Recent Releases

3.217 May 2021 15:25 minor feature: Keepass: initial support for TOTP #137. Add support for modern firefox import. #134. Keepass: enable reference substitution #132. Add gopass support #130. Fully deprecate Makefile in favor of Make pimport a setuptools script #138. Support for pykeepass 4.0.0 #136. Support for python 3.9. Update Dashlane Json format #133. importer var name. #127. install for MacOS. #125. Update Bitwarden Json format. #123.
3.126 Oct 2020 03:16 minor feature: Support for direct classname selection. Support for pyhton-magic #115. Support for the --root option in keepass. #112. Support for custom fields in Bitwarden. #111. Use to manage the full installation. Support for pykeepass 3.2.1. Ensure each pass entry has a name. #118. Rewrite PasswordStore.list() with Pathlib. #109. New Chrome documentation. #106. Ensure the password manager action is a capability. #105. import.bash path in local make target #104. Ensure the magic module is file-magic. #103. Update Buttercup CSV format. #102.
3.027 Apr 2020 06:05 minor feature: pass-import is now password manager agnostic, meaning it is not linked to password-store anymore. More destination password manager support will be added in future releases. In this release, it supports the following destination password manager: keepass csv and also to pass. . keepass. csv. and also to pass. For a given manager name, pass-import automatically detects the format of the. file to import and uses the importer accordingly. . pass-import can file encrypted by one of the supported algo before to import it. . pass import is now available in three way: As a pass extension pass import As an independant command line program: pimport As a python library pass_import . As a pass extension pass import. As an independant command line program: pimport. As a python library pass_import. Added support for the following password managers: Bitwarden (json) Clipperz (html) Dashlane (json) Freeotp+ (json) Padlock (csv) Passman (csv and json) Passpack (csv) Saferpass (csv) Zoho (csv) . Bitwarden (json). Clipperz (html). Dashlane (json). Freeotp+ (json). Padlock (csv). Passman (csv and json). Passpack (csv). Saferpass (csv). Zoho (csv). Added Debian packaging. . Added pip packaging. . The command line interface changed completly. See pass import -h. The old password manager name are not valid anymore. Removed old bash tests. Dropped support for python 3.4 python 3.5. Implement changing of CSV delimiter character #88. Handle field names of Revelation entry types other than Generic #82. Better entry name deduplication #81. errored error message when missing optional dependencies #97. Use human dates for AppleKeychain #85. Handle missing pif web form field name. Do not interpret password names as flags #93.
2.609 Jun 2019 07:05 minor feature: Added support for generic OTP entry import. Added support for binary attachements for manager that support it. #63. Added support for the 10 following password managers: #84 Passpie Keeper Keepass with kdbx file Gnome Keyring AndOTP for: Password encrypted backup, Plain text backup, GPG encrypted backup. Aegis for: Plain backup, Password encrypted backup. Myki. Gnome Authenticator Generic CSV Password-store (yes it can import itself ;)) . Passpie. Keeper. Keepass with kdbx file. Gnome Keyring. AndOTP for: Password encrypted backup, Plain text backup, GPG encrypted backup. . Password encrypted backup. Plain text backup. GPG encrypted backup. Aegis for: Plain backup, Password encrypted backup. . Plain backup. Password encrypted backup. Myki. Gnome Authenticator. Generic CSV. Password-store (yes it can import itself ;)). Added Importer docstring. Added full docstring. Added zsh completion. Added the following optional dependencies: Pykeepass: Keepass import from KDBX file, Secretstorage: Gnome Keyring import, Cryptography: AndOTP Aegis encrypted import. . Pykeepass: Keepass import from KDBX file. Secretstorage: Gnome Keyring import. Cryptography: AndOTP Aegis encrypted import. Changed the config file format from ini to yaml. The config file now accept much more settings. The default Keepass, KeepassX2 and KkeepassXC importers now use Kdbx importer. Defusedxml is now an optional dependency only required for XML based import. Improve GPG key listing check. Dropped the support for reading data file from stdin due to with a Lot of password managers. The README and the man page are now automatically updated with the data from The importer docstring. Remove OS separaror from title #64. Add ' t' to the clean least #65. Some typos #83. Pass 1.7.0 or greater. Python 3.4+. Python3-setuptools to build and install it. Python3-yaml (apt install python3-yaml or pip3 install pyaml).
2.520 May 2019 05:25 minor feature: Added a local install command with: make local. Added support for Enpass 6: pass import enpass6 #73. Added support for Buttercup: pass import buttercup #74. Added support for Apple Keychain: pass import applekeychain #79. Add support for Encryptr: pass import encryptr #80. Renamed the --extra, -e option into --all, -a. Changed the way to collect password entries. Added missing unit tests to achieve 100 coverage. The importer tests have been simplified and are much more strict and do not allow partial import. The extra/all option was not implemented for XML based importer. #66. Wrong python prefor debian based distribution #67. Use the separator when cleaning data. #78. pass 1.7.0 or greater. python3 (python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 are supported). python3-pyaml. python3-defusedxml. pyhton3-setuptools for the installation.
2.403 Dec 2018 10:05 minor feature: Added support for UPM (Universal Password Manager) with the command upm. Ensure the GPG recipients are in the keyring before to import. #54. Ensure the success messages print real data. #54. Added completion for bash. Add a --convert, -C option to convert not allowed in path. #55. Add a --separator option to set a different caracter of replacement when converting not allowed caracters. #56. Add a.import configuration file for import personalisation. #56. Changed the extension structure to a classic python program: #53 The extension is now installed using setuptools for the python part, Use prospector and bandit as python linter tool and security checker, Add Gitlab CI, Add SAST security dashboard, Simplify the tests. . The extension is now installed using setuptools for the python part. Use prospector and bandit as python linter tool and security checker. Add Gitlab CI. Add SAST security dashboard. Simplify the tests. Changed the way to handle duplicated path. Create sub-folder if the titles are identical. #41 #49 Use the new separator to duplicate paths. #43 . Create sub-folder if the titles are identical. #41 #49. Use the new separator to duplicate paths. #43. Stop assuming a title cannot be empty. #57. Import for the importers: KeepassX, #48 Keepass. #52 . KeepassX, #48. Keepass. #52. pass 1.7.0 or greater. python3 (python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 are supported). python3-defusedxml.
2.319 Jul 2018 22:02 minor feature: Add support for the following importers: KeepassX 2 (keepassx2), Chrome with sqlite3 (chromesqlite), NetworkManager to import wifi passwords (networkmanager). For Firefox, support FF-Password-Exporter instead of Password Exporter. Add a nice error if defusedxml is not present. Add the few missing unit tests. Add changelog.
2.215 Jul 2018 13:43 minor feature: