lonezilla is a partition and disk imaging/cloning program similar to True Image® or Norton Ghost®. It helps you to do system deployment, bare metal backup and recovery. Three types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live, Clonezilla lite server, and Clonezilla SE (server edition). Clonezilla live is suitable for single machine backup and restore. While Clonezilla lite server or SE is for massive deployment, it can clone many (40 plus!) computers simultaneously. Clonezilla saves and restores only used blocks in the hard disk. This increases the clone efficiency.
Many File systems are supported: (1) ext2, ext3, ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs, jfs, btrfs, f2fs and nilfs2 of GNU/Linux, (2) FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT and NTFS of MS Windows, (3) HFS+ and APFS of Mac OS, (4) UFS of FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, (5) minix of Minix, and (6) VMFS3 and VMFS5 of VMWare ESX. Therefore you can clone GNU/Linux, MS windows, Intel-based Mac OS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Minix, VMWare ESX and Chrome OS/Chromium OS, no matter it's 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86-64) OS. For these file systems, only used blocks in partition are saved and restored by Partclone. For unsupported file system, sector-to-sector copy is done by dd in Clonezilla.
LVM2 (LVM version 1 is not) under GNU/Linux is supported.
LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) is supported.
Boot loader, including grub (version 1
minor feature: lt;div class="markdown_content" gt; lt;h1 id="this-release-of-clonezilla-live-320-5-includes-major-enhancements-and--" gt;This release of Clonezilla live (3.2.0-5) includes major enhancements and. lt;/h1 gt;.
lt;h2 id="enhancements-and-changes-from-313-16" gt;ENHANCEMENTS and CHANGES from 3.1.3-16 lt;/h2 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2024/Jul/15). lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Linux kernel was updated to 6.11.2-1. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Removed wireless-tools from live system since it's not available in packages repo. Package iw should have same function, which is already included in live system. Ref: lt;a href="https://.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wireless-tools/+/2075850" rel="nofollow" gt;https://.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wireless-tools/+/2075850 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Package reiser4progs was removed from live system. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Program ocs-scan-disk: use lsblk so the codes is neater. The block device with file system (e.g., sda has ntfs file system) can be correctly shown now. Ref: lt;a href="https://github.com/stevenshiau/clonezilla//67" rel="nofollow" gt;https://github.com/stevenshiau/clonezilla//67 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Merged zstd and zstdmt, use "zstd -T0" by default. Hence the following extra_zstdmt_ variables are dropped: extra_zstdmt_opt, extra_zstdmt_dc_opt, extra_zstdmt_opt_onthefly amp;amp; extra_zstdmt_dc_opt_onthefly. This will be easier for user to customize that using boot parameters. Now only available variables for zstd are: extra_zstd_opt, extra_zstd_dc_opt, extra_zstd_opt_onthefly amp;amp; extra_zstd_dc_opt_onthefly. Thanks to trfl for asking. Ref: lt;a href="https://sourceforge.net/p/clonezilla/discussion/Clonezilla_live/thread/27e0b4559d/?limit=25#0d85/99ae" gt;https://sourceforge.net/p/clonezilla/discussion/Clonezilla_live/thread/27e0b4559d/?limit=25#0d85/99ae lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;h2 id="-"
GNU GPLv3 mirroring cloning backup shell perl
Weblate is an open source web-based translation tool with version control. It includes several hundred languages with basic definitions, and enables the addition of more language definitions, all definitions can be edited by the web community or a defined set of people, as well as through integrating machine translation, such as DeepL, Amazon Translate, or Google Translate.
minor feature: lt;p gt;Released on October 15th 2024. lt;/p gt;.
lt;p gt; lt;strong gt; lt;/strong gt; lt;/p gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Use lower case name for the Python package. lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;p gt; lt;strong gt;Upgrading lt;/strong gt; lt;/p gt;.
lt;p gt;Please follow lt;a href="https://docs.weblate.org/en/weblate-5.8.1/admin/upgrade.html#generic-upgrade-instructions" rel="nofollow" gt; lt;span gt;Generic upgrade instructions lt;/span gt; lt;/a gt; in order to perform update. lt;/p gt;.
lt;p gt; lt;strong gt;Contributors lt;/strong gt; lt;/p gt;.
lt;p gt;Code contributions lt;br gt;.
Michal Čihař lt;/p gt;
lt;p gt;Documentation contributions lt;br gt;.
Michal Čihař lt;/p gt;
lt;p gt; lt;a href="https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate/milestone/128?=1" gt;All changes in detail lt;/a gt;. lt;/p gt;.
GNU GPLv3 translation localization web python html
pv ("Pipe Viewer"), a terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline. It can be inserted into any normal pipeline between two processes to give a visual indication of how quickly data is passing through, how long it has taken, how near to completion it is, and an estimate of how long it will be until completion.
major bugfix: *feature: new --store-and-forward option to read input to a file first, then write it to the output.
*feature: new --stats option to show transfer stats at the end, like "`ping`".
*feature: --rate can now be used with --numeric.
*feature: --gauge with --progress to show rate gauge when size is unknown.
*i18n: comprehensive German translations update.
*i18n: comprehensive Polish translations update.
*i18n: complete Turkish translations added.
*i18n: complete Czech translations added.
*i18n: updates to French translations.
*: resume stopped pipelines when running in the background (part of.
**: inspect the output pipe buffer to give a more accurate progress indicator of how much the next command has consumed.
*: precompletion time (--fineta) with *FIN rather than *ETA.
*: surround average rate (--average-rate) with brackets rather than square brackets.
*: correct a memory leak in --watchfd PID.
*: make --direct-io work correctly with --output instead of assuming stdout.
*: call `posix_fadvise()` on every input, not just the first one.
*: write UTC timestamps in deging mode to avoid lockups in signal handlers.
*security: added a signed *MANIFEST file to releases.
*cleanup: removed TODO.md, since it's just an outdated copy of the tracker.
*cleanup: re-ordered structure members to reduce padding.
*cleanup: improved readability of *SIGTTOU handling code.
*cleanup: refactored to separate display, transfer, and calculation more cleanly.
*cleanup: instead of moving stderr when backgrounded, set a suspend-output flag.
GNU GPLv3 cli terminal logging monitoring network c
Poppler is librarified PDF rendering toolkit derived from the Xpdf 3.0 code base. It can utilize X11-independent rendering backends like Cairo, Splash, or Qt4 Arthur. It's not designed for platform-agnosticy, but proper BSD/Linux integration; is used by various PDF applications (Evince, Okular, TeXStudio, pdftotext, Zathura, Xournal, Inkscape), and comes with a set of command-line tools of its own.
major feature: :
Add support for SubmitForms Links.
Internal code improvements.
Crash in malformed documents.
Add support for SubmitForms Links.
Add API for creating signature field without signing immediately.
Add auto_cleanup functions so that consumers can use g_auto*.
Closure GI annotation.
Add support for SubmitForms Links.
Build system:
Use the boosts own cmake file as suggested by cmake itself.
GNU GPL c++ pdf rendering library developers
CGAL is a software project that provides easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library. CGAL is used in various areas needing geometric computation, such as geographic information systems, computer aided design, molecular biology, medical imaging, computer graphics, and robotics.
The library offers data structures and algorithms like triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, Boolean operations on polygons and polyhedra, point set processing, arrangements of curves, surface and volume mesh generation, geometry processing, alpha shapes, convex hull algorithms, shape reconstruction, AABB and KD trees...
minor documentation: ### Poisson Surface Reconstruction.
Made the implicit function thread-safe so that the parallel version of `make_mesh_3()` can be used.
GNU GPLv3 c++ mathematics visualization
Samba is a software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients. It is freely available, unlike other SMB/CIFS implementations, and allows for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and Windows-based clients.
minor feature: DH reconnect error handling can lead to stale sharemode entries. quot;inherit permissions = yes quot; triggers assert() in vfs_default
When creating a stream. Samba 4.21.0 broke FreeIPA domain member integration. Missing conversion for msDS-UserTGTLifetime, msDS-
ComputerTGTLifetime and msDS-ServiceTGTLifetime on quot;samba-tool.
Domain auth policy modify quot. irpc_destructor may crash during shutdown. DH reconnect error handling can lead to stale sharemode entries. Durable handle is not granted when a previous OPEN exists with
NoOplock. Durable handle is granted but reconnect fails. Disconnected durable handles with RH lease should not be purged
by a new non conflicting open. net ads testjoin and other commands use the wrong secrets.tdb in
a cluster. 4.21 using --with-system-mitkrb5 requires MIT krb5 1.16 as rfc
8009 etypes are used. VFS_OPEN_HOW_WITH_BACKUP_INTENT breaks shadow_copy2. Samba 4.20.0 DLZ module crashes BIND on startup. Cannot build libldb lmdb backend on a build without AD DC. Consistent log level for sighup handler.
GNU GPLv3 communications file-sharing cifs windows
Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer
Welcome to project website of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer. Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer is a tree based audio processing engine released under the terms of the GNU GPLv3+. It uses extensively threads, supporting LADSPA, DSSI and Lv2 plugin format.
Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer is capable of doing multi-channel editing, it contains an automation editor and you might want live export to audio files. There are sequencer machines as well a fully featured notation editor. Supporting copy & paste, resizing audio channels or align in-/output pads
GSequencer does audio output on GNU/Linux by ALSA. Avoid additional layers on ALSA like arts, esd or pulseaudio. The output to the soundcard is usually done by AgsPanel sink. Sounds are created by sequencers like AgsDrum, AgsMatrix and alike. Such sources can be bundled by AgsMixer and finally write to hardware by AgsPlayChannelRun recall.
minor bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) .
Deprecated ags_fx_notation_audio_processor_record() because of MIDI version 2 transition.
Deprecated ags_audio_buffer_util_get_copy_mode() because of future naming conflict with getter of struct field.
Deprecated ags_envelope_*_wah_wah_*() because not used.
Deprecated ags_sf2_synth_util_boxed_copy() for uniform naming schema.
Deprecated ags_sfz_synth_util_boxed_copy() for uniform naming schema.
Deprecated ags_time_stretch_util_get_buffer_size() for uniform naming schema.
Deprecated ags_time_stretch_util_set_buffer_size() for uniform naming schema.
GNU GPLv3 sound-synthesis mixers sequencer audio
fcOpenShell is an open source (LGPL) software library that helps users and software developers to work with the IFC file format. The IFC file format can be used to describe building and construction data. The format is commonly used for Building Information Modelling.
IfcOpenShell uses Open CASCADE (the Open CASCADE Community Edition) internally to convert the implicit geometry in IFC files into explicit geometry that any software CAD or modelling package can understand.
minor feature: Type Manager
Corrected the alignment of the Type Manager preview in tool header.
Improved click-ability of the thumbnail icon in the Type Manger preview in the side bar.
GNU LGPLv3 geometry bim ifc cad cpp python
VSCode is an extensible source code editor with support for a wide cross-section of programming languages and features for debugging, refactoring, code completion, Markdown previews, and Git integration. VSCode is a cross-platform project started by Microsoft and is based on the Electron framework, although it features an interface with very little visual clutter and is more responsive than many IDEs, even on low-end development machines.
minor feature: lt;p gt;The update addresses these lt;a href="https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/?q=is 3A 20milestone 3A 22September 202024 20Recovery 202 22 20is 3A 20 20" gt; lt;/a gt;. lt;/p gt;.
lt;p gt;For the complete release notes go to lt;a href="https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_94" rel="nofollow" gt;Updates lt;/a gt; on lt;a href="https://code.visualstudio.com" rel="nofollow" gt;code.visualstudio.com lt;/a gt;. lt;/p gt;.
MITL software-development text-editor debugger terminal-emulator build-tool version-control
Npgsql is a .NET data provider for Postgresql 9.0 and later. It's implemented completely in C# 3.0 and thus does not require a client library. Allows complete database querying and CRUD interaction, has some support for ADO.NET 2.0, provides logging support, allows :colon or @prefix parameter binding, and native large object support.
minor feature: Protocol desync while reading output parameters from a function (#
(cherry picked from commit 764bfea).
BSDL-2 c dotnet mono-compatible database-driver postgresql
Snaps are containerised software packages that are simple to create and install. They auto-update and are safe to run. And because they bundle their dependencies, they work on all major Linux systems without modification.
minor feature: lt;h2 gt;What's Changed lt;/h2 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;build(deps): update dependency requests to v2.32.2 security (hot/8.4) by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/renovate/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/renovate" gt;@renovate lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2548171823" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft//5067" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/canonical/snapcraft/pull/5067/hovercard" href="https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft/pull/5067" gt;#5067 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;feat: support standard and kernel-modules by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/mr-cal/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/mr-cal" gt;@mr-cal lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2571553998" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft//5100" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/canonical/snapcraft/pull/5100/hovercard" href="https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft/pull/5100" gt;#5100 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;docs(changelog): add 8.4.3 release notes by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/mr-cal/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/mr-cal" gt;@mr-cal lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2579797166" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft//5110" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/canonical/snapcraft/pull/5110/hovercard" h
GNU GPLv3 snaps linux packaging distribution python cpp
Finit is a SysV init replacement that starts services in parallel for a fast init. It comes with process supervision similar to that of daemontools and runit. Although the focus is on small and embedded GNU/Linux systems, it's fully functional on standard server and desktop installations. Cookies included.
minor feature: Bump version for v4.8 release
Signed-off-by: Joachim Wiberg lt;troglobit@gmail.com gt;.
MITL init monitoring boot-process linux c shell
PROJ is a generic coordinate transformation software that transforms geospatial coordinates from one coordinate reference system (CRS) to another. This includes cartographic projections as well as geodetic transformations. PROJ is released under the X/MIT open source license
PROJ includes command line applications for easy conversion of coordinates from text files or directly from user input. In addition to the command line utilities PROJ also exposes an application programming interface, or API in short. The API lets developers use the functionality of PROJ in their own software without having to implement similar functionality themselves.
PROJ started purely as a cartography application letting users convert geodetic coordinates into projected coordinates using a number of different cartographic projections. Over the years, as the need has become apparent, support for datum shifts has slowly worked its way into PROJ as well. Today PROJ supports more than a hundred different map projections and can transform coordinates between datums using all but the most obscure geodetic techniques.
major bugfix: ## Updates
* Database: update to EPSG v11.021 (#4254, #4275, #4297)
* Speed-up dramatically proj.db build time (#4280)
* Database: ingest deprecated ESRI names to be able to better import old WKT ESRI (#4282)
### Bug fixes
* `findsOpsInRegistryWithIntermediate()`: Restrict to using known source/target CRS that have the same originating authority (#4252)
* `isTimeDependent()`: Do not mark "static" Coordinate Frame helmert transformations as time-dependent, only time-dependent ones (#4259)
* Fix clang-19 "warning: empty paragraph passed to '@throw' command -Wdocumentation " (#4263)
* WKT importer: fix `nullptr` dereference on invalid `VERTCS ` (#4266)
* Fixed `sql_filelist.cmake` relative path issue (#4296)
* Fail consistently on network error and grid transformations (#4302)
* Fix `-Wshadow` warnings between `parammappings.cpp` and `singleoperation.cpp` with unity builds (#4304)
* Removed leftover setting of `CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS` (#4322)
* WKT1 ESRI export: fix wrong mapping of Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area to Behrmann (#4328)
* Numerous documentation fixes (#4248, #4267, #4291, #4293)
Mixed cartography cartographic cpp c
VIPS is a small, quick and memory-conservative 2D image processing C and C++ library. It comes with over 300 functions, for arithmetic processing, histograms, convolutions, morphological operations, frequency filtering, colouring, resampling, statistics and others. It supports most common raster image formats (PNG, TIFF, JPEG, FITS, OpenEXR), or chain to ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick.
major feature: Allow small offsets for the PDF magic string project0 .
Add support for OJPEG tiffs DarthSim .
Add "palette" metadata item to flag palette images DarthSim .
Jxl load and save now support exif, xmp, animation DarthSim .
Improved configure output.
Add a filetype blocker for imagemagick.
Add basic g_auto support.
Support for long EXIF values MarcosAndre .
Better system error messages on windows kleisauke .
Add configurable max coordinate and vips_max_coord_get().
Improve kill handling.
PFM save and load now uses scRGB (ie. linear 0-1) NiHoel .
Turn vips_addalpha() into a VipsOperation RiskoZoSlovenska .
Add vips_rawsave_target(), vips_rawsave_buffer() akash-akya .
Vipsheader supports multiple "-f field" arguments sergeevabc .
Add "target_size" to webpsave john-parton .
Add "passes" to webpsave john-parton .
Revise sRGB - B_W coefficients daniellovera .
Add vips_sdf(), vips_clamp(), vips_maxpair(), vips_minpair().
More const for the C++ API Julianiolo .
Deprecate "cache" (use tilecache instead).
Add tests for tokenisation.
Add "unpack_complex" option to vips_getpoint().
Add deflate compression level setting to tiffsave ruven .
Add "smart_deblock" to webpsave goodusername123 .
GNU LGPL c c++ images image-processing arithmetic histogram morphing filtering library
Snd is a sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs. It can be customized and extended using either s7 (included in the Snd sources), Ruby, or Forth.
minor feature: s7: divided s7.html into 3 files: s7.html, s7-ffi.html, and s7-scm.html.
Added swap! to stuff.scm
Checked: sbcl 2.4.9.
Thanks!: Daniel Hensel, Tito Latini.
Public Domain sound-synthesis sound-editor audio music scheme c ruby
Joplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified either from the applications directly or from your own text editor. The notes are in Markdown format.
Notes exported from Evernote can be imported into Joplin, including the formatted content (which is converted to Markdown), resources (images, attachments, etc.) and complete metadata (geolocation, updated time, created time, etc.). Plain Markdown files can also be imported.
Joplin is "offline first", which means you always have all your data on your phone or computer. This ensures that your notes are always accessible, whether you have an internet connection or not.
The notes can be securely synchronised using end-to-end encryption with various cloud services including Nextcloud, Dropbox, OneDrive and Joplin Cloud.
Full text search is available on all platforms to quickly find the information you need. The app can be customised using plugins and themes, and you can also easily create your own.
minor feature: lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Plugins: Add support for joplin.settings.values and deprecate joplin.settings.value ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/commit/715abcce32ec657b5ec9fba70d44802ca8d617c0/hovercard" href="https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/commit/715abcce32ec657b5ec9fba70d44802ca8d617c0" gt; lt;tt gt;715abcc lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Downgrade CodeMirror packages to various Android regressions lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Plugins: Name webview root attribute so that it can be styled ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/commit/75b8caf8163291cae8e9db2180e3315fa5d26986/hovercard" href="https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/commit/75b8caf8163291cae8e9db2180e3315fa5d26986" gt; lt;tt gt;75b8caf lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Remove Math Mode from the list of plugins incompatible with the new editor lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Updated packages glob (v10.4.5), katex (v0.16.11), types lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Accessibility: context menu button doesn't open the note list context menu (regression) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: incorrect list switching behavior lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Improve performance by allowing note list background timers to be cancelled lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
Affero GPLv3 note-taking todo markdown typescript javascript
FlexGet is a multipurpose automation tool for content like torrents, nzbs, podcasts, comics, series, movies, etc. It can use different kinds of sources like RSS-feeds, html pages, csv files, search engines and there are even plugins for sites that do not provide any kind of useful feeds.
minor feature: all commits.
qbittorrent: make sure add_paused option works on qbittorrent 5.
MITL download internet torrents bittorrent python
Linux is a mostly POSIX-compliant Unix-inspired operating system kernel, originally implemented by Linus Torvalds and now maintained as an international project. It's the base and common namegiver to a wide array of Linux distributions. The kernel provides all modern Unix-y features, like true process multitasking, virtual memory, virtual and clustered filesystem support, complex networking and extensive support for various hardware and machine platforms.
minor feature: Linux 6.11.3, perf python: Allow checking for the existence of warning options in clang, pmdomain: core: Reduce desummary table width, perf report: segfault when 'sym' sort key is not used, drm/amd/display: Revert Avoid overflow assignment, crypto: octeontx - Select CRYPTO_AUTHENC, ALSA: control: leftover snd_power_unref(), vhost/scsi: null-ptr-dereference in vhost_scsi_get_req(), rxrpc: a race between socket set up and I/O thread creation, drm/sched: revert "Always increment correct scheduler score", Revert "drm/amd/display: Skip Recompute DSC Params if no Stream on Link", drm/xe/vram: ccs offset calculation, drm/rockchip: vop: enable VOP_FEATURE_INTERNAL_RGB on RK3066, drm/xe/vm: move xa_alloc to prevent UAF, drm/xe: Clean up VM / exec queue file lock usage. ACPI: battery: possible crash when unregistering a battery hook, ACPI: battery: Simplify battery hook locking, r8169: add tally counter fields added with RTL8125, r8169: spelling mistake: "tx_underun" - "tx_underrun", remoteproc: k3-r5: Delay notification of wakeup event, remoteproc: k3-r5: Acquire mailbox handle during probe routine, NFSD: Limit the number of concurrent async COPY operations, NFSD: Async COPY result needs to return a write verifier, sunrpc: change sp_nrthreads from atomic_t to unsigned int. drm/amd/display: Allow backlight to go below `AMDGPU_DM_DEFAULT_MIN_BACKLIGHT`, mm: z3fold: deprecate CONFIG_Z3FOLD, uprobes: kernel info leak via " uprobes " vma, arm64: errata: Expand speculative SSBS workaround once more, arm64: cputype: Add Neoverse-N3 definitions, kconfig: qconf: buffer overflow in delinks, kconfig: qconf: move conf_read() before drawing tree pain, kconfig: infinite loop in sym_calc_choice(), drm/amd/display: system hang while resume with TBT monitor, drm/amd/display: update DML2 policy EnhancedPrefetchScheduleAccelerationFinal DCN35, drm/amd/display: Enable idle workqueue for more IPS modes, drm/amd/display: Add HDR workaround for specific eDP, drm/amd/display: Restore Optimized pbn
GNU GPL c linux kernel operating-system
GNUnet is a framework for secure and anonymous peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. Currently, the framework offers censorship-resistant file-sharing, messaging, VPN, GNS (a decentralized version of DNS), and much more. GNUnet is currently developed by a worldwide group of independent free software developers. GNUnet is a GNU package (http://www.gnu.org/).
minor bugfix: Update HELLO files for new bootstrap peer.
Regression in DHT Bloom filter.
Long-standing regression in HELLO URI expirations.
Affero GPLv3 anonymity f2f file-sharing gns gnunet internet networking p2p vpn
Babel is a code translator, which compiles next-gen EcmaScript 6 syntax into browser-consumable ES5/JavaScript. It adds a few proposed ES7 constructs even, and works with React, Node.js, Rails, etc. It provides for: array comprehensions, arrow functions, async functions, async generator functions, classes, class properties, computed property names, constants, decorators, default parameters, destructuring, exponentiation operator, for-of, generators, generator comprehensions, let scoping, modules, module export extensions, object rest/spread, property method assignment, property name shorthand, rest parameters, react, spread, tail call optimisation, template literals, type annotations, unicode regex support.
minor bugfix: (2024-10-10).
#### :: `babel-core`.
Restore public API of `resolvePlugin`/`resolvePreset` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-proposal-async-do-expressions`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-proposal-do-expressions`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-plugin-proposal-export-default-from`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-bind`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent`, `babel-plugin-proposal-import-defer`, `babel-plugin-proposal-partial-application`, `babel-plugin-proposal-throw-expressions`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-dynamic-import`, `babel-plugin-transform-export-namespace-from`, `babel-plugin-transform-json-strings`, `babel-plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators`, `babel-plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-numeric-separator`, `babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`, `babel-preset-env`.
Inline one-line syntax plugins (@nicolo-ribaudo).
MITL javascript ecmascript nodejs compiler conversion es6 es7 developers
FlexGet is a multipurpose automation tool for content like torrents, nzbs, podcasts, comics, series, movies, etc. It can use different kinds of sources like RSS-feeds, html pages, csv files, search engines and there are even plugins for sites that do not provide any kind of useful feeds.
minor bugfix: all commits.
MITL download internet torrents bittorrent python
Gitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Gitea is a fork of Gogs. See the Gitea Announcement blog post to read about the justification for a fork.
The goal of this project is to provide the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across all platforms and architectures that Go supports. This support includes Linux, macOS, and Windows, on architectures like amd64, i386, ARM, PowerPC, and others.
minor feature: SECURITY.
when a token is given public only.
Increase `cacheContextLifetime` to reduce false reports.
Don't join repository when loading action table data.
javascript error when an anonymous user visits migration page.
Don't init signing keys if oauth2 provider is disabled.
wrong status of `Set up Job` when first step is skipped.
when deleting a migrated branch.
Truncate commit message during Discord webhook push events.
Allow to set branch protection in an empty repository.
panic when cloning with wrong ssh format..
rename branch permission.
: database not update release when using `git push --tags --force`.
Add missing comment reply handling.
Do not escape relative path in RPM primary index.
`/repos/ owner / repo /pulls/ index /files` endpoint not populating `previous_filename`.
Support allowed hosts for migrations to work with proxy.
the logic of finding the latest pull review commit ID.
in getting merged pull request by commit.
wrong last modify time.
incorrect `/tokens` api.
Handle invalid target when creating releases using API.
Check if the `due_date` is nil when editing.
container parallel upload.
race condition when deleting documents by repoId in ElasticSearch.
Refactor CSRF protector.
in /pulls list.
Include collaboration repositories on dashboard source/forks/mirrors list.
Add null check for responseData.invalidTopics.
mssql ci with a new mssql version on ci.
Upgrade some dependencies include minio-go.
Add bin to Composer Metadata.
Lazy load avatar images.
Upgrade cache to v0.2.1.
MITL git go
Akaunting is an online accounting software designed for small businesses to manage their finances and stay on top of their cash flow. Invoicing, accepting online payments and keeping track of expenses couldn't be simpler.
Free Bookkeeping Software for SMEs
From invoicing to expense tracking to accounting, Akaunting has all the tools you need to manage your money online, for free.
Bank Accounts: Create unlimited bank and cash accounts and track their opening and current balances.
Multi Company: Manage the finances of multiple companies from one admin panel. Assign users to different companies.
Powerful Reporting: Get detailed financial reports to help you better visualize all the information you need to improve your business.
Client Portal: Share the transactions and invoices with your clients and accept bulk payments, online.
Recur Everything: Automatically create invoices, revenues, bills, and payments for ongoing jobs. With just a click.
Customer Summary: See the customer profile, address, list of transactions, and paid, open, and overdue totals at a glance.
Akaunting is built with modern technologies such as Laravel, VueJS, Tailwind, RESTful API etc. Thanks to its modular structure, Akaunting provides an awesome App Store for users and developers.
minor feature: lt;h3 gt;Added lt;/h3 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Document list page add default tab feature lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Transaction list page add default tab feature lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Multi-dashboard feature styling lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Ability to change document colour and contact based on invoice lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;h3 gt;Changed lt;/h3 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;New Crowdin translations lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Document recurring index blade flexiable columns lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Transaction and Transaction recurring index blade flexiable columns lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Document index bulk action form flexible lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Transaction index bulk action form flexible lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Ability to change document colour and contact based on invoice style lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;h3 gt; lt;/h3 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Unable to send email when FIREWALL_ENABLED=true lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;deprecation warning in Notification.php by handling null values i lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Notification style solved lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;RTL lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Invoice payments to partially paid invoice lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;report filter period lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;The of displaying long months in the date filter has been resolved lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Reconciliation displays incorrect currency lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
Mixed accounting finance money bookkeeping server laravel php
MuPDF is a slim PDF and XPS viewer. It renders both in high-quality with anti-aliased fornts, accurate metrics and spacing. It fully understands PDF 1.7 with hyperlinks, annotations, transparency, forms, transitions, javascript and encryption. And supports both XPS and OpenXPS formats.
minor feature: New logo!
Redaction options:
- New "don't redact text" option.
- New "redact line art" option.
Structured Text options:
- Use "Tagged PDF" structure information.
- Detect underlines and strikeouts.
- Mark automatically inserted spaces.
- Mark areas where line art (vectors) are present.
- Use accurate glyph bounding boxes.
- Ignore ActualText tags.
- Scan page for 'grid' lines.
- Segment page into areas (headers, columns, etc).
Annotation features:
- Intent property accessors.
- Rich Content styling on FreeText annotations.
- Callout arrows on FreeText annotations.
- Leader Line and Caption on Line annotations.
- Improved handling of Rect and RD.
Low level FDF format support.
- See docs/examples/import-fdf.js for how to use.
Improved FileSpec handling with new functions.
Functions for listing document and page Associated Files (AF).
Functions to create and write XML DOM trees (fz_xml).
Skew detection and deskew algorithms on pixmaps and PDFOCR device.
Document area detection in scanned images.
ZUGFeRD support.
New tool "mutool audit" to create summary of PDF file composition.
Noteworthy API changes:
- New "wants_file" member for fz_document_handler.
- fz_text_item now has an explicit pen "advance" member.
- mutool recolor can now be used as a function.
- pdf_annot_rect works with the "design" rectangle.
Important :
- More robust font subsetting.
- More robust handling of page and annotation objects during
undo and redo.
- Updated "gray.icc" profile to actual sGray gamma ramp.
Support for "SmartOffice" commercially licensed plugin to load office
GNU GPL c pdf xps ghostscript viewer
GitLab is a development collaboration tool and git DVCS frontend. It includes repository management features, code reviews, an issue tracker, activity feeds and wikis.
GitLab provides fine-grained access control, user management, 5 permission levels and branch constraints, and can utilize LDAP/AD intranet authorization.
Powered by Ruby on Rails it comes as open source package, and as commercial supported enterprise version.
minor security: (2024-10-09).
### (1 change).
Drop project_id not null constraint ci_deleted_objects.
### Security (8 changes).
Do not create a pipeline on MR refresh if source branch was deleted (merge request).
Escape OAuth application name on authorize page (merge request).
Prevent guest access to project templates (merge request).
Remove access to local requests via cube query service (merge request).
External webhook token should be set (merge request).
Skip content when listing conflict files with types (merge request).
Hide version info from unauthorized users (merge request).
Prevent deploy keys from pushing code to an archived project (merge request).
MITL ruby ruby-on-rails git dvcs wiki bugtracker version-control
LCMC is a GUI for managing server clusters based on Pacemaker, Corosync, Heartbeat, DRBD, KVM, XEN and LVM. Server management is implemented in Perl, while the management console is Java-based.
minor bugfix: Resource-agent installation on ubuntu
Redhat 8/9 installation
Update version check url
For pcmk 2.1.7
GNU GPL java perl virtualization server-management clustering linux
Gaia Sky is a real-time 3D Universe application that runs on Linux, Windows and macOS. It is developed within the framework of ESA's Gaia mission to chart more than 1 billion stars.
A part of Gaia Sky is described in the paper Gaia Sky: Navigating the Gaia Catalog.
minor feature: Full changelog
Locations of some particle sets in VR.
Make entities honor 'renderQuad' property in render flags component.
UV grid projected coordinates now scale correctly with screen size.
Prevent virtual objects (hooks, invisibles, catalogs, etc.) from appearing in the individual visibility window. Hide meta-components (atmospheres, keyframes, etc.) from buttons list. layout.
Always load HIP numbers if present in the STIL data loader.
Update Jetty, JSON and XMLRPC libraries to secure versions (the old versions contain known vulnerabilities).
Inform user of unsupported cubemap textured objects with procedural generation.
Build System:
Update versions of JCommander, STIL and ApFloat, remove Joise.
Update OSHI library version.
Add architectures to download table.
Typos and spelling errors in changelog file.
Move VR info into `README.md` from `VR.md`.
Improve on-screen keyboard in controller UI.
Add custom marker textures and custom colors for locations.
Add markers to locations; they pinpoint the exact position of the location labe.
Add new attribute to location marks, 'ignoreSolidAngleLimit', which disregards the limits when computing visibility. Cap angular sizes for all locations.
Add session type to system information (Linux only).
Remove 'cosmic locations' content type, move it to regular locations (requires default data pack update.).
Add location type attribute to location objects. This attribute is used to categorize locations by groups in the individual visibility window.
Separate scene from other elements (labels, lines, etc.) to be able to apply different post-processing effects to each.
Move console business logic to console manager entity.
Add an implementation of console/terminal, which accepts commands to interact directly with the Gaia Sky API.
Add a generic map in the base component to store 'unrecognized' attributes; these get displayed in the object info window.
MPL astronomy vr
PipeWire is a project that aims to greatly improve handling of audio and video under Linux. It aims to support the usecases currently handled by both PulseAudio and Jack and at the same time provide same level of powerful handling of Video input and output. It also introduces a security model that makes interacting with audio and video devices from containerized applications easy, with supporting Flatpak applications being the primary goal. Alongside Wayland and Flatpak we expect PipeWire to provide a core building block for the future of Linux application development.
Features include:
Capture and playback of audio and video with minimal latency.
Real-time Multimedia processing on audio and video.
Multiprocess architecture to let applications share multimedia content.
GStreamer plugins for easy use and integration in current applications.
Sandboxed applications support. See Flatpak for more info.
minor bugfix: This is a bugfix release that is API and ABI compatible with the previous 1.2.x and 1.0.x releases.
## Highlights
- Backport support for lazy scheduling.
- Handle the case where processing would stop when an ALSA driver is destroyed.
- Add support for v4l2loopback in the v4l2 plugin.
- Small bug fixes and improvements.
## PipeWire
- Invalidate the proxy ID when removed.
- Backport support for lazy scheduling.
- Fix profiler stats for async nodes.
- Fix EARLY_PROCESS again in pw-stream. (#3480)
## Modules
- Fix a crasher issue when nodes are created in the wrong order in
- Fix unmap bug in lv2 uri tables.
- Add ratelimit to jack-tunnel xruns.
- Remove hardcoded limit in filter-chain sofa plugin.
- Handle the MTU size correctly in module-rtp and handle large MTUs.
- Fix JSON float parsing errors in equalizer module. (#4418)
## SPA
- Fix crash in audiotestsrc when using spa-inspect (#4365).
- Improve JSON float infinity checks.
- Improve resampler performace a little.
- Make audioconvert only output when there is something to output.
- Fix regression in v4l2 port flags which would disable support for EXPBUF.
- Handle the case where an ALSA driver is destroyed and the follower becomes a driver. Processing would stop. (#4401)
- Add support for v4l2loopback in the v4l2 plugin.
## Pulse-server
- Give a better error message when running out of fds.
- Ensure positive latency reporting.
## GStreamer
- Fix memory leak in deviceprovider.
- Fix locking when emitting an error.
## Tools
- Fix pw-dot link labels.
MITL audio video multimedia framework daemon server c
ExifTool is a Perl library and command-line tool for reading and updating
common meta data information in various file formats. Foremost it works on
image files, EXIF, PNG, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF/JPEG, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB,
FlashPix, AFCP, AIFF, DJVU, Postscript, GZIP, OpenDocument, PDF, SVG, OGG and ID3.
It can also edit maker notes of digital (RAW) camera files
from Canon, Casio, FLIR, FujiFilm, GE, HP, JVC/Victor, Kodak, Leaf,
Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Nikon, Nintendo, Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica,
Pentax/Asahi, Phase One, Reconyx, Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo, Sigma/Foveon and Sony.
minor feature: Added write support for PDF files with huge offsets.
- Added a number of new Sony LensType values.
- Require -v4 or higher to output "JPG RST" lines.
- Patched problem with -fast option when reading HEIC file via a pipe.
- Patched to avoid hang when reading some corrupted XMP.
Artistic perl exif meta-data
PDF Arranger is a small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split PDF documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface. It is a front end for pikepdf.
PDF Arranger is a fork of Konstantinos Poulios’s PDF-Shuffler (see Savannah or Sourceforge). It’s a humble attempt to make the project a bit more active.
minor feature: lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;slow saving on Windows when language set to Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean and possibly other lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2474655148" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="https://github.com/pdfarranger/pdfarranger//1110" data-hovercard-type="" data-hovercard-url="/pdfarranger/pdfarranger//1110/hovercard" href="https://github.com/pdfarranger/pdfarranger//1110" gt;#1110 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Add Arabic translation lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Update Dutch translation lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;No or new features on Linux compared to 1.11.0 lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
GNU GPLv3 pdf editor gtk python
VSCode is an extensible source code editor with support for a wide cross-section of programming languages and features for debugging, refactoring, code completion, Markdown previews, and Git integration. VSCode is a cross-platform project started by Microsoft and is based on the Electron framework, although it features an interface with very little visual clutter and is more responsive than many IDEs, even on low-end development machines.
minor feature: lt;p gt;The update addresses these lt;a href="https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/?q=is 3A+milestone 3A 22September+2024+Recovery+1 22+is 3A+" gt; lt;/a gt;, including a for a security vulnerability. lt;/p gt;.
lt;p gt;For the complete release notes go to lt;a href="https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_94" rel="nofollow" gt;Updates lt;/a gt; on lt;a href="https://code.visualstudio.com" rel="nofollow" gt;code.visualstudio.com lt;/a gt;. lt;/p gt;.
MITL software-development text-editor debugger terminal-emulator build-tool version-control
gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. gRPC enables client and server applications to communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems.
major bugfix: lt;p gt;This is release 1.67.0 ( lt;a href= quot;https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/g_stands_for.md quot; gt;gesundheit lt;/a gt;) of gRPC Core. lt;/p gt;.
lt;p gt;For gRPC documentation, see lt;a href= quot;https://grpc.io/ quot; rel= quot;nofollow quot; gt;grpc.io lt;/a gt;. For previous releases, see lt;a href= quot;https://github.com/grpc/grpc/releases quot; gt;Releases lt;/a gt;. lt;/p gt;.
lt;p gt;This release contains refinements, improvements, and, with highlights listed below. lt;/p gt;.
lt;h2 gt;Core lt;/h2 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt; ruby reduce an INFO log to DE. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt; release Bump core version to 44.0.0. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt; RlsLB Deadlock. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt; Python Otel Manage call tracer life cycle use call arena. lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;h2 gt;C++ lt;/h2 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt; OTel C++ race when adding and removing callbacks. lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;h2 gt;Python lt;/h2 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt; Backport to 1.67.x Add templating and support for Python 3.13. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Add templating and support for Python 3.13. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt; Python Distrib Change warning to RuntimeError for version incompatibility. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt; reflection : python: reflection returns lt;code gt;original_request lt;/code gt;. lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
lt;h2 gt;Ruby lt;/h2 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt; ruby drop ruby 2.7 support. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt; ruby reduce ruby gpr_log invocations from INFO to DE. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt; ruby refactor flaky test and expose cancel_with_status. lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
Apache rpc cpp python c
Federated video streaming platform, that's based on ActivityPub and P2P (BitTorrent) stream distribution technology. Individual video hosting instances profiteer from shared communities and content caching.
minor bugfix: :
Error when downloading private/internal video.
Don't crash video federation and live replay generation on missing thumbnail/preview.
Advanced search input with multiple automatic search tokens.
Player "Copy URL" when the video is fullscreen.
Account videos search.
Add missing max transcoding fps config in admin.
Don't add mobile buttons if the player controls are disabled.
Affero GPLv3 javascript angularjs web video hosting activitypub
fcOpenShell is an open source (LGPL) software library that helps users and software developers to work with the IFC file format. The IFC file format can be used to describe building and construction data. The format is commonly used for Building Information Modelling.
IfcOpenShell uses Open CASCADE (the Open CASCADE Community Edition) internally to convert the implicit geometry in IFC files into explicit geometry that any software CAD or modelling package can understand.
minor feature: Creating an object from a mesh now separates by loose part
s to prevent unwanted vertex fusing.
GNU LGPLv3 geometry bim ifc cad cpp python
Snaps are containerised software packages that are simple to create and install. They auto-update and are safe to run. And because they bundle their dependencies, they work on all major Linux systems without modification.
minor feature: lt;h2 gt;What's Changed lt;/h2 gt;.
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;docs(changelog): cherry-pick 8.3.3 and 8.3.4 release notes by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/mr-cal/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/mr-cal" gt;@mr-cal lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2553155587" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft//5076" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/canonical/snapcraft/pull/5076/hovercard" href="https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft/pull/5076" gt;#5076 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;(remotebuild): do not auto clean interrupted builds by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/mr-cal/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/mr-cal" gt;@mr-cal lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2557881657" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft//5081" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/canonical/snapcraft/pull/5081/hovercard" href="https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft/pull/5081" gt;#5081 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;build(deps): bump craft-store to 3.0.2 by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/mr-cal/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/mr-cal" gt;@mr-cal lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2559853389" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft//5084" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/canonical/snapcraft/pull/5084/hovercard" href="https:
GNU GPLv3 snaps linux packaging distribution python cpp
Git is a distributed version control system, originally designed for Linux kernel development and large projects with non-linear workflows. It's comprised of individual tools, reuses ssh and rsync protocols, emphasises speed and data integrity, and keeps every checkout as full-fledged repository, and cryptographically authenticates source history. Various graphical frontends, IDE integrations and web services (GitHub) exist; with its git-fast-export format meanwhile serves interoperability with bzr, hg, fossil, svn.
minor feature: Many Porcelain commands that internally use the merge machinery, were taught to consistently honor the diff.algorithm configuration. A few descriptions in "git show-ref -h" have been clarified. A 'P' command to "git add -p" that passes the patch hunk to the, pager has been added. "git grep -W" omits blank lines that follow the found function at, the end of the file, just like it omits blank lines before the next, function. The value of http.proxy can have "path" at the end for a socks, proxy that listens to a unix-domain socket, but we started to, discard it when we taught proxy auth code path to use the, credential helpers, which has been corrected. The code paths to compact multiple reftable files have been updated, to correctly deal with multiple compaction triggering at the same, time. Support to specify ref backend for submodules has been enhanced. "git svn" has been taught about svn:global-ignores property, recent versions of Subversion has. The default object hash and ref backend format used to be settable, only with explicit command line option to "git init" and, environment variables, but now they can be configured in the user's, global and system wide configuration. "git send-email" learned "--translate-aliases" option that reads, addresses from the standard input and emits the result of applying, aliases on them to the standard output. 'git for-each-ref' learned a new "--format" atom to find the branch, that the history leading to a given commit " (is-base: )" is, likely based on. The command line prompt support used to be littered with bash-isms, which has been corrected to work with more shells. Support for the RUNTIME_PREfeature has been added to z/OS port. "git send-email" learned "--mailmap" option to allow rewriting the, recipient addresses. "git mergetool" learned to use VSCode as a merge backend. "git pack-redundant" has been marked for removal in Git 3.0. One-line messages to "die" and other helper functions will get LF, added by
GNU LGPL c git scm vcs dvcs
CJIT is a C interpreter that lets you run C code instantly, without needing to build it first. It is just one 2MB file and can do everything a C compiler does, including call functions from any installed library. It works on Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.
major feature: Initial announcement, after lab testing and porting to various platforms.
GNU GPLv3 software-development compiler interpreter c
Pyzo is a free and open-source computing environment based on Python. If you're used to e.g. Matlab, Pyzo can be considered a free alternative. Pyzo is a Python IDE that works with any Python interpreter installed on your system, including Conda environments. The IDE is aimed at interactivity and simplicity, and consists of an editor, a shell, and a set of tools to help the programmer in various ways.
major bugfix: ## What's Changed.
Introspection of non-numeric numpy elements by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1052.
Improve signature extraction for calltips by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1054.
Source structure tool for nested elements by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1055.
Add pause button to "Interactive help" tool by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1056.
Add search text filters and refresh button to the workspace tool by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1057.
Add expression viewer tool by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1058.
Add "starts-with" and live-update to the workspace tool's search by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1060.
Remove old workaround for shortcuts now causing by @e-d-n-a in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1061.
Improve introspection for better object representation by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1062.
Interactive help via context menu, and inital text by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1063.
Add placeholder text to startup-code textbox in shell configuration dialog by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1065.
Avoid duplicated closing quote or paren on key autocompletion by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1066.
Move cursor past the closing bracket on key autocompletion by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1067.
Wrong enum for Qt6 in styles.py by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1069.
Calltips and autocompletion crash with Qt6 on Wayland by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1071.
Autocompletion for numeric keys by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1072.
Enhance installation instructions in README.md by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1073.
Improve freeze instructions by @bdieterm in https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/pull/1082.
Errors that occurred when dropping text in the shell by @bdieterm in https://github
BSDL ide python