Snort is the foremost Open Source Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) in the world. Snort IPS uses a series of rules that help define malicious network activity and uses those rules to find packets that match against them and generates alerts for users.
Snort can be deployed inline to stop these packets, as well. Snort has three primary uses: As a packet sniffer like tcpdump, as a packet logger — which is useful for network traffic debugging, or it can be used as a full-blown network intrusion prevention system. Snort can be downloaded and configured for personal and business use alike.
major bugfix: Detection: use correct packet in trace logs.
Doc: add libml to optional dependencies.
Flow: add filter to dump flows.
Flow: UT.
Hash: exception handling for random device.
Packet_capture: wrong dlt in pcap header when nfq is used.
Stream: count retransmits when we disable content rules.
Trace: replace colon delimiter for tenant with whitespace in the trace_logger output.
GNU GPLv3 ids logger traffic ips network security analysis tcp udp cpp c
The qBittorrent project aims to provide an open-source software alternative to µTorrent.
Additionally, qBittorrent runs and provides the same features on all major platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, OS/2, FreeBSD).
qBittorrent is based on the Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar library.
minor bugfix: BUGFIX: Correctly adjust "Add New torrent" dialog position in all the cases (glassez)
BUGFIX: Change "metadata received" stop condition behavior (glassez)
BUGFIX: Add a small delay before processing the key input of search boxes (Chocobo1)
BUGFIX: Ensure the profile path is pointing to a directory (Chocobo1)
RSS: Use better icons for RSS articles (glassez)
WINDOWS: NSIS: Update French, Hungarian translations (MarcDrieu, foxi69)
LINUX: Fix sorting when ICU isn't used (Chocobo1)
LINUX: Fix invisible tray icon on Plasma 6 (tehcneko)
GNU GPL internet download torrent bittorent file-sharing cpp javascript html python qt
A planetarium software that renders a 3D simulation of the night sky.
* default catalogue of over 600,000 stars
* extra catalogues with more than 177 million stars
* default catalogue of over 80,000 deep-sky objects
* extra catalogue with more than 1 million deep-sky objects
* asterisms and illustrations of the constellations
* constellations for 20+ different cultures
* images of nebulae (full Messier catalogue)
* realistic Milky Way
* very realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset
* the planets and their satellites
major feature: The Stellarium Team has released version 24.1.
The major changes of this version:
Added low graphics mode. Improvements in plugins and AstroCalc tools. Improvements in Scripting Engine. Updates in Core. Behind the scenes, many more minor were. TELESCOPE USERS. We have identified and some in the TelescopeControl plugin on. the Qt6-based releases. Telescope users, please try whether this solves your problems. If not, we are looking for those of you with programming skills to help us. Reward possible!
GNU GPL c++ opengl astronomy simulation planetarium c++ c
The abcMIDI suite consists of programs for turning ABC music files into MIDI and vice versa, typesetting them as PostScript files, and manipulate them in several ways.
minor feature: Unspecified changes.
GNU GPL abc music conversion midi cross-platform
Tellico is a KDE application for organizing your collections. It provides default templates for books, bibliographies, videos, music, video games, coins, stamps, trading cards, comic books, and wines.
Tellico allows you to enter your collection in a catalogue database, saving many different properties like title, author, etc. Two different views of your collection are shown. On the left, your entries are grouped together by any field you like, allowing you to see how many are in each group. On the right, selected fields are shown in column format, allowing you to sort by any field. On the bottom is a customizable HTML view of the current entry. The entry editor is a dialog box where you enter the data. Check out the screenshots.
Tellico keeps things simple, so no database server is needed. The data is saved in XML format, which makes for easy parsing, portability, and styling. It will run on any platform which KDE supports, most commonly Linux. Tellico is licensed under the GNU General Public License, giving you the freedom to modify and distribute the source code.
If you download Tellico and like it, do let me know. I'm happy to try to accommodate any suggestions. If you have translation updates, please pass them along to the KDE translation teams. I do have to say that Tellico is a hobby for me, and it is released without any guarantees or warranties. It may crash a lot for you, it may not do anything that you find useful.
minor bugfix: .
with opening help from the config dialog ()..
Updated Open Library source to search for comics ()..
with filter dialog buttons ()..
display with entry status ()..
for entry selection after changing group field ()..
DVDFr searches with title accents..
Updated FilmAffinity data source..
GNU GPLv3 collection manager kde
OBS Studio (also Open Broadcaster Software or OBS, for short) is a free and open-source app for screencasting and live streaming. Written in C/C++ and built with Qt, OBS Studio provides real-time capture, scene composition, recording, encoding, and broadcasting via Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP), HLS, SRT, RIST or WebRTC. It can stream videos to any RTMP-supporting destination, including YouTube, Twitch, Instagram and Facebook.[11]
For video encoding, OBS Studio can use the x264 transcoder,[12] Intel Quick Sync Video, Nvidia NVENC and the AMD Video Coding Engine to encode video streams into the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC or H.265/HEVC formats.[13] It can encode multiple tracks of audio in the AAC format. More experienced users can choose any codecs and containers available in libavcodec and libavformat, or output the stream to a custom FFmpeg URL.[14]
OBS Studio also supports plug-ins to extend its functionality.[15]
minor feature: lt;p gt;If you would like to support the OBS Project, please consider contributing to our lt;a href="" rel="nofollow" gt;Patreon lt;/a gt; or lt;a href="" rel="nofollow" gt;Open Collective lt;/a gt;! lt;/p gt;.
lt;div class="markdown-alert markdown-alert-important" gt; lt;p class="markdown-alert-title" gt; lt;svg class="octicon octicon-report mr-2" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true" gt; lt;path d="M0 1.75C0.784.784 0 1.75 0h12.5C15.216 0 16.784 16 1.75v9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 13H8.06l-2.573 2.573A1.458 1.458 0 0 1 3 14.543V13H1.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 0 11.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v9.5c0. 0 0 1.75.75v2.19l2.72-2.72a.749.749 0 0 1.53-.22h6.5a.25.25 0 0 0.25-.25v-9.5a.25.25 0 0 0-.25-.25Zm7 2.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5a.75.75 0 0 1 1.5 0ZM9 9a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0Z" gt; lt;/path gt; lt;/svg gt;Important lt;/p gt; lt;p gt;NOTE: This release is lt;strong gt;NOT lt;/strong gt; the Twitch Enhanced Broadcasting Beta. This release does not include those features. lt;br gt;.
For more information on Twitch Enhanced Broadcasting, please see their announcement: lt;br gt;
lt;a href="" rel="nofollow" gt; lt;/a gt; lt;/p gt;.
lt;/div gt;.
lt;div class="markdown-alert markdown-alert-note" gt; lt;p class="markdown-alert-title" gt; lt;svg class="octicon octicon-info mr-2" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true" gt; lt;path d="M0 8a8 8 0 1 1 16 0A8 8 0 0 1 0 8Zm8-6.5a6.5 6.5 0 1 0 0 13 6.5 6.5 0 0 0 0-13ZM6.5 7.75A.75.75 0 0 1 7.25 7h1a.75.75 0 0 1.75.75v2.75h.25a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.5h-2a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h.25v-2h-.25a.75.75 0 0 1-.75-.75ZM8 6a1 1 0 1 1 0-2 1 1 0 0 1 0 2Z" gt; lt;/path gt; lt;/svg gt;Note lt;/p gt; lt;p gt;Note: NVIDIA users may ne
GNU GPLv3 audio video screencasting livestreaming c c
OpenMPT is a popular tracker software for Windows. OpenMPT (short hand for Open ModPlug Tracker) is completely free and allows you to create and play back some great music on your computer. Based on the original ModPlug Tracker written by Olivier Lapicque, OpenMPT is free software, can import a wide variety of module formats and offers an intuitive, native GUI as well as advanced features such as VST plugins and ASIO output.
In addition to its own song format, OpenMPT can natively edit Impulse Tracker, FastTracker, Scream Tracker and ProTracker module files. Read more about it on the features page!
major bugfix: Sample tab
Imp Audio is no longer blocked while updating the GUI after pasting a sample.
VST / DMO Plugins.
Mod The "Triangle" waveform in the Chorus / Flanger DMO plugins is now labelled "Square" instead to reflect its actual behaviour.
There was a periodic click when playing a module using the Chorus or Flanger DMO plugin at a mix rate exceeding 136.5 kHz (
Since OpenMPT, the Distortion plugin sounded incorrect when using certain parameter combinations.
In OpenMPT, MIDI macros in IT files made with older MPT versions were no longer working (
Other formats.
MED: Transposed samples were playing too low in some files (e.g. mix94.mmd1).
OKT: Some files with garbage at the end were rejected (e.g. katharsis - piano lesson.okta).
SymMOD: potential crash with malformed sustain loops.
New Added two more octaves worth of note key assignments suitable for micro-tuning (
File / sample sizes in the instrument browser and comments tab were displayed incorrectly if a file size less than 1024 bytes ended in 0.
Third-Party Libraries.
Imp Update ancient (2024-03-23).
BSDL-2 audio tracker
Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers. Meld helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects. It provides two- and three-way comparison of both files and directories, and has support for many popular version control systems.
Meld helps you review code changes and understand patches. It might even help you to figure out what is going on in that merge you keep avoiding.
Two- and three-way comparison of files and directories
File comparisons update as you type
Auto-merge mode and actions on change blocks help make merges easier
Visualisations make it easier to compare your files
Supports Git, Bazaar, Mercurial, Subversion, etc.
…and more
minor feature: Fixes:
Fix incorrect DLL paths in Windows build (Kai Willadsen)
Remove upstream deprecated 32-bit Windows build (Kai Willadsen)
Issues fixed: #824
Daniel Rusek (cs)
GNU GPL developers python utilities
Babel is a code translator, which compiles next-gen EcmaScript 6 syntax into browser-consumable ES5/JavaScript. It adds a few proposed ES7 constructs even, and works with React, Node.js, Rails, etc. It provides for: array comprehensions, arrow functions, async functions, async generator functions, classes, class properties, computed property names, constants, decorators, default parameters, destructuring, exponentiation operator, for-of, generators, generator comprehensions, let scoping, modules, module export extensions, object rest/spread, property method assignment, property name shorthand, rest parameters, react, spread, tail call optimisation, template literals, type annotations, unicode regex support.
minor bugfix: (2024-03-20).
#### :: `babel-helper-module-imports`.
: do not inject the same imported identifier multiple times (@ota-meshi).
MITL javascript ecmascript nodejs compiler conversion es6 es7 developers
A simple terminal UI for git commands, written in Go with the gocui library.
minor feature: Container detection
PR Description.
Running WSL without a container would be treated as native linux.
Causing problems at it would then attempt to use `xdg-open`. This was.
Caused by `isContainer()` always returning true due to some dubious.
Conditionals. These have been removed.
The env-var check seems to not be used by lazygit, nor any common.
Containers, and therefore appears to only exist to manually tell lazygit.
to behave as if it were inside of a container. This functionality has.
Been kept, but the env-var has been changed to be all uppercaps as to.
Comply with the POSIX standard.
Introduced in 4d78d76.
MITL git development text-editor text-processing
The LedgerSMB project provides small and mid-size businesses with solid open source accounting software: integrating invoicing, order processing, quotations and more (ERP). LedgerSMB aims to provide a strong (multi-currency accounting) basis to build your business on -- without vendor lock-in.
The project team considers correctness and performance equally important key usability features and is dedicated to providing both, even on the biggest data sets.
Sales (Invoices, Orders, Quotations)
Receivables & Payables
General ledger
Inventory management
Fixed asset accounting & depreciation
Profit & cost centers, departments, projects
Output documents in PDF, HTML, CSV, Office formats
Mail documents (e.g. invoices) from within the application
Translatable to your language (comes with 45 languages)
and more
The fact that LedgerSMB is open source
- meaning that the source code is freely available - makes it even more customizable and flexible.
minor bugfix: The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.11.11
* Fix 'not set up for hierarchy reporting' on Entity Account screen (#8065)
* Fix date format presentation misalignment with placeholder (#7983)
* Fix order of comparison periods in PNL and B/S (#7800)
* Fix handling of discounts in invoice API (#8030)
* Restore Hebrew 'nplurals' setting back to 4
* Enable scroll bars on setup(upgrade) data fix screens (#8071)
For installation instructions and system requirements, see
The release can be downloaded from our download site at release can be downloaded from GitHub at
Docker images have been published for ARMv7 (32-bit),
ARM64 (also known as ARMv8, e.g. RPi 3+) and AMD64.
These can be pulled from the GitHub Container Registry
docker pull
Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command
docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.11.11
These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
90d27fcff2815476a5c1c2e890f9f71c902c44d7279d7f30eee80ce1bfc4c47b ledgersmb-1.11.11.tar.gz
92f4a019079c97e0b679e0147cb9bf07ba5e776535a8dff262a32811e76048db ledgersmb-1.11.11.tar.gz.asc
GNU GPL accounting invoicing orders erp perl
BallroomDJ 4 is a ballroom music player. It is designed to play music the entire evening without intervention. Manage your ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlist and sequenced playlists.
BallroomDJ 4 is the replacement for BallroomDJ.
minor feature: 4.8.0 2024-3-24
* Bug Fixes:
* Alternate Installer: Re-worked, fixed.
* Internal: Fix error parsing paths with single character filenames.
* Maximum Play Time: Increase maximum allowed, fix validation and conversion.
* Player: Preserve the current speed setting when repeating a song.
* Song Editor: User Interface: Improve use of available space.
* Un-Installers: Updated.
* Windows: Fix error retrieving windows music folder path (accounts with unicode characters).
* Changes:
* Alternate Installer: Re-arranged user interface.
* Configuration: Filter Display: Dance and Dance Rating can be de-selected.
* Configuration: General: Remove audio tag interface selection (not needed).
* Song Filter: Sort By: Added BPM as a sort option.
* Starter: Support: Added a 'download latest version' link.
* New Features:
* MacOS: Alternate Installer: Implemented.
* MacOS: Create Shortcut for Profile: Implemented.
Zlib audio music end-users linux macos windows player ballroom c gtk
Table/Cards views using D3.js for animated transitions on sorting and changing view. The table and cards layouts are configurable. This code uses HTML (with absolute positioning) rather than SVG, and has no dependencies beside D3.js.
minor feature:
MITL d3 tble cards
projectM - The most advanced open-source music visualizer
Experience psychedelic and mesmerizing visuals by transforming music into equations that render into a limitless array of user-contributed visualizations.
projectM is an open-source project that reimplements the esteemed Winamp Milkdrop by Geiss in a more modern, cross-platform reusable library.
Its purpose in life is to read an audio input and to produce mesmerizing visuals, detecting tempo, and rendering advanced equations into a limitless array of user-contributed visualizations.
minor feature: lt;p gt;This is a small release that corrects some found in version 4.1. lt;/p gt;.
lt;h2 gt;Changes since 4.1.0 lt;/h2 gt;.
lt;h3 gt;Enhancements lt;/h3 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Added CMake lt;code gt;USE_PTHREADS lt;/code gt; option for emscripten builds lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;h3 gt; lt;/h3 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;a that prevented a preset's composite shader from being loaded if the warp shader was empty lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;to GLM CMake targets/usage lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;a broken #ifdef in the SDL test UI lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;SOIL2 include directories lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
Mixed music graphics visualizer cpp c
Gitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Gitea is a fork of Gogs. See the Gitea Announcement blog post to read about the justification for a fork.
The goal of this project is to provide the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across all platforms and architectures that Go supports. This support includes Linux, macOS, and Windows, on architectures like amd64, i386, ARM, PowerPC, and others.
minor feature: PERFORMANCE.
Only do counting when count_only=true for repo dashboard.
Add cache for dashboard commit status.
Make runs-on support variable expression.
Show Actions post step when it's running.
PR creation via API between branches of the same repo with head field namespaced.
And rewrite markup anchor processing.
Notify reviewers added via CODEOWNERS.
Template error when comment review doesn't exist.
User id column case.
Make meilisearch do exact search for.
The `for` attribute not pointing to the ID of the color picker.
Codeowner detected diff base branch to mergebase.
Safari spinner rendering.
Missing translation on milestones.
User router possible panic.
Possible NPE in ToPullReviewList.
The wrong default value of ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN on docs.
Solving the of UI disruption when the review is deleted without refreshing.
LoadOneBranch panic.
Invalid link of the commit status when ref is tagged.
Editor error message misleading due to re-used key..
Double border and border-radius on empty action steps.
Use `Temporal.PlainDate` for absolute dates.
Incorrect package link method calls in templates.
The that the user may log out if GetUserByID returns unknown error.
Performance improvements for pull request list page.
in rerunning jobs.
MITL git go
Django Ledger is a double entry accounting system based on the Django Web Framework, which aims to power financially driven applications by removing the complexity of the accounting domain into a simple, high-level API. Prior experience with Django is required to more effectively use this software.
minor feature: lt;h2 gt;What #39;s Changed lt;/h2 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;v0.5.6.3 by lt;a class= quot;user-mention notranslate quot; data-hovercard-type= quot;user quot; data-hovercard-url= quot;/users/elarroba/hovercard quot; data-octo-click= quot;hovercard-link-click quot; data-octo-dimensions= quot;link_type:self quot; href= quot; quot; gt;@elarroba lt;/a gt; in lt;a class= quot;-link js--link quot; data-error-text= quot;Failed to load title quot; data-id= quot;2162555104 quot; data-permission-text= quot;Title is private quot; data-url= quot; quot; data-hovercard-type= quot;pull_request quot; data-hovercard-url= quot;/arrobalytics/django-ledger/pull/188/hovercard quot; href= quot; quot; gt;#188 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;TransactionModel UnitTests by lt;a class= quot;user-mention notranslate quot; data-hovercard-type= quot;user quot; data-hovercard-url= quot;/users/PieterCK/hovercard quot; data-octo-click= quot;hovercard-link-click quot; data-octo-dimensions= quot;link_type:self quot; href= quot; quot; gt;@PieterCK lt;/a gt; in lt;a class= quot;-link js--link quot; data-error-text= quot;Failed to load title quot; data-id= quot;2156604091 quot; data-permission-text= quot;Title is private quot; data-url= quot; quot; data-hovercard-type= quot;pull_request quot; data-hovercard-url= quot;/arrobalytics/django-ledger/pull/186/hovercard quot; href= quot; quot; gt;#186 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Update Pipfile by lt;a class= quot;user-mention notranslate quot; data-hovercard-type= quot;user quot; data-hovercard-url= quot;/users/Anfas-Mp/hovercard quot; data-octo-click= quot;hovercard-link-click quot; data-octo-dimensions= quot;link_type:self quot; href= quot; quot; gt;@Anfas-Mp l
GNU GPLv3 accounting money finances bookkeeping django python
7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.
The main features of 7-Zip
High compression ratio in 7z format with LZMA and LZMA2 compression
Supported formats:
Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM
For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats
Self-extracting capability for 7z format
Integration with Windows Shell
Powerful File Manager
Powerful command line version
Plugin for FAR Manager
Localizations for 87 languages
minor bugfix: 7-Zip now can use new RISCV filter for compression to 7z and xz archives.
RISCV filter can increase compression ratio for data containing executable.
Files compiled for RISC-V architecture.
The speed for LZMA and LZMA2 decompression in ARM64 version for Windows.
Was increased by 20 -60 .
7-Zip GUI and 7-Zip File Manager can ask user permission to unpack RAR archives that.
Require big amount of memory, if the dictionary size in RAR archive is larger than 4 GB.
New switch -smemx size g : to set allowed memory usage limit for RAR archive unpacking.
RAR archives can use dictionary up 64 GB. Default allowed limit for RAR unpacking is 4 GB.
7zg.exe (7-Zip GUI): -y switch disables user requests and messages.
7-Zip shows hash methods XXH64 and BLAKE2sp in context menu.
-slmu switch : to show timestamps as UTC instead of LOCAL TIME.
-slsl switch : in console 7-Zip for Windows : to show file paths with.
Linux path separator slash '/' instead of backslash separator ' '.
7-Zip supports.sha256 files that use backslash path separator ' '.
Some were.
Mixed compression zip archive cpp c
Seed7 is a general purpose programming language. It is a higher level language compared to Ada, C++, and Java. In Seed7, new statements and operators can be declared easily. Functions with type results and type parameters are more elegant than a template or generics concept. Object orientation is used when it brings advantages and not in places when other solutions are more obvious. Although Seed7 contains several concepts of other programming languages, it is generally not considered as a direct descendant of any other programming language.
minor feature: The compiler has been to be able to compile itself without.
Using the X11 library. Many thanks to Pietro Cerutti for pointing
Out that compiling s7c.sd7 under FreeBSD failed. Now the function
ColorPixel() is only used if there is at least one non-empty
Window object.
In drw_x11.c the function drwRgbColor() has been improved to raise
GRAPHIC_ERROR if it is called without a successful drawInit().
Many thanks to Zachary Menzies for pointing out that the.
Compilation of the Seed7 compiler on AlmaLinux 9 triggered a
Segmentation fault.
In tim_win.c the function timAwait has been improved to always.
Raise RANGE_ERROR on february 29th of a non-leap-year. Many thanks
to Joe Thompson for pointing out that the chktime.sd7 test failed.
With MinGW (gcc 8.1). The program chkccomp.c has been improved to
Define the macro CHECK_NON_LEAP_YEAR_FEBRURARY_29 in version.h if
SystemTimeToFileTime() allows february 29th of a non-leap-year.
The file readjson.s7i with experimental functions to read JSON.
Files has been added. Thanks to Bruce Axtens for driving the
Attention towards reading JSON.
The program make7 hase been improved to support commands en in backticks. The change has been made in cli_cmds.s7i.
The Seed7 compiler (s7c.sd7) has been improved:
- A heap corruption is avoided if the RHS (right hand side) of an.
Assignment changes the target variable. E.g.:
AVariable := changeParameter(aVariable);
This has been for the types string, bstring, bigInteger.
Bitset, array, clib_file, struct, window, pointList,
SqlStatement, interface, ref_list, process, program, and
The generated code to handle assignments has been improved in.
Arr_act.s7i, big_act.s7i, bst_act.s7i, drw_act.s7i, fil_act.s7i,
Itf_act.s7i, pcs_act.s7i, pol_act.s7i, prg_act.s7i, rfl_act.s7i,
Sct_act.s7i, set_act.s7i, sql_act.s7i and str_act.s7i.
In inline.s7i the function process_inline_func() has been to define the result name. Now the inlining of a result.
Expression works correctly. A test for
GNU GPL software-development interpreter compiler
bluetooth_mgr.lua is a terminal menu-driven frontend to bluetoothctl. It's intended for linux systems without a graphical environment and can be used to pair with devices like keyboards and bluetooth speakers. It;s written in lua and uses libUseful-lua.
minor feature: added 'bluealsa setup' for audio devices, sort device list on main menu, fix some bugs and crashes
GNU GPLv3 tui terminal bluetooth bluetoothctl
BIRD is a dynamic IP routing daemon supporting both, IPv4 and IPv6, Border Gateway Protocol (BGPv4), Routing Information Protocol (RIPv2, RIPng), Open Shortest Path First protocol (OSPFv2, OSPFv3), Babel Routing Protocol (Babel), Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), IPv6 router advertisements, static routes, inter-table protocol, command-line interface allowing on-line control and inspection of the status of the daemon, soft reconfiguration as well as a powerful language for route filtering.
major bugfix: OSPF: Fix regression in handling PtP links, RPKI: Handle connection resets properly, Static: Reject invalid combination of options, fix builds with limited set of protocols
GNU GPL internet networking router bgp rpki
Ampache is a web based audio/video streaming application and file manager allowing you to access your music & videos from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device.
Ampache's usefulness is heavily dependent on being able to extract correct metadata from embedded tags in your files and/or the file name. Ampache is not a media organiser; it is meant to be a tool which presents an already organised collection in a useful way. It assumes that you know best how to manage your files and are capable of choosing a suitable method for doing so.
minor feature: Added:
Added an option to clean a folder path on the Show Catalogs page.
Show full playlist names on the personal favorite plugins (missing username).
Block direct stream for shared file when share is disabled.
Config options `write_id3` and `write_id3_art` don't do anything so remove them.
Add missing album name through browser Media Session API.
PHP caching false values when expecint an int.
Typo for disabled song display.
Show the count of returned art in the log.
Don't show private playlists on browse or direct link if you don't have access.
Refresh Democratic playlist on vote removal, and clear the votes on `clear all`.
Preference text box possible XSS.
Added some documented aliases for rules that were missed.
`NOT SOUNDS LIKE` responses.
Don't scrub search input in the SQL (parameters are sanitized).
Rule input XSS in JS.
Array not set on some items in JSON responses.
## API 6.3.1.
New Method: now_playing (Get what is currently being played by all users.).
Apache php streaming server audio music javascript video
CMake is an extensible, open-source system that manages the build process in an operating system and in a compiler-independent manner. Unlike many cross-platform systems, CMake is designed to be used in conjunction with the native build environment. Simple configuration files placed in each source directory (called CMakeLists.txt files) are used to generate standard build files (e.g., makefiles on Unix and projects/workspaces in Windows MSVC) which are used in the usual way. CMake can generate a native build environment that will compile source code, create libraries, generate wrappers and build executables in arbitrary combinations.
minor feature: CMake 3.29 Release Notes
Changes made since CMake 3.28 include the following.
New Features.
cmake(1)" "-E cat" can now print the standard input by passing the.
Visual Studio Generators now support selecting between the Intel
oneAPI Fortran compiler ("ifx") and the Intel classic Fortran
compiler ("ifort") using a "fortran=" field in.
File-Based API.
The "cmake-file-api(7)" "codemodel" version 2 "version" field has
been updated to 2.7.
The "cmake-file-api(7)" "codemodel" version 2 "target" object gained
a new "launchers" field.
The LLVM/Clang GNU-like frontend on Windows ("clang++") may now be
used to compile "CUDA" language sources.
Compilers targeting the GNU ABI on Windows (MinGW) may now be used
to compile Objective C ("OBJC") and Objective C++ ("OBJCXX"). These
include GNU compilers ("gcc" and "g++") and the LLVM/Clang GNU-like
frontends ("clang" and "clang++").
TI Clang-based compilers are now supported with compiler id.
The add_custom_command(TARGET) signature now supports adding build
events through Alias Targets.
The "cmake_language(EXIT)" sub-command was added to terminate "cmake.
P" scripts with a specified exit code.
The "export(SETUP)" sub-command was added to configure export sets.
Its "TARGET" option's "XCFRAMEWORK_LOCATION" setting specifies the
location of a ".xcframework" that can be substituted for an
installed target.
The "if()" command gained new tests "IS_READABLE", "IS_WRITABLE" and.
IS_EXECUTABLE" to check file or directory permissions.
The "CMAKE_INSTALL_PRE" environment variable was added to provide
a default value for the "CMAKE_INSTALL_PRE" variable.
The "CMAKE_LINKER_TYPE" variable and corresponding "LINKER_TYPE"
target property were added to specify what linker to use with some
CMAKE_ lt;LANG gt;
BSDL software-development build-tool
FlexGet is a multipurpose automation tool for content like torrents, nzbs, podcasts, comics, series, movies, etc. It can use different kinds of sources like RSS-feeds, html pages, csv files, search engines and there are even plugins for sites that do not provide any kind of useful feeds.
minor bugfix: all commits.
MITL download internet torrents bittorrent python
NetworkManager attempts to keep an active network connection available at all times. The point of NetworkManager is to make networking configuration and setup as painless and automatic as possible. NetworkManager is intended to replace default route, replace other routes, set IP addresses, and in general
configure networking as NM sees fit (with the possibility of manual override as necessary). In effect, the goal of NetworkManager is to make networking Just Work with a minimum of user hassle, but still allow customization and a high level of manual network control. If you have special needs, we'd like to hear about them, but understand that NetworkManager is not intended for every
NetworkManager will attempt to keep every network device in the system up and active, as long as the device is available for use (has a cable plugged in, the killswitch isn't turned on, etc). Network connections can be set to
'autoconnect', meaning that NetworkManager will make that connection active whenever it and the hardware is available.
"Settings services" store lists of user- or administrator-defined "connections", which contain all the settings and parameters required to connect to a specific
network. NetworkManager will never activate a connection that is not in this list, or that the user has not directed NetworkManager to connect to.
minor feature: This is a snapshot of NetworkManager development. The API is. subject to change and not guaranteed to be compatible with the later release. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PRODUCTION USE! Support changing the OpenSSL ciphers for 802.1X authentication via connection property "802-1x.openssl-ciphers". The reason why a device is unmanaged is now properly set in the. "StateReason" property of the "Device" D-Bus object. The property is visible in nmcli via "nmcli -f all device show DEV". Deprecated 802-11-wireless and 802-11-wired property 'mac-address-blacklist' and introduced the 'mac-address-denylist' property.
GNU LGPLv3 gnome network networking daemon connection-manager c python
darkstat is an ntop-workalike network statistics gatherer. It runs as a background process on a cable or DSL router, uses libpcap to capture network traffic, and has a Web interface that serves up reports of statistics such as data transferred by host, port, and protocol, and bandwidth usage graphs.
cleanup: - Replace xxd with hex-ify to reduce build dependencies.
GNU GPL networking monitoring c shell roff
Thunderbird is a desktop mail client. It's a companion product to Mozilla Firefox. Besides standard email, it supports newsgroups, feed reading, and chat protocols (XMPP, IRC and Twitter), all with multiple identities or accounts. Through Mozilla Lighning or other plugins it's extensible into a full personal information manager. Out of the box it supports SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SSL/TLS, S/MIME, LDAP, RSS/Atom, and searching, filtering or grouping, labels, virtual folders, and comes with a spam filter.
minor feature: Opened ignored messages in a message thread/subthread were not marked as read in IMAP folders
Multi-language spellcheck sometimes skipped languages.
Thread tree did not update when live language switching.
Visual improvements to "Reorder Attachments" popup.
Sort order was sometimes incorrect in Grouped By views.
Selecting "Match all messages" in Filter Rules dialog did not disable all search criteria.
S/MIME-only signed messages sometimes incorrectly displayed signature as invalid.
OpenPGP keys uploaded to an HKP keyserver were sent with the wrong. Content-Type header.
Keyboard navigation within search toolbar did not work.
Flatpak builds only had the en-US spell check dictionary available.
MPL c++ e-mail email-client newsgroup feed-reader chat
Xcoral is a multiwindow mouse-based text editor for Unix and X Window System. Syntax highlighting and auto-indentation are available. A built-in browser enables you to navigate through C functions, C++ and Java classes, methods and files. A SMall Ansi C Interpreter (Smac) is also built-in to dynamically extend the editor's possibilities (user functions, key bindings, modes etc). Xcoral provides regions and marks, kill-buffers, macros system and unlimited undo.
minor bugfix: minor bug fix minor feature
GNU GPL programming c c++ java python text editor
Gradle is an open-source build automation tool focused on flexibility and performance. Gradle build scripts are written using a Groovy or Kotlin DSL.
major feature: The Gradle team is excited to announce Gradle 8.7.
Java 22 is now supported for compiling, testing, and running JVM-based projects.
Script compilation for the Groovy DSL can now be avoided thanks to the build cache.
Additionally, this release includes improvements to build authoring, error and warning messages, the configuration cache, and the Kotlin DSL.
See the full release notes below for details.
Apache build-tool c c++ groovy java kotlin
GNU PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a Free replacement for the proprietary program SPSS, and appears very similar to it with a few exceptions.
minor feature:
GNU GPL c gtk education science-research scientific information-analysis statistics
Drumstick Metronome (kmetronome) is a MIDI-based metronome utilizing
the ALSA sequencer. It's intended for students and musicans to aid
rythm consistency while playing instruments. It incurs little overhead
by using MIDI instead of digital audio playback, which also keeps the
timing more accurate.
major feature:
GNU GPL c++ qt x11 midi alsa musicans end-users
Barchive provides version control system functionality for binary data. It can deal with huge binary file blobs, partially supports git-like push and pull semantics, provides an immutable data store, which can be used in conjunction with rsync and other backup tools.
minor bugfix:
GNU GPLv3 java backup vcs binary-files archiving
guitarix takes the signal from your guitar as any real amp would do: as a mono-signal from your sound card. The input is processed by a main amp and a rack-section. Both can be routed separately and deliver a processed stereo-signal via Jack. You may fill the rack with effects from more than 25 built-in modules including stuff from a simple noise gate to brain-slashing modulation f/x like flanger, phaser or auto-wah.
Your signal is processed with minimum latency. On any properly set-up Linux-system you don't have to wait more than 10ms until your sound is processed by guitarix.
major bugfix: Add NAM and RTNeural Multi module. Allow to load two instances per neural module. Have root dir in release tarball. Resamplers for Neural plugs. -- 11.03.2024.
GNU GPLv3 audio music guitar jack neural-amp-modeler cpp css c python faust
Discourse is a discussion plattform. It provides a more fluent and accessible web interface than common bulletin boards or forum software. Discussions are visualized cohesively through scroll auto-loading, are automatically hypertext-interconnected where related, provide dynamic notifications, and are generally unintrusive and simple to partake. Discourse moreover prefers federated/social logins, encourages creative commons sharing, allows easy media embedding per drag and drop, uses a visual MarkDown editor rather than BBcode, is mobile compatible per default, and builds upon an extensive API and a modern search function.
GNU GPL ruby ruby-on-rails discussion-forum bulletin-board online-messaging postgresql ember-js redis
Trac is a software project and release management tool, and source control frontend for Git and Subversion. It provides issue tracking, timelines, progress/roadmap tracking and documentation features (Wiki with MarkDown support).
major feature: September 23, 2023 Highlights. Supports Python 3.5 and later. Drop support for Python 2. Detailed User Visible Changes. A detailed view of the changes since 1.4.x can be found in. Developer-visible changes. A detailed view of the API changes since 1.4.x can be found in. Acknowledgements. Many thanks to the growing number of people who have, and continue to. support the project. Also our thanks to all people providing feedback and reports that helps us making Trac better, easier to use and more effective. Starting with the 0.12 release, special thanks go to our many translators. Without your invaluable help, Trac would not evolve. Thank you all. Finally, we hope that Trac will prove itself useful to like-minded. programmers around the world, and that this release will prove an improvement over the last version. Please let us know. :-). The Trac Team
BSDL python scm tracking project-management wiki bugtracker python
A full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout.
minor feature: Re-added support for Guile 2.0 and some older library versions.
GNU GPLv3 eda gpl cad pcb electrical circuit design schematic simulation c guile
Fasttracker II clone for Windows/macOS/Linux
Aims to be a highly accurate clone of the classic Fasttracker II software for MS-DOS.
The XM player itself has been directly ported from the original source code, for maximum accuracy.
The code is partly my own, partly based on the original FT2 code.
What is Fasttracker II? Read about it on Wikipedia.
minor feature: lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Fullscreen mode code has been refactored, as I apparently had coded it the wrong way. "Stretched" mode always fills the whole screen now too, and other may have been as well. lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
BSDL-2 audio tracker
Tupi is a design and authoring tool for digital artists interested in 2D Animation, offering an interface experience focused on 8-100 years old kids.
minor feature:
GNU GPL artistic-software animation education graphics c++ ruby
QDirStat is a graphical application to show where your disk space has gone and to help you to clean it up. This is a Qt-only port of the old Qt3/KDE3-based KDirStat, now based on the latest Qt 5. It does not need any KDE libs or infrastructure. It runs on every X11-based desktop on Linux, BSD and other Unix-like systems. QDirStat has a number of new features compared to KDirStat. To name a few: Multi-selection in both the tree and the treemap; unlimited number of user-defined cleanup actions; properly show errors of cleanup actions (and their output, if desired); file categories (MIME types) and their treemap color are now configurable; exclude rules for directories are easily configurable; desktop-agnostic; no longer relies on KDE or any other specific desktop. For more details, screenshots and ready-made packages, see
major feature: Greatly improved the visual appearance of the treemap thanks to @Lithopsian
Dominant (very large) items are now highlighted in bold font in the tree view
New "Find" function in the scanned directory tree
Added support for bookmarks
New documentation to explain the treemap
Some small improvements
Bug fixes
GNU GPL disk-space qt treemap cleanup disk-space-analyzer cpp perl
Breezy is a version control system implemented in Python forked from Bazaar. It supports multiple repository formats including bzr, git, cvs, mtn, darcs and has an emphasis on hackability.
minor bugfix: Fix compatibility with Python 3.12. Jelmer Vernooij, #2047991)
GNU GPL dvcs bazaar git version-control vcs git bzr python rust cython c
There are scads of CLI parsers out there, so why another one? Mostly because the others aim to do too much and can be a pain to use when you just need something quick and simple. All Minicle does is parse CLI options. It doesn't handle exotic edge cases, generate usage information, validate arguments, or anything else. It does handle all the usual basics plus git-style subcommands.
minor feature:
BSDL-2 user-interfaces javascript nodejs