Recent Releases

3.5.213 Aug 2020 03:15 minor feature: Added correct version number . Merge branch 'hot/-3.5.1' into production.
3.4.504 Oct 2019 06:45 minor feature: Merge tag 'v3.4.4' into develop . Get latest version from Github. . Update fr_FR.lang.php. . Correction FR translation. . update message. . Changed to local - English . . Removed unsused css. . undefined index. . Bumped version to 3.4.5. . Merge branch 'hot/undefined-index-787' into production.
3.4.430 Sep 2019 20:25 minor feature: 932c695: selected view in graph. 6aca2e1: auto refresh with wrong layout. 9f3e140: Changed static file path to new path. 29adce2: Removed old static directory.
3.4.326 Sep 2019 07:05 minor feature: B399327: week/month/year graph. 4ebe934: Added timeout to services. 8342a97: Changed auto-refresh_help to uniform name. 5d668b7: auto-refresh. #777: pushover_status checkbox population from config.
3.4.120 Sep 2019 03:15 minor feature: #733: Added catalan ca_ES.lang.php. 6c1763e: Updated table style. #770: Changed last_output column to TEXT and restricted to 5000 characters.
3.3.222 Nov 2018 03:16 minor feature: #679: CSRF vulnerability, added CSRF-token to delete-URLs.
3.3.110 Aug 2018 06:45 minor feature: #403: Removed default mysql port settings from files and left empty values. 5e61d89: Defined encrypted_password. Ce8182e: Updated composer.lock. 51ef755: Removed last_offline_duration = "". 6534749: Added last offline duration to all translations. E4bade3: Updated PHPMailer namespace. D2dda8a: Removed duplicate from Russian translation. #613: Updated Russian translation. F21f3db: Typo, removed unused code updated documentation. 476c59e: Update required PHP version to 5.5.9. 1c984b3: Update documentation, added some small changes. Eac8ebc: sms error check. E2c424e: Spacing, indentation and braces. A05d36d: typos removed unused code. 3023c83: Changed die() to trigger_error(). A96e1e5: Removed eval(), redone get load language functions. B0ea7eb: Added forgotten translation. 92e8312: Removed unused code. Fc84c06: Added cronjob over web to documentation. Changed HTMl error to 403. 93b324f: Security update symfony/http-foundation. Dd56e29: Update composer.phar to new version. B98a4af: Typo.
3.3.025 May 2018 06:05 minor feature: Implemented Telegram notifications. #505: Added button to clear the logs. #436: Nexmo.class.php updates to Nexmo.php. #350: Removed utf8_decode. Updated credits. #535: Updated Japanese translation. #502: database population during installation. #512: Added username validation during installation and added the dot (.) to allowed characters. #475: Added Japanese translation.
3.2.228 Mar 2018 07:05 minor feature: Implemented Telegram notifications. #505: Added button to clear the logs. Combined if-statements. Corrected comment. #436: Nexmo.class.php updates to Nexmo.php. #350: Removed utf8_decode. Updated credits. #535: Updated Japanese translation. #502: database population during installation. #512: Added username validation during installation and added the dot (.) to allowed characters. #475: Added Japanese translation.
3.2.016 Apr 2017 07:05 minor feature: #170: Implement Nexmo SMS. #161: Added Swedish translation. #185: Added Estonian translation. #210: Added Finnish translation. #201: Added Persian translation. #195: Updated Spanish translation. #169: Increased server ip char limit to 500. #164: Added support for FreeVoipDeal SMS gateway #181: Added blank index files to prevent directory listing. #237: Adding CSRF protection. #287: Default language - English. #286: Add popular ports drop down. #269: Added Slovenian language. #96: Authentication for website checks.
3.2.0-rc120 May 2016 12:25 minor feature: #130: Added Czech translation. #138: Added Polish translation. #148: Added Turkish translation. #124: Updated Bulgarian translation. #132: Updated German translation. #134: Updated French translation. #144: Updated Brazilian translation. #146: Updated Russian translation. #147: Updated Spanish translation. #128: Added SSL/TLS option for SMTP config. #131: Allow URL and timeout to be passed as argument to the cronjob. #135: Uptime percentage above 100 . #151: Links in install results were stripped automatically from template.
3.1.107 Nov 2014 03:15 minor feature: Added Czech, Polish, Turkish translation. Updated Bulgarian, German, French, Brazilian, Russian, Spanish translation. Added SSL/TLS option for SMTP config. Allow URL and timeout to be passed as argument to the cronjob. Uptime percentage above 100 . Links in install results were stripped automatically from template.
3.1.007 Aug 2014 14:13 minor feature: * support. * Uptime percentage per server for the last week. * Improved phone/tablet compatibility. * Test mode for email and SMS settings. * Different design styles on status page (list, table). * Added Danish translation. * Added Russian translation. * Custom time-out per server. * Log and archive retention period. * Support for SMSGlobal SMS gateway. * Support for Danish SMS provider Smsit.