Generate documentation from source code
Doxygen is the de facto standard tool for generating documentation from annotated C++ sources, but it also supports other popular programming languages such as C, Objective-C, C#, PHP, Java, Python, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, and UNO/OpenOffice flavors), Fortran, VHDL, Tcl, and to some extent D.
Doxygen can help you in three ways:
It can generate an on-line documentation browser (in HTML) and/or an off-line reference manual (in $\mbox{\LaTeX}$) from a set of documented source files. There is also support for generating output in RTF (MS-Word), PostScript, hyperlinked PDF, compressed HTML, and Unix man pages. The documentation is extracted directly from the sources, which makes it much easier to keep the documentation consistent with the source code.
You can configure doxygen to extract the code structure from undocumented source files. This is very useful to quickly find your way in large source distributions. Doxygen can also visualize the relations between the various elements by means of include dependency graphs, inheritance diagrams, and collaboration diagrams, which are all generated automatically.
You can also use doxygen for creating normal documentation (as I did for the doxygen user manual and web-site).
Doxygen is developed under Mac OS X and Linux, but is set-up to be highly portable. As a result, it runs on most other Unix flavors as well. Furthermore, executables for Windows are available.
minor feature: (release date 09-01-2025)
Bug fixes
issue #8803 Template class with the same name as existing class gets in the same output file view , view
issue #11308 SVG dot graphs have added padding view
issue #11309 Markdown blockquotes with lists do not render as expected view
issue #11313 Template class specializations are ignored, which leads to invalid links view
issue #11314 "Copy to clipboard" button broken with XHTML view
issue #11320 Documentation fails to build (it freezes, no crash) view
issue #11322 C++ 20 Modules: Links to global functions, links to modules view
issue #11326 Missing description for a class member of a using-declared class view
issue #11330 Snippet trimleft option does not handle newlines well view , view
issue #11333 rebuilding fedora ignition-transport causes abort in isExplicitPage with doxygen 1.13.1 view
String representation at "show configuration" in doxywizard view
Support for Plus sign code fence directives - GitHub flavor view
Improved user feedback and documentation
Adding debug and version information to doxycommentview view , view , view , and view
GNU GPLv3 documentation
The open source infrastructure as code tool.
Previously named OpenTF, OpenTofu is a fork of Terraform that is open-source, community-driven, and managed by the Linux Foundation.
OpenTofu is an OSS tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. OpenTofu can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions.
The key features of OpenTofu are:
Infrastructure as Code: Infrastructure is described using a high-level configuration syntax. This allows a blueprint of your datacenter to be versioned and treated as you would any other code. Additionally, infrastructure can be shared and re-used.
Execution Plans: OpenTofu has a "planning" step where it generates an execution plan. The execution plan shows what OpenTofu will do when you call apply. This lets you avoid any surprises when OpenTofu manipulates infrastructure.
Resource Graph: OpenTofu builds a graph of all your resources, and parallelizes the creation and modification of any non-dependent resources. Because of this, OpenTofu builds infrastructure as efficiently as possible, and operators get insight into dependencies in their infrastructure.
Change Automation: Complex changesets can be applied to your infrastructure with minimal human interaction. With the previously mentioned execution plan and resource graph, you know exactly what OpenTofu will change and in what order, avoiding many possible human errors.
minor feature: Update - 1.9 release
Signed-off-by: James Humphries lt; gt;.
MPL cloud infrastructure go
A new world for application developers
Flatpak changes app distribution for the better. Advantages include:
Build for every distro. Create one app and distribute it to the entire Linux desktop market.
Stable platforms. Runtimes provide platforms of common libraries that you can depend on.
Consistent environments. Develop and test your application in an environment that’s identical to the one users have.
Full control over dependencies. Flatpak makes it easy to bundle your own libraries as part of your app.
Easy build tools. Flatpak’s build tools are simple and easy to use, and come with a full set of documentation.
Future-proof builds. Flatpak apps continue to be compatible with new versions of Linux distributions.
Distribution made easy. Make your app available to a rapidly growing audience of Flatpak users, with Flathub.
An independent project. Flatpak is developed by an independent community, with no lock-in to a single vendor.
major bugfix: Update libglnx to 2024-12-06: - an assertion failure if creating a parent directory encounters a. Dangling symlink a Meson warning. Don't emit terminal progress indicator escape sequences by default. They are. Interpreted as notifications by some terminal emulators. Introspection annotations in libflatpak. Enhancements: Add the `FLATPAK_TTY_PROGRESS` environment variable, which re-enables the. Terminal progress indicator escape sequences added in 1.15.91. Document the `FLATPAK_FANCY_OUTPUT` environment variable, which allows. Disabling the fancy formatting when outputting to a terminal.
GNU LGPLv3 linux application sandbox distribution c shell python
Gitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Gitea is a fork of Gogs. See the Gitea Announcement blog post to read about the justification for a fork.
The goal of this project is to provide the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across all platforms and architectures that Go supports. This support includes Linux, macOS, and Windows, on architectures like amd64, i386, ARM, PowerPC, and others.
minor feature: BREAKING.
Rename config option ` camo .Allways` to ` camo .Always`.
Remove SHA1 for support for ssh rsa signing.
Use UTC as default timezone when schedule Actions cron tasks.
Delete Actions logs older than 1 year by default.
Make OIDC introspection authentication strictly require Client ID and secret.
Include file extension checks in attachment API.
Include all security which have been backported to v1.22.
Allow to fork repository into the same owner.
Support "merge upstream branch" (Sync fork).
Add Arch package registry.
Allow to disable the password-based login (sign-in) form.
Allow cropping an avatar before setting it.
Support quote selected comments to reply.
Add reviewers selection to new pull request.
Suggestions for.
Add priority to protected branch.
Included tag search capabilities.
Add option to filter board cards by labels and assignees.
Add automatic light/dark option for the colorblind theme.
Support migration from AWS CodeCommit.
Introduce globallock as distributed locks.
Support compression for Actions logs amp; enable by default.
Add pure SSH LFS support.
Add Passkey login support.
Actions support workflow dispatch event.
Support repo license.
time estimate, meaningful time tracking.
GitHub like repo home page.
Rearrange Clone Panel.
Enhancing Gitea OAuth2 Provider with Granular Scopes for Resource Access.
Use env GITEA_RUNNER_REGISTRATION_TOKEN as global runner token #32964.
Update i18n.go - Language Picker #32935.
Perf: add extra index to notification table.
Introduce OrgList and add LoadTeams, optimaze Load teams for orgs.
Improve performance of diffs.
Make LFS http_client parallel within a batch..
Add new index for action to resolve the performance problem.
Improve get feed with pagination.
Performance improvements for pull request list API.
Use batch database operations instead of one by one to optimze api pulls.
Use gitrepo.GetTreePathLatestCommit to get file last
MITL git go
JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for creating high quality desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, AAX and LV2 audio plug-ins and plug-in hosts. JUCE can be easily integrated with existing projects via CMake, or can be used as a project generation tool via the Projucer, which supports exporting projects for Xcode (macOS and iOS), Visual Studio, Android Studio, Code::Blocks and Linux Makefiles as well as containing a source code editor.
minor feature: Added Windows Arm support.
- Added support for local notifications.
- Added passthrough compiler options to juceaide.
- Added support for VST3 parameter migrations.
- some Windows mouse events and window dragging behaviour.
- Added Ranges functionality.
- Added VST2 and VST3 MIDI note names.
Mixed audio library framework cpp
An Ansible role to create cloud-init config disk images.
minor feature: Execute installation tasks only once:
* Added run_one: true to only execute the installation tasks only once.
* Move "name: Set OS related variables" to main, to have the provider settings when the install phase isn't executed e.g. With --skip-tags install.
* Added apply tags install to support --tags install
MITL ansible role cloud-init
Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats. The goal of evince is to replace the multiple document viewers that exist on the GNOME Desktop with a single simple application.
Evince is specifically designed to support the file following formats: PDF, Postscript, djvu, tiff, dvi, XPS, SyncTex support with gedit, comics books (cbr,cbz,cb7 and cbt). For a comprehensive list of formats supported, see Supported Document Formats.
minor bugfix: alpha
Add missing break to make two columns right work.
Add missing break to make two columns right work.
Improve support for Adobe PDF open parameters.
Do not implement module loading through GTypeModule (Pablo Correa Gómez).
Dvi: code style relate to inline functions (Qiu Wenbo).
Dvi: Remove always false check (Qiu Wenbo).
Use GDateTime alternatives for EvAttachment (Pablo Correa Gómez).
Remove usage of ev_backends_manager_get_document (Qiu Wenbo).
Bump libraries' API version to 4, do not hard-code (Pablo Correa Gomez).
Bump the minimum required version of cairo to 1.14.0 (Qiu Wenbo).
Bumpt libview, libdocument and Evince API version (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Enable dri permission in flatpak (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
app_id for flatpak in development mode (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
generated desktop file names (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Improve build location (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Improve development build story (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Reduce indirections to generate desktop files (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Remove ENABLE_NLS flag (Qiu Wenbo).
Remove indirection for building schemas (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Remove gidocgen submodule and requirement (Pablo Correa Gómez).
Remove name sufworkaround on MacOS (Qiu Wenbo).
Remove org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys (Maximiliano Sandoval R).
Remove unused EVINCEDATADIR (Qiu Wenbo).
Set HAVE_CAIRO_PDF and HAVE_CAIRO_PS in config (Qiu Wenbo).
Update dependencies in flatpak (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Update dependency versions for flatpak (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Update flatpak dependencies (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Updated flatpak poppler dependency (Andrew Murray).
Use different names when in development (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Version bump (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Bump Ubuntu version to add libadwaita (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Set development build in flatpak (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Use updated image for both gtk3 and gtk4 (Germán Poo-Caamaño).
Add default templa
GNU GPLv3 pdf viewer gnome c
The OpenBSD rpki-client is a free, easy-to-use implementation of the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for Relying Parties (RP) to facilitate validation of the Route Origin of a BGP announcement. The program queries the RPKI repository system, downloads and validates Route Origin Authorisations (ROAs) and finally outputs Validated ROA Payloads (VRPs) in the configuration format of OpenBGPD, BIRD, and also as CSV or JSON objects for consumption by other routing stacks.
minor feature: Rpki-client 9.4 has just been released and will be available in the
Rpki-client directory of any OpenBSD mirror soon. It is recommended.
That all users upgrade to this version for improved reliability.
Rpki-client is a FREE, easy-to-use implementation of the Resource.
Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for Relying Parties to facilitate.
Validation of BGP announcements. The program queries the global RPKI.
Repository system and validates untrusted network inputs. The program.
Outputs validated ROA payloads, BGPsec Router keys, and ASPA payloads.
in configuration formats suitable for OpenBGPD and BIRD, and supports.
Emitting CSV and JSON for consumption by other routing stacks.
See RFC 6480 and RFC 6811 for a description of how RPKI and BGP Pre.
Origin Validation help secure the global Internet routing system.
Rpki-client was primarily developed by Kristaps Dzonsons, Claudio.
Jeker, Job Snijders, Theo Buehler, Theo de Raadt and Sebastian Benoit.
as part of the OpenBSD Project.
This release includes the following changes to the previous release:
Rpki-client 9.4 will gradually stop accepting ultra long-lived TA.
Certificates. The utility now warns about TA certificates with an.
Expiry date more than 15 years into the future. After February 2nd.
2026, such certificates will be rejected, and from March 3rd 2027.
Onwards, TA certificates with a validity period exceeding 3 years will.
be rejected. This is done to encourage reasonably frequent reissuance.
of TA certificates and ensures that changes in the SubjectInfoAccess.
And Internet Number Resources are propagated to the entire ecosystem.
It also strengthens the mitigations for TA replay attacks introduced.
Via the TA tie breaking mechanism. For further background see:
The generated BIRD config file was reworked. BIRD versions 1
ISC rpki bgp routing security bird openbgpd
GitLab is a development collaboration tool and git DVCS frontend. It includes repository management features, code reviews, an issue tracker, activity feeds and wikis.
GitLab provides fine-grained access control, user management, 5 permission levels and branch constraints, and can utilize LDAP/AD intranet authorization.
Powered by Ruby on Rails it comes as open source package, and as commercial supported enterprise version.
minor security: (2025-01-08).
### (3 changes).
Update acme-client to v2.0.19.
Add a migration to regenerate CI job token signing key.
CI job token signing key not always generated.
### Security (4 changes).
Prevent cyclic reference in work item hierarchy widget from frontend (merge request).
Allow external_provider config take precedence over external_groups (merge request).
Filter out sensitive parameters on Auth logs (merge request).
Don't allow unauthorized users to automatically (merge request).
MITL ruby ruby-on-rails git dvcs wiki bugtracker version-control
Praat is a speech analysis tool used for doing phonetics by computer. Praat can analyse, synthesize, and manipulate speech, and create high-quality pictures for your publications. Praat was created by Paul Boersma and David Weenink of the Institute of Phonetics Sciences of the University of Amsterdam.
Some of Praat’s most prominent features are:
Speech analysis
Speech synthesis
Speech labelling
Grammar models
Statistical analysis
minor bugfix: ##Rectangle text (maximal fit)...# is perhaps useful in general.
But will especially facilitate text and button drawing in Demo window.
Linux for ARM64 processors: sped up some slow computations by a factor of over 100.
##OTGrammar Strings Strings: Tabulate all correct rankings# lists all full rankings.
That map the given list of inputs to the given list of partial outputs,
Using brute-force permutation of up to 18 constraints.
##OTGrammar: Tabulate equivalent pairs# checks to what extent different candidates.
Have different sets of constraint violations.
GNU GPLv3 speech analysis audio phonetics synthesis c cpp
Messenger GTK is a convergent GTK messaging application using the GNUnet Messenger service. The goal is to provide private and secure communication between any group of devices.
minor bugfix: compatibility with libgnunetchat 0.5.2.
Update appdata to current state.
Implement notification sounds.
List tags of contacts.
Implement filtering by tags.
Affero GPLv3 messaging internet p2p anonymity f2f gnunet gns networking chat conferencing
Django Ledger is a double entry accounting system based on the Django Web Framework, which aims to power financially driven applications by removing the complexity of the accounting domain into a simple, high-level API. Prior experience with Django is required to more effectively use this software.
minor bugfix: lt;p gt;Merge branch #39;develop #39; lt;/p gt;.
GNU GPLv3 accounting money finances bookkeeping django python
Scribus is a professional typesetting and page layout program, available on all major platforms but also for OS/2 and GNU/Hurd. It provides press-ready PDF output, but a user-friendly and modern interface. It supports color separation, ICC profiles, CMYK and spot colors.
minor bugfix: 0014337: User Interface Hi DPI (nitramr)
0011018: User Interface Add dock/undock button to palettes. (nitramr)
0011789: Story Editor / Text Frames Change fonts with arrow keys (nitramr)
0017180: Properties Palette Indigo UI: Properties Palette Redesign (nitramr)
0015915: Properties Palette Indigo UI: refactor the Color and Line panels (nitramr)
0007287: Shape Drawing Add to ability change basepoint of lines (nitramr)
0003751: Usability additional/clearer basepoint options for lines (nitramr)
0003752: User Interface move or replace hidden line basepoint setting in properties (nitramr)
0009483: Shape Drawing PATCH Ability to choose a basepoint for a line (nitramr)
0012434: User Interface basepoint: different widgets for shapes and lines (nitramr)
0017265: User Interface Indigo UI: Image Properties Redesign (nitramr)
0014484: Usability Drop Shadow check box (on Properties Palette) not work well. (nitramr)
0011416: User Interface A more meaningful caption for the "Colour" tab in the PP (nitramr)
0017304: General spacing in the new document dialog (nitramr)
0014497: User Interface Font widget: When typing the new font name, widget content does not update. (nitramr)
0014500: Build System Cmake Warnings as of r21674 (cbradney)
0008870: Styles Show the value of what the linespacing will be when "Align to Baseline Grid" or "Auto" is chosen in the Style Manager (nitramr)
0007609: Internal In code: Replace constant numerical values with helpful named constants
0014529: Usability extreme difficult to use (nitramr)
0017349: Scripter Expose char style background color in python API (cbradney)
0017352: User Interface XZY Palette: Improve Labels and Alignment of UI elements (nitramr)
0009679: OS-MacOSX Display issues in Style Manager dialogs on Mac (nitramr)
0013010: User Interface Docked palette without border are visually difficult to understand (nitramr)
0014068: User Interface Hand cursor i
GNU GPL c++ python qt text-setting printing layout text-processing office
Conda is a cross-platform, language-agnostic binary package manager. It is the package manager used by Anaconda installations, but it may be used for other systems as well. Conda makes environments first-class citizens, making it easy to create independent environments even for C libraries. Conda is written entirely in Python, and is BSD licensed open source.
Conda is enhanced by organizations, tools, and repositories created and managed by the amazing members of the conda community.
minor feature: lt;h3 gt; lt;/h3 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;recursion error introduced in lt;code gt;__conda_reactivate lt;/code gt; deprecation message. lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;h3 gt;Contributors lt;/h3 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt; lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/jaimergp/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="" gt;@jaimergp lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;p gt; lt;strong gt;Full Changelog lt;/strong gt;: lt;a class="commit-link" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;24.11.2...24.11.3 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt; lt;/p gt;.
BSDL-2 package-management binaries python
libpng is the PNG image format reference implementation. Portable Network Graphics are the most widely used raster image format, patent-free, based on lossless data compression, support indexed/paletted, grayscale, and 24 or 32 bit truecolor images with transparency. It's also an highly extensible container format, with built-in color profiles and representation information, textual meta data, filters, progressive interlacing, and permits animations in the derived APNG or MNG formats.
minor feature: Added support for the cICP chunk.
Adjusted and improved various checks in colorspace calculations.
Rearranged the write order of colorspace chunks for better conformance
with the PNG v3 draft specification.
Raised the minimum required CMake version from 3.6 to 3.14.
Forked off a development branch for libpng version 1.8.
Zlib c png image format library raster-image compression deflate gamma icc zlib
HDF5 is a unique technology suite that makes possible the management of extremely large and complex data collections.
The HDF5 technology suite includes:
A versatile data model that can represent very complex data objects and a wide variety of metadata.
A completely portable file format with no limit on the number or size of data objects in the collection.
A software library that runs on a range of computational platforms, from laptops to massively parallel systems, and implements a high-level API with C, C++, Fortran 90, and Java interfaces.
A rich set of integrated performance features that allow for access time and storage space optimizations.
Tools and applications for managing, manipulating, viewing, and analyzing the data in the collection.
The HDF5 data model, file format, API, library, and tools are open and distributed without charge.
Building on its 20-year history, The HDF Group offers personalized consulting, training, design, software development, and support services to help clients take full advantage of HDF5 capabilities in addressing their unique data management challenges.
minor bugfix: New Features
- Added signed Windows msi binary and signed Apple dmg binary files.
The release process now provides signed Windows and Mac installation
binaries in addition to the Debian and rpm installation binaries. The Mac
binaries are built as universal binaries on an ARM-based Mac. Installer
files are no longer compressed into packaged archives.
- Moved examples to the HDF5Examples folder in the source tree.
Moved the C++ and Fortran examples from the examples folder to the HDF5Examples
folder and renamed to TUTR, tutorial. This is referenced from the LearnBasics
doxygen page.
- Added support for using zlib-ng package as the zlib library:
Autotools: --enable-zlibng
Added the option HDF5_USE_ZLIB_NG to allow the replacement of the
default ZLib package by the zlib-ng package as a built-in compression library.
- Disable CMake UNITY_BUILD for hdf5
CMake added a target property, UNITY_BUILD, that when set to true, the target
source files will be combined into batches for faster compilation. By default,
the setting is OFF, but could be enabled by a project that includes HDF5 as a subproject.
HDF5 has disabled this feature by setting the property to OFF in the HDFMacros.cmake file.
- Removed "function/code stack" debugging configuration option:
Autotools: --enable-codestack
This was used to debug memory leaks internal to the library, but has been
broken for 1.5 years and is now easily replaced with third-party tools
(e.g. libbacktrace: on an
as-needed basis when debugging an issue.
- Added configure options for enabling/disabling non-standard programming
language features
- Added the CMake variable HDF5_ENABLE_ROS3_VFD
Mixed scientific science-research
Arping is a util to find out if a specific IP address on the LAN is 'taken' and what MAC address owns it. Sure, you *could* just use 'ping' to find out if it's taken and even if the computer blocks ping (and everything else) you still
get an entry in your ARP cache. But what if you aren't on a routable net? Or the host blocks ping (all ICMP even)? Then you're screwed. Or you use arping.
Why it's not stupid: Say you have a block of N real IANA-assigned IP-addresses. You want to debug the net and you don't know which IP addresses are taken. You can't ping anyone before you take the IP, and you can't pick an IP before you know which are already taken. Catch 22. But with arping you can 'ping' the IP and if you get no response, the IP is available.
Example uses: If some box is dumping non-IP (like IPX) garbage and you don't know which box it is, you can ping by MAC to get the IP and fix the problem.
If you are on someone else's net and want to 'borrow' a real IP address instead of using one of those 10.x.x.x-addresses the DHCP hands out you probably want to know which ones are taken, or people will get mad (a friend of mine got a call on his cellphone about 15 seconds after he accidentally 'stole' an IP, oops).
minor feature: seccomp (default disabled): Allow some more syscalls
seccomp (default disabled): Move some checks from build time to runtime
Sane output and exit code when sending ARP replies
Work around libpcap when linking with musl
GNU GPLv3 network arp ping c shell python
clazy is a compiler plugin which allows clang to understand Qt semantics. You get more than 50 Qt related compiler warnings, ranging from unneeded memory allocations to misusage of API, including fix-its for automatic refactoring.
minor bugfix: New Checks: Used-qunused-variable. Qstring-arg check provides a -it. Unused-non-trivial-variable to not warn when maybe_unused set. Qstring-arg for upcoming Qt 6.9. Fully-qualified-moc-types false positive for const modifiers of generic arguments. - Silence false positive non-pod-global-static warning for QML module initialization. Function-args-by-value false positive that would cause compile error in copy constructors, assignment operators and equal checks. - False positives for `Q_EMIT(someSignal())` are now.
Mixed qt clang code-analyzer kde cpp python c
libUseful is a general 'C' library providing useful functions related to: resizable strings, lists and maps, unix and tcp sockets, SSL/TLS, cryptographic hashes, parsing of json, yaml and other markup languages, terminal output including ANSI/vt100 escape sequences, OAuth 2.0, etc, etc.
minor feature: Added 'SetNumericVar' and 'AddToNumericVar' functions in Vars.c.
Added 'IsLeapYear' function in Time.c.
Added 'GetDaysInMonth' function in Time.c.
Added 'CalendarFormatCSV' function in Time.c.
Added TerminalCalendar widget.
in PasswordFile.c where 'Extra' data can get appended to password when doing password check.
GNU GPLv3 c library files ssl tls sockets resizeable strings lists maps
Duplicati is a free, open source, backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on cloud storage services and remote file servers. It works with:
Amazon S3, IDrive e2, Backblaze (B2), Box, Dropbox, FTP, Google Cloud and Drive, MEGA, Microsoft Azure and OneDrive, Rackspace Cloud Files, OpenStack Storage (Swift), Sia, Storj DCS, SSH (SFTP), WebDAV, Tencent Cloud Object Storage (COS), and more!
minor bugfix: This release is a canary release intended to be used for testing.
Note that this build has a redesigned restore flow.
Should arise, the previous restore engine can be enabled with `--restore-legacy=true`.
## Detailed list of changes:
with FTP not connecting correctly.
Improved large restore speed (+5TiB), thanks @snamds.
Corrected reported options for Azure, Aliyun, OpenStack and Storj.
OpenStack detects protocol version from URL.
Sia redundancy option is now a decimal (culture invariant parsing).
Added help links to connection dialog and login pages.
with new restore not auto-creating missing folder structure.
with new restore without overwrite.
a place not honoring disabled quota.
Added CIFS / SMB backend.
Updated MacOS DMG image.
GNU LGPLv3 backup cloud encryption sftp webdav trust-no-one-backup cloud-backup client-only-backup c-sharp javascript
BSD syslog daemon and syslog()/syslogp() replacement API for Linux, provides 100% support for RFC3164 & RFC5424, unlike rsyslogd et al.
minor feature: github: disable apparmarmor to allow testing in unshare
Signed-off-by: Joachim Wiberg lt; gt;.
Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project.
minor feature: lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;.
Allow all immutable lt;code gt;List lt;/code gt; subclasses from Java 11 over remoting.
lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;.
Use refined build status icons in multibranch projects.
lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;.
Form validation that depends on radio buttons now finds the selected one and not the previous one.
lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;.
Since 2.489, JavaScript errors could be seen in some Jenkins pages, such as the setup wizard, omitting the usual header bar.
lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
MITL ci automation java
gtk-vnc is a project providing client side APIs for the
RFB protocol / VNC remote desktop technology.
It is built using coroutines allowing it to be completely
asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It provides
two core C libraries, libgvnc for interacting with the core
RFB protocol and libgtk-vnc for a GTK display widget.
Access from non-C languages is available using the GObject
Introspection system.
major feature: o Support g_autoptr for exported allocated types o Require meson = 0.56 o Replace gtk-doc with gi-docgen for API docs o Add missing vnc_color_map_lookup method sym to exports o Speed up coroutine switching with setjmp/longjmp o Improve valgrind compatibility with coroutines o Add native winfiber coroutine for Windows o Add support for libucontext coroutines o Refuse to use broken native ucontext support on macOS aarch64 o Raise fatal error on impossible conditions / OOM in coroutines o Many other misc coroutine / improvements o Add support to pass CA cert data for TLS o Allow ungrabbing keyboard in gvncviewer demo o leak of socket address in SASL auth o Avoid mandating SASL SSF over UNIX sockets o Don't assume SASL out data is NUL terminated o rendering artifacts on HiDPI displays o Don't expose server auth types to apps that are not implemented o Convert more code to use GNUTLS for ciphers/hashes o Replace remaining use of gcrypt with gmp o Add unit testing of VNC, ARD, MS logon
GNU LGPLv3 vnc gtk c
First-class MIDI support
Highly customizable
Stable and performant
Loads of drumkits to choose from
In-depth control of instrument, sample, and note properties
High quality time-stretching and pitch shifting
Automate it using MIDI or OSC API
Hydrogen is both a drum sequencer for pattern-based programming and a drum synth. Its simple yet feature-rich design makes it a versatile companion, be it for quick practice at home, professional usage as fully-fledged drum machine in your studio, or drum looper on steriods for your live performance.
minor bugfix: Added. - MIDI and OSC commands. - `CLEAR_SELECTED_INSTRUMENT` - to remove all notes of the selected. Pattern associated with the currently selected instrument. `CLEAR_PATTERN` - to remove all notes of the selected pattern. - `INSTRUMENT_PITCH` - to adjust the pitch of an instrument. - OSC commands. - `NOTE_ON` and `NOTE_OFF` which are handled like incoming MIDI events. Without triggering their associated actions. `CLEAR_INSTRUMENT` - to remove all notes of the selected pattern. Associated with the provided instrument number. CLI option: - `-O`/`--osc-port` to use a custom OSC port in both `hydrogen`. And `h2cli`. `-L`/`--log-file` to provide a path to an alternative log file. - `-T`/`--log-timestamps` to add timestamps to all log messages. - `--config` to use a different user-level config file. - `--compression-level` for `h2cli` to set the trade-off between max. Quality (`.mp3` and `.ogg`)/max. speed (`.flac`) (`0.0`) and max. Compression (`1.0`) for exported audio files. Adding support for importing and exporting audio files of format `.mp3`. `.opus`, `.au`, `.caf`, `.voc`, `.w64`. Drumkits containing those formats. Can be loaded with older versions of Hydrogen too. `libsndfile` = `1.1.0` is required on your system for MP3 support.. - `X-NSM-Exec` entry added to `org.hydrogenmusic.Hydrogen.desktop` by. @grammoboy2. - Delete key does now remove selected notes and notes under cursor in NotePropertiesRuler. Changed. - Grid lines in the Song Editor are now rendered dotted to emphasize that. This is the space the patterns in rather than objects in their own right. Virtual keyboard strokes are now mapped exactly as incoming MIDI `NOTE_ON`. Events (respecting both "Use output note as input note" and hihat pressure Groups). But do not trigger associated actions. CLI option `-d` understand driver names regardless of capitalization. - `h2cli` option `-V` is now able to handle whitespaces between flag and. Argument. `h2cli` long option for `-k` is renamed `--drumkit` - `ki
GNU GPLv3 audio daw
Samba is a software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients. It is freely available, unlike other SMB/CIFS implementations, and allows for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and Windows-based clients.
minor feature: More possible replication loops against Azure AD. Compound rename from Mac clients can fail with
NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR if the file has a lease. vfs crossrename seems not work correctly. After apos;machine password timeout apos; /etc/krb5.keytab is not updated. Memory leak wbcCtxLookupSid. heap-user-after-free with association groups. Segfault in vfs_btrfs. Avoid event failure race when disabling an event script. vfs crossrename seems not work correctly.
GNU GPLv3 communications file-sharing cifs windows
Point Faircamp to a folder hierarchy containing your audio files. Within minutes, Faircamp builds a complete website presenting your work.
The resulting site requires no database, no programming, no maintenance, and is compatible with virtually every webhost on this planet.
major feature: ## New functionality
- Introduce opt-in opengraph metadata provision (159e717)
- Implement M3U playlists for artists (2ed079c)
- Implement tags option in catalog and artist manifests (4782110)
- Return exit code for failure/success on process termination (f018070)
## Bugfixes
- Fix more_label assignment in the catalog manifest (92f2005)
- Add missing ffmpeg qscale arguments for MP3 V5/V7 audio format encoding (a4a8409)
- Fix decoding of opus files originally encoded from non-native sample rates (8fae371)
- Fix oklch computation glitch at 100 background alpha in theming widget (a2572c2)
Mixed music audio-tracks website website-generator rust js
Ratatouille is a Neural Model loader and mixer for Linux/Windows.
It can load two models, which can be *.nam files with the Neural Amp Modeler module, or *.json or .aidax files with the RTNeural module.
You can also load just a single model file, in that case the "Blend" control will do nothing. When you've loaded a second model, the "Blend" control will blend between the two models and mix them to simulate your specific tone.
Ratatouille using parallel processing for the neural models, so, loading a second neural model wouldn't be remarkable on the dsp load.
The "Delay" control could add a small delay to overcome phasing issues, or to add some color/reverb to the sound. The 'ctrl' key activate fine tuning to dial in a sample accurate delay.
To round up your sound you can load two Impulse Response Files and mix them to your needs. IR-files could be normalised on load, so that they didn't influence the loudness.
Ratatouille.lv2 supports resampling when needed to match the expected sample rate of the loaded models. Both models and the IR Files may have different expectations regarding the sample rate.
minor feature: This release introduce a (optional) automatic phase correction for loaded models and, a (optional) buffered mode, which means that all heavy processing was lifted into a background thread. That reduce the DSP load to nearly zero on modern CPU's, but introduce a one frame buffer latency. The latency introduced will be reported to the host (DAW) so that it could be compensated by the host.
Also, new in this release is the included MOD UI. That allow to use Ratatouille with it's GUI in MOD Desktop
Beside that there are now "erase" buttons which allow to quickly remove a model or IR file from the processing.
Ratatouille allow to load up to two neural model files and mix there output. Those models could be *.nam files or *.json or .aidax files. So you could blend from clean to crunch for example, or, go wild and mix different amp models, or mix a amp with a pedal simulation.
Ratatouille using parallel processing to process the second neural model and the second IR-File to reduce the dsp load.
The "Delay" control could add a small delay to the second model to overcome phasing issues, or to add some color/reverb to the sound.
To round up the sound it allow to load up to two Impulse Response files and mix there output as well. You could try the wildest combinations, or, be conservative and load just your single preferred IR-File.
Each neural model may have a different expected Sample Rate, Ratatouille will resample the buffer to match that.
Impulse Response Files will be resampled on the fly to match the session Sample Rate.
BSDL-4 guitar audio music sound lv2 mixer cpp c
Federated video streaming platform, that's based on ActivityPub and P2P (BitTorrent) stream distribution technology. Individual video hosting instances profiteer from shared communities and content caching.
minor bugfix: Features:
Update translations.
Banner/avatar edit buttons.
Banner margin in channels page.
Textarea font size consistency.
Subscribe button radius.
Channel avatar info username.
Maximized markdown textarea.
Remove confusing channel message in *My playlists pages.
Broken infinite scroll when deleting items (Videos, Channels...).
Broadcast message overflow.
Adding videos in playlist from discover page.
my videos edit/delete buttons display.
Header components overflow in admin log page.
Affero GPLv3 javascript angularjs web video hosting activitypub
The Ham Radio Control Library–Hamlib, for short–is a project to provide programs with a consistent Application Programming Interface (API) for controlling the myriad of radios and rotators available to amateur radio and communications users.
minor bugfix: * send_raw can now take hex digits as colon-separated -- e.g. send_raw icom xfe:xfe:x94:xe0:03:xfd
* Add IC7760
* IC7300 Mode filter can now be set by # (i.e. 1,2,3)
* Fixed AF6SA WRC rotor controller
* Added Rhode Schwarz XK852
* Added Xiegu X6200
* Added Commradio CTX-10
* Added Guoehe PMR-171
* Added S.A.T Satellite rotor control
* Added PSTRotator control
* Added Flex SmartSDR slices A-H
* Added Motorola Micom M2/M3
* Added SDR Radio SDRConsole -- TS-2000 is now hardware flow control so need separate entry
* Added --set-conf=filter_usb, filter_usbd, and filter_cw to allow Icom rigs set mode to set filter number too
* Added macros for applications to obtain pointers to Hamlib structures(issues #1445, #1420, #487).
Internal conversion is still a WIP, but use of these macros will make the final cutover transparent to applications.
* Added Guohe Q900 entry
* Unify behavior of all rigctl split commands
* Make the set_split_* commands modify the state of the specified split VFO -- the current or targeted VFO do not have any effect
* Make the set_split_* commands enable split automatically if not enabled
* Make the get_split_* commands return frequency of 0 Hz, mode NONE and filter of 0 Hz if split is not enabled
* Allow all split commands to avoid VFO swapping if supported by the rig model
* Improve Icom backend to set/get frequency, mode and filter without VFO swapping if supported by the rig model
* Improve Yaesu newcat backend split handling
* Expose "Targetable features" (RIG_TARGETABLE_*) in dump_caps output to allow clients to determine which commands can be executed without VFO swapping
* Added Barrett 4100
* Added DL2MAN (tr)uSDX -- needs refinement
* Added Thetis entry -- der
GNU LGPL ham-radio radio library api amateur-radio communication c
OpenMPT is a popular tracker software for Windows. OpenMPT (short hand for Open ModPlug Tracker) is completely free and allows you to create and play back some great music on your computer. Based on the original ModPlug Tracker written by Olivier Lapicque, OpenMPT is free software, can import a wide variety of module formats and offers an intuitive, native GUI as well as advanced features such as VST plugins and ASIO output.
In addition to its own song format, OpenMPT can natively edit Impulse Tracker, FastTracker, Scream Tracker and ProTracker module files. Read more about it on the features page!
major bugfix: Pattern tab
Upon data entry, the status bar display was not updated unless playback was running.
potential crash when trying to move the cursor past the start or end of a pattern when the order list is empty (
Sample tab.
Imp Pressing Ctrl while moving loop points or clicking loop start / end spin buttons now moves the loop, keeping the loop length constant.
Imp Cue preview shortcuts now set the cue point if it's currently unused and the sample is being previewed (
Time stretching didn't update cue points.
Default velocity for instrument plugins was broken in OpenMPT (tx coda).
MIDI Macros: An unfinished byte right before an "s" SysEx checksum macro letter was not considered in the checksum.
Avoid NNA channel starvation due to sample-based instruments that have a MIDI channel assigned and NNA set to "Continue". It can still happen if a VST plugin or the MIDI I/O plugin is associated with the instrument. Other built-in plugins are not affected (
Imp Warn when saving an instrument that references more than 16 (compatibility export) or 32 samples (
Imp Identify XMs saved with Digitrakker that were converted from other formats.
In non-compatible linear slide mode, the sample rate could wrap around with portamento slides to extremely low frequencies. This should only happen in compatible mode.
Other formats.
Imp MO3: XM dummy command W is now imported.
ITP: Instruments paths were always read as relative paths since OpenMPT, usually causing them to fail to load.
ITP: Since OpenMPT, instrument and envelope flags were no longer read correctly.
Imp Fine tempo adjustment shortcuts now also work with formats that don't support fractional tempo.
Imp "Find MPT Hacks" now warns when an XM instrument uses mo
BSDL-2 audio tracker
Joplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified either from the applications directly or from your own text editor. The notes are in Markdown format.
Notes exported from Evernote can be imported into Joplin, including the formatted content (which is converted to Markdown), resources (images, attachments, etc.) and complete metadata (geolocation, updated time, created time, etc.). Plain Markdown files can also be imported.
Joplin is "offline first", which means you always have all your data on your phone or computer. This ensures that your notes are always accessible, whether you have an internet connection or not.
The notes can be securely synchronised using end-to-end encryption with various cloud services including Nextcloud, Dropbox, OneDrive and Joplin Cloud.
Full text search is available on all platforms to quickly find the information you need. The app can be customised using plugins and themes, and you can also easily create your own.
minor feature: lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Plugins: Add Toast plugin API lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Updated translations lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
Affero GPLv3 note-taking todo markdown typescript javascript
Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers. We strive to fulfill the goals below. The goals are listed in order of importance, the most important ones first.
Syncthing should be:
Safe From Data Loss
Protecting the user's data is paramount. We take every reasonable precaution to avoid corrupting the user's files.
Secure Against Attackers
Again, protecting the user's data is paramount. Regardless of our other goals, we must never allow the user's data to be susceptible to eavesdropping or modification by unauthorized parties.
Easy to Use
Syncthing should be approachable, understandable, and inclusive.
User interaction should be required only when absolutely necessary.
Universally Available
Syncthing should run on every common computer. We are mindful that the latest technology is not always available to every individual.
For Individuals
Syncthing is primarily about empowering the individual user with safe, secure, and easy to use file synchronization.
Everything Else
There are many things we care about that don't make it on to the list. It is fine to optimize for these values, as long as they are not in conflict with the stated goals above.
minor feature: lt;p gt;v1.29.0 lt;/p gt;.
lt;p gt;: lt;/p gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2723449858" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9855/hovercard" href="" gt;#9855 lt;/a gt;: GUI address unix socket broken lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2745087362" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9872/hovercard" href="" gt;#9872 lt;/a gt;: When socket files are in a folder that needs to be synced on linux, some files were not synced until the socket files were removed lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2746332510" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9875/hovercard" href="" gt;#9875 lt;/a gt;: Clarify log message for ignored folders lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;p gt;Other : lt;/p gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt; lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2740469955" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/syncthing/syncthing//9870/hovercard" href="" gt;#9870 lt;/a gt;: Fails with Go 1.24: runtime go1.24rc1 not found in compat.yaml lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
MPL syncronization file-syncronization peer-to-peer p2p backup archiving networking go html javascript
Part-DB is an open source inventory managment system with a focus on electronic components. It allows you to keep track of your inventory and locate it easily. It supports multiple users with different permissions and is therefore useful for personal use, for hackerspaces/makerspaces, universities and small companies. Part-DB runs on your server and only needs a web browser for access, so you can access your inventory from everywhere you want, no matter if you are on a PC, a tablet or your smartphone.
Part-DB can manage datasheets, parameters and many more infos of your electronic parts. It can generate and read barcodes/labels and makes finding the part you need very easy using powerful search and filter possibilities.
minor feature: Revert "Removed baarcode scanner inbox, as we now have enough perform
ance to apply the decoder to the full image".
This reverts commit de0832b.
Affero GPLv3 front-end database php symfony education science-research manufacturing ham-radio electronics inventory
Use other desktops remotely, from a tiny screen or large monitors.
RDP, VNC, SPICE, X2Go, SSH, WWW (HTTP protocol) and EXEC network protocols are supported.
Written in GTK, with a port to Qt underway.
Released as "remmina" (the main program) and "remmina-plugins".
minor bugfix: REM-3260 passing wrong value in SPICE plugin (Breaking compilation on some distributions) !2624 *@myheroyuki*.
GNU GPLv3 rdp vnc gtk qt remote-desktop c
SoX reads and writes audio files in most popular formats and can optionally apply effects to them. It can combine multiple input sources, synthesize audio, and, on many systems, act as a general purpose audio player or a multi-track audio recorder.
minor feature: Bug fixes:
o Make reading from ffmpeg work by popen()ing "rb"
GNU GPL audio dsp command-line
Gambas is an IDE and BASIC interpreter with object-oriented extensions.
It's designed to ease building graphical applications programs using
Gtk+ or Qt, and runs on most Unix and Linux systems. With its runtime
standalone applications can be packaged, even command-line programs.
The Gambas3 JIT-compiling interpreter often executes faster than Perl
or Python apps.
It also supports SDL, OpenGL and OpenAL, MySQL or PostgreSQL databases,
CGI webserver interfacing,
minor feature: Among the hundreds of and enhancements, the main features of this release are the following: In the development environment.
Translation an version control dialogs were replaced by workspaces...
Every calls of a specific function or symbol can be retrieved in one click...
Deging external running processes is far easier...
A complete redesign of the search that is a lot faster now.
New database components mostly written in Gambas that supersedes the old ones...
A new tool that generates packages configuration files automatically for the openSUSE build service...
A new GUI component gb.qt6 for Qt6...
A new component gb.mongodb for accessing MongoDB databases...
A new component gb.clipper2 that should replace gb.clipper...
The JIT compiler now implements a cache, so that compilation occurs only the first time your program runs.
Compilation and installation.
Read the instructions there.
If everything was fine, type "gambas3" to run the development environment.
Enjoy it !.. Changelog. CONFIGURATION.
Update lunar
GNU GPL c++ c basic interpreter ide developers x11 gtk kde curses sdl
DBeaver is a free multi-platform database tool for developers, SQL programmers, database administrators and analysts. Supports all popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, Teradata, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, etc.
minor feature: Dbeaver/pro#3911 AI and SQL control commands
Dbeaver/pro#3911 AI and SQL control commands.
Dbeaver/pro#3911 AI and SQL control commands.
Dbeaver/pro#3741 System agent service.
Dbeaver/pro#3911 AI and SQL control commands.
Dbeaver/pro#3911 AI and SQL control commands.
Dbeaver/pro#3911 AI and SQL control commands.
Dbeaver/pro#3911 SQL output formatting.
Dbeaver/pro#3911 AI error messages.
Dbeaver/pro#3911 AI command.
Dbeaver/pro#3911 Support custom context.
Dbeaver/pro#3911 Disable datasource check in headless products.
Co-authored-by: kseniaguzeeva lt; gt;.
GNU GPL database front-end sql java
CJIT is a C interpreter that lets you run C code instantly, without needing to build it first. It is just one small file and can do everything a C compiler does, including call functions from any installed library. It works on Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.
minor feature: Executable size is down below 1MB. Now can also compile C code linking system and custom shared libraries, used as a drop-in replacement of gcc and clang. Many documentation updates.
GNU GPLv3 software-development compiler interpreter c