call in . 3.0.x typo in docs/index.txt. . 3.0.x - crash when subtracting against a subque . . 3.0.x - Disabled grouping by aliases on QuerySet.valu . . 3.0.x Corrected notes about default date/datetime/time input formats. . 3.0.x timezones tests for PyYAML 5.3+. . 3.0.x - Improved pagination topic documentation. . 3.0.x - Relaxed system check of translation settings . . 3.0.x Clarified that ValueError raised by converter.to_python() mea . . 3.0.x More accurate terminology ("logger" instead of "logging handl . . 3.0.x - Ad
3.0.802 Jul 2020 03:15 minor feature: 3.0.x Added CVE-2019-19118 to the security archive. . 3.0.x Finalized release notes for Django 3.0. . 3.0.x Bumped version for 3.0 release. . 3.0.x Post-release version bump. . 3.0.x - Doc'd backslash escaping in date/time templat . . 3.0.x Added stub release notes for 3.0.1. . stable/3.0.x typo in topics docs. . 3.0.x Refs #30451 -- Doc'd asynchronous support and async-safety. . 3.0.x - Allowed disabling async-unsafe check with an . . 3.0.x typo in internals/contributing/writing-documentation.txt. . 3.0.x Removed leftover word in CBV mixins docs. . 3.0.x - typo in docs/releases/3.0.txt. . 3.0.x - Clarified firstof tag's handling of arg . . 3.0.x - Added example of directly testing CBVs in top . . 3.0.x typo in docs/releases/3.0.txt. . 3.0.x - Doc'd in tutorials and project templa . . 3.0.x - Ignored positional args in django.urls.resolv . . 3.0.x - Reallowed window expressions to be used in co . . 3.0.x typo in docs/releases/3.0.1.txt. . 3.0.x - Prevented CheckboxInput.get_context() from mu . . 3.0.x Refs #31073 -- Added release notes for 02eff7e. . 3.0.x typos in 3.0 release notes and docs/ref/request-respons . . 3.0.x , Refs #26431 -- Doc'd RegexPattern behavior chan . . 3.0.x Refs #6657 -- Corrected HttpResponse.set_cookie()/set_signed_ . . 3.0.x Doc'd HttpResponse.set_cookie()'s secure argument. . 3.0.x CVE-2019-19844 -- Used verified user email for password . . 3.0.x Bumped version for 3.0.1 release. . 3.0.x Post-release version bump. . 3.0.x Added CVE-2019-19844 to the security archive. . 3.0.x Updated Pytest example in upgrade documentation. . 3.0.x Added stub release notes for 3.0.2. . 3.0.x Corrected some typos in documentation. .
3.0.704 Jun 2020 10:05 minor feature: 3.0.x Made versionadded/versionchanged annotations without a conten . . 3.0.x - Doc'd cache.get()/delete() behavior change in . . 3.0.x - Reverted "- HTML5 validat . . 3.0.x - Doc'd how to create a custom HttpResponse sub . . 3.0.x Doc'd SpatiaLite support of 3D geometry fields. . 3.0.x - highlightlinenothreshold deprecation wa . . 3.0.x Refs #23950 --- Moved test DeconstructibleInstances class to . . 3.0.x - serialization of nested classes in migr . . 3.0.x Updated link to IBM DB2 backend. . 3.0.x - data loss in admin changelist view when . . 3.0.x Used role in all links. . 3.0.x Improved custom MultiWidget example in docs. . 3.0.x - Removed django-nonrel in NoSQL databases FAQ. . 3.0.x Refs #31029 -- Added note about :rfc: role in writing documen . . 3.0.x - Used more specific links to RFCs. . 3.0.x - proxy model permissions data migration . . 3.0.x - Made select_for_update() lock queryset's mode . . 3.0.x Refs #30953 -- Added 2.1.15 release note for 0107e3d. . CVE-2019-19118 -- Required edit permissions on parent model for . . 3.0.x Added release dates for 2.1.15, 2.2.8 and 3.0. . 3.0.x Removed reporter name from 2.1.15 and 2.2.8 release notes. . 3.0.x Updated core translations from Transifex. . 3.0.x Updated contrib translations from Transifex. . 3.0.x Added CVE-2019-19118 to the security archive. . 3.0.x Finalized release notes for Django 3.0. . 3.0.x Bumped version for 3.0 release. . 3.0.x Post-release version bump. . 3.0.x - Doc'd backslash escaping in date/time templat . . 3.0.x Added stub release notes for 3.0.1. . stable/3.0.x typo in topics docs. . 3.0.x Refs #30451 -- Doc'd asynchronous support and async-safety. . 3.0.x - Allowed disabling async-unsafe check with an . . 3.0.x typo in internals/contributing/writing-documentation.txt. . 3.0.x Removed leftover word in CBV mixins docs. . 3.0.x - typo in docs/releases/3.0.txt. . 3.0.x - Clarified fi
3.0.605 May 2020 10:45 minor feature: 3.0.x Post-release version bump. . 3.0.x Added stub release notes for 3.0.6. . 3.0.x Refs #31320 -- Warned against using BEGIN/COMMIT in RunSQL. . 3.0.x Prevented (and corrected) single backtick usage in docs. . 3.0.x Corrected docs spelling of PgBouncer. . 3.0.x - Clarified nested atomic() example. . 3.0.x - crash when filtering subquery annotatio . . 3.0.x Sphinx warnings on duplicate object descriptions. . 3.0.x CodeBlock deprecation warning on Sphinx 2.1+. . 3.0.x highlightlang deprecation warning on Sphinx 1.8+. . 3.0.x Refs #10427 -- Corrected BoundField.css_classes() signature i . . 3.0.x Refs #31224 -- Removed incorrect @sync_to_async(thread_sensit . . 3.0.x term warning on Sphinx 3.0.1+. . 3.0.x typo in docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt. . 3.0.x Used :rfc: role in various docs. . 3.0.x Improved message example in admin actions documentation. . 3.0.x Refs #30165 -- Removed obsolete doc references to deprecated . . 3.0.x Updated iTunes podcast format link in syndication docs. . 3.0.x Refs #22463 -- Replaced JSHint with ESLint in contributing docs. . 3.0.x Added link to Mozilla's infosec page on web security. . 3.0.x broken link to Watchmen configuration in docs/ref/djang . . 3.0.x typo in docs/intro/contributing.txt. . 3.0.x Doc'd PasswordChangeView/PasswordResetView.success_url defaults. . 3.0.x Corrected outputting BooleanField as HTML in forms docs. . 3.0.x - default form widgets in model fields docs. . 3.0.x - Doc'd possible email addresses enumeration in . . 3.0.x typo in docs/topics/i18n/translation.txt. . 3.0.x broken links in docs. . 3.0.x Updated expected date for 3.0.6 release. . 3.0.x - Skipped test_parsing_rfc850 test on 32-bit sy . . 3.0.x Refs #27778 -- Removed reference to ASCII usernames in django . . 3.0.x Added release date for 3.0.6. . 3.0.x Updated man page for Django 3.0. . 3.0.x Bumped version for 3.0.6 release.
3.0.502 Apr 2020 09:45 minor feature: 3.0.x - ModelChoiceField validation when initia . . 3.0.x Clarified that SECURE_REDIRECT_EXEMPT patterns should not inc . . 3.0.x - Prevented unnecessary AlterField when renamin . . 3.0.x Isolated migrations.test_commands.MigrateTests.test_migrate_p . . 3.0.x - showing that RunPython operations are i . . 3.0.x Updated man page for Django 3.0 beta. . 3.0.x Bumped version for 3.0 beta 1. . 3.0.x Refs #26207 -- Removed obsolete note about slow constructing . . 3.0.x - Added the Django Forum to contributing index. . 3.0.x - Doc'd how to create projects with a local cop . . 3.0.x Moved "Sign the CLA" to the bottom of New Contributor First S . . 3.0.x Refs #27910 -- Added file for model_enums tests. . 3.0.x Refs #22423 -- Corrected crosses lookup support on MySQL in d . . 3.0.x Refs #28436 -- Corrected docs regarding MySQL support of dist . . 3.0.x - Doc'd MariaDB support for GIS spatial lookups. . 3.0.x Refs #13724 -- Corrected QuerySet signature in docs. . 3.0.x Refs #29926 -- Skipped RemoteTestResultTest.test_add_failing_ . . 3.0.x Refs #29926 -- Bumped minimum tblib version to 1.5.0 in test . . 3.0.x Added tblib to the list of test suite dependencies in documen . . 3.0.x - migrations crash on PostgreSQL when add . . 3.0.x - Skipped async-related tests on Windows using . . 3.0.x Refs #29926 -- Added Python 3.8 to classifiers and tox.ini. . 3.0.x - an example of using the template system . . 3.0.x - Doc'd caveat about using filtered queryset wi . . 3.0.x - Added __str__() for model choice enums. . 3.0.x Refs #30908 -- the empty value of forms.FilePathField i . . 3.0.x Documented the order in which signal receivers are called. . 3.0.x typo in docs/topics/files.txt. . 3.0.x - Clarified need to reopen . . 3.0.x - Clarified formsets topic documentation. . 3.0.x - Simplified an example of test for the depreca . . 3.0.x Corrected error message in
3.0.405 Mar 2020 05:45 minor feature: 3.0.x - migrations crash when altering a field . . 3.0.x - WatchmanReloaderTests.test_setting_time . . 3.0.x - Clarified usage of make_aware() with is_dst a . . 3.0.x Refs #30798 -- Prevented chaining fields from the same relate . . 3.0.x - Meta.ordering validation for pk of rela . . 3.0.x Refs #30597 -- Added a warning about dependent apps when unap . . 3.0.x - Clarified how to unapply migrations. . 3.0.x - Prevented manifest creation when running coll . . 3.0.x Doc'd that migrate commmand accepts a unique migration name p . . 3.0.x - Made serialization in migrations use members . . 3.0.x Refs #28690 -- Added more tests for parse_http_date(). . 3.0.x - handling of two-digit years in parse_ht . . 3.0.x Added release dates for 2.2.6, 2.1.13, and 1.11.25. . 3.0.x Added stub release notes for 2.2.7. . 3.0.x - crash of QuerySet.bulk_create() with mi . . 3.0.x typo in BulkInsertMapper constant name. . 3.0.x Added stub release notes for 1.11.26 and 2.1.14. . 3.0.x - Clarified return value of Sitemap.items(). . 3.0.x Refs #28699 -- Clarified CSRF middleware ordering in relation . . 3.0.x Refs #30010 -- Doc'd running tests with django-docker-box. . 3.0.x Refs #15396 -- Mentioned full path to GZipMiddleware in docum . . 3.0.x Refs #27914 -- Moved test enum.Enum subclasses outside of Wri . . 3.0.x Refs #27914 -- serialization of nested enum.Enum classe . . 3.0.x - Added explicit list of supported databases to . . 3.0.x Made minor edits and small to docs/faq/install.txt. . 3.0.x Refs #10348 -- Doc'd that ModelAdmin ignores list_select_rela . . 3.0.x - Doc'd fast nullable column creation with defa . . 3.0.x - Field.__deepcopy__() so forms don't sha . . 3.0.x - Doc'd how to avoid running certain test class . . 3.0.x - Clarified that AdminEmailHandler processes al . . 3.0.x - Added note about parent link fields in formse . . 3.0.x Corrected section indentation in unit tests contributo
3.0.304 Feb 2020 10:45 minor feature: 3.0.x Bumped next Django version in docs config. . 3.0.x Bumped version for 3.0 alpha 1 release. . 3.0.x - recreation of foreign key constraints o . . 3.0.x Refs #30591 -- too long identifier crash in migrations. . . 3.0.x Expanded notes on alphas in release How-to. . 3.0.x Added PBKDF2 hasher iteration increase to 3.0 release notes. . 3.0.x Refs #27910 -- Improved documentation for model field choice . . 3.0.x typos in docs/ref/settings.txt. . 3.0.x - Doc'd limitation of DecimalField on SQLite. . 3.0.x Added stub release notes for 1.11.25 and 2.1.13. . 3.0.x - a crash when filtering against a subque . . 3.0.x - Added admonition about missing imports to "Ru . . 3.0.x - Made RangeFields use multiple hidden inputs f . . 3.0.x - width of DateTimeField inputs in admin . . 3.0.x - Restored max length validation on Authenticat . . 3.0.x - Clarifed pk_set difference in m2m_changed sig . . 3.0.x - Used CONVERT_TZ to check if the time zone def . . 3.0.x - exact lookup against queries with selec . . 3.0.x Refs #30771 -- RemovedInDjango31Warning in test_exact_q . . 3.0.x Refs #29915 -- Doc'd limitation of using pattern lookups with . . 3.0.x - ordering by Options.order_with_respect_ . . 3.0.x - Doc'd that SameSite cookies flags can affect . . 3.0.x - Prevented select_related() from mutating a qu . . 3.0.x Refs #26601 -- Used new-style middlewares in documentation. . 3.0.x Updated the default cache key transformation in documentation. . 3.0.x Refs #30350 -- Doc'd support for range serialization in migra . . 3.0.x Refs #27910 -- Doc'd support for enumeration types serializat . . 3.0.x Documented admonition on when to use custom signals. . 3.0.x - migrations crash when altering a field . . 3.0.x - WatchmanReloaderTests.test_setting_time . . 3.0.x - Clarified usage of make_aware() with is_dst a . . 3.0.x Refs #30798 -- Prevented chaining fields from the same relate . . 3.0.x - Met
3.0.203 Jan 2020 03:25 minor feature: 3.0.x Post-release version bump. . 3.0.x Added CVE-2019-19844 to the security archive. . 3.0.x Updated Pytest example in upgrade documentation. . 3.0.x Added stub release notes for 3.0.2. . 3.0.x Corrected some typos in documentation. . 3.0.x - Included columns referenced by subqueries in . . 3.0.x Refs #28954 -- Remove remaining Jython documentation. . 3.0.x Removed outdated information from contrib.sites docs. . 3.0.x Added example of assertNumQueries() with "using" kwarg in tes . . 3.0.x Refs #30767 -- Improved deployment documentation. . 3.0.x - typo in docs/ref/models/expressions.txt. . 3.0.x - Disabled grouping by aliases on QuerySet.exis . . 3.0.x Refs #31115 -- Added test for nested subquery that references . . 3.0.x Removed unnecessary code-block directives in various docs. . 3.0.x - migrations crash on PostgreSQL 10+ when . . 3.0.x - Disabled insert optimization for primary keys . . 3.0.x Refs #29260 -- Doc'd behavior change in Django 3.0. . 3.0.x Added guidelines for assertIs() usage. . 3.0.x Refs #30780 -- Moved "First steps" section to the top of inde . . 3.0.x - Improved visibility of Getting Help FAQ in tu . . 3.0.x typo in ref/forms/widgets.txt. . 3.0.x Added release date for 3.0.2. . 3.0.x Bumped version for 3.0.2 release.
3.0.119 Dec 2019 06:25 minor feature: typo in docs/ref/applications.txt. . Reduced code duplication in ArrayField's lookups. . - crash of ArrayField lookups on ArrayAgg annotat . . typos in test names and a comment. . Replaced subprocess commands by run() wherever possible. . - Updated admin's jQuery to 3.4.1. . broken OracleDbshellTests tests after 9386586. . - Added support for distance expression to the dwithin . . typo in tests/prefetch_related/ comment. . Refs #23919 -- Replaced super(ASGIHandler, self) with super(). . Refs #30591 -- introspection of check and unique column constra . . Refs #27804 -- Used subTest() in utils_tests/ . - Added ManyToManyField support to REQUIRED_FIELDS. . - Made Subquery pickle without evaluating their QuerySet. . - Added default rate-limiting requests to admin's Selec . . Doc'd for_save argument of Expression.resolve_expression(). . - Doc'd that datetime lookups require time zone definit . . Refs #27795 -- Removed an unnecessary force_bytes() call in uri_to_ir . . Adjusted calls to use arg list, rather than string. . Added tests for raising an error when passing non-boolean expression . . Used skipUnlessDBFeature instead of checking vendor in test_filtering . . - Allowed boolean expressions in QuerySet.filter() and . . Refs #25367 -- Simplified OrderBy and Lookup by using Case() instead . . Converted auth test to use subTest(). . - Enabled super user creation without email and password. . Removed unneeded markers from parameter names. . - Added ModelBackend/UserManager.with_perm() methods. . - Added Storage.get_alternative_name() to allow customi . . - handling trailing groups in simplify_regex(). . Refs #30736 -- Added missing versionadded annotations for Storage.get . . - typo in docs/ref/forms/widgets.txt. . Added release dates for 2.2.5, 2.1.12, and 1.11.24. . Refs #29379 -- Moved autocomplete attribute to UsernameField. . Refs #28442 -- Adjusted related lookups handling of expression
3.003 Dec 2019 12:25 minor feature: Refs #30449 -- Made RelatedOnlyFieldListFilter respect ModelAdmin.ord . - using of OuterRef() expressions in distance loo . . - Allowed BLOB/TEXT defaults on MariaDB 10.2.1+. . - Updated patch_vary_headers() to handle an asterisk ac . . - Documented FileResponse does not seek its file source. . - using filter lookups againts nested subquery ex . . Refs #30426 -- Changed default SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF to True. . Refs #28428 -- Added test for a callable FileField.upload_to that ret . . Refs #28428 -- Made FileField.upload_to support pathlib.Path. . broken links to Dive Into Python 3 book. . broken links and redirects to OGR library in docs. . Removed outdated examples of flatpages served sites. . - Removed separate import of os.path in . . - Skipped an UPDATE when adding a model instance with p . . Moved migrations.test_operations.OperationTestBase to migrations.test . . , Refs #17337 -- Extracted AutoField field logic into a m . . Corrected typo in search docs.. . - Prohibited whitespaces in path() URLs. . - Used relative path in default_storage docs example. . broken links and redirects in documentation. . - Added AddIndexConcurrently/RemoveIndexConcurrently op . . Added header to README.rst. . - Allowed BLOB/TEXT defaults on MySQL 8.0.13+. . - Added form to validate admin search fields query input. . typo in docs/ref/applications.txt. . Reduced code duplication in ArrayField's lookups. . - crash of ArrayField lookups on ArrayAgg annotat . . typos in test names and a comment. . Replaced subprocess commands by run() wherever possible. . - Updated admin's jQuery to 3.4.1. . broken OracleDbshellTests tests after 9386586. . - Added support for distance expression to the dwithin . . typo in tests/prefetch_related/ comment. . Refs #23919 -- Replaced super(ASGIHandler, self) with super(). . Refs #30591 -- introspection of check and unique column constra . . Refs #27804 -- Used subTest() in utils_tests/test_e
2.2.706 Nov 2019 07:25 minor feature: 2.2.x Removed obsolete RFC from cookie docs. . 2.2.x Updated spelling and RFCs in HttpOnly cookie flag docs. . 2.2.x "byte string" typo in various docs and comments. . 2.2.x Doc'd that HttpResponse accepts bytestrings. . 2.2.x - max_lengths.tests.MaxLengthORMTests whe . . 2.2.x Refs #1660 -- Doc'd the LANGUAGES_BIDI setting. . 2.2.x - Removed jQuery dependency from getCookie() in . . 2.2.x Used extlinks for Django's source code. . 2.2.x Removed unnecessary /static from links to PostgreSQL docs. . 2.2.x - a tutorial number in Reusable App tutor . . 2.2.x Refs #30278 -- Doc'd behavior of del on an unaccessed cached_ . . 2.2.x Refs #30278 -- link in cached_property docs. . 2.2.x Added stub 2.1.8 release notes. . 2.2.x - Prevented admin inlines for a ManyToManyField . . 2.2.x Updated core translations from Transifex. . 2.2.x Updated contrib translations from Transifex. . 2.2.x Updated man page for 2.2 final. . 2.2.x Set release date in v2.2 release notes. . 2.2.x Bumped version number for 2.2 release. . 2.2.x Corrected date format in 2.2 release notes. . 2.2.x typo in docs/ref/settings.txt. . 2.2.x typo in docs/releases/2.2.txt. . 2.2.x Added stub release notes for 2.2.1. . 2.2.x Post-release version bump. . 2.2.x - incorrect quoting of database user pass . . 2.2.x - Added support for psycopg2 2.8. . 2.2.x - Forced utf-8 encoding when loading the templa . . 2.2.x - crash of ordering by expressions with p . . 2.2.x Refs #27807 -- Removed docs for User.username_validator. . 2.2.x - setting of primary key to None during f . . 2.2.x - Added example of changed_data to forms docs. . 2.2.x - typo in docs/topics/db/aggregation.txt. . 2.2.x Corrected wording in docs/intro/overview.txt. . 2.2.x - Prevented recreation of migration for operati . . 2.2.x - Doc'd how to avoid persistence of F() assignm . . 2.2.x - Reverted "- Removed unnecessary . . 2.2.x Refs #30325 -- Added
2.2.602 Oct 2019 11:05 minor feature: 2.2.x Removed docs of unused libgeoip1/python-gdal packages. . 2.2.x - DatabaseError in servers tests. . 2.2.x - Moved "install Django" command to a console box. . 2.2.x , Refs #28478 -- Avoided PostgreSQL connection he . . 2.2.x Removed an outdated comment on DefaultConnectionProxy. . 2.2.x a failure when running tests on systems with SQLite 3 . . 2.2.x relative paths imports per isort 4.3.5. . 2.2.x documentation of database representation for ManyToMany . . 2.2.x Refs #29683 -- Updated multi-db docs for view permission. . 2.2.x - login header height and alignment in th . . 2.2.x Refs #27685 -- Removed "watchman unavailable" message. . 2.2.x - autoreloader crash for modules without . . 2.2.x Refs #29523 -- Updated admin's collapse.min.js. . 2.2.x Refs #30179 -- Moved topological sort functions to django.utils. . 2.2.x - form Media merging when pairwise mergin . . 2.2.x Clarified permission-related docs. . 2.2.x Reverted "relative paths imports per isort 4.3.5.". . 2.2.x Doc'd the use of --noinput for test database handling. . 2.2.x Clarified deconstruct() in Custom Model Field docs. . 2.2.x - Added how to decorate class-based views to vi . . 2.2.x serializers tests for PyYAML 5.1+. . 2.2.x Simplified test_transform()s in db_functions.math. . 2.2.x - Made Authentication/SessionMiddleware and Mod . . 2.2.x - Allowed model metaclasses to access the attri . . 2.2.x Cleaned up exception message checking in some tests. . 2.2.x Unified nonexistent foreign key introspection value for SQLite. . 2.2.x Refs #30183 -- Moved SQLite table constraint parsing to a met . . 2.2.x - Added introspection of inline SQLite constrai . . 2.2.x Refs #30172 -- Prevented removing a field's check or unique c . . 2.2.x Refs #30172 -- Prevented removing a model Meta's index/unique . . 2.2.x - Adjusted postgres schema value quoting of ran . . 2.2.x Bumped version for 2.2 release candidate 1. . 2.2.
2.2.504 Sep 2019 03:05 minor feature: 2.2.x - Doc'd middleware ordering requirements with C . . 2.2.x Corrected output of Prefetch.to_attr example. . 2.2.x Refs #28161 -- Doc'd INSTALLED_APPS requirement for ArrayFiel . . 2.2.x Used LoginRequiredMixin in "Models and request.user" example. . 2.2.x Used extlinks for GitHub commits. . 2.2.x Refs #30055 -- Bumped minimum SQLite version in GIS docs. . 2.2.x duplicate word in docs/releases/2.0.txt. . 2.2.x Removed django.utils.lru_cache usage. . 2.2.x Simplified and corrected LOGIN_URL, LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL, and L . . 2.2.x Refs #15372 -- Removed obsolete docs about setting . . 2.2.x Updated Oracle docs links to Oracle 18c. . 2.2.x Added stub release notes for security releases. . 2.2.x Removed extra characters in docs header underlines. . 2.2.x - incorrect form Media asset ordering aft . . 2.2.x - Removed SAP SQL Anywhere from "3rd party data . . 2.2.x CVE-2019-6975 -- memory exhaustion in utils.numbe . . 2.2.x Bumped version for 2.2b1. . 2.2.x typo in docs/releases/2.2.txt. . 2.2.x spelling mistakes in comments and tests. . 2.2.x Refs #30175 -- Added release notes for 2.1.7, 2.0.12, and 1.1 . . 2.2.x Refs #30177 -- Forwardported 2.0.13 release notes. . 2.2.x Added CVE-2019-6975 to the security release archive. . 2.2.x indentation in docs/topics/templates.txt. . 2.2.x Doc'd database functions for overlaps lookup. . 2.2.x Refs #29478 -- Clarified cached_property 2.2 release note. . 2.2.x - Doc'd that admin changelist may add pk to ord . . 2.2.x - Removed ellipsis characters from shell output . . 2.2.x Refs #25175 -- Renamed test file referencing the old postgres . . 2.2.x Removed docs of unused libgeoip1/python-gdal packages. . 2.2.x - DatabaseError in servers tests. . 2.2.x - Moved "install Django" command to a console box. . 2.2.x , Refs #28478 -- Avoided PostgreSQL connection he . . 2.2.x Removed an outdated comment on DefaultConnectionProxy. . 2.2.x
2.2.402 Aug 2019 07:05 minor feature: Removed unnecessary transaction wrapping in expressions test. . - Added HttpRequest.headers. . - Raised a FieldError on inherited field update attempts. . Updated translation catalogs. . Refs #17198 -- Detected existing total ordering in admin changelist. . Updated man page for Django 2.2 alpha. . Removed empty sections from 2.2 release notes. . 2.2.x Bumped version for Django 2.2 alpha 1. . 2.2.x Bumped django_next_version in docs config. . 2.2.x typo in QuerySet.bulk_update() documentation. . 2.2.x Refs #28606 -- Corrected deprecation version for CachedStatic . . 2.2.x Refs #30097 -- typos in InlineModelAdmin.has_add_permis . . 2.2.x - SchemaEditor.quote_value() test for mys . . 2.2.x Removed redundant period in Watchman unavailable message. . 2.2.x - invalid SQL in distinct aggregate. . 2.2.x - assertURLEqual() crash with reverse_laz . . 2.2.x Corrected GenericRelation's related_query_name manual lookup . . 2.2.x - AppRegistryNotReady error with django.c . . 2.2.x - SQLite introspection crash with a varch . . 2.2.x Refs #30111 -- test cleanup in postgres_tests/test_inte . . 2.2.x typo in docs/ref/request-response.txt. . 2.2.x Refs #30033 -- Doc'd change regarding apps without migrations . . 2.2.x Refs #30055 -- Added a helpful error when SQLite is too old. . 2.2.x Made test table cleanup in OperationTestBase more robust. . 2.2.x - autoreload crash with jinja2.ModuleLoader. . 2.2.x - JS ngettext if the string is a non-plur . . 2.2.x typo in docs/releases/2.2.txt. . 2.2.x E117 and F405 flake8 warnings. . 2.2.x - Doc'd middleware ordering requirements with C . . 2.2.x Corrected output of Prefetch.to_attr example. . 2.2.x Refs #28161 -- Doc'd INSTALLED_APPS requirement for ArrayFiel . . 2.2.x Used LoginRequiredMixin in "Models and request.user" example. . 2.2.x Used extlinks for GitHub commits. . 2.2.x Refs #30055 -- Bumped minimum SQLite version in GIS docs. . 2.2.x duplicate
2.2.304 Jul 2019 10:45 minor feature: Used None as the empty value for condition in Index's SQL construction. . - Added support for unique conditional constraints. . Refs #28643 -- Added Reverse database function. . - diffsettings ignoring custom configured settings. . Refs #28478 -- Prevented connection creation in model_indexes tests. . - Added watchman support to the autoreloader. . Removed unnecessary skipUnlessDBFeature. . - ordering of combined queryset ordered by F expr . . Simplified overriding source expressions in some database functions. . Corrected comment in TruncTime database function. . Avoided calling as_oracle() for SQLite in Left database function. . Refs #28643 -- Moved db function mixins to a separate module. . Refs #28643 -- Changed Avg() to use NumericOutputFieldMixin. . Refs #28643 -- Changed StdDev() to use NumericOutputFieldMixin. . Refs #28643 -- Changed Variance() to use NumericOutputFieldMixin. . Refs #28643 -- Extracted DurationField logic for Avg() and Sum() into . . Refs #28478 -- Prevented timezone assignment for unusable PostgreSQL . . Refs #28478 -- Prevented connection attempts against disallowed datab . . Refs #28478 -- Prevented database feature based skipping on tests dis . . Relaxed assertions to GIS test failures on Oracle 18c. . "lets" mistakes in docs. . Removed unnecessary string formatting of strings. . Removed unexpected chars in Armenian admin translation. . - invalid SQL when filtering a Subquery by an agg . . - Allowed RelatedManager.add(), create(), etc. for m2m w . . Refs #9475 -- typo, used unpacking generalization, and made thr . . Refs #9475 -- Simplified dictionary unpacking. . , #22270 -- Made proxy model permissions use correct cont . . Refs #30102 -- Added comment on use of Template without placeholders . . Removed unnecessary transaction wrapping in expressions test. . - Added HttpRequest.headers. . - Raised a FieldError on inherited field update attempts. . Updated translation catalogs. . Refs #17198 -- Detecte
2.2.204 Jun 2019 11:05 minor feature: Used 4 space hanging indent for dictionaries. . Added for db_utils tests. . typo in django/db/backends/base/ . Refs #29851 -- test_subquery_row_range_rank() crash on MariaDB . . , CVE-2019-3498 -- content spoofing possiblity in t . . Added CVE-2019-3498 to the security release archive. . Added stub 2.1.6 release notes. . Simplified some imports for database functions. . Renamed import in MySQL introspection backend for consistency. . Refs #23748 -- Added AutoField introspection for SQLite. . - Tested error handling for empty 'default' database. . - error message when a 'default' database isn't p . . - Added DISTINCT handling to the Aggregate class. . - Doc'd that QuerySet.bulk_update() doesn't check for d . . Corrected whitespace in docs/ref/contrib/auth.txt. . - Added request arg to RemoteUserBackend.configure_user(). . Added Armenian language. . Fetched Armenian translations from Transifex. . Refs #28643 -- Added NullIf database function. . typos in docs/ref/models/constraints.txt. . Renamed variables after generalization of constraints. . Refs #28478 -- Deprecated TestCase's allow_database_queries and multi . . - Make DiscoverRunner skip creating unused test databases. . Documented ping_google()'s ping_url argument. . Refs #23829 -- Made ping_google command/function use https for the si . . Moved django.db.migrations.writer.SettingsReference to django.conf. . - Made 'obj' arg of InlineModelAdmin.has_add_permission . . Refs #29738 -- Allowed registering serializers with MigrationWriter. . - Allowed serializing psycopg2 range types in migrations. . Added tests for Check/UniqueConstraint.__eq__(). . Used None as the empty value for condition in Index's SQL construction. . - Added support for unique conditional constraints. . Refs #28643 -- Added Reverse database function. . - diffsettings ignoring custom configured settings. . Refs #28478 -- Prevented connection creation in model_indexes tests. . - Added wa
2.2.102 May 2019 07:05 minor feature: 2.2.x Corrected date format in 2.2 release notes. . 2.2.x typo in docs/ref/settings.txt. . 2.2.x typo in docs/releases/2.2.txt. . 2.2.x Added stub release notes for 2.2.1. . 2.2.x Post-release version bump. . 2.2.x - incorrect quoting of database user pass . . 2.2.x - Added support for psycopg2 2.8. . 2.2.x - Forced utf-8 encoding when loading the templa . . 2.2.x - crash of ordering by expressions with p . . 2.2.x Refs #27807 -- Removed docs for User.username_validator. . 2.2.x - setting of primary key to None during f . . 2.2.x - Added example of changed_data to forms docs. . 2.2.x - typo in docs/topics/db/aggregation.txt. . 2.2.x Corrected wording in docs/intro/overview.txt. . 2.2.x - Prevented recreation of migration for operati . . 2.2.x - Doc'd how to avoid persistence of F() assignm . . 2.2.x - Reverted "- Removed unnecessary . . 2.2.x Refs #30325 -- Added tests for using count()/exists() with cu . . 2.2.x typo in docs/ref/models/instances.txt. . 2.2.x - custom formset validation example in docs. . 2.2.x - Doc'd that trans and blocktrans tags don't es . . 2.2.x Updated SpatiaLite install instructions to suggest first pack . . 2.2.x , #29139 -- crash when ordering or aggregat . . 2.2.x Removed unused imports. . 2.2.x - crash of IntegerField.validators when l . . 2.2.x Made cosmetic edits in docs/releases/2.2.1.txt. . 2.2.x typo in docs/internals/contributing/committing-code.txt. . 2.2.x - Restored SearchVector(config) immutability. . 2.2.x Changed tuple Mate.unique_together/permissions to lists in docs. . 2.2.x UniqueConstraint example in ref/models/constraints.txt. . 2.2.x - Noted partial indexes and constraints restric . . 2.2.x - Added check for importability of arguments of . . 2.2.x - Relaxed admin check from django.contrib.sessi . . 2.2.x - Increased the default timeout of watchman cli . . 2.2.x - Handled pre-existing permissions in proxy mod . . 2.2.
2.202 Apr 2019 06:05 minor feature: Added release date for 1.11.17. . - Allowed editing in admin with view-only inlines. . Added release date for 2.1.4. . Added stub release notes for 2.1.5 release. . Tested exception messages in generic_views tests. . - DatabaseOperations.last_executed_query() with m . . Refs #30013 -- SchemaEditor.quote_value() test for mysqlclient . . Reverted "- Made data migrations available in Transacti . . - Added usable entry point in default . Bumped mysqlclient requirement to = 1.3.13. . - queries that reuse filtered aggregates. . - Added.format() support to ngettext_lazy strings. . - combining compound queries with sub-compound qu . . - Doc'd why MySQL's atomic DDL statements don't work fo . . - Added ResolverMatch.route. . - schema table alteration on SQLite 3.26+. . Added blank line in docs/releases/2.2.txt. . Refs #28670 -- DatabaseFeatures.supports_slicing_ordering_in_co . . Moved choices inside of test models per coding style. . - Removed unused imports in pagination example. . - Prevented SQLite schema alterations while foreign key . . typo in contrib.gis variable name. . Refs #29928 -- Implemented fast constraint checking on SQLite 3.20+. . - Conformed to the recommended table alterations proced . . Refs #29182 -- Stopped relying on legacy alter table semantic on SQLi . . - Enabled deferred constraint checks on SQLite 3.20+. . - Ensured request body is properly consumed for keep-al . . - Added --no-header option to makemigrations/squashmigr . . Replaced loop with dictionary comprehension. . Refs #30015 -- Added 2.1.5 release note and removed 'we' in comments. . Polish MONTH_DAY_FORMAT. . Added tests for ContentType/Group/Permission.__str__(). . Added tests for GeometryField.deconstruct(). . - Made GeometryField.deconstruct() handle 'extent' and . . Removed an overridden CSS rule in depage. . - Used higher contrast colors in depage. . - Added View.setup() hook for class-based views. . Renamed SQLite3 references to to
2.1.505 Jan 2019 03:16 minor feature: 2.1.x Refs #29428 -- admin check crash when using a query exp . . 2.1.x - Made ModelAdmin.get_deleted_objects() use has . . 2.1.x - RenameModel's renaming of a M2M column . . 2.1.x - a missing pyc test file in source distr . . 2.1.x Added backticks to code literals in docs/ref/databases.txt. . 2.1.x - Accounted for object level permissions when c . . 2.1.x - Added a helpful makemigrations error if app_l . . 2.1.x Refs #29493 -- Doc'd that the QuerySet in lookup accepts a st . . 2.1.x - crash on Oracle when converting a non-u . . 2.1.x - Allowed permissioning of admin actions. . 2.1.x - Allowed users with the view permission to use . . 2.1.x Bumped version for 2.1 beta 1. . 2.1.x Clarified sentence about removal of inline flag support in ur . . 2.1.x - Made __in lookup keep order of values in query. . 2.1.x Refs #29451 -- invalid SQL on MySQL in queries tests. . 2.1.x Refs #29451 -- regex/iregex lookups on MySQL 8. . 2.1.x Refs #28841 -- Added ForcePolygonCW to GIS database functions . . 2.1.x Updated a test example to use snake case. . 2.1.x - Added charset to JavaScriptCatalog's Content- . . 2.1.x Added description, example, and SQL equivalents for equals an . . 2.1.x Refs #17419 -- Removed IE8 support in json_script example. . 2.1.x Refs #29253 -- method_decorator() crash if decorator se . . 2.1.x - test client crash when posting bytes. . 2.1.x location of a few doc labels. . 2.1.x links for i18n context processor docs. . 2.1.x Refs #28814 -- Documented Python 3.7 compatibility. . 2.1.x Forwardported 2.0.7 release note. . 2.1.x - Doc'd how related_query_name affects Model._m . . 2.1.x Refs #29513 -- Linked the testing docs from the multi-db topi . . 2.1.x - Updated email.MIME references for Python 3. . 2.1.x - SelectFilter2.j
2.1.404 Dec 2018 03:16 minor feature: 2.1.x - Ordered date filter's format strings by categ . . 2.1.x Relaxed a GDAL raster test. . 2.1.x typo in docs/topics/auth/customizing.txt. . 2.1.x MySQL QuerySet.explain() test when running tests in rev . . 2.1.x Refs #28462 -- 'invalid escape sequence' warning on Pyt . . 2.1.x - Added custom help formatter to BaseCommand class. . 2.1.x Added stub release notes for 2.0.6. . 2.1.x typo in docs/releases/2.0.7.txt. . 2.1.x - Doc'd where the bulk argument applies in Rela . . 2.1.x Refs #29483 -- Relaxed WGS 84 check regex. . 2.1.x 'invalid escape sequence' warning in GEOSGeometryBase.f . . 2.1.x Prevented unexpected link in settings docs. . 2.1.x - Silenced post-process messages in collectstat . . 2.1.x - makemessages setting charset of.pot fi . . 2.1.x Refs #29353 -- Removed duplicated logic in StaticFilesHandler . . 2.1.x Restored django.test.utils.patch_logger() for backwards compa . . 2.1.x Updated GIS install instructions to use placeholders for GIS . . 2.1.x Doc'd how to set SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH for Debian Buster/Ub . . 2.1.x Refs #29419, #8936 -- Removed change permission requirement f . . 2.1.x - admin changelist crash when using a que . . 2.1.x Refs #29428 -- admin check crash when using a query exp . . 2.1.x - Made ModelAdmin.get_deleted_objects() use has . . 2.1.x - RenameModel's renaming of a M2M column . . 2.1.x - a missing pyc test file in source distr . . 2.1.x Added backticks to code literals in docs/ref/databases.txt. . 2.1.x - Accounted for object level permissions when c . . 2.1.x - Added a helpful makemigrations error if app_l . . 2.1.x Refs #29493 -- Doc'd that the QuerySet in lookup accepts a st . . 2.1.x - crash on Oracle when converting a non-u . . 2.1.x - Allowed permissioning of admin actions. . 2.1.
2.1.302 Nov 2018 06:45 minor feature: 2.1.x Post-release version bump. . 2.1.x Added stub release notes for 1.11.17 release. . 2.1.x Added stub release notes for 2.0.10 release. . 2.1.x Added stub release notes for 2.1.3 release. . 2.1.x Added CVE-2018-16984 to the security release archive. . 2.1.x Adjusted text for CVE-2018-16984 in security release archive. . 2.1.x Added tests for using bytearray with BinaryField and correcte . . 2.1.x - Documented how to test custom error views. . 2.1.x crash building translated docs since Sphinx 1.8. . 2.1.x - DatabaseOperation test when run in isol . . 2.1.x Removed docs for obsolete limitations of inspectdb. . 2.1.x Corrected docs to say that all templates are text strings. . 2.1.x Refs #27795 -- Removed force_bytes() usage in MySQL backend. . 2.1.x Refs #27795 -- Removed force_bytes() usage in sessions. . Revert " 2.1.x Refs #27795 -- Removed force_bytes() usage in MySQL b . . Revert " 2.1.x Refs #27795 -- Removed force_bytes() usage in sessions.". . 2.1.x - Updated the contributing tutorial to use an i . . 2.1.x Clarified when QuerySet.select_for_update() locks. . 2.1.x Refs #27778 -- Removed "The database API" section from "Unico . . 2.1.x Capitalized "Python" in docs and comments. . 2.1.x Refs #29784 -- Switched to https:// links where available. . 2.1.x Improved tone in docs/ref/settings.txt. . 2.1.x Emphasized that ForeignKey.on_delete doesn't create a SQL con . . 2.1.x Simplified deployment checklist docs on customizing error views. . 2.1.x Removed unused fields from aggregation docs. . 2.1.x typo in django/utils/ . 2.1.x Added a paragraph in docs/intro/contributing.txt. . 2.1.x Removed obsolete "ugly URL" reference. . 2.1.x - crash when combining Q objects with __i . . 2.1.x Replaced CVE/roles with extlinks. . 2.1.x Updated Jinja2 static tag example to use django.templatetags. . 2.1.x - Clarified docs regarding CSRF token header name. . 2.1.x -
2.1.202 Oct 2018 14:05 minor feature: model state on objects with a primary key creat . . - Added an exception if the PostgreSQL database name is . . - get_primary_key_column() method in sqlite3 backend. . Refs #28859 -- "no data found" exception handling with cx_Oracl . . - Mentioned the #django-dev IRC channel in contributing . . - Removed Fabric examples in docs. . Added release date for 2.0.5 and 1.11.13. . Added stub release notes for 2.0.6. . - Removed empty action attribute on HTML forms. . - Doc'd that ModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields removes sto . . Used double quotation marks for csrf form element. . - Added a system check to prohibit models with more tha . . Refs #29358 -- Corrected wording in primary key check message. . - Added long_description in . - HTTP request logging inconsistencies. . - error handling when MIGRATIONS_MODULES specifie . . Alphabetized imports in docs/ref/contrib/postgres/fields.txt. . Replaced django.test.utils.patch_logger() with assertLogs(). . Captured logging in tests with self.assertLogs(). . - Added choices to LogEntry.action_flag field. . Refs #29350 -- 'invalid escape sequence' warning in SQLite intr . . Replaced context by comment in 2 humanize strings. . Refs #29389 -- Added Paginator test for float page number. . - Made Paginator reject non-integer page numbers of typ . . Added tests for trans_null.ngettext(). . - Added SimpleTestCase.assertWarnsMessage(). . German Translation for 3 days ago . . Upgraded OpenLayers to 4.6.5 for OpenLayersWidget. . Replaced TOKEN_ constants by TokenType enums. . - Added router.allow_relation() calls for assignments b . . Aliased trans_null.to_locale() to trans_real.to_locale(). . Increased django.utils.translation.trans_null test coverage. . Consolidated duplicate to_locale() implementations. . Alphabetized imports in various docs. . Moved to_language() to django.utils.translation. . - Removed management commands deactivation of the locale. . - Updated admin's jQuery to 3.3.1. .
2.1.101 Sep 2018 16:25 minor feature: 2.1.x Post-release version bump. . 2.1.x Added CVE-2018-14574 to the security release archive. . 2.1.x Added stub release notes for 2.1.1. . 2.1.x typos in comments and docs. . 2.1.x - race condition in QuerySet.update_or_cr . . 2.1.x Removed out of place sentence in QuerySet.count() docs. . 2.1.x - Added QUERY_TERMS removal to 2.1 release notes. . 2.1.x - QueryDict.urlencode() crash with non-st . . 2.1.x Refs #29593, #26891 -- Doc'd RegisterLookupMixin.get_lookups(). . 2.1.x - --keepdb on PostgreSQL if the database . . 2.1.x - Doc'd the geometry type for each model field. . 2.1.x Refs #28584 -- Documented removal of support for SQLite 3.7 . . 2.1.x Clarified the values accepted by ModelAdmin.fields. . 2.1.x Refs #28540 -- Added FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS to deployment ch . . 2.1.x - Doc'd a change to file upload permissions in . . 2.1.x Consolidated docs about handling a ForeignKey in custom user . . 2.1.x Refs #29374 -- Moved misplaced line in date format docs table. . 2.1.x - crash when combining Q objects with __i . . 2.1.x - translation failure of DurationField's . . 2.1.x - Doc'd removal of py-bcrypt compatibility. . 2.1.x Refs #29652 -- typo in docs/releases/2.1.txt. . 2.1.x - admin change form crash if the user doe . . 2.1.x - missing related_query_name reverse acce . . 2.1.x Refs #29449 -- Removed release note for "Allowed using contri . . 2.1.x - Allowed test client to accept structured suff . . 2.1.x - Doc'd return value of . . 2.1.x - Doc'd the validators that each model and form . . 2.1.x Refs #8936 -- Added ModelAdmin.has_view_or_change_permission(). . 2.1.x Added ModelAdmin._response_post_save() to avoid code duplicat . . 2.1.x - Made admin change view redirect to changelist . . 2.1.x Refs #29015 -- Added database name to PostgreSQL database nam . . 2.1.x - Added QuerySet.explain() to the database opti . . 2.1.x - admin change f
2.103 Aug 2018 01:45 minor feature: Replaced 'python -Wall' with 'python -Wa'. . Added test for combining Q objects with non-Q objects. . - UserChangeForm crash if password field is exclu . . links to Sphinx docs. . - Made assertFormError() output "(actual errors: none)" . . Clarified a sentence in docs/topics/i18n/translation.txt. . - Added renderer argument to ModelForm. . Removed unused regexes in . - Prevented initial selection of empty choice in multip . . typo in docs/releases/2.0.4/1.11.12.txt. . - OpenLayersWidget deserialization ignoring the w . . Added release date for 2.0.4 and 1.11.12. . Refs #23406 -- "invalid escape sequence" warning in migrations . . Added stub release notes for 2.0.5. . Refs #27728 -- BytesWarning in admin_views tests. . Refs #28577 -- Added check for HStoreField to prevent mutable default. . - Added bytes to str conversion in LPad/RPad database f . . Refs #28643 -- Added Repeat database function. . Added stub release notes for 1.11.13. . Refs #24791 -- Made PostgreSQL's nodb connection use first PostgresSQ . . reference to nonexistent __between lookup. . - Doc'd that a context manager can't be used with FileR . . - Made a JSONField lookup value of None match keys that . . Added additional AdminPasswordChangeForm tests. . Updated intersphinx_mapping URL for sphinx. . - Made ImageField render with accept="image/*"' HTML at . . - Made widthratio assign to as var if an exceptio . . Documented InlineModelAdmin.has_(add/change/delete)_permission(). . ordering in docs/internals/deprecation.txt. . - Added obj arg to InlineModelAdmin.has_add_permission(). . - Renamed admin CSS class field-box to fieldBox. . - Clarified PasswordResetTokenGenerator comment regardi . . Updated contributing docs for some latest practices. . Added tests for ArrayField.has_changed(). . - ArrayField.has_changed() for empty values. . - inspectdb import paths for django.contrib.postg . . mistakes in docs/topics/db/examples/many_
2.0.704 Jul 2018 09:25 minor feature: 2.0.x - a/an/and typos in docs and comments. . 2.0.x typo in docs/topics/db/aggregation.txt. . 2.0.x - Add a check for likely incorrectly migrated d . . 2.0.x - Warned that quoting a placeholder in a raw SQ . . 2.0.x Refs #28593 -- Updated old class names in comments following . . 2.0.x - Reallowed AuthenticationForm to raise the ina . . 2.0.x - Clarified the docs for admin.register's args. . 2.0.x - Added QuerySet.values()/values_list() support . . 2.0.x - Doc'd middleware ordering considerations due . . 2.0.x - tx_isolation deprecation warning on MyS . . 2.0.x invalid escape sequence warning in check_framework test. . 2.0.x - index name truncation of namespaced tab . . 2.0.x test failures due to ordering differences on PostgreSQL . . 2.0.x Updated main translation catalog. . 2.0.x incorrect integer division in DeletionTests.test_large_ . . 2.0.x Skipped test_exact_sliced_queryset_limit_one_offset on Oracle. . 2.0.x Bumped version for 2.0 release candidate 1. . 2.0.x - Doc'd backwards incompatibility when reverse( . . 2.0.x - typo in docs/topics/auth/default.txt. . 2.0.x Refs #28814 -- "SyntaxError: Generator expression must . . 2.0.x Refs #28814 -- test_runner failure on Python 3.7. . 2.0.x - ExtractYear imports in docs/ref/models/ . . 2.0.x - "Unknown system variable 'transaction_i . . 2.0.x Added assertion helpers for PostgreSQL's server-side cursor t . . 2.0.x - Made QuerySet.iterator() use server-side curs . . 2.0.x Clarified who the AdminEmailHandler emails. . 2.0.x typo in docs/topics/forms/media.txt. . 2.0.x Linked to prefetch_related_objects func in DB optimization docs. . 2.0.x - SQLite/MySQL crash when ordering by a f . . 2.0.x - Forced pot files to use UNIX-style newlines. . 2.0.x - test client crash if an exception with . . 2.0.x - Made query lookups for CIText fields use citext. . 2.0.x - a regression in caching of a GenericFor . . 2.0.x - Made Inl
2.0.502 May 2018 06:25 minor feature: 2.0.x Updated Basque (eu) locale formats. . 2.0.x Refs #23260 -- Tested nested generator input to unordered_lis . . 2.0.x - unordered_list template filter with laz . . 2.0.x outdated comment in RelatedObjectDoesNotExist. . 2.0.x Refs #19295 -- Doc'd that ManifestStaticFilesStorage doesn't . . 2.0.x - Replaced a numbered list with unordered list . . 2.0.x - Doc'd the return value for GenericForeignKey . . 2.0.x - Made QuerySet.reverse() affect nulls_first/nu . . 2.0.x Refs #14807 -- Removed unneeded mark_safe call. . 2.0.x Removed Python 2 comment in ValidationError. . 2.0.x - typo in django/views/templates/default_ . . 2.0.x Suggested LoginView rather than @login_required as an alterna . . 2.0.x - Clarified cache tag's handling of argum . . 2.0.x - unquoted table names in Subquery SQL wh . . 2.0.x - Doc'd that QuerySet.first() can affect aggreg . . 2.0.x typo in docs/ref/models/querysets.txt. . 2.0.x - typos in django/conf/ . . 2.0.x Refs #21927 -- Removed docs for include()'s old instance_name . . 2.0.x Refs #28457 -- Updated the colors of the 'Congrats' page for . . 2.0.x Refs #28457 -- Removed CSS in django/views/ . . 2.0.x - Corrected examples of using attribute lookups . . 2.0.x - Doc'd that ModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields onl . . 2.0.x Refs #28010 -- Allowed reverse related fields in SELECT FOR U . . 2.0.x Refs #27318 -- Made DummyCache.set_many() return a list for c . . 2.0.x Removed docs for obsolete compatibility checks. . 2.0.x - AttributeError crash when assigning Non . . 2.0.x 'a'/'an' mix-ups in docs. . 2.0.x Refs #23919 -- Updated references to urllib.quote() to Python . . 2.0.x - Allowed models to define Meta.manager_inherit . . 2.0.x - Removed unnecessary leading dot from cross-do . . 2.0.x Refs #23919 -- Replaced doc references to django.utils.http.u . . 2.0.x Made assorted edits to docs/releases/2.0.txt. . 2.0.x
2.0.404 Apr 2018 04:05 minor feature: 2.0.x - QuerySet.bulk_create() and cascade dele . . 2.0.x Added release date for 1.11.6. . 2.0.x Added stub release notes for 1.11.7. . 2.0.x Refs #24254 -- Removed unnecessary SQL AS clause in SQLCompil . . 2.0.x Refs #23919 -- Corrected django.utils.http.urlencode()'s docu . . 2.0.x - awkward wrapping of Select2 chips. . 2.0.x Moved link in "Features removed in 2.0" to be more specific. . 2.0.x - Expanded docs for indexing contrib.postgres f . . 2.0.x - Prevented cache.get_or_set() from caching Non . . 2.0.x Split django.utils.http tests into separate test classes. . 2.0.x - urlencode()'s handling of bytes. . 2.0.x - Made Model.refresh_from_db() clear cached rel . . 2.0.x Removed incorrect reference to ModelChoiceField in Field.choi . . 2.0.x Refs #28643 -- Reorganized database functions docs. . 2.0.x Refs #28440 -- server connection closing test on macOS. . 2.0.x - the Basque DATE_FORMAT string. . 2.0.x Updated email.Util (Python 2) references to email.utils (Pyth . . 2.0.x Corrected examples in related field descriptor docstrings. . 2.0.x Refs #28710 -- Simplified l10n format test. . 2.0.x - Prevented ModelBackend.get_all_permissions() . . 2.0.x typo in MessageMiddleware.process_response() docstring. . 2.0.x - Restored the ability to use sliced QuerySets . . 2.0.x Bumped version for 2.0 beta 1. . 2.0.x typos in docs/releases/2.0.txt. . 2.0.x Made SearchQuery examples less sterotyped. . 2.0.x typo in docs/ref/models/querysets.txt. . 2.0.x Updated Basque (eu) locale formats. . 2.0.x Refs #23260 -- Tested nested generator input to unordered_lis . . 2.0.x - unordered_list template filter with laz . . 2.0.x outdated comment in RelatedObjectDoesNotExist. . 2.0.x Refs #19295 -- Doc'd that ManifestStaticFilesStorage doesn't . . 2.0.x - Replaced a numbered list with unordered list . . 2.0.x - Doc'd the return value for GenericForeignKey . . 2.0.x - Made QuerySet.reve
2.0.307 Mar 2018 13:05 minor feature: Set the foreground color to black in CSRF and 404 err . . Refs #28595 -- Added a hook to add execute wrappers for database quer . . Added a test for QuerySet.select_related() reverse caching. . Refs #28593 -- Made URLResolver._populate() more resilient to signal . . Removed unused eof argument to BoundaryIter._find_boundary(). . - Added FilteredRelation API for conditional join (ON c . . 2.0.x Bumped django_next_version in docs config. . 2.0.x Updated man page for Django 2.0 alpha. . 2.0.x Removed empty sections in 2.0 release notes. . 2.0.x Bumped version to 2.0 alpha 1. . 2.0.x Bumped trove classifier for 2.0 alpha 1. . 2.0.x Refs #27788 -- Corrected minimum supported Oracle version in . . 2.0.x Refs #25006 -- Marked again admin time picker shortcuts for t . . 2.0.x Updated translation catalogs. . 2.0.x JS linter error. . 2.0.x Reverted "- password reset tokens being v . . 2.0.x Merged startswith() calls. . 2.0.x - Added slug converter to some path() examples . . 2.0.x Clarified StrIndex docs example. . 2.0.x - DecimalValidator handling of positive e . . 2.0.x - Distinguished DATABASES 'TIME_ZONE' from set . . 2.0.x - Made tree.Node instances hashable. . 2.0.x Refs #28492 -- Defined aggregates' output_field at the class . . 2.0.x - typo in docs/ref/contrib/postgres/field . . 2.0.x - Corrected typo in docs/topics/db/queries.txt. . 2.0.x - Added missing ForeignKey.on_delete argument i . . 2.0.x - Made MySQL raise IntegrityError rather than O . . 2.0.x Refs #27025, #28593 -- "invalid escape sequence" warnin . . 2.0.x Refs #28677 -- Doc'd that on_delete is required in migrations. . 2.0.x - QuerySet.bulk_create() and cascade dele . . 2.0.x Added release date for 1.11.6. . 2.0.x Added stub release notes for 1.11.7. . 2.0.x Refs #24254 -- Removed unnecessary SQL AS clause in SQLCompil . . 2.0.x Refs #23919 -- Corrected django.utils.http.urlencode()'s docu . . 2.0.x - awkward
2.0.202 Feb 2018 09:45 minor feature: Added a test for mixing args and kwargs in reverse(). . a Dutch translation in i18n tests. . Refs #24031 -- Added test for When.__repr__(). . Removed unnecessary check in SQLCompiler.get_related_selections(). . - Added caching for hstore/citext OIDs. . Simplified Count.convert_value() and RegrCount.convert_value(). . Removed unneeded StdDev.convert_value() and Variance.convert_value(). . - Added responsive CSS for the admin. . Refs #21286 -- Enabled serializer tests with time pk model. . Revert "Refs #21286 -- Enabled serializer tests with time pk model". . Changed default value of DatabaseFeatures.has_bulk_insert to True. . Added test skipping for a PostgreSQL JSONField test. . - Added support for window expressions (OVER clause). . - Skipped test when serializer is not available. . Refs #14370 -- Vendored Select2 4.0.3 for use by the admin. . - Allowed using a Select2 widget for ForeignKey and Man . . - crash with the name of a model's autogenerated . . typo in docs/topics/cache.txt. . Refs #28334 -- crash in hstore/citext oid caching during test d . . Refs #14370 -- typo in ModelAdmin.autocomplete_fields docs. . typo in docs/internals/deprecation.txt. . Removed unused list in Query.resolve_lookup_value(). . Added a checks test for valid i18n patterns. . Initialized CsrfViewMiddleware once in csrf_tests. . - Reallowed error handlers to access CSRF tokens. . - Added a simplified URL routing syntax per DEP 0201. . - Made ogrinspect output pep8 compliant. . - Added color interpretation method to GDALBand. . Added test for too large input to django.utils.http.base36_to_int(). . - Set the foreground color to black in CSRF and 404 err . . Refs #28595 -- Added a hook to add execute wrappers for database quer . . Added a test for QuerySet.select_related() reverse caching. . Refs #28593 -- Made URLResolver._populate() more resilient to signal . . Removed unused eof argument to BoundaryIter._find_boundary(). . - Added FilteredRelation API
2.0.102 Jan 2018 03:15 minor feature: Added Paginator.get_page(). . - Made cache.set_many() return the list of failed keys. . - Allowed QuerySet.values_list() to return a namedtuple. . - Removed inaccurate docs about QuerySet.order_by() and . . Removed unneeded __init__() methods. . Reverted "- Replaced try/except/pass with . . Removed obsolete doc references to javascript_catalog. . Simplified GEOSFuncFactory. . Removed to_lower parameter for translation's to_locale(). . Added more tests for translation's to_locale(). . - translation's to_locale() with langauge subtags. . deepcopy of AreaField and DistanceField. . capitalization of "Spherical Mercator.". . - Removed handling of non-thread safe GEOS functions. . some comments referring to a nonexistent TestClient class. . Refs #24928 -- Added introspection support for PostgreSQL JSONField. . Refs #24928 -- Added introspection support for PostgreSQL RangeField. . Removed unnecessary parens in _get_app_label_and_model_name(). . - Doc'd upgrade effort expectations for Django 2.0. . - GIS's WKT regex to match large scientific notat . . - Renamed DatabaseCreation number arguments to suf. . - some GIS functions when queryset is evaluated m . . Tested field deconstruction with DEFAULT_DB_TABLESPACE and db_tablesp . . Refs #28492 -- Stopped accessing settings at Field.db_tablespace init . . - Defined default output_field of expressions at the cl . . - Dropped support for GEOS 3.3.x. . Added tests for DecimalValidator. . Used sqlite3.Connection.load_extension() instead of query execution f . . Removed django.contrib.gis.geometry.backend. . Moved contrib.gis.geometry.regex to contrib.gis.geometry. . - WSGIServer hang on responses without a Content- . . Refs #28569 -- gis_tests.inspectapp.tests.OGRInspectTest.test_t . . Refs #27090 -- Added real database sequenc
2.004 Dec 2017 04:12 major feature: The Django team is happy to announce the release of Django 2.0. This release starts Django s use of a loose form of semantic versioning, but there aren t any major backwards incompatible changes (except that support for Python 2.7 is removed) that might be expected of a 2.0 release. Upgrading should be a similar amount of effort as past feature releases. The release notes cover the assortment of new features in detail, but a few highlights are: A simplified URL routing syntax that allows writing routes without regular expressions. A responsive, mobile-friendly contrib.admin. Window expressions to allow adding an OVER clause to querysets.
1.805 Apr 2015 04:45 major feature: Django 1.8 has been designated as Django s second Long-Term Support (LTS) release, and will receive security updates for at least three years. Django now has a formalized API for Model._meta, providing an officially supported way to retrieve fields and filter fields based on their attributes. Multiple template engines/backends: Django template or Jinja2. Several features of the django-secure third-party library have been integrated into Django. Comes with a module with extensions for PostgreSQL specific features, such as ArrayField, HStoreField, Range Fields, and unaccent lookup. Django now has a UUIDField for storing universally unique identifiers. Now has a DurationField for storing periods of time - modeled in Python by timedelta. The added Query Expressions allow you to create, customize, and compose complex SQL expressions. TestCase has been refactored to allow for data initialization at the class level using transactions and savepoints. And some new minor additions: ModelAdmin now has a has_module_permission() method to allow limiting access to the module on the admin index page. InlineModelAdmin now has an attribute show_change_link that supports showing a link to an inline object s change form. Use the new django.contrib.admin.RelatedOnlyFieldListFilter in ModelAdmin.list_filter to limit the list_filter choices to foreign objects which are attached to those from the ModelAdmin. The ModelAdmin.delete_view() displays a summary of objects to be deleted on the deletion confirmation page. The jQuery library embedded in the admin has been upgraded to version 1.11.2. You can now specify AdminSite.site_url in order to display a link to the front-end site. You can now specify ModelAdmin.show_full_result_count to control whether or not the full count of objects should be displayed on a filtered admin page. The AdminSite.password_change() method now has an extra_context parameter. You can now control who may login to the admin site by overriding only AdminSite.has_