BRL-CAD 7.38.2 💾

BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform open source combinatorial solid modeling system that includes an interactive 3D solid geometry editor, a network-distributed symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) high-performance ray-tracer with support for rendering and geometric analysis, image and signal-processing tools, a system performance analysis benchmark suite, a flexible geometry scripting interface, and a high-performance geometric representation and analysis library.

minor feature: Added "rtsurf" exterior surface area tool prototype - Sean Morrison. Updated sqlite3 to version 3.45.1 - Cliff Yapp. Updated libpng to version 1.6.43 - Cliff Yapp. Updated zlib to version 1.3.1 - Cliff Yapp. Updated and corrected dbconcat man page - Cliff Yapp. Improved ambient occlusion rt during -k cut planes - Sean Morrison. Changed rt ambient occlusion randomization default - Sean Morrison. Added ambient occlusion example to rt manual pages - Sean Morrison. Rtweight output display inside MGED - Chris McGregor. Added shipping container example geometry model - Josh Baker. Added traffic light example geometry model - Chris McGregor. Improved rtwizard command-line option reporting - Sean Morrison. Added self-intersecting torus ray tracing support - Sean Morrison. rt crash rendering to -F/dev/null - Sean Morrison. Added mater man page density table example - Chris McGregor. Adjusted default ghosting intensity in rtwizard - Josh Baker. MGED command line handling of objects named 'y' - Cliff Yapp. Double printing of last 'search -exec' result - Chris McGregor. Improve 'search -v' to support multiple levels - Chris McGregor. Update 'search -v' to report # of objects found - Chris McGregor. Added a "bots only" mode to script - Cliff Yapp. Asc2g/g2asc support for brep primitives - Cliff Yapp. Added brep and bot versions of pinewood.g model - Josh Baker. Added new.g example file "Annual Gift Man" - Josh Baker. Dsp terrain file data loading for relative paths - Cliff Yapp. Updated Manifold lib for improved facetize robustness - Cliff Yapp.

Other cad cpp c

AdGuardHome 0.107.46 💾

AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it’ll cover ALL your home devices, and you don’t need any client-side software for that. With the rise of Internet-Of-Things and connected devices, it becomes more and more important to be able to control your whole network.

minor feature: See also the v0.107.46 GitHub milestone ms-v0.107.46 . Added: Ability to disable the use of system hosts file information for query resolution (). Ability to define custom directories for storage of query log files and statistics (). Changed: Private rDNS resolution (`dns.use_private_ptr_resolvers` in YAML configuration) now requires a valid "Private reverse DNS servers", when enabled (). NOTE: Disabling private rDNS resolution behaves effectively the same as if no private reverse DNS servers provided by user and by the OS. : Statistics for 7 days displayed by day on the dashboard graph (). Missing "served from cache" label on long DNS server strings (). Incorrect tracking of the system hosts file's changes (). ms-v0.107.46 :

dns security tracking adblock adguard privacy golang javascript

BRL-CAD 7.38.2 💾

BRL-CAD is a constructive solid geometry (CSG) solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) system. It includes an interactive geometry editor, ray tracing support for graphics rendering and geometric analysis, computer network distributed framebuffer support, scripting, image-processing and signal-processing tools. The entire package is distributed in source code and binary form. BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform Open Source combinatorial Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system that includes interactive 3D solid geometry editing, high-performance ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, network-distributed framebuffer support, image and signal-processing tools, path-tracing and photon mapping support for realistic image synthesis, a system performance analysis benchmark suite, an embedded scripting interface, and libraries for robust high-performance geometric representation and analysis. For more than 20 years, BRL-CAD has been the primary tri-service solid modeling CAD system used by the U.S. military to model weapons systems for vulnerability and lethality analyses. The solid modeling system is frequently used in a wide range of military, academic, and industrial applications including in the design and analysis of vehicles, mechanical parts, and architecture. The package has also been used in radiation dose planning, medical visualization, computer graphics education, CSG concepts and modeling education, and system performance benchma

minor feature: Added "rtsurf" exterior surface area tool prototype - Sean Morrison. Updated sqlite3 to version 3.45.1 - Cliff Yapp. Updated libpng to version 1.6.43 - Cliff Yapp. Updated zlib to version 1.3.1 - Cliff Yapp. Updated and corrected dbconcat man page - Cliff Yapp. Improved ambient occlusion rt during -k cut planes - Sean Morrison. Changed rt ambient occlusion randomization default - Sean Morrison. Added ambient occlusion example to rt manual pages - Sean Morrison. Rtweight output display inside MGED - Chris McGregor. Added shipping container example geometry model - Josh Baker. Added traffic light example geometry model - Chris McGregor. Improved rtwizard command-line option reporting - Sean Morrison. Added self-intersecting torus ray tracing support - Sean Morrison. rt crash rendering to -F/dev/null - Sean Morrison. Added mater man page density table example - Chris McGregor. Adjusted default ghosting intensity in rtwizard - Josh Baker. MGED command line handling of objects named 'y' - Cliff Yapp. Double printing of last 'search -exec' result - Chris McGregor. Improve 'search -v' to support multiple levels - Chris McGregor. Update 'search -v' to report # of objects found - Chris McGregor. Added a "bots only" mode to script - Cliff Yapp. Asc2g/g2asc support for brep primitives - Cliff Yapp. Added brep and bot versions of pinewood.g model - Josh Baker. Added new.g example file "Annual Gift Man" - Josh Baker. Dsp terrain file data loading for relative paths - Cliff Yapp. Updated Manifold lib for improved facetize robustness - Cliff Yapp.

GNU LGPL cad solid modeling electromagnetics graphics signal processing design engineering

Babel 7.24.2 💾

Babel is a code translator, which compiles next-gen EcmaScript 6 syntax into browser-consumable ES5/JavaScript. It adds a few proposed ES7 constructs even, and works with React, Node.js, Rails, etc. It provides for: array comprehensions, arrow functions, async functions, async generator functions, classes, class properties, computed property names, constants, decorators, default parameters, destructuring, exponentiation operator, for-of, generators, generator comprehensions, let scoping, modules, module export extensions, object rest/spread, property method assignment, property name shorthand, rest parameters, react, spread, tail call optimisation, template literals, type annotations, unicode regex support.

minor bugfix: (2024-03-19). #### :: `babel-code-frame`, `babel-highlight`. Restore previous `FORCE_COLOR=0` behavior (@nicolo-ribaudo).

MITL javascript ecmascript nodejs compiler conversion es6 es7 developers

Firefly III 6.1.11 💾

"Firefly III" is a self-hosted financial manager. It can help you keep track of expenses, income, budgets and everything in between.

minor feature: Added: New expression engine by @michaelhthomas, still disabled though. Missing database indexes to speed up performance. A button to the experimental `v2`-layout to go back to `v1`. Changed: New login/register screens. New CSP headers. Deprecated: Dropped all old v3 code. Dropped all generated JS and CSS, thanks @paulius-valiunas!. : Discussion 8569 (What is classed as an "automatic transaction" when it comes to notifications?) started by @digitlength. (404 error when deleting a category) reported by @Jademalo. (Create right now option for recurring transaction missing during weekend) reported by @Transportman. PR 8634 ( trivial broken link in readme) reported by @WardenJakx. (No search results returned when using `tag_contains` and `tag_starts`) reported by @Call-Me-G-Now. (Graph error on Reports) reported by @nicolopozzato. (Rule with -has_any_category:true trigger not triggering) reported by @pvieira84. (Can't remove foreign amount using the trash icon) reported by @danielnetop. (Not possible to upload CSV file as an attachment) reported by @dbtdsilva. Removed: Support for Mandrill because the necessary packages aren't maintained anymore.

Affero GPLv3 finance personal financial budget budgeting money manager management currency sums financials php laravel

WirePlumber 0.5.0 💾

WirePlumber is a modular session / policy manager for PipeWire and a GObject-based high-level library that wraps PipeWire’s API, providing convenience for writing the daemon’s modules as well as external tools for managing PipeWire. The WirePlumber daemon implements the session & policy management service. It follows a modular design, having plugins that implement the actual management functionality. The WirePlumber Library provides API that allows you to extend the WirePlumber daemon, to write management or status tools for PipeWire (apps that don’t do actual media streaming) and to write custom session managers for embedded devices.

major bugfix: Changes: - Bumped the minimum required version of PipeWire to 1.0.2, because we. Make use of the 'api.bluez5.internal' property of the BlueZ monitor (!613) - Improved the naming of Bluetooth nodes when the auto-switching loopback. Node is present (!614) - Updated the documentation on "settings", the Bluetooth monitor, the Access. Configuration, the file search locations and added a document on how to Modify the configuration file (#595, !616) : Checking for available routes when selecting the default node (!609). - an that was causing an infinite loop storing routes in the. State file (!610) The interpretation of boolean values in the alsa monitor rules (#586, !611). - a Lua crash when we have 2 smart filters, one with a target and one. Without (!612) - an where the default nodes would not be updated when the. Currently selected default node became unavailable (#588, !615) - an that would cause the Props (volume, mute, etc) of loopbacks. And other filter nodes to not be restored at startup (#577, !617) How some constants were represented in the gobject-introspection file. Mostly by converting them from defines to enums (#540, #591) - an using WirePlumber headers in other projects due to. Redefinition of G_LOG_DOMAIN Past releases.

Other audio session-manager policy-manager pipewire c lua

asterisk 21.2.0 💾

Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.

minor feature: Res_pjsip_stir_shaken.c: Add checks for missing parameters. App_dial: Add dial time for progress/ringing. App_voicemail: Properly reinitialize config after unit tests. App_queue.c : "queue add member" usage string. App_voicemail: Allow preventing mark messages as urgent. Res_pjsip: Use consistent type for boolean columns. Attestation_config.c: Use ast_free instead of ast_std_free. Makefile: Add stir_shaken/cache to directories created on install. Stir/Shaken Refactor. Translate.c: implement new direct comp table mode. Removed outdated link. Strings.h: Ensure ast_str_buffer( ) returns a 0 terminated string. Res_rtp_asterisk.c: Correct coefficient in MOS calculation. Dsp.c: and improve potentially inaccurate log message. Pjsip show channelstats: Prevent possible segfault when faxing. Reduce startup/shutdown verbose logging. Configure: Rerun bootstrap on modern platform. Upgrade bundled pjproject to 2.14. Res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Add User-Agent header override. App_speech_utils.c: Allow partial speech results. Utils: Make behavior of ast_strsep match strsep. App_chanspy: Add 'D' option for dual-channel audio. App_if: next priority calculation. Res_pjsip_t38.c: Permit IPv6 SDP connection addresses. BuildSystem: Bump autotools versions on OpenBSD. Main/utils: Simplify the FreeBSD ast_get_tid() handling. Res_pjsip_session.c: Correctly format SDP connection addresses. Rtp_engine.c: Correct sample rate typo for L16/44100. Manager.c: erroneous reloads in UpdateConfig. Res_calendar_icalendar: Print iCalendar error on parsing failure. App_confbridge: Don't emit warnings on valid configurations. App_voicemail_odbc: remove macrocontext from voicemail_messages table. Chan_dahdi: Allow MWI to be manually toggled on channels. Chan_rtp.c: MulticastRTP missing refcount without codec option. Chan_rtp.c: Change MulticastRTP nameing to avoid memory leak. Func_frame_trace: Add CLI command to dump frame queue.

GNU GPL communication conferencing telephony sip pbx c python

Orekit 12.0.2 💾

Orekit aims at providing accurate and efficient low level components for the development of flight dynamics applications. It is designed to be easily used in very different contexts, from quick studies up to critical operations. As a library, Orekit provides basic elements (orbits, dates, attitude, frames, ...) and various algorithms to handle them (conversions, propagations, pointing, ...).

minor feature: lt;p gt;Version 12.0.2 is a patch release of Orekit. The main changes are: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;Change visibility of InertiaAxis and Inertia constructors to public. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Allow Rinex V4 observation files to have either "ANTENNA: DELTA X/Y/Z" or "ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N" header line. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Field versions of Frame.getStaticTransformTo don't allow null dates (they never did, but the javadoc wrongly stated this was allowed). lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Removed blank lines in SP3 file generation. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;forbidden SBAS System Time in SP3 files. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;wrong key for Beidou System Time in SP3 files. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;wrong parsing of some time systems in SP3 files. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;incorrect transmitter location in BistaticRange measurement. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;regression in Ephemeris with interpolationPoints=1. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;loading of UTC (now thread safe). lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;DSST Jacobian setup. lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;. lt;p gt;This version depends on Hipparchus 3.0 lt;/p gt;.

Apache scientific physics space flight dynamics aerodynamics astrodynamics satellite-prediction altitude spaceflight orbital-mechanics java

Pandoc 💾

If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife. Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library.

minor bugfix: . . Markdown reader: with footnotes at end of fenced. Div. LaTeX reader:. . Improve tokenization of . Make Tokenization sensitive to makeatletter/ makeatother. Previously we Just always treated as a letter. This led to bad results, e.g. with the sequence . E.g., a @ b would parse as ab and as a .. Make withRaw work. Inside parseFromToks. This is needed for raw environments to work inside table cells.. Better handling of table colwidths. Previously the parser just failed if the column width specified in. p wasn t a multiple of. linewidth. This led to. Cases where content was skipped. . Typst writer:. . Add kind parameter to figures with tables.. Avoid unnecessary box around image in figure.. Omit width/height in images unless explicitly specified. Previously we computed width/heigth for images that didn t have. Size information, because otherwise typst would expand the image to fit page width. This typst behavior has changed in 0.11. This. Change a in which images would sometimes overflow page Margins, depending on their intrinsic size. Don t add hard-coded inset to tables. Instead, set this globally in the default template, allowing it to be customized.. . LaTeX template: block headings support for unnumbered. Paragraphs. HTML templates: Replace polyfill provider. Replace. with has Been acquired by Funnull, and the service has become Unstable. Korean translations: delete colon in translation for to . This was invalid YAML, and not desired anyway, since a colon is. Added. Use latest commonmark, commonmark-extensions. This a 3.12 regression in parsing of commonmark/gfm autolinks. (jgm/commonmark-hs#151). Depend on djot, which a serious parsing affecting regular paragraphs after lists.. Depend on latest skylighting, skylighting-core, typst-hs. Texmath. MANUAL.txt: Change broken link to IDML cookbook.. . . .

GNU GPLv3 utilities haskell

asterisk 21.2.0 💾

Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.

minor feature: Res_pjsip_stir_shaken.c: Add checks for missing parameters. App_dial: Add dial time for progress/ringing. App_voicemail: Properly reinitialize config after unit tests. App_queue.c : "queue add member" usage string. App_voicemail: Allow preventing mark messages as urgent. Res_pjsip: Use consistent type for boolean columns. Attestation_config.c: Use ast_free instead of ast_std_free. Makefile: Add stir_shaken/cache to directories created on install. Stir/Shaken Refactor. Translate.c: implement new direct comp table mode. Removed outdated link. Strings.h: Ensure ast_str_buffer( ) returns a 0 terminated string. Res_rtp_asterisk.c: Correct coefficient in MOS calculation. Dsp.c: and improve potentially inaccurate log message. Pjsip show channelstats: Prevent possible segfault when faxing. Reduce startup/shutdown verbose logging. Configure: Rerun bootstrap on modern platform. Upgrade bundled pjproject to 2.14. Res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Add User-Agent header override. App_speech_utils.c: Allow partial speech results. Utils: Make behavior of ast_strsep match strsep. App_chanspy: Add 'D' option for dual-channel audio. App_if: next priority calculation. Res_pjsip_t38.c: Permit IPv6 SDP connection addresses. BuildSystem: Bump autotools versions on OpenBSD. Main/utils: Simplify the FreeBSD ast_get_tid() handling. Res_pjsip_session.c: Correctly format SDP connection addresses. Rtp_engine.c: Correct sample rate typo for L16/44100. Manager.c: erroneous reloads in UpdateConfig. Res_calendar_icalendar: Print iCalendar error on parsing failure. App_confbridge: Don't emit warnings on valid configurations. App_voicemail_odbc: remove macrocontext from voicemail_messages table. Chan_dahdi: Allow MWI to be manually toggled on channels. Chan_rtp.c: MulticastRTP missing refcount without codec option. Chan_rtp.c: Change MulticastRTP nameing to avoid memory leak. Func_frame_trace: Add CLI command to dump frame queue. User Notes: app_dial: Add dial time for progress/ringing.

GNU GPL communication conferencing telephony sip pbx c python

asterisk 20.7.0 💾

Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.

minor feature: Res_pjsip_stir_shaken.c: Add checks for missing parameters. App_dial: Add dial time for progress/ringing. App_voicemail: Properly reinitialize config after unit tests. App_queue.c : "queue add member" usage string. App_voicemail: Allow preventing mark messages as urgent. Res_pjsip: Use consistent type for boolean columns. Attestation_config.c: Use ast_free instead of ast_std_free. Makefile: Add stir_shaken/cache to directories created on install. Stir/Shaken Refactor. Alembic: Synchronize alembic heads between supported branches. Translate.c: implement new direct comp table mode. Removed outdated link. Strings.h: Ensure ast_str_buffer( ) returns a 0 terminated string. Res_rtp_asterisk.c: Correct coefficient in MOS calculation. Dsp.c: and improve potentially inaccurate log message. Pjsip show channelstats: Prevent possible segfault when faxing. Reduce startup/shutdown verbose logging. Configure: Rerun bootstrap on modern platform. Upgrade bundled pjproject to 2.14. App_speech_utils.c: Allow partial speech results. Utils: Make behavior of ast_strsep match strsep. App_chanspy: Add 'D' option for dual-channel audio. App_if: next priority calculation. Res_pjsip_t38.c: Permit IPv6 SDP connection addresses. BuildSystem: Bump autotools versions on OpenBSD. Main/utils: Simplify the FreeBSD ast_get_tid() handling. Res_pjsip_session.c: Correctly format SDP connection addresses. Rtp_engine.c: Correct sample rate typo for L16/44100. Manager.c: erroneous reloads in UpdateConfig. Res_calendar_icalendar: Print iCalendar error on parsing failure. App_confbridge: Don't emit warnings on valid configurations. App_voicemail: add NoOp alembic script to maintain sync. Chan_dahdi: Allow MWI to be manually toggled on channels. Chan_rtp.c: MulticastRTP missing refcount without codec option. Chan_rtp.c: Change MulticastRTP nameing to avoid memory leak. Func_frame_trace: Add CLI command to dump frame queue.

GNU GPL communication conferencing telephony sip pbx c python

GEGL 0.4.48 💾

GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a data flow based image processing framework, providing floating point processing and non-destructive image processing capabilities to GNU Image Manipulation Program and other projects (imgflo, GNOME Photos, gcut, iconographer, …) With GEGL you chain together processing operations to represent the desired image processing pipeline. GEGL provides operations for image loading and storing, color adjustments, GIMPs artistic filters and more forms of image processing GEGL can also be used from the commandline. The primary repository for the GEGL source code in GNOME git, and at GIMPs download site tarball releases. GEGL is Free Software, and both new functionality in new operations as well as relevant development, enhancement requests, patches and bug reports for GEGL at , Finanical support for fun new filters and capabilities as well as gardening/janitor bits and offshoot new color related infrastructure as part of project maintainership is welcome through the patreon campaign at GIMPs donation page.

minor feature:

GNU LGPLv3 multimedia visualization c

asterisk 18.22.0 💾

Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.

minor feature: Res_pjsip_stir_shaken.c: Add checks for missing parameters. App_dial: Add dial time for progress/ringing. App_voicemail: Properly reinitialize config after unit tests. App_queue.c : "queue add member" usage string. App_voicemail: Allow preventing mark messages as urgent. Res_pjsip: Use consistent type for boolean columns. Attestation_config.c: Use ast_free instead of ast_std_free. Makefile: Add stir_shaken/cache to directories created on install. Stir/Shaken Refactor. Alembic: Synchronize alembic heads between supported branches. Translate.c: implement new direct comp table mode. Removed outdated link. Strings.h: Ensure ast_str_buffer( ) returns a 0 terminated string. Res_rtp_asterisk.c: Correct coefficient in MOS calculation. Dsp.c: and improve potentially inaccurate log message. Pjsip show channelstats: Prevent possible segfault when faxing. Reduce startup/shutdown verbose logging. Configure: Rerun bootstrap on modern platform. Upgrade bundled pjproject to 2.14. App_speech_utils.c: Allow partial speech results. Utils: Make behavior of ast_strsep match strsep. App_chanspy: Add 'D' option for dual-channel audio. App_if: next priority calculation. Res_pjsip_t38.c: Permit IPv6 SDP connection addresses. BuildSystem: Bump autotools versions on OpenBSD. Main/utils: Simplify the FreeBSD ast_get_tid() handling. Res_pjsip_session.c: Correctly format SDP connection addresses. Rtp_engine.c: Correct sample rate typo for L16/44100. Manager.c: erroneous reloads in UpdateConfig. Res_calendar_icalendar: Print iCalendar error on parsing failure. App_confbridge: Don't emit warnings on valid configurations. App_voicemail: add NoOp alembic script to maintain sync. Chan_dahdi: Allow MWI to be manually toggled on channels. Chan_rtp.c: MulticastRTP missing refcount without codec option. Chan_rtp.c: Change MulticastRTP nameing to avoid memory leak. Func_frame_trace: Add CLI command to dump frame queue.

GNU GPL communication conferencing telephony sip pbx c python

Red5 Media Server 1.3.31 💾

Red5 is an Open Source Flash Server written in Java that supports streaming Video (FLV, F4V, MP4, 3GP), streaming Audio (MP3, F4A, M4A, AAC), recording Client Streams (FLV and AVC+AAC in FLV container), shared objects, live stream publishing, remoting and protocols RTMP, RTMPT, RTMPS, RTMPE. Additional features supported via plugin: WebSocket (ws and wss), RTSP (From Axis-type cameras) and HLS.

minor bugfix: /title . . . mondain. . . . .,2008:Repository/14514767/v1.3.30. 2024-03-18T13:26:50Z. . .

Apache multimedia streaming server java

Paperless-ngx 2.6.3 💾

Paperless-ngx is a community-supported open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper. Features: Organize and index your scanned documents with tags, correspondents, types, and more. Your data is stored locally on your server and is never transmitted or shared in any way. Performs OCR on your documents, adding searchable and selectable text, even to documents scanned with only images. Utilizes the open-source Tesseract engine to recognize more than 100 languages. Documents are saved as PDF/A format which is designed for long term storage, alongside the unaltered originals. Uses machine-learning to automatically add tags, correspondents and document types to your documents. Supports PDF documents, images, plain text files, Office documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and LibreOffice equivalents)1 and more. Paperless stores your documents plain on disk. Filenames and folders are managed by paperless and their format can be configured freely with different configurations assigned to different documents. Beautiful, modern web application that features: Customizable dashboard with statistics. Filtering by tags, correspondents, types, and more. Bulk editing of tags, correspondents, types and more. Drag-and-drop uploading of documents throughout the app. Customizable views can be saved and displayed on the dash

minor feature: : : allow setting allauth @shamoon. Change: dont require empty bulk edit parameters @shamoon. Dependencies: . 4 changes. Chore(deps-dev): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 in /src-ui @dependabot. Chore(deps-dev): Bump the development group with 3 updates @dependabot. Chore(deps): Bump the django group with 1 update @dependabot. Chore(deps): Bump the small-changes group with 2 updates @dependabot. . All App Changes: . 8 changes. Chore(deps-dev): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 in /src-ui @dependabot. : allow setting allauth @shamoon. Change: remove credentials from redis url in system status @shamoon. Chore(deps-dev): Bump the development group with 3 updates @dependabot. Chore(deps): Bump the django group with 1 update @dependabot. Chore(deps): Bump the small-changes group with 2 updates @dependabot. Change: dont require empty bulk edit parameters @shamoon. : missing translation string @DimitriDR. .

GNU GPLv3 internet web dynamic content indexing search

LimeSurvey 6.4.12 (build 240311) 💾

LimeSurvey is a web application that interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, or Postgres to develop surveys, publish surveys, and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created, data can be inserted into the survey either by a "pretty" public screen which presents each question one at a time, or by a quick and nasty data entry screen. It includes the capacity to generate individualized "tokens", so that invitations can be issued to participants. It also has the capacity to set conditions on whether questions will display (branching), numerous question types, and a basic statistics function.

minor feature: Survey not viewable if invalid str_repeat call is used in expressions (Carsten Schmitz). Cannot create URL panel parameters without assigning it to a question (Carsten Schmitz). CT-698: a link (lajosarpad). CT-681: Answer options order (answer_order) is missing as an attribute definition and causes the value to not persist through tsv exports and imports (Patrick Teichmann). Generated analytics script does not properly escape question group name (Matthew). Plugin with PHP error can not be resetted (Denis Chenu). Extra action button for Question are really badly placed (Denis Chenu). Survey listing - multiple calls of template (Denis Chenu). Updated translation: Turkish by kayazeren. Updated translation: Portuguese (Brazil) by c_schmitz, femariso, holch, marcelovincenzi, mauriciofurtado, paulohpmoraes, samarta, thiagosmartins. Updated translation: Korean by modernity4r. Updated translation: Japanese by d_inoue. Updated translation: Finnish by Jmantysalo.

GNU GPL survey php mysql mssql postgres

RE/flex lexical analyzer generator 4.1.2 💾

RE/flex is the fast lexical analyzer generator with full Unicode support, indent/nodent/dedent anchors, lazy quantifiers, word boundaries, and many other modern features. Supports Flex lexer specification syntax and is compatible with Bison/Yacc parsers. Generates reusable source code that is easy to understand. Supports fast scanning of UTF-8/16/32 files, strings, and streams. The reflex scanner generator tool generates clean lexer class code that is thread-safe. Generates Graphviz files to visualize state machine DFAs. RE/flex also offers a collection of class templates to wrap C++ regex engines in a unified API for scanning and searching large data sources.

minor feature: Released 4.1.2 Updated configure scripts. Cast negative ctype function arguments (problem detected on NetBSD 10) #198.

BSDL code-generator c++ cross-plattform developers

ReMove to Waste 0.9.2 💾

rmw (ReMove to Waste) is a trashcan/recycle bin utility for the command line. It can move and restore files to and from directories specified in a configuration file, and can also be integrated with your regular desktop trash folder (if your desktop environment uses the Trash specification). One of the unique features of rmw is the ability to purge items from your waste (or trash) directories after x number of days.

minor bugfix: * Show counter in real-time as items are getting purged * Update for use with canfigger 0.3.0 * Fix translations not working when using the AppImage

GNU GPLv3 terminal c end-users curses file-manager

Rust 1.76.0 💾

Rust is systems programming language, which is intended to be fast and memory-safe through stronger typing, and prevent race conditions. It's developed by Mozilla, multi-paradigm, supports concurrent execution, procedural, imperative, actor-based, object-oriented and pure-functional design schemes, with a syntax close to C++. The self-hosting compiler utilizes LLVM and its resulting binaries are comparable in performance to C++. It also features algebraic data types, pattern matching, closures, type inference, zero-cost abstractions, guaranteed memory safety, minimal runtime, and efficient C bindings.

major feature: Language Document Rust ABI compatibility between various types Also: guarantee that char and u32 are ABI-compatible Add lint ambiguous_wide_pointer_comparisons that supersedes clippy::vtable_address_comparisons Compiler Lint pinned # must_use pointers (in particular, Box where T is # must_use ) in unused_must_use. Soundness fix: fix computing the offset of an unsized field in a packed struct Soundness fix: fix dynamic size/align computation logic for packed types with dyn Trait tail Add message_type field to distinguish json diagnostic outputs Enable Rust to use the EHCont security feature of Windows Add tier 3 x86_64,i686 -win7-windows-msvc targets Add tier 3 aarch64-apple-watchos target Add tier 3 arm64e-apple-ios arm64e-apple-darwin targets Refer to Rust's platform support page for more information on Rust's tiered platform support. Libraries Add a column number to dbg!() Add std::hash:: DefaultHasher, RandomState exports Fix rounding issue with exponents in fmt Add T: ?Sized to RwLockReadGuard and RwLockWriteGuard's Debug impls. Windows: Allow File::create to work on hidden files Stabilized APIs Arc::unwrap_or_clone Rc::unwrap_or_clone Result::inspect Result::inspect_err Option::inspect type_name_of_val std::hash:: DefaultHasher, RandomState These were previously available only through std::collections::hash_map. ptr:: from_ref, from_mut ptr::addr_eq

MITL rust programming-language compiler concurrent type-safe

Fasttracker II clone 1.78 💾

Fasttracker II clone for Windows/macOS/Linux Aims to be a highly accurate clone of the classic Fasttracker II software for MS-DOS. The XM player itself has been directly ported from the original source code, for maximum accuracy. The code is partly my own, partly based on the original FT2 code. What is Fasttracker II? Read about it on Wikipedia.

minor feature: lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;: It was possible to deadlock the tracker by attempting to load samples that had a filesize of zero bytes, or if the sample was in use by another program lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Fullscreen mode has received more. Hopefully it should be better now. Please note that the "stretched" mode does not fill the entire screen in many cases. The mouse pixel mapping can also be off on some Linux systems. lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;.

BSDL-2 audio tracker

butt 0.1.41 💾

butt (broadcast using this tool) is a Shoutcast and Icecast streaming tool, which runs on Linux, Max OS X, and Windows. It's primarily meant for broadcasting live audio data, directly from line or microphone input. It's not intended as streaming or playlist server by itself.

minor feature: . . . . Add support for controlling BUTT via MIDI CC messages. . . EQ and compressor can now be enabled independently for the stream and record path. . . You can now use N as a placeholder for the current server name in your record file/path. . . Prevent BUTT from being disconnected by the server when using FLAC and the audio signal is 100 silent. . . The signal and silence detection can now by activated/deactivated with a checkbox instead of simply setting the value to 0. . . Add -L parameter to get a list of available audio devices. . . The ICY name and ICY description now support the same placeholders as the record file/path (activate the "expand variables" checkbox). . . Add Arabic language support (Thanks to Magd). . . an that could lead BUTT to freeze on startup if no internet connection is available. . . Overall stability improvements. . . . . . .

GNU GPL c++ audio streaming icecast shoutcast

FlexGet 3.11.24 💾

FlexGet is a multipurpose automation tool for content like torrents, nzbs, podcasts, comics, series, movies, etc. It can use different kinds of sources like RSS-feeds, html pages, csv files, search engines and there are even plugins for sites that do not provide any kind of useful feeds.

minor bugfix: all commits.

MITL download internet torrents bittorrent python

XFCE4 desktop 4.19.2 💾

Xfdesktop manages the root window for the XFCE4 desktop environment. It basically displays the background, shows desktop icons, implements the virtual desktop switching, and the root context and application menu.

minor bugfix: critical warning when disabling window icons. Update for new libxfce4windowing workspace API. with XfceDesktop- workspace_manager NULL on realize. Don't react to GdkScreen::monitors-changed if no monitors. Update for `xfw_window_x11_get_xid()` in `libxfce4windowing-4.19.3`. crash when primary monitor is not set. Avoid showing non-removable drives/volumes on the desktop. Add CI builds for --disable-x11 and --disable-wayland. ifdef out unusued code in settings dialog when X11 is disabled. build when X11 support disabled. Make DEFAULT_BACKDROP configurable at build time. rc file under sanity check. I18n: Update po/LINGUAS list. I18n: Update po/LINGUAS list. I18n: Update po/LINGUAS list. desktop window positioning on multi-monitor Wayland. Remove inaccurate comment. Pass event button on menu popup when it's a release event as well. spacing/layout in new settings tab for consistency. Move File/Launcher icons settings to a separate tab. Add pref for label underline when in single click mode. Translation Updates: Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian (Armenia), Asturian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Belarusian, Belarusian (Tarask), Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese. (China), Chinese (Hong Kong), Chinese (Taiwan), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Eastern Armenian, English (Australia), English. (Canada), English (United Kingdom), Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Interlingue, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk, Occitan. (post 1500), Persian (Iran), Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Ukrainian, Uyghur, Uzbek.

GNU GPL c gtk xfce desktop root-window x11

Unison 2.53.4 💾

Unison is a file-synchronization tool for POSIX-compliant systems (e.g. *BSD, GNU/Linux, macOS) and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other. Unison has been in use for over 20 years and many people use it to synchronize data they care about. Features: Unison works across platforms, allowing you to synchronize a Windows laptop with a Unix server, for example. Unlike simple mirroring or backup utilities, Unison can deal with updates to both replicas of a distributed directory structure. Updates that do not conflict can be propagated automatically. Conflicting updates are detected and displayed. Unlike many network filesystems, Unison copies data so that already-synchronized data can be read and written while offline. Unlike most distributed filesystems, Unison is a user-level program that simply uses normal systems calls: there is no need to modify the kernel, to have superuser privileges on either host, or to have a FUSE implementation. Unison works between any pair of machines connected to the internet, typically communicating over ssh, but also directly over TCP. It is careful with network bandwidth, and runs well over slow links. Transfers of small updates to large files are optimized using a compression protocol similar to rsync.

minor feature: Released 2024-02-19 * Improved and simplified makefiles. Please review your build scripts for changed build goals, input variables and build artifact names. See for details. * opam build uses the makefile build system. * Various fixes in Windows and Cygwin builds. * Preferences "force", "prefer" and related "partial" preferences now work slightly differently with values "newer" and "older". Previously, if mtimes in both replicas were equal then always the second root propagated to the first root (possibly reverting user changes). It is now made explicit that "newer" and "older" only work when mtimes are different. * Cleanups in documentation. * Bugfixes, minor improvements, cleanups.

GNU GPLv3 ocaml file-syncronization internet archiving networking mirroring rsync file-transfer backup

Gambas 3.19.1 💾

Gambas is an IDE and BASIC interpreter with object-oriented extensions. It's designed to ease building graphical applications programs using Gtk+ or Qt, and runs on most Unix and Linux systems. With its runtime standalone applications can be packaged, even command-line programs. The Gambas3 JIT-compiling interpreter often executes faster than Perl or Python apps. It also supports SDL, OpenGL and OpenAL, MySQL or PostgreSQL databases, CGI webserver interfacing,

minor feature: This release includes some made since the 3.19.0 release... Compilation and installation Read the instructions there. If everything was fine, type "gambas3" to run the development environment. Enjoy it !.. Changelog. CONFIGURATION. Compile gb.web

GNU GPL c++ c basic interpreter ide developers x11 gtk kde curses sdl

Checkstyle 10.14.2 💾

Checkstyle assists with source coding standard checking for Java. It supports the Sun or Google code conventions, but is flexible and configurable. It can be run as console tool, or integrated as ANT task.

minor feature: Transitive dependency rejection after Guava upgrade to 32.1.3-jre. GenericWhitespaceCheck: Handling of whitespace between generic and record header. JavadocStyle doesn't work with inline `@return`. Refactor AbstractModuleTestSupport and InlineConfigParser to support XML configs in Input files without extra detalization on modules. Enable examples tests. Expand XPath IT Regression Testing. Resolve Pitest Suppression in Pitest-Javadoc Profile. update to new format of AST print. spelling: Some traditional Chinese characters were changed to simplified Chinese. Cover pitest survivals with tests.

MITL java coding-style syntax-checker command-line

HarfBuzz 8.3.1 💾

HarfBuzz is a text shaping engine. It primarily supports OpenType, but also Apple Advanced Typography. HarfBuzz is used in Android, Chrome, ChromeOS, Firefox, GNOME, GTK+, KDE, LibreOffice, OpenJDK, PlayStation, Qt, XeTeX, and other places.

major bugfix: - hb_blob_create_from_file_or_fail() on Windows will now try to interpret the file name as UTF-8 first, and as system code page if it is not valid UTF-8. - Fix hb_style_get_value() in fonts with STAT table. - Properly handle negative offsets in CFF table. - Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to 2024-03-07. - Subsetter now supports subsetting BASE table. - Subsetter will update hhea font metrics in sync with OS/2 ones. - --variations option of hb-subset now supports leaving out values that should be unchanged, e.g. wght=:500: will change the default and keep max and min unchanged. It also supports *=drop to to pin all axes to default location. - Fix hb_ot_math_get_glyph_kerning() to match updated MATH table spec. - Support legacy MacRoman encoding in cmap table. - Various build fixes. - Various subsetting and instancing fixes. - New API: hb_subset_input_pin_all_axes_to_default()

Mixed c++ c fonts text-shaping

GTK 4.14.1 💾

Offering a complete set of UI elements, GTK is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off tools to complete application suites. Work with the language of your choice. Develop your GTK app with your language of choice by using Language Bindings or wrappers and take full advantage of the official GNOME bindings which guarantee API stability and time-based releases. Portability. Projects built using GTK and its dependencies run on well known operating systems. Stability. GTK delivers the enticing features and superb performance which adds to your applications. Language Bindings. GTK is written in C but has been designed to support a wide range of languages such as Python, JavaScript, C++, Rust and many more. Interfaces. GTK has a comprehensive collection of core widgets like Buttons, Windows, Toolbars for use in your application. Open Source. GTK is a free and open-source project maintained by GNOME and an active community of contributors. GTK is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. API. GTK boasts of an easy to use API which helps in decreasing your development time and help you achieve better results. Accommodation. GTK caters to many features like Native look and feel, theme support, Object-oriented approach that today’s developers look for in a toolkit. Foundations. GTK is built on top of GLib. GLib provides the fundamental data types and system integration points to avoid duplicated code in applications.

minor bugfix: GtkTextView: - a mixup of cursor and anchor when retrieving surrounding text in input methods. Printing: - Avoid accessing freed printers. Accessibility: - memory leaks. GDK: - Rename the GDK_VULKAN_SKIP environment variable to GDK_VULKAN_DISABLE. - Add a GDK_GL_DISABLE environment variable. GSK: - Rename the GSK_GPU_SKIP environment variable to GSK_GPU_DISABLE. - Speed up handling of repeated ops, which should help for text. - Speed up the inner loop of text node conversion. - Drop the glyph-align optimization flag. - ngl: Avoid reusing frames while they are in use. - flickering thumbnails in nautilus. - Speed up buffer handling in both ngl and Vulkan. Demos: - Skip demos using gl shaders when we're not using the gl renderer. Build: - some ubsan warnings. - Avoid zink in ci since it spams stderr. Translation updates: Czech German Korean Russian.

GNU GPLv3 gnome gtk library framework gui toolkit cpp

Spyder 5.5.3 💾

Spyder is a powerful scientific environment written in Python, for Python, and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts. It offers a unique combination of the advanced editing, analysis, debugging, and profiling functionality of a comprehensive development tool with the data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection, and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package. Beyond its many built-in features, its abilities can be extended even further via its plugin system and API. Furthermore, Spyder can also be used as a PyQt5 extension library, allowing developers to build upon its functionality and embed its components, such as the interactive console, in their own PyQt software.

minor bugfix: Important : Critical error when starting IPython console kernels on macOS and Linux in conda environments. : `PermissionError` when starting IPython console kernels on macOS and Linux. In this release 1 was. ----.

MITL interpreter ide cpython python science-research

gaiasky 3.6.0-3 💾

Gaia Sky is a real-time 3D Universe application that runs on Linux, Windows and macOS. It is developed within the framework of ESA's Gaia mission to chart more than 1 billion stars. A part of Gaia Sky is described in the paper Gaia Sky: Navigating the Gaia Catalog.

minor bugfix: Full changelog : Back-buffer scale initialization when config file is resetted. .

MPL astronomy vr

Linux kernel 6.8.1 💾

Linux is a mostly POSIX-compliant Unix-inspired operating system kernel, originally implemented by Linus Torvalds and now maintained as an international project. It's the base and common namegiver to a wide array of Linux distributions. The kernel provides all modern Unix-y features, like true process multitasking, virtual memory, virtual and clustered filesystem support, complex networking and extensive support for various hardware and machine platforms.

minor feature: Linux 6.8.1, KVM/x86: Export RFDS_NO and RFDS_CLEAR to guests, x86/rfds: Mitigate Register File Data Sampling (RFDS), Documentation/hw-vuln: Add documentation for RFDS, x86/mmio: Disable KVM mitigation when X86_FEATURE_CLEAR_CPU_BUF is set

GNU GPL c linux kernel operating-system

exiftool 12.79 💾

ExifTool is a Perl library and command-line tool for reading and updating common meta data information in various file formats. Foremost it works on image files, EXIF, PNG, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF/JPEG, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix, AFCP, AIFF, DJVU, Postscript, GZIP, OpenDocument, PDF, SVG, OGG and ID3. It can also edit maker notes of digital (RAW) camera files from Canon, Casio, FLIR, FujiFilm, GE, HP, JVC/Victor, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Nikon, Nintendo, Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Phase One, Reconyx, Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo, Sigma/Foveon and Sony.

minor feature: Improvements to new Geolocation feature: - Added ability to obtain GPS coordinates from city name. - Added -listgeo option to list the Geolocation database. - Added the ability to include user-defined cities in the Geolocation database. - Added the ability to write XMP-iptcExt LocationShown tags using Geolocate feature. - Added the ability to specify which tags to read from file for the API Geolocation option. - Added language translations for Geolocation names. - Increased resolution of Geolocation GPS positions and stored populations. - API Changes: - Save necessary data members to allow GetInfo to be accessed by user-defined tags.

Artistic perl exif meta-data

Orekit 12.0.2-RC1 💾

Orekit aims at providing accurate and efficient low level components for the development of flight dynamics applications. It is designed to be easily used in very different contexts, from quick studies up to critical operations. As a library, Orekit provides basic elements (orbits, dates, attitude, frames, ...) and various algorithms to handle them (conversions, propagations, pointing, ...).

major feature: Release Candidate 1 for version 12.0.2

Apache scientific physics space flight dynamics aerodynamics astrodynamics satellite-prediction altitude spaceflight orbital-mechanics java

libevdev 1.13.1 💾

libevdev is a wrapper library for evdev devices. it moves the common tasks when dealing with evdev devices into a library and provides a library interface to the callers, thus avoiding erroneous ioctls, etc. The eventual goal is that libevdev wraps all ioctls available to evdev devices, thus making direct access unnecessary.

minor bugfix:

MITL evdev library wrapper