Open source project displaying live aircrafts, ships or trackers on 2D/3D map.
Browse through the data based on a particular aircraft, airline, airport, tracker or vessel to search through the database or see extensive statistics.
Can use ADS-B in SBS1 format (dump1090, Radarcape,...), VRS, VA (VATSIM, IVAO whazzup.txt, phpvms,...), ACARS (acarsdec, acarsdeco2), APRS, AIS as datasource.
Recent Releases
1.0-beta.2123 Dec 2017 19:25
minor feature:
No download of altitude for marine, there no sea depth in elevation f
Decode html char in marine type.
Download less data and check if dir are writable.
Add size needed info.
More stats for virtual marine.
Increase distance to airport to get METAR for weather.
Check for strange race time data and change title of stats.
Add an option to default to single model.
Better queries.
Clouds color.
Better query to select by id.
Add option to display selected model on 3D mode by default.
Disable clouds color change on time, it was only valable in UTC timez .
stats types number for virtual marine.
If last GFS run is not available, try previous one.
Update to CesiumJS 1.40.
Add search for captain and race.
and little changes.
More check for spotter check.
Use OpenWeatherMap API to get clouds info everywhere in the world.
Put 3d weather in an other file.
If first spotter data is wrong, update it.
Add top 10 races stat page.
rewrite for race stats.
Coordinate can be displayed as DD, DM or DMS.
default coordinate value.
Test for clouds color change using sun altitude and azimuth.
Change default marine color.
and option to display only blocked aircrafts.
spotter search.
Remove export info for anything else than aircrafts, not supported fo .
Update airlines.
Fire import is faster, more fires can be displayed at the same time.
Santa is available in 3D for all modes now.
fire layer.
Add fire layer support in 2D and 3D.
Add an user option to enable or disable lighting the globe with the s .
Add marine buoy support in 3D mode.
model disappear in single model 3D mode.
ADSB raw decode.
export should be faster.
add option in install script.
Add globe sun lighting on 2D mode.
Rename terminator js.
Change url used for export.
Add password support to install script.
install error report.
1.0-beta.2001 Dec 2017 09:25
minor feature:
Track aircraft between 2D and 3D
moving when aircraftsize defined.
Model size can be different.
Add option to disable shadows on 3D mode.
Add 3d sun shadows option to install script.
Add deutsch, more check for languages supports,, aircraft FAA b .
Remove unused var.
Remove rotate from leaflet playback.
Remove duplicate and remove data after end date for archive 2D.
Better 2D beta archive support.
add Basestation MLAT source name.
flights really removed when no more available for beta archive in 2D .
Archive in 2D mode is better, with controls.
Add a slide to change speed of Archive in 2D mode.
Stop archive at the end, clean code.
Change icon to red if clicked on archive mode.
Better archive box.
Archive mode in 2D is available, archive date and quit archive mode.
Disable idle timeout in 2D archive mode.
Indent, begin dev for tracker and marine archive mode.
D archive mode.
for Firefox.
Really archive for firefox.
use createcookie function to create all cookies.
Desactivate archive mode for all that is not aircraft for now, use cr .
archive for MySQL.
Put less data in archive geojson.
Optimize archive 2D mode load.
No PHP timeout.
Add an error dialog box for archive mode.
add url to error.
href url on archive error.
Use another water shader, add option to set scaling factor for render .
Add table with live displayed flights.
Add registration and aircraft icao to flight list.
Reset to default value for 3D mode.
Reset to previous values.
Track cookie set for 1 day.
Fail is performance not good.
Disable all changes. I will put them as graphics options.
No display any flights in single model if no flight tracked.
List of flights, tracker, marine at bottom of 2D and 3D .
Use archive if globalArchiveResults is true.
Disable archive in demo mode.
Never log php output for systemd init.
Use defined unit
1.0-beta.1907 Oct 2017 09:45
minor feature:
Add some functions needed for cam PTZ control.
Basic TSK support.
Option to enable or disable.tsk support.
Should detect new flight of an aircraft better.
Don't add OGN FFFFFF address for now.
Add basic tsk support in 3D mode, without altitude for now.
for return value in write context error.
Update to Cesium 1.37, possible to use local Cesium, add 2.5D buildin?.
Add cesium as module.
Add offline mode support.
Add Mapbox GL support.
Add mapbox gl attributions.
Don't download images or schedules if globalOffline set to TRUE.
Add support for FlightAware API to get schedule.
airport update and map matching support for tracker mode.
Remove directory separator var.
Only use map matching if 2D zoom 12.
Don't put as offline by default.
Airspace is only installed via update_db.php.
Increase timeout.
Add dump1090 aircraft.json format support.
Disable cache for install script page.
aircraftjson support.
Add lighttpd conf.
Try to make page accidents/incidents faster.
Add globalMinFetch parameter in install script.
Get correct AIS type id from name.
Add AIS types.
Add AIS types.
ident for aircraft.json.
Try to autodetect.
Center sidebar icons.
styles error.
attributions, and FlightAirMap Map Matching server support for?.
if no altitude available.
Update aircraft table.
Add ArcGIS street, satellite and NatGeo tiles layers.
Check if live/geojson can be read by install script.
Use box for warning, info.
Use correct date.
Add another rewrite check.
Concatenate all aircraft type by ICAO.
Clean aircraft table.
Display only first aircraft name, on other by highlight on link.
Display only first aircraft name, on other by highlight on link for a?.
Add lighttpd debian conf.
add mod rewrite.
Change default path.
lighttpd rewrite.
Disable alitalia.
Optimize update db.
Add aircraft.json MLAT support.
Disable AFR.
Disable AFR.
Replace aircrafts by aircraft.
check if aircraft.json is not too old.
No support for ground adsb vehicules.
Force reconnect if disconne
1.0-beta.1829 Aug 2017 12:26
minor feature:
* News page that syndicate RSS feeds
* Marine type stats
* VAOS support
* Use flight liveries in 3D mode
* Use latest camera position after refresh
* Fixes
1.0-beta.1720 Jul 2017 13:02
minor feature:
Satellites support in 2D and 3D with statistics