Paperless-ngx 2.5.0 💾

Paperless-ngx is a community-supported open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper. Features: Organize and index your scanned documents with tags, correspondents, types, and more. Your data is stored locally on your server and is never transmitted or shared in any way. Performs OCR on your documents, adding searchable and selectable text, even to documents scanned with only images. Utilizes the open-source Tesseract engine to recognize more than 100 languages. Documents are saved as PDF/A format which is designed for long term storage, alongside the unaltered originals. Uses machine-learning to automatically add tags, correspondents and document types to your documents. Supports PDF documents, images, plain text files, Office documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and LibreOffice equivalents)1 and more. Paperless stores your documents plain on disk. Filenames and folders are managed by paperless and their format can be configured freely with different configurations assigned to different documents. Beautiful, modern web application that features: Customizable dashboard with statistics. Filtering by tags, correspondents, types, and more. Bulk editing of tags, correspondents, types and more. Drag-and-drop uploading of documents throughout the app. Customizable views can be saved and displayed on the dash

major feature: Breaking Changes: Enhancement: bulk delete objects @shamoon. Notable Changes: Feature: OIDC social authentication @mpflanzer. Features: Enhancement: confirm buttons @shamoon. Enhancement: bulk delete objects @shamoon. Feature: allow create objects from bulk edit @shamoon. Feature: Allow tagging by putting barcodes on documents @pkrahmer. Feature: Cache metadata and suggestions in Redis @stumpylog. Feature: Japanese translation @shamoon. Feature: option for auto-remove inbox tags on save @shamoon. Enhancement: allow paperless to run in read-only filesystem @hegerdes. Enhancement: mergeable bulk edit permissions @shamoon. Enhancement: re-implement remote user auth for unsafe API requests as opt-in @shamoon. Enhancement: Respect PDF cropbox for thumbnail generation @henningBunk. : : Test metadata items for Unicode @stumpylog. Change: try to show preview even if metadata fails @shamoon. : only check workflow trigger source if not empty @shamoon. : frontend validation of number fields fails upon save @shamoon. : Explicit validation of custom field name unique constraint @shamoon. : Don't attempt to retrieve object types user doesn't have permissions to @shamoon. Documentation: Documentation: add detail about consumer polling behavior @silmaril42. Paperless-ngx Demo: new and improved @shamoon. Documentation: Add docs about missing timezones in MySQL/MariaDB @Programie. Maintenance: Chore(deps): Bump the actions group with 1 update @dependabot. Chore(deps): Bump the actions group with 1 update @dependabot. Dependencies: . 9 changes. Chore: Backend dependencies update @stumpylog. Chore(deps-dev): Bump @playwright/test from 1.40.1 to 1.41.2 in /src-ui @dependabot. Chore(deps): Bump the frontend-angular-dependencies group in /src-ui with 19 updates @dependabot. Chore(deps-dev): Bump the frontend-jest-dependencies group in /src-ui with 2 updates @dependabot. Chore(deps-dev): Bump the frontend-eslint-dependencies group

GNU GPLv3 internet web dynamic content indexing search

OpenSceneGraph 3.6.5 💾

The OpenSceneGraph is an open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit, used by application developers in fields such as visual simulation, games, virtual reality, scientific visualization and modelling. Written entirely in Standard C++ and OpenGL it runs on all Windows platforms, OSX, GNU/Linux, IRIX, Solaris, HP-Ux, AIX and FreeBSD operating systems. The OpenSceneGraph is now well established as the world leading scene graph technology, used widely in the vis-sim, space, scientific, oil-gas, games and virtual reality industries

major bugfix:

Mixed 3d-graphics toolkit graphics visualization cpp c

Tcl3D 0.9.5 💾

Tcl3D provides OpenGL bindings for TCL scripts. It's a SWIG-generated wrapper for 3D rendering using OpenGL, or alternatively SDL, OpenSceneGraph, Open Dynamics Engine or Nvidia Cg. It provides custom extensions like gauge drawing and various utility functions on top.

cleanup: Maintenance release. - Enhancements / New features: + GLEW updated to version 2.2.0. + Gl2ps updated to version 1.4.2. + Corrected SDL wrapper to work with SDL2.0.20. SDL_thread not wrapped anymore. + Regenerated tcl3dOglHelp.tcl with links to Khronos sites. - Demonstration programs: + Added two new demos. + Cleanup of obsolete demos and corresponding images.

BSDL tcl opengl 3d-rendering swig software-development

libremidi 4.4.0 💾

libremidi is a cross-platform C++20 library for real-time and MIDI file input and output. This is a fork / rewrite based on two libraries: RtMidi ModernMIDI Additionally, for MIDI 2 parsing support we use cmidi2!

major feature: New features Add Debian (bullseye, bookworm, trixie) to the CI to make sure ALSA UMP and RawMidi support gets tested Fix iOS support and add iOS CI (thanks @fwcd !) Add compatibility with ni-midi2: the libremidi::ump type will convert automatically from / to midi::universal_packet and it is possible to send directly some ni-midi2 data types through libremidi::midi_out Added an example of very basic MIDI-CI interoperation with MIDI2.0Workbench: Observer: add a track_any flag to track MIDI ports that are not reported as being hardware or software. UMP: allow send_ump to handle UMP streams, not only single UMP packets. Bugfixes Fix sysex concatenation on WinMM Various MIDI 2-related fixes across the entire stack Work-in-progress on RawMidi MIDI2 backend - output should work, input not there yet. Testing and reporting issues highly appreciated! Some compatibility bugfixes, better detection of available features in cmake Other Revamp and cleanup the cmake backends in separate files for clarity.

Mixed library midi audio music jack alsa cpp

Hunspell 1.7.2 💾

Hunspell is the spell checker of LibreOffice,, Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird, Google Chrome, and it is also used by proprietary software packages, like macOS, InDesign, memoQ, Opera and SDL Trados. Main features: Extended support for language peculiarities; Unicode character encoding, compounding and complex morphology. Improved suggestion using n-gram similarity, rule and dictionary based pronunciation data. Morphological analysis, stemming and generation. Hunspell is based on MySpell and works also with MySpell dictionaries. C++ library under GPL/LGPL/MPL tri-license. Interfaces and ports: AndroidHunspellService (for Android, based on the Chromium fork of Hunspell), Enchant (Generic spelling library from the Abiword project), XSpell (macOS port, but Hunspell is part of the macOS from version 10.6 (Snow Leopard), and now it is enough to place the Hunspell dictionary files into ~/Library/Spelling or /Library/Spelling for spell checking), Delphi, Java (JNA, JNI), Perl, .NET, .NET Standard, Python, Ruby (1, 2, 3), UNO, RichEdit.

cleanup: Crash fixes, code clean-up in 200 commits tdf#136306 don't accept/suggest typos as 3-or-more-word compound words Prepare optional spelling mode of LibreOffice to not accept/suggest not dictionary-based words as compound words (#517) Merge in weblate translations

Mixed library spell-check dictionary language cpp

LittleCMS 2.16 💾

Little CMS intends to be an OPEN SOURCE small-footprint color management engine, with special focus on accuracy and performance. It uses the International Color Consortium standard (ICC), which is the modern standard when regarding to color management. The ICC specification is widely used and is referred to in many International and other de-facto standards. It was approved as an International Standard, ISO 15076-1, in 2005.

major feature: Changes New: import .CUBE files as RGB device links New: Read/Write MHC2 tags for Windows GPU access New: Support for UTF8 on multi-localized Unicode functions New: Support for OkLab color space, built-in and formatter. Improved: floating point transforms float - integer are now honored as float Improved: MSYS2, mingw is now supported Improved: preferred CMM, platform and creator now survives profile edition. Fixed: tificc now can deal with Lab TIFF Fixed: code can now be compiled by a C++17 compiler, "register" keyword use detected at compile time. Fixed: Reverted PostScript creation that corrupted some interpreters. Bug fixing

MITL color-management engine icc iso c

Hunspell 0.7.2 💾

Hunspell is the spell checker of LibreOffice,, Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird, Google Chrome, and it is also used by proprietary software packages, like macOS, InDesign, memoQ, Opera and SDL Trados. Main features: Extended support for language peculiarities; Unicode character encoding, compounding and complex morphology. Improved suggestion using n-gram similarity, rule and dictionary based pronunciation data. Morphological analysis, stemming and generation. Hunspell is based on MySpell and works also with MySpell dictionaries. C++ library under GPL/LGPL/MPL tri-license. Interfaces and ports: AndroidHunspellService (for Android, based on the Chromium fork of Hunspell), Enchant (Generic spelling library from the Abiword project), XSpell (macOS port, but Hunspell is part of the macOS from version 10.6 (Snow Leopard), and now it is enough to place the Hunspell dictionary files into ~/Library/Spelling or /Library/Spelling for spell checking), Delphi, Java (JNA, JNI), Perl, .NET, .NET Standard, Python, Ruby (1, 2, 3), UNO, RichEdit.

cleanup: Crash fixes, code clean-up in 200 commits tdf#136306 don't accept/suggest typos as 3-or-more-word compound words Prepare optional spelling mode of LibreOffice to not accept/suggest not dictionary-based words as compound words (#517) Merge in weblate translations

Mixed library spell-check dictionary language cpp

jpeg-xl 0.9.2 💾

JPEG XL was standardized in 2022 as ISO/IEC 18181. The core codestream is specified in 18181-1, the file format in 18181-2. Decoder conformance is defined in 18181-3, and 18181-4 is the reference software.

security: Fixed bugs in the gdk-pixbuf plugin some build issues Note: This release is for evaluation purposes and may contain bugs, including security bugs, that may not be individually documented when fixed. See the file for details. Always prefer to use the latest release.

BSDL-2 image jpex format

Npgsql 8.0.2 💾

Npgsql is a .NET data provider for Postgresql 9.0 and later. It's implemented completely in C# 3.0 and thus does not require a client library. Allows complete database querying and CRUD interaction, has some support for ADO.NET 2.0, provides logging support, allows :colon or @prefix parameter binding, and native large object support.

minor feature: Add a factory mechanism for the factories called by the chain builder (cherry picked from commit d137ac6).

BSDL-2 c dotnet mono-compatible database-driver postgresql

OpenRA 20231010 💾

OpenRA is a real time strategy gaming engine, which reimplements Command & Conquer: Red Alert and Tiberian Dawn mods, as well as Dune 2000. They're not exact copies, but allow modern cross-platform gameplay with new features and graphical improvements.

major feature: General improvements Added a guaranteed amount of actors on sell. #20491, #20912 Added support for optional asset installation. #20688, #20740 Added support for assets installation from GoG and Steam. #20439, #20602, #20629 Added a kick button for defeated players. #20521 Added a player vote-kick system ingame. #21003 Added quick save keyboard shortcut to map editor. #20204 Added a quit button to connection lost panel. #20748 Added support for rebinding hotkeys to mouse 4 and mouse 5. #20811 Added options in map chooser to order by map title and map size. #20962 Added Linux desktop environment, distribution, display manager and macOS build ID to the system survey. #20909, #20917 Fixed the attack move and guard cursors not being kept when queuing orders. #20522, #20560 Fixed cursor changing when mouse is over in-game chat and notifications. #20801 Fixed text notifications using ingame time to calculate their display duration. #20502 Fixed CycleBasesHotkeyLogic not prioritising primary buildings. #20561 Fixed aircraft jittering when flying between two animation stages. #20841 Fixed a bug where MCV could overlap with adjacent MCVs. #20527 Fixed return fire logic ignoring AutoAttack priorities. #20736, #21034 Fixed stance icon not updating after loading a save. #20759 Fixed a few rare crashes when overriding keyboard shortcuts. #20775 Fixed reversed path searches from inaccessible locations. #20767 Fixed several input issues on macOS. #20798 Fixed a crash in Lua scripted reinforcements. #20803 Fixed paused armaments being incorrectly used for attack range calculations. #20902 Fixed full-screen mode on Linux with GNOME 44. #20927 Fixed a crash when loading a save game that was just created. #20966 Fixed attack moving with melee units. #20257 Fixed AI's units in missions sometimes getting stuck on trees. #20974,

GNU GPLv3 c-sharp lua game strategy rts command-and-conquer

HandBrake 1.7.3 💾

HandBrake is a video file conversion tool. It supports nearly all formats, can transcode media files and codecs for various platforms, players and devices (includes a user-friendly target list to select from). It has an uncomplicated interface and is available cross-platform.

minor feature: General Fixed formatting leading zeros for timestamps in logs Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements Video Fixed an issue that could potentially cause incorrect detection of source FPS value (#5677) Subtitles Fixed tx3g to SSA subtitles conversion Linux Fixed the "All Files" open file dialog filter to really show all files Fixed an issue where adding a new default audio track automatically set the gain to -20 dB macOS Fixed a regression introduced in HandBrake 1.7.2 by the workaround for VideoToolbox crashes on Sonoma Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements Windows Improved security hardening of loading of DLL files within libhb by limiting search scope (#5724) Improved keyboard navigation on Chapters tab (#5679) Fixed an issue that could cause encodes to appear stalled when process isolation is turned on Fixed an issue that could prevent QSV decode from being used when a system also has a non-Intel GPU Fixed an issue where the drive label was not always correctly detected (#5711) Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

GNU GPLv3 c c-sharp objective-c video conversion cross-platform

Graphviz 10.0.1 💾

Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. It has important applications in networking, bioinformatics, software engineering, database and web design, machine learning, and in visual interfaces for other technical domains.

minor feature: ### Added - Releases now include packages for Rocky Linux ( 8 and 9. - A new output format, `-Tsvg_inline`, has been added to generate a header-less SVG suitable for inlining into HTML. #2285 - The functionality of the `acyclic`, `tred` and `unflatten` command line tools are now exposed via the `graphviz_acyclic`, `graphviz_tred` and `graphviz_unflatten` API functions in libcgraph. #2194 - `graphviz_node_induce` is available as a new API function in cgraph.h. - `tred` gained a `-o` command line option to redirect its output to a file. ### Changed - The Criterion unit tests have been removed and migrated to Pytest. This is primarily relevant to downstream packagers of Graphviz. #2443 - **Breaking**: `Dtdisc_t.memoryf` and its associated macros has been removed. - **Breaking**: The `Dt_t.type` field has been removed. - **Breaking**: The `dtfound`, `DT_FOUND`, `dtleast`, and `dtmost` macros have been removed. - The nrtmain.c test program has been removed from the portable tarball. - The TCL Graphviz packages for inter-release versions/snapshots report themselves as `b` instead of ` dev.`. This fixes a problem wherein TCL would see ` dev` as being invalid characters to appear in a version. #2370 - Support for discovering Lua via `lua-config*` has been removed from the Autotools build system. - Lua discovery in the Autotools build system should now respect the location of your Lua installation and not unconditionally attempt installation into `/usr`. #2152 - The GTK plugin is no longer built or distributed. This plugin relies on GTK 2 and X11. If you use this plugin, please contact the maintainers to let them know it is worthwhile re-enabling this and forward porting it to GTK 3/4 and Wayland. #1848 - In the Autotools build system, `LIBPOSTFIX=` can now be used to suppress `64` being appended to the library installation path. - The `-m` command line option, whose functionality was d

EPL presentation visualization graph

Contact PEA 0.4 💾

Encrypted address book to manage contacts in a privacy-focused way. With cloud connectivity to Nextcloud and some other cloud providers.

major feature: - New properties: KIND: INDIVIDUAL, GROUP with MEMBERs and ORG, TITLE, ORG, ROLE - Contacts can also be opened with a keyfile only. - language pack cn, cz, de, es, en, fr, gr, id, it, jp, kr, lv, nl, pl, ro, ru, tr, ua is optionally installed at the first start

GNU GPL address book contact encryption java

git 2.43.1 💾

Git is a distributed version control system, originally designed for Linux kernel development and large projects with non-linear workflows. It's comprised of individual tools, reuses ssh and rsync protocols, emphasises speed and data integrity, and keeps every checkout as full-fledged repository, and cryptographically authenticates source history. Various graphical frontends, IDE integrations and web services (GitHub) exist; with its git-fast-export format meanwhile serves interoperability with bzr, hg, fossil, svn.

minor feature: The way CI testing used "prove" could lead to running the test, suite twice needlessly, which has been corrected. Newer versions of Getopt::Long started giving warnings against our, (ab)use of it in "git send-email". Bump the minimum version, requirement for Perl to 5.8.1 to allow, simplifying our implementation. Earlier we stopped relying on commit-graph that (still) records, information about commits that are lost from the object store, which has negative performance implications. The default has been, flipped to disable this pessimization. Stale URLs have been updated to their current counterparts (or, and HTTP links are replaced with working HTTPS links. trace2 streams used to record the URLs that potentially embed, authentication material, which has been corrected. The sample pre-commit hook that tries to catch introduction of new, paths that use potentially non-portable characters did not notice, an existing path getting renamed to such a problematic path, when, rename detection was enabled. The command line parser for the "log" family of commands was too, loose when parsing certain numbers, e.g. silently ignoring the, extra 'q' in "git log -n 1q" without complaining, which has been, tightened up. "git cmd --end-of-options --rev -- --path" for some cmd failed, to interpret "--rev" as a rev, and "--path" as a path. This was, for many programs like "reset" and "checkout". "git bisect reset" has been taught to clean up state files and refs, even when BISECT_START file is gone. Some codepaths did not correctly parse configuration variables, specified with valueless "true", which has been corrected. Code clean-up for sanity checking of command line options for "git, show-ref". The code to parse the From e-mail header has been updated to avoid, recursion. "git fetch --atomic" d an unnecessary empty error message, which has been corrected. Command line completion script (in contrib/) learned to work better, with the reftable backend. "git

GNU LGPL c git scm vcs dvcs

libusb 1.0.27 💾

libusb is a C library that provides generic access to USB devices. It is intended to be used by developers to facilitate the production of applications that communicate with USB hardware. It is portable: Using a single cross-platform API, it provides access to USB devices on Linux, macOS, Windows, etc. It is user-mode: No special privilege or elevation is required for the application to communicate with a device. It is version-agnostic: All versions of the USB protocol are supported.

major feature: * New libusb_init_context API to replace libusb_init * New libusb_get_max_alt_packet_size API * New libusb_get_platform_descriptor API (BOS) * Allow setting log callback with libusb_set_option/libusb_init_context * New WebAssembly + WebUSB backend using Emscripten * Fix regression in libusb_set_interface_alt_setting * Fix sync transfer completion race and use-after-free * Fix hotplug exit ordering * Linux: NO_DEVICE_DISCOVERY option set per context * macOS: Fix missing device list cleanup locking * macOS: Do not clear device data toggle for newer OS versions * macOS: Fix running binaries on older OS than build host * Windows: Allow claiming multiple associated interfaces * Windows: Ignore non-configured devices instead of waiting * Windows: Improved root hub detection

GNU LGPLv3 library usb protocol c cpp

Expat 2.6.0 💾

Expat is a stream-oriented XML parser library written in C99. It excels with files too large to fit RAM, and where performance and flexibility are crucial. There are a number of applications, libraries and hardware using Expat, as well as bindings and 3rd-party wrappers. Expat is packaged everywhere.

major bugfix: Security fixes: #789 #814 CVE-2023-52425 -- Fix quadratic runtime issues with big tokens that can cause denial of service, in partial where dealing with compressed XML input. Applications that parsed a document in one go -- a single call to functions XML_Parse or XML_ParseBuffer -- were not affected. The smaller the chunks/buffers you use for parsing previously, the bigger the problem prior to the fix. Backporters should be careful to no omit parts of pull request #789 and to include earlier pull request #771, in order to not break the fix. #777 CVE-2023-52426 -- Fix billion laughs attacks for users compiling *without* XML_DTD defined (which is not common). Users with XML_DTD defined have been protected since Expat =2.4.0 (and that was CVE-2013-0340 back then). Bug fixes: #753 Fix parse-size-dependent "invalid token" error for external entities that start with a byte order mark #780 Fix NULL pointer dereference in setContext via XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate for compilation with XML_DTD undefined #812 #813 Protect against closing entities out of order Other changes: #723 Improve support for arc4random/arc4random_buf #771 #788 Improve buffer growth in XML_GetBuffer and XML_Parse #761 #770 xmlwf: Support --help and --version #759 #770 xmlwf: Support custom buffer size for XML_GetBuffer and read #744 xmlwf: Improve language and URL clickability in help output #673 examples: Add new example "element_declarations.c" #764 Be stricter about macro XML_CONTEXT_BYTES at build time #765 Make inclusion to expat_config.h consist

MITL xml parser c c99 library

wxMaxima 24.02.1 💾

wxMaxima is a document based interface for the computer algebra system Maxima. wxMaxima provides menus and dialogs for many common maxima commands, autocompletion, inline plots and simple animations.

minor feature: Resolved a few annoying wxMaxima now correctly installs its icons. - A race condition on closing Maxima. - Update the autocompletion only in idle state. - a race condition on dropping the log target. - Alt+Up at startup no more crashes. - Resolved a compilation error on old wxWidgets versions. - Resolved GCC errors about too long functions. - Resolved an assert if no history file exists.

GNU GPL mathematics cas maxima

BallroomDJ 4 4.5.0 💾

BallroomDJ 4 is a ballroom music player. It is designed to play music the entire evening without intervention. Manage your ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlist and sequenced playlists. BallroomDJ 4 is the replacement for BallroomDJ.

minor bugfix: 4.5.0 2024-2-10 * Bug Fixes: * Configuration: Fix various possible crashes. * User Interface: Fix switch background color. * Internal: * Code cleanup.

Zlib audio music end-users linux macos windows player ballroom c gtk

SoundTouch 2.3.2 💾

SoundTouch is an open-source audio processing library for changing the Tempo, Pitch and Playback Rates of audio streams or audio files. The library additionally supports estimating stable beats-per-minute rates for audio tracks. Tempo (time stretch): Changes the sound to play at faster or slower tempo than originally without affecting the sound pitch. Pitch (key) : Changes the sound pitch or key while keeping the original tempo (speed). Playback Rate : Changes both tempo and pitch together as if a vinyl disc was played at different RPM rate. The SoundTouch library is intended for application developers writing sound processing tools that require tempo/pitch control functionality, or just for playing around with the sound effects. The SoundTouch library source kit includes also an example utility SoundStretch for processing .wav audio files from command-line interface.

minor bugfix: Improve autotools makefiles to build the `SoundTouchDLL` dynamic-link link library with C-style API. This library variation is easier to import and use from other programming languages than the default C++ library.

GNU LGPLv3 sound library music cpp csharp pascal

LibreDWG 0.13.2 💾

GNU LibreDWG is a free C library to handle DWG files. It aims to be a free replacement for the OpenDWG libraries. DWG is the native file format of AutoCAD. GNU LibreDWG is based on LibDWG, originally written by Felipe Castro.

minor feature: The source releases 0.13 and 0.13.1 missed test/xmlsuite and bindings/python, due to a broken automated release process. Minor bugfixes: * Fix make dist, checking missing test/xmlsuite and bindings/python. * Fix the release CI process, install the missing python deps. * add build-aux/install-libxslt helper

GNU GPLv3 cad library dwg format c

spettro 0.1 💾

spettro shows a scrolling logarithmic-frequency-axis spectrogram of sound files as it plays them. You can also: * Pause, continue, rewind and seek back and forth in the audio * Zoom and pan in time and in frequency * Adjust the brightness and dynamic range (contrast) * Change the FFT sample size to adjust the relative frequency/time resolution * Select from five different FFT window functions * Show where the ten score lines, six guitar strings or 88 piano keys fall * Position bar lines to help determine the rhythm * Add frequency and time axes * Increase the playing volume above 100% * Dump the current view to a PNG image file. It was intended as an aid in scoring music from its audio but it turns out that it gives deep insight into the structure of music and how it was created.

major feature: First public release

GNU GPLv3 audio player spectral analysis visualization

MythTV 34.0 💾

MythTV is a Free Open Source software digital video recorder (DVR) project distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.

major feature: 5f9c32355f A couple of minor subtitle fixes. 0867ae04cb Add percent indicator to WaveForm and shrink and dim the font 15da26c1f8 Add RecPriority to Channel APIs 23b74620ec Add braces for readability around multi-line if clause. 27e4c888ff Add comments to logging server code. 568a3e4cab Add IPTV edit page to Channel Editor 5ca1329491 Add database schema version in System Status page 6967ab0949 Add a directory component when including the mythbaseexp.h file. 6ffd40b9e3 Add more details to Channel APIs ad0f875696 Add a new command line option webonly to mythbackend b2d63d87f9 Add default to switch to get rid of compiler warning messages c1159e1720 Add check for inactive override in Recording Rule Validation cb207fe481 Add new visual SpectrumDetail to Spectrogram ddddeff184 Add some debugging when finding metadata scripts. f6c7551148 Add extra include to fix git runners after QtCore include removals. 67e1449a3b Adding Doxygen description for s_lastChannelIndex 055f4dc15f Airplay: Clean up old data structures. 124c38bd55 Airplay: Don't dump raw data to console. 253d64c004 Airplay: Clarify three debugging message. 3042a8a7bc Airplay: Decrypt data stream using new openssl functions. 6a4c238698 Airplay: Respond to challenge using new openssl functions. 75b15efb6b Airplay: Decrypt session key with new openssl functions. 9ede24dae0 Airplay: Read private key with new openssl function. 7b1af45540 Allow IPTV tuning from HDHomeRun video source 7e389f15f0 Allow default to last channel in Manual Record 25ed0edc06 Always enable renderOneFrame in fast-forward/rewind. b9c301993d Android: OpenSSL 1.1.1 load system CA certificates explicitly Issue: 125 0b4b75447d ApplyRecordRecGroupChange: replace chanid/starttime with recordedid 64bd1be90d backend web server: reduce log noise 67f2304b9e Backend web-server onl

GNU GPL dvr mythtv myth video recorder cpp css python c

Evolution 3.51.2 💾

Evolution is a personal information management application that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book functionality.

minor bugfix: : I#2607 - Mail: Add 'Mark Task as complete' in To Do bar I#2628 - Update shortcuts window I#2637 - Calendar: Arrows should move by a whole month I#2640 - EPasswords: Fallback to use app's active window as its parent I#2646 - rss: Build common code as a shared private library I#2647 - misc: Get mouse cursor image by name I#2652 - rss: Incorrect decode of quoted-printable-like texts I#2653 - rss: Invalid default article date I#2654 - Markdown Editor: Use font as set in Evolution M!127 - Port to GTask (Corentin Noël) M!128 - GLibTools: Automatically get the dependencies of a GResource (Corentin Noël). Miscellaneous: build: Don't set CFLAGS returned by pkg-config as CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS build: Bump CMake version requirement to 3.15 build: align glib_encoded_version with the version requirements (Corentin Noël) EContactEditor: Explicitly set horizontal/vertical expand/fill for tab content e-shell: Describe --force-shutdown option as closing also background processes Composer: Ask before sending mail with an Autocrypt header. Translations: Christian Kirbach (de) Ekaterine Papava (ka) Juliano de Souza Camargo (pt_BR) Kukuh Syafaat (id) Martin (sl) Pavel Koulikov (ru) Sabri Ünal (tr) Yuri Chornoivan (uk).

GNU GPL email calendar office task organization

OBS Studio 30.1 Beta 1 💾

OBS Studio (also Open Broadcaster Software or OBS, for short) is a free and open-source app for screencasting and live streaming. Written in C/C++ and built with Qt, OBS Studio provides real-time capture, scene composition, recording, encoding, and broadcasting via Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP), HLS, SRT, RIST or WebRTC. It can stream videos to any RTMP-supporting destination, including YouTube, Twitch, Instagram and Facebook.[11] For video encoding, OBS Studio can use the x264 transcoder,[12] Intel Quick Sync Video, Nvidia NVENC and the AMD Video Coding Engine to encode video streams into the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC or H.265/HEVC formats.[13] It can encode multiple tracks of audio in the AAC format. More experienced users can choose any codecs and containers available in libavcodec and libavformat, or output the stream to a custom FFmpeg URL.[14] OBS Studio also supports plug-ins to extend its functionality.[15]

minor feature: lt;p gt;If you would like to support the OBS Project, please consider contributing to our lt;a href="" rel="nofollow" gt;Patreon lt;/a gt; or lt;a href="" rel="nofollow" gt;Open Collective lt;/a gt;! lt;/p gt;. lt;p gt;NOTE: This beta is lt;strong gt;NOT lt;/strong gt; the Twitch Enhanced Broadcasting Beta. This beta does not include those features. lt;br gt;. For more information on Twitch Enhanced Broadcasting, please see their announcement: lt;br gt; lt;a href="" rel="nofollow" gt; lt;/a gt; lt;/p gt;. lt;p gt;Note: NVIDIA users may need to update their GPU drivers to 531.61 or newer. lt;/p gt;. lt;h2 gt;30.1 New Features lt;/h2 gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;Enabled HDR for HEVC over RTMP nquah lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Reworked the Image Slideshow source Lain-B . lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;The reworked Image Slideshow source loads files asynchronously and an where the slideshow would loop before showing all images. To change existing Image Slideshow sources to the new version, you must recreate them. Existing Image Slideshow sources will continue functioning as before. lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Added Capture Audio option to window/game capture on Windows derrod lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Added Premultiplied Alpha option for game capture on Windows jpark37 lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Added option for automatic cropping to bounding box derrod lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Added maxRGB tonemapper for SDR in HDR Tone Mapping filter jpark37 lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Added GPU rescaling options for streaming and recording outputs derrod lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Added channel selection for CoreAudio input devices PatTheMav lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Added Capture Card Device source type on macOS PatTheMav lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Enabled multi-track audio support for mpegt

GNU GPLv3 audio video screencasting livestreaming c c

JackTrip 2.2.2 💾

JackTrip is a Linux, macOS, or Windows multi-machine audio system used for network music performance over the Internet. It supports any number of channels (as many as the computer/network can handle) of bidirectional, high quality, uncompressed audio signal streaming. You can use it between any combination of machines e.g., one end using Linux can connect to another using macOS. Virtual Studio With JackTrip Virtual Studio, you may sing with your chorus, or jam with your band, online without leaving home. With built-in support for live broadcasting, you can share your sessions on JackTrip Radio. Additionally, Virtual Studio allows you to enhance your performances and bring your music to life utilizing Soundscapes digital signal processing. Musicians have creative control with dozens of audio effects with various reverbs, compression, attack and more, in real-time.

minor bugfix: - (updated) VS Mode updated network connection thresholds - (updated) VS Mode improved sample rate flexibility for Windows - (fixed) VS Mode inconsistent deep link handling on Windows - (fixed) Throttle console errors for UDP waiting too long

Mixed audio music streaming server cpp qml

Gqrx 2.17.4 💾

Gqrx is an open source software defined radio receiver (SDR) powered by the GNU Radio and the Qt graphical toolkit. Gqrx supports many of the SDR hardware available, including Airspy, Funcube Dongles, rtl-sdr, HackRF and USRP devices. See supported devices for a complete list. Discover devices attached to the computer. Process I/Q data from the supported devices. Change frequency, gain and apply various corrections (frequency, I/Q balance). AM, SSB, CW, FM-N and FM-W (mono and stereo) demodulators. Special FM mode for NOAA APT. Variable band pass filter. AGC, squelch and noise blankers. FFT plot and waterfall. Record and playback audio to / from WAV file. Record and playback raw baseband data. Spectrum analyzer mode where all signal processing is disabled. Basic remote control through TCP connection. Streaming audio output over UDP.

minor feature: New: Experimental Windows binary release (RTL-SDR only). Improved: Respond to chk_vfo remote command (needed by some clients). Improved: Respond to dump_state remote command (needed by some clients).

GNU GPL radio receiver sdr qt ham-radio cpp

Dear ImGui 1.90.2 💾

Dear ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++. It outputs optimized vertex buffers that you can render anytime in your 3D-pipeline-enabled application. It is fast, portable, renderer agnostic, and self-contained (no external dependencies). Dear ImGui is designed to enable fast iterations and to empower programmers to create content creation tools and visualization / debug tools (as opposed to UI for the average end-user). It favors simplicity and productivity toward this goal and lacks certain features commonly found in more high-level libraries. Dear ImGui is particularly suited to integration in game engines (for tooling), real-time 3D applications, fullscreen applications, embedded applications, or any applications on console platforms where operating system features are non-standard. Minimize state synchronization. Minimize UI-related state storage on user side. Minimize setup and maintenance. Easy to use to create dynamic UI which are the reflection of a dynamic data set. Easy to use to create code-driven and data-driven tools. Easy to use to create ad hoc short-lived tools and long-lived, more elaborate tools. Easy to hack and improve. Portable, minimize dependencies, run on target (consoles, phones, etc.). Efficient runtime and memory consumption. Battle-tested, used by many major actors in the game industry.

major bugfix: Breaking changes: - Commented out ImGuiIO::ImeWindowHandle obsoleted in 1.87 in favor of writing to 'void* ImGuiViewport::PlatformHandleRaw'. - Backends: WebGPU: ImGui_ImplWGPU_Init() now takes a ImGui_ImplWGPU_InitInfo structure instead of variety of parameters, allowing for easier further changes. (#7240) Other changes: - Nav: keyboard/gamepad activation mark widgets as held to give better visual feedback. - Nav: tweak to logic marking navigated item as hovered when using keyboard, allowing the hover highlight to stay even while another item is activated. - Nav: Fixed SetKeyboardFocusHere() not working when current nav focus is in different scope, regression from 1.90.1 related to code scoping Tab presses to local scope. (#7226) @bratpilz - Nav: Fixed pressing Escape while in a child window with _NavFlattened flag. (#7237) - Nav: Improve handling of Alt key to toggle menu so that key ownership may be claimed on individual left/right alt key without interfering with the other. - Nav, Menus: Fixed click on a BeginMenu() followed by right-arrow from making the child menu reopen and flicker (using ImGuiPopupFlags_NoReopen). - Nav: ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs is tested during scoring so NavFlattened windows can use it. - Popups: OpenPopup(): added ImGuiPopupFlags_NoReopen flag to specifically not close and reopen a popup when it is already open. (#1497, #1533) (Note that this differs from specific handling we already have in place for the case of calling OpenPopup() repeatedly every frame: we already didn't reopen in that specific situation, otherwise the effect would be very disastrous in term of confusion, as reopening would steal focus). - Popups: Slight change to popup closing logic (e.g. after focusing another window) which skipped over popups that are also child windows. - Combo: Fixed not reusing windows optimally when used inside a popup stack. - Debug Tools: Metrics: Fixed debug break in SetShortcutRouting() not handling ImGuiMod_Sh

MITL game ui gui api gamedev library framework game-engine game-development toolkit cpp c

DNF 4.19.0 💾

DNF is a software package manager that installs, updates, and removes packages on RPM-based Linux distributions. It automatically computes dependencies and determines the actions required to install packages. DNF also makes it easier to maintain groups of machines, eliminating the need to manually update each one using rpm. DNF (or Dandified Yum) is the next generation version of Yum. It roughly maintains CLI compatibility with Yum and defines a strict API for extensions and plugins. Plugins can modify or extend features of DNF or provide additional CLI commands on top of those mentioned below. If you know the name of such a command (including commands mentioned bellow), you may find/install the package which provides it using the appropriate virtual provide in the form of dnf-command(<alias>) where <alias> is the name of the command; e.g. dnf-command(repoquery) for a repoquery command (the same applies to specifying dependencies of packages that require a particular command).

major feature: Major changes: Filelists metadata not loaded by default. Deltarpm disabled by default. New features: Conf: Introduce new optional_metadata_types option to load filelists on demand. Cli: Add a hint for user on transaction file dependency failure. Cli: Setup filelists metadata for commands that need them. Util: Add function for detecting file in specs. : Failing API unit test on rawhide (Rh). Automatic: Use add_security_filters, not _update_security_filters. in 4.19.0: :rh:`2252128`. :rh:`2254789`. :rh:`2261066`.

GNU GPL package-manager python linux rpm

libfaketime 0.9.10 💾

libfaketime intercepts various system calls that programs use to retrieve the current date and time. It then reports modified (faked) dates and times (as specified by the user) to these programs. This means you can modify the system time a program sees without having to change the time system-wide.

major feature: - automatically try to decide about FORCE_MONOTONIC_FIX at run-time when not set as a compile-time flag - improved macOS Monterey support through dyld interposing - changed interception hooks for stat() and similar functions, refactored to use a common handler (@sirainen) - added support for timespec_get, timerfd_ get,set (@sliquister) - generic syscall() interception for selected syscalls (@dkg) - improved testing system (@dkg)

GNU GPL library systems-administration c developers end-users system-administrators

zswap-cli 0.9.1 💾

Zswap-cli is a command-line tool to control zswap Linux kernel module options. Zswap is a compressed cache for swap pages. It takes pages that are in the process of being swapped out to disk and tries to compress them into a RAM-based memory pool with dynamic allocation. It trades CPU cycles for a significant performance boost since reading from a compressed cache is much faster than reading from a swap device. Features Currently supported features: CLI, environment variables and configuration files support. Optional systemd integration. Usage statistics and debug information support.

minor feature: Changes Added short alias -h for --help command-line option. Added short alias -v for --version command-line option. Fixed header guards. Introduced a custom variable name for systemd unit. Added dependabot support for tracking GitHub actions. Performed minor refactoring. Updated all GitHub workflows.

MITL linux cli command-line utility kernel zswap cpp

Calibre 7.5.1 💾

Calibre is an e-book library management application, viewer and editor. It's also commonly used for e-book file format conversion and syncing to reader devices. Calibre also simplifies downloading news from the web and converting them into e-book form, and can act as content server for online access to your book collection.

major feature: New features Allow fine tuning the colors used in the calibre interface via Preference- Look feel- Main interface- User interface colors Note that calibre no longer follows system colors on Linux in light mode (the only place where it used to follow system colors). However, there is a convenient button in the manage colors dialog to import the system colors. Full text search window: Add actions to the context menu to open the book at the clicked on result. Also allow using the view book shortcut to open the currently selected search result Closes tickets: 2052462 When showing the Full text search dialog, pre populate the search box with the contents of the main calibre search box if the main search box contains a simple search Closes tickets: 2052460 Bug fixes Windows: Fix a regression in 7.0 that caused images referring to files on the disk within comments columns to not display in some circumstances E-book viewer: Fix clock showing hour as zero instead of 12 between 12 and 1 am/pm Edit book: When wrapping selected text in a tag, preserve the selection after wrapping Closes tickets: 2050100 Content server: Fix a periodic spurious error message when reading books in offline mode Closes tickets: 2050075 Fix a regression in 7.0 caused by a regression in Qt that would result in calibre hanging rarely when using the cover browser view Fix custom template functions not useable in save to disk templates Closes tickets: 2049992 Fix a regression in 7.2 that caused the popup used for editing fields in the book list to be mis-positioned on very wide monitors Version 7.5.1 fixes a bug in 7.5.0 where calibre would not start up using dark colors when the system was in dark mode on some windows installs and another bug that could cause errors when using cover grid mode with covers stored in CMYK colorspace Closes tickets: 2052766 New news sources ugeskriftet by morusn Martin Fowler and Gitbug Blogs by Lucas Lois Improved news sources El Diplo Science News Barrons Financial Tim

GNU GPLv3 python c++ ebook-reader e-book conversion

Q Light Controller Plus 4.13.0 💾

QLC+ is a tool to control DMX and analog lighting systems. It can orchestrate moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc. It's a fork of QLC with new features comparable to commercial control systems.

major bugfix: engine: Chaser random startup. engine: do not fade out looped audio. engine: stopping audio with fade in and fade out while fading in. engine: new EFX algorithm: SquareTrue. engine: handle 'string' and 'float' types in RGB Scripts. UI: save the geometry of all the dialogs. Virtual Console: add monitoring feedback value to custom feedbacks. Virtual Console/Slider: switching from playback to submaster mode. Virtual Console/Slider: submaster @0 not affecting function intensity. Virtual Console/XY Pad: Scene preset controlling wrong channels. Virtual Console/Clock: running a schedule the day after. Virtual Console/Button: Scene flashing can force LTP and override. Virtual Console/Cue List: off by one offset error in steps mode. Virtual Console/Audio Triggers: attached VC Slider not updating values. Virtual Console/Audio Triggers: loading a project with DMX bars with no channels set. Plugins/ArtNet: add default standard transmission mode as per protocol specifications. Plugins/ArtNet,E1.31,OSC: add a parameter to wait for interfaces to be ready. Plugins/DMX USB: add support for DMXKing MAX products. Plugins/DMX USB: FTDI USB device no longer disappear after closing QLC+ on Linux. ture Editor: aliases not updated when renaming a mode. Web Access: add support for Cue List side fader and buttons layout. Web Access: add support for Slider knob appearance. Web Access: add support for VC Frame disable button. Web Access: add VC Animation widget support. Web Access: add event to notify Function start/stop. Input profiles: added PMJ 9 Faders Controller, Circus and MidiKey. New ture: Ibiza Mini Moving Star Wash. New tures: FOS Technologies IQ Par, IQ 28x12 Wash, Iridium 75W Spot. New ture: Varytec Hero Spot 60. New ture: beamZ BAC503. New tures: Cameo Flat Pro 7, 12 and 18. New ture: Eurolite LED TMH-X4. New tures: Cameo Q-Spot 40 RGBW, Varytec LED PAR 14x8W, Varytec LED Typhoon PAR Outdoor (12x10). New tures: Audibax Iowa 70, Pro-Lights CromoWash100. New tures: Showtec Spectral

Apache c++ qt lighting light-systems control engineering

Red5 Media Server 1.3.28 💾

Red5 is an Open Source Flash Server written in Java that supports streaming Video (FLV, F4V, MP4, 3GP), streaming Audio (MP3, F4A, M4A, AAC), recording Client Streams (FLV and AVC+AAC in FLV container), shared objects, live stream publishing, remoting and protocols RTMP, RTMPT, RTMPS, RTMPE. Additional features supported via plugin: WebSocket (ws and wss), RTSP (From Axis-type cameras) and HLS.

minor bugfix: /title . . . mondain. . . . .,2008:Repository/14514767/v1.3.27. 2024-01-11T16:02:59Z. . .

Apache multimedia streaming server java

Kavita 0.7.14 💾

Kavita is a full-fledged, fast, cross-platform, & open-source manga, comic, and book server. Built from the ground up with a focus on manga and a goal of being a full solution to your reading needs. Set up your own server and share your manga, comics, and e-book collection with your friends and family. Extensive File support Manga/Comics: ZIP, RAR, RAR5, CBR, CBZ, CB7, CBT, TAR.GZ, 7ZIP/7Z Books: EPUB2, EPUB3, PDF Raw Images: JPG/JPEG, PNG, WEBP, GIF, AVIF Manga/Comic Reader Image Scaling to fit your device screen or override for what feels best to you. Image Splitting for those joined page spreads, don't scroll on your tablet, just split Double page rendering with optional shadow to emulate reading a comic book Apply a brightness override to make it easier to read at night Reading Direction: Left/Right, Up/Down, Webtoon Webtoon reader built-in Read across archives without closing the reader Book Reader Interactive reader - can interact with text, run javascript Dark mode persists between page load Immersive mode, just you and the words No scroll mode with virtual pages Customize your reading experience with custom Font, Font Size, Margin, Reading Direction, Dark Mode Table of Content just a click away Remember line position and resume where you left off, no matter the device Read across books without closing the reader Dedicated PDF Reader Dedicated PDF reader to give you the best experience for your PDFs Offers light/dark mode and many customization options ...

minor feature: lt;p gt;A small on the surface, large under the hood release for everyone. This release first off the webtoon reader for our iOS users. Many have validated and want to thank the community for helping me test and lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/Thundernerd/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="" gt;@Thundernerd lt;/a gt; for doing some basic POC to help me drive it home. In addition to this, Want to Read had a critical in the architecture (that somehow slipped noticed for over a year now) where if one user adds a series to want to read, then another does, it will override the other. And lastly, for Kavita+ users, this is foundational release for the upcoming Basic Metadata feature. All data, like reviews, recommendations, and ratings are now stored in your DB. This leads to very quick response times and sets up the system for future data synchronization. lt;/p gt;. lt;p gt;Another big feature in this release is KavitaEmail is no longer required for those that want to use email (and me hosting an email service for everyone is no more). All email settings are built into the application and this has allowed me to streamline how Kavita works around email. Before, it was a mess of having to call an external system, check if the system was accessible externally, etc. Now, you MUST setup a host name (reverse proxy domain) and the email settings to use any email functionality. Due to this, all the flows got polished and should be much more consistent for users. lt;/p gt;. lt;p gt;Lastly, while it looks so small, it was over 3K lines of code, but volume numbers are now float-based, meaning if a volume is amp;lt; 1, it will now properly show on book library series detail page. In addition to this, Omnibus (Volume 1-2) is now much better supported and Kavita+ will get Volume 2 when you read an Omnibus vs Volume 1 previously. lt;/p g

GNU GPLv3 ebook ebookreader server book comics collection

OpenSnitch 1.6.5 💾

OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall. Key features Interactive outbound connections filtering. Block ads, trackers or malware domains system wide. Ability to configure system firewall from the GUI (nftables). Configure input policy, allow inbound services, etc. Manage multiple nodes from a centralized GUI. SIEM integration

minor bugfix: Bug fixes daemon Fixed segfault on exit #919 , 24fd94c daemon Fixed DNS uprobes 5d33f41 GUI Fixed adding rules to the db from context menu #1027 , ec3f515 What has changed Improvements daemon Strings concatenation improvements (reduces mem usage, notably) b9ec524 daemon Stop established connections monitor after n errors (not to waste resources) 871238e daemon Clean DNS eBPF hooks on exit , da99686 New features daemon Allow to configure the path of rules directory (#449, 6bd1fe8), config file (from cli) and eBPF modules (#928 5c6da0a) GUI allow to configure refresh interval (#1073 , 435dffc) Known bugs DNS eBPF module does not work on armhf and i386 arquitectures. See the commits for more info and if you can help don't hesitate to open a PR or drop a comment :) c514946 , 9a6dfe7 opensnitch-procs eBPF module behaves a bit erratic on arm64 architecture (not new of this release) - d2d89e2 Full Changelog: v1.6.4...v1.6.5

GNU GPLv3 firewall c

libUseful 5.9 💾

libUseful is a general 'C' library providing useful functions related to: resizable strings, lists and maps, unix and tcp sockets, SSL/TLS, cryptographic hashes, parsing of json, yaml and other markup languages, terminal output including ANSI/vt100 escape sequences, OAuth 2.0, etc, etc.

minor feature: Build without openssl AGAIN. Support compile with -Wall, -Werror, FORTIFY_SOURCE, and -fstack-protector-strong.

GNU GPLv3 c library files ssl tls sockets resizeable strings lists maps

GitLab 16.8.2 💾

GitLab is a development collaboration tool and git DVCS frontend. It includes repository management features, code reviews, an issue tracker, activity feeds and wikis. GitLab provides fine-grained access control, user management, 5 permission levels and branch constraints, and can utilize LDAP/AD intranet authorization. Powered by Ruby on Rails it comes as open source package, and as commercial supported enterprise version.

minor security: (2024-02-07). ### (3 changes). Redis 6.0 compatibility breakage with Sidekiq 7 gem (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@e61868ad98d2ae640b3deec2b148c01fb52dba77). Defer ConnectionPool instrumentation setup (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@d31ee125cd7ec9023b7558bd7af44c0293637b94). invalid records with FK not valid (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@a8dece6c5d160a218d9622a3dab0f93a7b2ca181). ### Security (4 changes). CI component input Regexp (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@96b81737b2b9f1aa3c9d710bc00b80be8359f68f) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3854)). Make scan result policies block renaming branches (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@6b12a71efe9c82b696cf1dc68c5aa2bc72e5fea3) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3837)). Restrict group access token creation for custom roles (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@e1d38e70f1f5c9defbb0ca2fa4608e603dcd2858) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3834)). Limit vulnerabilitiesCountByDay date range to 1 year (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@5e5428919d4773731bed7f724bd650dbc7555d9e) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3826)).

MITL ruby ruby-on-rails git dvcs wiki bugtracker version-control

Zabbix 6.4.11 💾

Zabbix is an enterprise-class distributed monitoring solution designed to monitor and track performance and availability of network servers, devices, and other IT resources. It supports distributed and Web-based monitoring, auto-discovery, real-time monitoring, SLA assurance, trending, and more.

minor feature: 6.4.11rc1 was released as 6.4.11 without any changes

GNU GPL logging networking monitoring system-administration