The Gnome Chemistry Utils provide a few Gtk programs and a C++ algorithm and widget library related to chemistry. It includes GChemPaint, a 2D chemical editor, and a chemical calculator for raw formule, molar weight, mass composition and isotopic patterns. It also comes with viewers for 3D molecule models, crystal structues, a spectrum viewer, and a periodic table of elements.
Recent Releases
0.14.1624 Nov 2016 17:25
minor feature:
GChemPaint.. Remove a tool button for a non yet implemented tool.
0.14.1502 Nov 2016 00:05
minor feature:
Canvas library.. Don't use the abs() function on unsigned numbers.
Other.. Updated appdata files.
0.14.1304 Jul 2016 10:05
minor feature:
GChemPaint.. Optional use of Lasem to display maths.. rendering with gtk+ gt;= 3.20.. crash with atom charges larger than 1.. crash when deleting a bond outside a molecule.
Gnumeric plugin.. Add monoisotopicmass function in gnumeric and more.
Databases.. Update names for elements 113, 115, 117 and 118.
0.14.1229 Mar 2016 14:25
minor feature:
GChemPaint.. Enhanced Chemdraw formats support.
GChemCalc.. Don't crash on "Ac" string..
0.14.1102 Mar 2016 03:15
minor feature:
GChemPaint.. an infinite loop condition in retrosyntheses alignment.. Don't crash when importing an invalid string.. drawing when zoomed.. various runtime errors.. crash when creating a reaction with no product.. Enhanced Chemdraw formats support.. embedding of a whole molecule inside brackets.
GChemTable.. Don't crash when showing an already existing chart..
GCrystal.. build with gcc-6..
GCrystal and GChem3D.. Don't crash when rendering to memory (images and print)..
Other.. Added keywords to desktop files.. Updated appdata files.
0.14.1021 Jan 2015 14:05
minor bugfix:
Fixed an object bounds issue in GChemPaint.
Support for Mozilla npapi-sdk package.
Typo fixes in AppData files.