Ampache 7.3.1

Ampache is a web based audio/video streaming application and file manager allowing you to access your music & videos from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device. Ampache's usefulness is heavily dependent on being able to extract correct metadata from embedded tags in your files and/or the file name. Ampache is not a media organiser; it is meant to be a tool which presents an already organised collection in a useful way. It assumes that you know best how to manage your files and are capable of choosing a suitable method for doing so.

Tags php streaming server audio music javascript video
License Apache
State stable

Recent Releases

7.3.119 Mar 2025 18:25 minor feature: Added: Config version 79. Add `split_artist_regex` split the Artist and Album Artist tags on regex and use the first result. Add `catalog_verify_by_album` to allow grouping updates instead of just updating individual files. Changed: Update `public/.htaccess.dist`. Only audit NPM production modules. Move prettyphoto into lib/modules. (Dead project marked as Malware by NPM). After updating Album and Artist object tags only update conts for affected Artists. Restore gather art on website Add actions. Don't collect garbage continually when doing a large verify action. Update individual counts for Artists after changes. webplayer. Rearrange the buttons to make them aling better with different config. Only show the slideshow button if you have a slideshow plugin enabled. (flickr). : Song caching columns that don't match properties in the class. NPM install from the web updater on Linux. Lyrics would be chopped up if you repeatedly updated them; do it one way and once only. CSS in some areas for the light theme. `slideshow_time` being converted to bool. Don't show slideshow button if you don't have a flickr enabled. Not able to edit Broadcast or select genre correctly. Missing artist tag options for Quicktime and ASF tags. Genre select SQL full group by on empty `object_type`. Counts for `album_disk_count` not being updated well.
7.3.024 Feb 2025 21:05 major feature: This update has a lot of updates for verification and tag updates. The biggest update though is the performance increase!. Many formatting and simple properties have been removed speeding up object actions. Pre-translating files before loading media templates should speed those pages up a bit too. Added: Translations 2025-02-14. Added option to show separate Artist column for playlist media. Pre-translate common strings on repeated tasks before loading media row templates. Clean empty albums after each verify chunk. Add `memory_get_peak_usage` to query stat output. Add `.htaccess.dist` to the web root. (Block obviously bad parameters). New catalog Auto-insert Fields. ` B` Album Artist. ` m` Song Artist AND Album Artist. Search. Add `genre_count_song`, `genre_count_album` and `genre_count_artist` to Song search. Add `genre_count_song`, `genre_count_album` and `genre_count_artist` to Album search. Add `genre_count_song`, `genre_count_album` and `genre_count_artist` to AlbumDisk search. Add `genre_count_song`, `genre_count_album` and `genre_count_artist` to Artist search. Database 721001. Add user preference to show/hide the Artist column on playlist media. Changed: Update NPM `vite` package. Update table counts for `album` and `artist` objects on update. Clean up empty albums during migration. Rework catalog_map insert and remove during file updates. Only collect garbage maps for the catalog media type used. Make sure mail server or `user_no_email_confirm` is set to show registration pages. Don't show now playing when it's not in a catalog you can play. Block access to media outside your catalog access if you have a direct link. Don't check Album song catalog when you've already checked the Album. Don't execute format the object for row display pages. Removed: Don't check file modification time on verify. Just use the database `last_update` value. Remove useless and low use properties on classes and replace with functions or direc
7.2.129 Jan 2025 11:05 minor feature: This update has a lot of updates for verification and tag updates. Pre-translating files before loading media templates should speed those pages up a bit too. Added: Added option to show separate Artist column for playlist media. Pre-translate common strings on repeated tasks before loading media row templates. Clean empty albums after each verify chunk. Database 721001. Add user preference to show/hide the Artist column on playlist media. Changed: Update NPM `vite` package. Removed: Don't check file modification time on verify. Just use the database `last_update` value. : Rate every instance of star ratings for the object instead of the first one found. Don't show query error on duplicate stream session. RSS generation without `SCRIPT_URI`. Building Song cache didn't include `album_disk` column. Don't check tag case changes for genres. Remove hidden tags from the `tag_map` table and do not delete them from the `tag` table. Update parent tag lists when change occured on verify. Don't put string tags in the int list for comparison. webplayer. Not escaping bad characters correctly. CLI. Hide invalid default command values. (e.g. Verbose and Version are not required). Search. Album and AlbumDisk parameter not included for `release_type`, `release_status`, `barcode` and `catalog_number` searches. SubSonic. OpenSubsonic extention (`openSubsonicExtensions`) incorrect case.
7.2.015 Jan 2025 07:25 major feature: Added: Add `npm audit` to GitHub QA workflow. Assign a HTML id to input text on inline loaded input. Add ` No Genre ` as the first genre on the browse pages. Browse. Add `no_genre` to Song, Album, AlbumDisk, Artist, Song and Video browses. Database 720001. Add `artist`, `album`, `song` and `video` counts to the tag table. Update `object_type` to an enum on the tag_map table. Changed: Updated NPM and Composer packages. Invalidate default theme CSS cache on new Ampache versions. : Missing `album_id` in upload process function. Custom Artist and Album names for filepond uploads. Typo on user pages loading recently played. Sending a string to `createBrowse` where int null is required. Rector updates for function name case and other minor Set empty album and album_disk properties on bad songs. Simplify DB update 700005 to avoid possible with empty playlists.
7.1.120 Dec 2024 07:45 minor bugfix: : Upload POST array not sending license correctly to filepond. CLI. export:playlist: Documentation for type listed as mandatory. export:playlist: User id would not export all playlists when using System account. Error checking `REMOTE_ADDR` for web URLs (CLI commands will user `fallback_url` when required).
7.1.028 Nov 2024 22:05 major feature: Added: Album and album_disk browse `album_artist_album_sort`. Album_disk query sort `album_artist_title`. Discogs search icon to valid library items. Add `no_license` to song search. Add refresh icons to each dashboard page row. Add refresh icons to each home dashboard plugin page row. Update Creative Commons 3.0 licenses and include 4.0 versions. Demessages from cron process. Allow editing album_disk objects directly. If you edit `disk` number the songs with the disk number will also be updated. Edit `disksubtitle` and update album_disk. Check for album_disk when updating song `disk` value. Garbage collect orphaned album_disks. Add album_disk edit links to each disk on group pages. Allow editing song `disk`. Database 702002. Update Creative Commons 3.0 licenses with a version suf Add Creative Commons 4.0 licenses if their `external_link` doesn't exist. Add user preferences to show/hide Discogs links on object pages. Changed: Convert `custom_text_footer` to a system preference. Updating album_disk `disk` number will migrate matching song disks to the new value. : Secondary tab jplayer not checking the player is loaded on pause check. Loading text is in the wrong spot when using a header theme. Light sidebar album link didn't respect `album_group`. Album display when you have 0 disks. Searching with `catalog_filter` enabled would return nothing for System user. Speed up preference lookups and compatability checks. Art link on album_disk objects pointed to the album. Make sure a user is set in the album page templates.
7.0.228 Nov 2024 12:25 minor bugfix: Added: Album and album_disk browse `album_artist_album_sort`. Album_disk query sort `album_artist_title`. : Secondary tab jplayer not checking the player is loaded on pause check.
7.0.127 Nov 2024 22:45 minor bugfix: : Action buttons using songs for other media types in recently played all. Clear session preferences when installing plugins so they appear right away. Extra closing div on shout home plugin. Fail preference insert if the new id isn't a valid int. Garbage collect invalid user preferencess (0 preference id).
7.0.001 Jul 2024 03:15 major feature: Information and changes for this major release are recorded in the wiki here. Added: npm java package management. Convert most theme icons to use Google Material Symbols Icons. Restore composer.lock. CLI. New cli command `bin/cli run:updateConfigFile` (Update the config file to the latest version if available). Config version 73. Add `npm_binary_path`. Remove OpenID config. Add `database_engine` to allow you to change from InnoDB if you want to. Database 700006. Add user preferences to show/hide menus in the sidebar and the switcher arrows. Add Indexes to `object_count`, `object_count_idx_count_type_date_id` and `object_count_idx_count_type_id`. Convert the remaining MyISAM tables to InnoDB. Drop and recreate `tmp_browse` to allow InnoDB conversion. Add a `last_count` to playlist table to speed up access requests. Delete user preference `home_recently_played_all`. Changed: Prefer the name of the artist provided by MusicBrainz plugin. Use PHP functions for php8.2+. Default to InnoDB on new installs. Change URL for user avatar links. Move JavaScript out of PHP where possible. Convert string access names and int user access levels to enums. Update the upload file browser. Update gettext/gettext to v5. Default to RandomAction on stream.php. Reborn theme CSS updates after switching to Material icons. Update code style to convert long form arrays (`array()`) to short form (` `). Pull prettyphoto from GitHub (`lachlan-00/prettyphoto`) using npm instead of merging into the project. Removed: Support for PHP 8.2. Unused stream actions. Old composer files. Unused PNG icons. : Enforce sidebar_light when enabled, ignoring cookie if set.
6.5.014 May 2024 11:25 major feature: This release has focused on cleaning up the Query class to allow more options for API clients Ampache uses the Query class to create 'browses'. A browse is a query that allows filtering and sorting data. This release has made greater use of browses reducing reliance on customizing mini functions to provide the same information. Added: Add `songs_artsts` to album objects. Add `playlist_search` as a browse type. (combined playlists and smartlists). Allow sorting playlists by `type`. Allow sorting searches by `type`, `limit` and `random` status. Ensure `catalog` is available on media browses. Add many missing database columns to browse sorts and filters on all browses. Changed: Extract the Query class into individual classes. Album browse `artist` was only selecting `album_artist`. Removed: Remove `disk` sort from `album` browse. Remove `album` sort from `artist` browse. Remove `call_sign` and `frequency` from `live_stream` browses (whatever they were). : Playlist Exporter wasn't checking user id correctly. `catalog` browses using incorrect column. `artist` browse by `song_artist` wasn't in the valid list. Missing `video` browse filters on `clip`, `movie`, `personal_video`, `tvshow`, `tvshow_season` and `tvshow_episode` browses. Random (`rand`) was missing from a lot of query types as a valid option. for searches, `random` sort was random sorting the sql and ignoring the random column (use `rand` for random result sorting). ## API 6.5.0. Added: API6. Add `songartists` to all album data responses. (In an album `artists`=album_artists, `songartists`=song_artists). artist_albums: add `album_artist` as an optional parameter. : API6. list: sorting was by `id` instead of `name`. browse: sorting was by `id` instead of `name`. download: The API can use searches as playlists so check for the `smart_` pre stream: The API can use searches as playlists so check for the `smart_` pre.
6.4.011 Apr 2024 03:15 major feature: Work on Ampache7 is ongoing. Check out the wiki for information as some changes will be backported to Ampache6. There has been a change to the way Random Searches work for Artist and Albums. These searches will now use to rules for that object type and then return the songs contained in those objects For example. You search using `random.php?action=advanced type=album`. You search `album_rating == 5` and the `Item count` is set to 1. The search will find 1 album that is rated 5 and return all the songs in that album. Added: Translations 2024-04. Database 600069. Allow signed `user` column for `broadcast`, `player_control`, `session_stream`, `share`, `user_activity`, `user_follower` and `user_vote` tables. Revert unique constraint `playlist_track_UN` on `playlist_data` table. Extend `generator column` on `podcast` table to 128 characters. Config version 71. up bitrate encode_args. Add `api_de_handler` run api commands without exception handling (At your own risk!). Wrap default string config options in quotes. Changed: Stream Random action default fallback to `song`. Subsonic. Song file path is now always the original full file path. This was a relative path that was changed with transcoding mean the path nevers existed. Random search (`random.php?action=advanced`) `artist` and `album` actions have been changed to use their object rules. The returned results are still song objects but the searches are done using their rule set. : Always get the current file size when downloading the raw file. AlbumDisk errors on unknown items. Album names being overwritten with artist names when missing tags. Regenerate playlist track numbers correctly for the full list. Also check the bitrate when transcoding instead of just formats. Don't use cached files if the bitrate doesn't match `transcode_rate`. Default config encode_args are putting bitrates into millions. URL links generated with ` amp;` that were causing errors. Song
6.3.205 Apr 2024 03:15 minor bugfix: Added: Database 600068. Allow signed `user` column for the `broadcast`, `player_control`, `session_stream`, `share`, `user_activity`, `user_follower` and `user_vote` tables. Revert unique constraint `playlist_track_UN` on `playlist_data` table. Config version 71. up bitrate encode_args. : Always get the current file size when downloading the raw file. AlbumDisk errors on unknown items. Album names being overwritten with artist names when missing tags. Regenerate playlist track numbers correctly for the full list. Also check the bitrate when transcoding instead of just formats. Don't use cached files if the bitrate doesn't match `transcode_rate`. Default config encode_args are putting bitrates into millions. ## API 6.3.2. Added: API6. download: add bitrate parameter. : ALL. Download method format parameter didn't have a fallback value. API6. Playlists objects would not return duplicates items if allowed. has_art property missing from songs and albums. playlist_add: couldn't add a single item.
6.3.123 Mar 2024 10:05 minor feature: Added: Added an option to clean a folder path on the Show Catalogs page. Changed: Show full playlist names on the personal favorite plugins (missing username). Block direct stream for shared file when share is disabled. Removed: Config options `write_id3` and `write_id3_art` don't do anything so remove them. : Add missing album name through browser Media Session API. PHP caching false values when expecint an int. Typo for disabled song display. Show the count of returned art in the log. Don't show private playlists on browse or direct link if you don't have access. Refresh Democratic playlist on vote removal, and clear the votes on `clear all`. Preference text box possible XSS. Search. Added some documented aliases for rules that were missed. `NOT SOUNDS LIKE` responses. Don't scrub search input in the SQL (parameters are sanitized). Rule input XSS in JS. Subsonic. Array not set on some items in JSON responses. ## API 6.3.1. Added: API6. New Method: now_playing (Get what is currently being played by all users.).
6.3.013 Mar 2024 11:52 major feature: ### Added * Translations 2024-03 * Lots more static typing on missing function returns * Dynamic properties on the Captcha classes * Add opml import (and export) for podcasts * Database 600060 * Update Last.FM plugin preferences that could be incorrect * Spell category and subcategory correctly * Add unique constraint `playlist_track_UN` on `playlist_data` table * Remove Flattr plugin (Service has been discontinued) * Convert `object_type` to an enum on `image`, `rating`, `user_flag`, `user_activity`, `object_count`, `share`, `cache_object_count` tables ### Changed * Split database updates into small migration classes * Change usage of State in podcast_episode pages for Status * Song additional metadata classes have been updated * When searching art limit results per-plugin instead of total results * Extend valid Share objects * Update composer scripts and checks * Don't send a cached file that does not match a requested target format ### Removed * Flattr service has shut down, so remove the plugin * php cs-sniffer from the project root and scrutinizer ### Fixed * Catalog Filters could not be edited after creating * Catalogs were not cleaned up from the `catalog_filter_group_map` table * Wanted errors on an empty global user * Public users can not cache playlist browses * Last.FM plugin errors with preferences and linking accounts * Fix up localplay commands for Kodi/XBMC clients * Playlists were sorting by object type * User::get_user_data was not putting the default return in correctly * Unable to use `bin/cli export:playlist` undefined method * Playlist had some issues adding songs * Localplay and jukebox mode improvements (VLC and XBMC) * Don't search for wanted albums on an invalid artist * Browse filtering for album artist and song artist in certain situations * Don't send an empty query to the database * Remove stray span and use valid lang value on installer pages * Updating array preferences * Showing favicon * Publication date of RSS feeds