Nelson 0.6.10

Nelson is an array programming language providing a powerful open computing environment for engineering and scientific applications using modern C/C++ libraries (Boost, Eigen, …) and others state of art numerical libraries. It has sophisticated data structures (including cell, struct, linear systems, …), an interpreter and a high level programming language. Nelson has been developped to be an open/modular system where an user can define these own data types and operations on these data types by using overload.

Tags computer-aided-instruction mathematics mathematics physics physics visualization visualization information-analysis information-analysis prog
License GNU GPL
State alpha

Recent Releases

0.6.1002 Nov 2022 18:45 minor feature: Case sensitive library name Library name sensitive case. Update version.
0.5.628 Jun 2021 10:45 minor feature: m file association, update icons .m file association, update icons. Update version. Encoding.
0.4.1030 Oct 2020 07:45 minor feature: Macos build due to last brew update.
0.4.928 Sep 2020 08:25 minor feature: Rework timeout thread . Build with gcc 4.8. . . . Merge branch 'master' into feat-#322-gcc-4.8. . . . DeleteLater and not delete here. . . . Apply dark theme on macos. . Use default palette for background QtTerminal. . Use advanced cli, gui not required. . Typo. . Better way to terminal. . Indent code. . . . Ipc builtin in progress. . Boost zip stream not available on all platforms. . Raise error. . Multithread variable insert-delete. . File association filename compressed. . Rename getpid('running') to getpid('available'). . Sparse serialized ipc. . Replaces array by vector. . Move/split serialization to stream module. . Remove old boost ipc files. . Indent. . Build all branches. . Serializable detection. . 0.4.9 branch. . Extends tests about integers. . --noipc command line argument added. . Reduces mutex 'scope'. . Warning. . Works on all platforms with few memory. . Replaces with boost. . Wait message queue temp file generated before to allow to use ipc. . Try to get username if not define as environment variable on unix. . Ipc isvar. . Throw error. . Ipc isvar timeout. . Ipc get var in progress. . Noipc. . Win32 message queue limitation. . Indent/format cmake files (cmake_format). . Disable ipc no required to build help. . Test_run extended '-stoponfail'. . Typo. . Cpu charge. . Shortcut case. . Test_run reworks in progress. . Indent. . Style. . Indent. . Rework test_run. . no message if test pass. . Faster jsonencode for string. . About IPC. . Uses common StringFormat. . Ipc builtin. . About new features 0.4.9. . Basic ipc builtin help file. . Split test. . Librt required on linux. . Removes ALSA errors and warnings on linux. . Simplify. . Only on linux. . -stoponfail on multiple modules. . Split tests. . . . Update hash. . 0.4.9.
0.4.827 Aug 2020 03:16 minor feature: Build on macos (libffi) . . . Update libsndfile 1.29.0 on Windows. . . . Getpid builtin. . . . Reworks files association with IPC. . Move PostCommand to engine module. . Activate editor. . Indent code. . Update files association registry on windows. . Creates mutex only if required. . Setup windows. . Getpid returns only pid of current user. . PostCommand emits an event to interrupt terminal. less cpu time used . . Arch removes sys/sysctl.h. . -F (file association) vs -f compatibility script execution. . Catch new. . Libcurl 7.72.0. . Boost 1.74 on Windows. . Hostname, username builtin. . Missing dependencies on windows. . 0.4.8 branch. . Add isvector function. . . . qt memory leak QEvent must not deleted if event posted. . Encoding. . Win32 vs win64. . Github ci catalina. . . . About 0.4.8. . 0.4.8.
0.4.701 Aug 2020 07:25 minor feature: Nmm returns wrong error message . . . Extends 'complex' for sparse. . . . Doxygen comments. . Add icon to figure. . Update CHANGELOG. . Qt 5.15.0 on Windows. . Qt 5.14.2 on windows. revert 5.15.0 see ref #314. . Typo. . Betainc, Incomplete beta function. . Indent code. . Update version 0.4.7. . Remove macro. . String array allowed. . IsPositive sparse support. . . . 0.4.7.
0.4.629 Jun 2020 06:25 minor feature: Remove duplicated ref . Gitbook url was changed. . MexGetVariable, mexGetVariablePtr, mexPutVariable functions. . MexMakeArrayPersistent, mexMakeMemoryPersistent functions. . Boost 1.73 on Windows. . . . Merge branch 'master' into MEX_PART_3. . MxSetField, mxSetFieldByNumber, mxGetFieldNumber functions. . MxRemoveField, mxAddField. . MxSetData, mxGetData. . MxSetData, mxGetData. . Move github actions to Ninja-build. . Merge branch 'MEX_PART_3' of . . MxCreateStringFromNChars. . MxGetNChars. . MxGetFieldNameByNumber. . MxIsInt8, mxIsInt16, mxIsInt32, mxIsInt64, mxIsUint8, mxIsUint16, mxI . . MxIsObject, mxIsFunctionHandle, mxIsOpaque functions. . FromGlobalWS obsolete removed. . MxGet, mxSet Integers (interleaved complex). . MxMakeArrayReal, mxMakeArrayComplex, mxGetImagData, mxSetImagData. . Extends mex functions to manage more options. . PVS warnings. . on linux. . PVS warnings. . Global must be not available in base scope. . Mex behavior with no lhs. . Indent. . 0.4.6. . . . 0.4.6.
0.4.525 May 2020 03:15 minor feature: Graphic_object, groot, figure, set, get, disp . Merge branch 'master' into graphics. . Merge branch 'master' into graphics. . Merge branch 'master' into graphics. . Force dependencies.sln. . Merge branch 'master' into graphics. . Display go properties. . Merge branch 'master' into graphics. . Merge branch 'master' into graphics. . Merge branch 'master' into graphics. . Url. . Update libcurl cmake on Windows. . Modernize cpp code. . CA certificate update. . Some warnings (Thanks to PVS-Studio). . Sort did not return correct error message. . Mex supports build with MinGW compiler (C MEX Gateway). . Add help files. . Faster mxArray to ArrayOf conversion. . Interleaved complex support (in progress). . C MEX API interleaved complex support. . Indent code. . About mex. . MxSetDoubles. . Rework input arguments. . MxSetComplexDoubles test. . MxSetComplexSingles mxSetSingles (get) tests. . Check issparse. . Build after merge. . Horzcat, vertcat GO, delete, isvalid GO. . Add tests in windows binary. . Mex sparse type. . Speed up. . Use FIFO map. . Delete set previous current figure. . Test. . Remove optimization. . Gcf and fieldnames builtin. . Destroy figures at exit. . Add figure name property. . Color property class. . Mex sparse support. . Background color, innerPosition, outerPosition properties. . Add groot, figure, gcf help files. . Modernize code. . . . Merge branch 'master' into MEX_PART_2. . About news. . Update version. . MxGetClassName, mxSetClassName fully supported. . MxSetProperty, mxGetProperty support. . . . 0.4.5.
0.4.401 May 2020 07:05 minor feature: C MEX API.
0.4.301 Apr 2020 05:25 minor feature: Mean in progress . Enhance promote. . Mean builtin. . Faster vector sum. . Mean help. . Faster prod and sum. . About mean, sum, prod. . . . 0.4.3. . Assign matrix in empty matrix. . . . end = sin(1) did not return an syntax error. . . . Matio 1.5.17 hdf5 1.12 update. . Update CI and docker. . Type. . Adapt code and tests to matio 1.5.17. . Matio and hdf5 unicode filnename support. . Cast variables by version. . . . Parser error message were not localized. . . . Some warnings. . Rename. . Rework gateways without evaluator. . Remove CPP_BUILTIN (default). . . . NelsonPrint internal function. . . . Regenerate files. . 0.4.3.
0.4.226 Feb 2020 04:45 minor feature: Optimize colon operator . Indent code. . . . Small speed optimization. . Dcopy used in place of memcpy (mkl optimization). . Add missing include. . Reduce memory used by scope and context. . Replaces map (faster at least on Windows). . Indent. . Update nig version 1.0.1 missing include added. . Modernize code. . Add loop bench. . Const. . Indent code. . Const. . Move to genericTable. . Add bench loop hash functions. . Update. . . . Github artifact. . . . Move to an separate file. . Log2: Base 2 logarithm and floating-point number dissection. . . . no eval in loop. . Small optimization on fftw. . no optimization here. . Indent code. . Faster promote. . Split tests. . Not optimized. . About faster promote types. . . . Extract simple indexing 64 bits. . . . Update version branch. . Max, min, flip, flipdim builtin. . Flipud, fliplr builtin. . Faster. . Extends min with all, omitnan, includenan. . Min special case. . Extends min, max builtin. . . . Update
0.4.128 Jan 2020 03:25 minor feature: Uses ASIO C++ library in place of BOOST ASIO . Qt 5.14.0 compatibility. . 0.4 family. . Build dependency. . Replaces dot animation by percent display about help indexing. . Linspace Logspace. . Divide, times, add, sub rework in progress. . Add sum builtin. . Left divide. . Rework addition. . Rework subtraction. . Factorize divide operator. . Factorize divide operator. . Some warnings. . Merge branch 'divide' of . . Merge branch 'divide' of . . Merge branch 'divide' of . . Split test. . Github actions. . Dependency on macos. . Boost 1.7 requires CMake 3.16. . Move test. . Macos dependency. . Integer subtraction (macos). . Loop optimized with OPENMP. . Webtools tests url changed. . Macos build. . Rework colon operator. . Reduce bench for CI. . Update content. . 0.4.1 update. . . . 0.4.1.
0.3.1228 Dec 2019 09:25 minor feature: Update dependencies . Delete on windows. . Manages case some modules already installed. . Disable files watch on internal modules. . Rework test_run (optimizing). . Nmm package. . Nmm install prebuilt external module. . Nmm('install'...) autoload and load by default. . Rmfield builtin. . Indent code. . Diag builtin. . Continous Integration tools for external modules (see module skeleton . . Sprintf and fprintf manage backspace character. . Display of vector with NaN or Inf as first element. . Indent. . Sort builtin. . Interactive test. . 0.3.12.
0.3.1128 Nov 2019 05:45 minor feature: Update translations template . Funding file. . Module skeleton moved to an dedicated git repository. . Uses standard eigen library available in brew. . Checks module_skeleton is available in directory tree. . Toolboxdir builtin. . Extends component_depth. . Semantic versioning used. . Usermodulesdir builtin. . Repo('export'...) exports an git repository without.git directory. . User's modules automatic load at startup. . Add fullpath builtin. . Test. . Add getLastReport builtin, rework run throw errors. . Use directly git if it fails. . Test ignore imported module_skeleton. . Add NO USER MODULES tag for test_run. . Use NO USER MODULE tag. . Test. . Try . Embed semver.c library. . Error returns symbol name required. . Search libblas DASUM. . Uses semver to parse version. . Catch error message. . Search symbol only on linux. . Because macos is different. . Semver builtin (semantic versioner). . Easier way to find symbol. . Split tests. . Add basic credentials callback. . Find libc system dependant. . Uses xfvb -a. . Simplify credential. . Example on arch. . Checks file exists and not directory. . Workaround authentication required but no callback. . Repo add plain text authentification. . Indent code. . Dllibisloaded optimized. . Error message. . Remove include not used. . Counter line stack. . Clang. Typo. . Update copyfile directories. . Clear function cache when we remove function. . Move code header to.cpp (easier to de). . Rmdir. . Filewatch were not freed. . Report('export'...) support branch, tag or sha1. . Add info. about it is generated file. . Minimal nmm feature. . Getfield macro replaced by an builtin. . Test. . Hide url. . Return first element of an array of struct. . Extends isequal, isequaln, isequalto for structure arrays. . Indent scripts. . Indent cpp code. . Empty cell return an empty vector of strings. . Empty
0.3.1031 Oct 2019 03:15 minor feature: VS 2019 build . Icu 64.2 vs 2019. . CMake 5.15.3 update. . Libxml2 2.9.9 update vs 2019. . Libcurl 7.66. . Update MKL 2019 dependencies. . Warning after fftw wrapper update. . Update after hdf5 1.10.5. . Force to install minimal vc runtime. . Use QT available in appveyor vs 2019 image. . Move to master. . Move to VS 2019 community, pro or entreprise. . Update version 0.3.10. . Vcs. . All core's modules are protected and cannot removed during an nelson' . . Add module.json. . Format file. . Test on windows. . Increase max execution time for tests (2 minutes) and benchs (6 minut . . Help files of external modules were not loaded. . Extends 'getmodules' to return module versions using new required 'mo . . Indent code. . Linux build. . Use slicot as thirdparty. . Move to interactive test (too long). . Update minimal cmake version for generated code. . Innosetup 6 warnings. . Repo builtin in progress. . Github actions build. . Update Travis CI macos target. . Split benchs and tests execution for CI. . Split code. . Update code. . Indent code. . Pull in progress. . First repo builtin version (enough for nelson's modules manager). . Indent code. . Basic tests about repo builtin. . Add repo help file. . 0.3.10.
0.3.926 Sep 2019 10:25 minor feature: Qt 5.13 support . Add setfield function. . Revert b22ae88. . Mpiexec warning in docker withroot user. . Add setfield function. . Webwrite function + webtools module rework. . Merge branch 'webwrite' of . . Improves error message raised by 'run' builtin. . Extends size, length, ndims to manage function_handle. . Add example about function_handle and webread. . Webwrite: add help tests. . Typo in native2unicode help file. . GitHub Actions CI (Ubuntu 18.04). . Reorganize changelog. . Add github actions badge. . Update.pot translation. . Update varargout behaviour. . Remove semaphore CI 2.0. . Update changelog. . Add matches builtin. . Extends 'size' builtin to find lengths of multiple array dimensions a . . Prepare 0.3.9. . Namedargs2cell builtin: Converts a struct containing name-value pairs . . Fscanf Reads data from a file. . Refactor code. . v0.3.9.
0.3.825 Aug 2019 03:15 minor feature: Test_run uses nh5 as result files . Simplify using boost on all platforms. . Uses Boost.Locale as ICU4C backend. . Add charset converter latin1, shiftJIS. . Unicode2native, native2unicode builtin. . Extends fopen, fileread, filewrite, fprintf, fread, fwrite to manage . . Simplify fgets, fgetl. . Add feof builtin. . Warnings gcc + boost on buster. . Tempdir() did not include a final slash. . Ferror builtin. . cd with chinese character without ' crashed Nelson. . Webtools module template. . Weboptions. . Websave in progress. . Add tempname function. . Webread function. . Add weboptions help file. . Indent. . Rework varargout. . Add websave help file. . Rework varargout with zeros args. . Clang tidy. . Update features. . v0.3.8. . Add webread help file. . Varargout rework. . ICU detection failed some linux (CMake 3.9 required). . v0.3.8.
0.3.724 Jul 2019 03:15 minor feature: #213. . Update MATIO to 1.5.16. . BOOST 1.70 on Windows. . Build after BOOST 1.7 update. . Base2dec, dec2base, bin2dec, dec2bin, hex2dec, dec2hex, flintmax, rea . . AllocateArrayOf and new_with_exception no more set memory to zero by . . Update to 0.3.7. . Indent code. . Random crash buildhelpmd buildhelpweb on linux. . .xml help files not embedded on Windows binary.
0.3.627 Jun 2019 05:45 minor feature: Num2bin, bin2num, swapbytes builtin . Unzip/zip builtin. . Travis CI moves to Ubuntu 16.04. . License function. . v0.3.6.
0.3.527 May 2019 06:25 minor feature: LGTM warnings . About profiler. . (BOOST 1.64 required). . Historymanager load and save will be disable if nelson . . FFTW Wrapper. . Test on linux. . Merge branch 'master' of . . MacOs X 10.13.6 10.14.5 support. . Unix uses temp files less memory used. . MSVC 2019 support for dynamic link. . Unix can be interrupted with CTRL-C. . Remove warning. . Split tests. . Error path display on mac linux. . if values are scalar and double assert_isequal returns values in erro . . if values are scalar and double assert_isequal returns values in erro . . Merge branch 'master' of . . Disable rpath harded path on linux macos. . Merge branch 'rpath'. . Speed up travis build using boost ppa. . Name on Fedora. . Force qhelpgenerator on Fedora. . Uses which only on linux to find qhelpgenerator. . Remove warning. . Ffi.h not found on some platforms. . Add dockerfile used for CI (arch, debian, fedora). . Simplify test for Arch arm compatibility. . Replaces deprecated H5Aopen_name. . Replaces deprecated hdf5 symbols. . Remove deprecated hdf5 symbols. . Semaphore 2.0 CI. . Semaphore CI 2.0 (sudo). . Uses boost 1.68 ppa. . Move to Mojave. . Semaphore CI 2.0 mojave build. . Remove hardcoded path. . Indent code. . Embed fftw3.h and remove dependency to fftw. . Use slicot library available on platform (no more dependency to slicot). . Build on linux, macos, linux binaries. . Update version to v0.3.5. . Replace last year by present. . Dual license LGPL v2.1 or GPL 2. . v0.3.5.
0.3.428 Apr 2019 03:15 minor feature: PVS Studio warnings . PVS scan api_nelson module. . PVS scan assert_functions module. . PVS scan audio module. . PVS scan dynamic_link module. . PVS scan audio module. . PVS scan characters_encoding module. . PVS scan com_engine module. . PVS scan constructors functions module. . PVS scan core module. . some tests. . PVS scan data_structures module. . PVS scan deger module. . PVS scan double module. . PVS scan dynamic_link module. . PVS scan elementary_functions module. . PVS scan engine sio_client module. . PVS scan error module. . PVS scan fftw module. . PVS scan file_folders_functions module. . PVS scan help_browser module. . PVS scan function_handle module. . PVS scan functions_manager module. . PVS scan gui module. . PVS scan handle module. . PVS scan string module. . PVS scan handle module. . PVS scan hdf5 module. . PVS scan help browser module. . PVS scan help tools module. . PVS scan history manager module. . PVS scan i18n module. . PVS scan integer module. . PVS scan interpreter module. . indent. . PVS scan linear_algebra module. . PVS scan matio module. . PVS scan logical module. . PVS scan localization module. . PVS scan matio module. . PVS scan memory manager module. . PVS scan module_manager module. . PVS scan memory_manager module. . PVS scan mpi module. . PVS scan nelson_manager module. . PVS scan os_functions module. . PVS scan overload module. . PVS scan random module. . PVS scan qml_engine module. . indent. . uses MATIO 1.5.15. . PVS warnings. . PVS Studio warnings. . PVS Studio warnings. . reserve vector size. . indent. . update version 0.3.4. . .nh5 files have an header to identify easily. . add.editorconfig
0.3.322 Mar 2019 03:15 minor feature: Matio template . Loadmat single, double, character array. . Load mat characters, double, single, logical, sparse double. . Load mat sparse logical. . Loadmat cell support. . Load cell(3,4). . Add loadmat tests. . Merge branch 'master' into matio. . Sparse tests. . Tests loadmat double, complex, object. . Loadmat test nd array. . Add loadmat tests integers, empty. . Savemat in progress. . Savemat complex double single. . Savemat sparse double support. . Savemat sparse complex, logical. . About matio. . Update version 0.3.3. . Load sparse logical on unix. . Add savemat tests. . Add loadmat, savemat help files. . Add ismatfile function. . Add isnh5file function. . Rename h5load to loadnh5 and h5save to savenh5. . Exception on callback. . Remove code not used. . Linux build. . Save/load overload in progress. . File association with.mat. . Remove LGTM warnings. . LGTM warnings. . Add help save/load. . Travis matio build. . Matio build on macos. . Remove lapacke search. . Restore lapacke. . Gfortran macos available in thirdparty. . Semaphore CI 2.0 ubuntu 18.04. . Update hdf5 git repository url. . About MATIO 1.5.14. . Revert to MATIO 1.5.13 see tbeu/matio#108. . Uses boost 1.69 on Windows. . CMake 3.14 for Windows. . Char encoding mat -v6. . Add whosmat builtin List variables in an valid.mat file. . Add whosnh5 builtin. . Whos, whomat, whonh5 builtin (tests + help). . Add Nelson header for MATIO file. . Update Changelog about MAT-File support. . 0.3.3.
0.3.225 Feb 2019 03:15 minor feature: H5_load, h5_save templates . Destructor clear cache complexObj(1) on terminal twice. . Display struct object. . Nzmax(sparse( )). . H5_save in progress (double implemented tested). . Save single support. . Indent code. . H5_save integers logical support. . H5_save character array support. . Cast as uint16 if it required. . Split tests and rename builtin. . H5save cell support. . H5save string array support. . H5save struct, cell, class objects. . Generates h5save.nh5 reference file. . H5load function. . Memory leak. . Enable compression for h5save. . Add tests. . Save, load alias. . Move savebin, loadbin only for tests. . .nh5 file association. . Add h5load, h5save help files. . Remove duplicated file. . About.nh5 file format. . Qt 5.12.1 on Windows. . Bit build. . Bit warnings + move to v0.3.2.
0.3.127 Jan 2019 08:05 minor feature: Install on appveyor . Update VS 2017 solution (17763). . Use defined environment variable. . Use full path name. . Install nelson before tests. . Svd test MKL core i9. . ICU 63.1. . 0.3.1.
0.3.005 Jan 2019 12:25 minor feature: 2018 -- 2019. . Nfilename did not return canonical path name in some. . Some tests failed when it executed from a binary versi . . Tests were not embedded in linux macos packages. . Nelson.pot generated from sources. . Isfolder alias on isdir. . Merge branch 'feature_#179'. . ConvertStringsToChars builtin. . MKL 2019.1 update. . Nelson v0.2.12 did not start on some Windows. . Update ref with MKL 2019.1. . Ref linux after mkl update.
0.2.1201 Jan 2019 06:25 minor feature: Update boost 1.68 . Path. . Integer display was not interruptable. . Hdf5 module template. . H5create builtin. . Linux build. . Add FindHDF5.cmake. . Use native FindHDF5.cmake. . HDF5 Thirdparty. . Disable hdf5 warnings. . H5writeatt in progress. . H5readatt in progress. . H5readatt (integers). . Add h5 ref files. . Simplify h5readatt float and double. . Gcc build. . Rename files. . H5readatt bitfield support. . H5readatt vlstring support. . Remove duplicated code. . H5readatt compound support. . H5readatt vlen support. . H5readatt reference support. . Build linux. . H5writeatt in progress. . H5writeatt tests integer single. . Force upgrade ICU. . Brew upgrade. . Upgrade xcode9.3. . Brew install icu4c. . Travis CI Macos X (mojave) build fails. . About. Linux build hdf5 1.8 compatibility. . Icu compatibility 59.1, 60.1, 63.1. . Ignore files. . H5writeatt help. . H5readatt help. . H5read template. . Add.h5 dataset. . H5read integer float implemented. . H5read opaque dataset. . H5read bitfield dataset. . H5read string in progress. . H5read vlstring support. . Indent code. . H5read enum dataset. . Update Eigen 3.3.7. . H5dump in progress. . Add h5ls List the content of an hdf5. . H5write in progress. . Indent code. . H5write type. . Factorize h5readString. . Factorize h5read integer. . H5read float factorized. . H5read enum factorized. . H5read opaque factorized. . H5read bitfield factorized. . H5read compound dataset. . H5read vlen dataset. . Add hdf5 module iss. . Update version. . Circle ci dependencies. . H5read array dataset + h5dump test. . H5read reference dataset. . Update changelog + h5create test extended. . About hdf5 high level functions. . Remove hardcoded path. . Remove hardcoded path. . H5create help file. . H5dump help file. . H5ls help file. . Typo: data set. . Add h5read h5write help files. . Typo. .
0.2.1125 Nov 2018 03:16 minor feature: Nelson-sio client in progress . Merge branch 'master' into nelson_sio. . Indent. . Build linux. . Allows to build without sioclient. . Build order (boost and after sioclient). . Merge branch 'nelson_sio' of . . Update.travis.yml. . Merge branch 'master' into nelson_sio. . LGTM warnings. . Merge branch 'master' into nelson_sio. . Clc callback. . Indent. . Update for aarch64. . Faster sature method. . Eigen ref not used here. . Addition, subtraction for integers. . Mtimes, times for integers. . Power integer and integer cast optimized. . Clang tidy. . Merge branch 'master' into nelson_sio. . Factorize double, single display. . Factorize code. . Factorize code. . Ignore directory. . Ignore directory. . Warning. . Ignore directory. . Remove duplicate file. . Sioemit builtin. . Sioregister, siounregister. . Add unavailable event message and siogetvariable function. . Update Qt 5.11.2. . Add event quit sent at exit. . Indent code. . Allows to send sparse, complex values. . Add prompt message. . Lgtm warning. . Add siogetvariable help. . Update version 0.2.11. . About nelson on cloud. . Relative path (buildhelpmd). . Non reg tests. . Update help. . Update ignored functions. . Ref. . Update windows installer. . Update version. . Build order (windows).
0.2.1021 Oct 2018 23:45 minor feature: Overload complement . Rename string to char type. . Initial support string array. . String array in progress: strings, string, isequal, isequaln, isequal . . Extends double builtin to manage string array. . Toupper, tolower extended to manage string array. . Extends fileread, filewrite with string array. . LGTM warnings. . Indent code. . Missing header. . == != updated to manage string array. . Operators ==, =, , =,
0.2.924 Sep 2018 03:25 minor feature: Faster overloading x3 . == hardcoded operator (need to be optimized) ref #119. . Plus operator hardcoded by default ref #119. . Indent code. . Remove double_plus_double in progress. . Substraction hardcoded by default. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Add overloadbasictypes builtin. . ge overload. . lt, le overload. . ne overload. . Packaging on windows. . Add unary trinary methods. . Unary minus overload. . Split functions. . Update test uminus. . re-enable eq() ge() gt() le lt minus plus uminus ne. . Horzcat overload. . Optimize uminus indent. . Vertcat overloading. . Uplus overload. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Gateway overload. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Gamma overloading speed x4. . Clang format (webkit coding style used). . Indent. . Trigonometric functions overloading + some optimizations. . Add sim, tanm. . Add sinm, tanm help files. . Gcc 6. . Gcc 6. . Gcc 6. . Types module overloading. . Time module overloading. . String module overloading. . Sparse stream_manager overloading. . Single module overloading. . Linear_algebra, random modules overloading. . All simple functions support new standard overloading. . Use cache to speedup functions search. . Simplify unary operator. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Replaced uncommon term trinary by ternary. . Remove duplicated enum about overloading type. . Include. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Indent code. . Split operators. . eq, ge, gt, le, lt reworked. . ne reworked. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Merge branch 'master' into overloading. . Overloading in progress (trigonometrics_fun
0.2.827 Aug 2018 10:05 minor feature: Insertion did not return expected result for empty mat . Warning mechanism in progress. . Warning exception. . Add lastwarn builtin (help, tests). . Colon operator did not return expected for non scalar . . Warning builtin was extended (state and identifier added). . Uses new warning function. . Push filename in destack when a file is evaluated. . Clear stacks after main and user scripts. . Restore cstack after builtin call. . 'dbstack' builtin get current instruction calling tree. . Error manager rework. . Move include. . Some cppcheck warnings. . Build linux. . C++ style. . Remove exception counter. . Factorize and cleanup detack. . Indent code. . Update version 0.2.8. . Update evalCLI. . Use UsePreviousAppDir=no. . Uses Qt 5.11.1 on Windows. . Qtwebengine 5.11.1 not available on appveyor 32 bit. . Some build warnings. . Nig after Error function updated. . Remove duplicate output message. . v0.2.8.
0.2.730 Jul 2018 06:25 minor feature: Remove configuremsvc forced in appveyor.yml . Module skeleton requires a C/C++ compiler. . Havecompiler uses persistent variable to speed up. . and operators enabled. . and must manage scalar. . Overload shortcut isequaln(struct('a', NaN, 'b', 2), struct('a', Na . . here. . , , , operators reworked (Compatiblity Array Sizes increased). . Clear function_name clears persistent variables of a f . . Addition, substraction reworked (Compatiblity Array Sizes increased). . Code factorized. . Int32(NaN) did not return 0. . Exponential function (tests, help file). . Add atan2 (four-quadrant inverse tangent). . Add angle function (phase angle). . Add log builtin (Natural logarithm). . Build log. . Sqrt builtin (help and test). . Indent code. . Add . For, parfor, switch, try keywords were not documented. . Update version v0.2.7.
0.2.627 Jun 2018 08:45 minor feature: Detect vs 2017 pro or community (need some optimizations) . Vertcat ;'r' . . Changes modules load order. . Detects and configure C/C++ compilers. . Add buildcmake, cmake, findcmake, generatecmake in progress. . Add missing return value. . Rename functions generic name, add dlgeneratecleaner. . Add dlgeneratecleaner, dlgenerateloader, dlgenerateunloader. . Merge branch 'master' into vs2017_dynamic_link. . About some new functions. . Remove dependency to boost for exported headers. . First build module_skeleton c++ builtin (Windows). . Test add dependencies. . Merge branch 'master' into vs2017_dynamic_link. . Merge branch 'master' into vs2017_dynamic_link. . Merge branch 'master' into vs2017_dynamic_link. . Clang-format. . Apply markdown style. . Libffi 3.2.1 dll on Windows 32 64 bit. . Encoding. . Update clang format 3.8 llvm. . Encoding for clang-format. . Clang format webkit configuration. . Add information about clang format. . Clang format (webkit coding style used). . Merge branch 'master' into clang-format. . Clang build. . Empty cstack. . Import from overloading branch. . Norm builtin (help, tests, bench). . Build gcc (template). . Merge branch 'master' into vs2017_dynamic_link. . Header. . Remove generated files and ignore. . Add missing file. . Multiplatform build. . Evaluation of Non-Scalar If-Condition Expression was n . . Merge branch 'master' into vs2017_dynamic_link. . Embed CMake on Windows. . Add vswhere help test. . Load configuration at the end. . Add help test of removecompilerconf. . Add loadcompiler help test. . Add configuremsvc help test. . Help about havecompiler configuremsvc configuremingw. . Currently not used. . Add findcmake help test. . Predecence of Colon operator. . Gcc 4.8 build. . Add missing include. . Sprintf in progress. . Extends sprintf and fprintf. . Build on linux. . Sprintf test. . Fprintf test. . Add help spri
0.2.524 May 2018 06:25 minor feature: Add isproperty ismethod to all handle types . Indent code. . Add cast function. . Add missing horzcat, vertcat for all handle types. . Vertcat and horzcat: mixed concatenations logical with integers, sing . . Gamma in progress. . Single_ne_single single_lt_double double_lt_single in progress. . Factorial in progress. . Indent code. . Gamma function with tests. . Gamma result. . Use std::tgamma. . Time unit displayed. . Unit displayed. . Detect MPI dependency on windows. . Update BOOST 1.67 on Windows. . Factorial function. . Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into gamma_factorial. . Crash on windows release. . Use indexType. . Use shorcut if empty string. . Remove hardcoded path. . Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/gamma_factorial'. . Bench on 32 bit. . Easier way to update BOOT. . Update MSMPI 9.0.1. . Add SemaphoreCI badge. . Remove dead code. . Add winqueryreg function (help, tests). . Update about Boost. . Update templates. . Add eval function (help tests). . Merge branch 'master' of . . Evalin in progress. . Add evalc, evalin functions (helps tests). . Split by version. . Addpath stopped to work after repeatedly call to the s . . Warning cast nan double to single. . Add bench ref #119. . About VS 15.7.1. . Cosm was slow, add sqrtm logm. . Build on unix. . Indent code. . Ref on mac (standard blas). . Update version 0.2.5. . Home key at the GUI prompt. . Ref mkl avx. . v0.2.5 release. . Multi platforms test.
0.2.430 Apr 2018 10:25 minor feature: Add docker link . Circleci. . Circleci. . Circleci. . Circleci status. . Circleci. . Circleci. . Circleci. . Circleci. . Circleci. . Circleci. . Circleci. . Circleci. . Circleci minimal. . Circleci. . Circleci mininal test. . Allows cell_vertcat_generic cell_horzcat_generic. . Play all tests with no display. . Typo. . Mpiexec did not work on some linux. . Merge branch '_#101'. . Merge branch '_#101'. . Merge branch 'master' of . . Dlopen in progress. . Plug dllib_used builtin. . Case sensitive path. . Add getdynlibext builtin, test, help. . Dlsym in progress. . Foreign function interface in progress. . Find libffi on linux and macos. . Build on debian 9. . Move required. . Build on macos. . String length. . Add tests. . Check input arguments for dlcall. . Remove warning in demode on windows. . Add dllib fieldnames, get, isprop. . Add dllib_isvalid. . Build on linux. . Add dllib delete tests. . Add horzcat vertcat for dllib handle. . Check dllib is valid when we uses dlcall. . Dllib isequal overload. . Add dllib ne eq overload. . Update display dimensions. . Add dlsym get fieldnames isprop. . Symbol dimension. . Ignore directory. . Indent code. . Indent nelson code. . Dimensions display. . Add NLS_LIBRARY_PATH and shared object searched in PATH, LD_LIBRARY_P . . Cleanup code. . Add dlsym_delete. . Add example call fortran blas DASUM. . Path. . Libpointer in progress. . Indent test. . Build linux. . Missing dependency. . Libpointer in progress. . Less code, less. GetContentAsScalarIndex with index 0 throws an error. . Libpointer reshape. . Tests on Windows. . Libpointer plus, reshape. . Add setdatatype. . Check isValid. . Add overload delete ismethod used isvalib isprop for libpointer dllib . . Libpointer fieldnames. . Add overloaded functions for libpointer, dllib, dlsym. . Upda
0.2.323 Mar 2018 16:25 minor feature: Markdown ouput in progress . Help file content. . Remove html files, files will be generated . Strrep in progress. . Gitbook markdown generator in progress. . Markdown export in progress. . Strlength, replace, strrep in progress. . Update test_char remove some output. . Isempty dimensions. . Appveyor build qt update. . Remove files. . Linux build. . Build. . Add strlength test. . Build linux. . Remove error on macos. . Merge branch 'markdown' of . . Remove warning on linux worker. . Disable audio module if AUDIODEV=null. . Disable audio module if AUDIODEV=null. . Disable audio module if AUDIODEV=null. . Disable audio module if AUDIODEV=null. . Travis.yml. . Buildhelp. . Restore audio tests on Travis. . Force update python3 on macos travis CI. . Add help files replace, strlength, strrep. . Update version 0.2.3. . Update version v0.2.3.
0.2.226 Feb 2018 13:45 minor feature: Audiometadata update in progress . Audiometadata update in progress. . Merge branch 'metadata' of . . Add ref to taglib. . . Merge branch 'metadata' of . . Add missing ref file. . Destroy audioplayer object at exit. . Tests. . Merge branch 'metadata'. . Use Qt 5.10.0. . Update about Qt 5.10 on Windows. . Extends play playblocking. . Delete MPI_Comm object at exit. . Delete QObject objects at exit. . Rework Generic Handle. . Innosetup build with Qt 5.10. . Merge branch 'master' into _#90. . Let the system remove QObjects. . Use json as report format. . Merge branch 'master' into _#90. . Allows to export test results as.json. . All modules. . Reserve string. . Export tests_al*.json for appveyorl. . Restore all modules by default. . Initialize value. . Fileread was slow with big files. . Merge branch 'master' of . . Iostreams boost dependency. . do not save test message if it is not failed. . Indent. . IsEmpty. . Jsonencode was slow. . Update.ignore. . Merge branch 'master' into _#90. . Uses boost faster more compatible. . Use a faster bench. . Merge branch 'master' into _#90. . Uses github eigen mirror. . Factorize code. . Indent code. . Title. . Update CHANGELOG. . Build travis. . Travis build. . Increase core used for build. . Add count, contains, startsWith, endsWith builtin helps and tests. . Update version 0.2.2. . Update
0.2.131 Jan 2018 03:18 minor feature: JSON module template . Indent files. . Regenerates help files index if database is empty. . Add QtSql required. . Use internal database. . Merge branch 'qassistant' of . . Find database. . Add Qt 5.10 path on macos. . Fts qt assistant 5.9 or more. . Catch exception is not a directory. . Restore sleep between commands :(. . 'indent'. . Synchronize help list and help browser table. . Merge branch 'master' into json. . Jsonencode in progress. . Ndarraychar_disp was missing. . Jsonencode + indent. . Add jsonencode builtin (overload, help, test). . JsonDecode in progress. . Warnings. . Add jsencode test + indent. . Add jsondecode help file. . Struct did not support sparse matrix. . Add an example with an complex json file. . CMakeLists json. . Include. . Install windows. . Extends JSON compatibility (cell in struct). . Use json format for NIG slicot files. . Happy New Year 2018 !!!. . Happy New Year 2018 !!!. . Merge branch 'json' of . . Test (remove year ref). . Encoding. . Fileread moved to builtin. . Encoding. . Linux build. . Test fileread no more a macro. . Jsonprettyprint in progress. . Check if we can open file. . Uses c++ style. . Build linux. . Optimize code. . Add some bench about loop. . Indent. . Jsonprettyprint implemented. . Fileread filewrite in progress. . Build linux. . Add newline help file. . Add help files fileread, jsonprettyprint, filewrite. . Test. . Test on macos. . Force also to load homepage. . Indent. . Update version 0.2.1. . Merge branch 'json' of . . Homepage in some cases. . Audio module template. . Audiodevinfo in progress. . Audiodevinfo builtin. . Extends audiodevinfo simplify + add help file. . Audioplayer object template. . Audioplayer object i
0.1.1226 Dec 2017 06:45 minor feature: Mpi module template MPI_Init, MPI_Initialized, MPI_Finalize . Add MPI_Get_library_version, MPI_Get_processor_name, MPI_Get_version . . Add MPI_Comm object. . Update test_run to manage mpi tests. . MPI module in progress MPI_Comm_rank, MPI_Comm_size, MPI_Recv, MPI_Se . . Indent code. . More strict tag comparaison. . Update content. . Update cmake mpi dependencies. . Mpi dependencies. . Add definition. . Split travis yml task. . Update xcode dependency 8.3 travis. . Update mpi dependency with appveyor. . More generic MPI include. . Add info about MPI in cmake. . Add info about MPI in cmake. . Merge branch 'mpi' of . . Path for appveyor. . Use same MPI_INCLUDE_PATH. . MPI_MAX_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING not defined on all MPI implementations. . Openmpi first on mac. . Check MPI version. . Update mpi windows dependency path. . ms-mpi install on windows. . Update CMakeLists.txt. . Group: travis_latest for travis. . Merge branch 'mpi' of . . Openmpi on linux trusty. . Openmpi on linux trusty. . Openmpi on linux trusty. . Openmpi on linux trusty. . MPI_Get_library_version with OPENMPI. . Move code. . Sparse managed by pack/unpack for MPI. . Add sparse test send, receive MPI. . Simplify. . do not parse file if it is a macro file. . Update complex size for mpi. . MPI tests use standard assert functions. . Mpi test_run checks outputfile result. . Add tests for nelson types and MPI send recv. . Indent. . Function_handle type managed by mpi interface. . Manages MPI_Comm object as input argument. . MPI_Barrier in progress. . Indent code. . MPI_Bcast builtin in progress. . MPI_Comm_get_parent builtin in progress. . Manages overloaded types with MPI. . MPI_Reduce in progress. . MPI_Allreduce in progress. . Some tests for MPI_Reduce. . MPI_Intercomm_merge builtin in progress. . MPI_Probe in progress
0.1.1126 Nov 2017 07:05 minor feature: Add MKL ref . Update CHANGELOG. . Rename library to libnlsblaslapack.dll. . Move to bin.iss (dll used by two modules). . Update installer to choose MKL. . Update CHANGELOG. . Update CHANGELOG. . Merge branch 'master' of . . English imposed for this test. . Update test with MKL. . Add missing ;. . Update BOOST 1.65.1 on Windows. . Rename.nlf. . Add a script to check missing help files. . Plug missing_help with travis. . Path. . Remove pwd. . Missing header. . Nelson script editor. . Rename class. . Update CMakeLists.txt. . Add include. . Merge branch 'editor' of . . Move files to moc (linux/mac). . Extends what builtin. . Completion in progress (syntax colorization added) in editor. . Add Variable, Builtin, Macro completer. . Update dependencies. . Update CMakeLists. . Update CMakeLists. . Add missing include. . Compl reserved keyword. . Add dependency. . Add setCompleter method. . Segfault linux. . Indent code. . Help completer to know if it is a path or code. . Add main toolbar. . Save files at exit + all. . Add undo redo actions. . Indent. . Comment. . Add comment/uncomment, go to line features for text editor. . tr -- TR. . Add play button to run an.nls file from editor. . Update main toolbar and context menu with icons. . Smart indent nelson code. . Add print evaluate on selection. . Smart indent. . Basic multiple files association. . Path returned on Windows uses antislash for compatibility with others . . Smartindent builtin. . Smart indent all.nls and.nlf. . Add edit help file. . Add basic test about edit. . Add editor help file (internal function). . Add missing.iss. . Fileparts did not return expected result in some case. . Fileparts did not return expected result in some case. . Merge branch 'editor' of . .
0.1.1029 Oct 2017 03:15 minor feature: Import f2c library. Add vs 2017 projects for libf2c f2c. Uses an specific version of nelson_f2c.h. Indent code. Currently f2c build only on 32 bit target for windows. Add CMakeLists.txt. Update f2c. Build on linux. Update libf2c build windows. Merge branch 'f2c' of Build linux. Build nelson_f2c on linux 64. Add dgemm.f for f2c tests. Merge branch 'f2c' of Update module f2c. vs dependency. Dgemm.f. Force build order. Build on macos. Build on windows 64. Merge branch 'f2c' of Destination file. Add basic f2c test, update version. Remove x64 target in vcxproj. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into f2c. Build x64 with f2c. Update Add f2c help file. Add SLICOT v5.0 under GPL v2.0. Basic template slicot module, first draft SB01BD builtin. Disable test if no display. Path with space. Name. Typo. Add a default path on mac if exists. Path name with space f2c. New arch supported aarch64. Build win32 appveyor. Merge branch 'master' of Disable windows error dialogbox. Merge branch 'master' into slicot. Nelson Interface Generator (NIG) Slicot routine example. Remove output display. F2c function. Merge branch 'slicot' of Windows debuild. NIG module template. .iss. Add exist builtin. Exist as macro, add isbuiltin, ismacro, isvar builtin. Split functions, in progress, it will take time. Optimize 'vertcat' and 'horzcat' builtin (remove duplicated code). Optimize 'vertcat' and 'horzcat' builtin (remove duplicated code). Merge branch 'slicot' of Add isfield function. . Indent code. Isfield as builtin. Use standard message. NIG in progress. NIG in progress. Split file to subfunctions NIG in progress. Add nig_nelson_function_prototype. Generates also Gateway. Add nig_ab04md.nls. U
0.1.917 Sep 2017 18:41 minor feature: