LedgerSMB 1.12.3 💾

The LedgerSMB project provides small and mid-size businesses with solid open source accounting software: integrating invoicing, order processing, quotations and more (ERP). LedgerSMB aims to provide a strong (multi-currency accounting) basis to build your business on -- without vendor lock-in. The project team considers correctness and performance equally important key usability features and is dedicated to providing both, even on the biggest data sets. Sales (Invoices, Orders, Quotations) Receivables & Payables General ledger Inventory management Fixed asset accounting & depreciation Profit & cost centers, departments, projects Output documents in PDF, HTML, CSV, Office formats Mail documents (e.g. invoices) from within the application Translatable to your language (comes with 45 languages) and more The fact that LedgerSMB is open source - meaning that the source code is freely available - makes it even more customizable and flexible.

minor bugfix: The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new version of its open source ERP and accounting application. This release contains the following fixes and improvements: Changelog for 1.12.3 * Fix GL search and sort not correctly applying search parameters (#8630) For installation instructions and system requirements, see https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB/blob/1.12.3/README.md The release can be downloaded from our download site at https://download.ledgersmb.org/f/Releases/1.12.3 The release can be downloaded from GitHub at https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB/releases/tag/1.12.3 Or pulled from the GitHub Container Registry docker pull ghcr.io/ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.12.3 Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.12.3 These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files: 51ea01755b5b64e2dc03a55c86c84d64d79a7b515ddd39b8bba67a74a0a65c7b ledgersmb-1.12.3.tar.gz 5a4429c7cd5093aff65252cbf7e026e33eae40adf3e26f4d4967773e7748e877 ledgersmb-1.12.3.tar.gz.asc

GNU GPL accounting invoicing orders erp perl postgresql bookkeeping web

Hoppscotch 2025.1.1 💾

Hoppscotch is a lightweight, web-based API development suite. It was built from the ground up with ease of use and accessibility in mind providing all the functionality needed for API developers with minimalist, unobtrusive UI. It is an Open Source alternative to applications like Postman and Insomnia.

minor feature: lt;p gt;This is a point release that pins lt;code gt;pnpm v10.2.1 lt;/code gt; as the package manager aimed at resolving encountered while building images from source alongside and improvements across the app. lt;/p gt;. lt;h2 gt;What's Changed lt;/h2 gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;chore: pin pnpm v9 as the package manager by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/AndrewBastin/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/AndrewBastin" gt;@AndrewBastin lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2833964719" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch//4728" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/hoppscotch/hoppscotch/pull/4728/hovercard" href="https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch/pull/4728" gt;#4728 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;: ensure correct body for application/x-www-form-urlencoded in all code exports by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/shuaixr/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/shuaixr" gt;@shuaixr lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2822320231" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch//4712" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/hoppscotch/hoppscotch/pull/4712/hovercard" href="https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch/pull/4712" gt;#4712 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;feat: support rust reqwest code generation by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/KShivendu/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/KShivendu" gt;@KShivendu lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-l

MITL api rest graphql typescript vue javascript rust

Marimo 0.11.0 💾

marimo is a reactive Python notebook: run a cell or interact with a UI element, and marimo automatically runs dependent cells (or marks them as stale), keeping code and outputs consistent. marimo notebooks are stored as pure Python, executable as scripts, and deployable as apps. Highlights. 🚀 batteries-included: replaces jupyter, streamlit, jupytext, ipywidgets, papermill, and more ⚡️ reactive: run a cell, and marimo reactively runs all dependent cells or marks them as stale 🖐️ interactive: bind sliders, tables, plots, and more to Python — no callbacks required 🔬 reproducible: no hidden state, deterministic execution, built-in package management 🏃 executable: execute as a Python script, parameterized by CLI args 🛜 shareable: deploy as an interactive web app or slides, run in the browser via WASM 🛢️ designed for data: query dataframes and databases with SQL, filter and search dataframes 🐍 git-friendly: notebooks are stored as .py files ⌨️ a modern editor: GitHub Copilot, AI assistants, vim keybindings, variable explorer, and more

minor feature: lt;h2 gt;Highlights lt;/h2 gt;. lt;ol gt;. lt;li gt; lt;strong gt;SQL Engine Support lt;/strong gt;. Connect to various databases like postgresql, mysql, snowflake and more, using your preferred SQL engine. lt;/li gt;. lt;/ol gt;. lt;p gt;This release adds support for using for multiple SQL connection libraries, such as SQLModel and SQLAlchemy. You can now define SQL connections in your code like: lt;/p gt;. lt;div class="highlight highlight-source-python notranslate position-relative overflow-auto" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="import sqlalchemy. Import sqlmodel Import duckdb Create an in-memory SQLite database with SQLAlchemy. Sqlite_engine = sqlachemy.create_engine( amp;quot;sqlite:///:memory: amp;quot;) Create a Postgres database with SQLModel. Postgres_engine = sqlmodel.create_engine( amp;quot;postgresql://username:password@server:port/database amp;quot;) Create a DuckDB connection. Duckdb_conn = duckdb.connect( amp;quot;file.db amp;quot;)" gt; lt;pre gt; lt;span class="pl-k" gt;import lt;/span gt; lt;span class="pl-s1" gt;sqlalchemy lt;/span gt; lt;span class="pl-k" gt;import lt;/span gt; lt;span class="pl-s1" gt;sqlmodel lt;/span gt;. lt;span class="pl-k" gt;import lt;/span gt; lt;span class="pl-s1" gt;duckdb lt;/span gt;. lt;span class="pl-c" gt;# Create an in-memory SQLite database with SQLAlchemy lt;/span gt;. lt;span class="pl-s1" gt;sqlite_engine lt;/span gt; lt;span class="pl-c1" gt;= lt;/span gt; lt;span class="pl-s1" gt;sqlachemy lt;/span gt;. lt;span class="pl-c1" gt;create_engine lt;/span gt;( lt;span class="pl-s" gt;"sqlite:///:memory:" lt;/span gt;). lt;span class="pl-c" gt;# Create a Postgres database with SQLModel lt;/span gt;. lt;span class="pl-s1" gt;postgres_engine lt;/span gt; lt;span class="pl-c1" gt;= lt;/span gt; lt;span class="pl-s1" gt;sqlmodel lt;/span gt;. lt;span class="pl-c1" gt;create_engine lt;/span gt;( lt;span class="pl-s" gt;"postgresql://username:password@server:port/database" lt;/span gt;). lt;span class="pl-c"

Apache data-science data-visualization machine-learning notebooks ai python typescript

libUseful 5.36 💾

libUseful is a general 'C' library providing useful functions related to: resizable strings, lists and maps, unix and tcp sockets, SSL/TLS, cryptographic hashes, parsing of json, yaml and other markup languages, terminal output including ANSI/vt100 escape sequences, OAuth 2.0, etc, etc.

minor feature: Restructure XMLGetTag and ensure whitespace is preserved in data between tags. Properly implement 'websocket frame too big', closing connection when this happens. Websocket code no longer outputs http deging. Handle prompt/prein new 'LineEdit' based TerminalReadLine. Ensure CopyStr/CatStr return allocated memory even if both dst and src start as null. Handle 'Stolen characters' after unicode in TerminalPutStr. More work on LineEdit.c. v5.35 (2025-02-1). Added LineEdit.c for full line editing with history. Handle 'bigframes' in Websocket.c. Add bech32 encoding.

GNU GPLv3 c library files ssl tls sockets resizeable strings lists maps

OpenVSP 3.42.3 💾

OpenVSP allows the user to create a 3D model of an aircraft defined by common engineering parameters. This model can be processed into formats suitable for engineering analysis. The predecessors to OpenVSP have been developed by J.R. Gloudemans and others for NASA since the early 1990's. On January 10 2012, OpenVSP was released as an open source project under the NASA Open Source Agreement (NOSA) version 1.3.

minor bugfix: 2025-02-06 Another small release that addresses some that were biting. some users. : - casting of string literals to bool for NameValData. - RenameAttr in ResultsMgr enforces persistent AttrID. - Attributes API revisions. - Cleanup AttributeExplorer construction. - Link pthread library to cartesian example on linux. - Correctly delegate constructor for NVD bool case. ---.

NASA geometry cad parametric cpp

Sismics Reader 1.5 💾

Sismics Reader is web-based RSS/Atom news feed aggregator implemented. It has an AJAX-powered UI, a mobile view, provides OPML import and export, and a search function. It's distributed as Java WAR file and comes prepackaged for multiple plattforms.

minor feature: Performance improvements Bug fixes More flexible parser Avoid duplicate articles Docker images PostgreSQL support More translations

GNU GPL java war javascript feed-reader rss atom web-based

ViennaRSS 3.9.5 💾

Vienna can connect directly to the websites you want to track. Additionally or alternatively, you can also sync with a server supporting the Open Reader API (an adaptation of the now deceased Google Reader API). Vienna has been successfully tested with BazQux.com, FreshRSS.org, FeedHQ.org, InoReader.com and TheOldReader.com.

minor bugfix: ### Changes - Search `` elements under feed's `` element if they are not found under `` - Improve handling of Media RSS specification in feeds: `` may be used as a workaround for enclosures - Update localizations ### Bugfix - Extend fixes for "Last update" dates being set to January 1st, 1970 - Fix handling of `mailto:` URLs - Fix handling of links specifying `target="_blank"` - Work around situations with inconsistent unread counts ### Internals improvement - Revert some of the changes in memory management introduced in version 3.9.3 (caching of folder's articles) - Include a database update to fix entries that had January 1st, 1970 as the last update date ### Infrastructure updates - Test build with Xcode 16.1 (macOS 15) and Xcode 15.4 (macOS 14)

Apache rss atom feed aggregator macos objective-c swift

TeXstudio 4.8.6 💾

TeXstudio is an IDE that simplifies creating and editing LaTeX documents. It has numerous features like syntax highlighting, an integrated document and PDF viewer, reference checking and link overlays, auto-completion, code folding, over 1000 builtin math symbols, bookmarks, spellchecking, multi-cursor editing, image drag and drop, table formatter, and many other assistants for images, tables, formulas. It can be used with different TeX compilers and distributions and multiple build steps. It's also cross-platform and portable.

minor feature: provide command completion for expl3 commands hide grammar errors in math/non-text environments (word repetition and language tool). hide spelling errors in picture envs like tikzpicture. better handle newtcbox #3878. rare crash #3936. repair user macro trigger (?highlight-as: ), still not usable for math env detection. add new user macro trigger (?inEnv: ). add Grid menu to windowed and embedded pdf-viewer s context menu #3942. pdf-viewer s scrollbar with Fit to Width/Window and changing Continuous mode #3928. pdf-viewer s Custom Grid dialog not preset with current Grid settings in Continuous mode #3929. pfd-viewer s page display in non continuous mode 3952. pdf-viewer has a small when activating single page step 3957. add maximize button to Packages Help (Texdoc) dialog #3911. option all packages no longer checked in Packages Help with no tex documents opened #3917. when context menu of a package name is used to open the Packages Help dialog then preset search filter with the name #3918. both View menu actions Show embedded PDF large/small available, whether PDF area is large or small #3931.

GNU GPL c++ qt latex tex word-processor text-editor wordsetting latex-editor

mrv2 1.3.2 💾

mrv2 is an open source professional player and review tool for VFX, animation and computer graphics. It is the successor of the MrViewer project. See https://freshcode.club/projects/mrviewer

minor feature: Added support for Chromaticities attribute in OpenEXR files. Added support for Y, RY, BY OpenEXR images. Hiding an audio track in an.otio timeline now turns off audio for that track. Added support for OpenEXR's ripmaps and mipmaps. Made Mipmap and Ripmaps' rounding mode show as "UP" or "DOWN".

BSDL-2 fltk video-player audio-player music-player audio video animation flipbook vfx cpp

giada 1.1.1 💾

Giada is a loop machine. Build your performance in real time by layering audio tracks or MIDI events, driven by the main sequencer. Giada is a sample player. Load samples from your crates and play them with a computer keyboard or a MIDI controller. Giada is a song editor. Write songs from scratch or edit existing live recordings with the powerful Action Editor, for a fine-tuned control. Giada is a live recorder. Record sounds from the real world and MIDI events coming from external devices or other apps. Giada is an FX processor. Process samples or audio/MIDI input signals with VST instruments from your plug-ins collection. Giada is a MIDI controller. Control other software or synchronize physical MIDI devices by using Giada as a MIDI master sequencer. Lightweight and powerful. Designed for live performances. Powerful multi-threaded audio engine. Super sleek interface, no exotic stuff. VST3, LV2 and MIDI I/O support. Tons of tools and modes to craft your songs. 100% open-source GPL. For Linux, Windows, macOS and FreeBSD.

minor bugfix: Update FLTK dependency to 1.4.0-1. Render Group Channels audio data to master output only if audible. MIDI out information not being refreshed properly on MIDI channels. MIDI actions not being added on the rightmost edge in the Action Editor. FX buttons not being properly lit. ChannelShared objects not being deleted on Channel deletion. wrong play mode for sample channels in one-shot retrig mode. missing last sample when moving or resetting 'end' point in Sample Editor. last audio sample not being played in sample channels. inability to clear Channels' key bindings. Main Window size not being stored correctly. Add basic CMakePresets.json file. Many other minor and typos - Lots of refactoring and code cleanups.

GNU GPLv3 audio music recording editors midi mixers daw drum-machine loop-machine cpp

AliceVision 3.2.0 💾

AliceVision is a Photogrammetric Computer Vision Framework which provides a 3D Reconstruction and Camera Tracking algorithms. AliceVision aims to provide strong software basis with state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms that can be tested, analyzed and reused. The project is a result of collaboration between academia and industry to provide cutting-edge algorithms with the robustness and the quality required for production usage.

major bugfix: Major Features: New software for intrinsics and rig calibration using a multiview acquisition of a checkerboard PR. New semantic image segmentation module PR. Features: Support pixel aspect ratio PR. Automatically align the sfm result PR. New pipeline for pure rotation tracking PR. KeyframeSelection: Add support for masks PR. Other Improvements: Start Development 3.2 PR. Split SFMData between reconstructed and other views PR. Noise reduction in HDR merging PR. Add a new optional command to export textured mesh to a USD format PR. Enable multiple calibrations on hdr PR. Panorama Enforce priors after estimation PR. tolerant bracket size estimation PR. Make sure openexr does not use too many threads PR. HDR default number of brackets should be 0 PR. Remove limits on outliers for brackets detection PR. Correctly count the best brackets count PR. Compositing does not fail on range error PR. software panoramaPostProcessing: export downscaled panorama levels PR. meshing export computed bounding box PR. software sfmTransform: Increase precision of coefficients in the log PR. Limit EXR multi-threading for texturing PR. fuseCut adding helper points PR. add memory use constraint in texturing PR. Manage LCP in imageProcessing PR. Camera exposure update PR. Masking: Handle different file extensions for masks and allow mask inversion in `ImageSegmentation` PR. keyframe Do not fail when there are consecutive missing frames for the smart Keyframe Selection method PR. Keyframe Selection: Add multi-threading and improve overall performances PR. camera refactorize and clean up code PR. Meshing: in graphcut weighting and minor sampling improvements PR. bundle adjustment improvement PR. Add automatic method for HDR calibration PR. sfmTransform Rewrite check on ambiguity in sfmTransform PR. image ImageCache: refine mutex usage PR. Pose3 internal representation PR. SFM New incremental logic for sfm PR. ImageInfo class for sfmData PR. Clean symbolic bundle code PR. flan

Mixed photomodeling photogrammetry 3d-reconstruction 3d framework cpp c python

di 5.0.4 💾

di is a disk information utility that displays everything that df does and more. It features the ability to display your disk usage in whatever format you prefer. It also checks the user and group quotas, so that the user sees the space available for their use, not the system wide disk space. It is designed to be highly portable across many platforms and is great for heterogenous networks.

minor bugfix: 5.0.4 2025-2-7 * Bug Fixes * build: Make it easy to use cmake without the Makefile.

Zlib c monitoring disk space console cross-platform system-administrators

Spyder 6.0.4 💾

Spyder is a powerful scientific environment written in Python, for Python, and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts. It offers a unique combination of the advanced editing, analysis, debugging, and profiling functionality of a comprehensive development tool with the data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection, and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package. Beyond its many built-in features, its abilities can be extended even further via its plugin system and API. Furthermore, Spyder can also be used as a PyQt5 extension library, allowing developers to build upon its functionality and embed its components, such as the interactive console, in their own PyQt software.

minor bugfix: New features: Add command line option to connect to an existing kernel at startup. Display a button to select an entire row when hovering it in the Variable Explorer. Important : error in deger with Python 3.12.5+ (`_pdbcmd_print_frame_status is not defined` message). Improve messages shown when a variable can't be viewed due to a missing module. Add validations when doing color theme changes. error when executing in a dedicated console with an interpreter without a valid version of `spyder-kernels` installed. setting run configurations per file for multiple runners (e.g. the IPython console and Deger). errors related to the update logic of our standalone installers. Make shortcuts that control the Deger global again. Show deger buttons in the main toolbar while executing code in deging mode. Restore functionality to select a custom interpreter from the statusbar. thumbnails keyboard navigation in the Plots pane when their order changes. Handle keyring backend not being available. API changes: Add `give_focus` kwarg to the `create_client_for_kernel` method of the IPython console plugin. : Spyder 6 standalone installer - automatic update only works with bash not zsh (PR 23660 by @mrclary). Open project command line option conflicts with the new connect to kernel one (PR 23498 by @Social-Mean). Spyder 6.0.3 can't display tracebacks in the IPython console when using Python 3.8 (PR 23477 by @ccordoba12). RuntimeError when setting Python interpreter (PR 23410 by @ccordoba12). The Chinese input method blocks the input content. (PR 23316 by @ccordoba12). UnboundLocalError when checking for updates on non-recognized platforms (PR 23263 by @mrclary). Purge cache workflow has been failing since #22791 (PR 23255 by @mrclary). The control deger buttons are hidden from the main toolbar when code is executed (PR 23273 by @athompson673). Add command line option to connect to an existing kernel (PR 23444 by @Social-Mean). PermissionError when wr

MITL interpreter ide cpython python science-research

GNU Radio 💾

GNU Radio is a free software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software-defined radios and signal-processing systems. It can be used with external RF hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a simulation-like environment. It is widely used in hobbyist, academic, and commercial environments to support both wireless communications research and real-world radio systems.

minor feature: lt;p gt;A majority of the changes for this release related to lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;GRC-Qt and parity with the Gtk version lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;UHD/RFNoC updates lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;CI, modtool, and other devel/infrastructure updates lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.

GNU GPL signal processing radio sdr amateur radio

FreeRDP 3.11.0 💾

FreeRDP is a free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a world where interoperability can finally liberate your computing experience.

major bugfix: A new release with and code cleanups as well as a few nifty little Features that will improve your meetings. Noteworthy changes: Updated android client to more recent gradle. Cmake clean target (#109. SDL3 and API updates. Keyboard mapping, add working japanese and korean types, deprecate. Obsolete functions Timezone mapping and iteration. YUV reverse filter for AVC444 modes. H.264 encoder wrapper. MS-RDPECAM: Support for H.264 encoding with VA-API. Various CMake, build script and github workflow. codec,planar decoder regression. client,cmdline vmconnect checks. Multi-monitor related checks. Various compiler and clang-tidy warnings. New Contributors. @chewi made their first contribution in https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/pull/11004. @gpotter2 made their first contribution in https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/pull/11016. @vmpn made their first contribution in https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/pull/11092. For a complete and detailed change log since the last release run: Git log 3.11.0...3.10.3

Apache rdp remote-desktop networking c

tine 2024.11.5 💾

More than just groupware tine is the ideal software for digital collaboration in companies and organizations. From powerful groupware functionalities to clever add-ons, tine combines everything to facilitate team-based team-class collaboration. Calendar With tine, schedule management becomes child's play. No matter whether individual appointments, series appointments or resource planning with employees or external persons – tine allows for uncomplicated scheduling. Quick and easy. Address book Admittedly: Address book is a smooth understatement. This is about more than just an address collection. The tine address book is the perfect relationship manager! E-mail We receive an average of more than 600 emails per month in the workplace. E-mails are still the most popular communication tool, despite many alternatives. Send your emails with tine, benefit from the many small features and you'll have more time for more important things!

minor feature:

Affero GPLv3 erp crm calendar contacts carddav email server caldav html php javascript css vue self-hosted

Joy of text 3.2.2 💾

Joy of text is text editor, which includes a powerful ECCE-like scripting language for system tool integration and reusing any machine-readable input. It recovers easily from crashes, can interface with helper and utility applications, provides many default library commands, macro-scriptability, debugging, includes spell checking, binary conversion routines (for office documents or pdf files), enables tabular text editing, and can deal well with larger file sizes.

major feature: New features: - All H path references now go via a new C function QueryPath() for more predictable and consistent outcomes. - Completely redefined the method of deleting hashtable entries, zombies are no more but now there's defunct objects. - Rewrite of AddNewFunctions, now completely general and also used by startup.jot - Added protected windows. - Fixed bugs affecting backtrace and failed-command messages, error reporting now much clearer.. - Fixed bugs causing very slow screen updates in windows version. - get.jot completely rewritten. - Known bugs: - Ctrl+C handling uses depricated non-posix functions - occasionally fails. - Mouse-event coordinates are only accurate up to column 100 (xenial) or about 200 (fedora xterm) - this is assumed to be a feature of the terminal emulators. - In genuine windows-10, test_visual.jot fails any test involving reading back a unicode character from the screen. On visual inspection it seems to be displaying the characters correctly. The same tests all pass in wine so this one is assumed to be a bug in the windows-10 screen-readback function ReadConsoleOutputCharacter( ). The test_visual.jot script accepts the optional qualifier -win10relaxation to skip affected tests. - fake_emacs.jot, fake_vim.jot and fake_nano.jot are superficially OK but incomplete, fake_emacs is particularly lacking functionallity.

Public Domain c x11 text-processing text-editor scripting-language macro-recording large-files

tig 2.5.12 💾

Tig: text-mode interface for Git Tig is an ncurses-based text-mode interface for git. It functions mainly as a Git repository browser, but can also assist in staging changes for commit at chunk level and act as a pager for output from various Git commands.

minor bugfix: Empty blame view when opened from the diff view on i586..

GNU GPLv3 git ncurses cli version-control tui c

di 5.0.3 💾

di is a disk information utility that displays everything that df does and more. It features the ability to display your disk usage in whatever format you prefer. It also checks the user and group quotas, so that the user sees the space available for their use, not the system wide disk space. It is designed to be highly portable across many platforms and is great for heterogenous networks.

minor bugfix: 5.0.3 2025-2-6 * Bug Fixes * MacOS: Fix builds prior to version 10.11. * cmake: Honor DI_FORTIFY environment variable.

Zlib c monitoring disk space console cross-platform system-administrators

di 5.0.2 💾

di is a disk information utility that displays everything that df does and more. It features the ability to display your disk usage in whatever format you prefer. It also checks the user and group quotas, so that the user sees the space available for their use, not the system wide disk space. It is designed to be highly portable across many platforms and is great for heterogenous networks.

minor bugfix: 5.0.2 2025-2-6 * Bug Fixes * MacOS: Remove extraneous minimum macos version. * Fix libdi.3 manual page errors. * cmake: Check for CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH environment variable. * po install: honor DESTDIR. * Fix crash on unknown option.

Zlib c monitoring disk space console cross-platform system-administrators

curl and libcurl 8.12.0 💾

curl and libcurl is a tool for transferring files using URL syntax. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, DICT, TELNET, LDAP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, RTSP, RTMP, and FILE, as well as HTTP-post, HTTP-put, cookies, FTP upload, resumed transfers, passwords, port numbers, SSL certificates, Kerberos, and proxies. It is powered by libcurl, the client-side URL transfer library. There are bindings to libcurl for about 40 languages and environments.

major bugfix: 8.12.0 8.12.0 8.12.0 changes only . Changes: . curl: add byte range support to --variable reading from file. curl: make --etag-save acknowledge --create-dirs. getinfo: CURLINFO_QUEUE_TIME_T and add apos;time_queue apos; var. getinfo: provide info which auth was used for HTTP and proxy. hyper: drop support. openssl: add support to use keys and certificates from PKCS#11 provider. QUIC: 0RTT for gnutls via CURLSSLOPT_EARLYDATA. vtls: feature ssls-export for SSL session im-/export. . : . altsvc: avoid integer overflow in expire calculation. altsvc: return error on dot-only name. android: add CI jobs, buildinfo, cmake docs, disable `CURL_USE_PKGCONFIG` by default. asyn-ares: acknowledge CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS set to NULL. asyn-ares: memory leak. asyn-ares: initial HTTPS resolve support. asyn-thread: use c-ares to resolve HTTPS RR. async-thread: avoid closing eventfd twice. autotools: add support for mingw UWP builds. autotools: silence gcc warnings in libtool code. binmode: convert to macro and use it from tests. build: delete `-Wsign-conversion` related MEs. build: drop `-Winline` picky warning. build: drop `tool_hugehelp.c.cvs`, tidy up macros, drop `buildconf.bat`. build: drop unused feature macros, update exception list. build: `-Wtrampolines` picky warning for gcc 4.x versions. build: compiling with GCC 4.x versions. build: the tidy targets for autotools. build: unsigned `time_t` detection for cmake, MS-DOS, AmigaOS. build: replace configure check with PP condition (Android lt;21). build: stop detecting `sched_yield()` on Windows. c-ares: /tidy-up macro initializations, avoid a deprecated function. cd2nroff: do not insist on quoted lt; gt; within backticks. cd2nroff: support quot;none quot; as a TLS backend. cf-https-connect: look into httpsrr alpns when available. cf-socket: error if address can apos;t be copied. cfilters: kill connection filter events attach+detach. checksrc.bat: remove explicit SNPRINTF bypass. check

MITL internet web ftp software-development libraries networking curl

Dolibarr ERP/CRM 20.0.3 💾

Dolibarr ERP & CRM is a modern and simple to use web-based ERP and CRM software to manage business contacts, invoces, products, orders, shipping, accounts, warehouse inventory and stocking, agenda and mail communication. It provides extensions modules, comes with LDAP integration, import and export wizards, technical and accounting interfaces, and installers for most plattforms, or is alternatively available as SaaS.

major bugfix: FIX: 17.0 - missing error handling for FactureRec::fetch in card-rec.php FIX: 17.0 - warnings due to uninitialized variables + delete code that doesn't apply to recurring invoices (AFAIK, there is no recurring credit note feature) FIX: #31159 - TVA Account by country is not used (#31984) FIX: #31724 (#31885) FIX: #31890 store empty line extrafields (#32152) FIX: #31997 FIX: #32007 missing parameter on function multiSelectArrayWithCheckbox (#32008) FIX: #32021 FIX: #32171 (#32172) FIX: #32178: repair.php: fix missing 'as' with Postgres (#32179) FIX: #32259 FIX: #32317 Error with report by month sales tax FIX: #32391 FIX: #32402 Social Contribution - Update - Drop the attached employee FIX: #32408 Dict - module Event organisation is stable now FIX: #32467 FIX: Accounting Closure Duplicates, Subledger accounts, Account Labels and more... Update bookkeeping.class.php FIX: add a line in expensereport refused FIX: All contacts were loaded even if no thirdparty was selected (#31877) FIX: asset: missing ref_ext field used in CommonObject::isExistingObject() (#31870) FIX: assets: division by zero when trying to calculate depreciation on assets that don't have it (#31858) FIX: avoid php8 warnings FIX: broken feature, check if module is enabled FIX: broken feature, entity can not be empty ! FIX: broken feature, wrong GETPOSTINT parameter FIX: BUG #32454 (Third party creating vendor) FIX: calculate start date of cloned task from cloned project (#31799) FIX: can not convert to reduc if draft status FIX: comparing strings with numbers can be touchy FIX: Debug option not working replaced by the one that works. FIX: default user in stat page FIX: Ensure extraparams cannot be selected by the user (#32132) FIX: GETPOST " check" parameter can't be empty FIX: Hidden dropdown download link in project FIX: stop doing a full closure without duplicate lines generated by an unclean database FIX: in projet/element.php total_time is always back to 0 FIX: (invoice): mutlicurrency_tx correct va

GNU GPL php javascript web-based erp crm enterprise business financial self-hosted

sish 2.16.1 💾

Tunnels to localhost using SSH Using SSH tunnels, we can forward requests to your localhost from https, wss, and tcp. Self-hosted ngrok alternative With docker it is easier than ever to deploy sish to your own VM. Fully managed service tuns.sh We also manage an instance of sish so you can start using it immediately.

minor feature: What's Changed Add the ability to cancel tunnel requests by @antoniomika in #311 docs: update pdocs by @neurosnap in #312 Add password authentication request validation by @EpicEric in #323 Document how to obtain the real client IP by @mac-chaffee in #327 docs: update styles by @neurosnap in #329

MITL proxy server tunnel ssh ngrok network websockets http tcp https self-hosted go

Tinyproxy 1.11.2 💾

Tinyproxy is a small, efficient HTTP/SSL proxy daemon released under the GNU General Public License. Tinyproxy is very useful in a small network setting, where a larger proxy would either be too resource intensive, or a security risk. One of the key features of Tinyproxy is the buffering connection concept. In effect, Tinyproxy will buffer a high speed response from a server, and then relay it to a client at the highest speed the client will accept. This feature greatly reduces the problems with sluggishness on the Internet. If you are sharing an Internet connection with a small network, and you only want to allow HTTP requests to be allowed, then Tinyproxy is a great tool for the network administrator.

major bugfix:

GNU GPLv3 proxy daemon posix server network ssl c perl

Xandikos 0.2.11 💾

Xandikos is a lightweight yet complete CardDAV/CalDAV server that backs onto a Git repository. Xandikos (Ξανδικός or Ξανθικός) takes its name from the name of the March month in the ancient Macedonian calendar, used in Macedon in the first millennium BC.

minor bugfix: Various build cleanups/. (Jelmer Vernooij). Add multi-arch docker builds. (Maya). do not listen on default address if systemd sockets (schnusch). Use correct port in kubernetes to not conflict with the metrics port (Marcel, #286).

GNU GPLv3 self-hosted calendar contacts caldav carddav webdav server python

DAViCal 1.1.12 💾

DAViCal is a server for calendar sharing. It is an implementation of the CalDAV protocol which is designed for storing calendaring resources (in iCalendar format) on a remote shared server. An increasing number of calendar clients support the maintenance of shared remote calendars through CalDAV, including Mozilla Calendar (Sunbird/Lightning), Evolution, Mulberry, Chandler, and various other closed-source products such as Apple's iCal and iOS. Features DAViCal: is Free Software licensed under the General Public License. uses an SQL database for storage of event data supports backward-compatible access via WebDAV in read-only or read-write mode (not recommended) is committed to inter-operation with the widest possible CalDAV client software. DAViCal supports basic delegation of read/write access among calendar users, multiple users or clients reading and writing the same calendar entries over time, and scheduling of meetings with free/busy time displayed.

minor feature:

GNU LGPLv3 self-hosted calendar caldav carddav server contacts events sql postgresql

Easy!Appointments 1.5.1 💾

Easy!Appointments is a highly customizable web application that allows customers to book appointments with you via a sophisticated web interface. Moreover, it provides the ability to sync your data with Google Calendar so you can use them with other services. It is an open source project that you can download and install even for commercial use. Easy!Appointments will run smoothly with your existing website as it can be installed in a single folder of the server and of course share an existing database. Features The application is designed to be flexible enough so that it can handle any enterprise work flow. Customers and appointments management. Services and providers organization. Working plan and booking rules. Google Calendar synchronization. Email notifications system. Self hosted installation. Translated user interface. User community support.

minor bugfix: Added: Add support for PHP 8.4. Add new secret token header field to webhooks and default to X-EA-Token. Add company colors to notifications. Add Albanian Language Translations. : the date parsing on Safari web browsers during the booking process. working plan configuration am/pm hour parsing so that it works in all languages. Improve the CalDAV syncing mechanism so that it connects to more systems without problems. various 1.5.0 API. Correct email by replacing the internal email library with phpmailer. ICS file mimetype. Incorrect Timezone Handling in CalDAV Synchronization Causes Time Shifts. No color change in the appointment modal window (in the backend calendar). The plain user password might appear in the log messages in case of an error. loop when going a month back in an edge case. Dedicated provider links do not pre-select the relevant provider on the booking page. Correct the service / provider booking header display.

GNU GPLv3 self-hosted booking scheduling scheduler appointments events php javascript

sabre/dav 4.7.0 💾

sabre/dav is a WebDAV framework for PHP. Use it to create WebDAV, CalDAV and CardDAV servers. sabre/dav supports a wide range of internet standards related to these protocols. The most relevant are: WebDAV CalDAV CardDAV vCard 2.1, 3.0, 4.0 and jCard iCalendar 2.0 and jCal current-user-principal Extended MKCOL WebDAV-sync CardDAV directories CalDAV delegation CalDAV sharing

major bugfix: #1074 Add event to allow inspecting and changing multipart responses. #1529 typo in comment. #1534 remove script for dead Google Code. #1536 typos. #1539 bump actions/cache from 3 to 4. #1540 bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4. #1545 getNodeForPath caching. #1550 stop exporting php-cs-r config. #1559 Allow for custom iTipBroker. #1560 PHP 8.4 deprecations. scope

BSDL-2 self-hosted scheduling calendar contacts webdav caldav carddav server php

Firefly III 6.2.4 💾

"Firefly III" is a self-hosted financial manager. It can help you keep track of expenses, income, budgets and everything in between.

minor bugfix: _Most pressing are. Please open an here if you run into problems._. : (Add Link to Search-Page to the help file) reported by @nottheend. (Many decimal points in amounts) reported by @memo-567. (Wrong `finalAccountBalance` result) reported by @gthbusrr. Discussion 9737 (API returns 0 as current balance) started by @eps90. (Type mismatch in period overview) reported by @electrofloat. (Data entry with exchange rates) reported by @Azmodeszer. (Net worth changes since 6.2 update) reported by @ahmaddxb. (Deleting account - Attachments remain) reported by @memo-567. (Piggy bank show: start/target date not displayed) reported by @Simeam. Various other balance related. Hotfor account charts.

Affero GPLv3 finance personal financial budget budgeting money manager management currency sums financials bookkeeping php laravel

Univention Corporate Server 5.2 💾

Univention Corporate Server (UCS) is our open integration platform offering centralized Identity & Access Management (IAM) with Nubus with a web portal. It enables management of heterogeneous IT domains with comprehensive Active Directory functions. -Portal with Single Sign-On -Integrated IAM -Packaged integrations -App Center with enterprise applications -Active Directory integration -Platform for your entire IT -Operation on-premise, in the cloud, or hybrid UCS is a scalable all-in-one solution for managing your entire IT infrastructure. The centerpiece is Nubus, which allows you to manage identities, roles, and groups. The integrated portal with Single Sign-On and Self-Service functions serves as a central access point for IT services and applications. A wide range of enterprise applications is available in our Univention App Center. UCS is ideal for managing distributed, heterogeneous, and virtualized IT environments, whether using Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, or Linux. Integrated IT infrastructure management allows centralized management of server and desktop systems via an easy-to-use web interface. Thanks to standardized interfaces, UCS can be easily integrated into your existing IT environment. Comprehensive Active Directory functions enable seamless integration with Microsoft Windows environments. Find out more about UCS on our website: https://www.univention.com/products/ucs/ Click here to download the free UCS Core Edition: https://www.univention.com/download-ucs/

major feature: On february 5th, 2025, UCS 5.2 was released. Release notes with all details at: https://docs.software-univention.de/release-notes/5.2-0/en/

Affero GPLv3 identity-access-management it-infrastructure-management active-directory-migration domain-management samba-4 app-center linux-distribution

hoarder 0.22.0 💾

A self-hostable bookmark-everything app with a touch of AI for the data hoarders out there. Features 🔗 Bookmark links, take simple notes and store images and pdfs. ⬇️ Automatic fetching for link titles, descriptions and images. 📋 Sort your bookmarks into lists. 🔎 Full text search of all the content stored. ✨ AI-based (aka chatgpt) automatic tagging. With supports for local models using ollama! 🎆 OCR for extracting text from images. 🔖 Chrome plugin and Firefox addon for quick bookmarking. 📱 An iOS app, and an Android app. 📰 Auto hoarding from RSS feeds. 🔌 REST API. 🌐 Mutli-language support. 🖍️ Mark and store highlights from your hoarded content. 🗄️ Full page archival (using monolith) to protect against link rot. Auto video archiving using youtube-dl. ☑️ Bulk actions support. 🔐 SSO support. 🌙 Dark mode support. 💾 Self-hosting first.

minor feature:

Affero GPLv3 bookmark bookmark-manager server self-hosted ai typescript javascript

OpenModelica 1.24.4 💾

OPENMODELICA is an open-source Modelica-based modeling and simulation environment intended for industrial and academic usage. Its long-term development is supported by a non-profit organization – the Open Source Modelica Consortium (OSMC). An overview journal paper is available and slides about Modelica and OpenModelica. The goal with the OpenModelica effort is to create a comprehensive Open Source Modelica modeling, compilation and simulation environment based on free software distributed in binary and source code form for research, teaching, and industrial usage. We invite researchers and students, or any interested developer to participate in the project and cooperate around OpenModelica, tools, and applications.

minor feature: lt;p gt;Some more patches for the 1.24.x, see lt;a href="https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica/milestone/58?=1" gt;list lt;/a gt;. lt;/p gt;.

modeling simulation simulator modelica cpp c

ezbookkeeping 0.7.0 💾

ezBookkeeping is a lightweight personal bookkeeping app hosted by yourself. It can be deployed on almost all platforms, including Windows, macOS and Linux on x86, amd64 and ARM architectures. You can even deploy it on an raspberry device. It also supports many different databases, including sqlite and mysql. With docker, you can just deploy it via one command without complicated configuration.

major feature: Features Add Vietnamese language (#31, thx @f97) Trend analysis supports aggregating amounts by month / quarter / year Add trend analysis in mobile version Statistics analysis supports filtering tags (#20) Support user features restrictions Support custom tips in login page Create user token via CLI Credit card account supports statement date (#26) Add Bank of Israel exchange rates data source Add Swiss National Bank exchange rates data source Add Danmarks Nationalbank exchange rates data source Add National Bank of Romania exchange rates data source Add National Bank of Georgia exchange rates data source Add Norges Bank exchange rates data source Add Bank of Russia exchange rates data source Add Central Bank of Hungary exchange rates data source Add Central Bank of Myanmar exchange rates data source Add the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan exchange rates data source Enhancements Quickly add new tag in transaction edit page / dialog Add date time filter dropdown menu in desktop transaction list page Support transaction tag filter type Support setting currency sorting type in exchange rates data page Support setting the time of the initial balance when creating a new account Display decimals of amount according to the decimals number count of currency Keep the day of the month when shifting the date range forward or backward if the selected date range is a full month Other user interface optimization Development Build script supports skipping specified tests according environment variable Upgrade golang to 1.23.4 Upgrade node.js to 20.18.1 Upgrade docker base image to alpine 3.21.0 Bug Fixes Not set destination amount automatically when lack of exchange rates data

MITL bookkeeping accounting finances money-management self-hosted go vue typescript scss

Snort 💾

Snort is the foremost Open Source Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) in the world. Snort IPS uses a series of rules that help define malicious network activity and uses those rules to find packets that match against them and generates alerts for users. Snort can be deployed inline to stop these packets, as well. Snort has three primary uses: As a packet sniffer like tcpdump, as a packet logger — which is useful for network traffic debugging, or it can be used as a full-blown network intrusion prevention system. Snort can be downloaded and configured for personal and business use alike.

major feature: Appid: added check for brute force manager presence. Dump_config: implement dump config generation in a file. Extractor: add handling for connector creation failure. Extractor: support connection logs. File: malware and file events when action changed from block malware to cloud malware lookup event. File: retrying the packet when file cache is full. Flow: add command that dumps only flow summaries. Framework: remove inspector slot and use get_instance_id instead. Ftp_telnet: only add expected flows when the daq_msg field in the control packet is not null. Hosts: added check to verify ip protocol match on hosts lookup. Main: add thread_id in instance_mapping output file. Main: acquire TSC time scale at the startup. Mercury: telemetry file changes for multiprocess snort. Packet_io: check the DAQ_Msg_h parameter on api calls and return an error code when it is a null pointer. Perf_monitor: update structure clearing to C++ method. Perf_monitor: update flow state value reset.

GNU GPLv3 ids logger traffic ips network security analysis tcp udp cpp c

Micro Hosts Editor 1.6.0 💾

Micro Hosts Editor is a small, simple, cross-platform, free and completely open-source Hosts editor. You can easily edit your Hosts file using simple GUI.

major feature: Switched to native CPU architecture detection method. Reorganized the default User Agent header to match modern browsers. Changed the tooltip of the Save toolbar button. Updated various localization strings. Performed major code refactoring.

GNU GPLv3 hosts editor hosts-file utility tool windows administration systems-administration

FOSSBilling 0.6.22 💾

FOSSBilling is a free open source, billing and client management solution. Whatever the size of your online services business, whether a startup or established, FOSSBilling can help you to automate your invoicing, incoming payments, and client management and communication. If you run a web hosting business and are looking for an open-source alternative for billing and client management, then FOSSBilling is the answer. Although it is mostly used as a solution for hosting businesses, there is no reason why you can't use FOSSBilling for any other kind of online business, like digital downloads. FOSSBilling is designed to be extensible and to integrate easily with your favorite server management software and payment gateways. 📥 This is self-hosted software that is free for anyone to install — All you need is a some basic knowledge, a web server, running PHP and a MySQL database. For more details, check the requirements section.

minor bugfix: Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where the PayPal payment gateway was referencing an undefined variable, causing invoices to not be automatically marked as paid.

Apache bookkeeping hosting payments accounting self-hosted billing invoice docker php twig mysql

FOSSBilling 06.22 💾

FOSSBilling is a free open source, billing and client management solution. Whatever the size of your online services business, whether a startup or established, FOSSBilling can help you to automate your invoicing, incoming payments, and client management and communication. If you run a web hosting business and are looking for an open-source alternative for billing and client management, then FOSSBilling is the answer. Although it is mostly used as a solution for hosting businesses, there is no reason why you can't use FOSSBilling for any other kind of online business, like digital downloads. FOSSBilling is designed to be extensible and to integrate easily with your favorite server management software and payment gateways. 📥 This is self-hosted software that is free for anyone to install — All you need is a some basic knowledge, a web server, running PHP and a MySQL database. For more details, check the requirements section.

minor bugfix: Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where the PayPal payment gateway was referencing an undefined variable, causing invoices to not be automatically marked as paid.

Apache hosting payments accounting self-hosted billing invoice docker php twig mysql

eXtace 1.9.9 💾

eXtace is a Audio Visualization plugin for the X-Window System. It connects to ESD (Enlightened Sound Daemon) and displays the audio data as either a pseudo 3D flying landscape, pseudo 3D pointed landscape, 16-256 channel graphic EQ, multi-mode Oscilloscopes, Horizontal Spectrogram, or a combination Hi-res FFT with a Vertical Spectrogram. All modes are fully scalable to nearly ANY resolution! (within your CPU/X11 capabilites) Resolutions up to 1600x1200 at 40 FPS use typially less than 30% CPU, depending on your host CPU/X11 capabilities.

minor feature:

GNU GPL analysis information analysis speech visualization