hledger is...
free GPL-licensed accounting software that runs on unix, mac, windows, and the web
based on readable, version-controllable, future-proof plain text files
good for tracking money, investments, time, or any countable commodity
good for learning more about double entry accounting
shipped with web, terminal, command line, JSON and Haskell interfaces
the most user friendly plain text accounting app
comparable to Ledger and Beancount
built with the powerful Haskell language
fast, lightweight, reliable (we pay $50 for regression reports or fixes)
free from vendor lock-in
local, not cloud-based; your private financial data remains under your control
scripting-friendly and automatable
comfortable for technical users, but also usable by others. Knowing about command lines, text editors and version control is helpful, but not required (much)
good at importing CSV from banks and other financial institutions
actively developed and supported by Simon Michael and contributors since 2007
strengthened by your feedback, work and funding. 🙏🏻
Recent Releases
1.4110 Dec 2024 09:45
minor feature:
REGRESSIONS: new table format; updates.
CODE: notes on the use of haddock.
Simplify github report template.
Add man pages and info manuals to the release bindists on github.
build errors in all bin/ scripts. (Dmitry Astapov).
hledger-install: installation of hledger-ui.
GHC 9.10 is now the default for dev builds and most github workflows.
Add consistent greppable summaries to all workflows; various other improvements.
Add bash shell completion script to the release bindists (, gesh/hseg, Simon Michael).
tools/gtree: -u shows untracked files, -I adds ignored files.
just doctest: pass through doctest arg(s).
1.4023 Nov 2024 20:05
minor bugfix:
In the hledger 1.29 release notes, Date adjustments has had some corrections.
Github release notes template cleanups; mac, linux install commands.
README: contributors link.
RELEASING: updates.
hledger-install: cleanups, bump versions, perhaps hledger-interest install.
hledger-install: clarify some stack/cabal setup messages.
Shake.hs: partial warnings.
Shake cmdhelp: renamed to cmddocs, and it now also updates the options
listed in the manuals, and shows progress output. It should be run (at
some point) after changing commands' docs or options.
Shake txtmanuals: silence all but wide table warnings.
just file cleanups; update to support just 1.28+.
just twih: date - just ghci: -fobject-code was a mistake, keep everything interpreted.
just functest: try again to reduce rebuilding/slowdowns when testing.
just installrel: update for.tar.gz.
ci scripts: cleanup, a macos-ism.
1.3403 Jun 2024 10:05
minor feature:
move release notes from the hledger_site repo to the main hledger repo.
github release notes: show the release notes, hide the install instructions by default.
github release notes: improve windows install commands.
github release notes: start mentioning github usernames, enabling the Contributors avatar list.
dev docs: new Developer FAQ, Contributor Quick Start updates.
`hledger-install.sh` now uses stackage nightly, and a failure on non-Windows platforms has been.
A new `release` workflow creates github releases, uploads release binaries and generates release notes.
There is a new `oldest` workflow for testing the oldest GHC we support (currently 8.10.7).
The `binaries-mac-x64` workflow has been bumped from GHC 9.4 to 9.8.
The master branch's `ci` workflow has been updated to Ubuntu 24.04
and uses the preinstalled GHC stack, saving some work.
`md--refs` helps generate markdown links.
`relnotes.hs` helps generate release notes from changelogs.
The project `Makefile` has now been fully replaced by `Justfile`.
1.3320 Apr 2024 01:25
minor documentation:
Apple ARM binaries are now included in github releases.
REGRESSIONS: we now split the bounty between finder and r.
move Developer docs, MOCKUPS, investment-accounting-features to main repo.
merge LINKS into dev docs page; cleanup.
drop unused BACKLOG, TODO pages.
1.32.329 Jan 2024 09:45
minor bugfix:
Bin/hledger-bar: an error when NO_COLOR is not defined;.
Allow color when NO_COLOR is defined but empty, per no-color spec;
And shellcheck warnings.
(Colin Dean, Simon Michael).
Bin/hledger-simplebal: shellcheck warnings. (Colin Dean).
1.32.211 Jan 2024 15:40
minor feature:
- Added:
- Updated: ISSUES.md, REGRESSIONS.md
- WORKFLOWS.md is renamed to DEVWORKFLOWS.md to avoid a name clash.
- New CSV rules examples for Wise, ING, Venmo, PayPal, FHB, N26, Triodos (Ilja Kocken)
- Project scripts in `Makefile` and `bake` have been converted to a `Justfile`.
After many years using `make` and shell for scripting, I find `just`
better enough, and the goal of clean consolidated efficient project
automation so valuable, that we will use it in the hledger project
even though it usually is not installed by default.
- The `.mailmap` file has been updated to clean up committer info in git output.
- `tools/generatejournal` can now be run as a script.
- The "new issue" and "new PR" templates have had some cleanup.
- There are some new issue tracker labels intended for use with a new
ISSUES.md Prioritising scheme, and a few issues using them.